Shadee Elmasry – Welcoming Rabi’ alAwwal NBF 253
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smaller Amanda Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala
Rasulillah. While early he was the human woman who Allah welcome
everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts live stream on
the first live stream
that we're going to that we have going here in the month of Rivia.
N o world. And what I want to do is begin
firstly with a shout out
our man
cooking in the Olive Garden, Tom fettuccine. Fettuccine, I should
say I always say fettuccine by accident, just kind of sort of by
accident. But that's how I remember. He's cooking. Many
people from the old days would remember the first sort of foray
that ever experienced on line was an accident really, and only had
like a few people that I talked to online on Facebook back in those
days, and when some Sunni or Lemma and Imams backed and supported the
study of Quran, which is really the perennial list
study of Quran
because that's the overall slant, although they try to make
themselves a universal umbrella. They try to make it like that. But
in fact, the one
doctrine that was peppered all over the place and all the
footnotes and everything,
without any mentioned that this is a school of thought
was the perennial lists set of ideas. Okay. So having went after
caught a lot of slack, okay. And it was my first time getting hate
mail and hate messages and stuff like that, oh negative and blah,
blah, blah.
Well, what is the perennial list? First of all, the perennial ISTS
are people who hold that there is a truth. And that truth is found
in the different religions, mainly Christianity, Hinduism, they
pretty much ignored Judaism because the Jews don't want any of
this. And Islam, they pretty much are promoting that sometimes they
dabble in Native American religion. I don't even know if
you'd call that religion, Hinduism. Also, it's not religion.
It's like a plethora of different ideas, that the British ended up
naming Hinduism.
The just basically the ideas of the Hindu Lindt. So the parents do
believe that there is a truth, okay.
And that it's in these religions, same universal truth. And when it
comes to the actual contradictions within the religions, these
religions, they get fuzzy. And they basically say that there's a
mystical reality above it all. So basically, to ignore
your intellect when it comes to recognizing the linguistic or the
doctrinal differences. And to say that, you know, to, in order to
bring these ideas down to the level of their culture, or their
people or the intellects of that time, they needed to use this
language. So what one thing that you're faced with is the necessity
really, of suspending your intellect, in favor of a mystical
experience that somebody must have had, that is telling us that it
just ignore all these clear differences like Jesus, is the
Trinity true? Or is Islamic version true? Okay.
Reincarnation, is that true? Or is the Day of Judgment true? Like
when I die? What's going to happen? Am I going to be judged as
myself? Or is my soul and mind going to be put into another body?
And if so, what source is informing us of that? And number
two, like do I remember? Like,
if I have this the same soul in the same body, so is your memory
wiped away?
Otherwise, you'd remember who you were, and everyone would be
claiming, hey, I was Elvis. I was Napoleon. I was getting ISKCON.
And if that's not the case, if the case is that your memories wiped
away and you start over fresh, then who would have ever known
that you're reincarnated? Right? If your memories wiped fresh, then
who's telling you that you're reincarnated? So they dabble with
these things? And their approach to it is essentially an an anti
rationalist approach, a mystical approach that is basically it's
not super rational to anti rational this basically telling
you don't go the route of the common man's intellect. Okay? And
and the end the literalist jurist intellect, leave that and
recognize that there's a mystical reality above these words, and
above these doctrines. Okay, that is essentially the premise of of
perennialism. And the funny
Think about it the reasons that are these guys extinct?
Like Alma, have you ever heard of perennialism? Outside of this? I
mean, right now I'm just taking a class and Ruckers. Like, yeah,
just because you know, you have to fulfill the requirements. Yeah. So
like a religion class, and they're going over it. But it's weird.
Like a lot of people like 100 discussion posts, a lot of people,
I think they're leaning towards that, like the perennial list.
Most people, they lean towards a type of perennialism. That's a
layman's perennialism, which is not necessarily just a
perennialism. It's more like, between perennialism and
relativism. So relativism is like there's not one set of truths, but
everyone's got a little bit of truth. Okay, that's one view. And
there's, there's a think tank zaytuna College is, is gets a lot
of funding from them. I'm not trying to bash a tunic, I'm just
saying they get a lot of funding from them. The founder of that
think tank holds the philosophy that no religion got it got it,
right. But every religion got it a little bit, right. So hold on a
second, wouldn't you need to know what's right, in order to judge
these religions, right? Like these things, there's their logic is
always circular.
There's a fund a foundation.
It's some rich guy, who was seems like a nice guy, right? He's some
rich guy. And he was into finding out what the truth is. But like
many businessmen, they make bold claims that are beyond their
scope, right? Like, you shouldn't be making these claims. But he
made the claim, because when you're really rich, you're
surrounded by people who just say, Yeah, that's a great idea. Right?
Otherwise, their paycheck is going to be in doubt. So he ends up
basically saying that all religions have some truth in it,
but none of them got it fully. Right. You'd need to know what's
right. So you got it. Right. Exactly. So you're, you're
claiming that you got it? Right, you would need to know what is
right in order to make that judgment. Just like,
who is it that says that? Who was it that says that?
No, like the followers of anatomy, I don't need to get in trouble
with them. But you know, I love them and everything. But they say
that they divide up the Alcala the okul, the intellect into the
common man, the mid range intellect, which is the majority
of like scholars and football and Imams, and then the higher level
intellect, which is the mystics and stuff. Okay, if that's the
case, then you were making a judgment. Can you show us what the
scale is? Right? What's the scale? Because if they're if you're
making a judgment, these guys got it. These guys are okay. And these
guys don't got it. What is the skill so we can study the skill?
Just like saying IQs? Well, you can give me the exam, I could
study for it, I can improve. Same even say me on the opposite side
says logic doesn't benefit people who are intelligent. They don't
need it. And if they're dull, they don't benefit from it. It just
confuses them. Hold on a second. So you're telling me that there's
really smart people and there are adult people? Based on what skill?
Did you make that judgment? Right. Based upon what scoreboard based
upon what measuring stick? Show us the measuring stick? Is that not a
rational statement that you just made? Then it needs a measuring
stick? So I think I'm on both sides. All right. It's me It used
to put away Montek he downgraded Montek the hypnotic B buttons, as
I understand it, also, they have some downgrades on month up and
then ended up you get end up with perennialism also is close to the
hakobyan view. But of course not not even close to that because
like buttons are all Muslims, right? The perennial list view is
not an Islamic view. You're someone who has that as a motet
apostate does indeed Kuwana wherever you want to call it, not
a not an apostate because he's still saying he's a Muslim. But he
says indeed,
they ended up saying that all the fates, it is really not necessary
to make a decision on which face but you need to be orthodox within
each one. You need to be the Orthodox of each religion in any
of the religions and you'll arrive at a great spiritual reality. So
Tom, he puts this together on up and read it for yourself. And
here's the thing, I love it and everything but you know what I
love even more perennial lists are extinct. If you're just out there
in the realm of Dawa, just walking around, you don't see them.
Right? They have no mother. They're there. Who's there? Who
are their leaders? Who are their books? That's all the old
generation. There was a generation
in the 60s 70s 50s 60s 70s into the 80s, maybe into the 90s that
love this mystical stuff that brought all the religions
together. It seems like it had like two people with divorced
parents of different religions, just looking for something that
brings it all together and
The study Quran came out 2015
It got lambasted sales tanked. Okay. Everything was, it really
was like a terrible launch for them. Because they tried to sneak
it in, you know, if they had said, Oh, by the way, this is the
perennial list view, I'd be like, Okay, well, they said it. Right?
They made a clear distinction for the Sunni reader. But nobody said
anything. Nor This is a Sunni Imams who promoted it. And then
they didn't say anything. They say this great book. Just keep in
mind, there's a plenty of this idea in here. That could be
acceptable. Okay. It probably you know, would it be too many people
because you're still
promoting something that is antithetical to the to our
doctrine or Aki that that Allah brought down in the Quran. But
nonetheless, at least you could say they pointed it out. Same was
the machete The man's a machete is.
Might as
much as silly, right? But it's pointed out, it's like well known
nobody. It's like anyone who reads that book knows that. So they make
it clear same thing with him because God if you're gonna read
him to Kathy and he has on them with a shabby had some issues,
right, from from our perspective. And so point being is that
a couple years after that they had a big fitna within their group,
their clique. Right.
And, and they are clique of intellectuals, very high level
intellectuals in different colleges and universities. Okay.
on as a result of that, they really just like, deflated, they
deflated. And now, past few years, this is the most attention they're
gonna get is from European, they got more attention from this
article. I'm not blaming anyone for doing this, or for Kenya for
doing it, you need to have refutation. But I think they got
more attention, from refutations of their
illogical ideas, and irrational ideas than any was only one giving
them positive attention consistently. Is a turn to
college. I say it as a critique, right? This is there. They give it
positive attention. They never say Okay, here it is. But be careful
to be careful with these ideas. They're not Islamic ideas like
that little thing. Sheikh Hamza himself does it he says it he says
people say I'm a perennials I'm not a perennial list. I mean, he
never necessarily explicitly said it's cool for him. But
for what it's worth, he says that he's not a perennial, so he
distances himself from that. But he's also not a Hanafy. He's not a
ham buddy, he's not a chef or eat right? He's not as ad.
Well, no, not being something is not a ruling.
Do I care what somebody is? I need to know the ruling. Right? These
ideas are goofy ideas, and event it should comes it needs to say
everyone else is saying it. Okay, this is a cool furry idea. It is a
European ideology. That poses itself as the Judge of all
religions, the nerve, right? The judge of all religions, and he
goes deep into the 1600s. And
he goes deep into their the origins of these ideas. It's a
long is it's even now officially part of the 15 are just a
contributor. Because he's doing the podcast, he's doing these
other things so good for him. I like his ideas.
You know, his work in general. And he's got a lot of really good
quotes hear from them. And the other guy who's their arch enemy.
Oh, what's his name? They all pretend they don't know who he is.
And I forgot his name because I read his book a long time ago.
He's a former perennial list, who had a personal burnout with Martin
And then wrote, like the tell all about the perennial list like,
it's like, it is a little bit of a cult. There's a clear and they
never want to come out and say, Hey, we're parentless is our
belief is illogical. It's an illogical belief. Now, if you're
Sedgwick, that's his name, Cedric, Mark. I think it's Mark Sedgwick.
Yes, Sedgwick.
Listen up. It's going to be an hour. If you're a perennial list.
If you're perennial, a sympathizer, do not dare show up
to a moment
and say, Oh, I'm a Sufi. No, don't you are the biggest insults of the
prophets of Allah but it was Sunday.
Why because you try to put icing on it.
See that this is the the the right wing guys. They put the poison
right there. It's it's poised. They want you dead. They want you
eliminated the hardcore evangelical Christians, even some
of the Catholics. Catholics aren't all like friendly. Right? I've
been on some Catholic websites and go down to the comment section.
You know, they say things about Muslims.
don't believe it's true. They just believe it's a falsehood that
needs to be eliminated from the earth. That's their belief. Good.
Catholics aren't always all our friends either. But then
at least those they it's clear they're against you period
discussion over the liberals, it doesn't take, you know, too much
to realize that they only like you as a minority identity. That's it.
As soon as you're the majority, and as soon as you're insistent,
that is the truth. And as soon as you forbid, wrong, that they love,
they're your enemies, right? It took maybe a decade or two for for
everyone to get around to it. But now majority Muslims know that the
Liberals are their enemies.
The progressives in these
but these guys will come in and can fool people for
a long for years.
For years, you'll never know if you don't read carefully, the
beautiful flowery covers critique of modernity, right, all wonderful
critiques. That's the best part of them the critique of modernity.
But the flowery Sufi covers right at the Sufi path of love and this
that in the other, right if not to be said this the only quote like
three Islamic scholars, and they don't they hardly quote the Quran.
They never call it a hadith, right? They rarely quote the
Prophet salallahu Salam. So one of the signs of a sunnah and not a
sunnah. Okay.
So you can be fooled. And at the end of the day, you do not require
Iman and the prophet for salvation, yes or no? The answer
to them is no, we do not require it for salvation. So don't dare
show but anymore. I did. Don't put you know, anything of this stuff,
posting this stuff and talking about this. As if we love the
Prophet. No, you cannot say I love the Prophet, but I don't believe
you don't have to believe him. So then what is he then? Did you lie?
Oh, it's just relative relative who's deciding what's relative? If
you're deciding what's relative, you got to go up, right? You got
to rise up above and you'd be an authority above them. Okay.
this stuff is just, it's nice to see, though, that the truth
prevails and these silly ideas, honestly, it's an idea that caught
on some people emotionally. They promoted it for years. Okay,
decades, got in very high positions. But notice they can
never come out in the light in the open and said we are parentless.
This is our belief. They may touch upon it here and there. sneak it
in. Oh, the perennial. You know, they know they'll never say here's
the perennial list of theta.
Here's our theta. Let's debate it. Let's discuss it. Okay.
All right. So the good job there by
Yaqeen for putting that out there. You can get it just go. Do you
want to link it? Maybe?
Are all religions, the same? Islam in the false promise of
And this was published a couple of days ago. All right.
Well done.
Honestly, there's only a few things that I would say this is
one of the few things I would say that
the tolerance level for it is very low. It's very low tolerance level
for this nonsense.
And and the fact that you try to sneak into this summit community
never come out in the open. And then you've somehow got the
sympathy of Dr. Ahmad or somehow got the sympathy of Sheikh Hamza
Yusuf and they, you know, helped you along and open the door for
you, and neither other coming into different regular normal, or they
say normative sunny operations and conferences and teaching as if
this is like just a regular acceptable scholarship.
When it's far from that, I have to say that far from that.
But hey, you know, one thing good about zaytuna college, it's all
for everything's up for critique, right? As long as you bring
knowledge, and you bring a fair critique, good. And so that's they
they're accepting of that. Which is why I say it knowing that
they're not going to take it personally. Because when you
become a college open up for fair critique, that's exactly what we
All right, here we go.
They should maybe invite for genie to give the paper as a tuna.
Lesson your liberal arts college, bring both ideas. You got the
study of Quran on the shelf. You got familiar with the critique?
What's wrong with that? Right?
Hamza as easy says Dr. Ouma has zero tolerance for this nonsense
for the record. Yes, but he needed to come more publicly about it
In the immediate aftermath, he was defending them.
That's the truth. Right?
He was defending them. And he was saying that my critique of them
was filled with bigotry. Bigotry is not a racial thing. What are
you talking about? I was very surprised to hear it to be honest
with you. But like you said, though, his followers did say
behind closed doors, he's against this stuff.
All right.
Let me just take this question about meth hubs real quick. When
you look at the methods, don't look at the
rulings of the methods. Take your time. Take a long time study the
biographies and the methodologies of the 40 Imams.
If you want to be a regular Muslim, you don't need to do this.
But if you want to be learned, and know what's going on, in terms of
like hedge what's happening here is a cat. How do I give my Zika
travelers prayer? How do I do it? Fasting? When do I have to make up
a fast? When is it valid? When is it not valid? You need all that
knowledge, right? You don't want to be ignorant.
You're gonna need to study on meth hub. When you go to law school, do
you sign up for two different law schools or one law school? Son for
one law school? So your take your time study? The the Imams, their
biographies, their methodologies, and you have to truly ask
yourself, what is the truth here? What is most worthy of following
those eight? What's the truth? Because none of them are speaking
about something that's clear cut in the Quran and the Hadith,
they're only speaking about that, which is not. And that is that was
intentionally not clear cut in the Quran or Hadith for a reason. So
you're saying which is most worthy of following? That's the question
you put in your mind. Which of these four schools of thought is
most worthy of following which emem
of these four is most worthy of following? And that's how that
whatever settles in your heart after a year of studying and
reading, that's what you're going to use. Now. You live your life by
that. And only when there's a hardship, then you could dip into
another school of thought no problem.
Let's go now to il slash one. pseudoknot XC, no, just
go to go to go all the way down. Click Summit.
Why don't you just link the summit? We're going to be reading
from this it'll be oh, well until we get our guests. So Amara, what
do we have like five more minutes for our guests? 10 minutes. Okay,
whenever it comes, so go to NBC dot orgy go all the way down. Keep
going down. Down, down, down, down, down, down, down. Keep going
yeah, there we go. Shema. link that up for him. Yeah, I just
linked it. Yep. go all the way
down, hit Shema it right there. Alright, this is what we're
reading Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
on Ana sip, nomadic and Nozomi Ahuja cool can Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lace it with the wheel anywhere Lebel
Cassidy will be will be happy will will add me will level Jadwal
Kathy Willa recepty batha hello to Allah Allah ROTC Barbarina
Sanditon for
Urbina Sanditon out I was wrong here. For outcome. I'd be Makita
Asha Rossi Nina webadmin Medina Tia Asha Rossi, Nina, whatever
fell hello to Allah Allah CCT in Asana while a Sufi ROTC he will
hear to hear Schroon Ashara 10 baileigh What is Shama?
Shama is the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam
subscription of the Prophet peace be upon.
And if we're going to follow the messenger, we're going to love the
Prophet peace. We want Allah to reward us with the love of the
Prophet, then we must expose ourselves consistently to the
mention of the Prophet. You can mention the Prophet in many by
reading Hadith by making Salawat by reading books, like she felt
project a yard by reading Sierra, so
she fell out of college at a yard gathers all of this, it gathers
like Shema it, it gathers CRO it gathers the OSU li part of
following the sun Nate had his refutations of,
you know, enemies of the prophets of Allah, who it was and
everything like that. So that's what we'll be reading here because
this month I will I will is a month in which the Prophet was
born and as a result of that Dalai Lama had sort of rendered it a
season to revive that.
What is the description of the Prophet? He was neither very tall
nor short. His skin was neither pale nor dark. His hair was
neither curly nor straight. Allah sent him at the end of 40 years of
life. He stayed in Mecca for 10 and in Medina for 10. Okay,
This is one of the opinions but the way to understand is that
three years were private Dawa. 10 years public in Medina. So that's
why he's counting here. 10 not counting the private years. And
then he says here he died. Allah took him at the end of 60 years
what the truth was 63 years, not six years, but 63 years.
All right. And Allah took him to six years with fewer than 20 white
hairs on his head in his beard. They counted. Many people know
that prophets have more tests than anybody else, but they also have
more peace than anybody else. So don't fear Taqwa. Okay? Do not
fear Taqwa. Because some people say oh if I have a lot of tequila
and I'm very good I'm gonna get tested I don't want to be tested
No, you're gonna you'll you'll have a bigger test. You'll also
have a bigger protection. Okay?
You have a bigger protect next Hadith. And Ana cinematic and kala
cannot assume allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Rob Rob Rob bath
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was of the medium level
of height with a little bit to the taller like medium with a little
taller lays a bit the wheelie will ever Cassidy he was not tall nor
short. Has no has no just me.
Beautiful, perfect proportions of his body. You know some people
their body is not proportionate.
They always say swimmers for example. Okay?
Swimmers, they to be a good swimmer. You actually need to have
a big torso and smaller legs to be a good runner longer legs smaller
torso. Okay, so but the problem is I still had the perfect
proportions of his body
okay, what can a shout who who lays a bid bid jobs and we're less
than a smart alone. Okay, his his hair was not curly nor straight
and it was dark black hair. Get when he walked he would stride
confidently either Mesha yet the Kapha the Prophet nerve or walk
slowly as if there's nothing to do he always walk directly where he
wanted to walk
on an agnostic cannot Rasul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
salam ala Jhulan mirboo and by Edom abandoned monkey bein he was
murdered. Booyah, strong, got broad shouldered, okay, of medium
height, but broad shouldered mirboo from the middle level of
height by EDA, Bain and Mabin and making it so the short people did
not feel that they're so different from him and the tall people did
not feel they're so different from him. And one of the miracles of
the prophets of Allah when he was seven them is that
anytime that he walked with the people, he seemed taller than
whoever he was with. So no, there was never a moment where people
felt that Oh, someone's towering over the messenger piece people
and they never felt that
all the meta Joomla Illa Shah Mati alto de la usara luxuriant hair
all Veeam el Djem like his locks were full luxuriant hair, reaching
to the lobes of his ears would go like the one lock would flow down
to the lobe of his ear, then of course, the hair from the back of
the head would go down to the shoulder.
I lay he holds a tune hombre, he's saying one time I saw the Prophet
in a red garment, Mara HSA and cut to a cinnamon Well, I never saw
anything more beautiful than him. One of the reasons that the Sahaba
used to follow the Prophet they just love to look at him. And when
you want a leader, he is the leader of the last religion. This
is the final This is the leader of all leaders.
You want a leader that has the qualities, you know that people
want to see in the leader and they want their leaders to be handsome
and strong. But there's a difference between the
handsomeness the handsomeness of use of a synonym, cause caused
fitna for women to have that they lusted for him
that you can't have in the last prophet cannot have that feature.
So the prophets Allah said limbs beauty had a coverage to it. That
made people that made women stay off of that they didn't cross
their mind. Okay. As a result, they could follow him. And as
without fitna, and as a result their husbands could did not mind
their wives following Him because if the husband's if the women are
now lusting for the Prophet peace be upon this is going to cause a
problem for the women and the men. All right.
Next, have you thought about I'm not
As a column array to mean the limit in fee halogen Hamra cinema
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no shot on your dribble
monkey Bay, he buried them or been in monkey Bay, Nila Macumba,
Casita, whatever Thorin said, I never saw a man with hair prettier
than the prophets of Allah when he was on them. Okay? Especially when
he wore a red suit, and his hair would flow back and hit between
the shoulder blades. So his hair was tended to be towards the
shoulders, right? A lot of times he had hair that would go all the
way to the shoulders. And when he sometimes came out without his
head covered, so he's speaking about a specific moment where he
saw the prophets of Allah and he was setting them coming at night.
So the full moon was shining, and the Prophet came out without his
turban on because at nighttime, you don't need to wear a turban,
you only need a turban in the daytime. And that the locks of
hair would flow backwards and hit between the shoulder blades on the
red garment that he was wearing. And his shoulders were broad.
Such that you had a man here, just staring at him and describing
later on to people how amazing the site was.
He said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam was neither short nor
tall, like perfect height, you know that very tall. People don't
get hired as models. I know that because there was a convert friend
of ours,
who was a model.
But you know, his career had to come to an end, because models,
you just need to be around six feet, whether you're 511, six
feet, six, one, he was like six, five, or six, four. So he'd go in
and the suit was too short, right. And he said to me that his first
year of work, he was working alongside Brad Pitt, because he
was half African American, half black and half Native American.
And he was in a bar, he wasn't a Muslim. And then an agent came up
to him is in a bar in Boston, as an agent came up to him and said,
You got to work with us. Because he had a very unique look to him.
When he ended up being basically being, you know, told, You're too
big. He would go in and they just have a bunch of suits. They're not
going to give you anything that's you need to be 511 to six one.
Right? That's it. And that world of modeling. So
he ends up not being able to work.
I said, What's that world like he said, It is the easiest job, you
just work out. Every morning, you work out in the afternoon, you
watch what you eat, but you can't it's not that easy. You got to
work out in the morning, got to work out at night, you got to
watch what you eat. And then you just got to stay in the good
graces of the business. Because ultimately, when you become an a
men's suit model, your life is made. Right? Once you pass the
youth era, and then you just like you're wearing suits and stuff.
That's it, you show up, you wear the suit, they put it on you they
tie your tie, they just sit and you just pose. Right. And so
that's where you know, their life is made, they make a bunch of
money for basically standing there and exercising in the daytime. Of
course, this is not a I don't think this is a permitted job in
the first place. But maybe who knows. Maybe the suit model covers
the IRA. Right is fulfilling a service for the company. So maybe
has some permissibility to it but you can't better do something with
your money on the side because what how do you justify that
existence? Right?
Also do we do sort of believe in acid right? People see you like
that all the time and then they see you in real life they give you
100 Who knows in any of it. Prophets of Allah when he was
salam next Hadith Okay, also on the image of the prophets of Allah
do some this is not even thought of God Allah Mucuna Nabil Salah de
was salam a bit though et whatever Cassidy chef noodle caffine
welcome Jemaine Bachman ROTC bohumil Corradi see that we will
miss Masaru Betty, either Masha taka, Taka Anna Mae and help them
in suburban Lempira cub. Lola bad rahmatullah wa sallahu wa salam.
Ali say naughty says the Prophet was neither tall nor short endowed
with sturdy hands and feet, stout head and limbs, lengthy hair on
the chest, stout, strong, big head. It didn't have a small head
some people their head is not big right. When he walked he would
walk and incline forward as if descending what does that mean?
The opposite of the arrogant walk the arrogant walks like this with
his head up in the air, right, like a king or something. No, he
would walk downwards as if he was going downwards. So I've never
seen anyone like him before Him nor after him.
I've never thought of also described the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam saying he was neither assertively tour stall,
nor reticent Lee short so in this description, he says that there
are there's tall and short that doesn't move the needle that much.
So he says he was
Not assertively tall, that means so tall that you you have to say
he's tall, right? Nor so short that you would notice, oh, he's
really short. So so there is a middle length, a middle height.
And then there's a little bit you can go to the short and a little
bit to the tall that which is within the acceptable, right. But
he's saying the Prophet was neither from the extremes. In
other Hadith we see that the Prophet imagined the line down the
middle, right, taller than 50% and shorter than 50%. But then add a
little bit to the Prophet so he was taller than maybe 55 or 60% of
the people, okay.
And then he says he was amongst the average in the in height of
the people so taller than let's say 5655 or 60% of the people. His
hair was neither crisply curled, nor was it straight. It was
loosely called that had a wave to it. He was not plump, nor chubby
cheek. Some people. You can see that Allah created the way they're
created. It's not that they overeat. Hey, Omar, can you do me
a favor? Push that light over starting to give me a headache?
Just push it towards the wall?
Neither was he.
Me just face it that way. There you go. Perfect. Yeah. All right.
We have a little bit of we're going a little romantic mode
today. That's okay.
No problem. So they they're created with more chubby cheeks.
Okay. And some people are created with very thin cheeks. Like you
need to you see the person you want to give them sucka. Very thin
cheeks. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had something in
the middle of this, he had high cheekbones that you could see the
bone. And you could see the cut here. But he had a roundness
to his face.
So he had a high cheekbones, and he had us, you know, like the cut
here. When you have high cheekbones, you could see the
bone. But there was a roundness at the same time to his face. So his
face was neither like a chubby. Nor was it like a sword.
It was like that perfect middle. So if you want to.
If you love to see somebody with a full face, you would love to see
the Prophet. And if you love to see somebody with the cheekbone
cut, you would love to see the Prophet salallahu Salam. And so
both of these types, it is said and Allah knows best that the
round face people, they're cautious in life. They're the prey
in life. And the sharp cheekbone people are the predators of life.
Right. And if you're extreme, you eliminate people, like the
cautious and safe people
will not like you. Because they're used they, they're afraid of you,
you're too aggressive. But if you're too round faced and chubby
faced, then the sharpshooters, the predators of life will not respect
you. Mere your prey your weak. Good. And so, right down the
middle is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was
is looking at Islamic information and Wikipedia bad. I can't say
it's bad. But if it's a ruling on doctrine and law, then yeah, it's
not good. On doctrine and law, go to the human beings that you know,
the people the physical connections that you know, and
then ask them give me a playlist give me a reliable playlist is
like a book. Give me a reliable book, give me a reliable playlist,
or it just answered my question directly. It's so important in
Islam to make human connections. And the best use of the Internet
is to connect people together. That's what we're doing here.
Okay, what else did the bra that say? Naughty say about the Prophet
peace be upon him. He walked downwards, it will always look
like he was walking downwards. Okay. Whenever somebody called his
name, the province I said, I've never turned his neck rather he
turned his whole chest, okay.
He was the most generous of people in between the shoulder blades,
there was a seal of prophets that was almost like the they describe
it as the size of a pigeon egg. Okay, and that it was almost like
a cookie cutter was stamped on the prophets of Allah when he was
setting them his back, such that it raised like a cookie cutter.
Almost like a cookie cutter mark on the profits back. That was the
seal of Prophethood when he spoke, always spoke the truth. The matter
of his speech was always gentle. He was never harsh than he was. He
would be more simple than long winded, never long winded. Okay,
in interaction, he was always more noble than anybody else. Okay. If
someone saw him unexpectedly
He was awestruck.
He was like, Oh, this is the leader this is king. That's how
you stop but when you came near him you saw none of that hardiness
none of that he was completely
personable easy going by the way speaking of personality, I always
try to answer everyone but you have to understand now I'm not on
the social media platforms anymore so if you send messages to DM I
don't get them it's not that I don't want to get them but they
just had to prioritize activities. So I don't want like people feel
like I'm gonna ignore them but I'm not ignoring them. Even most
platforms there's no way to keep track anymore have all them no
answer everybody and do work at the same time. So I had to
prioritize one or the other.
Next, just just because the profit here was always people came came
near him they loved him because he was so personable and so humble to
I think the online worlds it it it it disallows us from practicing
this all the time because there's going to be so many messages you
can answer. People feel like they're ignored
say notice that I've never seen anyone like him ever since then.
Great. neither before nor after.
Has an IV gnarly he had a maternal aunt uncle This is a mistake.
maternal aunt Hynde the son of no this is a mistake
all right
hint ignore be hella
anyway, let's just go to hinda Behala ism in the translation says
my maternal aunt hint no hint is an IS is one of those names that
can go both ways and even into Ebihara and has an ally cell to
Holly I asked my maternal uncle hint if Nebby Hela. Alright,
Canada will soften hints in the EBI hella,
okay, is not a female, it's a male. So the translation here is
wrong. And I get this a good example of a great website but
there are mistakes in it. You need to be with a human being all
right. You need to learn from him being you read but also learned
from him being he says he used to be a was soft. A soft was someone
who could describe things. He had the vocabulary, the ability to
describe details very well. People just love to sit and listen to his
descriptions of things. He said describe the messenger slice. How
does Hassan and Hussein have an uncle? Because Khadija already
Allah Tala and her, she had married before the Prophet and had
sons. Okay, so those sons would be the half brothers of Fatima.
Right, half brother, so for Hassan and Hussein, that would make them
their uncle.
Because the half brother has an uncle,
to the kids of the half sister.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was like an honored
dignitary, his face was always shining with radiance. Right?
Never see somebody who slept really well. Had a really good
night's sleep, slept early and had a great night's sleep. They wake
up and they're radiant, especially add to that they're like healthy,
their spirituality, they're physically healthy, all that
together. They have a shine to their face. And the Prophet also
used to always use oils. Right to he's always used oil on his hair
on his face on his skin, et cetera. It's it's a sunnah, in
To sunnah.
So he said that, again, he's described his faces prettier than
the full moon more beautiful than the full moon. He was taller than
medium size and shorter than a slender giant. Right? So the
medium size plus a little that's why I said if the average
perfectly average is taller than 50% and shorter than 50% profit
was maybe between 55 and 60 60% taller than 55 or 60% of the
But he said that now his head was large, and his hair was
impressively wavy. Okay. All right. And he would sometimes
would divide between his hair in the middle and sometimes he would
push it back. Right.
Right. And he would always let it grow plentifully and grow let it
grow long. Okay.
And his eyebrows what was description of profits eyebrows.
What are eyebrows like? Generally, eyebrows can be close to straight.
Eyebrows can be pointed down, you know, those people who whose
eyebrows point down they're a bit scary or
Right. They scare people off. I have a relative. Every time she
walks in the room, someone says Why are you frowning? I'm like, I
don't think they're frowning. Their face looks mean, right?
Their face their eyebrows point down. They look mean, right?
They're not frowning. Some people, their eyebrows are arched. And
that that's a description of the province. Ibis. Some eyebrows
could be thick and thin. Right and some in the middle, like Angry
Birds, very thick. Or, you know, these L'Oreal types where it's
like drawing, right? It's a drawing. The profit was neither
that but closer to thin. And it was arched. It was not pointing
down. Nor was it straight. It was it was an arch to it, like
perfectly arched. Okay.
Someone here is saying that if you can raise the volume, please.
So that was a description of the Prophet's eyebrows.
Okay, but the eyebrows did not come together. They were not
conjoined. Right, the eyebrows stopped. There were two distinct
eyebrows. They were not conjoined. And believe it or not, in some
Persian cultures in the past, if you look at their paintings, they
loved the conjoined eyebrow. How weird is that? Right? I mean to
us. It's all relative this stuff, right? Because we're we're now in
a society that loves women with beards, right? That's what the
Trans World is all about. So how weird is that? So the once you get
into paganistic ideas, you become weird, relative to the rest of the
world population. Right? And, but in the Persian paintings, they it
seems that they they loved even the woman. They loved a woman with
one eyebrow. It's all over their paintings. Why would also would
they paint it? They're clearly trying to paint a pretty woman.
Right? And they love the conjoined eyebrow. Right? But the prophesy
sent his eyebrows were clearly distinctly two eyebrows. Okay.
Now what was the
forehead of the Prophet look like the forehead of the prophet had a
distinction. It was a neither was it slanted. Nor was it rounded.
You ever see that? Some people could have a rounded forehead.
Other people have a slanted for it. Like Liam Neeson type of
forehead. Right. And this is pretty famous with the, in the
Albanian culture, they always talk about the Albanian, the Bosnian
Bosnia and a little bit, they have a forehead that's very unique. And
some of my friends, I have I have
where was that brother from? I think he was Albanian. It used to
always him and his brother used to always say I can spot an Albanian,
a mile away from the forehead, right? In the countryside in
England. And those places they used to make fun of the country,
the bumpkins that used to have a rounded forehead, they used to
make fun of that. So
nobody should make fun of anything that Allah created. That way.
You can make fun of something that you changed.
Yeah, because if it's a bad habit, you can blame the habit. Right?
Like the way people do stuff with their body. If it's blameworthy,
we can blame it, but we don't make fun of something. That's how Allah
created. So the Prophet had neither of those two, neither did
he have the slanted one nor the rounded one. But he had like a
straight for it. Okay. And
there was a vein in the middle of that forehead that emerged from
his forehead. So the law he was on them when he was angry. When he
was getting
excited and emotional about something. That vein came out.
What did the nose of the Prophet look like? Did he have a straight
nose? Did he have a pointy nose? What was the nature of the nose?
So there's two parts when they described there's three parts when
they describe the nose, they describe the slope,
they describe the bone and they describe the width.
So, when it comes to the bone,
there was you could see that there was a tip in there it was not
perfect, just a straight No there was it there you could see the
emergence of a bone in the nose. So that if you looked at the
profile, it was not a straight slant, straight nose, you could
see that almost like it would come out. There was like a little bit
of a bump there. Okay, in the nose.
Then there What about the slant? slants sometimes again, in the old
European traditions and customs, they would draw the country
bumpkin with that rounded forehead but the upturned nose
and then they would always draw the sneaky criminal with a very
downturned nose, that it was like
pointing down, right? The opposite of an upturned nose. And they said
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was more towards pointing
down, but not to down. Right. It was pointing down, but not too
much down. Okay. And it was not an upturned nose. He did not have an
upturned nose.
Okay. Now for the width. It was, was not a skinny nose, there was
width to his nose. Okay, this part was not very skinny, skinny,
almost like an eagle notes, right? Nor was it wide. Like sometimes
they describe it as the Greco Roman nose. Right, the very big
bump and the very wide nose. So it wasn't like that. It had width to
it. So it was some things are average, you notice a lot of
things they say that there's an average but slightly towards one.
That's exactly what is. It had a bone in the notes. There was a
bone that emerged from the nose. Okay.
There were it was slightly down, pointing down. And it was slightly
more wide than than thin.
Probably maybe a little bit wider than yours. Maybe a little bit
wider, but pretty close to yours. Yeah.
So that was the description of the profits knows. Tell us when our
guests arrives. And we can do
Okay, good. Now let's talk now what is the next subject they
bring up
his beard, the beard of the Prophet was thick and full. Okay.
reached out to here. Sick and full.
How about the neck, the mouth of the prophet was wide. Okay. Again
mouths can be described by the thickness of the lips, and the
width of the mouth. So the and the curvature. So the prophets I send
them He is described had thicker lips than thin, they were thick,
not thin.
They were
curved, there was curvature to the lips of the prophets of Allah when
he was salam there was not it was not
straight. Okay, and the mouth was more wide. It was wide. It was a
bit it was large. It was not a thin mouth. It was large. Okay.
As for the truth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The
unique feature of the teeth was a slight gap in between the first
two teeth. There was a slight gap between them they were not
together. Right slight gap there.
The neck of the Prophet was strong. They said it was a strong
neck wide, long necks of course can have descriptions right. Now
if someone with a short neck too long of a neck too skinny have a
too fat of a neck. Ever see a lineman these alignments out of
Texas very thick
necks. Some people say a few too much kunzea You get a very fat
neck and you start getting a pinkish hue and you start to look
like a kunzea I don't know if that's true, but
he did not have a fat neck nor a skinny neck he had
it was a long but strong neck. That's it they describe it like
that. Like as if it was a sculpture made out of silver. I
okay, all right. Let's stop here. From the Shema I'll take a
screenshot of where we left off. Okay, this is
Shema eight
notes, take a screenshot where you left off
and then circle the line where we're at
done, save the photos.
All right, all my Bessie
is back by the way,
at the control room.
And a couple of weeks ago, there was a youth program
and Othman Ignatieff.
Othman Qureshi, also known as oz affectionately
met, somebody said you have to bring this Imam on the stream and
that's exactly what we're doing. We have a lot to talk about. We
have an imam here. Who amaro Do we have a bio?
Okay, all right. We have an imam here. He will introduce himself
because we didn't specifically have a bio so we're gonna have to
give him the homage of introducing himself but we have a lot to talk
about youth work as Shadi is in Saudi Arabia. Eve
In some experiences with the Gen that's always exciting. Good. All
right. So let us now go Hold on one second. I'll check the time
and check
everything so
all right
let's begin. Alright transition Omar bring them in. Here we go
Welcome to the stuffiness it nothing but puck facts podcast,
Sheikh Ahmed Salim, and I believe you're from Georgia, is that
correct? I live in Georgia and Canada from Canada lives in
Georgia. So went from the snow to the heat. Ellen Omar haben.
Great to have you on and I'm really looking forward to hearing
the stories. Why did you start off with telling us firstly, what was
the occasion in which you met our men off men? Yeah, so we were
supposed to be minicamp and I went to this camp and, you know, here
comes this guy in white sold in Georgia heat walks in and they're
like, Oh, this is a threat and he's gonna be teaching with you.
And I was like, Oh, wow. That's, that's good. We're gonna get to
learn a lot. And hamdulillah it was a good experience. Teaching
together. We got to talk on various wavelength. I took him out
for coffee every single morning. Proper coffee, not Starbucks.
Mashallah, you know, yeah, I don't know what you're drinking, but
I always do it homemade. That's it. You know that these coffee
operations? They give you two three cups. I save the cup. It's
amazing. Yeah, I never wasted I'm not a wasted. So. So you took him
out for coffee every day of the event he never paid once. So I'm
sure he enjoyed it.
Because you you are a hometown. Now you are the hometown. Mmm.
Right? Yes. Yeah. I'll tell you how off man got there is that Mina
s sent me an email. They said come out. I said I can't come out. But
I have these Shabaab that can come out. And I encourage all of our
students, all of the young teachers, everybody who learned a
little bit, go contribute to anything that you don't say, I can
only go if they support the moment, I can only go if their
arcade is right. I can only go if the aesthetics are beautiful. No,
whatever it is within Ellison, go there, suck it up, and teach and
respect whatever way they do things as long as or as my shift
uses and pay your dues pay your dues. Right. Without that there is
no moving forward. There's no move. There's no shortcut to being
respected. Or dues Yeah, pay your dues. You got to earn and no
sublet. subversiveness. Don't go and try to sneak the kids over to
your meth hub. No subversiveness be open and honest, teach if
they're if let's say they may have a hesitation towards something
don't go there is something that unifies us that we need to talk
about, rather than getting into the,
the speech that we sometimes get in our private circles or in
circles. That's all for now, it's not it's not meant for everyone,
like, you know, I learned this the hard way. I was pretty young. And
I gave a lecture and I told them about that story where the legend
was, was I think he drank the hijama blood of profits. Right?
And then these that one couldn't understand. He said, The Quran
says It is haram.
Like, and I was like, What's wrong with you people? Yeah, I was like,
at that time. 25. I was like, yeah, obviously, they're not gonna
get it because there's so much pre tax they need to have in contacts
before they can get this. Exactly. That's why you got to go in. And
sometimes, when there's a great institution like zaytuna
Institute, back in the day, people would go study at a tuna
Institute, but they become so picky, they would not enter an
organization that didn't have the aesthetics that didn't have the
respect of the shoe. That you become useless. Right there too
picky. No, we have to be grimy. Right. Go wherever there's Muslims
go in there. sufferable grease, elbow grease. Tell us how did you
get from Canada to Atlanta? So the story is quite shocking. But like,
you know, so there's this masjid, which is my msgid today. You know,
I've been giving you know Dawa and working in Canada, with this net
Canada and other massages and stuff like that. And then all of a
my mom calls me so this is mostly they want to talk to you. I said,
Mom, this is my number. I tell them to call me six months. They
didn't call me. And then all of a sudden, one day at December they
said hey, you know, we want to come on out hop on a zoom call and
see what before a fit. And from there we were like back and forth.
It took us a year and a half to you know, check off everything to
make sure that I'm the right fit. They're the right fit. And you
know, all of you I came in multiple times, saw the community
hung out with the community lead in and it's a law that so many
other things eventually
We're like, Yeah, I think this is the right fit. And then
hamdulillah last month I made it happen for me to come to Georgia
at that time I had multiple offers from like Dallas from Houston.
And I was just like, I was like man, Dallas, Houston are so
saturated with, like Imams and doing work like Atlanta has got
nothing going, it's gonna be feel hard to make a difference that
you're making a difference. Difference, yes, you will be
making a difference, but the needle in comparative to what
others it's, but over here, when you come, it's a grant playing
field, you can actually make an impact. And people can actually
also visually see that impact. So Hamdulillah, I chose
again, I chose a lesser package. Yep. For a better opportunity in
the long run. And I think sometimes the younger Imams don't
get that. Like they want to get that six figure I want to hit it.
And I'm like, No, it's not about the six figure, it's about what
card are you dealt, and if you can make the most of that card. In the
long run, you will eventually get there. Right? You will be paid for
what you're worth, but you gotta become worthwhile. As firstly, as
soon as anybody in any field forget Islam, in any fields is
concerned with the financial bottom line, that person has
missed it. Yeah, like what you got to you have to be able to prove
that you're a difference maker. Right? The the money and stuff
will take care of itself. But what would take care of itself? Yeah.
As Jim Rohn used to say, the most important question we need to ask
on a job is not what you're making, but what you're becoming.
Yes, what you're becoming, and is the place around you changing,
which is why I feel that whenever someone is itinerant in their
nature, which means I turn it means like they always move from
city to city from job to job. They actually shortchange themselves,
because they can never really show a before and after. Right. Yeah.
So that was in six years later this it was exactly like so even
in a company, right? All the company was here. When I came in,
who was here. When I left, it was here, right? Definitely. So
whether Dean or dunya. Now, you know, a lot of people in the
livestream know that I'm sort of really into Maps. So where are you
in Atlanta? Alpharetta, Georgia, where? Alpharetta, Georgia, el
ferrata El Faro, Liberata and ferrata so the the rat or the
mouse, because we had recently another guest who went to La
Cucaracha, California, which is the cockroach. So what's up with
all these names? And ferrata being Is this an Arab name? I love for
Otto lots of reads.
Maybe that's why I came here.
Alpharetta, Georgia with a with pH Correct? Yeah, with pH. Okay. I'm
looking at it here. I'm into Maps. I want to know exactly where
you're at where we're going. I mean, where we're talking about.
You are maybe looks like an hour out of
Okay, so you couldn't you wouldn't consider yourself within the 285.
Loop. You're that's considered downtown, right? No, I'm out of
that. Your way out of that. Yeah. But the 285 20 miles out of that.
Okay. Well, you would say Atlanta proper. Is highway 285. Circles,
right? Yes, definitely. Okay, in Washington, DC. There's Maryland,
Washington, DC, Virginia. It's encircled by I believe it's 495.
Yeah, it's a beltway like that. And a lot of these cities, they
have one of those belt ways, right? Yeah. So Atlanta also has a
285 beltway. And what do you guys call it? To 85 to 85. Okay. And
then l Ferrata. You're gonna take any you just to take 285, or you
could take 85 through 85 becomes route 19, which is 400. Yeah.
Right. So I live on route 19, highway 19, highway 19. And then
so I'll Ferrata is essentially with 19. Cuts through the middle
120. And nine, make an arch around it. That's the summary of the
highway system of Atlanta of Alpharetta. And how many Muslims
and how many masajid and how many Islamic schools are in so just in
the North Fulton County that's the county that we're in. Oh, we the
Braves. Yeah, North Fulton County and the Braves play okay. I don't
know the Braves play so far out of Atlanta. So North Fulton County is
where we are and we have around six very thriving massages here.
Masha, Allah Hamza being the biggest one right now and that's
where you're at. Yeah. And then and then there's a new one that's
being constructed in three, four years. That would be probably the
biggest Islamic center in Georgia. Where do the kids go to school
there? They go to a minor Academy. We have a charter school which is
public funded, owned by a run on and run by
Muslims, and very nice brother, brother, you have gelila He runs
it. And,
you know, the this is I think, look going forward, I think this
would be the model that Muslims really need to look into an
academy and he's opened the second one. So he opens it up to, to
anyone, but it's predominantly understood that you know, the
teachers and stuff. And there's normal some teachers too, but it's
a value based Charter School. And it's, you know, it's a lot safer
than a public school, because at the end of the day, the
administration is, you know, exceptive, where we need to be,
yeah, like, but not like the extreme.
All those acceptance for for those who don't know, what a charter
school is, a charter school is, when a group of families come
together, a group of people say, we want to start a public school.
So the government will then accept their application. Of course, it's
a process. And then they will say, Okay, you have to abide by certain
things will pay all the bills, you have to abide by a certain set of
rules, like this curriculum, this stuff, you have to have town
meetings, everything has to be by a vote, et cetera, et cetera, et
cetera. So yeah, most of us come together. And if it's like 80%
Muslim families, they may set a dress code for example, they may
have halal meat, they may take days off on a they may take the
last 10 days off from the whatever the town meeting, Jumeirah half
day. Joma has a half day, for example. Now, persons ought to
work towards that. Right? Yeah, that's a good solution. And to
because the most important thing is to have a population of
Muslims, right? Because let's say the same people say, well, the bad
side of it is you can't control the curriculum. You can and can't.
So you've come to the the teacher is going to look and say, All
right, today we're going to study Charles Darwin, he has this idea.
And then the teacher rolls his eyes. He's giving signals to the
students right? Now, one student says,
oh, that's all a bunch of nonsense. And the teacher doesn't
say anything.
Or laughs so the curriculum is not the Beals subclass, we got to read
the book. Alright, y'all. So what Darwinism is alright, let's now
study. Now one thing you can't do is teach religion. You cannot
teach religion. You could teach Arabic. But no new Islamic texts
of Arabic. Right, non Islamic, like you could teach digital
media. There's no Shetty. I taught in Algeria. There's no, he doesn't
use Hadith. He doesn't use Quran and digital media. So the
references are there. But that's for like, grammatical and purpose.
purposes. Yeah. So that's the thing about charter schools. So
what do they do? They usually shrink the day and they put in
Islam class that's optional at the end of the day. Yeah. So the
school day is over. And it's a club, essentially. Yeah, it's an
Islamic club. So when Imams can be part of it. And it's really
interesting. Like, we don't have that in Canada. But
this is a really good model, I think, for Muslims to really
explore because you can then pay this and you can have facilities,
you can grow, you can do fundraisers. And it's way better
than that and running your own assignment school. It's in terms
of the the effort and the costs. Yes, for sure. Now, let me ask you
Can the students make a club and Islamic club that prays together?
Yes, they do. So they have prayer, and everything's there. So they
offer prayers together? It does sort of take your room and stuff.
So it's very comedy because freedom of religion, right where
they say, No, do they do that? Which means a Christian can also
request a room and you'll have to facilitate for that? Yeah, fine. I
mean, we're you can be married to a Christian and you facilitate the
same thing in your own home. Exactly. Right. So let me ask you
this. What about June liquidy que rainbow flags look very cute. I
like that.
Yeah, we can't we can't get flagged any more than weekend.
We're by YouTube already. So we have a cue give it a little like
that. Yeah.
Do they make?
No not that I know. They're nothing like that. That happened
so far. I'll find out it was but school in Georgia ends in May
anyways. So yeah, hey, that's a great solution, because you can't
you vote for when the school year starts ends. I don't know about
that. I'm too new to Georgia to know about that. But I know that
it ends in May. So school is over and then liquidy goo comes after.
Okay, that's good. So you see from it comes up for that. Now, why is
Othman telling me ask him about SATs in Saudi Arabia? Let's go
what's the deal with that?
Firstly, if people are asking what is sRGB is we have to define
everything. That's Shadi is a school of Islamic thought
pertaining to how to respond to philosophers and atheists and
other people who try to find fault in Islam and are awkward. So some
scholars came up and they started in
answering them in a certain manner.
Alright, trying to rely upon the book and the Sunnah as the source
and defend it. That though that metal hub was founded by
abolhassan Actually, he's the first one to do that in that
manner. And so it became called the SID update, there was another
called a bull monsoon and maturity, a woman suited maturity
and it became called the maturity period. The Hanafis follow that
the magic is and chef is loved, the sad Arcada they followed that.
And the Humbert is I said he chose to abstain from such debates,
okay. And hence, abstinence from such debates is the hallmark of
the humbly creed right now, which is embedded in the FIP, which is
embedded in their FIP. And it is essentially now unified in one.
So, tell us now, why is he telling us so it's asking about Ashley's
in, in Saudi?
So he was shocked to so you know, it's pretty shocking, because
sometimes we only get to see what is published on internet. But
there's a very big group of Saudis who don't adhere to the Salafi way
of even create the Wahhabi creed. They don't adhere to that. And
they usually congregate in pockets. And one of the biggest
pockets of such scholars where you will find the Maliki scholars and
you will find the Shafi scholars you will find the Hanafi scholars
is in a city called ESSA. That's where I studied. Really, you know,
yeah, Subhan Allah, how did you get there? It was it was, we were
having a conference on FIP. And we came across this chef, Dr.
Abdullah Al Alpha. I don't know if you've ever heard of him. I've
heard the name, of course, yeah, yes, he has written this book, you
have to read this book. That's probably my full Melba
page treaties of how we went wrong in with that. So Carla,
you have to read as soon as I can get a copy out to you. So my
formula is phenomenal. So we were just having conversations and he's
like, why don't you come down. So Subhanallah, we took a trip down
one weekend, and there goes our three to four years of driving
every weekend to science studying from this machine over there. And
they are nothing but masters of shaft effect. I shared ERP, the
loha all the all the things the tradition, and you have the this
they celebrate Molad obviously, they have a little bit more
conservative version of that. So they don't do them upon. They
won't do that. But other than that, it's like they read present
GE they have a nasheed they refrain from death, because
they've been influenced by that and they don't want any flags to
go off because they're in a very hostile environment. So you have
to be careful about that. But it was it was shocking to see people
so deeply in love with Rasul Allah and His way. So what's what's also
really interesting was that you would go there, and then because
it's according to the government takes place at the time of
whatever the regular time of the horse, but the itama
takes place later for the honeybees. There are massages,
they say this is a Hanafi masjid. And we will do the other and at
the same time, but because the Imam is Hanafi than the the pray
leader, so you have so much you enjoy that you can actually miss
the gem out here. And you know that and 45
it's just it's you don't imagine that something like that exists
over in Saudi. So let me ask you this question. You were already in
Saudi doing what there? Yeah, that's a that's a full story. So I
wanted to go to I wanted to go to the to Medina university, you and
all of these. I was like, Yes, I'm going to be like that next
student. And then you realize when you get there that 25 is the age
limit. Oh, which is g which is like past 25. You cannot go to
Jamia and then I said okay, well gotta make the most because I have
moved my family and everyone here. So let's now figure out what we
can do. And subhanAllah we started I started studying with different
varying Scott various different scholars until we ran into chef de
la. And again, I came from that age where I or from that ideology
where I tell the chef I said, you know, I only follow Hadees like
you gotta be hustle Patil if you don't know, you know, so the chef
is like look, ontology, Athan, your intellectual person you came
from Canada, you have a degree from, why don't you give it a
shot? And if things don't make sense to you after three months,
then don't do it. But what does it what's the harm in actually
understanding? Yeah, so I said, Yeah, you're right. So you're, as
you know, I'm a very, he's stroke my ego. Like, it's like, let's
play with you. Yeah. And then SubhanAllah. And I still remember
in the depths, I was like, what's the Delete for this? Or that and
he had so much patience with me in that three months. Until I said, I
was like, man, there's no way this is the wrong way. Somehow it would
make sense that no people know how to handle and to interact with the
people who say no mother hub I take straight from the Quran and
the Hadith only
then them now
Let's, let's say you're a beginner listener and you don't know what
we're saying.
When you eat food, let me give you an example when you eat food,
right, nobody goes out to eat dinner by saying, let's go to the
Right? And let's hunt.
No one would do that because you don't know what food is healthy
for you to eat, what is not, right. You don't know what berry
to pick and what are you can't. So, you need somebody to help you
do that. Okay. Secondly, though speech of Allah and His Messenger
is explicit. And it is also
equivocal. equivocal means it's one word, one line, one sentence,
but it may mean two meanings.
The speech of Allah is also includes intentional silence.
Allah as messengers, the prophesy said, Allah silent upon matters on
as a mercy for you. So who then went in the speech of Allah is
awesome, whichever. It may be a be an expression of some sort. That
seems to contradict something above it, an explicit verse. So
the explicit verses and Hadith, no one needs a scholar for it. You
don't need us to be a scholar in Islam or to be even a student
Islam to know that that God is one. It's all over the Quran. To
know that alcohol is forbidden. It's all over the Muslim society
like that. Right? Everyone knows that you have to praise God, you
have to pray have to give zakat.
Yes, so he gave us that knowledge, very crystal clear. You don't need
scholarship for this. But what about the verses that could have
two meanings? Three meanings for meanings. What about the verses
are the matters in which Allah his Messenger was silent upon? What
about the Moto Shabbat, it seems to contradict something above it.
So in that case, we need scholarship 100%. And so that's
what our guests is saying is saying that he was in a mode where
I want the proof directly from the book. We said, okay, but there it
can be, you need to learn methodologies, first of how to
extract that God represent. And so that's what you did in the city of
add an asset you So you worked and you studied on the on the surface?
Yeah. So I got a job. And then the job was not very taxing. So I
spent almost 10 years, just you know,
Allah, amazing. That's amazing, the Middle East. And then after
that, I found another Sheikh from India, from Gemini Nordea. And
that's where I did my whole, you know, LME program, the typical
Indian or subcontinent program, but in the chef payment hub. So
did you do that part time I did it. I still, like I was doing it
part time. But I was taking a full time course load. So I had a job.
And then and, you know, studied with the chef, every single
morning, before I would go to work, or pick up the chef, I would
do classes for three hours, then drop with the chef back, go to
work, come back, sleep, wake up, pick up the shift to the second
class. All right, and then I tell them in person, yes. In person.
Yeah. In person, while I had a family, and I had, you know,
children and everything. And I tell people I said look like it's
doable. If you really think somehow, miraculously, you're
gonna go to Saudi Arabia, and you're going to become someone or
you're going to go to Egypt, and you're going to, if you haven't
benefited from the scholars that exist in your own city, there's no
guarantee that you're going to go there, and all of a sudden, you're
going to become so beneficial. Right? Let me know so many people
that go there, just eat burgers, and they hit KFC fries. And
they're like, Oh, my God, this is life. Yep. And they never come
back. Let me tell you something. That's very important for the
listeners here. To be a student of knowledge, you need three things,
you need to decide
what you're going to follow and study. You need to have a
curriculum for that. You don't set the curriculum, they'll tell you
like, after you, they you study. So how are we? So I decided I'm
going to study Sid FTD. The first book is to Hawi.
Next, you need consistency. So Let's hypothetically say for the
regular person out there, I can't I don't have a shake. I don't have
a school. All right, you take a playlist where you register for a
course. But you have to set for yourself a schedule, that schedule
can be as small as 15 minutes a day. But consistent got to do it
every day. But you got to be consistent. You will not believe
what happens to you at the end of the year, you just won't believe
it. Right? You won't believe what happens to you at the end of the
I couldn't echo that, you know, further I think this is this is
we're living in this instant gratification mode, where we want
to get the quick knowledge, like you know, you're teaching the
Shemaiah and like we teach them and I don't know what extent
you're going, but like we've been teaching Shimelle and I think
we're on like chapter number four, you know, FISA civetta truly
chatty Nabi SallAllahu Sallam
And, and it took us six months to get there.
Once a week, 30 minutes, each and every little thing like you know,
and then and you got to drill it into the people that you know the
all the SIFAT of the shout off and SallAllahu Sallam can be described
as the word while he was rollin marjoram. And then you can
describe different lengths and then, but then you have to
conceptualize it. And then some people is like, no, no, can we
just like read the Hadith? Can you just like, skip through it? Like,
no, there are so many benefits of, you know, of all of these Hadees
sometimes it's like it talks about sadly, BMW cars and the you know,
the Ashraf Rahman was shaken. Why is that Hadees mentioned there's a
lot to learn for us. It's not just randomly that a mountain really
just decided that he's gonna put this out he's very sequential
thing that there and then also this whole tangent that people
have, we can't teach them out because I said I've had isn't it?
we need some. Yeah. Yeah, you need to smack it around. You shouldn't
be talking about something that has such an obvious answer. We
caddies can be used. Alright, for those who are just learning about
this, we use weak Hadith and everything except law, except law.
All right. Now.
And I think I think I don't know if you've covered this, but it's
also we have people have to understand how these books were
framed. The the framing of all of these discerning and all of that
was that, you know, even a W Freud. Like, I tell people
remember how he wrote to hate. And then afterwards you all of a
sudden forgot how so he had these words. Subhanallah Wow. Oh my god,
like, oh my god, he just like totally had dementia or something.
And now he started putting guys are these right? Yeah, no, it's
that we probably didn't understand how to work with life. Hadees and
it's basically they would establish a particular context,
they will say this thing, here's one or two so you had these this
is establishing our team now let's add meat to that. Yeah. Spices,
spices. Yeah. Adds a bit more friends. It's almost as if because
sunnah is admits the end. He goes into those extra chapters, extra
chapters, and yeah, because the word Sunon the book Sunon when you
say sunnah, it means that it starts off with some so he had eat
some sound, Hadith, and it adds the weaker ones. As like, the
garnish almost around, you add the flavor. Yeah. But when Bacardi
wrote a saw here, he lit restricted his book only to the
sound Hadees. Yeah. What's your legislative work today? Exactly.
The purpose was, it's a legislative work, it's a
legislative work is how to live as a Muslim. And truly, it's his
itchy head.
Heat. As you look at it, I tend I liked the analysis that mcquoddy
was his own mother had his own witch to hit. Yes, he loved the
chef, or you also have the ahead Hadith, the so he had an aha
Hadith. And as he's doing, he had, and his opinion is in his
selection of Hadith, or the titles of the chapters, or the titles of
the chapters, it's Jihad means he has his own law school of thought,
essentially, he doesn't follow anyone in a school of thought, but
he's also his methodologies close to Shafi. Right? So what you're
saying is that a Muslim should have the habit, the routine of
studying is far more important than finishing, finishing results.
Results claims to have finished a book are a mirage and an illusion
of knowledge, they are not knowledge, and hence the routine
nature of studying is truly what transforms us, not the completion
element of things.
That's what so many students when they come back Schiff, yeah, they
get that piece of paper and you know that the atrophy like, No,
You're talking to the person you're like, Are you like us?
Like, yeah, and as I said, Yeah, but like, you're not making sense,
like, you've so we went so far and atrophied from that knowledge and
environment, because you've not kept up. You've not you forced
yourself to do your own morada your own data or your own
readings, you know, listening to
right SR Michelle, if listeners and senior scholars, right. We are
all had this, I already have a jazz, I don't need to listen to
this chef. The chef is like seven years old, like 40 years more
experienced than you you got to listen to him because you're not
listening to him for a while and you're listening to him for a
while. Yeah, it will take you 40 years to get and also the true
scholar that's reliable, reliable is somebody who has melasma with
the Allamah to the point that you can tell the elders, so and so and
they'll know who he is. Right. That's what keeps us online. On
Track. Yeah, and then check and Melasma is more important than
Aegis and tocado jet 100
But none other people who are always with the shoe, they if one
thing that they will have is caution.
Whereas sometimes someone who has degrees and he has a Jazz's can
become bold, right? And distant from the scholars. And your mind
very slowly veers into a weird trajectory. And that piece of
paper is to me it's, it's it's one of the most dangerous things that
happens to people. People ask me all the time. What do I get at the
end of this? And I'm like,
You're asking the wrong question. You're on a routine and a habit
and a way of life of knowledge that will continue being delayed,
until we enter our graves. There's nothing to be had. There's no this
is the result. This is the goal. The continued continuity, of
living with knowledge and scholarship is the goal. And the
process of depth
is the process not the destination, that piece of paper
is Allah it's your your death, because you're basically killing
the process. You're saying the process is done with and when
people ask me, they always ask me all the time in my purse, the
classes that I give, what what happens when I finish the cycle,
we have a cycle a four year cycle of the foundations of religion,
right? Oh, my Quran, Ottoman Hadith RP that will soon we look
at what the format hubs are saying. And also so that people
can make a decision, things like that, too. So of class focus to
the fundamentals that to be a literate Muslim,
that you can be part of an organization, you can be a board
member, and you won't, you know, be a royal disaster, things like
And they always say, what do I get at the end, I said, you want
something for the end? I'll tell you what's gonna happen. I'm going
to open my MacBook, I'm going to type your name, make it fancy,
send it to Staples, which
I'm going to go next door to Staples is a store called
Michaels. That says overpriced picture frames. I'm going to go
there, I'm going to frame it, I'm going to put it in a little paper
bag. Alright, come home, put a ribbon on it. And then I'm going
to present it to you. You happy? That's the certificate of
completion. What does it do for you? There is nothing. It's just a
piece of paper. The process is what's important. And I'm telling
you people have finished my four year thing than the imagine that
they finished. They didn't keep coming. Right. And
you may talk to them. It's all lost, that it's all lost. So they
confuse discovery with tantalum. So they discovered things, they
discovered things. But they didn't learn them. Because I teach five
days a week Subhanallah because it has nothing to do with me
teaching. Yeah, it has everything to do with me keeping myself yeah,
in that in that process of coming at four o'clock and opening the
computer, opening that PDF reading the shelf, no matter how many
times I've read it, right reading that show. I remember talking to
my chef and I finished like under the Salic. And I was like, Yeah,
and I was like yeah, sure. Yeah. Where's my jazz? I was like, Yeah,
we're gonna do it again. It's a paella that was like, no, no, I
was like, No. Like, we're gonna do it again. At the end of the second
one. I was like, Yeah, sure. Jazzy.
And he's like, No, we're gonna do it a third time. Allahu Akbar. So
he made me do under the Salic four times. Amazing, right? That at the
end of it, he said, it's about the Macan. That's the most important
thing if you want to master this book, so you never ever have to
read any short you open it to understand it right? But without
Maharajah your Thermicon is gonna be gone it's gonna be very weak.
It's gonna be constantly Raja
is sad when somebody stops teaching or aka. And it's such a
beautiful thing. When an imam an island continues to teach into his
retirement phase is Sheikh who not to say Cook of the CHE Barney
phase they call the CHE Bandy phase of an imam when he is a
beyond veteran now he's like a living legend yet so that's what I
love Shut up that Manisha booty. The story about him is that the
government took over these industries, right? And they in the
name of socialism, and they said okay, your pension is now going to
come from the government. He's like, No, this money is haram. You
stole you literally. The socialization of an industry means
you literally stole a man's company.
And I'm not working with you anymore because you're thieves. So
he's he resigned and he refused the pension. So what did he do? He
went and he signed up to be a Aki, the teacher for youth, Allahu
Akbar. And he taught he woke up in the
morning and goes to a school as a shift as she you have to sew off
and have aka Anna Vivian out of you in Damascus, honored scholar,
all white beard, and he shows up to teach youth. Allah said
Muhammad Allah will Maliki's father, Allah, we, even our best
and medically, was offered many, many times to become a professor
in Omokoroa. At the time, it was like open to Russia IRA. And he
had it was maybe it wasn't called Omen quota. At the time, it was
just whatever the college in Mecca. And he's in Mecca, he said,
I prefer the youth. And he continued to the till his death,
just teaching Shabaab, the early Mattoon, he's like because we want
to set them on the right track. And that's a special skill in
itself. And he would teach them attune to them.
So we ask, whenever we have time, whenever we have time, I think
it'd be really good for us to know how AXA is keeping the tradition
alive, because their model of education
is something that we in America and can really learn from because
they are producing around 600 to 700 lifelong students of
knowledges every year, unbelievable. But it's like it
takes them from grade five until they graduate and jammer. And it's
the slow progression of two days in it. And you know, one day if we
ever have time, I'll explain the whole process to you. Because I
think it's so much beneficial for Muslims to learn that it's not
oh, it's about two days a week coming on a weekend. But then
doing that for four is it just making signing up your kid in
grade nine and let them come to a program for two days a week until
grade 12 and see the difference? SubhanAllah. That's amazing. It's
amazing. It'll change their perspective. It's just how to do
everything right. That's how to do it. It's not about sending them to
Sunday school once a week. Yeah, one hour and then fill us
checkmark I'm done. It's that's a bit master. It's just babysitting
at that point. One thing we didn't do is we didn't tell everybody
where is asset. First of all, is it Alaska or Alaska? Because I
said, Well, yeah, it's has a
thing. It's ESA. Right. But you know, the locals they call it
HESA. Okay. If you have, let's say you're familiar with the geography
of Arabia, Medina is here, Mecca is here at HESA is actually a
region with many citizens.
It branches from Bahrain passes Qatar in the air as if you're
drawing a rectangle in the direction of Yemen. And it goes
deep into our ability to Yeah, which is the desert desert. Yeah.
And so if you're in Mecca, and you go east, you'll hit the bottom
third of this region. If you're in Medina, and you go east, you hit
the top. So it's a it's a rectangle that is on the eastern
part of Arabia.
Next to the odds, there's not too far from Riyadh three hours from
Riyadh. Are they so many Sunnis there and so it is there that it
the government just gives up on them? Yeah, they're like, if I
do whatever, like, like, you know, the, the My first experience was
like we prayed Juma in a masjid, and Mr. Longevity, which is a 600
year old Masjid something phenomenal. By the way, the first
Juma that took place in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu outside
of Medina was in hacer Nagi right, there's a message there that
they've actually cordoned off. And you know, they consider that
Masjid racist. You know, people go there for Baraka because this is
like, your interest with Allah allowed us to have you to leave
the Jamaat over there. So I remember, you know, somebody
invited us for it. And it was like, a full on. Like, I'm like,
What's going on their readings? And it was an experience and I was
like, I was like, you know, that was like, my, my, if he stayed or
that was like, I was like, I don't know if this is like, this is
behind, like, like, I'm like, I think at the end of it, I'll get
some good food. I'll sit around. Like, it was a very early stages.
It was really fun. But I think people need to, you know, chill
out a bit. Yeah.
That's so if you're in Georgia, if you're in the Atlanta area, Masjid
Hamza. It's right off of what is this tilde l drive?
Windward Parkway? Ashley? Windward Parkway. Tradewell Pterois. Dwell
tid Well, that's what I was reading. Tidwell road. Okay. And
there's the main area there is. You're basically based maybe 3040
minutes outside of Atlanta itself. Atlanta itself, like from the
airport, it takes you 45 minutes if there's no traffic, okay? Or if
there's traffic. If you are someone who is in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia or you're in Bahrain or you're in Qatar or you're in
the end
routes. You can take a quick drive of a button is there a bridge?
So buried into the map is a bridge and then you're going to be able
to demand a new drive down Route five, highway five and into Elesa.
Or cut up straight to you come from sidewalk you'll come from the
salwaar Rotarix. Hello. Oh, sorry, sir. Yeah, I can see it here
today. Salwa. Okay, you're gonna go in and you go up northeast into
the northern part of HESA. And if you are anywhere else, you can
take Highway 95 highway 10
into a hazard salvage awaited ban is Whitey white sand beach. Oh,
nice. If you ever end there's absolutely nobody there. There
were many times where we're just like, you know, sometimes, you
know, you want to also have fun. So we like our classes canceled,
like, Oh, great. What do we do? Yeah, we were just me and my
brother. Were just like drive down Sanwa park cars on the road go in
the seat. It would be the only one there in the mandala. Nobody's and
then just enjoy the weather and come back. I'm surprised because
cuts out every time I open youtube, I see an ad for visit
cuts off. And they're trying to make it a a resort area now for
Westerners to bring in, you know, this is other stuff. Right? So
this is on the Saudi side. Oh, it was on the Saudi side. Not Yeah,
that was on the Saudi side. So anyhow, hamdulillah hamdullah
Mashallah. So that we didn't get to domestic politics. We didn't
get semester policy. We also didn't get to the gin story. So
let's do that. In the next meeting in sha Allah, Allah.
Muhammad will arrange it for us. We'll have another meeting just
for these masajid you think we should politic one is really
important. That is very important one.
I think we really need and I'll just preface this for people if
they're, you know, to get excitement. I think you've
probably heard of this unmasked movement. Yeah. But I call it the
RE masked movement.
Hollis, we know that they're unmasked. Like, how do we get them
back? Yeah, right. And there's this entire generation, which is
your generation, my generation, you know, the ones that are I
don't know how old you are, but like in the 40s, like late 35 and
40s. You know, that mid 30s to mid 40s. That age
is completely checked, and many of them are practicing. You know them
I know that they're like good practicing brothers and sisters.
They just don't want to step foot in the masjid. Somehow. They've
had a bad experience or a bad uncle and, and the boards. They
also are at the stage where they need to realize that those bylaws
are why you are tax free. If you don't follow your bylaws, you're
jeopardizing the entire Muslim communities. Acid. Yep, yep. And
it's not a minor thing. It's only a Bible. Yeah. Well, this one we
don't follow. No, you don't have a choice. That's the contract with
the government. No, we will let you self regulate as long as you
regulate with that law. So anyhow, there's a lot of discussions to be
had on that in Sharla. But again, I always wanted to ask you this
question. Shoot.
This goofy of yours. Oh, so Paula. I don't know if you've ever
discussed this. Like, I'll tell you what you need. It's so unique.
Yeah. Because I was like, you know, whenever I get to talk to
him, yep. Cuz that's one thing I recognized you for so long. Oh,
the one with that hat.
I'll tell you the story behind this hat.
Always you always have those sugar cookies and the cookies are in the
whole stomach world. But for the front, it also always hurt my
hair. Right, like top of my hair yanked and pulled and pushed down
that front air used to always hurt. So I would either not wear
it or I push it back. Which looks so sort of silly. So I said you
know what, here's the solution. Let me find a hatmaker and say
listen, make me a goofy where the top part is high. So it doesn't
push down on the my head. So shout love. So I found I found a woman
who did it and she was a real professional who used to work for
Coach make coach bags. So she said alright, I'll do this on the side
for you.
I go, my wife and I we went to this woman's apartment. She's a
European woman. And she's got an amazing view of Manhattan. She
lives on the Hoboken side gorgeous view of Manhattan. And like okay,
this is what the fashion world looks like. Right? This they live
in these these beautiful homes and stuff. It was an apartment
actually, but big one. So I told her what I wanted. She made the
hat but it was way too big on the sides now because I said make the
tarp big. Now it's on the side. So oh, i the whole plan messed up.
And so but that's when I realized, you know what, all I need to do is
push the sides in.
So all of this really just sort of came happened by accident. And
then boom, so it's stuck then and now she makes me a couple every
few years and I'm still looking for a factory Believe it or not as
simple as this hat looks like. I can't
I found a factory to make one. All right. I wish I can have 100 Made
in Pakistan for life. Right?
So and everyone out there who has a factory who has anybody knows
how to do this is such a simple thing. This is from Ukraine.
Handmade. Oh my my ladies from Ukraine to Yeah, I got this
handmade because I always needed something at the back. Yes. You
know, I hate the fact that sometimes I just want to have it
loose sometimes or tighten it. So I got the hat thing. And I got
this custom made from Ukraine. And smart. Yeah, and then it's like
all 100% leather. Yeah, and made leather. Right? And then I always
want to ask them like it. I'm gonna ask, let me connect you to
this lady. I think maybe she'll make you please do. I wouldn't
want my
sower to get bored of it. I mean, she's been doing this for like 10
years, every once in a while she'll make me to write. And
I think she's just polite. That's why she keeps doing it. But I'm
looking for somebody to just make me 10 Right.
So send me her information anyone out there in the world. Send me
some factories India, Pakistan, these guys. They make Jordans.
They can't make this
make fake Jordans out there. They make soccer balls. They can't make
this. Again, they probably can't. In Egypt too, by the way they are
you know, those
hat makers that were used to make so ton of that Hamid's hats.
They're very few, very few of them left those. It Yeah, but if you
have some connections, those are custom hats. So maybe you might
want to tap into that resource. And they will they will do your
boss they will do every single thing. I have somebody that is
getting me one from there. They took my measurements, so hopefully
they can, but it's like an aha somewhere that we have a Muslim
lady who's actually doing that for me. Oh, nice. Nice. So I'll try to
see if I can also get you connected inshallah. All right,
look forward to having you Next connect. Yeah, next connection.
I'm in New Jersey, I'll definitely drop by 100% and if any of you are
out there in Atlanta, check out our man they're in sha Allah and
our new companion.
Part of our program as we like to highlight the Imams that are busy,
active so that the listeners that are from that area can can go and
benefit definite and also they should follow the Hamza Hamza
Islamic center standards YouTube channel. I think you guys can post
the link or something very good. Every class that I teach is
streamed professionally online, oh Masha, Allah has Islamic Center
YouTube channel Hamza Hamza Islamic center, yes. Okay.
YouTube, and then you know, this way you know, we're teaching Shema
L, in a very detailed shot. So sometimes we take one Hadees for
weeks alone, so, we don't we don't skip like every word. We'll spend
sometimes 1520 minutes explaining why why it also will allow or why
this and why we said this word and not this word. Why do you use so I
have three four shots that I'm currently using, but the one that
I predominantly use? Read off off, I'll show you I'll actually send
it to you right now. I'll send it to us man. If you wish. Where's it
really nice channel here. This is a really good channel folks.
That's all done by my son. There your son Mashallah. 13 year old
son, the new generation? Yeah, he's been.
I've been telling him, you know, gotta be someone before you can do
something. Yeah, yeah, though. That's what he's been doing. The
shaft that we use is the shot half.
Right here. PDF
I don't know if you have the shop.
I'm just looking. One second.
So we're doing Shemitah and Muhammadiyah.
Alma hip denier we
do need Danny hamady. It is by virtually, Missouri. I didn't know
he had a shot
at a chef very Rahimullah. Okay. Yes, very good. Very great. I just
sent it to his man so you can get it from him. Okay, excellent.
Excellent. Excellent. Shana. Yeah. So anyhow, I think this is really
good. Yeah. So those people that want to have your teaching
Shemaiah but if they want to have a more elaborate
discussion on it to ensure that they can, you know, Montez, thank
you so much for coming on.
We'll be in touch Inshallah, we'll have you on again for that second
discussion that I want to go on. Like I said, up to the local low
Ladies, gentlemen, attend all viewers and attendees just come
along. And we have to wrap up here because you know that I'm an
assistant coach now for a soccer team. They got a game today it's
going to be game during the rain. Alright, and
and not can't say that I'm like really a heavy contributor because
I'm just learning the ropes and learning the
you know the ways that you know these techniques and all that
stuff, so, but we got a game so when we have to go to that game,
just come along here and everyone tomorrow we'll do another q&a
And with that, I bid you farewell See you tomorrow Subhanak Allahu
mobilehome Deke Nash Edwin Illa. illa Anta nostoc for the quality
will ache well us in an insert a few close, Ill Aladdin and why
middle side. What also will help what was over Sabra was salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah.
gaga you may see