Shadee Elmasry – Wahi Explained- Does Allah Speak to People

Shadee Elmasry
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The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of the Wahi language, including its complex and diverse language, importance of knowledge and understanding, and the use of "monster of Islam" as a term. The concept of "monster of Islam" is not universal and may not persist long periods of time. The sharia is the instinct of the beast and the beast creates them with an instinct, creating them with an instinct. The sharia is the instinct of the beast and is the easiest way to discover the truth.

AI: Summary ©

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			What is Wahi?
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			And here we begin with this ayah.
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			This is a nice piece of knowledge for
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			everybody to know.
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			It is explicit in the Qur'an.
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			أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم وَمَا كَانَ لِبَشَرٍ
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			أَنِي يُكَلِّمَهُ اللَّهُ إِلَّا وَحْيَأْ أَوْ مِنْ وَرَيْهِ
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			حِجَابٍ أَوْ لِيُرْسِلَ رَسُولَهُ فَيُحِي بِإِذْنِهِ مَا يَشَاءُ
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			إِنَّهُ عَلِيٌّ حَكِيمٌ First of all, the word
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			Wahi, linguistically speaking, means any form of communication
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			that is not seen or heard.
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			That's the linguistic meaning of the word Wahi.
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			And so Allah Ta'ala tells us that
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			He does not speak to people directly.
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			In this world, in the next world, yes.
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			But in this world, no.
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			He does not speak to people directly.
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			Except by Wahi, or behind a veil, or
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			through a messenger.
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			So Wahi, we know, is when the Prophet
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			ﷺ would feel a couple things.
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			Number one, an immense weight crushing his body.
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			But it's unseen.
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			He can't see it.
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			But it feels like it's extremely difficult.
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			And even one time he was on a
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			camel, when he received Wahi, the camel had
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			to sit down from the weight.
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			And one time his leg was over the
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			His knee was like leaning on the thigh
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			of a Sahabi.
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			The Sahabi thought his femur would break from
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			the weight.
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			Number two is heat.
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			The Prophet would sweat in the middle of
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			the winter when Wahi came down.
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			Number three, the ringing of a bell.
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			And they would see that the Prophet ﷺ
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			is in duress.
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			He's in struggling.
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			Because this is, Allah calls it the Quran
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			A man came to Imam Malik and he
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			said, I have a question.
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			And the Malik said he did not know.
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			That he would have to research it.
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			He said, so just tell me what you
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			think, because it's a small issue.
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			He said, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says
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			that we have revealed upon you a heavy
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			There is nothing light in religion.
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			Nothing in ilm is a light matter.
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			That's the third attribute.
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			Three attributes of this Wahi.
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			Then it would be lifted.
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			And when it would be lifted, the Prophet
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			would always have a big smile on his
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			And he would recite what was told, what
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			he received.
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			That's the description of the Wahi.
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			No human being will receive this except the
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			Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
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			And of course, that is the number one
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			method in which the Quran was revealed.
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			Now we go to number two.
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			What did the ulema say?
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			Means knowledge.
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			A piece of information.
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			Something enters your heart without you knowing from
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			It was not mukhtasab.
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			It was not a jumble up of your
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			For example, let's just take as an example,
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			this drink, Khyber's dirty chai.
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			When this guy comes up with the dirty
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			chai, which is throwing some espresso on the
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			You can attribute that to your ideas.
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			You're thinking about espresso all day, you're thinking
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			about coffee all day.
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			So one day you mix the two, right?
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			That's the idea.
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			So certain ideas are a result of they're
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			already in your mind.
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			But when an idea comes into your heart,
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			you don't know where it came from, and
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			it was not something you were ever thinking
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			And it's totally novel to all your other
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			And of course, this is related to the
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			Benefits in life and religion.
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			Then that is what's known as ilham.
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			That is what is the definition of aw
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			min warai hijab.
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			We turn that ilham.
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			Min warai hijab means you do not see
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			the origin of where it came from.
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			Just qudifat fee qalbi.
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			So who, for example, received this?
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			The mother of Musa.
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			The mother of Musa received this.
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			It entered into her heart, put him in
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			the river.
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			And she knew that was no mother ever
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			would think of something like that.
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			Because she knew it was from Allah.
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			And Allah called it wahi.
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			So that is wahi in the linguistic sense
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			of the word.
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			Technically speaking, in sharia, wahi equals the Quran.
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			And there's no wahi after Rasulullah.
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			So that is ilham.
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			And when the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam receives
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			ilham and speaks it to the people, it's
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			called hadith qudsi.
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			Number three.
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			This is the second manner by which the
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			Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam received the Quran.
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			Sayyidina Jibreel used to come in a form.
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			And the most similar person that lived at
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			that time, that looked like that form, was
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			Jihya al-Kalbi.
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			Some people think, why did he come as
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			Jihya al-Kalbi?
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			He's a random Sahabi.
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			A, number one, it's a sharaf to Jihya
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			To elevate his name.
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			Where else do you hear his name?
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			That he looked like Jibreel.
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			Secondly, it may not necessarily be for a
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			It's just this is how Jibreel looked in
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			his human form.
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			And Jihya happened to look like that too.
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			So there's no other connection beyond that.
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			Al-Kalbi means his tribe used to train
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			People wonder, why would you call someone al
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			-Kalbi, right?
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			It means that his tribe used to train
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			And his tribe was famous for that.
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			So Jihya al-Kalbi, he had an appearance
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			that had that long black hair, as Sayyidina
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			Jibreel has described, that was always looking wet.
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			And he would always wear white clothes and
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			look like he just came out of a
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			And the Sahaba, why that was unique, anybody
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			who's ever lived in a desert knows that
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			wet black hair is not going to be
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			wet for long.
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			It's going to be dusty.
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			The water on the hair will stick.
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			That will cause the dust to stick on.
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			So you're never going to last a long
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			time with wet black hair.
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			In those old days, if you came out
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			with a shower, having taken a shower, that
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			means you stayed at someone's house, right?
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			Because you couldn't have traveled.
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			You would be dusty and disheveled if you
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			So therefore, whose house did you stay at?
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			And if you know that how Medina was,
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			was so small.
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			Everyone lived next to each other.
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			In this studio that we have here, there
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			could be a house here and a house
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			Literally, the homes were so small.
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			They're almost like tents, right?
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			Living in Mecca and Medina was almost just
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			like living in, you go to a tent
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			campground in Vermont or Massachusetts or Pennsylvania, and
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			you see tent here, tent there, tent there.
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			That's how they used to live.
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			Houses were so small, sometimes tents too.
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			In any event, Sayyidina Jibreel would simply speak
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			to the Prophet like a human speaks to
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			another human.
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			And the Prophet said that was the easiest.
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			And how the Prophet reviewed the Quran with
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			Sayyidina Jibreel was in the form of a
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			So Jibreel would come to him, and they
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			would sit together, and they would recite, and
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			Sayyidina Jibreel would say, remove this ayah, put
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			this ayah, elevate this ayah, put this surah
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			first, put this surah second.
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			So that is the methods by which the
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			Quran was revealed was method one and method
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			Sayyidina Imam At-Tahawi says, وَأَنزَلَهُ عَلَىٰ نَبِيهِ
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			وَحْيَا وَصَدَّقَهُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ عَلَىٰ ذَلِكَ حَقًّا He sent
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			it down upon his messenger as revelation.
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			The believers accept all of this as truth.
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			Linguistic meaning of wahi, any communication cannot be
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			seen or heard.
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			Technical meaning in sharia, revelation of the Quran
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			to the messenger.
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			Now wahi to prophets, non-prophets, and animals
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			is all mentioned in the Quran using the
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			linguistic meaning.
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			And to prophets, it's the holy book they
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			To non-prophets, it's inspiration to do something
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			like the mother of Moses.
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			And to animals, it's the instinct with which
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			they were created.
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			Every animal is created with an instinct.
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			So that means Allah Ta'ala does not
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			send an angel to the bees to speak.
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			Nor does he thrust from himself knowledge into
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			their hearts.
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			Rather, he creates them with an instinct.
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			I mean the instinct of the bee and
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			the ant, these are like amazing animals.
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			Just because they're small is irrelevant.
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			Microchips are small too.
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			And these are the people make billion dollar
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			industry on the little microchips, right?
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			The bees, their knowledge that they have, and
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			they sense another bee has been at the
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			pollen, right?
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			They don't take from it.
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			They only eat what's Tahir, right?
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			You see the man is about to be
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			Forget that.
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			You know that your brother on Friday, he
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			has a meeting with sister so-and-so's
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			You say, okay, that's Friday.
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			Today's Monday.
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			And you go out there, right?
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			Let me beat him to it.
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			It's haram to do.
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			Also bargaining.
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			We're almost at a deal.
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			You can't cut in the middle and say,
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			I got a better deal.
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			You can't do that.
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			So the bees don't do that.
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			When they see that another bee has been
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			at this flower, he goes to a flower
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			that no one's touched before.
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			So the bees are amazing creatures and amazing
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			Ants have their own Sharia too.