Shadee Elmasry – To all those vegans out there

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of eating vegan foods, including animal products and natural ingredients, but note the potential damage caused by animals. They also touch on the history of animals and the harm caused by humans, including the use of animals as bait and the potential for rodents to eat them. The speakers suggest that people should not let animals become their pets and that pets should not be allowed to become one.
AI: Transcript ©
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For all you vegans out there listening, it's fine. If you want

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to do it if you think it's healthy, it's not do research. But

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if you want to, first of all, it's Sunday you have to at least eat

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meat sometimes like on a nice day, right? And by the way, we kill

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Allah says, Allah says in Atlanta can co author for suddenly Lee Rob

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Baker one. This is a command imagine I was promised you in

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California, therefore worship your Lord and sacrifice you think it's

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immoral? And that's why you're a vegetarian or vegan. You have a

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problem. What do you say about our deen? Yeah, if you think that just

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that particular slaughterhouse was not done well, that's a different

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so it's different. If you don't want to, I don't support factory

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farming. I get all my stuff from halau organic free range, grass

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fed all that stuff. But readily available nowadays. Yeah, it's not

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a commercial, but you can get it in shop. Right? Yeah. Comes from

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Yeah, grass fed had free range. They don't abuse the animals. They

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don't use steroids or hormones or any of that stuff. That said,

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if you're eating vegetables, because you're vegan, because you

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don't want to harm them or anyone drink their milk or eat their

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cheese or something, just ridiculous tickets because the cow

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would get really, you know, yeah, they're not he's gonna get sick.

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If you don't know what to do let it to waste. It's a whole thing.

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But even if that right, you're like, I don't want to use animal

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products. Just harvesting like they usually need a lot of tofu

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and just harvesting one acre of tofu kills more animals than I

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consume an entire year. Like you have snakes and mice and voles in

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foxes. Deer like deer, right deers, deer actually big large

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herbivores. Yeah, baby deer nest in fields. And one of you know how

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that thing about deer is freezing in the headlight. Well, it's even

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more pronounced when they're little when they when they're

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frightened when they're when they're like full newly born

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fawns. They just freeze. And so when when that harvester comes

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through harvesting the grain and stuff, it just chops their head

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right off because you sound like a machine. Yeah.

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Those big machines operated by human yeah, see what just because

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nobody's coming through with a knife cutting down the stalks,

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they will take forever. That's true. So when they run these

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harvesters through, they're killing literally 1000s of animals

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acre another point. So the question, you'd have to think that

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small animals like rabbits and mice and bowls and squirrels, and

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maybe even baby deer and snakes are all far less valuable than one

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cow. So your ethics don't even make any human idiot. I have

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another question for you guys. Why is it not for these vegans, okay,

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that you imagine that that green piece of kale that you're ripping

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up and cutting up doesn't have any feelings? Why he does.

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When you so they've done this experiment, right? They're there

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certain plants, if they hear the sound of a caterpillar, certain

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Caterpillar chewing that eats that kind of leaf, they release toxins,

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right? That makes the the leaves taste very bad. No, it's a

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protection, it makes the leaf taste bad. But here's the crazy

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part, even if you play a recording of it, so it will have that

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chemical reaction. And if you play a recording of something that

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sounds very similar, but it's not the actual Caterpillar, it won't

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react. So it can discern, because it's the sound is almost

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identical, humans will probably be asked the same sound, but the

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plant can discern that right just off the vibrations in the air

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because it doesn't have obviously, or in order to get to the nano

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level of everything. We're going to discover that when we breathe

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in oxygen, and transform that and exhale co2,

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that that you have done great damage and trauma to those oxygen

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molecules. And what are you going to do then? And it's mostly going

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to breathe in, by the way, are you vegan Muslims? It's not like an

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atheist person. You can be a vegan Muslim and a Muslim Vegan. And I'm

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sure those are two very different things in your community.

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You know, the grass testifies against you on the days judgment.

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So what are you talking about these plants just because it

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doesn't have eyes that look at you like, yeah, no, sir. You're gonna

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kill me.

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And give me a break and on what we believe. So bought a lot of the

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Lamb, or the cow or whatever it is that is slaughtered in the correct

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way by a movement. He is the Shaheed of the cows. Yeah, he's a

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martyr in the in the type. That's how they view it. Same you would,

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why do you live? You live for a cause? And you would die for that?

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Cause? Right, the sacred is what you would die for what is greater

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than life? Right? And what do you say of those people who died for a

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cause? You honor them? Right? These are honors, you will wish to

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die a martyr. Right? Shaheed and the correct way. Likewise, for the

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in the world of animals, if you're so worried about them, that don't

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make theories from yourself, take it from the messengers, these

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animals when he dies, properly goes for a movement to eat him

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properly. This is why he was existed. This is his martyrdom.

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And before anybody goes, Oh, you go so hard on these vegans,

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they're just trying to be ethical. You're not more ethical than the

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envia. And you're not more ethical than Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi

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wa salam and if this was something that we shouldn't do, we would

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have been told it because he didn't hide anything and he didn't

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fail to give us any of

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The message. So just stop it. If you think it's healthier, great,

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good for you. You know, it's you may want to read up on that too,

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because then you're probably I think you're wrong. I've done a

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lot of research on it. But fine, that's one thing. But if you think

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you're more ethical than then then then the profits and the

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generality of the Muslims, because of something that's really like

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kind of a new idea, and you're ignoring the realities that forget

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about what the other vegans say, we will leave that plant. Yeah, we

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will do that plants also will testify against you if you harm

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them. So what are you doing?

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And not only that, there are people out there who have never

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eaten meat in their lives and you're rejecting it for some, this

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is kibble, right. Honestly, this is arrogance, and not even a

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Muslim vegetarian or vegan. But there's like vegans that like own

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pets. They adopt pets?

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Do you own it? No, seriously, they get offended.

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It's my it's I've adopted it, or I rescued it or whatever. It lives

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with me. We're symbiotic. But they don't own they own the pet. No,

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it's really insulting to them. It's not a slave. It's a pet. So

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they will, they will take a cat. Now, you know, cats are obligate

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carnivores, they can't eat or what are they going to do it if we had

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a fetal a vegan diet and the cat gets sick and dies? You people are

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so dumb. So the reason you have cats The reason why I love me and

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us cats, not just to keep us company, our cats are very

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functional. We don't have a mouse or a rat in the house. Or you

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don't have a mouse in the house. If you have a good one or two

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cats. They go into wherever, right? They finish that up. If I

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see a bug, I don't have to worry, the cattle get it? I haven't seen

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I haven't seen a centipede Oh, yeah, months. So you're telling me

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people feed a cat, a vegan diet, and then it gets sick and dies.

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Here's where they'll say you have to supplement with vitamins and

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stuff. supplement that just let it eat me. And they're torturing the

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amount of the amount of money they're spending on that right?

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Could have been feeding like a family. It's like a month. And

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here's the thing with these people. If you're if you're so

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ethical out there, eventually. Why are you superior to other any

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other animal? What happens when you cross paths with like a bear

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or a cougar that is hungry and wants to take a bite out of your

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kid? Right? Well, this is what I said. I think I said I might have

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said it on Facebook or something or in an email to someone. But all

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these people that think that they're super ethical because of

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this, right? Why don't you just go feed yourself to grizzly bears?

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That's the logic. Go go go to Alaska, jump in front and go feed

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yourself the grizzly bear that's hungry and give up your life. I

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mean, we can make the argument why did they kill her AMI them? Why

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that? Why did they kill her AMI that's

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talking about the gorilla, the gorilla, right? Like, according to

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a vegan it's all the same thing. Right? So why did you kill them?

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You shouldn't let the baby that's true. Yeah, but no, you can't say

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you know that mom had that gorilla had like baby gorillas. And then

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he had dependents. She had dependents they were a family

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relying upon that one gorilla that's there. You know? Yeah. So

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So I heard a a comedian talking about that. And he refused to use

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the name. And he was like, because girls don't have names.

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It's a gorilla, right? Because it's gorilla mother didn't name it

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that said some goofy white lady in cargo shorts gave it that name and

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I'm not going to play into her fantasy world where gorillas are

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called by proper name tell me isn't that recognizing some degree

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of control and ownership? Yeah, of course and you wanted you named

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here's the thing itself you're these animal activists. They

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didn't want to shoot the gorilla. Hold on a second backtrack the

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gorilla is trapped in a little cage isn't that the bigger issue

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probably a zoo itself in our in our city? We wouldn't accept it

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right forget talking about oh, they shouldn't have shot the girl

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Why is the gorilla trapped in this little 10 by 10 pin panel. They'll

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say that oh we're doing it to preserve the gorillas you know

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that this is haram for us we you cannot go trap a lion in a 100 by

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100 foot thing and no matter how much you throw it dead meat and

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throw it dead meat you know that has behind it needs to hunt it

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needs to get those that those hormones out of its you know get

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them going to think about the mouse. Yesterday my wife was like

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oh, there's this like little crack but like between the cabinet and

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the dish. She was like what if a mouse can get into that? I was

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like first of all mouse can get through like smaller than that.

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But secondly, she the monster cat we have things like 16 pounds.

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