Shadee Elmasry – Three Types of Dreams

Shadee Elmasry
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The speaker discusses three types of dreams, including Glad Glatz from Allah's neffles, Shayzik nightmares from the neffles, and manifesting dreams from Allah's neffles. They explain that each dream could have a negative effect on one's soul and affect their body, causing them to lose their cool and be scared. The speaker also mentions the concept of "slack from the neffles" and how it can affect one's emotions.
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Dreams are of three types.

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Glad Glatz from Allah from the neffs, just what you've been

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thinking about or from Shaytaan nightmares from shaitan you wake

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up these three spindles to the left. And you say oh, they will

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emanate on the regime and you never speak about it if it's from

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the neffs it just indicates what you were thinking about. And it's

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a mixed up dream and also of ortho Allah mixed up dreams which is

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going to come later on is just when a person maybe he's he was

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affected in his body while he was sleeping, such as being cold can

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produce weird mixed up dreams, or having a full stomach could

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produce weird and mixed up dreams, it goes to show that the body and

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the soul are connected

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and affect one another and then dreams from Allah subhanaw taala

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true dreams and that is branches off into two types, the Beshara

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the good news of the future or to severe warning, all right, a

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warning. And if it's a warning, it's warning about something

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that's about to happen like tomorrow or today like you don't

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put a warning sign like 50 feet before the whole he put a warning

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sign right away right not like a mile down the road then the person

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has forgotten about the sign and then falls into the hole right but

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you do put like highway signs markers way before so good dreams

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could could come to reality far later. And but a warning dreams

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can would always occur right away. And this is what they said about

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dreams just makes sense because the the good dream could happen

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right away or it could happen far in the future so that you can

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think about it and be happy and Allah loves for His servants to be

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happy and not down and sad and scared. Alright fears from a

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bliss. Sadness is from your bliss, that type of sadness.

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