Shadee Elmasry – Thoughts on Video Games
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The speaker discusses the waste of time people spend on video games and the benefits of learning from it. They also mention a person with a high degree in IT who enjoys watching videos and is motivated to avoid unnecessary questions.
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Don't play video games don't get involved in video games. It's a
big waste of time. massive waste of time, right? I know some people
were very successful play video games. I'm just saying as a word
of advice. I think it's an epic waste of time that hours on end,
people play video games. It's like, don't you feel like you're
wasting your life away. You should either be learning something at
all times getting some exercise in selling something, some that'll
benefit you in the long haul. I know a guy he's got a regular IT
degree. But this guy has gotten every certification there is in
the book. He has over 10 certifications. He now gets
recruited every month. A new bank wants them. He says here usually a
person in his youth will try to avoid these vital questions on the
purpose of life by resorting to entertainment and chasing
amusements which take up all his time.