Shadee Elmasry – This Is How the Devil Gets You to Sin…
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We are all assigned a demon. Every single one of us is assigned to
Jinn devil
he's assigned to us. He's protected from our remembrance of
God because there then the mere mention of Allah's name, the mere
mention of prophets names. It has an impact and that impact is that
the devils flee from it. It literally burns them they have to
flee. Okay? They're extremely scared of the just the name of
Allah. Allah has made it such that it physically burns them.
So Allah says a suit it's a Nurse Min shuddered was was 100 S, what
is the calmness mean? The calmness means a very cowardice devil. He
is extremely afraid of you ever mentioning the name of ALLAH. So
he has to tiptoe. Okay. And he can whisper something in your ear. But
the moment that he hears the name of Allah mentioned he has to run,
because extremely skits like imagine like a cowardly, skinny
type of person who wants to cause trouble. Good. And he comes up to
you and he tries to cause trouble but doesn't want to get caught.
And as soon as the light may come on him, he has to run away. He can
never get caught. That's the calmness, guys so elkus tears and
affordable likoma You had tequila and we're reading from Sunita
And number 31.
Center for welcome sign up Sulaco meaning we will devote for you. So
that means what's devoted to his angels are devoted.
We're God's highest creation, angels are devoted to monitoring
our deeds to helping us. They pray for us. They're rooting for us to
do good date, whisper good deeds into our ears do this do that.
Also, we have demons.
Demons come and there's one demon that is assigned to us. He's
protected from our remembrance of Allah.
We can read Quran all day, Allah has given him a protection from
that. Just like you put a human being up in space, what happens?
Well, his lungs gonna blow up, he's gonna blow up from the air
pressure. But you put him in a spacesuit he can spend all day
there. Right? So he's protected, and his job is to whisper to us.
Other demons can come as long as we're not remembering Allah. And
they could whisper to us to do bad deeds. They get they whispered to
us the best and the most intelligent of them. All right,
they begin by whispering to you to do experiment with different bad
deeds until they watch your behavior and find what you're
addicted to
hear you care what you do, they want you to do acts of
disobedience, but they're going to test you to see what are you
addicted to? Once you're addicted then it all they have to do is
stimulate it. Right? Once you bought a stock then a company that
works I have to every once in a while you add some of your money
to it, that stock is going up right? So they gotta find what
deed Alright, you're you're addicted to.
All right. Now then once your heart becomes so dark with sins,
another group of demons come in, that's far more dangerous than the
first group.
That group of demons, they don't care about your deeds, they care
about your beliefs, and they start whispering to you false ideas.
Okay, and they make your beliefs crooked.
Okay. Now, if you're smart here, let's put it this way.
You can derail a car can derail a car by trying to cut it off.
Or you can hack into his computer system and alter the destination.
Then he derails himself. He takes himself far away. So the second
type of demon is not the demon that cares about whether you're
committing fornication, adultery, drinking or doing drugs, praying
or not praying, he cares about altering your beliefs. Because you
mess up your beliefs, your direction is way off. And you're
going to have a rude awakening some people, they look at people
that are so sincere, like, man, they are so sincere, but we're
like, yeah, they're wrong, though. You have it. They're so sincere.
Okay, what's gonna happen? I can't imagine that these people are
gonna get punished. Listen, beliefs are more important than
deeds. Okay? Because beliefs are something you carry for it
forever. Deeds. You only do them until while you're alive. And
deeds are only done.
Temporarily. For example, prayer, you only do it when you're
praying. Like we're not praying right now. But we're believing
right now. Beliefs are permanent. Deeds are temporary. That's why
beliefs are far more important than deeds. So you see someone
with a false belief like Mother Teresa or something, you're like,
how could she be punished? Well, listen,
you're Miss you're you're you're under estimating the vastness of
the concept of the root away.
there is something in life called the rude awakening, which means I
was wrong for 50 years. I could have sworn I was wrong. I was
wrong for 60 years, I was wrong for 70 years. That's what's gonna
happen. Right?
Something called the rude awakening exists. So right now,
it's like two teams before the championship. They both look
competent. Nobody knows what's going to happen. And they're so
good that such amazing seasons, I can't imagine one of them's going
to lose. I can't imagine what's it going to be like when one team or
the other loses? Then you go, and the game collapses into a blowout,
right? Or even worse, even in the fourth quarter, you don't know
who's winning this game. They just so close. Or they even go to
overtime, you know, there's still gonna be loser at the end of the
day, right?
So there is something called the rude awakening where you realize
I'm arguing for this forever for my whole life, and I believe it,
I'm so sincere to it. And you realize when you die, you were
wrong. For very simple questions.
Is Muhammad a true prophet or not? That's a simple question. That's
it? Does God exist or not? That's the first question. Right? And
that separates the pagans and the atheists and all that, then within
the Abrahamic faiths, is Muhammad, a true religion was God was Jesus,
a prophet or a son of God or God Himself?
Simple questions, you're wrong on that it doesn't make a difference
after that, where you go into Catholicism or Protestantism,
or Judaism, you're wrong on this, you're wrong on on the first right
turn, you get into GPS, you put your directions on, I'm at the
store, and I'm going to another destination. And it says turn. And
the GPS has an image but I don't know which what does this mean,
right or left? Like how have How have we have CMMB has not figured
this out yet. Every time I'm going from a destination that I'm not
familiar with, like let's say I'm, I'm at a I'm at a
a store and I'm going to another place I exit that place put the
GPS on I have no clue is just GPS saw me go right or left, right?
You make a mistake that early on. It doesn't make a difference. Any
mistake you make after that you are off, right, you're mistaken.
And then in contrast, you go in, you make the right decisions. At
that point, your deeds
are now secondary. Now it's good to do good deeds, but it is
The purpose of demons is that this is a test. We are in a testing
ground. We're being tested. So Allah tells us he's testing us.
Also with demons prophesy assumes that every one of us has a shape