Shadee Elmasry – THIS Is How Arabs Are Treated in Israel
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The nationalist group is pushing for a solution to the political crisis, holding a 20% share in Judea. They hold a 20% share in political offices in Judea, but do not want to do it all. The Jewish population is reformists and extremists, with Kahan Kahan being the founder of the JDL and a plan to destroy black people in New York City. The JDR movement is a black-arian movement, including Kahan Kahan, the founder of the JDR, and Kahan Kahan, the first black-arian to join the JDR.
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What is all these groups policy towards Arabs? Now the first group
are the nationalists. Who are they the reformists? What kind of
person is this intellectually? It's not fully coherent, but it's
the most practical. Yes, the Torah is from God. But we're not going
to do it all we're going to do Yeah, we're gonna use our brain
and our gut here and do what we can of it. And this is the
nationalist group and they run 60%. And they believe they believe
in Judaism, they believe in the Torah, but they're just not going
to do it all. Okay, that I honestly that's like most a lot of
Muslims today. They're like, yes, Islam. Yes. It's all wonderful. We
were all down, I believe in it. But certain things I just get
done. That's not doing it. I can't do it. And that's totally haram
for us to do. Now, they believe in *, it should be a one
state solution. But Jews should have more rights than Arabs. These
are pretty much very close to if not apartheid. And that's your
Benjamin Netanyahu types. All right now right underneath them
and pushing them pushing them pushing and stealing from their
base. 20% of the political offices in Judea in Israel are now this is
the scary part. This is where I'm telling you this is the cancer of
this group. If this group keeps growing, you will have religious
war. This is the group that stops peace. This is the group that shot
up, Baruch Goldstein shot up the Khalil in Cali, the Muslims
praying fetcher. This is the group of settlers. This is the group of
crazies who they read the text, it doesn't settle with their gut, but
they override their gut. And this is the supremacist. And these are
the they believe in a one state solution solution to but not with
Arabs. Limited. No. Arabs eliminated. Okay, and as we're
gonna get who is their godfather? Who is the popularizer of this
group, he's actually an American based and he died, of course, he
was killed. And that's what we're gonna get to Rabbi Meyer Kahana.
We're gonna get to that in a second. Okay, we're gonna get to
him in a second Rabbi Meyer Kahana. He's the guy. They all go
back to. He's the guy. All right, who wrote his basically Hitler
like manifest, so they must go. He went to jail, just like, I think
Hitler was in jail when he wrote minecon, right? This guy went to
jail. The Jews themselves, put them in jail. They couldn't handle
him because most of the Jews were of that reformists. Jewish. But
let's be practical here. Let's be seen here. Right? They shut him
up, they put him in jail. He was an extremist in the 80s went to
jail, he wrote a book called they must go, the title tells you
everything you need to know. So this group is 20%. And they hold
there's their one state solution, eliminate the Arabs all together,
with their dogs, with their with their, with their kids, with their
wives, with their sheep with their shepherd, Shepherd Dogs, if they
have any, with their everything, kill them all. And I'm going to
show you examples of this. And I'm going to show you where the books
that they're, that they get this from. And I'm going to show you
the Biblical verses they get this from, and I'm going to show you
the Chief Rabbi supported this and his lineage of scholars after him,
like a football coach has a tree, she also have trees, the next
group are very minimal. These are the Jews that we can talk to. But
we can talk to it's only on the surface level, because they're
complete secularists. And that first group says, let's let's do
our Israel in a nice way to state solution. Let the Arabs have their
own state. We'll live with George Judaism nice and peacefully. This
type of person is very we can talk to this person because he is
religious. But he's also sane. And he's kind and he says, let's let
the Arabs have their own state. And let us have an own say, and
they're the most marginal. They're only 5%. Right? And then there's
another group.
And that's they have 10% of the vote.
Okay, and they believe in also one state, but they're full on
liberals. These are the Tel Aviv gays, these are the nightclub
types. They're say one state, just like America, fully democratic
state. Okay. fully democratic state. Okay, full on reform.
Forget all this torah stuff. We're here. Let's just have a full on
democratic state with everyone treated equally. Okay. And they
only get like 10% So the bottom two are only locking up about
20% 15 20% of the vote. Just to tell you where everyone's thinking
the top that's that's your Jon Stewart type Thank you chocolate
Wallace is that's the Jon Stewart. As I said earlier, the New York
Hollywood and tell
Have you have Jews? All right? They did filming on the Sabbath.
They don't do any Sabbath. They eat pork they drink, I think even
orthodox can drink, but
they got nothing. All right. Now let's go now, to read to Rabbi
Meyer. Kahan. This is the guy who started who really launched it
all. And what is his deal? He wrote a book called, they must go,
Mayor Kahana This is the guy that you got to be aware of he his
lineage of followers, in any other sane society would have been put
off the side. Your guys are extreme, your radical. We need to
put you in a closet somewhere, lock the door and make sure you
never come out. Okay. But no, let me tell you about him first. In
the beginning, the nationalists, Israel is the regular, you know,
Jewish person wants to get along in society, called this person to
criminal rates racist and his people call her Nazis. His
radicals on the other said, he said, he's a visionary, his
radical supporters, he's a vision visionary hero of the Jewish
people. This guy is a Brooklynite. He's a New Yorker. This is an
American made guy. His dad was a rabbi Charles Kahana. As a
teenager, he became militant and he went to NYU this guy, and he
then he went to Mir yeshiva in Brooklyn. He got ordained as a
Brooklyn as a rabbi. And then he started to teach in the 60s, and
then he started to give rally to talk and give speeches and give
rallies. He is the founder of the JDL. So when you hear the word
JDL, you got to connect it to rob Americana, listen to what he's
gonna say. He says here that the Jew is weak and vulnerable, and we
will change it to one who is a mighty fighter who strikes back
fiercely against tyrants. He is the one who exacerbated black and
Jewish tensions in New York City. And he says every Jew, a 22
meaning no more pacifism, you have to have 22 It's a gun. Right? You
have to have one. So he is he's the type of Orthodox person that
he's the type of person who says this is the book we got to act
upon this we got to people have to die blood must be spilt. His
actions were deemed criminal. What is his first crime that he
committed? He got arrested for plotting to bomb the Dome of the
Rock. And he said this will end all peace treaties with the Arabs
and it will incite a full on war with Arabs in which will decimate
them all. And he was found guilty of that. His family moved to
Israel 1971 He founded a military anti Arab COSHH political party.
The party's platform called for the annexation of all conquered
territories, no Gaza no Westbank forcible removal of all
Palestinians. And he was jailed on several occasion. He was the first
Jew in Israel to be accused of sedition. Kahana ran for Knesset
and lost in 76 and 80, but one in 84. And his movement continued to
grow. All right, the college party was banned from running alright by
the Labor Likud coalition. All right, what's going to happen in
the future, all this followers of this crazy man here are going to
become sort of whitewashed cleaned up, they will join the Likud they
will go to law school, they will become governors, they are very
powerful. They're very powerful in the world today, okay, in Israel,
and the more powerful this group gets, you can bank on it, there's
going to be religious war, that's what they're inciting. He made it
to the Knesset. They then banned his party completely saying that
it the whole platform incites racism and war. Two years later,
1990 he was assassinated. But his message was they must go. They
call it a magnum opus. They come it's compared by liberal Jews to
mind cough. He also founded the yeshiva of the Jewish idea
seminary there in Jerusalem. And until today, it promotes his
ideas, that the Arabs must be killed. They have to be killed,
they have to be forcibly removed. And he says that is the only way
for Israel to survive. If you want to understand where the settler,
the biggest force behind all the sort of violence that's going on,
you must must understand, Rabbi Meyer Kahana. Kahan has followers.
Let's see what did Kahana has do this not just words. They have
murdered dozens of people. They have injured hundreds and they
have numerous violent attacks. Who was his followers? Baruch
Goldstein, Baruch Goldstein went to the masjid in Khalil and he's
shot up. He's a Brooklyn Jew 46 Muslims while praying federal, a
elected official in our world that we live in. An elected official
today in Israel is quoted as calling him the sweetest Jew that
I have ever met Baruch Goldstein.