Shadee Elmasry – The Ultimate Guide to Beards in the Maliki School AnNafrawi
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AI: Transcript ©
So first of all, the beard in the medical school is wedged for men.
Men have to keep a beard. It's a wedge for a man to keep it because
the prophets of Allah when he was salam
Amara and to offer
the beard should be left. Okay, in other words, you have a beard. So
what is the limit of this beard the bare minimum is that it's
apparent, okay as schicken mfine commented on that elbows that it
should be apparent, it's got to show that looks like you have a
beard. Get it's got to show. So this is the Umbra here is will job
on the prophesy Salam said that Allah commanded me it means it is
wedge up and there were none of the companions who shaved off
their beard. So the chef ama have a different opinion on that. So
you could go look with the chef AASA get as for the length it was.
So we said that's the minimum bare minimum that you are called, you
have a beard and you fulfilled this obligation to your Lord, as
he created you. And it's one of the things that separates men from
women. So what is the excess in the length or the is there a limit
in the length as we know, and Chef a school has no limit in the
length, but the medical school does have a limit in the length.
And that limit is that which it has to
there are two reasons for this limit. Number one, once it becomes
shorter, it becomes something that you become known for. Right? It's
something that people will start saying go to the man with the big
beard, get the guy with the big beard so once it goes to that
level, then it's not good
to have that that's what's discouraged. Okay, and that's and
to do that imagining that this is piety. Malik said he dislikes it.
What carry American blue hat did okay. That is from Kaduna yards
and now will we repeats it and others repeated all taking from
from that same from medic what Ketty him Malecon Tulou * he,
Tula he hated it to be very long. Okay? Why? Because that's not the
Sunnah of the companions. So the companions are going to hopped up
and Abu Hurayrah they used to grab their beard and cut what is
underneath it. So that's what's known as Al Qaeda. What is also
mcru is to use a blade and to shape it. All right, as some
people do.
Mostly, you know, some people do this, they shape it perfectly.
That's also my crew because that's almost like, at that point, it's
excess. It's also something that the Sahaba didn't do in shaping
their beard perfectly with a with them with a moose with a blade.
What's the other head that they put for it? The other limit is a
dish we when it's excessively long and and it becomes ugly a tissue
well Musleh Well, Kuba, it's the same pretty much same meaning at
Muslim it's like you're a deformed it's like a deformation of the
human being so we also mentioned that phrase, or that word, also
quoting the photo we on the mustache, so someone who has a
beard but shaves the mustache that medic considered that a Mithila
and he did not
approve of that he actually forbade that so medic looked at
the the action of the Sahaba none of them did that then it's
not to be descended the prophesy centum said trim the moustache so
if you trim it you have to have good get trim nothing right? It's
once it becomes long you can take from its length. So what is
another definition of long here long what is long, the normal this
is beyond normal now. It's not normal length, right. So there is
a norm what is the norm look around at what the pious Muslims
do and and that's what you're what the length of the length what too
long would be like because having it way too long, becomes ugly
longer than what people are accustomed to. Alright, so there
is an element of the law here of the beard where it's a matter of
custom element wartet either being a nurse being a nurse here between
the people means the practicing Muslims who pray five times a day
and the massage and and past Ramadan, etcetera.
The ruling on trimming it is min Dube and it is what is known
there's no limit on how much you can take provided that you still
have a beard and that is my Ted's that that that is what is known to
the people as a beard, he should he should trim it to the limit or
of what makes him look appealing to us you know be late what makes
him look good. And he cuts what is under the cup and we take this cup
the rule or guideline of the cup the from the Sahaba who would know
best on what the prophet meant right? When Prophet said keep a
beard who would know best they did. So they the length would not
pass the cup the the chin length or the fist length
And speaking of taking and clipping from the beard This
includes the sides and there's nothing wrong with taking from the
sides and many he says here is not medics opinion alone the
Companions themselves took from the sides and the tab he also took
from the sides trim off the sides not trim off the sides but trim
from the sides so that it would not be too long. It is recommended
to comit of what about how to combat tactile Hanoch Okay, so now
they differed on removing what is beneath the chin like this chin
part here. And so some of the Allamah here it says enough oh he
says that some of them said no, that is forbidden. Okay and others
said it is permitted. Okay. Why because it's from the fifth Raafat
to Kunal Izella to middle fitrah Okay, so they say different. So
here in the FRA we wants to bring the two together we'll have cool
young kin will Gemma it's possible to bring these two together. So he
says here when when the hair under the chin is improving the look of
the person and it's not harming the person then keep it but if it
has some harm to the person or it makes his beard look unsightly
then he may remove it so that's how he brought the two together.
And he says here the messenger himself Salah centimeters trim
from the sides and from the length and he can use to commend to take
from the bottom of the Lehi so that it won't be sightly that your
beard is longer from the chin than it is from from I mean this Hulk
part here this throat the throat part
Hey, what is the English word for this part of the face? This part
of the face what is the yeah the under chin? So would it be
slightly that you're under chin? hair is longer than your actual
chin here right. So here are the this is what it seems that the
prophets I send them is referring to regarding Balton Allah can a
moral and you have min Belton Allah here well Mushara will have
deep as for the chin hair, this cheek right here this cheek, all
What is the ruling on removing it? If not, if it says it can be
removed completely, okay. This right here can be removed
completely according to empanada who was from Tunisia, who was one
of the last it was the last
considered the last in which to hit in the med hub and ignore auto
foot lived I'll tell you exactly when he lived. He died 803 in
Tunisia 803 After the Hijra is considered the last of the in
which to hit imams in the meth hubs in the Maliki school, okay,
and his student is of no matter.
So even out of us, He permits that and so therefore the beard delay
will be the jaw bone area. All right. What is the unfuck? This
bar right here? The unfuck up is this element right here is takes
the ruling of the beard cannot shave it off. Okay, you can trim
it. But you cannot shave it off. What happens when it becomes
white? Can some people do as some people do pluck it out? Okay. He
says here at the Molson NIF. ABIZAID did not speak about this.
So now he quotes him a medic himself was asked about plucking
the white hairs of the beard. We'll call him early. Good. Hina.
So Ilan, who loved our lamb? Whoo hoo. Ha. Rahman. Were Turku. Illya
I don't know that it's the haram to pluck the white hairs of the
beard but leaving it is better is more beloved to me. And he says
now the correct answer is to remove the white hairs of the
beard is is is discouraged in the same way that taken a blade, okay,
and then going and designing the beard. Here's my crew, right
designing the beard you almost lose your masculinity you will
look like one of these types of right you know these people who
have literally a hair like It's like designed you're defeating the
purpose of the beard. Okay, so in the same way that this long
excessive beard is is disliked by medic because it's shorter. And
tissue we it's it's it's now you become famous for this so as your
brand as so to speak, and it becomes ugly to sweet right it's
not it's not it's not becoming and number three Makati phenomena
Sahaba Sahaba, used to hold and cut and the same thing around the
edges. Okay. So likewise the opposite extreme there's fraud and
sufferings in everything. There's a fraud and to free to get to know
the two extremes and you avoid those you stay in the middle.
That's one extreme. The other extreme is the guy. Yeah, he has a
beard. But this thing is a work of art. He made his face a tapestry
for some,
you know, some some some barber
To take a blade and make a design on his face, so it looks so
designed. Alright, so that's what Croteau so he says here that using
the blade to do that as Makoto which means that as long as you
have, so it's the blade element that makes it Makoto if it's if
it's just trimming it. This permitted if it's as long as it
fits the mod dads of the beard