Shadee Elmasry – The Ten Principles for the Science of Hadith ONLINE CLASS
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
sallahu wa ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early he was after he was
salam about my name is Hassan Salah and I will be teaching all
lumen Hadith in the upcoming term using the book that our chef and
teacher Dr. Sharon mustard wrote for the sciences of Hadith. And so
in order to give people who do not have much of a background, in the
sciences of Hadith, I will be going over the my bed luxury or
the 10 principles for a lumen Hadith and the MOBA de la Shura
are principles that a beginner student in any science can use to
help them conceptualize a science before getting into so that they
do not make mistakes in mixing up one science with another. You want
to know exactly what is Al Hadith from animal fat from also because
there are things that are called istilah technical terminologies in
each science and you do not want to mix them up between one science
and another. For example, the word sadhana mean something to the
scholars of will soon and mean something else to the scholars
effect and can mean something totally different to the scholars
of Arcada and so on and so forth. And not just as Tada there are
many other things that can mean something in one science and mean
something different and another science and so from the from the
signs of somebody who has done is that they put things in their
proper place, and that's something that we want to get right from the
beginning. And so we will go over a poem that lists these my bed at
Alaska, and so it goes in a bed colophon and Ashura I'll have dual
Maduro sama Samara when this button Wofford Lu who will well
there will this will list them dead Hawk Mushara Mercer you don't
well bah bah bah dicta woman Dar Al Jimmy has a short offer. And
the translation goes, Verily the principles for every science are
10 The definition the subject, and then its fruits, its relationship
to other sciences, its virtues and the founder, the name the sources
and the judgment of the lawgiver, meaning Allah subhanaw taala, then
the issues and then some satisfy themselves with part of it.
However, the one who knows them all acquires honor.
So we begin with ahead, and ahead linguistically means the end of
something or its limit or its barrier. And what we mean here is
the definition that RDF and the Allamah they seek for what is
called definitions are gem that mana, which translates to
comprehensive yet definitive, we want to look for definitions for
every science, that gather everything that has to do with
that science, however, block there's a limit that so that's
something that has nothing to do with the science does not enter
in. And so the definition that we have for Elman hadith is the
knowledge of principles that allows one to know the state of a
chain, and its text in order to accept or reject it. So we're
looking at two things. We're looking at what's called the
isnaad, the chain of narrators going back to whoever speaking,
and then the meta in the text, which is the words or what's going
on in the actual text where the Senate ends. Now we come to El
Salvador, which is the topic or the subject focus. And when we
look at Helaman Hadith we divided into two types. We have al Hadith
Leviathan, where Al Hadith the Royerton as for animal Hadith
Leviathan, this deals with the study of the sonnet, the study of
the chain itself, the chain of narrators connecting one to the
sonnet to the mitten, and then we have animal Hadith, the Royerton,
which is the study of the meanings of the text, the meaning of the
mutton, which is that which the Senate ends up, right so you have
the Senate and then you have whatever is going on in the meta
and the statements or the actions or what have you. And so we
understand that the main subject matter of animal hadith is
research into the chain and texts in order to accept or reject
And then we come to a summary of the benefits the fruits, what are
we going to get out of this knowledge? Why do we want to
bother ourselves with learning this there's a few reasons and I
will only go over a couple. The first is modified to say home in a
soccer game, which is to know the authentic the strong from the weak
narrations. Second is to protect the Sunnah from antagonists to
protect the Sunnah and the deen from the enemies of Islam. And
those people who want to come in and attack Islam, the enemies of
Islam they lost all hope in attacking the Quran. However, one
thing that they tried to do is go for the Hadith corpus itself. And
by doing and by studying this and we're able to protect ourselves
from the shuba hat that come from these people, and that we will not
be affected. We will have strong Eman, you're keen that what comes
to us from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam until now is authentic and
that we can trust it and we can use it as a source.
Next, this protects all of the other Sharia sciences because all
of the other Sharia sciences are built off out of many things, the
Hadith and so if we protect the Hadith, we protect all of the
other Olam.
And then next it protects us from attributing to the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that which he did not say or do
and this is a very important matter we do not want to
mistakenly attribute something to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam mistakenly
As the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the Moto letter, Hadith
and mutawatir means that it is a Hadith that is so far widespread,
it's impossible for it to have been a lie. And we will go over in
the course more details of what the mutawatir is.
And so the Hadith goes Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
men gathered by Allah Yamata handmaiden, familia turbo word
Mikado whom Anna Nagar
the translation goes, whoever lies upon me, let him prepare his seat
in the fire. And this is a very grave matter. The prophets Allah,
Allah made it very clear not to make up forgeries against him. And
so we do not want to be people who mistakenly carry these forgeries
as it is such a dangerous issue. off that point. We have the famous
scholar Abdullah Mubarak, who said, it's not been a dean, well,
no, let's not lock Allah, Masha, Masha, that is snad the chain
which is the main subject, that one of the main subjects that we
study in the science is the religion itself. And if it was not
for the isnaad, then whoever wants to say something about anything
can say what they want. And so this is not and this protects us
from these type of people who want to come in and talk from their
passions from their Hauer, from their desires.
Next, we have an expert on the relationship, the relationship of
animal Hadith to other sciences.
And so it is a part of the Illuma Sherea Sherea Sherea. And it
relates to all of the other sciences fic Arcada, tafsir. Every
other science you could think of, of the Sharia. This relates to it.
This science to master and know the science is a prerequisite to
being a scholar, Imam, no humbled said, if somebody does not know
the Sahaba from the soccer team, and does not know a NASA Coleman,
so then that person can never be called a scholar. And so for
somebody who wants to build themselves up and really
understand this religion, this is a science that we need to get down
to understand to learn it, and to really understand it holistically.
Next, we have fought boohoo its virtues. And there are many
virtues but we'll only go over a couple. This is one of the
greatest and not most honorable sciences from the Islamic sciences
because without it, this the Sunnah is not preserved. Without
the Sunnah being preserved, we cannot we do not have the ability
to follow the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
accurately and we have in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala says
called in quantum to have Boon Allah for Taglioni you become a
lawyer for Laguna welcome. Hola Hola. Fuhrer, Rahim.
Allah subhanaw taala says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam to say, if you love Allah, then follow me meaning the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah will love you and forgive you of
your sins. And so if we want to attain the love of Allah subhanaw
taala we need to follow the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam,
and in order to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we
need the Hadith we need the sunnah to be preserved. And that is the
virtue one of the many virtues of this Al Al Imam as a youth he said
ha Salah who had the will OMA be Felicity Usha al isnaad Will
unserved will Arab Imam assuta He says that Allah subhanaw taala
uniquely attributed three things to this ummah, he did not give it
to any other nation. And the first of these three is the snad is the
chain. This is something very unique to Islam. And without this
isnaad We cannot authenticate and verify our deen and this is what
differentiates Islam from any other religion because everything
that we have from the Quran and the Sunnah we can establish we can
firmly say with certainty with Yaqeen, that this is what the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and no other religion
can say such a thing for themselves.
And next we go to a while that the founder, the pioneer, are the
first to codify this knowledge. Now, before we get into this, it's
important to note that just because somebody is the founder of
a knowledge does not mean that they are the first ones to
actually use it. What we mean here by founder is the first one to
write about it. A full book codify it as its own science. So for
example, will Solon fake was codified by Imam Shafi. However,
scholars before Imam Shafi were using azul. However, it just
happens that Mama Schaeffer is the first one to write a full book
comprehensive book just about rasool and likewise, we have the
great quarter Sunni scholar, and kadhi, Abu Muhammad Al Hassan,
around Hornsey who passed away 360 Hijiri. And he's the first person
to write a book complete book dedicated to this science.
And so we understand from this that he is the founder. He is the
world that even though scholars before him spoke about the science
and use the color of the science, the principles of the science, we
have enamel Shafi in his reseller, who wrote extensively in his
research about the human Hadith however, he didn't he that book
was a book of also not a book of Hadith. Not a book was sold
Hadith. And so the elements say, this is not the first book on on
or solid head. It's the first book. It's a book on ossola
effect. And next we come to Al Wilder, the founder or the Pioneer
or the
First codify the science.
And this is the great photo Sunni scholar Accardi Abu Muhammad Al
Hassan Aranha. Rosie, he passed away in 360 Hijiri. And he's the
first write a full, comprehensive and complete book about the
science. Now it's important to note that just because he is the
founder of the science, that does not mean He's the first person to
speak about it, just as a Lima Masha is the first to write a full
book about Rasul Feck. He was not the first person to use OSU
principles as scholars who came before him were using it and so
did the sahaba. However, he is the first one to write a complete book
outlining the principles. And likewise, we have a chef around
Hornsey, who is the first one to codify the science in a full book,
and to spin it off into its own science before him, mr. chef and
he wrote in his research about the color out of animal Hadith,
however, he did not write a full book on it, it was part of a, a
greater of Seoul book and so the scholars say this, he's not the
welder. Right, he included it in his book on US soil, and many
other scholars who came before Shafi even they spoke and they use
the principles of Hadith, the animal Hadith, they use these
principles in order to authenticate a Sunni to transmit
Hadith. So it was something that was going on. However, the Sheikh
was the first one to codify it in a complete book by itself, and to
spin it off into its own science that can be later expanded upon.
And then next, we come to alyssum. The names and there are many names
for the science but we will suffice with the couple. The first
one is minimal Hadith. Then we have also al Hadith which is the
foundations of Hadith, Koba will Hadith principles of Hadith, and
will author the knowledge of narrations and masala Hadith
Hadith nomenclature or Hadith terminologies.
And then next we come to a list them that the sources and who is
the source of the science, who is the source of elemental Hadith the
source is none other than enamel NBS, say you will mursaleen
OhioHealth ala Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is
the source of this knowledge. And we have the source of this
knowledge being the Quran and the Sunnah in the Quran, Allah
subhanaw taala has many areas indicating us to use certain
principles to verify Hadith to verify certain things. And we take
a lot of the principles from the Quran. We have many ishara many
things from the Quran pointing us to follow the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam and this is something we will go over in
detail and in depth in the book in order to establish that the Sunnah
is something that is authoritative from Allah subhanaw taala in his
Next we have the regional the narrator's in the chains, they are
the source, we need to know which regional or which, which one is
which one is thicker, which one is good, which one is Mancha, Al
Hadith, which one we reject, right, which ones are liars, which
ones are fabricators, maybe some of them have weak memories, which
ones are okay, memories, these are all things that we need to know.
And these are the sources. And then they had the thin who do the
work in order to verify these Hadith that they came to us in a
sound way.
And next we come to Al Helcom. The home of Allah subhanaw taala in
this knowledge. And so we have two things, we have two things that
are called Alfred the line will first Keifa Okay, we have the
fourth line, which is obligatory, something that is obligatory,
obligatory upon every single Muslim. And these are things like
salah, taharah, Zakka,
Hajj, if you're able to make Hajj to know the rulings of these
things, before you get married to know the rulings of marriage and
divorce, and so on and so forth. And then we have what's called
firstkey failure, which is something that has an obligation
on the community. And as long as certain people there's an amount
of people fulfilling this obligation the whole community is,
is okay. But if nobody's doing it, then the whole community is
sinful. And so the hokum of animal hadith is that it is a fourth key
fire, it is a communal obligation.
And lastly, we come to Messiah al the issues the issues related to
masala Hadith and there are so many and there's so many that we
will go over in this book as we study it. However, we will go over
a small amount it is to know the so what are the conditions of a
sahih Hadith? How do we know it? So here? What is a Hassan Hadith?
What makes it Hassan as opposed to Sohei as opposed to life? What
makes a hadith Bife? What makes it fabricated? How do we know it's
fabricated? We have issues such as the Allah, the hidden defects of
headlights? How do we know if there's a hidden defect? Who is to
find a hidden defect? How does that work? The Shadow Hadith, the
irregular Hadith, the third least which is the masking of Hadith. So
what is that we'll have a whole case study about this Alamo riddle
the knowledge of the narrator's themselves and we'll go over
another case study relating to Alamo, regional and much more.
There's so many different topics but the main issue is the
authentication of the isnaad. That is the most that is the thing that
we're most concerned with.
And now we come to Mercer L, the issues related to the science. And
there are many issues that have to do with animal Hadith. And there's
so many to talk about. However, we'll go over a couple. The first
is the sahih. What makes the Hadith so what are its conditions?
What is a Hassan Hadith? What makes her husband as opposed to
say her life? What makes a hadith life? And where are the different
types of life? There are so many different types of life? And then
the fabricated Hadith How do we know it's fabricated the LOL of
Hadith, the hidden defects in Hadith and how all of that works,
the shadow Hadith, the irregular habits, we have to at least, which
is the masking of Hadith, certain people would mask certain Hadith.
And this is a big topic that we'll go over and we'll have a whole
case study on it. The ALMA regional ajaw deal, which is the
knowledge of the narrators and authenticating these narrators and
how that entire process works. And there are so many more that will
go over in this book. However, the main issue of the science is the
authentication of the isnaad that was what we are most concerned
with, and all of these in some way or another come back to the
authentication of isnaad. So that we have with certainty that what
came to us as the Sunnah is still intact. And so I hope that you
will join us in this term to study these different topics was sal
Allahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam was
Salam o Alikum