Shadee Elmasry – The Special Benefits of Srat Y Sn

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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First of all the merits of it is that

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it's called and more ima namely that it universalizing the

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blessings that Quran has So, soon he has seen as used to be recited

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for the dead, okay and is to be sued for any need that a person

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has. For example, I will know that they fought he says reciting Surah

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t as seen near a dying person makes the ordet or ordeal of death

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easy on him. All right, I will fit. So we're resetting yes seen

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when someone's dying. Abdullah ibn Zubair, he says whoever puts he

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has seen in front of his need, right, his needs will be

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fulfilled. Alright, so Sahaba gave these various narrations right?

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Even cut here. He says it's been related from the solder in that

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whoever recites suity has seen during the in the morning, right?

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He won't receive bad news and he will be happy until the evening if

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he recites it again. One Maghrib comes then he will be happy until

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Fajr. Right? Yeah, and he'll be even if he gets bad news, he will

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have the man to receive it. Right the man to receive it and not flip

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into a bad mood. And whether or the Allah on the cutter is the one

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who taught Musa alayhis salaam, one of his advices to Musa is

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conversion will attack Cunha Cabana, right. Be happy, be a

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happy person. Don't be angry. Don't be grouchy, or is it

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actually part of our deen to have a smile on and not be a grouch?

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It's actually part of Deen do that.

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Vickery coutume let's animate this is a very fire Ken Nelson irons as

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his as the lead water you know stronger than fire. Now. Water

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things that have to do is they don't

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