Shadee Elmasry – The Importance of Correcting a Wrong ( Q&A)

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of making an utterance of what is wrong is emphasized, as alcohol is a "point zero 1% alcohol." The speaker warns that anger from Allah's rule will affect people and that anyone who speaks of his words will be punished. The rule involves shutting down houses and putting water in front of one's door, and does not include anyone who speaks of the wrong word. The speaker also discusses the safety of living in air conditioning and the consequences of speaking out against the government. The speakers suggest giving advice to others and not saying anything until they have a certain amount of alcohol.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why, okay, true Iman requires it's a requirement to use your mouth

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make an utterance of what is wrong. Okay? At least an

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utterance, then Allah will hold you innocent. If you said

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something is wrong and told the perpetrator, okay, you're going

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and drinking a drink that says non alcoholic beer. But it has point

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zero 1% Alcohol is haram. Why? What's the rule that we have a

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ruling? If a lot will make it haram Haram, a drop is haram.

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So people are drinking this non alcoholic beer but it does have

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point zero 1% alcohol, right?

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We tell you is haram. And this is not like some kind of medicine you

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can go get a federal, even though specials are invalid. Unless

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there's no other medicine and you die. Okay?

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That you will literally die if you don't have this medicine. There's

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no other medicines, the only valid excuse you have. But someone I

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need to sleep. So I'm taking a night thing that has alcohol in

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it. It's now what's wrong. Okay? So it can make you drunk.

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You can't just say, Okay, I'm not doing it. But I'm not going to say

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anything because I don't want to rock the boat. Why? You should say

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something. Why? Because whatever anger of Allah comes upon that

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person, okay? It's going to reach you. Why is it going to reach you?

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It's a ship, that action right there becomes a ship, it becomes a

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And you did not get off the ship. You didn't partake in it, but you

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didn't get off the ship, get off the ship by verbally disapproving.

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And if you are the owner of a household, and this is your house,

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and you bought it and it's in your name, and you pay the bills. And

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it happened under your roof speaking is not sufficient. action

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is required. Again, this is your house, you own it. You pay the

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rent, you pay the bills, people you control the lock in the house,

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and your 17 year old son comes drinking something like that. You

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don't say oh my son, you don't go and do like, okay. Oh my beloved

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son. No.

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Okay, you verbalize it once and in the same setting. You don't say

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okay, next week if he does it again next week? No in the same

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setting, ask him politely This is haram please dispose of these

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drinks in the same setting. Okay, you are obligated to physically

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take it and remove it. You may do this in a gentle manner. Right?

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You don't have to make a drastic thing if you don't want to you can

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if you think is going to have an effect. But this just to show us

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our shitty our responsibility. Someone has a bad movie in the

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house on a DVD or on a computer.

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Here that hacking of that little house, okay, so you that little

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home that you run, you control the locks and you pay the bills and

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you own the home? You must shut that movie down. Okay. Yep.

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not everybody is offended. Anybody?

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or anything? Like I think?

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You can make any comments

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or somebody? Okay.

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Early relationship with somebody when you're engaging in, okay.

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Yeah, I see what you're saying. I'll tell you what it is. And I'll

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tell you what, we'll get a person to very easily speak. People don't

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speak because they perceive a harm.

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The problem is they don't perceive the long term harm. That is from

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the Divine, you can't control it. Allah will bring it down. If a

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haram happens, and we don't say something, okay. At that point, it

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is a Allah's will. Okay, this is a divine rule like chemistry like

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gravity, that harm that you do not speak of,

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okay? Allah will allow it to seep into your own home, if not your

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own self. Why? Because you have not spoken about it. That means

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you didn't get off the ship. That means when that ship sinks, you

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will sink with it. That means you did not close your door. So when

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that poison is flowing, and that fire is kindling over there, okay,

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you're speaking about it, shuts your door and puts water in front

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of my door. I spoke about it, the cost of that there'll be upset.

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Now, I don't want to make anyone upset. I don't want trouble.

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Everyone wants that. No trouble. However, when I think and I know

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for sure, certainty, as certain as Allah exists with certainty. This

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is Allah's rule. If I do not speak of that wrong, that fire will

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slowly trickle and after 20 years it's going to end up in my own

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living room.

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Allah gave me the chance to shut the door and put water there. The

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fire will have a limit, Allah will limit it. I'll give you an example

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of a very good example. Okay? There was tribulation in a country

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political issue in a country, okay? A party of those people

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spoke out against, okay? The ruler of that country. This is living

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today I've met these people. I've met these people living with these

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people spoke out against the ruler. They got exiled. And

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everyone said, look, they spoke, and now they're living thrown in

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some bizarre odd country as strangers

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10 years later,

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almost a lifetime. 10 years later, that country became pitted in a

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civil war. And nobody in that country lives a stable life

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anymore. But who lives a stable life, the people who spoke out and

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paid the price and were kicked out. They're now sitting enjoying

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children and grandchildren and food and sleep, and power and

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electricity and security and safety. Whereas those who did not

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speak and the country is Syria,

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the land is Syria. There were people that I met spoke out

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against half as an acid, what you're doing is wrong, the way

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you're leading this country is wrong. And they paid a price that

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they were put under hunted down until they had to flee to empty

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countries like Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and just what are you sitting in

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air condition? No friends, no people, just alone. In air

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condition. He eats every day. He drinks comfortably every day he

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sleeps. That's all he does. But 10 years later, the very people who

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said to him just be quiet and live. That's what they told him

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just be quiet and live world living, just accept it and live.

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And when he spoke out, he said, No, this is wrong. When he spoke

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out and we got sent to Qatar, they told him if you had just shut your

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mouth, look at us. We're living and look at you far from your

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family and your friends. Now 10 years later, who's living? Are

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they living peacefully? They're not. They're not they don't enjoy

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their money. They don't enjoy their family. They don't enjoy

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food. They don't enjoy weddings, and he's free. So now liquor can

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make a comparison. And he Allah gave him Masirah this man who I

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met in Qatar, what did he say?

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He said by Allah azza wa jal, this is a victory for everyone who

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spoke out a victory and a proof. You must. If you don't speak, the

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fire will enter your own home. They will enter your own home. And

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he says now I'm in a I'm in heaven compared to them. And we haven't

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even died yet. I'm in heaven compared to those people on Earth.

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He's living safely. The compound is safe. The coal land is safe.

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Now this is physical.

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This is physical. But is do we live only for the body? No. So

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when some haram happens, someone wants on a wrong belief. Someone

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goes on wrong action. If I approve of this,

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someone's watching my approval. These little creatures, you have

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little children. They don't understand anything. But they see

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Mom and Dad visiting every day with these people. They never say

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anything. Therefore what? No matter what they say, I know they

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won't cut me off. If I do that, because they didn't cut them off.

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It would have been much easier for them to cut them off. Or at least

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say something about that. They never said anything. They never

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acted. So kids make an instinctive analogy. He approves of that. And

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I'm his son, he should approve of me. And the thing is don't ever

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say yeah, it was not gonna happen to my family. Because New Halle

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Salem his wife didn't believe loot his wife didn't believe the wife.

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Not the kids who have their own independent will the wife who

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willingly joined him in life, about the kid who's not even meant

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to be he didn't ask to be to be your child. Allah brought him he

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has a separate will have his own. Okay?

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And it's a guarantee. This is why Allah azza wa jal says in the

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Quran, what taco fitna can lead to see Bender Ladino Vala momentum

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casa, beware of the wrong, it will not solely affect the one who did

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the wrong, it will affect everyone else. Okay, so I didn't, I didn't

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start drinking or start removing my hijab. So I didn't do that.

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But it's gonna affect you. Because if you're seeing approving of

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this, never saying anything, okay? And we're not saying cut people

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off. You might not have to cut people off. You might say, okay,

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my children are mature, don't understand. But you better say

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something. You better say look, we're going to this house. I don't

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think I approve that behavior. Okay. I don't approve of that. And

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you have to understand some

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Times nuanced doesn't work with kids. They won't understand

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nuance, okay? They understand blacks and whites, right? So, but

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even as whatever method you can, if you're forced, use your tongue,

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I'm forced to be in the same room and I better use my tongue. Say,

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look, we're going to visit this film. Those kids, they use foul

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language, you're not using that language, don't come and start

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copying the stuff. Okay, you got to you got to speak, or else the

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fire will come right into your own living room, if not into your own

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house, into your own heart. I mean, you might do the same. Was

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there someone I saw a hand go up again?

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Okay, so yeah.

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So it should do we need to find the person greed or is it

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sufficient to talk about the action itself as being wrong?

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We should give advice to the person

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and it could vary, it could be that it's a failure is to talk

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about the action itself.

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It should give a person advice and look at the people of Musa alayhis

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All of them had to undergo what's about to happen. Look at how they

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were punished. Look at how they were punished.

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