Shadee Elmasry – The Difference Between Madhab and Sects in Islam
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So, this comes up like in the famous Hadith, right that the
Ummah was split into these federal. And there's the field or
to Nigeria, right? The saved sect. So, so when they talk about *,
these are the saved sector or the Ellison. Right?
So * now, there's a few left in nakida. Left not
as fulfilled, is nothing to do with our call it right feel things
all just now about practice. How do you practice Islam? The FDF of
the Ummah is a Rama.
And this is why we know even from the stories of even the famous
story Benio carova. Right, so we know the Sahaba differed with
respect to praying salatu Lhasa as the Prophet alayhi salatu salam
informed them in Venezuela, when the time comes in, like Did he
mean something else? And then when they reported back to the Prophet
and your salatu salam, like half of them prayed and also time half
of them prayed later.
Then he accepted both right. So everything was actually accepted.
And we already know that, that things in the Sharia can be
fixed, right. So we know that for example, the specific amounts that
people will receive will receive as inheritance
after you know, after somebody passes away, is explicitly
mentioned in the Quran, like it's unchanging. So everything after
Shediac could have been like this. But in reality, the Sharia wanted
that to be enough. And this is why I feel F is actually Maqsood qlf
is sought healer for something which is accepted. And this is
it's a messy, and this is where the meth heads show up that it's
in secondary issues.
It's like
it's like I was traveling to in the McRib. And it was like the
first the first time my son had seen like monkeys.
Where did you go in infants?
Yeah, so. So it was the first time he's really is pretty young. So
it's like, he was like, how can people pray differently? Right.
And, and I said to him, No, I said, Look, everybody's praying
the same look, we all stand up. We all bow. We all prostrate, right?
So it's just some of the details is like, you know, some people
will have their hands by the sides, for example, right? And
then I said, Look, some people sometimes just about placements,
like where are you putting your hands and stuff everything else is
pretty much the same. Right? Everyone say the same thing. We
francais? You know same Quran being recited, it's like
everything's the same like so the Metalab is just now about the
interpretation and how you practice Islam was the second now
you have the saved sect like the Ellison the beliefs which have
been transmitted and preserved
and and then you have the various offshoots of that not necessarily
all students but but those who went who are who are still Muslim
that's why Dr. Ramadan booty has this
he has he has a book is published by Donald flickered a llama phobia
and no it's it's his book on a
medieval it's not whether he will Islamia it's not a physical
Islamia maybe will come to me but there's something like that. But
he talks about the various
like the amortization of for example, so far that's the point
right there Arcada is off, but they're not kuffaar inshallah this
fell from El Jana. Right. So there's still from the the most
The point being that these these other groups, even though I Aki
that might be off, and there'll be consequences to that, but there's
still people of Jana.
Okay, so would you agree with the saying The liberal
principle that sects deviate from Qatar etexts men hubs differ on
Vani texts, Qatari is explicit, unequivocal, has one meaning Vani
texts is that which has multiple meanings. Is that what do you
think of that statement?
I think that I think that works, because if you say, if there's a
deviation from that, which has got a it needs to be a quarter in both
its establishment and its indication, or it's the word and
it's the learner. If that's the case, then it's subject to each
Ma. So if you're going against the HMR, then this is clearly a sign
of deviation. Correct. Right. So, so again, the principle is that
that are disunity in Islam and the rejected in Islam deviate from
explicit texts the meaning is one no other interpretation method
in our interpretations interpret in explicit texts that can offer
multiple meanings. This is why we as Muslims accepts muda hip, but
we don't accept sects. Okay, all right now let's get zoom in again
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