Shadee Elmasry – The Difference Between Madhab and Sects in Islam

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of practicing Islam in the face of life-saving emergencies. They explain that sex is a source of reflection and that Islam is a natural source of transformation. The speaker also mentions various topics related to beards, hair, and body parts, including the theory of growth.
AI: Transcript ©
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So, this comes up like in the famous Hadith, right that the

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Ummah was split into these federal. And there's the field or

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to Nigeria, right? The saved sect. So, so when they talk about *,

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these are the saved sector or the Ellison. Right?

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So * now, there's a few left in nakida. Left not

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as fulfilled, is nothing to do with our call it right feel things

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all just now about practice. How do you practice Islam? The FDF of

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the Ummah is a Rama.

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And this is why we know even from the stories of even the famous

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story Benio carova. Right, so we know the Sahaba differed with

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respect to praying salatu Lhasa as the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

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informed them in Venezuela, when the time comes in, like Did he

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mean something else? And then when they reported back to the Prophet

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and your salatu salam, like half of them prayed and also time half

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of them prayed later.

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Then he accepted both right. So everything was actually accepted.

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And we already know that, that things in the Sharia can be

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fixed, right. So we know that for example, the specific amounts that

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people will receive will receive as inheritance

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after you know, after somebody passes away, is explicitly

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mentioned in the Quran, like it's unchanging. So everything after

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Shediac could have been like this. But in reality, the Sharia wanted

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that to be enough. And this is why I feel F is actually Maqsood qlf

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is sought healer for something which is accepted. And this is

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it's a messy, and this is where the meth heads show up that it's

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in secondary issues.

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It's like

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it's like I was traveling to in the McRib. And it was like the

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first the first time my son had seen like monkeys.

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Where did you go in infants?

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Yeah, so. So it was the first time he's really is pretty young. So

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it's like, he was like, how can people pray differently? Right.

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And, and I said to him, No, I said, Look, everybody's praying

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the same look, we all stand up. We all bow. We all prostrate, right?

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So it's just some of the details is like, you know, some people

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will have their hands by the sides, for example, right? And

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then I said, Look, some people sometimes just about placements,

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like where are you putting your hands and stuff everything else is

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pretty much the same. Right? Everyone say the same thing. We

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francais? You know same Quran being recited, it's like

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everything's the same like so the Metalab is just now about the

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interpretation and how you practice Islam was the second now

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you have the saved sect like the Ellison the beliefs which have

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been transmitted and preserved

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and and then you have the various offshoots of that not necessarily

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all students but but those who went who are who are still Muslim

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that's why Dr. Ramadan booty has this

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he has he has a book is published by Donald flickered a llama phobia

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and no it's it's his book on a

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medieval it's not whether he will Islamia it's not a physical

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Islamia maybe will come to me but there's something like that. But

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he talks about the various

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like the amortization of for example, so far that's the point

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right there Arcada is off, but they're not kuffaar inshallah this

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fell from El Jana. Right. So there's still from the the most

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The point being that these these other groups, even though I Aki

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that might be off, and there'll be consequences to that, but there's

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still people of Jana.

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Okay, so would you agree with the saying The liberal

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principle that sects deviate from Qatar etexts men hubs differ on

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Vani texts, Qatari is explicit, unequivocal, has one meaning Vani

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texts is that which has multiple meanings. Is that what do you

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think of that statement?

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I think that I think that works, because if you say, if there's a

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deviation from that, which has got a it needs to be a quarter in both

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its establishment and its indication, or it's the word and

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it's the learner. If that's the case, then it's subject to each

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Ma. So if you're going against the HMR, then this is clearly a sign

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of deviation. Correct. Right. So, so again, the principle is that

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that are disunity in Islam and the rejected in Islam deviate from

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explicit texts the meaning is one no other interpretation method

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in our interpretations interpret in explicit texts that can offer

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multiple meanings. This is why we as Muslims accepts muda hip, but

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we don't accept sects. Okay, all right now let's get zoom in again

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to one of the furore the beard in the Hanafi school for many people

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need to know how to grow their beard, shaving, trimming, cutting,

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lengthening all those muscles. What is the Colin fuss on the

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Hanafi school in the beard

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