Shadee Elmasry – The Devil’s Trick Extremism
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The speaker discusses the concept of extremism and how it can destroy people. They use the example of Scott as an example of someone who pushed people off the cliff and caused them to go up against them. The speaker believes that individuals are more likely to be embarrassed and hesitant than embarrassed or hesitant.
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extremism. We're a religion that's very cautious of extremism,
extremism is a trick of the devil. If he can't stop you, he pushes
you off the cliff, when you can't stop somebody from going. The only
other way to destroy them is to push them harder. And ematic was
very cautious about extremism. He lived with the early generation of
Muslims. And he saw that they didn't like the extremes. He
didn't like the huge beards, you don't need more than than this
much, if you can grab it cut from under there. Why do I say that
beard because it's the most apparent thing. If no matter what,
as a companion, no one followed the prophets example more than him
and he's the one who needs to grab his beard and cut from under
there. That's just an example. But there's extremism and everything
in manners. There's extremism, being polite, or Federation has
extremism. And how do you know the extremes by living with moderate
scholars meeting monitor Scott's asking, looking at the pious
people and their behavior