Shadee Elmasry – The DANGERS of Shaykh-Student Relationship
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You, hey, I need you to watch out or or forget that. Let's say, take
care of my money for a few minutes. Here's a bag of gold.
You're like, Oh my gosh. This is a disaster. This is a disaster. This
is not fun, right? This is an Amana for my most beloved person
that I want him to love me so much and I love him already, right?
You're gonna be like, counting down the minutes by when he takes
his money back. That's in Amana.
That's how teachers should, should treat their students. Allah sent
this AB to me, maybe to teach him something good. Maybe I want to
discharge this relationship Okay, as soon as possible, so that Allah
is pleased with me. Omar ibn Khattab said, I wish that Allah
would take me on the khalafa My Account, nothing for me, nothing
against me. And he expanded the Ummah so much we the Ummah owes
him so much, right? He did so much. But his, his intent was, I
hope I have nothing against me. That's it. Even have no no throw
up, but no sins, no Hasan at no sins, no good deeds, no bad deeds.
I think you should do that with your kids, with all relationship
Allah sending your way, you have to treat that your kids. What do
you mean, your kids? It's Allah's creation that he caused to come
and only used your physical DNA to make their physical body. But the
nefs is from Allah a whole different human being, right?
Every single kid that a person has in their family, it's a whole
different human being, completely. Being, completely. Only thing is
that your half of your DNA was used to make their physical body,
which will turn to dust, and then Allah charges you. You have to
feed them. You got to care for them. Give them a good childhood,
educate them. In the deen, there's a big, huge Amana, you know what
else? When you treat kids, it's very easy to bully them around and
smack them around. And sometimes they deserve it. Let me rephrase,
most times they deserve right? But what holds you back? Imagine in
your mind the resurrection, and the tables are flipped. Now.
You're no longer the superior. You're the same age. You don't
have as many good deeds, and he has a lot of good deeds. You would
love to say, Son, I need some of your good deeds, but now it's not
son anymore. You're you and you him are the Yes, you are father
and son, but you're equals. Now he owes you nothing in the in the Day
of Judgment, nobody owes anybody anything. The obligations are
done. He can turn his back on you. So we also have spiritual
trainers. It's called a Murabbi. We're not talking about that
because that's a different level. We're talking about talking about
the one who's just teaching his a person, the Dean Tajweed, Akita
fiqh. You don't have the right to tell them, just trust me, because
he's there to learn verifiable information. But when you're
learning verifiable information of Quran and Hadith, you don't say,
trust me, this is the ruling. Trust me. No, here. He is a
student of verifiable, verifiable information. Therefore he has the
right to know what the information is. And why is that the case?
However, he the teacher has the right to say, I will tell you, but
not now when we get to that chapter. Because likewise, the
teacher has the right to say when things are going to be said. Many
students will say, Okay, what's the obligation of Salah? Oh, is
this sunnah or not? Hold on, stop. We'll get to the chapter on sunnah
later, right? There's obligations of Salah today, sunnah later. So
the teacher must educate on what it is and why it is, but he
doesn't have to do it at your timing. He can say, we're going to
get to that at the later chapter, because otherwise we have chaos in
the classroom. The halakah becomes a chaos. It's very important to
know the difference between these things and Allah subhanahu wa.
When Ibrahim asked questions, he answered them. It's not from a
type of Taqwa to have no knowledge about why I'm doing what I'm
doing, right? No, that's not what that's not what it is i.