Shadee Elmasry – The DANGERS of Shaykh-Student Relationship

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of treating children properly and not just giving them everything they want. They also mention a spiritual trainers called Akita and a teacher calledbing. The conversation is difficult to follow and appears to be a distraction from the speaker's own thoughts.
AI: Transcript ©
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You, hey, I need you to watch out or or forget that. Let's say, take

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care of my money for a few minutes. Here's a bag of gold.

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You're like, Oh my gosh. This is a disaster. This is a disaster. This

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is not fun, right? This is an Amana for my most beloved person

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that I want him to love me so much and I love him already, right?

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You're gonna be like, counting down the minutes by when he takes

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his money back. That's in Amana.

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That's how teachers should, should treat their students. Allah sent

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this AB to me, maybe to teach him something good. Maybe I want to

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discharge this relationship Okay, as soon as possible, so that Allah

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is pleased with me. Omar ibn Khattab said, I wish that Allah

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would take me on the khalafa My Account, nothing for me, nothing

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against me. And he expanded the Ummah so much we the Ummah owes

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him so much, right? He did so much. But his, his intent was, I

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hope I have nothing against me. That's it. Even have no no throw

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up, but no sins, no Hasan at no sins, no good deeds, no bad deeds.

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I think you should do that with your kids, with all relationship

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Allah sending your way, you have to treat that your kids. What do

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you mean, your kids? It's Allah's creation that he caused to come

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and only used your physical DNA to make their physical body. But the

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nefs is from Allah a whole different human being, right?

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Every single kid that a person has in their family, it's a whole

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different human being, completely. Being, completely. Only thing is

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that your half of your DNA was used to make their physical body,

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which will turn to dust, and then Allah charges you. You have to

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feed them. You got to care for them. Give them a good childhood,

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educate them. In the deen, there's a big, huge Amana, you know what

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else? When you treat kids, it's very easy to bully them around and

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smack them around. And sometimes they deserve it. Let me rephrase,

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most times they deserve right? But what holds you back? Imagine in

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your mind the resurrection, and the tables are flipped. Now.

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You're no longer the superior. You're the same age. You don't

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have as many good deeds, and he has a lot of good deeds. You would

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love to say, Son, I need some of your good deeds, but now it's not

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son anymore. You're you and you him are the Yes, you are father

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and son, but you're equals. Now he owes you nothing in the in the Day

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of Judgment, nobody owes anybody anything. The obligations are

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done. He can turn his back on you. So we also have spiritual

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trainers. It's called a Murabbi. We're not talking about that

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because that's a different level. We're talking about talking about

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the one who's just teaching his a person, the Dean Tajweed, Akita

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fiqh. You don't have the right to tell them, just trust me, because

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he's there to learn verifiable information. But when you're

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learning verifiable information of Quran and Hadith, you don't say,

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trust me, this is the ruling. Trust me. No, here. He is a

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student of verifiable, verifiable information. Therefore he has the

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right to know what the information is. And why is that the case?

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However, he the teacher has the right to say, I will tell you, but

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not now when we get to that chapter. Because likewise, the

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teacher has the right to say when things are going to be said. Many

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students will say, Okay, what's the obligation of Salah? Oh, is

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this sunnah or not? Hold on, stop. We'll get to the chapter on sunnah

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later, right? There's obligations of Salah today, sunnah later. So

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the teacher must educate on what it is and why it is, but he

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doesn't have to do it at your timing. He can say, we're going to

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get to that at the later chapter, because otherwise we have chaos in

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the classroom. The halakah becomes a chaos. It's very important to

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know the difference between these things and Allah subhanahu wa.

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When Ibrahim asked questions, he answered them. It's not from a

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type of Taqwa to have no knowledge about why I'm doing what I'm

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doing, right? No, that's not what that's not what it is i.

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