Shadee Elmasry – The Cream of Tafsir – NBF 416 – 2

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The speakers stress the importance of learning Arabic and its connection to various programs, as it is crucial to life. They also discuss the importance of practicing the curriculum to become more knowledgeable and expert, and the use of deadly water as an analogy for finding a partner. A chef in a hot area is mentioned, along with the use of a hoof as an analogy for finding a partner, and the importance of waterproofness and long distance walking for physical health issues.
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All right, let's get to what else would
you like to tell us about your Suffragette
Tafsir I would like to stress as well.
I think As you mentioned in the beginning
this it's under it's under the the rubric
of argue Arabic and I get People would
be asking why is why is that the
case or why is it's not like a
separate course?
no, because I I'm really really trying to
stress the importance of Arabic and to seer
it goes hand-in-hand learning Arabic goes
hand-in-hand with the series this year
goes hand-in-hand with learning Arabic.
So So again eat when you when you
sign up inshallah when you sign up for
the program For the Tafsir you get everything
else as well You have access to all
the other courses all the live sessions all
your recordings all your levels With what now
who was solved with Bridging the gap the
comparative every English every English grammar course all
the other every programs.
It's all available So because even you know,
we were just talking before we got cut
off We were talking about how you know
People have funny assumptions about about things that
they don't they don't like people go through
hope their whole life not knowing the fact
they have yeah, not the meaning in the
fatty like One of my dear friends here
in Bradford Sheikh Saad La Pause like he
like because he runs a school again for
for to do eat teaching to do eat
and heffel We were talking about Arabic parts
the Arabic language and he said he said
that yeah look one time one of the
kids parents said to him like yeah, I
wanna Tell me so much.
He said this said yeah, I want to
understand the Koran.
I don't want to learn Arabic ajib It's
like okay.
So what you want you want to breathe
with your mouth and nose closed you ever
hear of a no as him You know,
it doesn't it doesn't Yeah, it doesn't fit.
So I want to play baseball, but I
don't want to hit Yeah Yeah, I'm not
It's just so I think that that's that's
what I'm really trying to push People in
that direction to see that connection importance of
Arabic because it just cannot be lost and
we don't want to go that way where
people are Relying on quote-unquote translations of
Koran or thinking that Arabic is not absolutely
And again, I repeat again I think we
discussed this last time like she got what
demons are Connie In his book a big
Hanafi Egyptian.
I didn't 1948 or him a whole law
in his book No, I think I'm from
the Quran when he's talking importance the Arabic
language He said yeah, he said you have
to think of you have to think of
the Koran as a king and he sits
on the throne of Arabic Mm-hmm sits
on the throne of Arabic.
So if you remove the throne what's left
of the king?
That's true They also We learn Arabic so
much easier if there you learn the language
so much easier if there's a reason to
learn the language Like that's one of the
things like I noticed a lot of Shabab.
They they they're not good at school Mm
-hmm, and they come into to Islam and
Dean and they're like burning everything up like
they're tearing it up Well to use a
better term.
They're like Eating it all up.
Yeah, and They're speaking another language and their
parents are like we cannot believe this this
person who barely eat into school Right is
speaking another language a classical language and reading
it and The answer is really simple your
kid wasn't good to school because he was
had no reason to do it.
There's no motivation You give him a religion.
It's like life.
This is the purpose of life.
This is the creator.
This is Where we're talking about eternal life
is afterwards Right based upon this he's got
a huge motivation, right?
This is the path of your creator He's
laid down for you.
So now he is whizzing through knowledge, and
that's one of the big problems with education
If you secular education never gives a motivation
like what is the motivation other than to
get a job to pay taxes to recreate
the system?
All right.
Yeah Just to be a cog in the
What does it kill time?
Sometimes it just feels like it's just an
expensive babysitting service.
Oh, that's totally yeah It's killing time.
I think also just just to fall into
your points.
I'll share this clip with you I was
sharing it with all my students on the
art view.
What's up groups a study that was done
showing how you know Arabic?
unlike most languages It sort of activates the
left side of brain and the right side
of brain and the frontal cortex where a
lot of languages They just stick to the
left side of brain.
Mm-hmm Arabic actually activates that tell me
about that.
How does that happen?
Just because of all the structure and the
fact It's something to do as well with
the the fact that you write Arabic from
right to left.
Hmm, right?
that's a huge part of it because I've
I've I've come across Because there's something about
going from right to left which is part
of the fit, huh?
So just like I can just expand on
that because one of my teachers Remembers me
a long time ago.
He said that he knew someone again from
the u.s. Who?
Was dyslexic in English, but not in Arabic.
Mm-hmm Right.
I G English but not but not in
That's crazy.
All right, and And then and then and
then I came across and then and then
I think I was told that like Japan
had a similar situation because And then when
I was teaching Arabic, I was teaching Arabic
at Nottingham Trent University between 2006 2008 and
I had a Japanese colleague Who's teaching Japanese?
I was in charge our Japanese so I
sat down with him in a chat and
I said I said tell me I said
is it true that that That dyslexia in
Japan started after the colonialist made you write
your language the way around And I could
think because they go down the page, but
again, they used to go from left to
right But then the Europeans those lovely people
they made them go from the other direction
go from left to right And then they
start getting and they start getting dyslexia and
some other learning problems right That's it that
language So so so Arabic as we know
it goes from right to left But also
just just the structures of the fact that
it's so well patterned Yeah Like with the
roots with the way you build up from
a tribal root and you expand outwards the
grammatical rules everything everything fits It just it's
it's like it's um It's like therapy for
your brain Right, there's you just using Arabic
reading Arabic writing Arabic.
It's therapeutic.
It's a it's a toxin It's a tonic
the tonic for your brain is improving your
So I'll share that study with you and
it's just like it just has that a
amazing factor again all these indications of of
where Like how we have how do we
produce only brain of the man?
How do we personally bring in fingers and
the lack of Arabic shows yeah, you know
back back in the day, they looked at
the a Child in Egypt who studied at
memorized the Quran at the at the old
what's called the Qutub system Which is basically
you sat and you were drilled in surahs
all day and all night All right, you
did this and you would recite something maybe
300 times in the in Before the whole
then take a break then after the Sun
sets a little bit or Sun is not
so harsh You recite it to the Shaykh
again And that's how you memorized Half a
page and within three you do this every
day and they didn't have a such thing
as vacation Friday was on the vacation So
you do this for three by three years
of doing this you memorize the whole Quran
They said that those kids had a vocab
hovering around 10,000 words by age 7
Because the kid would start this at age
5 be done by 7 8 years old.
He's finished the Quran hips He'd have vocab
about 10,000 words and he'd have stories
to tell and wisdoms to talk about because
for the content of the Quran and when
the colonialists came in and they made people
ashamed of that and they fought that And
some of the weak minded people in Egypt
brought on to that.
They canceled the Qutub and it became only
a thing for the farmer class of people
the poor At that point the average vocab
of a kid at the same age Was
hovering around 4,000 words So Where is
your nation gonna go when the starting point
of your kids?
Has dropped in terms of the vocab that
they have and the ability to speak You
know the words that they know by more
than 50% Yeah, right you cut that
by more than 50 so the colonizers the
French and the British they really knew what
they were doing there was What The Jesuits
in France, there was a Jesuit priest who
was part of the colonizing project of Algeria
He said you'll defeat the Muslims When you
take that turban off his head the beard
off his face and the beads out of
his hands You'll know he's defeated like that's
that those are the hallmarks.
It doesn't matter what he says after that
But if those three markers are there Let
me tell you something about Arabic.
That's so amazing of how the articulation of
Arabic You have three words in the Quran
that are used you have much Mustafa Mujtaba
and Mukhtar And Mortada we have four words
Mortada In Arabic Mukhtar, Mujtaba, Mustafa.
So what's the difference between the four of
Mustafa chosen for for purity Chosen because he's
pure there are no defects or blameworthy qualities
Mujtaba Chosen to be drawn near as opposed
to an ambassador you choose him and send
him away right Mortada Chosen because he's pleasing
to you I could I choose a plumber
or I choose a surgeon not because I
like I want him, you know near me
all day Just chosen for his competence.
That's it.
Not because I like your company Mortada chosen
because his company for you is Rida.
It's pleasing and then Mukhtar Chosen chosen because
of his Khair Chosen for his good qualities
Right his competence and other good qualities So
you look at these four words and if
you were translating a sentence in Arabic with
one of these four words You just say
chosen, right?
but each one of them when they're when
they come together and They're they're like surat
Maryam is for example given the word istafa
and istaba Right and different these different words
are used in different times There's a reason
for it and those are the four different
meanings of Mujtaba most of a mortal and
Mukhtar And you teach that I just taught
that actually to some high school kids and
they're like, whoa, this is like just like
so intricate Yeah, not only chosen but why
you're chosen More for what you're chosen built
into the same word Yeah, that's the richness
like that again, that's and that's why I
just can't not translate this stuff Yeah, somehow
you just you lose so so much.
How about another one?
In surat ar-rahman and Najmu was shudder.
Yes to den hmm And Najmu was shudder.
Yes to den So the stars and the
trees trees the most dominant translation for that,
Yeah but if you actually look at the
tough I see if that's that's not the
dominant meaning because Everything in that surah is
matching right?
Where where is the matching?
Where's the correlation between stars and trees?
hmm the the Najm in fact does not
mean Stars in this verse it refers to
trees that grow on their stomach vines basically
I'm a crawlers.
That's what a Najm is.
Oh, wow Ivy, yeah like Ivy and shudder
is what stands up, right?
So it's talking about both types of vegetation
Najmu was shudder.
Yes to den Yeah, we don't go into
the Quran.
You see so many like intricate little details
that are amazing We can go on all
day how about this one surat al-baqarah
We've cut out from Nessa federa to infeo
Allah I'm not gonna come back on some
tech to move for quinn.
I'll be back in a real motel.
We'll give you my idea I'll let them
talk it on some Cossett Colubacom then your
hearts became hard They are Cal hijara.
Oh, I said do I do possible?
Yeah Yeah, so the Olima now have a
theological question mark here.
How can God say that their hearts are
hard as Rock or harder.
So does he not know right?
Does he not know and so the answer
to that is that there is a type
of Eloquence in the Arabic language Balaga, which
is known as it's kind of shaky for
I mean It's final right inserting inserting doubt
Yeah so it's it's really what it means
here is Their hearts are as hard as
No even harder Right.
Oh and and the human doesn't know what's
harder than a rock, right?
Yeah, we don't know It's harder than a
So a rock is given originally as the
metaphor and then they're even harder than that
So that's an interesting thing and the prophets.
I said him uses that Uses that Bala
too when he says I received a dream
of Aisha given to me in a silk
bundle I opened it and lo and behold
it was Aisha.
And then he says if this dream is
from Allah, he will make it happen So
again, how can a messenger not know?
That the dream is from Allah like clearly
it you you know how to interpret revelation
For example, the Prophet doesn't receive Quran.
It says if it's from from Allah recite
it, right?
He knows it's from Allah and he knows
the dream is from Allah and the dreams
of prophets are truth.
It's not maybe So they also say it's
it's kind of sucky for the yuppie it's
and it's it's it's Showing that you believe
something so much that you put it in
a question form.
Yeah, okay.
It's almost they say and someone recites so
well or Presents something so well and you
ask the question.
Is this not a great reciter?
Yeah Well, you know, it is a great
reciter, but by putting in a question form
Then you're Actually increasing it.
Yeah, it's emphasizing it even more And then
Let's take one more while we're at it
while we're at a roll here Then Allah
Ta'ala makes the rocks innocent Hmm in
the next in the same verse said their
hearts are hard as rock as hard as
rocks or harder But then he then actually
shows you that rocks are good So he's
basically making the rocks innocent because the rock
is hard to fulfill his function on the
earth And he says even such rock you
can benefit from he says there are rocks
rivers from which rivers pour forth There are
some rocks that crack open and have water
inside them And then there are some rocks
that collapse out of fear of God so
More fascinating say this has two meanings.
The number one meaning is a these are
Just a sign from Allah telling us literally
what are happening with the rocks on the
earth So this is about rocks on the
There are some rocks from which Rivers forth
forth and that was through miracle the time
of Prophet Musa.
How they set up and and the the
rock poured forth from 12 different parts of
the rock so that the Bene, so they
can get water and then there are rocks
from which water pours forth and rocks that
collapse from mountains So these are all physically
true but more importantly and Is the Islam
ever how to come in good?
More importantly How are these rocks a similitude
for the believers hearts?
This is amazing.
He says here that the rock from which
rivers pours pour forth The water goes out
to the to where the people need it,
that's the day.
Yeah Well, he goes out to the people
Remember had that says the difference between the
scholar and the day the scholar goes that
the day goes out to the people He
goes to them speaks to them in their
language and what relates to them convinces them
so Women at hijara to make the federal
men who and her There the from there
are rocks that water pours out from them.
The river pours out to the people And
then Then the other analogy of the rock
is that which cracks open and there's water
in it So the difference here, that's the
rock and the water that you have to
come to that's the scholar Remember that says
the scholar stays put and people come to
him the day goes out and then lastly
may have bittu Min khashayat Allah, that's the
one who the light of piety shines so
bright on his heart And his mind he
couldn't do anything Except worship Allah Ta'ala.
He doesn't do dawah or teaching and that's
the zahid and abid We can keep going
Once you open up with this, it's see
you get these non-stop and that's why
the Quran literally is an ocean like that
So, how are you gonna do this?
Are you gonna share?
Someone's asking?
What is the prerequisite number one?
There are no official prerequisites no official prerequisites
Obviously knowing the more Arabic, you know, the
Yeah The the the structure will be to
put the to seer on the screen and
we just reread the Arabic and we translate
So you're putting a PDF up?
Yeah and going line by line.
I'm telling you this is their Tashkir on
the PDF No, I Can add them Take
too long.
I could read I could read them out.
So the people know like if people people
ask so I'll figure it out But I
think that's what people will enjoy because I
think you know, I've been reading over the
muqaddimah a few times I Should probably somebody's
is his introduction and it the whole thing
took him five years it took him five
years to write the tips here and so
when he sits down and he does his
introduction because You know when a scholar does
the introduction to a book that's that's like
the last thing they write Right, and that's
when they sort of explain to you like
what they went through why they were the
book and the experience and it's like a
beautiful kind of They kind of let you
into their world and say this is what
this is what Allah did with me And
this is how this book came about.
So yeah, you have to think for him
He's like he spends he spends he spends
five years just doing to serious research into
seers spending time with the likes of some
like mama called to your mom get the
year or the Tabari and laws and all
these Giants So just the first the first
line of the Muqaddimah just kind of knocks
you off your feet because he just starts
off and he says He says Alhamdulillah, he
levy and all our Coluby bad.
He'll Moomin in BQ tab.
We know Ricky tabby movie tomorrow All right
So by praise praise be to Allah who
enlightened or illuminate the hearts of his believing
slaves with a light of his clear book
All right like this is this is like
this is what he's come to after all
that study all that work all that effort
and He's just praising Allah for that experience,
you know that just to spend all that
time with Allah's speech So I don't know
that time with the Mufasa don't to put
all that together And then he just takes
it from there and explains why he did
what he did what he noticed what why
he saw the need for this to get
advice from people and and And why it's
called something to fast see it again We're
looking at you know, the the pithiest bits
the best bits the cream of the texture
literature and giving it to you in a
nice easy digestible fashion and That's why we're
trying to do it.
We're trying to do this like on a
weekly basis We just want to do an
hour a week.
We don't want to Overburden people we don't
want to intimidate people we want to go
at a nice Gentle pace.
We don't again.
We don't want to feel that we're you
know yearning for more on the center We
don't want to feel that we're We're taking
on something too much.
We're biting more than we can chew and
We just ask Allah for the Tawfiq to
finish it because I think that I think
that's just an amazing thing Like like I
like I was saying to one of the
students on what's upers two days ago Just
as I just think like if we can
get this done if what does the feed
to get us done?
You know we we go back to all
law and we say we didn't just read
your book We took the time to actually
understand it.
We took the time to reflect on it
We took the time to make sure that
we we know what every word means What
time is it in England to this class?
11 p.m. This will be 11 p
.m. Saturday Saturday.
So basically after you've done all your Saturday
business with your family then you open up
Good job II and you get into Arcview
and you go into Sheikh Mehdi's room, which
room will it be in it's gonna It's
We call it 501.
It's 501.
Yeah, it's own room Yeah, it's on class.
Yeah Arabic 501 soft at the fast here.
Very good.
You know what and that is Minus 5
6 p.m. Saturday.
Yeah in New Jersey.
Yeah, I might have it pop into that
No, I might pop into that I'm not
kidding, right It's one hour No, I might
have me and my kids might pop into
that so that we can Learn a whole
purpose of this live stream in this podcast.
It's almost Dawah to knowledge Mmm, right.
It's Muslims who are you know, they're in
Islam, but we're telling you knowledge is The
path that is the path This is the
some of the scholars said if the Foucault
aren't the people of Allah the awliya Allah
then he has no people others said if
the Hadith scholars are not the people of
Allah if the whole father not all of
these are the people of Allah subhana Wata
'ala so and and the ethic is very
important One of the things is that this
is a non-stop think The Olima never
have a concept of graduating.
Yeah, so such thing There's just a period
where you studied a bit more than you
have more responsibilities in life And so you
studied a bit less but in for example
in daughter Mustafa, I pointed to a 74
year old student mmm enrolled Sleeps there 74
years old in one of the Majalis of
the classes on shot on ease I Wouldn't
want to go home.
Ah one of the men reading was an
owner of a shop Mmm, and this is
after fetch.
So he comes praise Fajr at our Mustafa
and he was there so he was the
one reading the Hadiths right to the Sheikh
and He's the owner of a shop with
a white beard right So it doesn't stop
it never ends and if you're someone who
works if you're somebody who thinks oh I
can't be a student because I have this
Western concept of student where you need to
be young and To be doing nothing else
for four years.
You've got it wrong.
It's not the case.
How it is at all One of our
great one of your teachers, I believe Sheikh
Salmon and us isn't he one of did
you cross paths with him?
enough No Okay, so but in Syria Sheikh
Salman and us was a medical doctor.
Yeah Yeah, and he took the classes, but
he never stopped taking the classes in the
masjid Mmm until he's now a sheikh.
I'm sure he's a governess.
I guess he governs the same.
He's a surgeon.
Yeah Yeah, that's that's nothing that again we
should really stress like like like people need
to get out of that funk of thinking
that Islam has to be studied in practice
in like some pristine environment far away from
everyone else like no it has to be
done You just put it in your as
part of your daily life.
It just fits in Yeah, you just have
to do that way.
Like I again I was Talking with my
teachers not that long ago because we were
we were looking at people but daddy's book
Table for tip, but the fuck and there's
all these narrations that he has in there
There's one chapter all about like seeking knowledge
until you die until you die like this.
It's never too late.
It's never too late Just put the effort
in don't don't think oh, it's too late.
I'll never become a fuck It's not the
The fact is that I tried that as
he put the effort in and again in
the UK like like He told me about
an old man in the UK who started
he started he started memorizing the crime when
he's when he was retired He was like
in his 80s subhanallah he was in he
was 80 and he retired and and and
and He so he he had them So
he just got one of the local Arab
Imams to sit down with him Cuz this
is like this is just like this.
This is just like his lifelong goal, right?
like just memorize crying he finally had the
time and Any anyone meet with the with
the imam for like like between like say
6 a.m And 10 a.m. In
the morning after Fajr after Fajr, and then
you go home to have bread And I
think he did it within like just a
few years like I think somewhere between like
two and five years It didn't it didn't
take that long Amazing and then and then
and then when he finished and then when
he finished looks my shit I'm a teacher
told me the story the one when we
finished he was kind of like he was
kind of teary-eyed cuz he was Like
I'm done now like I didn't think it
would it would happen this quickly I'm done
and then he was like what and then
he was like, well, what do I do
What do I know?
He was just shocked a Week later.
He went back to Allah subhanallah All we
He went back to Allah.
I'll take him back.
It's like it's like You just don't you
just never know.
You just never know like it's just Allah,
he like he lived his whole life and
right at the end of a lot right
at the end of his life a lot
It's like Allah said to him.
That's it.
I'm gonna put my speech in your heart
and then you'll come home subhanallah So, you
know, that is amazing.
So you'd like you'd never ever ever lose.
Hope never ever lose.
Hope never think all no I'm 50.
I'm 60.
What am I gonna do?
This guy was 80.
It was 80 something Well, let me give
the listeners a piece of advice.
There's a young man named shy master 101
Asking, you know, how do I study the
key is?
It's the idea of understanding your curriculum and
That's also one of our points here.
Is that when you study let's say you're
gonna study Quran Hips or Tafsir or Akita
or fiqh You need to pick one.
Let's say I only have a chance hour
a week fine You could do a lot
in an hour a week, but you're not
gonna do a lot swimming around you need
to pick a discipline and You you go
to arc view where those just those books
will be taught to you one at a
time and Then they will repeat the next
year in case for fit to fill in
whatever you miss and and do it again
the next year Fill in or whatever you
miss in one year one hour a week
in arc view Let's say in the Maliki
You're gonna study ash.
My way of study even Asher You do
that one year then listen to the recordings
again But firstly they're live virtual but live
So you could still listen to the recordings
a second time then you heard it twice
do that course again the next year You've
now heard it three times.
You should be an expert in three books
Right you expert in three introductory books then
the next year you enter to the intermediate
level and One but one out if you're
if that's all you got one hour a
week the key is build properly as Opposed
to put a block here a block there
a block here a block there a block
here you look you put in effort You
know a couple of things here and there
but nothing systematic and that's the whole key
and the curriculum we have here in arc
view Like this tough see it is tough.
See it anywhere you go in the Islamic
They know this tough See, it's one of
the most famous toughest heat in the world
from the contemporary tough See it she might
be is there of more well-known tough.
See it then suffix toughest eat contemporary You
know, I would say there's there I would
put up there publish obviously Shaikh Shaarawi Mm
-hmm, which I would have a lot here
Imam what was the Haley's tough Sears?
They're very well known because he's done three
Other than that Honorable other than that, I
can't not not to me not too many
come to mind like mm-hmm off the
top of my head I mean, but I'll
see if like Shaikh Shaarawi like that's that's
been translated that's available in PDFs.
Yeah Because I was part of that project
but and that also is like 27 volumes
or something These curriculums and these tough Sears
wherever you go in the Islamic world You
could take what you've learned at arc view
and plug it in if you go to
Pakistan and say hey I studied two years
arc view Hanafi fiqh.
He's gonna say what book you're gonna sell
them noodle Idaho You know, how if you
want to one whatever it is, you plug
it in He's gonna know exactly what you
said what you studied and you continue with
him That's why it's so important to have
aligned our curriculum with the global umma wide
curriculum right, this is not some shoot-off
thing where You study something so unique.
You can't transfer it No, you could transfer
this so easily and our all of our
all I'm at here all of our teachers
at arc view Can contact teachers in different
countries and within one or two connections, you
know There's six degrees of connection within one
or two connections Can set you up?
Yes, so-and-so studied with us and
he this is what he knows That's so
All right, so that's because okay.
I don't need to go with you the
the ten chapters.
You're on chapter 11 We don't need to
review the ten chapters.
So and so says, you know them Well,
let's go straight into 11th chapter so on
and so forth So that's why it's important
to have a curriculum.
So if you have a small amount of
time you can still become learned If you
structure things properly It's like math.
I Can't learn an algorithm here a terminology
piece of terminology.
They're a formula here.
It's not gonna work like that You got
to take each lesson One at a time
and with Arabic Arabic is maybe I would
say something a little bit different about Arabic.
It's just a matter of time All right,
if you and tough see it reading tough
see it is the best way to do
it because you're enjoying it Are you reading
this out of joy?
All right, and you're learning so much and
Arabic is almost tucked into the whole experience
Somebody is saying here that you Did something
for the Muslim College?
You have videos acting videos now Acting videos
for the Muslim.
What are they talking about?
I want to talk about is the it's
the British Muslim College the British Muslim College.
We're doing some we're doing an online course
diploma course and Myself it was from the
other teacher and I we just did some
videos to promote the stuff Okay, and we
were just tell us about British Muslim College.
What is that all about?
Okay, so British Muslim College is the online
version of Bradford Muslim College.
So the city I'm in Bradford they have
a They have also face-to-face program.
That's it's like three levels like a diploma
course three levels like foundation to meet advanced
And it's like 36 weeks in a year
two hours every Saturday And you do like
to you do two courses every Every week
or every 12 week every totally terms of
three 12 week terms You do one hour
of each course so you can complete six
courses in a year and then British Muslim
College is like the online Version of that
and but where do they do it?
Is it that they rent out space?
Oh Bradford Muslim College.
They have their own venue.
They have their own really the other on
building the other on building much alone They
little building which they recently it's a new
They recently moved in.
I think that's when the last year With
the massive prayer hall and various classrooms and
a cafe and it's all it's it's a
very nice place.
Masha'Allah Very very nice set up.
So you have two colleges in Brad.
Yeah, don't you?
Mustafa no.
Yeah, you must have a mount Mustafa mount
it causes confusion sometimes because because the way
this is where it caused confusion because you
have Bradford Muslim College is Is is is
in the same building of something called a
mustafa Mustafa Center Tell Mustafa Center which which
also has a mesh and that's like a
kid's medicine That's like a kid's medicine where
they go in for their hip hop and
then the Bradford Muslim College is the adult
education and then obviously British Muslim College is
virtual and then Mustafa mounts and I'll roll
the masjid.
It has a similar name.
That's all that.
Yeah, that's awesome Bradford.
That's a service They they have also the
um, that's part of like the Greenwood Greensville
Trust And and and their programs and I
think I think they also have like a
there's they started like a kid's school Like
a primary school for kids and so and
then they've also other programs So Bradford Muslim
College is a whole a list on the
center dot our loom type of thing Notice
it all over my head.
Is it a mahat?
You know, you call a mahat?
You think it was a mahat thing as
a man, but it's just it's just it's
just adult education In this in the city
center, right like in the city of Bradford
and it's just and it's just just for
people to come on their weekends Yeah after
hours, it's very similar to our keys right
in the way this set up but yeah,
you have courses and you attend them and
you And you get a diploma at the
end of it and if you want to
do exams you can it's right.
We don't Students are not Asked to you
know commit several hours a week.
Yeah, but it but it's to help people
fit it around there They're working lives and
their family lives and stuff like that.
And it's it's what they've done much like
they've created a really nice just community it's
just it's just in addition to just the
In addition to just the education the teaching
it's it's just a really nice community They've
created like what we're believers just come together
and and they help one another out and
because they do much more they do a
lot of a community work a lot of
charity work amazing clean up the streets community
outreach all kinds of things and it's just
really really I like I what I've noticed
because I've been around them with like the
past two or three or what I've no
what I've noticed Is that some people just
just keep coming back and back, you know,
they've done the course.
They'll just do it again That's the right
way to do things because that's how you
literally will know you don't study something to
remember it You study something to until you
can and not possibly forget it.
Yeah, like just like fat so you cannot
possibly forget that Yeah, and it's not just
that but it's just they keep coming back
just for the environment just to be in
the company The teacher yeah for the company
the teachers come to the students So so
much a lot.
It's it's it's been a real and it's
been a real blessing So like I think
I mentioned like like such a sad is
one of their main teachers tricks out.
Well toss Sad that I'll toss is he
related to the habit battery.
Yeah, he is he is His answer is
He's a say it And he's comes from
a yummy background, but his family's his family
migrated to South Africa some time ago So
he's actually born raised in South Africa and
then and then he studied in sham.
He studied in Damascus Mashallah, and then he
ended up and he ended up here in
this neck of the woods.
So how do your Bradford?
She got the Rahim Riyaz.
It is also part of us.
I've never heard of him.
She'll bring me assets Yes, he does a
lot of how to be fit for seekers
guidance He's also here And there's lots of
there's lots of other teacher teachers who come
and go but it's it's it's much a
They've done They've an excellent work an excellent
work And really really become like they're just
a just a just a beacon for for
the community for the community here in Bradford,
so it's been expert and that and that's
and that's why you saw like I think
I think the course that you saw as
well like the Hukouk is OJ course that
I did recently that was Muslim College the
online course critical Helping out starboard.
Yeah, we're gonna use that we're using those
in our first series of YouTube shorts, so
starboard and by the way, we're getting I
guess you can call them mentees People are
signing up to starboard Omar you inshallah after
Sheikh Mehdi's this interview you fire that up
People are signing up and their clients coming
in and mentees coming in to Learn how
to be a husband if not how to
be a husband How do I even be
in a position to this is something you
could learn how to be in a position
to get married?
and many people Parents need this because they
set up their kids for failure They literally
setting their kid up To find it very
hard to be married and that's by anti
-social behavior Right and not basically making sure
the kid is having any friends Dressing like
a slob Sweatpants generation being online all day.
Yeah, all these types of things you're setting
yourself up to failure Mashallah, thank you.
Yeah, you say something else.
I just think yeah, like Online it's like
they don't have proper social skills.
They don't even know how to interact with
people So no like it's so important and
in in that when we do they could
Public vicar on Friday nights and we do
the Musafaha the teslim.
I Always look at how the kid shakes
hands you do him a big favor if
you teach him shake hand properly with the
right amount of grip and Look at the
person don't be anti-social look at the
person and smile Even if they're older than
you even if you don't know them.
This is one of the attributes of Iman
I said them said It's the end of
time will not come until people only give
salam to the ones they know Hmm.
Yeah, that means they see some Muslim.
They don't know they don't give him some
up So this type of thing is it's
to me It's not a subject of Islam,
but it's a subject of life How do
you shake hands with people look at them?
How are you presented?
How did you come in leave the house
looking like this?
Nobody said anything Yeah, it's like learning how
to eat some people from the way they
eat They're right now.
I've already decided this guy will never ever
Be part of our family you come knocking
on the door in a few years Hey
doc, I'm interested in your daughter.
No, you're not go find someone else to
be interested in you're a slob Right your
clothes Okay, the way you eat with your
mouth open you're anti-social your arches back
is arched No, this is a problem.
You may be Ruining someone so great on
the inside, but the outside is important too,
I'm not just gonna look at your insides.
I'm not your creator to do that, right?
I'm looking at your outside too because I
gotta deal with you.
I gotta say I this is my son
-in-law They're gonna be like that's your
choice you accepted this, right?
It's not acceptable.
So the the hulk we created beings will
end up looking at your outside before your
inside What is my business with your inside?
I don't see your inside See your outside
So a clock may be wonderful Dean may
be wonderful, but all of their packaging is
a disaster.
I can't accept it Right We have two
questions for sheikh Mehdi, what are they Are
few essentials and Arabic?
Yes, you will get this is a question
by Munazzah this person's parents has with their
Akita, right?
They named their son Munazzah.
Okay Munazzah Yes, you signed up for essentials
and Arabic as a bundle then you will
get Access in class you will have and
it will say Arabic 501.
Yeah number 501 Levi's 501 jeans Yeah Okay,
what's the second question?
Coming to the US.
When is the next US tour by the
way, because when you come we will have
a tough seer weekend intensive in the state
of Okay, well I don't have any dates
yet, but I Can give you the good
news that obviously You know my parents mom
lives in Toronto.
So I am duty-bound to come to
Toronto I do have the potential to go
to Toronto at least Once a year, which
is not that far From New Jersey.
So yeah, we'll look at I don't know
maybe maybe in the summer.
I don't know maybe somewhere between June and
September something like that.
Very good.
Very good.
So between June and September If you can
kindly reserve for New Jersey a Friday through
Sunday Okay, tough to ask but maybe it's
possible Now, let's see what we can do
in trauma.
Let's see.
We'll see whatever whatever whatever Doors a lot
We just ask Allah for his fat.
We'll ask Allah for a success We lost
a lot to keep us on the straight
path I mean, I mean to bring in
to bring the the topic of this I
mean And then shallow we will see we
will see a lot of a lot of
Baraka come from our efforts with this book
inshallah One and all the other things we're
doing inshallah.
This is so critical and inshallah.
This course will be a great great success
Let's such a base again in a few
days or weeks Whatever you like about how
it's going and everything anything else you would
like to discuss inshallah our Basically, you can
say Quran sheikh al-buti alama is sham
correspondent Arabic course, you know, they could have
correspondents that come on every month Sheikh Mehdi
is our correspondent.
He's doing.
Oh, tell me about aren't you doing the
work on?
Purification of the heart by Sheikh Mohammed that
we learn.
Oh, was that okay?
That's a thick book.
I I have Okay, that's okay My next
book coming out which ties in with this
in early enough my next book coming out
is book called Adam Hey, what if he
could tell me the Indicates a dialogue in
Allah's book.
It's a short book by a mobile tea
and It's in and we're including the Arabic
We include the Arabic text fully vocalized.
Okay, fully vocalized So this would be this
would be like a nice aid for every
since be like an Arabic reader But again
touches on how Allah talks to people and
how we are supposed to talk to the
unbelievers So how do you doubt?
How do you present an argument?
How do you?
Get your interlocutor to think and to come
to his own conclusion without being pressured without
being forced while being respectful With lots of
good good.
Let's have some good solid examples in the
So that's coming out A thick element *
volume 2 is coming out inshallah after Ramadan.
We're working on that which we which we
teach our few that covers The covers zakat
and fasting and Hajj Hajj, that's coming out
inshallah after after Ramadan And as as for
my Muhammad that wheels book I have a
pile that I'm looking at right now I'm
about I think seven or eight books That
were given to me several months ago when
I went to Fez we met that we
met a show Muhammad that wheels daughter And
she handed me a big pile.
I said, here you go.
Subhanallah lucky.
Yeah Yeah, because because get my my teacher
said a leafy laddie.
He was very close to So so we
went to the house together So if there
are various topics various topic topics, I think
I think the one that you and I
need to discuss Professor Shadi is we need
to talk about the one called the sauce
a medical mannequin.
Oh Weird you have a publisher for that
No hint hint That's us.
We got it We got it.
We will publish that and run with it.
Inshallah our publishing arm.
It's still it's getting better It's but getting
better getting better Inshallah.
Yeah Yeah, and then and then we can
we can build it from there I think
I think I've sent you a I've sent
you a picture of the title I'll do
it again Give you what give you like
a list of the titles and then so
there's also a medical mannequin and then we
can look at the other ones Tell me
about shaking finale.
What what does he teach?
He his specialties also look at his especially
as a solo fiqh and With the more
Quran And Maliki fiqh Maliki fiqh Mashallah in
the city of cuz In the city of
Yeah, so if we ever rented out, let's
say to Riyadh's and And came with like
40 students Could we rent one of those
old madrasas for a week and A kitchen
and have our meals and classes there and
bring in some of the shoe Maybe maybe
he's a very he's a very modest type
We could it's it's it's possible.
It's possible.
I Still study with him now like we
do we do online classes.
We do I think I'm about it.
We do a colonel that we had by
called it back from our RB I think
I said, I think I sent you cover
the book.
So that's it.
That's it.
That's that I say this as a chef
He that's that's probably like the most beautiful
book I've ever read I'm just I'm just
It's called it's called corner tailweed.
It's not it's not to see it's not
to see or how to make that we
It's that's the title he brings it it's
it's it's really it really it's all about
knowing Allah it's it's it's hard to put
it it's hard to put like a Genre
on it.
It's it starts it starts off It starts
off with his autobiography like he just tells
you how he learned who he studied with
and how he because he's because what he
does is because he's He's from Fez It
was buried in Fez by what I'm gonna
be but he started his life in Spain
and then and then let's see and then
he traveled with his father for Hajj and
they went To the mother of Algeria and
then they worked their way eastwards right towards
Egypt And he meets him on the valley.
Hmm right, so So it's it's a it's
a really It's just I suppose it's one
of those books is hard to describe because
if he start he starts off Just talking
about what a lot like again What a
lot does with his life and praising Allah
and and and his knowledge was amazing even
before he like before he saw this Trouble,
which is very started his travels because he
memorized the Quran.
He knew see he knew seven karat He'd
stud so much grammar and fit and so
forth And he's like now a lot of
them take me to take and then now
I need to study so now I need
to go abroad and And what wouldn't it
and he said he says at the beginning
the book he said because again Again, it's
stressing this again for Saturday like like introductions
of books are so beautiful Never ever ever
skip the instruction of a book never because
the other than that they say beautiful things
in introduction They'd really tell you why they
tell you why why they wrote the book
and what it one of the one of
the things he says Like some some sometimes
one of the things he said that really
stuck out to me because you usually a
Scholar a scholar was saying his book He'll
say he'll say something like in Charlotte like
you'll dress the readers in Charlie.
It's Charlotte You'll read this book and you'll
benefit right?
That's that's a standard thing.
That's how you read this book You'll benefit
and I'll get the reward But he says
he says he says inshallah, you'll read this
and I'll benefit subhanallah G And surely you'll
you'll you'll read this and you'll benefit because
because this is my moxie.
I'm trying to help you I'm not trying
to lay on my course.
I'm sure you'll make dua for me And
he just tells the story of like where
he goes a little than that.
He meets and then when he meets a
Mama gazali, he doesn't call me mom gazali.
He calls him damage and which is like
the Persian word for like a master Wow
Right and and when and then when and
then when he sees when he sees him
on gazali He says he quote he quote
he quotes a line of poetry He quotes
a lot of poetry from an ambassador era
poet who said the meaning of the poetry
was that how rarely is it?
He said how rarely is it?
Is it that or how sorry?
How often is the case that you're told
about how amazing someone is and then when
you meet the person the flesh you're let
down Mm-hmm, right as he quotes his
line of poetry and he says and he
says if this He says something like if
this poet had met him on gazali.
He wouldn't have said that He said he
mom was Ali was the opposite He said
everything that people told me about it was
nothing like meeting subhanAllah when I when I
met him It's like it was like there's
no way to describe him subhanAllah.
And then and then I said to him
I said you are like the lost property
you are what I've been looking for subhanAllah
How long did Qadi Abu Bakr bin al
-arabi spend with it was any I think
a period of maybe I think He doesn't
say it specifically because because because the autobiography
after that he kind of like just shifts
into something else but he did take he
is I'm guessing within the period of like
maybe two to five years me We're rough
rough around that time, but he he is
known as the one who took the yeah
back Mm-hmm, right.
He had him back to the back back
to the West But it's like that's kind
of like that's weird because that's kind of
like the climax of the Autobiography and then
after that he just talks about knowing Allah
and and and then and then the the
haqqa is putting in footnotes I'm saying he's
getting this from all goes Ali this book
That's kind of how it is it's like
it's like the whole autobiography just reaches that
crescendo of like I've been along with that
And then after that, he's just talking about
a lot subhanAllah Right, this is the way
the book goes Amazing That's Qadi Abu Bakr
Ibn Al-Arabi The faqih there is of
course Ibn Arabi the Sufi, but this is
Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Arabi The faqih
tell us something.
Yeah, I just said say I'll send you
the PDF of that book.
So you have it So it's hard.
It's hard to find it in print, but
it's I've sent to the PDF.
So it's more of an autobiography, huh?
Yeah, it's our biography and then and then
it's just about like to ski.
It's about just knowing knowing knowing Allah That's
what it's about journeys seeking knowledge are so
powerful because the human being has a tendency
to Undergo or or experience metal which is
sort of taking for granted what you have
and being a bit bored with it But
then when you leave and you go to
a whole new setting a new teacher new
set of scholars New student body everything is
new it almost like gives a recharge It's
like hitting the reset button on your electric
On your your outlets all of a sudden
everything is recharged up again It doesn't mean
you're gonna just switch your your your what
you're studying.
It means just you're gonna be revived in
it and sometimes the light from those places
that sort of catches on to you and
you you feel that Matters of the dunya
aren't really so important to me anymore I'm
not even trying to be a zahid that
just don't care about certain things and I
really care about other things That's why these
journeys are so important.
But in the meantime, we use the internet
and the technology Allah gave us Did you
have a question you were asking?
I was gonna ask you about Qadi Abu
Bakr is a bit of a controversial thing
But some people they quote something about him
related to the Ahlul Bayt then would make
a like a sort of like a stain
upon him and I've read actually that it
may be it's a it's he was quoting
some do you know anything about it that
there's a much For it.
There's a way out for it that it's
not what it appears to be I've never
come across that I can ask Yes, that's
your that's my teacher.
He wouldn't Philly would know she could fill
a liquid.
Yeah We never come across we're just we're
just basking in the book We're just fine.
We're just finding it.
So So beautiful and so meaningful and just
just so unbelievably beneficial amazing Like that this
this this Qadi Abu Bakr is definitely definitely
just a man of Allah.
Subhan Allah This is not us to say.
Yeah amazing.
All right.
I'm gonna read it if you send it
to me inshallah And I'll send you the
PDF again inshallah.
It sounds good.
All right.
Thank you so much for having me I
have coming on with been a while.
We've had you on for almost an hour
now, so Thank you very much.
Jazakallah Khairan.
Thanks for coming on.
Alright, there you have it folks and you
can Hop on with Sheikh Mehdi 6 p
.m GMT no, sorry 6 p.m. EST
11 p.m GMT 11 p.m. GMT.
All right, and 6 p.m. EST that
puts us to Five four and three o
'clock PST Pacific Standard Time, so if you're
out in California, this is a three o
'clock class for you If you're in Mountain
Time Zone MMT Mountain Time, whatever they call
it that's four o'clock if you're in
central That's five o'clock.
You see the algorithmic pattern here.
We're adding one All right, if you're out
in the Atlantic Ocean on a boat somewhere
All right, it'll be seven o'clock if
you're on an ark All the way over
till England.
It's 11 o'clock.
We only have time for a few questions
Starboard, okay, but we're getting mashallah People are
signing up people.
They're trying to learn how to be married
and when they are married They're taking their
premarital course or they're already married and they
want to take the course it covers emotions
spirituality religion finances in-laws communication So it's
such an important course You could take it
from different You could take it from different
We'll do patreon later because I want to
overload and distract so That's starboard
Go there and sign up and and take
like you don't even need to be you
could be like I'm about to get married
in two years But this at least will
you don't when you want to be a
doctor you don't go to the MCATs right
away You don't take your your exams right
You have to be prepared for it.
So you could be two years out and
Still take this class and one of the
guys will show you how to be marriage
material So that you hit the ground running
All right.
Let's go to Some Q&A This
man, we only have time for a few
questions, so let's do that here this man.
All right, here we go How much time
do you spend there?
Also all when we went to Egypt?
We only spent seven hours outside of the
air the whole layover was seven hours.
So we really only spent two hours in
that area Do I need to repeat wit
if I miss Sura before do I econoots?
this Sunna muakada Do you need to repeat
it if you miss the Sura what's then
you need to do sujooj as-sahu Sujooj
as-sahu not repeat the whole wit Because
you missed a Sunna muakada in a Sunna
muakada if it was a nafila then no
but Sunna muakada Lemon lemony quick contract questions
So many contracts even those big agreements for
I think in the West seem to have
unfair clauses.
I Never read those agreements for the app.
You see those Because if there is no
financial Incentive or there's no financial back-and
I Just read okay, right?
There's not I'm not buying anything so that
I have to read Yeah, they get access
to a lot of things yeah, so if
you care about that Huh?
But they're acting upon it Yeah, yeah, what's
the ruling if you skip a Sura in
which it in the Hanafi school Okay, that's
because Sura Sunna muakada Yeah Okay, yeah What
are the rulings on wiping over the socks
as Yusuf al-husseini Do we they have
to be leather and what is the logic
behind it?
Why the answer to that is that the
hoof is an exception?
So we'll do it requires you to wash
your feet that means the water has to
run and you have to rub your entire
foot up to including the heels to the
up to the ankles and Because the ankle
doesn't have a defined line Right.
There's no defined line for the ankle Then
you go above the ankle a little bit
to make sure that you got the ankle
Same with the elbow.
It's up to the elbow up to and
not including the elbow, but where is the
There's no defined line for the elbow So
that means we go a little above it
to ensure that we've gotten the basics unlike
the jaw where there is a defined line
The face has the defined line there's a
clearly defined line here hairline is known Ears,
the temple is known but other parts of
the body is not known.
It's not a clear line So you go
above it a bit But the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam permitted wiping over the hoof The
hoof was a leather sock That went above
the ankle that they used to wear.
So that's an exception to the rule now
When we talk about exceptions, there are two
different approaches to it medic had the approach
that It's just it's an exception With nothing
There's no rule to it But the other
ulama said no there is a rule to
Whatever is the reason for The unique feature
of the hoof if that unique feature is
found in something else it applies to that
too So then some of them said it's
anything that you could walk with.
It's like a sock Trans between a sock
and a shoe you could walk a long
distance with it So anything even if it's
not leather, then you could wipe over it.
Others said the illa for it is waterproofness
It's waterproof.
So if you have waterproof socks, you can
wipe over that and waterproof socks now We're
getting thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner
And you find them in the kayaking world
canoeing and kayaking websites on Amazon now and
now they even call them wudu socks and
So you ended up with different opinions on
Whether or not we make you use the
hoof as an analogy Or was it simply
an exception and that's it.
So that's where you get difference of opinions
on it.
And so the sock is Another muscle which
is the jaw rub and you have to
ask the Hanbali scholars What are the conditions
because I don't want to speak on their
behalf But they they allow Wiping over the
sock with conditions Ask them the conditions.
Okay Maybe we'll get a humble if I
can we'll have humbly QA Yeah, that's a
good idea, right a big shake North Sanders
and we'll do rapid-fire QA Mm-hmm.
Mashallah, that's great So for Malik, it has
to be leather For the chef area It
just has to be waterproof What's that?
What is the ruling for the hoof in
the new conditions?
one of them is that when you wipe
the water doesn't seep through that you can
walk in it like a So for the
Hana fees, it's waterproofness and walking long distance.
You can walk in it.
What's a long distance?
Is waterproof in what dipping your foot in
water or the way you like it?
Okay, so though that's not that's not hard
It has to be like really thick the
fact that you wipe really thick cotton socks
Pain sports on for example, that may know
what has its own for many conditions.
There are many conditions.
You can check Yeah, check the Hana few
books All right.
Let's take this question Can someone wash their
hands and feet at one time in would
do yes, of course and by the way,
if you're camping or you live up in
the mountains and there's no heat and making
would do would Physically make you sick Then
such people in the old days would have
we used to make tamim Because they would
not be reasonable to light a fire and
wait every Fajr or keep a fire overnight
So these to make tamim, okay good All
Very good an acquaintance says sounds capade an
acquaintance left Islam and it's trying to get
back on Dean Is having trouble keeping up
with Salah he says he hears noises and
sees shapes after praying and He's given up
for that reason.
Well when someone's trying to get back into
the religion, I'm not gonna answer for this
brother But I'm gonna answer in general When
you want to get into anything the best
thing to do is hang out with the
people Who are already at the destination you
want to be at if you want to
buff and built and Really super in shape
Make friends with those guys and hang out
with them eventually, you'll catch the vibes that
they're on and you'll love going to the
gym and you'll be a spotter and then
you'll within a Year, you'll be on your
feet but if you just buy the equipment
like most of us do and Watch the
videos, you're not gonna get anywhere Buy the
$4,000 LeBron James machine on the wall.
What is it called?
What is it called that thing?
Yeah Everyone's going crazy It's almost like someone
I really want to learn.
I'm gonna buy the books.
You're better off hanging out with all of
them Go travel and visit and sit with
scholars go to the local scholars, right?
That's the right way to do it secondly
Issue of seeing shapes and sizes and seeing
noises is this needs medical attention This is
these medical attention you can see both a
phys a psychiatrist and you can see a
Sheikh Iraqi as long as he's a known
pious Muslim Iraqi scholar You can see Iraqi
and you can see a psychiatrist the two
shouldn't inshallah Contradict sometimes you there are mental
physical mental illnesses and sometimes there are spiritual
illnesses and they usually merge Check your glucose
levels he says look The psychiatrists are right
about certain things the Rockies are right about
certain things There's an overlap between mental illness
and seeing shayateen al-jinn Okay, and sometimes
seeing shayateen al-jinn.
It's because your parents have been talking about
it since you're born and that's everything they
talk about is jinn jinn jinn jinn jinn
and As a result, it's built into your
head that you got you It's a place
it becomes visible you got it you got
a An itch it's a jinn Everything is
It's the same thing when look at the
the children who are trans children who say
they're trans 100% of their parents believe
in trans, right?
And are celebrating it right like every trans
Activists out there from Hollywood one of their
kids is trans.
Oh, wow, you guys didn't see the correlation
here No, it's not just correlation.
That's causation They know this is what makes
mom happy if I say I'm trans she
gets excited Right.
There was a video clip of a kid.
I remember seeing Where the kid basically says
we just talk about pride because we know
it makes you happy to the mom Yeah
Well, I kid is 10 years old.
What does he know about feelings in the
first place?
Yeah, what does he care about that?
Yeah, he's 10 years old.
He wants to play games.
What eat pizza, right yet He says like
I know I don't say anything because I
don't want to make you upset So he
knows this is like his mom's movement.
So if he wants his mom to be
happy, he's gonna talk up pride, right?
Same thing with these kids My
kid asks if Allah is in outer space,
which how should I explain it to him?
he said tell him Allah created outer space
and that Allah Ta'ala is not in
any location and He's transcendent above all of
this beyond all of this As the creator
of it all how can the Creator be
inside of his creation?
Creator is not inside nor outside of his
creation This is a doctrine called Hulu Hulu
means to say the Creator entered his creation.
Can you take a fight and the infinity
and put it in a finite set?
right So the Creator is Transcendent Munazzah on
is the man you will make in just
like that brother's name is right there.
What does it?
Okay, his parents knew what they were doing
My dad believes that it is haram for
Muslim women to work around men Such as
in a cafe and interact with male customers,
is this correct?
well Interacting with men without a reason Or
looking at them or Excessively or in such
a small area like behind the counter to
the point that you may be bumping into
each other all the time And are very
close proximity.
Yeah, there's kalam about that For sure, and
you can get a variety of different opinions
from prohibition to permissibility if there's a need
If there's a need that not every woman
has a wali here in this world that
we live in today There could be a
convert woman who's got no wali Just to
work, right and you have somebody who has
no needs at all and therefore they shouldn't
be subject to that All right, Wi-Fi
is getting out.
So let's wrap up.
Jazakum Allah khair and everybody Subhanak Allahumma wa
bihamdik nashhadu an la ilaha illa anta nastaqfiruk
wa natubu ilayk wa al-asr inna al
-insana la fee khusr illa allatheena amin wa
amin al-salihat wa tawassub al-haqq wa
tawassub al-sabr wasalamu alaykum rahmatullah