Shadee Elmasry – Stop Arguing! Let the Angel Respond on Your Behalf.

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The speaker discusses the difficulty of being a Muslim during the current crisis and how it affects one's personal and political status. They also mention a man who caused a chaos at a mosque and advised against wearing a mask. The speaker emphasizes the importance of respecting one's own religion and not being too afraid to leave one's own religion.
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And that's what you see from the Companions, Abu Bakar has to do. A
man was haranguing him in the mosque of the Prophet after one of
the prayers, and Abubaker just sat there and the Prophet was smiling
at him. Then Abubaker answered back, when a robot could answered
back the Prophet Godot, the Prophet left Abubaker said, Why
would you leave your friend at this time? And the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when someone, harangues a Muslim,
the angels defend him. But when you answer back now, it's an
argument, the devil's come and the angels leave. So when you argue
for your own self, okay? When you're arguing for your own self,
the devil's come in, when you're arguing for the religion the
angels come in, that's a difference. So you would we should
prioritize someone who deviates from God and His Prophet,
knowingly, not accidentally, we should have common sense and mercy
to you don't take someone from a non religious background 100% and
judge them on somebody who's born and raised with Sheila. Right? I
always have to tell my kids this all the time as part of the
education of religious people in this day and age. Keep in mind you
have a foundation that not everyone else has so don't be
hasty when you see another Muslim doing something that you know it's
not right but you don't be hasty with them and look ever look down
on somebody like that you can look down on the thing I know that's
wrong. But I'm
going to keep in mind their background. Okay, some people I
know them there they when they walk in the mosque, I was like,
What the heck is this have some like, they're allowed, they may
not be dressed appropriately, all these are the things
they say come in the message. I was like, What is going on with
this person? They got know.
A dab of the Masjid. But I know their background. Right? Their
background, this is is almost a borderline miracle. That's you see
it from that background. That they're coming to the masjid like
this. That's almost borderline like a miracle from Allah. The
fact that even stepping in the mosque, there was a man who made
is about 67 years old. He was such a headache, the entire Hajj,
Lebanese Arab guy, right.
And my dad was on that hedge. And he just told everybody stop, let
him do whatever he wants.
He ended up not being able to fulfill the hedge
couldn't fulfill the hedge. He couldn't do it. He's like, I can't
this is too crazy. Everything about this, screw this. I can't do
this. Right. And he was so unreasonable and insane. Like he
went to him was Delica everyone was picking up the pebbles, right?
He's like,
Hey, guys, I have a business idea. Why don't we make
a vending machine that pulls out the pebbles was like, Are you
insane? is
not the time for this. Now, why did
this man my dad was advocate he would tell the 100 group leave him
alone. Don't say a word. This Lebanese men
was a Christian. His whole life. He converted to Islam at the age
of 65.
Do you know how rare that is? For a Lebanese Christian? They despise
Muslims. Well, though they like the dancing Muslims, the Muslims
at the club scenes that's fun. But they'll never become a Muslim.
It's so rare that you become Muslim.
So he he comes to 65 with all these crazy habits of his but he
fell in love without deposits. He listened to Quran day and night
became a Muslim. Okay.
Two years later, he wants to make Hajj he can't do it. Right.
You can't really expect him to because he was very obese and hajj
when you're with heavy. It's tough.
And at that time, it was hot.
Well, he came back
and he died three weeks later.
Right? So be very mindful of the non religious person who is
innocently not religious, innocently committing sins. This
is the big difference between us and many other conservative
groups. Conservative meaning like what's a half of badeen truly,
truly trying to preserve the religion. Not mincing words, not
cutting corners in religion. But we have to do it with mercy
because you got to look at people's contexts. He broke his
heads. That's one of the worst deeds you could do you know that
breaking your Hutch because I can't do this at home anymore. My
thighs are destroyed. I take a shower
Great and he's a businessman. They're always clean, proper,
sharp, well off. He died three weeks after he came back.
But the whole thing for him to become Muslim, go to Mecca go to
Medina, even if he failed his hedge,
okay? It's like a miracle, the fact that he and do you know how
much he had to fight his kids, his family, his ex wife? He had, he
had a Lebanese Christian wife with kids. He divorced her married a
non Arab woman. Right.
And, you know, there was more freedom for him to become a Muslim
with her, shouldn't she to really care?
Sometimes you'd see a thing that looks so
bad, but it's actually so good.
So be very mindful when we talk about leaving off sinners. How we
do it got to be very careful this part
of the application of the law, there's a law and there's an
application, that's public centers, that innovators