Shadee Elmasry – Shield Against Dajjal ~

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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting against suicide, the loss of family members, and the rise of a new slave in the family. They touch on the history of American culture and deeds of Islam, including signs of deeds from Islam and deeds of Islam. They also discuss the return of Islam to Italy and France, the importance of protecting one's mind and body, the use of technology to save oneself, the involvement of different countries in various events, and the potential agenda one agenda two.
AI: Summary ©
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala
Rasulillah who he was talking to human whether that meant Allah
subhanho wa Taala and an image of Islam you will emanuelly judge
your lesson. On a Sunday when salam ala Abbey or Sunni he went
to be Habibi, Hamid and some Allahu Allahu Allah, and he made
to your baby and have it run. So have that in Quran or mentally or
send it to me, Dean
hamdulillah My bad. Thank you very much. 15 years and congratulations
to on to him for his marriage disciple Lokeren for bringing me
to this beautiful Masjid.
This was his idea to come here. And so of course we can say no to
him since he's a much of a good friend. May Allah give us Dharma
Good companionship until you're McLamb. And the most important
thing about
our survival in this day and age and the subject of an purusa man
is samba. Samba is one of the most important things and this subject
shield against the jazz all revolves around suicide.
So Rachel can is the main sewer from which we're going to learn
about all of our shields and our medicines against the dead. And
you will know
you will know that by the way I see the lights on and the sisters
brother he had so worked so hard to plan a slideshow. Right and
last minute I told him we don't need to do a slideshow. Okay,
slideshow. This is for the business administration and all
the accounting all the meaninglessness. Dean never needs
a slideshow. This is from Trump's
colors for us, right knowledge is you you know it you should know
it. This is why is not religious knowledge memorize so easily.
religious knowledge has memorized so easily. Right? It's because
religious knowledge is for action and saving your rear end from
hellfire. Right? You're going to memorize that knowledge. If it's
saving you from *, you're going to memorize that knowledge you're
going to know it in your head
that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and you will sit on that Huck.
So So that's it.
You'll notice that all the suitors that have protections, the subject
of the protection is mentioned in it like a gin. What is the surah
that protection from the gin is Bukhara
Al has said was set up, what is it follow up. And hence it is
mentioned in there. Sahar and Jin said buckler. It's mentioned in
there from the Sahara of the time of slave in a lot of suitors that
are medicines. And some people say that No, all these Hadees are
false. We told them who told you they're false. They're all in the
10 MIDI found them valid and sad sound heads, and they're mostly
from NSF and Malik. Ellison Malik is the one who narrates most of
these Hadith about the specific specificities of different
sources. So little cap has no mention of the danger.
But the prophets I seldom said to memorize the first 10 And the last
10 verses of Surah decap is your protection from digit.
So, why is the mercy and the judge mentioned in their mercy, the
judge is not mentioned in there because if he was mentioned in
there, people would just circle those verses and study them. But
by not mentioning, that the judge in Surah suka what do we do? We
study the entire sort of the entire surah is allegories for
Now when is accurate, Zina beginning
when is accurate demand beginning accuracy is beginning according to
And Allah subhanaw taala says what he saw he was going on. We said to
Benny Israel go live in that land.
Go live in that land. But he destroyed since the time of
shortly after brava asa 70 years after the Prophet ASA in Maryam.
Bene Israel was was shut the team which means scattered all over the
With no home, okay scattered
all over the earth
and they never had a homeland. But Allah azza wa jal says for Elijah
when the promise of the end of time comes, didn't ever
we bring you from every corner of the earth, this is from the last
few years of Surah Tillis, Ra and therefore, so many of the ALMA
tell us that when the venue Surah Eid, find a land and a home to
live in, this is a time that you know, throws a man has begun well
loads will like it necessary hit from the Quran. Now let's bring
another witness because we need chat today. To AppBrain witnesses
everywhere in Shetty says, you need Shahidi to operate witnesses.
So when is the end of time? When is the lat last chapter of
humanity beginning. The private side Saddam gives us to clear
signs when he was asked by by Gibreel
who came in the form of a man Metacell. One is the cell. The
province I sent him said Mr. Xu unhappy and he said the one who's
asked he doesn't know any better than the one asking.
So he said the neon Amerasia so then tell me about its science.
Now the province is teaching us you don't have to worry about when
Yom Okayama is that's not the issue. But why would you worry
about that you're going to be dead anyway. When your mochi Emma comes
you die immediately. What you have to worry about is when the last
chapter comes
because in it will be major calamities and people will lose
their Eman we have to be thankful every day of our lives. For our
Amen people are losing their Amen prophesy Salim said There comes a
time when when he says there will come a time. All right, it is a
guarantee that that hadith will happen in the end of time. He
always says there will come a time there will come a time there will
come a time these Hadees well what time is this? The prophets I send
them said there will come a time in which a person will wake up
moment WAMC character he will wake up a moment and he will sleep that
night. In the sight of Allah he has rejected rejected what any
part of the Quran any part of Al Quran Kareem or MA Hua what we
call an Arabic Malou minute deen the lower
known by default, known by necessity, what is what is known
by necessity mean my Illumina deemed Ebola, like for example.
New York City is in the United States. If you're alive on the
earth today, and you're mentally stable, you know New York is in
America, right? You don't need to be educated and go to school to
learn that there's a place called New York in America it's known by
default just by virtue of being alive. Likewise, just by virtue of
being Muslim, you know certain things, right? Rejection of these
things that are my Lumina deemed Baroda renders you in the sight of
Allah, none of your deeds are accepted. You are not accepted
with Allah. If you disbelieve
in something that is maloom minute Dean, the borrower, okay. So
people will lose their Amen. Now, he asked about these signs, how do
we know that this time has come? He gave us two signs. One side is
on the earth and one side is in the homes. One of the signs occurs
in people's households and the other side occurs on the earth. So
what is the one that occurs in the household?
And tell you that Mr. Jura, Banda, and
Canada All right, I will not I'm on Zoom. Emma to run better than a
woman will give birth
to the girl that bosses are around
the girl that bosses are around.
Now I ask the mothers out there.
One of the biggest hassles in the world today is kids.
The kids are no longer how they used to be and how they should be
servants of their moms and dads. Right? Kids in the past is the
servant to his mom and dad know nothing more, nothing less. Right.
So much so that their mortality How did he get that name of the
modality is not his name. And Muttalib is not his father
modalities his uncle. shaver is his father. Okay? shaver. They say
What is his name? Hashem is his father. His name is Shaybah.
But when he was bred raised in ye for him by his mother named
sedima. Okay. Then his father died in Mecca. What happened? McAuliffe
looked at his sons, and he found none of his sons. No Matata is now
the chief of Kadesh. Mobile, he found that none of his sons are
worthy to be chief. So he said, let me look maybe Hashem his sons
can be chiefs, Hashem. So he went and where does Hashem his wife has
him his wife was a woman named Selma in Yathrib. And Selma kept
her son with her. So methodic traveled north to yesterday. And
he got there and he told Selma, let me take this boy shaver, and
let him be the chief of kurush. When he got there, he found an
upright young man, Strong Body, strong willed, sound mind and he
said, he's capable of being chief. So he convinced her and she
agreed, and Shaybah left yesterday, which was where he was
born and raised, right, which is sort of a foreshadowing, because
the province I sent him would go there, and it would be Medina. And
he followed his uncle Mobley down to Mecca. When they got to
Multilib when they saw him, the way Shaybah was sitting, talking,
behaving, they thought immediately, this is just the
servant of Mubaloo.
They thought Muttalib had purchased him as a slave.
That's how youth were with their parents, like servants. So what
did they call him? They said that must be of the mortality. Right?
The slave of mobile immortality is the new slave
Muttalib set up, you call him a slave, this is going to be your
chief. So they all laughed because the boy who was destined to be
their chief, next in line to become chief, they thought he was
a slave. That just goes to show you what children were like in the
past. And that was the norm. That was the norm. Today. Moms are
exhausted from serving their children. It's the other way
around. The mom is serving the children. Right or wrong. Today
you have a woman at 10pm. Class as if she's been to World War Two.
She's on the bed. Oh, the children have killed her. No. He used to be
the opposite. He used to be the dad was so demanding. And the mom
is so demanding on the kids. The kids at 10pm They're falling
asleep from work. Cutting up cucumbers, cleaning the floor,
mopping polishing shoes. No, no, not anymore. Today, Dad's
polishing his son's shoes. Pathetic. When was the last time a
boy here polishes dad shoes. He's laughing. This thought never even
occurred to his mind. So is this not something that one of the
signs that we see today in our own house? A woman has kids. She has
it. She has three kids. She has three bosses. Unfortunate the
husband Classic is thrown in the garbage. Right?
A woman has four kids. She has four bosses, five kids, five
bosses. They're all telling her what to do. Smile. And the society
encourages it. They encourage it. So this is one of the signs this
is the second sign.
Now the third one, simple and subtle, covert and aura
repetition. It's of our wonderful bunion that you see at whova
aroha, naked.
Reality share shepherds, you have the power unit filled with what
does it mean? Hova raw,
barefoot it and make it real, to share reality share shepherds of
What is that when the Prophet saying when he's saying barefooted
naked? Does someone actually barefoot the naked? They're not
actually shepherding sheep naked? But why is the Prophet said need?
He means by this they have no culture and civilization. The
Bedouin, who all he has is some sheep and maybe some milk. And
that's all he knows. There's no civilization. There is no
government. There are no books. He doesn't go to school. He doesn't
get educated. His father never got educated. His grandfather never
got educated his whole life is to attend to the sheep.
That's all he has. What is the prophet telling us? No
civilization. In other words, ignorant people. Jeddah ignorant
What are they doing now? They become very rich. So what do they
do with their wealth, build buildings and competition for one
Everyone knows there's like a drummer in the whole Ummah, that
this hadith is happened already. It's happened already like the
other day, which is what has happened in the form of the Gulf.
Luckily Jean, who are the rich of the Arabs today, the college, go
look in history. Find me one chapter that makes mention of the
college, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Dube, Qatar, Bahrain,
find me in any period of Islamic history that they are even
mentioned. I guarantee you, you will find one mentioned in all of
Islamic history, from the time of the prophets, I send them all the
way till today, until let's say maybe 1960s 70s.
Even until the 80s, you will find one mention of any of these
countries, and that is that EVO Herrera, the hola Ana was sent by
Omar to be the Emir of Bahrain. That's the only time you will hear
the word Bahrain, or Abu Dhabi, or Sharjah, or Qatar or any of these
countries with all due respect to them. With all due respect to them
however, the truth has to be sold that the prophesy Salam said if
you do this, this is a sign that your monkey Acuras the man has
come like a big red button. So what did they do like foolish
kids? The big red button says if you press this yo Oklahoma's
coming, what did they do? They pressed it, okay. This is what
they did, right?
These are the so these are three sides. Shahid. They added al Kitab
was sunnah one from the Quran and one from the Sunnah that were
inaccurate. Zima were inaccurate Zilla ecotourism and why why did
the Prophet warn us so much of it?
Because people will lose their Amen. In this era, people will
lose their faith. I'm going to share with you a hadith that I
haven't shared in any of the other shields against the jet Talks.
Today this found EVO Telemedia and even imagine Okay, and Evie
Thalassa al Hussaini. Greater hobby I will not have a question.
Okay. The prophets I send them recited Alikum and BUSA calm,
layer locum Ambala in a data layer guru calm Mbala, elector datum,
take care of yourself. No God, no one from those astray. Your
enemies cannot harm you. If you are guided. Okay? None of your
enemies can harm you if you are guided.
They asked him Oh messenger of Allah tell us the meaning of this.
Okay. Now the prophets I sent him stop maybe they're gonna think
that they should not do anything and just stay home. He said no.
Okay, but it tells me Ruben Morrow what a Navajo and in Monaco, it
tells me Ruben Maru command the good one to know until monka had
until command the good forbid the wrong until when is our item until
you see Shahan will die.
Show Hamadan Okay, well, how one would tell on when dunya mo 1000
were called Iranian Mirai? What are items like My Allah would the
Camino were Mariela? Yeah, that laka la phallic and because of
genetics. So keep in the society commanding good and forbidding
wrong until you start seeing these signs. What are the signs? Sure
handlebar greed, greed. That is acceptable. People are accepting
greediness today that you constantly want more. And the
society has no shame in you asking for more gluttony over eating,
being seen with excess. Okay. Being seen, being known to be
wanting more money. Do you know that in the past, it was shameful
for you to be wanting more money. It was shameful. You should be
ashamed of yourself that you are greedy. But today it's completely
acceptable. completely acceptable to be greedy and talking about
money. Today Yanni. If you look at
if you're looking at the World Series, alright, who really has
the World Series? This guy who played for the match, he kept
hitting home run after home run after home run, put instead of
saying Oh, like an accomplishment? What did they say? They're saying
his stock is going to increase his next contract.
act is going to be far bigger and far greater than all the
measurement there is today. The only measurement is your action,
is it going to result in more money or not?
Savonarola, is it going to result in more money or not? And
unfortunately, Dow has become like this too. Oh, mashallah, you gave
a great talk that mean your next talk you should have have more
money coming from it. Or you did a great event. Next event, you
should sell more tickets now. And everything is judged by the
dollar. And the society totally accepts this. This is short and
morbid. Sure, greediness so big disease. And women, the one
disease that the Allamah say has no cure. You only if your husband
smokes, and you choose a man who smokes. You can say you can cure
him. You could say, Look, we're not going to be married unless you
stop smoking. And you get married and he agrees and then you keep
working on him that he stopped smoking. The one thing that they
say has no cure, and a woman should not marry a man who has a
reputation for this is greediness. Greed. If a man is buggy, stingy,
stingy and greedy. There's no cure for this stinginess and buckle.
Short and buckle are twins. Sure is for the desire to have. And
buckle is the refusal to give away. They're both twins. And
unfortunately, the richer people get, the more stingy they get. And
the more greedy they get.
Gee, because the more they spend time with the material world, the
less they spend time with the spiritual world. So what happens
they are less fulfilled by life. They're less fulfilled by life. So
they keep having to have more and more and more. The more sugary
foods you have, the more you need to have.
Right, the more you need to have, if you notice, bottles of water
never get bigger, because water is satisfying. But Big Gulp always
gets bigger.
Skittles bags keep getting bigger, right? This is not satisfying at
dunya is not satisfying. Anyone who gets their emotional high or
spiritual high from being accepted by people or from eating or from
entertainment by watching clips on your phone, or by playing games on
your phone. People get the emotional high and their spiritual
attempt to get their satisfaction from these things. We tell you,
you're going to keep going and going nonstop because you're never
going to be satisfied. And knifes the role and the cult of the human
being is not ever satisfied.
when you sit with yourself and say to yourself, Allah you are
watching me and I am in front of you. And you do Munna
Oh my maker, and you speak to your maker and you know, deep in your
Allah is watching you. Allah is with you. Allah made you Allah
loves you. Allah loves to hear from you. Allah loves that you
think about him. Allah is loving at this moment that you are
visualizing, you are right in front of him. You are visualizing
yourself at the foot of the mountain in paradise as Allah
says, What Ivana Volkow motto,
we put the mountain above you, so that you could see the atma of
Allah, Allah put the bene Israel eel were at the foot of a
When you see the mountain, you Say Subhan, Allah is humongous, if it
was to fall, or one rock of it was to fall with crushes. This is the
majesty of my Lord, and he wants to listen from you.
He wants to listen to you. He wants to see your prayers. He is
asking to forgive you. He wants to forgive you. Allah azza wa jal has
given you invitations.
Not only to forgive you but to give you this is where you would
get your satisfaction from him by Allah is the whole world was to
ignore you. And the whole world was to praise and give obey
science to your greatest rival an enemy.
That should not move you one iota. You should continue to remain
satisfied with Allah.
work every day as Eva is enough that Allah will ask you what you
Work with Abdullah he Shahida is enough that Allah is watching you.
LA is Allah who we have in Avila isn't Allah and love for his
slave. Look how many times Allah connects the word enough the word
cover, right what calf and the word enough look at it in the
Quran is always attached to who Allah. Allah is enough for you.
is enough for you. And in the end of times people have lost this.
Lost this completely. They don't know how to turn back to Allah.
They don't know how to think and visualize themselves sitting at
the foot of the mountain, where Allah azza wa jal said, oh Moses
come to the top of the mountain, Musa went to the top of the
mountain, and then a grey cloud comes over Musa alayhis salaam and
his Sahaba no longer see him. But they see lightning bolts coming
from there, and they hear
Subhanallah something is happening inside that cloud. Then Musa
alayhis salam comes out of that cloud, the fog lifts.
So it's a buck or two times it's mentioned, that Allah comes down
in a coma
through a cloud. And Musa is there when the cloud lives they look at
the face of moose and they see no of Allah azza wa jal. And they
just staring at Moses face until what did they say? If this is the
effect, Aaron, Allah had Yahara if this is the effect of you in that
cloud, and Allah revealing his word directly to your heart, and
speaking to directly, then show us Allah Himself, then show us Allah
Some of the people have gone to say that the Benito Surah even
they said that out of lack of discipline, not always not were
they totally not all of them were totally rude, out of lack of
discipline, and what any they saw the knower of Allah on mooses face
they say, Show us Allah Himself, because they can't stand how
beautiful mooses face is looking from the north that's there Subhan
Allah, Oh, brothers and sisters turn to Allah azza wa jal. You
don't need friends, you don't need anyone. You only need Allah azza
wa jal trust me
this and don't wait until the moment happens. Some people, they
will never get this until the moment comes that their family has
all turned against them that their friends have turned against them,
and you have nobody but Allah left. And if that happens to you,
you should say how the shut off are. Namely, this is a great honor
for me that Allah has turned my wife against me, my mom against
me, my husband against me, my dad against me, my kids are against
me, my friends are against me. If this has happened to you, you
should say this is a great honor. You should have knowledge, Allah
is only turning everyone against you so that you have nobody but
him. And that's when you're going to understand what it means to be
close to Allah and Allah close to you because you have no other
choice. You have no other choice. This is the cord to Allah azza wa
jal that is missing and lost in accuracy, man, and what is it lost
to? Not paganism, not idolatry.
Many Muslims have a mistake. They think the opposite of being close
to Allah azza wa jal is falling into shirk and kufr in the jar and
shaytaan No, look at what Allah says on the tongues of the kuffaar
right on the tongues of the kuffaar What does he say about the
The Quran said stay away from this Quran we'll go fi
wellgo V. Okay, stay away from this Quran and create logo logo
instead of this Quran.
So that what's the smart one, the dumb of the kuffar the fool and
the idiot amongst the kofod was able to happen. He was a hothead.
He went around telling everyone don't listen to Mohammed. So what
did the people do? Listen to Muhammad. He did a disservice he
is a fool. But some of the wicked, more intelligent of the kofod was
well even mobila the father of Khalid bin Walid and he's amongst
those who said, let her smell in other Quran well healthy. Don't
listen to this Quran and instead, okay, instead do what? create
games for people.
People are foolish. Okay. People are foolish. Oh, what are the
signs of people are foolish? Go look at the number one apps that
are downloaded.
Aren't they the dumbest things in the world? Okay. Every five years,
it's a different app. That is dumb.
If you want to be rich, be dumb. Invent something for dummies. Know
that people are dumb. If you view people as being dumb, you can be
very rich on apps. Because first, the first app that was a craze is
Angry Birds. Right?
A game that is more primitive than Mario Brothers.
all these people who are writing these softwares in these games
what are the complex ones? There are some really complex games out
there. The video games.
What's the one with the soldiers?
Call of Duty? Right? These guys spend billions to make these games
and then some fool. Okay makes Angry Birds and makes more money
than them. Smart people aren't that bright. People aren't smart,
then. Okay, that phase pass. All right, what's next? I'm looking
cherries and bananas and what are some hot along? Fruit Mike and
Ikes and fruit emojis, whatever. What is it?
Candy crunch
Candy Crush, okay. That's how many dumb that's how dumb people are.
This is the most popular app now. I went well, a lot of them. A lot
of them. A millionaire surgeon, a surgeon. A surgeon makes millions
of dollars a year on very complicated surgeries. Very
complicated. So one day, I was with them. Playing games. He's on
his phone the whole time. Right? Say Subhan Allah. That's what he
makes millions of dollars. He's working. Even in this game, even
in this wedding. That guy's working so hard. That's why he
makes money. And I feel guilty that I'm eating my my food. And
he's working. Right. I'm thinking man, I'm maybe I'm not working
hard enough.
I look, Candy Crush.
Right in the middle of all these friends, all your friends. And
he's gone to the side playing Candy Crush. That's how dumb
people are.
It doesn't take much for shaytaan to keep you away from Allah.
People aren't video games. So we're not saying they're on
fascia. They're not even on Fantasia. It didn't take fat
hisher it didn't take shuriken covering gambling to get you away
from Allah. It just took silly games like this, right?
silly games like this. But what does Allah take as a cure from
Surah Tilka.
Lazo just says Was there enough sec. Man malady Nia donor
abdominal Raja tulasi you read to Nerja wala China gone on to reduce
units inherited dunya
Oh messenger. Stay with those people who are seeking Allah
who pray morning and evening and do not turn your face from them.
Don't turn your face from Elia Allah. Don't turn your face from
them. The people who are close to Allah stick with them no matter
what. No matter what happens don't turn away from them. If you can
live right next to them live right next to them. And it's even Malik
What did his mom do? One Rasul Allah say seven came to Mecca to
Medina and it's even medic was 10 years old. His mom said to him one
of the messages I sent him she said can I put my son into your
service? She said yes, he said yes Madhava
and this is in Malik would wake up do whatever chore his mom needed
and shortly before though time head down to the messenger so I
sent him and spend all day until McGraw Benicia to the prophesies
with the provinces
serving stay with the solder in what attire do I need to reduce in
its height Antonia All right.
Sure, hon Mota on we're one with seven wins, whims, whims
constantly following whims. Yanni. Unfortunately, today, we're in a
time, he can be following your desires all day long. If you're
bored from this talk, you can go into the bathroom, take your phone
out and play video games, right? When you get home. There's plenty
of food, eat more food and have a midnight snack. When you get tired
of that. Put the TV on and see what's going on TV. When nothing's
on TV, pull your phone out again and see what's going on YouTube.
Constantly following your wins constantly following your wins. He
got to be careful. This is not how people used to live. People used
to be close to Allah because they had very little things to do.
Simplify life. We have to simplify how on whatever on wins. It's
impossible to keep up with the fads of today. The fads, even the
language, right? The terminology of the youth is changing every
day. There's always a new slang coming up. And then next week
there'll be another slang wins constantly wins. meaninglessness.
Hello, Helen Helen. Whatever. What dunya and people choose their
dunya over their Deen constantly. We
call it era in
barrier. Everyone who has an opinion loves his opinion. Right?
And we have to know as Muslims. Our opinion in the matter of the
deen is meaningless. We have something called Maharajah sources
that we go back to. What are our sources in fifth, have a honey
Homeric Shafi Ahmed and there were mainly one minute automa and their
scholars that
pass on their teachings. This is very important for the youth, for
the women, for the men. Where do you take your deen from? You have
to know where you're taking your deen of Allah even MOBOTIX said,
Ellie's nadelman Adeem the chain of transmission is part of the
religion. fellow law is not law Karla Mencia. Imagine if it was
not for Isner. Anyone could say whatever they wanted. No, we don't
just take our deen from anyone. Right? Take we take our deen from
people who took their Deen from people who took the deen from
people all the way back to Allah and his messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa salam hamdulillah dismiss it has the signs that
you're not taking from anyone that you're taking from right sources.
This is very important. Alright, taken from right sources.
And then he says, what's next? All right, what our item with the
local minima? What are either Malibu de la Camino or Mahalaya
then Naka Isley
you see things that you have no choice, you see things that you
have no choice, any of the Chabad youth
who go to schools, anyone who has email, you have to go online, or
anyone who goes to the supermarket, and you stand in line
there, you're going to see for hash, you're going to see things
that are against the fitrah and against the shutter and against
the deen.
Okay, you're going to see things you're gonna go to work and your
colleague, he's a creature that's new.
We used to have males and females it used to be known. Right? Now
you don't have males if you don't know who you're dealing with
anymore. So you don't know. There is a new creature, a face that is
a murderer merge between male and female. This is a new face. It's
out there, right? And then you have gender fluidity.
A man, six foot tall, 200 pounds. linebackers wishes today to be a
female puts on lipstick and wears high heels. Right? This is an
image that you won't even Yeah, maybe you're lucky in
Pennsylvania, you don't have a lot of this, I don't think
but go to the cities, you're gonna be shocked.
You're gonna need therapy, from what you see in the cities. Now.
You don't know what's in front of you is a male or a female, right?
Or a female? Okay, you don't know what's in front of you. And the
thing is, it might be your neighbor might be your colleague
at work, you have to you have to give them Yanni you have to
What do you do? What are you going to do? You can get reported?
Right? This is what do you promise I said lay silica layer than
br lake or layer the lacquer array, you have no control over
this, you can stop it. You're going to have to interact and deal
maybe you're a nurse is going to come to you. Right Sunday
in the hospital is one of them. What are you going to do?
Hello, the coach. Just like you and yourself, you can't even speak
against it anymore. Right? You can even speak against it anymore. You
can express your opinion.
This is our situation. So what happens now, when you see this
Faraday cage setting up sick was the on camera lamb
at this point, our league because certina Sick Worry about yourself.
And you're sitting there in the office and your colleague
Alright? Is one way or the other?
What are you going to do? You can talk to him. I like it. We
constantly worry only about yourself inside of yourself. You
say hola from anybody or men. Anybody will mean I have nothing
to do with this ImmunoCAP Allah, I fear Allah have nothing to do with
this inside of yourself to Allah and Allah knows, without uncommon
Allameh don't try to fix society at this point. society this is the
province I tell them telling us society at large is lost. If these
matters are present in society, and unfortunately, they are
present society. You cannot change yourself. Maybe you could change.
You cannot change society. Maybe you could change you and a few
people. Maybe you and a few people, Duncombe.
I'ma leave the public, leave the public abandon the public. You
can't control them. Don't try to fix them and change them. You
cannot control the public, what you can control. It may be
yourself, maybe your family and maybe a few friends. That's it.
Certain KEF what do the what do the Shabaab have suited to do?
What to us haven't kept do? They take themselves and they were
three or five or seven, and their dog and they leave society they
did exactly what's in this hadith right or wrong. You see now the
parallel of the Quran and the Hadith. They left Omraam they left
the people, they left society and they went to leave they made hijra
today. Our Hijra is not with our body because wherever you go today
is the same fifth is the same fifth. Okay. Here's the same
thing. If you go to Mecca, there are fitted
everywhere they are fitted. In fact, America may be the safest
place because the laws protect you. Okay? Allow you to practice
your D you couldn't do a gathering like this and half of the Muslim
countries. You can do a gathering like this in Egypt. You can do a
gathering in Egypt the massages closed right after Isha.
The only speech is what the government gives the ship to speak
to give and they purposely give him something that puts the people
to sleep.
In a rain in Mecca and Medina Can you open your own masjid and have
a gathering? No. But in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, you can Sivan Allah,
you can open your own Masjid in Mecca, but you can in
Pennsylvania, this is actually a things flipped upside down.
Colville hockomock The way things should be or they're flipped.
So we say it's not hijra, you're not going to go live on a mountain
literally like us. Habitica what is the province I said, um, says
the hijra, the Hijra of the movement is two things one from
this hadith. Stop concerning yourself with the people. Don't
let it bug you when you call us get it out of your head. And
number two, the Hijra from sins to obedience into the damn camera.
Don't worry about what people think. Don't worry about changing
society. Okay, everyone who comes out and says I want to change the
world, he ends up the first one being changed and ends up being
corrupted. Right? He keeps going and selling himself and selling
his Deen one by one article by Article why in order to quote
unquote change the world and improve relations with society.
They're the first people to be last Subhan Allah and we can name
names, but it's not our sunnah. And the Sunnah of the ALMA Taurus
and the son of the prophets. I said we don't name names, right?
We don't name people. Alright, we're done comrade. I'm fair, not
a cop. I am a Sabra. If you see these signs, which we've talked
the prophesies then I'm given title to these days, a sovereign,
the days of sovereign,
right, fits in Katha MNLA the Muslim in one Hadith tribulations
like the darkness of the night, more dark, more dark, more dark,
every part of the night gets more dark. And in another narration can
wedge and battle like the waves of the sea. The waves of the sea, one
after the other after the other after the other, until one of you
thinks this wave is going to kill me. I'm done. This tribulation,
I'm done. Right but it will pass and Allah will keep your iman for
you. And then another one will come and you will say we're
finished and you will still survive. You will survive and
another one will come and the prophets I send them says men's as
I am a southern feminine sobre fi hidden can I come and come and
cover the jumper whoever
is having patience in those days, it is as if he is grabbing firmly
to a hot coal. And most youth today they don't know what a coal
is. Because their grill is gas grill and their fireplaces
electronic fake. Okay. They don't know what does it look like when
the piece of wood there's something in wood called an ember.
Okay. I mean piece of wood is so hot that it's red and it's
pulsating Red Lake this Ember and coals. Good old fashioned grill.
He put the coals on it. Black coals. You put some gas, okay, or
whatever grill fluid you light it up. It's a fire for a while then
the fire dies out. And you see pulsating red hot coals. You can't
even touch it. But the prophesized Center said the southern on that
in those days is not just touching the coal. It's
grabbing on to it firmly
that if you actually did this, it would burn through your hand and
through your fingers. So what does he want to do throw it.
He wants to get rid of it. Why? The Chabad today the youth are
temptation, the things that they are seeing, okay, online and on TV
and in magazines and in movies. The temptation is so strong, so
graphic, that it's as if he wants to pull his heart out. His heart
is on fire. He sees women. He's gonna go crazy if he doesn't see
and get those women.
She sees men in movies and on TV, and on her phone
that are so chiseled, she's gonna go nuts.
They go nuts. All teenage girls today are nuts.
You look around for who's not nuts. The girls are all gone
crazy. All right, the girls have all gone wild is because the mom
and dad the girl jumped up and down for a cell phone. And the mom
gave it to her. Right? You just gave would you give her a snake in
her room? I would trust that there'll be a snake in the room.
Then a cell phone
this cell phone has below we threw it right? And look at when we have
the cords of the modems and and what have you that are connecting.
We have an A of Quran, Allah subhana wa Tada says, Jeff,
Genesis will kill
the enemies. And that tribulation that Allah sends, Jesu Killa der
meaning snaking through the house. sneaking through the house. You
gotta be very careful the internet, you gotta control this
thing, or else is going to take you to * guaranteed. He got to
control this thing. Subhanallah and it's unfortunately changing
our youth into shell D they're becoming shape ons through this
thing. All right, and the girls that the John, his power over
girls is so much that the prophets I send them said you will have to
tie down your mother in law that means your wife's Mom, your mom,
your wife and your daughter as if you will have to tie them to the
house because they will run out wishing to see the digit and any
movement who goes from himself to see the digit as soon as he
entered his gaze falls upon the digit he loses his female
uses and dies when African cared for and whatever.
Right a several feet in a can
come and cover the geometry.
Now, here's the good news. Lily. Emily V in algebra come soon or
for the one who is acting upon the Dean as you are all doing right
now. You can't let your home's came here. Made will do prayed
Asia. Attending all the way until late tonight. Then going back home
Heather I'm an IV. This is a great action, a great action. Little
Amelie fee hinda.
For the one who is acting in this urgent rule comes in, or RA Jhulan
Mithila Amelie comes in rogering the reward of 50 men,
the one who is acting in these days of difficulty. And Cofer and
that there is no doubt on Islam and no Califa to protect you not
no righteous king, to give you a land where you can be Muslim
peacefully and protect you from the fifth and where your
classmates in sixth grade and they're all sleeping around. Okay,
already in sixth grade and they're having * and watching *
In this era, and you're coming to the masjid, your reward is 50. So
the Sahaba said 50 meant the reward of 50 of them, or of us.
The prophets I send them said the reward of 50 of you
Subhan Allah Subhan Allah once the Javi said, O Messenger of Allah,
will there ever be people better than us, when we have believed in
you and fought alongside of you? And the Prophet grew very upset
with him. And he said, Well, Malecon let me know what's
happened to Luna visa vie the law. What took us even a visa vie de la
WAMC Vayner camera, Soo Min Allah. And he said and what
accomplishment is this, that you believe and fight alongside me
when walking amongst you is the prophet of God. Well, what do you
should be doing this? He only that's what you should be doing.
You shouldn't feel so great about yourself. He's saying this to who?
To the Sahaba
then he's
So this RV said then who was better? He said, Yeah, Tina
doesn't lie around in Larry's MI.
Fi heater, there will come a people that they will not see
anything except my name between two Binds of a book.
Two binds have a book. What I can do let me know in the way I'm
alone, but they still believe in me and act upon it.
Subhanallah you don't know this hadith. Prophets I send him said
to the Sahaba they will come people. All they know is that they
see my name in the book between two Binds of a book. That's all
they have. Which means what? Like they don't Well, someone could
say, well, everyone after the Sahaba fits that category. No,
they don't. Because after the Sahaba, what did you have Ted ain,
you have this? The tambourine saw the sahaba. If you're born Muslim,
and use the almighty ricotta, you don't have much excuse anymore,
And if you are born Muslim, and your father's have conquered the
whole known world, except for China, right? He'd have no reason
except not to not be Muslim. If you are born Muslim,
in the 1200s 1600s, and your people built,
your people built the Blue Mosque. So Donna Ahmed mosque in Istanbul
that you see in the calendars, and your king built the Taj Mahal. And
all of the people of the world are imitating your people, you have no
excuse. Well, who else is tempting you? What better civilization is
there. But shortly after the 20s, everything started to break down.
And 1940s And 50s came and now you have such misery in the Islamic
world that people began to leave.
And Muslims began to go to Europe, and began to come to Australia,
and to Canada and to America and to South America. And those
Muslims married.
Even though they grew up in Islamic society, they married and
their kids are born in strange places, cities with no history of
Islam, such that you will have children. Their only reference to
Islam is literally a couple books, right or wrong. Those are the ones
that prophet is talking about, that they don't see the history of
Islam, they don't see great glory of the buildings and the history
of Muslim civilization. They don't see any of that all of that they
see is a couple of books on the Islamic Society bookshelf, and
they come into a little Masjid. Okay, and this is it. And yet
still they believe. Those are the people the prophets, I send them
said choke and Shokan Illa Valley.
So consultant, equality, oh, Allah, I wish to see my brothers.
There's a hobbit said aren't we are brothers, he said, but in too
much hobby. No, you're my companions, you live alongside of
me. They said Who are your brothers? He said, those who never
saw me, yearn to see me and would give everything in their life to
see me. Subhanallah so in this era, the one who is taking action
in this era has the reward of 50 Sahaba
by the testimony of the Prophet sighs
Subhan Allah, all this difficulty in the Prophet closes it with
that. Now let's talk a little bit about
the JAD himself
that a gel himself, this is the days of the job, what are his days
like this hadith?
When finally all people have rejected religion, or the majority
of people have rejected religion, and their hearts are empty, what
do they turn to? Okay, atheism is coming to steamroll all religions
that people worship nothing but something inside of people makes
them yearn for the unseen. So what will develop and this is I'm
telling you and you know from the Hadith, what will come
all right vehicles. The occult is another word for shall
look and look very carefully at the advertisements for movies and
in the contents of movies. Okay, you will find a very noticeable
a very noticeable increase
in idolatry.
A very noticeable increase in paganism in the occult and
ultimately it is leading to say in worship, that the journal comes as
a governor
and for
Being a governor he becomes a king.
Okay. First he begins as a preacher of some sorts, and from
being a preacher, he then comes as a governor than a king.
And then that becomes the ruler of the world.
A one world government,
one ruler for the entire world.
And then he travels from city to city proclaiming that He is God
and however could have the proper describes how this is this hadith
if this is the only Hadith you ever hear your your Eman and the
prophesy setting him that he is certainly a prophet of Allah
should be certain solidified province I sent him said he
travels from city to city, the entire world in 40 days. Okay,
*, on a beast.
On a beast, the width of it is 40 cubits, and along the side of it
is eyes. And it jumps through the clouds.
Perfect description for an airplane.
Perfectly description for an airbrush, a beast that has eyes
all along its sides and jumps through the clouds. If this is the
only Hadith you ever saw, you know, for sure this man, he's not
making these up. He's getting his news from the Creator.
The gel then travels and what do we do in the time of the job, you
should flee from the big cities, because people will flock to Him
and worship Him. They will flock and worship Him.
And especially in this time, all right, the muscles will be
persecuted. And the believers will be persecuted. Okay, in this time,
in this time will be present a great man that we must follow. And
that is Lea Manuel, Mandy, and emammal. Mandy has three crystal
clear signs, crystal clear signs, number one, and this is we're
going to close and then go to the q&a.
The first sign of the moment Mandy, many people can say in
their claim themselves the moment it doesn't mean anything. There
are three signs. Number one, you see what is happening in Libya?
Who's the president of Libya right now?
Who is the president of Libya?
Wrong country?
Who's Who's Who's the president of Libya? Nobody.
Right? Even a 15 year old kid. He knows he wants TV. Right?
There is no president of Libya.
Have you this is supposed to be the modern world, right? It's
2015. As everyone keeps saying, because it's 2015. As if we've
achieved something.
Right, as if we've achieved we're going backwards, is 2015. The only
thing we improved in is communication, and transport. The
only thing that we've improved in is communication and transport.
It's so easy to communicate to one another and to transport
ourselves. But everything else has gone backwards. Right? We're going
backwards. In all of our behaviors. Were going backwards.
Right? Libya has no president who is in charge of Iraq right now.
Who's the president of era Who's the king of Iran?
Nobody, another one figured it out.
Do you want to be kicked out?
There is no one in charge of Iraq. It's chaos. You have one group of
crediting themselves with ruling then you have the Western powers
putting up another crony.
So what's the point? You see it's happening in front of you right in
front of your own two eyes. What are the Roberts I sent him said?
He says the sign of the Monday is when Elijah does Mecca and Medina.
You can say the same thing about Maximilian. When you can say no
one's in charge of Mecca and Medina anymore. That is the first
sign of EMA Monday. And you see all the way here we are halfway
across the world and we know no one's in charge of living. It's
known. It's not hidden. The province sign up mmm they are not
hidden. They're known indisputable. The first sign is
that Mecca and Medina and the hijas will have no governor. No
king. Why? Because the king dies and his sons fight over the
monarchy in his place.
Okay, three sons of the King fight between themselves. So nobody
knows who is in charge of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That's
the first time
what is the second time now Hajj will come
and it will become furred Keifa
err for the owner to assign a leader
because you cannot have heads without a leader.
So the owner and the great Allamah of Iraq and Syria come together
and they find the man who they see in him is the size of him and
Maddie and they chase him
to Medina to give him the Oath of Allegiance be the cleaver and he
will say no, then he will run back to Mecca, they will chase him
there and he will say no, then to Medina, and then after the hedge
is over, they will corner him now that everyone's left they will
corner him at the kava and he will have to give them the bear and he
gives him the bear. All of this we will not see we might be here in
America, we might not see this. So what is the next sign? The next
sign is that a band of people in Mecca and Medina start surrounding
him and being his followers. And like we said there's no government
in Arabia anymore to control this. Just like there's no government in
Iraq and Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was able to declare himself believer
and no one could do anything about it.
Yeah, go go into Times Square and declare yourself President of the
United States. They're gonna shut you down and put you in a mental
hospital. But if there's no government, you can do this right?
So he does this in Mecca, declares himself Al Imam Madi, and people
start coming to him and he's follow a small following develops
around him. And his name is as the prophets name is Mohammed bin
Abdullah or atma living Abdullah. And his description is that he is
tall, dark with a hook nose and a stutter. He doesn't give eloquent
speeches he stutters speaks very slowly. He's not an eloquent
speaker. Then people may say it's by his charisma that he's got
people. It's not by his charisma.
Allah has purposely made him not charismatic. Charisma means you
got to speak. You got to give a good speech. He does not have
charisma, as a sign and approve just as the province is Saddam was
not reading and writing so no one says he copied the Quran.
Likewise, Al Imam and Mandy is not a charismatic preacher so that
people will say about him. He lures people with his charisma. No
doesn't have charisma is very plain. And he's an older man, no
signs of charisma to make sure that people are following him only
for Allah sake, not because they're stolen by his charisma. So
what's the second sign
that someone who the province I sell them calls as Sophia Annie
from Syria.
When as Sophia Annie hears about Imam Maddie who is descendant of
whom and has Illuminati,
that has an immunity.
He will come down with an army 10 times the size of the Mende and
his companions. And what will he do?
This army will come down
and the Muslims will have no power over them. But what will occur?
Allah azza wa jal as they near Medina, Allah azza wa jal will
open the earth and they will collapse into the earth and what
do we call this?
A sinkhole?
What is a sinkhole?
It's is a vacuous space under the earth. Why are there suddenly now
sinkholes all over the earth? Very simple reason. We're pulling out
all the oil and gas too quickly.
And so there are gaps in the earth such that homes are collapsing.
Cars are collapsing roads are collapsing. Imagine in Saudi
Arabia, what what is their? What is their natural resource? Oil?
Where is oil under the ground? You keep succeeding and siphoning it
out of the crown? What is that Earth going to be filled with
vacuous gaps under the ground? Now travel over that with an army and
what's going to happen? It's going to be too heavy, and they're going
to collapse signs. All of them. None of them are mystical. None of
them are mystifying right or wrong. Do you see the
explanations? You can expect them to happen right in front of you.
This is the second time when an entire army falls into the ground.
You think is not going to reach CNN news. You think it's not going
to be on the BBC in the RT. It's going to be all over the news. An
entire army collapses in a sinkhole sign number two worldwide
Yeah, who knows what the technology is. But whatever
technology is out there, within one day, you should know the whole
world will know. And I'm telling you, I'm transmitting to you, the
Dean of Muhammad SAW I saw them that this is sign number two, that
that men who they're going to attack is the Mende. So what if
it's symmetric? What do you have to do the prophesy centum said,
traveled to him and give him your oath of obedience, even if you
have to travel on ice because he's the Khalifa of Allah.
That's why it's important because there's Amil This is not many is
not something we just believe in. You have to go give him bear and
then go back home or go wherever he tells you. He's your chief.
He's your boss. He tells you what to do. If he says go back to your
land. You go back chillin.
Even he concurs, okay,
go back to your land, go back to your land.
Sign number three. What does he do?
Who are the two greatest enemies in the Middle East today?
Saudi Arabia and Iran
and Imam Mehdi conquers the entire Arabian Peninsula.
Then he takes that army
and travels to person Iran and conquers the entire country of
Persia, Iran, and ends Shiism
The only remaining shear is will be a whole lot the extremists and
he will fight them and finish them. And all of those who are
as a Shia, they will believe in him and they will stop cursing
about Ramadan, Asia.
When you see two countries, this magnitude of people Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia and Iran unifying you think that's not going to make
news Yanni dies ISIS today, if they go take over a 711 in Syria,
it makes the news.
There you read the news about ISIS do Eve they're taken over cities
you never heard of. Right. So when the man Maddie takes over the
entire to zero of the autumn, and the entire peninsula of producer
of the Arabs and then country of Persian.
You think that's not going to make news? It's going to make a lot of
news. These are three signs. After this, he continued the conquests.
He ends Arab secularism by conquering Shem. Syria, then he
goes to Turkey, Istanbul, and in Istanbul, they're guided people,
but they're in a gondola. So they will bring their army against him.
And when they see him, and they hear his tech view, that means
right before the battle, they will submit. Why does the prophesy
centum say when they hear his ticket beer, concepts and overwolf
will submit to Him. That means that the war will be just about to
begin between both sides, so much so that they can hear the tech via
Allahu Akbar of the men his army. That's when they will say, the men
will enter their heart. They will say no, we're not fighting this
men will join this man. And then he stays there and makes
Constantinople and Istanbul his capital again. And it becomes the
capital of Islam. He makes his hit capital for two years, for two
years. And what does he do for two for two years from Constantinople?
Where does he send his army next
to Italy,
to Italy, and he conquers the Vatican in Rome.
Islam will enter this time through Rome, and he will conquer it.
And from there, it will be announced as say THON will start
to despair. And he will announce to the people that John has come
go back to your women because your women are now chasing after that.
So the Muslims will leave Rome and flee back to their homes. But it
will be a false rumor. And so they will wait.
They will wait and sometime after this when everyone in the world
least expects it
will rise the judge and his fitna will be for some small period of
time, not too much. It's not going to be five, six years. It's going
to be a short period of time the maximum that all of that said is
under two years his fitna because aromatize, Samsung Urbina, Yeoman
Yeoman concentre Wyoming because Wyoming Kojima
was so yummy what I am concerned as we're looking at today, because
earlier because earlier Yeah, Miko a day, like a year, a year, like a
month, or day, like a month a day, like the week and the rest of the
days, like your days, so 37 days plus one week is how many days
One Plus 742 44
at 30 days, 74 days, one year and 74 days, one year and two and a
half months, basically
one year and two and a half months. What the Allah said is
that this is the maximum of the fitna of the * himself one
year and two and a half months
until such a large number of people have worshipped him and
left Islam left Islam main cover even though Imam Malik is there
even though he's conquered even though all the signs of his of
himself as there of the truth are there still the people will be so
tempted that they will follow the digit and fall for the digital
even when mmm many alive amongst us until who comes down? Profit 87
money? Where do they meet in Israel?
by blood, which is today the Tel Aviv airport. Say now you said the
Merriam comes down. And as soon as the dad lays eyes on, say now he's
in a muddy and he dissolves the journal.
Allah gives him powers to give life to heal the sick, to heal the
blind to make you rich and Allah gives him power over the jinn to
raise up Jinn that look like your parents who have died. He said
here I have resurrected your parents and then your these Jin
will tell you this is your god worshipped Him fully people,
fooling people who are empty, but anyone who keeps Salah and keeps
Surah Tilka will not be tricked, will not be duped. You will see it
Kevin as if it's written on his forehead, you will see it as if
it's written on his forehead. You will not be duped. Anyone who
keeps Salah and keeps sorted Alka will not be fooled by the
messenger. You will not be fooled, teach to to to get to your
families, teach it to your children before anything else.
And keep up the saga of the mumineen furniture and Asia in the
masjid. It is said that people who think that they can move their
body and live next to him and Maddie that they will be saved,
they're wrong.
Because even if you live right next to him and Maddie, if you
remember he is right there and you're right here. And that the
dad comes if your heart is not in the right place, you will leave
him and follow the dead and make cover and go to *. It's not
about physical proximity to each family. It's about your nearness
to Allah and your taqwa doesn't matter if you're in Pennsylvania,
New York City, Russia, Sao Paulo, wherever you are, it doesn't
And so say nice and muddy, and we'll come and the jar will melt.
And there will be no more force of shape on the earth. Say now you
sir, will destroy and kill every army of Shavon and all of this
fitten and all the technology that has taken people,
the fitna of all these things will be cut off. And such a great Eric
will come upon people. And he's seven Marian will live amongst us
for two years.
After the mmm he dies very shortly after ASA comes down and say nice
on Instagram, then say nice I will live as the believer of the
Muslims for 40 years. And in this period of time, there will be so
much Baraka on the earth, that a family it will suffice them to eat
a single orange, it will know the fruit will be so big. A whole
family could eat it. And entire tribe will spend a day eating a
watermelon. That's how big the fruit will be. The earth will be
so happy that the soil will come out the earth will clean itself
out. It will clean itself out through rains, the rivers will
flood out all of the filth it's in and the rivers will be clean again
the earth will be clean again for 40 years, and this is the greatest
period on the earth. And the men and the women and the children who
follow said now he said the Meriam are the greatest men, women and
children on the earth after the Sahaba
until finally what happens after the death of Satan now he said in
muddy him. All of the people who saw him will slowly die and Allah
azza wa jal will raise Iman from the earth and there will be no
more Eman on the Earth and everyone on the earth will
collapse again. And then your monthly ama will come upon those
people, not upon the believers.
Our deen is so beautiful. We know what's going on.
If we know what's going to happen, but don't think simply by knowing
what's going to happen that you're going to be saved, you have to
work. You have to put effort. How many people here are missing
Who here is praying, fetch it on time daily, that you miss fetcher,
maybe once or twice a year.
How about PM Elaine? How about hire on Manila?
Right? Well, there are two men Ahmed El COVID, ali, Akbar Allahu
Akbar and Allah image very Shan McCullum invited on Eddie. So what
does that mean? That means one veteran, one iota atom of the
action of the heart is bigger in the sight of Allah than a mountain
of actions done solely by your body. Like what?
Al Amin Allah having shame in the sight of Allah. Now, right now,
would any of you take out your phone? And look for wires? Right
now? Right here in the masjid?
No, right? Why? Why? You have shame. That's good. You would
never do that in front of people. Right? Now, let me tell you, um, a
little color and action of your heart that is superior to all acts
of the body.
That when you are alone, you say to yourself, I'm ashamed in front
of Allah to be looking at this machine. Allah is with me, so I'm
ashamed to be looking at that woman.
I'm ashamed to be looking at that man. Who I'm not supposed to be
gazing at. That is called I'm gonna hire him and Allah, that's
what's gonna save us. That's what's gonna save us a cornucopia
that does not come along here. And we can now turn the mic over to
question answer. And if the womenfolk have something, they
could write it, send it up
to me, I've been mean,
we have about 1520 minutes inshallah for q&a Before we close
up the program with the presentation from subpoena, and
then dinner afterwards, every reason to please bear with us for
the remaining portion of the program. A reminder Dr. Shalini,
obviously, you know, is a visiting scholar for this evening. Please
try to keep your questions relevant to the topic and Shama
possible. If it's a type of question that is relevant to this
masjid or to this community. We we have alumni here we have, you
know, our teachers here, okay, already mom and resident scholars
here? And who better to address that question to the people who
are here, okay, not to a visiting scholar from outside who doesn't
know what's going on here. But Inshallah, if anybody has any
questions, please feel free. If you have G is changing the sea
near here?
Is the general change in the sea somewhere near Yemen?
The answer to this question is that we know, as the province is,
told us that the job is chained in an island is not a human, like
regular humans, he has been alive. And Allah is keeping him alive.
But he's chained on an island, and we don't know, near Yemen, or
where, but we know that he's chained in an island and he was
seen by a Christian who later became Muslim and his name is
Timmy my daddy
we have any questions from the sister side behind the partition,
if we could write them down and shall avoid them somehow through
to the men's section shall any other questions and show them?
Could you speak?
One second?
Way question is we know about
obey. And then he was enough regime after that. Is there any
like history of the job that like people, like I want to know that I
don't know why he has been created and why he's, like, well to this
question is why is the juggler created? Okay. Why is the jar
existing? The jar exists, right?
To decipher whether or not we believe
the jar comes with everything good. But Allah tells us don't
follow him. Right. Now, that's a way to decipher who truly believes
from who doesn't. That's what the journal is. He is like, you have
positive particles, protons and neutrons or protons and electrons
all mixed up. So you bring a magnet that will suck out all
those negative
Because negative particles and that's what the jet is. He is like
a magnet. And everyone who truly does not believe in Allah will
follow him. And that's a favor for us. So now we know who's a true
believer and who isn't. And what is the greatest favor? All right,
one of the greatest things in terms of OMA and community is that
there are no one ever been no hypocrites, and the time amazing
and muddy and there will be no hypocrites, right? So how do we
have no hypocrites is all of the believers will be suffering
and the gel will come with a solution Allah will say don't
follow him. But all the benefits will follow him so he will remove
from the OMA is one f&b.
Now after, say now he's been muddy him fights, a lot of wars. The
earth will be filled with the carnage of war. He's been Maryam
comes with a unsealed sword. And he never puts his sword back into
his case. It's sheep. He fights from land to land. He doesn't stop
he doesn't stay home. He travels fighting, fighting, fighting,
fighting, fighting, fighting everyone.
Until they submit. Okay, so what is the earth looking like at this
point? It's swimmers are *, the land is *. So how does
Allah clean this out? He cleans this out through a people who eat
everything dead alive.
Okay, and who are these people? Huge number two ancient tribes who
are under the earth. They are somewhere under the earth. And
they're humans, but not like us. They're not like us. They're very,
very different from us. They're under the earth. What does Allah
say the Prophet Isa, you cannot kill them, travel up to the
mountain peaks and live there. And the followers of Isa will travel
up on top of the mountains and live there, that will be the only
safe place you have to do Jim and George will come eating and
drinking everything that they see in sight. Okay, as if they're
vacuum cleaners, then Allah will send a bug that will kill them
all. And then Allah will send rain, some say for 40 days and 40
nights that will clean out all of this mess, then the Sahaba of Asa
can come back down and the earth will be cleaned for them.
War seems to be a critical aspect of this time period. So how
exactly are the wars going to be followed? Is there going to be a
regression to technology?
The question is, will the wars be fought through technology? Or will
there be a regression technology, some of the other labs say that in
the time of ease of the technology will be broken? And ultimately we
really don't know. We really don't know to be honest with you. So
we'll have to wait and see
currently due to lack of knowledge, for example, on
watts, right. So we know in Salah was going down, but due to lack of
knowledge, people have been also like following a certain part or
at least for example.
So this question, the brother says some people are taking some Hadees
and trying to implement them.
When he's talking about his damage, or ISIL, or ISIS, that the
melody he has a black flag. There we go. And ISIS also has a black
flag and they're trying to establish the glava they tried to
stop them. But Mabuni out of out of the hole about it. We say what
is built upon Bolton is bothered. Now why do we say that ISIS is
upon Bolton Berglund? Why is it bothered? Okay? It's volatile for
a very simple reason.
Namely, that in Islam, Jihad has rules has rules. And what are
these rules? The rule is that you must be a recognized nation
amongst the nations, right? A recognized nation amongst nations.
So your enemies have to recognize you that you're a country that
you're a state you cannot force yourself right. So there's you had
his bottom. Okay, there jihad is boultham for that simple reason.
Secondly, there are some rules to be a Khalifa it's a joke. One of
the simple rules you need to run rule Mecca and Medina.
To me, the Caribbean, right? They can call themselves immune. Just
like a country, you can call him but you're not gonna call
So for that reason, ISIS has been refuted time and time again. And
in fact, there are many Hadith and one in particular, that is
narrated by Satan not even have you thought it which describes
exactly the description of ISIS and that hadith says, there will
be people with long hair that speak home intelligence that are
Arabs like us speak our tongue. All right. They say the best of
words, but they are the worst of creation. They keep no contract,
no agreement they make with people they will break every agreement
and they will take names of Kenya, right I smell I smell human
corner. Their names are Kenyans what is a Kenyan EVO this elbow
that none of them have names. All of them is Elbow, elbow, elbow,
elbow. There is no one with a regular name from them. All right,
when it's fair to humble hoorah there Nyssa. Their last name is
states and towns. Abu Jafar Al Baghdadi Abu Musab Zarqawi algo
Aisha and McGreevy, right elbow a you and Melanie then everyone is
like, like a screen name. This is like a fake screen name. You don't
know who the person is. He's ever something. And he comes from that
country. Right? So you don't know what we say to them? Why are you
free to use your real name? If this is so noble, why have you
given yourself a fake name? Tell us what your mother gave birth to
you and called you and what your father's name is. This is one of
the signs that they're upon bothered, that they don't want to
reveal who they really are, they have to take on a fake name. And
when they come in front of the camera, they have to cover their
faces. Why? If you are upon nobility and Hawk, give us your
name and show us your face. This is like Twitter. Okay, people
coming in with screen names. You never talk to these people. Right?
Never talk to these people, someone coming to you with a fake
name. You show me your face and tell me what your name is Ross is
not going to talk to you. There. This is the same thing. And this
hadith is given from
Ali, even me. And many, many people, what are the what did the
Prophet call them? He said as homeless how without them. They
are the people of the state. Right? Islam does not come for
statehood, Islam comes for guidance of people state was a
means to an end
down towards you, or maybe I beg your pardon. This midlist was
going on for a long time and all these countries have destroyed
now. So this will lead to bring in
all of the wars in the Middle East right now are paving the way.
They're all paving the way. And at the end of all, this is going to
come in on Monday.
These are how we describe the number of false melodies.
Is there a hadith that has the number of false melodies
the womenfolk has no questions specified.
Here, we have to take care of the women have to have knowledge
seriously. They're gonna raise the kids, if they're ignorant, your
kids are in trouble. Okay, and they're gonna destroy you. We
don't want to wait in our kids. We need the women to ask questions,
How many false melodies? We don't know, a lot. We don't know. But
none of them will have these three signs that we said.
Just a few questions about
ISIL. The leaders of the ISIL have been
the leader bots have yes about
what is the way that we what actions can we take today? Right
raise that knowledge.
Stand up against the trustees.
Today, we're obligated, obligated every person that you know, you
must warn them and tell them this issue of ISIS these people do not
represent the Prophet. Right. These people are upon. They're not
on the right Islam for the following reasons. Jihad in Islam
has rules. There are only four types of jihad, okay. And all of
them require a leader. There's no such thing that you gather a gang
of people and start waging Jihad and having lone figures fighting
jihad for you, in France, and California wherever. This is
completely against every rule of Syria. Any war and Islam is fought
between two nations that recognize
one another, and only the soldiers engaged in the fight. We don't go.
You've never seen a Sahabi on liberal hilltop send once a hobby
or tussah hobby or tend to Hobby, go to another country and kill
innocent people and kill the civilians of that land. Right?
This method of waging jihad is completely false. And therefore
all of the results that are attracting many people, many youth
from Europe and America, they don't go because we'd have to
cross the Atlantic. But in Europe, you can just drive there. You can
just drive and join ISIS and you have an apartment, you have a
wife, if you don't like that way you could throw in the garbage.
They'll give you another wife. And this is what happens. The girls
are getting abused. They capture a town and they sell the girls to
the soldiers. Right Samaya Somalia means young youth. They'll sell
the girls. The soldier will take one user for a week doesn't like
it Throw her away. And you have calamities happening, right?
victims, Mahatma Bonilla Allah vaulted Powerball if the origin if
this is the foundation, then the entire thing is about
one more question, inshallah.
That's more than
the last, I couldn't help myself when I heard that phrase discolor
my dad, and I read your CV yesterday or last week about
hydromorphone, so our guests love to huddle remote and the scholar
of Hyderabad anyone had that would use in light the gathering about
your prediction
that is out of the subject, but I couldn't help myself because I
have great love for that. Nice and Marshall. Okay, I'll answer that
after we finished the questions on the subject.
So knowing that we're in the end times, and like things are gonna
go negative, so
they are already negative. What do you mean gonna go negative? You
think this is positive? So
what will How worse does it have to get for you to think it's
what's the motivation? What's the motivation for Muslims to get
engaged in good causes? What is the motivation to get engaged in
good causes is it is a means to save yourself, bathed in Allah.
And so an example for your friends and your children, busy yourself
with good causes. That's your motivation.
Eve even the prophesy seven said if you're more clever, if you see
the angel putting his trumpet up to his lips to blow the horn of
Yom Okayama, the trumpet, and you're planting a seed and a seed
for a tree, which you're not going to see for 50 years right?
planted. So same thing. What is the best way to protect our family
and children in this time, take in and be careful watch, observe what
they do on the internet, and take them to the masjid. Take them to
the masajid and be very careful. The TV, the internet,
be very careful cell phones, cut these things off. And until they
have to have to have to and even then make it restricted so that
the kids grow up pure, pure, not urinated upon, because the
internet is as if the bowl of shaytaan is in your face, right?
Be careful. Don't let them be all over the web. Okay, it's if you
put your kids out on the street in the middle of the night and pick
them up at Fudger This is easier and better and lighter and less
dangerous than if you have let him have a computer in his room that
he serves to work until February.
I'm guarantee you, I guarantee you. So be careful with the
computer, the web, control these things and take them to the masjid
bring them to the masjid as much as you can.
If anybody else has any other questions or Shalom shape, the
speaker will be here inshallah joining us for dinner. So please
feel free to meet with him afterwards. Inshallah if I could
ask everybody just a few more minutes before we serve.
Up to share the guests happy little lucky share a few words
about Imam Al Haddad Rahim Allah and the great tradition that he
left behind for us as well as if I could request him very briefly to
share a brief presentation about Safina society. Some of the work
that is doing in sha Allah and hamdulillah how we have been able
to come and visit today
Imam had had that is called remotes and we had some friends of
ours go to other worlds. And when the great scholar Habib Ahmed bin
Hafiz began doing Tao in from other modes, Habib Ahmed bin
Hatfield. He's a young man as he
Who, in the 90s began doing down and traveling the Middle East?
Okay, he's from other modes. And then the Westerners started to
hear about other modes, then they started to go. And Hamdulillah I
was one of many people who went to his school Doctor most of them and
study within there and they're all day vicar. Quran lessons and our
this is what we do. We do they could be emulate adjured We do
Quran, we take classes, and we go out to to give Darwin to the
management nomads. And this methodology is based on the method
of Imam and had dead who said and he foresaw through cassava cash,
that within 300 years, the Muslims will not even know the
fundamentals of their religion anymore. That's what he said. I
foresee that within 300 years, the majority of the Muslims will not
know the basics of their religion and he died in 1721. Right? He
died 1721.
And that's what he said. So what would what did he do? He spent his
time summarizing knowledge specifically and he only did he
didn't write bigger books, he shrunk the books. He shrunk the
books and talk talked about.
spoke specifically about the fundamentals of Eman and your
and he spoke about the importance of dollar that and this era learn
the fundamentals of the Drina do dollar. So that's the mum and
dad's methodology. And for this end, we established an
which is called Safina society and Safina is Safina to Naja the ark
of salvation is in this stage, the tribulations are like the waves of
the sea. So what is the solution is the arc and that arc is love of
Andrew Bates and taking the guidance of the Sahaba All right,
Matthew and the basic as a unit you know, men rock Eva Naja
aumenta Carla Van Halen was how we can assume BIA hammock the Data
Monitor data, it's a weekly but it's acceptable to act upon. Or
there's no real action upon it so susceptible to narrate prophesized
seven said my family is like the Ark of Noah, if you ever rise it
is saved and whoever leaves it abandons it is droughts and My
Companions are like the stars whoever you follow, you will be
guided. So what we do is for things you can follow us on the
internet at Safina society org and you could go to multimedia we have
essays, papers, videos, and the videos are also made it to audios
and we have some pictures, all focusing on knowledge. All we do
is knowledge voyages is what we're doing. Now. This traveling out to
various communities for knowledge. We're having an Arabic intensive.
We will be having an Arabic intensive this summer. So keep an
eye on that. And then locally in new growth and New Brunswick. We
have classes for all age groups and conference. So that's our
organization. You can keep tabs that's the thing
unbundle salatu salam ala Rasulillah.
Magic was hemiparetic was salam alaikum incredibly it was salam
it's I mean, clearly it was salam and equally well chosen regenda
will have unlimited equally well chosen agenda one majaz a minute
not alarm Have you been in an email was the Inovio Colombina are
correctly Lena Cobra well pasukan when I was some Allahu Allah say
that Mr. midwater earlier somebody sent me some harm or Recombinase
at Gmail zero cinema and Musa inhabitable.
that's our
site out there
right boy