Shadee Elmasry – Shia Lie Against Umar (RA)

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a situation where a Prophet has a severe fever and a desire to assign a piece of paper to a person. The prophets have been upset and claiming that the Prophet is going to assign a piece of paper to the person. The situation is described as a critical and volatile event, with multiple cuts and cuts and cuts and cuts happening after the Prophet lift.
AI: Transcript ©
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Shira, I have this assumption that the Prophet was going to assign

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saving it as the Khilafah and prophets I send them was very sick

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and asked for a piece of paper for a while see it to be written in

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which after this we would note nobody will ever go to stray but

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all might have been a hot dog then states that the prophesy son is

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sick he has a very severe fever as a result of that all multiple cuts

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I've said no, wait, don't do it now. Then the prophets of Allah

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and he was suddenly became upset, allegedly, and told the Sahaba

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everyone to leave the house. They take from that debt, all the

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Sahaba knew that the Prophet was going to assign said naughty as

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the normative Khattab maliciously stopped it, okay, you know how

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this is essentially refuted in two seconds at the Prophet lift three

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days after that. If there was such a critical part of our religion,

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then the Prophet lived on Friday. He lived on Saturday and he lived

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on Sunday. That's number one. Number two

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