Shadee Elmasry – Shadee’s Intro to Arabic
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Oh, let's start with myself. I'm going to be teaching a class that
will be on the font foundations.
It will be on the foundations section of the of ArcView. And
it's going to be our introduction to Arabic grammar. It's going to
be an introduction to words, conjugations, sentences, and
common constructions, right? That's four elements again the
nature of words, right? The conjugations of verbs, sentence
structures, and common constructions such as noun
adjective phrases will often Madame la. Alright, John will
Mujuru okay prepositional phrases, and whenever when you call to
somebody, how you talk to them, how to give an exception to
something, you know, like, all of these, except this, all of these
common very common construction. So, we also read, so we have a
grammar portion, and then we have a reading portion in which the
students themselves will read and be corrected, and we'll talk about
the grammar and we have some decent selection of readings going
from very simple to a little bit more complicated. So that's my
first class and that meets twice a week. All of this you can see on a
brochure, if you go to the live chat, you'll see the link for that