Shadee Elmasry – Sh Yahya Rhodus Ready for Convert Conference 2018

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is hosting a virtual event where they are sharing memories of being with people from the very beginning. They discuss the importance of faith penetrating into their hearts and hope that they will be at the cover conference. They also mention upcoming events and telemetry.
AI: Transcript ©
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Break it down just a little bit. You can go cabbie to somebody's

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home or home to love. This is your Rhodus volunteer Allah subhanaw,

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Taala and Muslim since September 13 1996. And it's actually

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interesting that I'm asked this question now, because in the room

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with me, is the very blessed man that actually took my Shahada with

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St. tudy Arabi one picture of all multileaf

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and kondalilla that I prayed my first prayer in his house, this is

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the man who taught me the Fatiha. And he took very good care of me

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along with the community in Santa Clara, California. And there's

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something very special about being with good people from the very

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beginning. And that helps you to get off that on a good footing.

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And a lot of doors open up that his house was a house where we

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used to come together and remember a lot and to learn, and I have

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only the very best of memories and from the bounty of Alawi Allah

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Tana keeps bringing us back together time and time again. And

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this is what we truly hope is that when we turn to this deen is that

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we will that that have that faith penetrate to the depths of our

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hearts and that when faith penetrates to the depths of the

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heart, is it then there's no turning back and after that, that

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door after door after door opens up and things get more and more

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and more and more beautiful. And that this is what we hope that

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things get more and more beautiful until the day that we meet are

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loads of fun and so inshallah that we will be at the cover conference

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this year. And looking forward to seeing you all there and inshallah

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we will talk about many important topics good time to spend together

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and all that benefit collectively inshallah set on Monday. Until

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then telemetry data

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