Shadee Elmasry – Saying Talaq
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The transcript appears to be a conversation between two speakers, one of whom is discussing a medical school context. The context suggests that the speakers are trying to figure out what to say when discussing Talaq and the Talaq of Luxan. The speakers also mention a third Tageon's statement about marrying another man.
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saying the word Talak Is it sufficient in medical school? The
answer is yes. Provided the context indicates that you want to
look for example, saying the word Tilak in this context means
nothing terms of implications. So otherwise if there is a context
such as the two people are fighting and the present Talaq
that happened, he didn't say I like it, or antibody is not
necessarily Tala Clergerie is the first Talaq and the second Talaq
provided their tilaka sunnah, which is to say once you say three
times, she has to marry another man first. You can't take her back
or the third Tillotson to Luxan has to say once you do that three
times she has to marry another man and come back