Shadee Elmasry – Saying Talaq

Shadee Elmasry
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The transcript appears to be a conversation between two speakers, one of whom is discussing a medical school context. The context suggests that the speakers are trying to figure out what to say when discussing Talaq and the Talaq of Luxan. The speakers also mention a third Tageon's statement about marrying another man.
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saying the word Talak Is it sufficient in medical school? The

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answer is yes. Provided the context indicates that you want to

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look for example, saying the word Tilak in this context means

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nothing terms of implications. So otherwise if there is a context

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such as the two people are fighting and the present Talaq

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that happened, he didn't say I like it, or antibody is not

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necessarily Tala Clergerie is the first Talaq and the second Talaq

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provided their tilaka sunnah, which is to say once you say three

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times, she has to marry another man first. You can't take her back

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or the third Tillotson to Luxan has to say once you do that three

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times she has to marry another man and come back

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