Shadee Elmasry – #SafinaQA 1 Who do I ask

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning from the Quran is discussed, including the need for more people to practice learning and the use of vicar in people's conversations. The speakers also touch on the concept of hate and the need for more people to practice learning. The importance of being patient and staying true to one's values is emphasized, along with the importance of finding a partner and keeping a company. The segment ends with a mention of the Prophet's invitation to people and the importance of finding a partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Salam aleikum everyone welcome to the

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first Safina, QA, video, masha Allah, you all sent a number of

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good questions, and we're going to get to the most of them as much as

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possible. But first, I want to talk about how we're supposed to

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learn how are we supposed to gain knowledge? How are we supposed to

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go about getting our answers? Or questions answered? Now one of the

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thing things that it's sort of hard for people to realize that

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not every question in Islam is black and white. Right? Not every

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question in Islam is found in detail, that really you just have

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a list of permissible things and a list of forbidden things. That's

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not how the deen works, as human beings are far more complex than

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to have simply a manual that covers every single aspect of

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their lives. Right? And the Quran tells us methyl Ratana filled

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Kitab imagery, we haven't left anything out and that so how do we

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reconcile the two? Okay, the answer is the Quran gives us

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general instructions to go by, that will get our gray answers or

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gray questions answered. So consider this. If it's a Victorian

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consumer data animal. This is a very heavy item, ALLAH SubhanA

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which as is asked those who know if you don't know right now, one

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of the things that the automat do is they don't always look at what

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the Quran says. They also looked at what the Quran doesn't say. And

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in this case, what the Quran doesn't say is if you don't know

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open the Quran and look because the Quran is not claiming to be

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this type of manual that has all the details in it. Okay. Also if

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we open it and look we might misunderstand.

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So human beings need other human beings because we're so complex we

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need other human beings and this is why knowledge should never be

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separated from companionship. Right knowledge should never be

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separated from from human beings we shouldn't ever try to to simply

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think that there is going to be everything in the text another

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thing this is also doesn't say first lol I am in control at

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alamode they it doesn't say if you don't know as people have

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knowledge, it says people have thicker because the word thicker

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it implies two things number one it implies knowledge because

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knowledge is knowledge of the deen is remembrance of Allah azza wa

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jal and Victor in the sense of people constantly repeating,

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repeating seeking knowledge, constantly studying alright

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repeating the same questions over and over until they become experts

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at them. Okay, we're the same sciences. But vicar also implies

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that there are people have a bad there are people of worship, there

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are people who take the remembrance of Allah seriously

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their teacher and the chief Moment of Remembrance of Allah what is

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it? Someone said what is the best they could? Someone said La ilaha

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illallah right another said it's upon Allah Subhan Allah Allah them

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yet enough on top came, he said it is remembering Allah at the moment

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you feel like committing a sin, remembering Allah by pulling back

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from that temptation. Alright, so first, the vicar so people have

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vicar meaning the people of knowledge and piety. They act upon

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their knowledge. Allah says about the Kudo my son to be be with them

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keep their company because any great issue right any great issue

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their lives how they live their lives, okay. They will will show

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you whether or not they do this thing or they don't do this thing.

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Okay and a lot of our knowledge is do this and don't do this. Or what

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about the gray areas of profit talked about it? He said in two

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things. Halal is clear Haram is clear between them are gray

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matters lay animal near zero minuteness. Not many people know

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the gray matters. Okay. Another thing he said in Allah, Farah

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Farah who had alluded, that was second to Anisha Rahmatullah

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Kamala this year, which means ALLAH has obligated certain

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things, he is prohibited set certain limits, and then he's

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remained silent about certain matters out of mercy to you, but

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not out of forgetfulness. So everything in this Deen in is in

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the code, everything we need is in the Quran. And in this case, it's

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in the general so so you're gonna come upon questions, and there are

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a lot of these, you know, hot button questions. This is how

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often or how that and there's a lot of discussion, a lot of times

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your answer is going to be what are the signs of hate? What are

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the pious and the righteous of your time doing? Right? How do

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they interact with it? You know, the question is going to come up

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about music, right? And there's fatigue on on both sides. Of

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course, there's the majority. There is a majority in that

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question about meats, okay, there's fatigue and people it's

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sad to see you're always confused, right? They're always confused

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when there are opposing factors on matters. All right, but always

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look back at what the Quran says. All right, V with the righteous,

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the Prophet himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is not

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that he needs to be with people he can

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Be alone, but just to teach us Allah subhanaw taala said to him

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as soon as silica was good enough, sec modelinia do not have been,

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beloved that you will actually you need to be patient with those

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seeking Allah azza wa jal is countenance, morning and evening.

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And why does Allah say to be be patient because sometimes you

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don't have anything in common with them. If you go out there and you

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go to your local masjid and you look for who has the signs of

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piety, right, who we can only judge by externals, right, but who

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has the signs of piety and at the same time makes me feel when I'm

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in their company that I'm drawing near to Allah. My heart is opening

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up and what is the sign of the heart opening up? The sign is that

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we don't seek dunya anymore. We're not we're no longer interested in

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dunya as a province I sent him said you lose interest in worldly

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affairs and you start desiring to prepare for your other worldly

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affairs. Okay, so that's a sign that your heart is opening up your

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Eman is increasing. When you keep their company their words are

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matching the Quran and Sunnah. Now one of the things you realize that

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you might not have a lot in common with them, right? What does Allah

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say? Be patient stick with them, right? Learn to have more in

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common because if they're the ones whose Deen you can rely upon, and

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you want to go to the ACA, alright with those people, okay? You want

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to go to the multi ama with those people, be patient with them. It's

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worth the effort. It's worth the effort to say you know, let me

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look out let me go to my masjid and the masajid are the houses of

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Allah and in the houses of Allah will be the guests of Allah azza

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wa jal, right, and masajid. Whoever's in the masjid he should

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be honored. He's invited, right? Whenever you're in the masjid, you

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should say to yourself, Allah invited me because Allah called

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that his house. No one enters his house without his will. Right?

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Anyone in a message it is upon divine invitation. Okay, so the

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people who are constantly being invited, namely the people who are

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always in the message, right, these are the people most likely

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they're going to be a lulu the people who are people of Taqwa.

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All right? So you want to be in their company, you want to have

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some, if you don't have much in common still, you know, it's worth

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it for you. Right? Imagine you had if you had a boss, you don't have

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anything in common. But by keeping his company, you're going to get

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promoted? Aren't you going to keep his company? Of course you are.

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Right, you have a father in law, or a brother in law or a future

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son in law, daughter in law, what have you mother in law, maybe you

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don't have much in common with them, but right, you want

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something from them, right? You know, you want to marry their

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daughter, or they want you want the you're going to be related in

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some way, right? So you're gonna keep their company, you're gonna

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make it happen, you're gonna make sure that relationship works

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because you need something. Likewise, we can never feel that

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all we need is the Quran. All right, so he broke it a couple of

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websites and that's all I need. I don't need to deal with people.

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It's not going to work. It's not going to work. So the men heads

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here again, the men which I'm going to inshallah be answering

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will probably try to give you both sides. And then also try to give

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you a type of nausea, right, so what we've seen work by the

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practice of the pious, so but then again, at the same time, keep in

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mind the principal the Prophet, peace be upon him be with the

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righteous. And in Morocco, Allah dini. kalila. A person is on the

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religion of his friend, right? A person is on the religion of his

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friend. All right, family on board LM and Eukarya. So take a look at

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who you whose company you keep, because that's your religion. Zack

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Kamala Hara. The second Safina QA video is going to be on a serious

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topic namely belief in God why we believe in Allah azza wa jal and

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in specific why we believe in Islam. Does that come okay, we'll

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see you then.

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This has been a Safina society production.

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