Shadee Elmasry – Purification and Prayer Class #10 1of2

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of praying for the Prophet peace be upon him is emphasized, including physical and mental reasons such as not getting too hot in the heat of a car and not wearing a mask when walking to a mosque. The speaker also discusses the importance of following God's guidelines and not missing a prayer, as it is crucial for graduates to be in the right place and time. The importance of praying for 40 days straight and belief in God for a long time is emphasized, as it is crucial for graduates to be in the right place and time.
AI: Transcript ©
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for the homeless

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All right.

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All right. So we're on page 62. And we're talking about the

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obligatory prayer

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is actually it's watching for the

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most of the men is not Muslim man to pray in the masjid, if he can

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hear that then without a mic. So that means within voice shot,

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right? He's within earshot of someone's voice. He's got to

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actually walk. And this is a mercy from Allah because most people,

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even though something's good, if it doesn't have if it's not easy,

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people just won't do it. And this is why Allah said, as one of the

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ways to extract true love from the heart of the believer.

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He's placed difficulty, before every good, before every good

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deed, there's a difficulty. This is what the Prophet said, Quran

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says, are the province that said, the Paradise is surrounded by

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hardships, right, which means that every good deed right before it is

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a hardship. So how does that extract true love is that it makes

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you not just do something because it's easy for you, you do

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something because you truly believe in it. Right? And so, if

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everything good was easy, then how would Allah know the true believer

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from simply someone who just wants good for himself or ease? So Allah

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has put difficulties around every good deed, and walking to the

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masjid making will do are certainly difficulties. Okay,

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they're also the greatest removers of sins, as I think we talked

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about earlier. The Prophet peace be upon him.

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When Allah placed in his heart, all the knowledge of the heavens

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and the earth, and he asked him, What are the greatest the highest

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angels disputing about the Prophet peace be upon him responded they

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dispute about what are the greatest deeds to remove sins and

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increase your rank. And the conclusion was that the greatest

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deed that removes your sins is will do in hardships. In other

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words, when it's when it's cold, when you're lazy, when you don't

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feel like to make will do when it's difficult, that is the

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greatest deed that a Muslim could do to remove his sins. And then

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what is the greatest deed a Muslim could do to increase his rank with

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Allah walking to the mosque, right many steps towards the Masjid.

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Okay, and that's a physical steps and allegorical such as riding a

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car. But that drive, but specifically the walk, right?

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Where you'll notice that there's a lot of Sakina right, a lot of

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peace of mind that comes upon a person, if he takes a stroll a

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walk to a masjid, you won't feel that if you park two steps away

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from a mosque. If you park down the block and you walk then you'll

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feel that Sakina coming upon you.

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Alright, next Hadith, real

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Performing acquisition is equivalent to spending half nine

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in visual while on fire conservation is keeping videos not

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entirely Alright, so someone who prays Aisha it says if In other

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words, the blessing stays with him for half the night. But then if he

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prays Fajr as well in congregation that Allah counts that or if he

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makes an intention to do so even if he if he misses it, maybe but

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mainly if he does it, okay. Then Allah counts his whole night to be

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as a night entire night in worship.

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Okay, keep going.

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Be honest, departments and in all 20 years, it has always been

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called Well, while I was in mosque, he was not showing off or

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running hurting the people. Alright, so this individual used

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to arrive to the dish. This is the greatest site of the Messiah

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circle his name. He is the most knowledgeable of the second

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generation, second generation meeting

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He never met the prophet but he met the companions. Right the

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Prophet passed away before he was born. But he didn't meet the

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companions of the Prophet peace be upon him. So Satan was saved is

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considered to be the most knowledgeable of that second

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generation. Okay, and he used to arrive at the masjid before the

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event was called. This was the degree to his

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scrupulousness and seriousness regarding the prayer and of course

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back then these people that Masjid is like two steps away from your

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house. So he was able to do so. Okay, keep going.

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Three things I wish fun was bothered to set me straight. If I

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got crooked livelihood for which I do not have the bag and the

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confirmation for

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my heaters in London. We met a man who had retired from work.

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And the man was full of energy, full of energy. Maybe he was like

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68 or 70. Full of energy, physically in amazing shape

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mentally in amazing shape, new avenue, loads of people, okay. He

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was not your typical seven year olds, who was getting tired, his

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joints are messed up starting to forget, has a very small circle.

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So he after he left, the person who was with us said, Do you want

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to know the secret of that man? We said what is?

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He said that man Since his retirement, okay. has committed

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not to pray any prayer. Except in a masjid. And on top of that, he

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won't ride to mosque. The right back home. Right? He will only

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walk to a masjid.

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So we're like so the next day we met this guy later on. So how do

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you spend your day just pretending we don't know. Right? He says,

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well, for fetcher, I'll walk to the local mosque. Right put my

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jacket on walk to the local mosque, which is in England,

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there's message everywhere England is like almost a Muslim country.

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Right London, there's masajid everywhere. So the walk two blocks

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to the local mosque. That all go back home, my wife will prepare a

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small breakfast, we'll have breakfast together, then I'll take

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a nap. Then around 10 She'll make me a nice cup of coffee. And I'll

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take a walk to whatever mosque I want. And I'll walk for an hour,

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two hours just seeing the people walking, right? Until he gets to

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the mosque for the hook or get to the mosque for door. Right? Then

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take the bus back. Okay, and then have lunch, maybe take another

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nap. Right? Then for us, I'll do the same thing. I'll pick a mosque

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and I'll walk to it. Right and some some of the massage that he's

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walked to over three hours walking. And London, you could do

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that in the city. There's just so much hustle and bustle everywhere,

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you'll never suddenly walk in a new one, right? Or on 522 or

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something. He's just walking in the middle of the city. This is

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how he spends his life. This is how he spends his retirement,

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praying in different mosques. And spending the time sometimes

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between the prayer.

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This is a person that we could say that anyone who would meet would

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say is so far from depression, boredom, loneliness, grief, all

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the things that attack people in old age. And all he's doing is

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what the Prophet said walking to the mosque, right. So this is what

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he does. So using spirits in good shape, his mind is in good shape,

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his body is in good shape. This is a wisdom of following God's ways.

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All right, next one.

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If we had missed a congregational prayer, others would commiserate

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as souls, fortune and religion is

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alright, so they used to feel sad. And one of the signs of

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righteousness is that if you miss something good, you feel sad about

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it. Right? It's just nice to feel sad and consoling each other if

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they actually missed the prayer in the group within the congregation.

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Alright, next one.

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set of command used to respond. He is someone who does not really

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wish good and no good is to be extracted from and all morbid

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cooktop also said a statement that he said if you want to look at a

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person, take see how seriously they take the five obligatory

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prayers. If they don't take the five prayer seriously, then they

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don't take God's ears. And if they don't take God seriously, they

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certainly won't take your rights seriously. Right. So this is how

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they use and we don't judge people. But if you see something

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such as a or if you if you have to enter a relationship with someone,

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you need to do a background check. Right? And the five prayers are

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the most important features of an individual. And if it's not done

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right, then anything less will also not be done right. Keep

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going. It's really them we MBFS once came to the mosque, only only

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to be told that the people had all finished you

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We started from the Quran, surely we belong to a lot. and to Him we

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shall return then he said Truly to pray and move is dear to me that

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I'm the governor of Iraq, okay, so underline that dua there surely we

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belong to Alliance and we shall return. This is the dua That is

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stated upon a calamity of any type of form. And whoever says this,

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English, Arabic whichever language the person says it in, then Allah

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will send blessings upon them and will alleviate their calamity and

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will will give them wisdom to see why this calamity happened as

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well. So this is a very important draw from the Quran. In that era,

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Joe and surely we belong to Allah or to Allah, we belong and to Him,

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we shall return.

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And the logic again, the logic is simple. If someone doesn't take

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the prayer seriously, that means they don't believe in Allah.

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What other can you conclude? Then you don't believe in the Prophet?

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And if you don't believe in God in the Prophet, than what will stop

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you from oppressing me. Right when the chance comes, and you can

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oppress me what will stop me? Right? If you haven't, if if the

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fear of God won't stop you, and you have power over me? Right?

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Then nothing will stop. And if you're someone who doesn't pray,

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and doesn't care about the prayer, then you must not believe in God

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and His Prophet. Okay? Because religion, the religion of Islam,

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comes with conditions. It's not an unconditional religion. Right?

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It's not a DI, D DUI, do it yourself, okay? There DIY religion

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where, or a supermarket religion, it comes with a package, you

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either accept the whole package, or you reject the whole package.

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There's, there's no picking and choosing it. It's very much like

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Apple, you when you get one of these iPhones, this is not an

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Android. Right? Steve Jobs, he built the whole thing and you want

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the whole thing or you take the leave the whole thing. It's not

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like Android and Samsung and Google where you can pick and

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choose what you want. When you get Apple, this is what you get.

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Right? He's going to filter the apps for you. He's going to pick

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what the interface looks like. Right? And he's going to fix this

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pick what the icons look like. And you don't you have other limited

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choices. But it's not like Samsung and Android where you can play

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around a lot with same with a Mac computer. Right? So Islam is

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similar, right there is no no such thing as interjecting. Well I

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think this I think that that's not submission to Allah, you submit

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your intellect at that point. You're only sort of submitting to

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ego. So this is the importance he puts a number one is on the

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prayer. Okay, keep going

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up upon himself. The mental functions prayer, prayers and

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cognition for four days. Ever Bing up to the garage.

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Opening up

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a lowball Granham to absolutions. Absolutely. From hypocrisy.

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Absolutely. From Hong Kong. All right. A person who prays

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congregation for 40 days straight. Okay. 40 days straight in a group.

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Okay. All of his prayers. That's what 40 times five. What's the

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math there? 200 prayers in a row. All right, with a group in

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congregation. He has a guarantee that I'll never put him in the

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hellfire, and he will never suffer from the disease of hypocrisy.

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What is the disease of hypocrisy? It has many different symptoms, or

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many different faces. One of the disease signs of hypocrisy is that

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one day you're a strong believer the next day you're not. You don't

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believe not that you're a weak believer, you don't believe at

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all. There's a big difference. In Islam, we have weak believers.

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There's nothing wrong with that. Prophets was asked Can a believer

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be weak? He said yes. But he will always be a believer

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to the hypocrites disease is that he always wants to be seen in his

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worship wants to be seen Oh, never do his worship unless there's some

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material gain behind it. Or the someone who has moments when he

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doesn't believe at all. There's no faith at all, okay, and other

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things that are disbelief will make utterances of disbelief. Or

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when the hypocrite is with

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rejecters of faith, he will join them in making fun of the faith

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making a joke about the prophet or about Islam and will join them in

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that okay that no one will do that except another hypocrite. All

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right. So the hypocrisy has these features. Now the Prophet peace be

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upon him told us

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a person can have partial feature of hypocrisy, okay, but he's not a

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hypocrite. He's a believer, but he just has a little bit of

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hypocrisy. That's just everyone is like that. But what is someone who

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the majority of the heart of this person is cognitive dissonance or

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hypocrisy, the Prophet said, when he speaks, there's always some lie

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in his speech. There's always something untrue when he said

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Because when he promises he always breaks His promise. And if he's

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given a trust, if he's given a trust, he breaks it. That means

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you give him $1,000. You come back, it's not going to be there

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nor part of it's not there. And then lastly, when he gets upset,

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he gets a folder in his language. When he gets upset, he starts

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being vulgar. Okay? These are the four signs, the Prophet said, if

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someone has all four of these signs, then you can trust that

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he's a complete one after a complete hypocrite, we seek

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Allah's refuge from that, and the only the sign of someone who is

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not a hypocrite, what now this is, what's more important, what's a

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sign that is not a hypocrite, so we can do that. Number one, fear

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of being a hypocrite can see hypocrisy is unknown. Only Allah

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knows, we may or may not know about our own selves, right? But

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it's unknown. And the hypocrites only cares about what is known to

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people impressions. So he doesn't care about the subject, the

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hypocrite does not care about the subject of hypocrisy, the believer

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is very concerned about the subject of hypocrisy. So fear of

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hypocrisy is the number one sign that someone is a true believer.

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Number two, they make remembrance of God and private.

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They make remembrance of Allah and private.

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Number three, they care much about doing the will do correctly.

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Again, the hypocrite no one sees will do. You don't go and look at

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people making will do, right? Making will do as always alone,

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you're always alone when you make it. Okay, so he doesn't care

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because no one sees it. So the sign of a believer is that he

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cares about making wudu properly. Anyone who does these things,

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Allah will always take care of that person. All right, someone

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who fears hypocrisy, makes remembrance of God in private.

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Okay, and make takes care of their will do your almost you've locked

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God's caretaking for you, if you do these three things.

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All right. Next one is that on the Day of Resurrection, a group of

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people will be assembled the faces like shining stars, the angels

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will ask them, How do you conduct yourselves in life? They will

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reply on hearing the call to prayer resist set about to make

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what do when nothing else disrupt this other group will then be

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assembled their faces like waiting moons an answer to the same

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question they will say we used to make our material ahead of time.

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And next group to be someone will have faces like the sun, they will

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say when the call to prayer would sound we would already be in the

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mosque. This related that early believers used to be down for

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three days if they miss the first worker, and for a whole week if

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they miss the congressional prayer tip altogether. All right, so

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these are the three ranks of believers. And the Muslim world

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used to be a beautiful place filled with massage and and

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someone could actually really do this. But now if someone does this

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once a week, it's a great achievement. If someone comes to a

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mosque once a week, okay, this is actually a very good achievement

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twice a week. Excellent achievement, okay.

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And really once a week, besides the Friday prayer, Friday, prayer,

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Muslim man is going there anyway. Okay. But once a week, twice a

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week, just praying in the masjid, or let alone engaging in an

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activity or a class or something.

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This is a massive achievement. So if we could do this, once or twice

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a week, there are some of these people here every day. They're

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doing this so

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May Allah make them amongst these people.

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Okay, really, the prayer will separate between a person and his

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own hypocrisy. A person and his own darkness says the prayer will

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eventually start cutting away until those clouds are gone, those

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dark spots are gone.

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And also company, the company we keep is very important, right? You

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cannot keep bad company and be a person of the month. It's just not

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gonna happen. You can't be friends with people who like to go late

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out at night, okay? to Eastern Avenue or these other grungy

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places. You can't be friends with people who are just arrogant and

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cocky people while simultaneously being someone of the mosque. It's

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just the two won't last one of them's gonna go. Why? Because

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obviously the be it's inconsistent if you're in the masjid, and then

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you're going out late at night. Or if you're with arrogant people who

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aren't submitting their egos to God and His Prophet, peace be upon

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him in the masjid, that's all you're going to see. You're only

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going to see people who are in general, humble enough to submit

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their will to God and His Prophet. So it's not going to last you're

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going to so the prayer in the mosque actually separates you from

00:19:50 --> 00:19:54

Bad Company and puts you in the status of good company. And when

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we say good company, we're really talking from a piety perspective.

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You might not like

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You know, under get their cultures you might not get there everything

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about them. But for impieties perspective, you're in good

00:20:07 --> 00:20:10

company when you're praying in the mosque. Alright, last one.

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Everything has one feature that is best.

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And the best feature of congregational prayer is

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the opening or right so the Prophet peace be upon him said

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everything has an elect, top part of it. And the greatest part of

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the prayer is when the Imam says Allah Akbar, and we were taught in

00:20:33 --> 00:20:37

Yemen, 100 mo, to take this very seriously, right. And in the

00:20:37 --> 00:20:41

school house that we lived in, it was like a school, but it was a

00:20:41 --> 00:20:46

compound, and about 300 of us lived in the compound. And the

00:20:46 --> 00:20:49

mosque was right in the middle. The Sheikh used to look around

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right before he gave the ticket theater of Allahu Akbar. And he

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really encouraged us never to miss the first computer of the IMA. And

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that if we missed it, and we should feel that you know, next

00:21:02 --> 00:21:07

time we have to not miss it. So that's one of the best parts of

00:21:07 --> 00:21:09

the prep to beautiful.

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Alright, let's move to Ridwan on frustration.

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The messenger send me messages via plan and the servant has no better

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means of approaching a lot and frustration and private. Also,

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whenever I'm listening performance or frustration for Allah sake, a

00:21:28 --> 00:21:32

lot of reasons and one degree and absolves him of one long action.

00:21:32 --> 00:21:33


00:21:35 --> 00:21:39

worship of Allah in private. And the greatest of worship is the

00:21:39 --> 00:21:43

prayer. And the greatest part of the prayer, the strongest.

00:21:44 --> 00:21:48

The closest you are to Allah in the prayer is in the frustration.

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And so thus to make a frustration to Allah in private, okay? When

00:21:55 --> 00:21:58

once someone does that, Allah can forgive all their sins at that

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moment and love them and guide them. There's only there are only

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two conditions to these two things. Number one, can the number

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one condition is that that for Allah to accept our prayer is that

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our income is gained in a permissible means that our income

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is not based on abusing people. Our income is not based on selling

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what is prohibited. Okay, someone who gains an income by selling

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wine and in liquor. Well, you're you're gaining wealth by poisoning

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others, right and destroying other people's lives. Someone who gains

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in income by working in Atlantic City in a casino, right? You gain

00:22:36 --> 00:22:41

your income, okay? By destroying other people's lives. We met a man

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who was decent, he was an Egyptian Christian, not almost Christian.

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He was out of work. So he went to Atlantic City, he became one of

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these guys

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wearing a tuxedo and doing the thing. And he said I couldn't take

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after two months I was in a shrinks office. Why? Because you

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see repetitive people, and you see their state going down, down,

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down. And he said, I'm a facilitator to this. Right. So he

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left it, the Prophet said your income must be pure. So your job

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has to be some kind of service or good or at least something

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permissible, right? Even an entertainer, athlete, at least

00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

something permissible, you're not doing anything wrong. You're

00:23:24 --> 00:23:28

actually helping people unwind, right? You're watching someone

00:23:28 --> 00:23:31

who's a pro football player. You're helping people on what

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right people bond when they watch football. So you're you're in a

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permissible job, okay. It's a permissible job. So that's the

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first thing the second thing the Prophet peace be upon him. When he

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has he makes these promises, right. Sometimes they're actually

00:23:44 --> 00:23:49

exceptions to ruin the right. What is the exception of ruining a

00:23:49 --> 00:23:53

person's prayer making in all of the effort that they put in the

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prayer? Okay, out the window.

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Prophet peace be upon him said a man will come on the Day of

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Judgment. Perfect prayer.

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