Shadee Elmasry – Prophetic Hygiene & Grooming

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of hygiene and removing "branded nails" to improve hair quality. They also touch on the use of misattended garlic and onion, the importance of "has been plucked out" for "has been plucked out" hair, and the need for "has been plucked out" hair and nails. They emphasize the importance of grooming and cleaning up "hars" from one's hair and nails for civilized culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Another question has to do with the hygiene. Right of Muslims we

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actually every day what the smark of a civilized creature is that

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we're, we have hygiene, right? And we have grooming, right? We groom?

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And this actually the answer of why did Allah create certain

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things and then tell us to remove them? Like if Allah wants us to

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not have long nails, right? And why did He create nails to grow in

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the first place? Right? All the reason is that to differentiate

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between those who are clean and those who are not, right, so to

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create a quality of cleanliness within you, the quality of

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excellence and cleanliness within you could not exist unless you had

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the capacity to become dirty. Alright, so what are some of our

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saunas? Like taking it from the top, okay, from the top is a from

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the hair. There is not a specific Sun is related to hair. However,

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if a woman has braids, or if a man has braids, because if you look at

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the Arabs in the past, they did have braids, right? Especially

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going to war, they had braids, because there wasn't scissors as

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readily available, all people had long hair. If you look at the old

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movies, all these men from the ancient times had long beards and

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long hair, you didn't have barbers everywhere. So for war, what do

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they do? You put them in braids, that's actually a way to protect

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your hair from being yanked and pulled by you put it in a braid,

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okay, so it doesn't get caught up in someone's shielded helmet. But

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even this braid during the whistle for men and women, they have to

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loosen the braid so water gets into so what is actually become

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prohibited from us to do or impossible for us to do is a type

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of dreads where you clump the hair and you let it sort of rot inside

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of itself. Right and keep it so no, there is no water goes into

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it. This we're not able to do right braids you can do you need

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to loosen up the hair a little bit so water can sit to it. This is

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the ruling of braids of hosel when you make it also and you have

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braids another thing Okay, another thing is that the men's mustache

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should always be trimmed. Right privatize set him said the bene of

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Surah Al they did not trim the mustache. So their women ended up

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committing Zina because they were disgusted with the men whose

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moustache went over his lip. So there should always be some skin

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between the hair of the mustache and the pink of the lip. Right? So

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that's the next thing. Now the mouth a lot of seminars related to

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the mouth all the time Prophet peace be upon him, said number one

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avoid eating garlic and onion raw before you come to the masjid or

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meet with people because it's offensive to them. Okay, you

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offend them. And the prophets I sent him said I don't eat it.

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Because I speaks with Monica. He speaks with Angel Jibreel right?

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So if you do eat it, kill it. He said prophesy centum said kill it.

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How do you kill it by cooking it? Right you cook it, cook it up and

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then the scent won't be as strong. Okay? Secondly, the prophets I

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send them said Lola Ashok, Allah Almighty Amara Thomas sewak Couple

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of coolie salah. If it was not to be hard, hard and burdensome upon

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the OMA, I would have commanded them to use the miswak before

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every prayer. Right? So the miss what is sewak The concept of swag

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is something rough and hard that scratches against the teeth and

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the gums and the tongue, the teeth, the gums and the tongue.

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Right? You use your miswak on your tongue to clean it out. It's got

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to be something struck the best of which is the

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ODE of art rock, right the the roots or the branches of the Iraq

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tree. And if you ever seen it, it has a very spicy flavor to it when

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it's moist. You will wonder like what it is to stick to okay

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cleans, but how does it remove the scent the odor. But when you look

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at a moist freshly cut, Miss whack is stronger than toothpastes. And

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it's more natural it doesn't leave that filmy flavor of toothpastes.

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Right? It's a natural spicy flavor. It's almost like some

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people, they can't use a freshly used miswak because it's too

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spicy. It's almost like a gingery is like a spicy ginger flavor.

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Right? It's very effective and cleaning out the mouth. I

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understood when I saw one. All right and Yemen. freshly cut it's

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still got some green in it moist. I understand now that all you need

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is a miswak you don't need toothbrush and toothpaste. It

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actually is stronger than toothpaste spicy. So but any

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anything that cleans the mouth fulfills the function and the

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Sunnah of a miswak. So that's the mouth. Now we talked about the

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other hairs

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Under the pubic hairs are

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under the armpits getting ahead of myself here.

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under the armpits, sunnah is actually to pluck these hairs out.

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As painful as it sounds, why? Because you want a one shot deal

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you don't want every once in a while, right to have hair grown

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out there, the sooner is actually the pluck it out. Okay? You pluck

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it out one by one, so that you never have armpit hairs and

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therefore, as a result, you don't have that bad odor. You don't have

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the risk. And people fulfill that sooner.

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You know, Brut and Old Spice will be out of business, right? Zero,

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we won't need to constantly be putting that stuff on. Right? In

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any event. That's one of the Sooners, even if you shaved it,

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and it's not fulfilling at 100% but it's doing the job, right?

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Then pubic hairs shaved, every before every job. Or the some of

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them said at least every 40 days, shaved pubic hairs, right there

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was a surgeon once we on time, we had a teacher who's a surgeon,

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alright, and used to give us a Holika he would say Trust me, the

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Hara. Like you see people coming dressed to the nines. But then

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they come in for surgery. We got to see their stuff, right? These

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people have no concept of Bahara Alright, it's filthy. But we're

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supposed to clean up that area. Remove the hairs from that area.

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Think about this.

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Yeah, and many seamen, sexual fluids. You don't want that on

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you. If you have hairs down there, it's gonna all sneak up in there

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and coagulate and, and mess everything up. Clean it all out

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should be skin only. All right. So that's that next the nails every

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Friday morning or Thursday night nail clipping. And we actually

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have a son of nail clipping. You start with the shahada finger,

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right? So with the shahada finger, then right hand then you go finish

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that those hands then the next hands? Alright, then your last one

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will be your right thumb. The Prophet even had a method to this

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simple thing of nail clipping. All right, and he didn't throw his

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clips in the garbage. Right? He says, because these these things

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will will make shahada for you they'll testify for you that you a

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that you did such and such good deeds and that you clip them in

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the right way. They'll make sure how to for you so your hair and

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your nail clippings the prophets I sent him he used to bury them use

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actually bury them that's actually the sunnah to bury them. Okay, so

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it's as soon as you throw in the garbage, you know, I like

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committing a sin. But yeah, that's a son. Right? It's a clip the

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nails, bury the hair, bury the nail clippings. Alright, same

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thing with the feet, feet clippings, nail clippings. And the

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sooner then is to wash those areas. Wash under the nails, and

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under and your toes after you clip them. So we're OMA that's all

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about grooming. Right? We're people who believe in grooming,

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and that's what separates people. That's what separates a civilized

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from the uncivilized one of the signs of where's the Halacha of

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Allah? Where's the civilization of the earth? Or the Haggadah of the

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right? What Timken I am, who that will have been an S, Allah says in

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Emraan, the days of wealth and glory and civilization. We spread

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it around. It's not going to always be with one group of

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people. All right, one of the signs is cleanliness, hygiene, and

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cleanliness. And subhanAllah. Oma OMA of Islam has toe hade but

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honestly doesn't have hygiene and cleanliness. Now we need to talk

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about something else. Right? You go to the bathroom. There are

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truck roll load of rules that we should follow when we go to the

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bathroom. All right. Firstly, the bathroom should always be done

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sitting. So don't splash, right done sitting. Secondly, you clean

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we're taught Sivan Allah and the books of fifth how to wash

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ourselves with dry

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right? It's called St Jamar because they used to use a genre

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which is a rock they didn't have tissue they use use rocks. Right?

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So it's called institchu mud with something dry. Then it's in jet

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something wet water wet wetness over that area that had an agenda.

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Then you can dry it off again or leave it and almond ricotta he was

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a man used to complain that he would go to the bathroom and then

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he would do is to Jamar he would urinate them to his to Gemma then

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he would say amen I always have a check as to whether bowl is coming

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out of me again, almost that I'll solve your problem with you for

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water on your member. After you go to the bathroom. Then when you get

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up you will know you will you watch yourself you won't have

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doubt that is both also the wisdom of SDJ is danger is the muscles

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contracts. If it's cooler water, the muscles contract and so the

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bowl won't come out as easily if at all right? So when we leave the

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bathroom we have to understand

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and that the bacteria and the wetness bacteria grows on wetness

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when we do is stingy it should not be for the host of the OMA to know

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that we don't stingy okay.

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It should be done for ourselves and then we should leave the

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toilet area dry because the Jassa grows or the bacteria will grow or

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whatever it is, that is not good will grow in wetness. It will not

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grow in dryness, okay, if things dry is not going to grow.

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Secondly, if you leave a little puddle of water, okay, and one

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drop of majestic goes there. And the whole thing isn't that just

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now we're all in trouble and people then walk in with their

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feet in the bathroom and then wearing those flip flops and then

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coming out and then and then you're making sense to on the rug.

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Right? So all that majestic could be all over up in the rug. Right?

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So you're not going to make sure you dry everything out right

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before you leave the bathroom. That's a little tidbit about the

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hunter and grooming in our Cydia in our deen. We'll focus on a low

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eoco was salam aleikum

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