Shadee Elmasry – Our Vision & Online Plan

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The online program aims to solve common problems for all demographics, including Muslims and non- Muslims. The program provides exposure to various subjects and a balance in one's life. Learning can be balanced between physical health, signs of end of time, and the Shediac curriculum. The goal is to serve people and communicate with them, using a subscription based operation and hiring people for a new book and video book. The goal is to take the knowledge of Dean Dean to serve as a teacher and communicate with people.
AI: Transcript ©
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everyone, we're doing the second video because a lot of people are

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asking for details, they want to know details. A lot of people are

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excited, there's already a demand and Hamdulillah, we've never

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actually run a program. And I've never done myself a program or a

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class and handed out that hasn't been a success. So to give you a

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little bit more details about the online program, we need to give

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you details. Firstly, about Sofia society itself, the intention

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behind the organization is actually

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it's going to be reflected in the online program. So what's the

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intention behind the organization? It's to solve a common problem

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that had occurred, maybe still now, it's probably still occurring

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now but definitely in the past, and that is that the religious

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programming the Dini classes, and the studies would suit a certain

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type of person. And that person, usually with free time, maybe some

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extra money as well. All right, that type of person goes off and

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flies with the dean, and then leaves his people behind them. In

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other words, his family behind him usually because not because

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they're no good, but maybe they the type of programming didn't

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suit their demographic. So once the fina society tries to remedy

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is that we've tried to offer our knowledge the classes that we

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offer to all the demographics, our demographics, or the way we've

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broken up the work or the classes in our organization is we got your

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adults, then you got Dean essentials for high schoolers,

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then you got what we call explorers for that middle age that

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not high schoolers not children, then you got next gen which is for

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for children seven to 12 Okay, so that every class is catered to

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them the environment of the class, the nature of the curriculum, the

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nature of the

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class itself, activities surrounding the class I mean, for

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adults are not going to need a lot of activities but obviously,

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children will we also have three other

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I don't want to like special teams, let's call them special

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teams. You're brand new Muslims right conference and brand new

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Muslims and even you can say newly recommitted most of us need a

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different type of environment. All right, they need people like unto

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themselves, and then you other got, you got your other two

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subjects which have their own tracks, which is toffee, the

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Quran, which we call the alcove, program, alright, the Alko for to

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tweet and hip. And then you got your Arabic classical Arabic

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program. Okay, so you got these tracks. And these demographics,

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which we've seen from experience, from my 1520 years of observing

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how that works. You need to actually specialize I mean, you go

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to any team, you got your power play unit, your penalty killing

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unit, your whatever kickoff unit different units, you don't just

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have one unit, right? You gotta break it off. It's the same thing.

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It's all football is the same goal, but you got your kickoff,

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you're receiving your punting whatever. Okay, your you got your

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third down. All right, you got, you got your goal line. Every team

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is it's the same team, but it's different units. And this is how

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the organization works. And that's how it's going to be reflected in

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the online program too. So videos for children, all right, videos

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for teens, videos, alright, for adults, videos just for Arabic.

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Okay, so that's the main thing. That's the first thing. The second

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The second thing involves that what we teach that we teach the

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eighth Sciences of the Shediac. Okay, we teach data, we don't just

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teach one science. And this is another thing that's observed if

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you observed our operations, okay? A lot of times the teaching is,

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all the students are experts in one subject. Right? Right. And all

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the other subjects, maybe they're not that great at, well, this is a

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big problem. Because to have a balanced Muslim, you actually need

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knowledge of all eight subjects and also in our environment, which

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is a very hostile environment for our spirituality and our iman and

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our, our theta, and our practice and our culture and all these

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things, okay?

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You need knowledge to be balanced, you can't just be balanced in one

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thing, because the attacks that you're gonna get are on all

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things. You're gonna get attacks on the authenticity of the Quran,

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on the authenticity of Hadith, on legal methodology through a form

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movements, you're gonna get attacks in our spirituality, okay,

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through the way we live. So we need to have a balance and this is

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what we break down in the eight sciences which are Quran

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alumina Hadith. Alright, so no

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Arabic language or sort of FIP right Quran and Sunnah are the

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what what I like to call the natural resources, it's the ocean

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and the forest.

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Then you have your tools, you need your axe, and you need your sec,

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right? That's your Arabic. And you're also the fifth, how do we

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derive rulings? Right? How do we make what renders something to be

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obligatory versus recommended or forbidden versus frowned upon?

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This is called also an ad FIP. All right. So that's your Quran,

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sunnah Arabic and also live. Then you got that from hadith of

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Gibreel. Eman Islam, SN and the signs of the Deaf time of the end

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of time.

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So you got your Akita

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you got your FIP

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interactions and ritual law, right ritual law by dads and civil

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interactions. Then you got your soul, which is self purification.

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Alright, how to purify our intention out of purify our

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hearts. And then you got what did the last one the prophets I sent

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him was asked about.

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Alright, signs of the end of time prophet was asked, When is the end

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of time? He said, The questioner knows no more than the one be

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questioned. So then, Angel Jibreel asked, well then informed me about

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its signs. So we take this very seriously. If the Prophet did

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Gibreel asked about it. Then the prophets I sent him said

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that that man was angels are real who came to teach you your

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religion? Okay, then we're going to take it seriously too. So these

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are the eight sciences that we're going to teach. So we're not just

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gonna teach one, which eight. And not only that, we like to the

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student cannot just be given a huge platter and just take what

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you wish is a, it's a buffet, okay? But these are not good

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restaurants. Okay? That is not the right you never see a five star

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restaurant, a three star Michelin chef. Okay, open up a buffet is

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not going to be a buffet, we want to take you through one step at a

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time. All right, to learn, that's how we want to do it, we want to

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take you through the sciences one step at a time, so that you build

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brick by brick. Alright, so that's the second point that I want to

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make the

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three points so far, that's the ages, or the demographics, the

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eight sciences, the concept of a curriculum guiding you through

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what you need to learn from A to Z. And then lastly, the videos

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themselves. The videos themselves cannot be just 100 videos of face

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giving a lecture on a screen. I don't believe in that anymore. To

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me. Videos are actually the new the video is the new book. The

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video is the new book. All right. And you could put so much text on

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the video itself. Okay, that it becomes a book, right? You got

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your chapter headings, and you got your right main points. And then

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you got your summary. Right. The video itself is a book that's why

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we're hiring. Alright, some of the best people to do this. Right?

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Once we kick off from with your support. All right, which we got

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what like 10,000 people on the page, right on the Facebook page

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now. So if we can just get 300 people to kick in a Benjamin each

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$100 from 300 people, okay? That covers everything. Then we've

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kicked off. Once we kick off, I'm confident and Allah azza wa jal,

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this thing is going to be a success is that I don't have a

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doubt about that. And I have faith in Allah azza wa jal, because

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Allah loves Dawa.

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What is it? What makes the prophets unique Tao, Allah loves

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it. Even if there are 100 outfits, Allah makes them all successful.

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If they're teaching the book and the Sunnah in a decent way, right,

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Inshallah, we're gonna do a really crisp, quality type of video,

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right? That's going to make you not only, you know, benefit, but

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you're gonna be happy watching it. Now,

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once we launch it off, we're gonna do some dry runs, right for a few

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months. And then our, hopefully, we're gonna launch by January, and

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it'll be a subscription based operation. Right? So you just,

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we're not going to ask you $100 Of course.

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We're going to ask you for like two cups of coffee a month. Right?

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Or a latte and a frappe a month. Or, you know, you could probably

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lose more money in your couches. Than we would ask a month. You

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know, a couple of bucks a month. That's it. Right? And then you're

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in Okay, and then we got your interaction. We got an Masha Allah

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Al Hamdulillah. Lotta young students here. Last three, four

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years they're learning right?

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So at some of them, I've learned a lot, who will be the TAs will be

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answering your questions who will be there. And our goal in life,

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right through this organization, is to take the knowledge of the

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Dean transmitted to you in a beautiful way, with a lot of

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fellowship, camaraderie, and Samba, even if it's online, right,

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you can get to know a lot of people online these days. It's,

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it's, you know, some of the things that the web gets his bad image

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that everyone is like a molester. Right? Everyone is some bad

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person. Okay, trying to get you off. But we can you can make a lot

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of good friends, especially doing something meaningful and there's

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nothing more meaningful than studying the deen of Allah azza wa

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jal, that was going to rectify our actions, our beliefs, our hearts,

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our families, our interactions that we're going to be asked about

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on the Omo family, does that come along with Aaron? Salaam aleikum,

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and again, it's launched Help us reach

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our goal. So we can serve you does that communicate with somebody?

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