Shadee Elmasry – Nothing Is Too Big for Allah Ep. 20 #Shorts

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of acknowledging one's own success and lack of understanding of what's happening in the world. They use the Prophet sallahu and the reassurance of the reassurance of the Prophet to encourage people to realize their own success and lack of understanding of what's happening.
AI: Transcript ©
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There's a fault in our Aqeedah and our understanding of what's big

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and small to us is not big and small to Allah subhanaw taala for

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Allah, nothing is big and nothing is small. The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam points to this by saying, Have you contemplated?

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Have you pondered how much Allah has given out since he's created

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the heavens and the earth, human beings, jinn, angels, animals,

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microbes, how many microbes has Allah created, and Allah to Allah

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tells us in the Quran, there is not a single leaf of a tree that

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falls except that he knows how many leaves have fallen, and he's

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creates another leaf how many snowflakes has fallen, and he

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knows every single one of them. So one way to loosen your tongue and

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your heart into is to realize that what you think is a big deal

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actually isn't what you think is a lot of money, actually is a very

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small amount of money.

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