Shadee Elmasry – NBF 88 Did the Prophet Tell Jokes
AI: Summary ©
The Bible's use of words and symbols to describe its meaning is highlighted, along with its use to indicate death and life after death. The segment also touches on cultural practices and guidelines for dressing up as a woman, the importance of finding out who is a slave, and the use of words and symbols to describe its meaning. The segment concludes with a discussion of various popular media and media-related topics, including Jesus, the holy grail, the holy river, the holy tree, the holy river, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree, the holy tree
AI: Summary ©
Noah's here, ice is here, who else we got here?
Today, before we start, I'm going to read you a story
a physicalist. A physicalist is like the new, fashionable name
for basically saying, an atheist, I mean, a materialist. Right. And
materialists to me
are wasting their time
talking about materialism. Like if you're an atheist, right? And your
materials you believe we got nothing here, but this right? Why
would you be talking? Once you go enjoy yourself, then? Like, there
would literally be nothing else to do except enjoy the pleasures and
passions of your of your body? There's literally nothing else to
do if you're truly a physicalist materialist. And that's all you
believe in, then there's literally nothing else to do. Am I wrong
about that? What else is there to do? So why are you talking? Why
are you a philosophy professor? Who cares? If this is all you got?
And you just got this 100 to dunya to live?
Then the only thing that you should be busy with
is enjoying yourself. And there should be
take no prisoners. If that means I got to steal murder, like why not
do all those things? I'll tell you why not? Because Allah Tada has
created within us a fitrah.
And that fitrah is is telling you don't do this. Right? Your fitrah
saying don't steal.
How? Because when you steal, you get nervous, you get upset.
So the cowards amongst these philosophers, they will create an
excuse why they didn't steal.
But Rationally speaking, if this is all this end, it's all an
accident to this entire existence, the entire creation is just an
What the heck do I care for that? Stealing from you? What's wrong
with that? Right? There's no right and wrong in the first place.
There because if, if this entire existence is an accident, then
there are no absolutes, including right and wrong.
And no subjective thing a relative thing could
or should, should stop me.
So from that vantage point
I should have no problem *, killing, stealing, pillaging. But
I'll tell you why. Because they're cowards. Because when you do these
things, something inside you that churns up. I mean, if you just
lied about to your parents, and let's say you're not here, you're
totally branching out here. You said you're doing something else.
But you're here. Just that by itself would make a person's like
stomach turning, because I'm like, like, I know something bad could
happen. That is the message from Allah to Allah that you're doing
something wrong, right? Allah Tada speaks to you through your
instincts, through your fitrah and through your heart and through
your, your your your gut, to
through your nerves.
Alright, Xia Khan fly this. We are streaming from New Brunswick, New
Jersey. All right, he's asking where we're streaming from. So
you see, what I'm talking about here is that once that happens,
this is my theory. Once their nerves there, they get all nervous
and all messed up. Then they create excuses to justify not
stealing, not killing, not murdering, but there's no real
excuse, except that you are to cowardice to do it.
That's my theory on why atheists become ethicists, why they talk
about right and wrong when there's truly no right and wrong. If
you're truly a just a pure materialist. And it's only just
what society tells you. And you don't have to listen to that. So
but what I'm going to talk about is Herbert finger at
her finger at
he died recently ages 797
And he was a contrarian materialist philosopher, he
totally believes that there's nothing out there except the
material matter just like all the all the philosophers like them
Marx was like that everything else.
But when he faced his own death,
he started to think twice. See, there's no atheist in a foxhole,
that's the same in a foxhole is basically like, you're in war. And
you're back to the corner, and you go into a hole. That's the, that's
the, the idea of what the foxhole is all about. And there's no
atheists in a foxhole is a statement meaning that you can be
an atheist, as long as you're rich, as long as you're eating,
and sleeping. But the moment someone's got a gun to your head,
if someone's chasing you down, you're gonna believe in God, trust
me, you're gonna pray. And Allah subhana wa Tada, he says, talks
about these people that they're on the ship.
And as soon as the ship gets rickety and crazy, all the best
draw comes out of their hearts. So he saves them. As soon as they
come on land, their hearts close up again. And they go on land, as
if they never prayed to Allah or they don't even know who Allah is.
97 year old philosopher.
When he was young, he argued, fearing death is irrational. So
this is a guy he literally took reason to its logical conclusions.
But when he got there, he actually found no, I was wrong the whole
time. But he said when you die, there's absolutely nothing.
He's certain about it. He has faith in that because obviously,
nobody knows for sure.
Purely from observation, we know for sure, because from
transmission, right, our certainty is based on transmission. We trust
the transmitter, who is the messenger Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, right? Because he came with miracles and proofs.
One single transmitter is never trustworthy, right? But when that
transmitter is a prophet, he comes with miracles. That's why when the
magic isn't Hanafy, is they say, wait, no, we don't take one single
chain Hadith and just run with it. Right?
Because we don't know the context that could be a percent error. So
we have to look at it with respect to the other evidences. If there
is no class with the other evidences. Yes, we could take it.
But if there are other evidences, say certain other things, then we
know we're going to couch it in a way that does not contradict those
stronger evidences. Like for example, Gemma, when it falls, I
eat one falls on Gemma, just like I had Hadith, saying that you have
the choice to pray drama, or pray thought at home, if you said, but
Gemma is flooded in the Quran.
The Hanafi. Maliki said, we respect that transmission, but we
don't know what's around it. Maybe it was abrogated. What have you.
So we're not going to make law but so on aid. If it falls on a
drummer, we still pray drummer.
So the head people's awareness isn't the profit ahead. Is one
profit has come given us all this law? Yes, but you don't you can't
compare the profit to us a hobby. Because the prophets of Allah who
it was a limb came with miracles. So our certainty of life after
death is based upon
transmission, sound transmission from a messenger of God.
He is saying there is nothing after death. It's pure
speculation, but he has strong faith in it. And he went forward
with this faith. Okay. 20 years later, I'm reading from the
Atlantic Monthly here on this philosopher facing his own
mortality. The philosopher realize he'd been wrong.
The whole time. Death is really scary to him. And he had his
grandson filming him around. You know, one of the best things about
family is that when you get old, you know, your friends become your
grandkids, right? You're your kids. Besides the fact I've been
around you for 40 years, I'm done with you.
And you're not cute anymore. And you're too busy. Like there's no
value that I can add to your life except to teach you show you a
thing or two about how to raise the kids. But the the fun part for
grandkids, grandparents is the kids. Right? That's the grandkids.
That's the fun part. Because it's all the fun without any of the
work. And you don't pay for it either.
Someone else is paying for it.
Now, death got so scary, and he got worried that he can't figure
he can't think himself out of this fear. So he's faced to realize
there is something stronger than the mind. This guy's an old school
modernist. There is something stronger than the mind. And that's
your heart. Right? And your soul. For 40 years. This guy was a
philosophy professor at UC Santa Barbara, what a I mean,
subhanAllah one of the most gorgeous towns
and cities that I mean, I've heard that is one of the most I've seen
the pictures that Santa Barbara is one of the most gorgeous towns.
He wrote that it's all a self deception. Okay, all this fear of
death, blah, blah, blah. But he realized he'd been
One deceiving himself. Now this man is a Jew. And Allah says, Men
who men into men who became poor, you idealic there are some Jews
and Al Kitab in this verse about some of them your hood and the
Nosara you can trust them
with a mountain of money of gold, he will not take a single cent
from you. Right? So you have to respect that. And here you have a
guy who was the furthest spectrum of of disbelief, writing books
about it. And here we go here. He's being honest. You know how
much how much effort it takes to set at 97
that I was wrong about all this. And that I really fear death and
I'm worried about it. He says it haunts me. The idea of dying
haunts me.
His grandson says, and a short documentary called being 97. I
walk around on an ATM I asked myself a question. I live 97 years
on this on this earth. What was the point of it all? It's part a
lot of them. Subhanallah he's there has to be a point of this
existence. It's there's too much going on. There is way too much.
There's perfection in the creation. There's just amazing
happenings nothing is ever the same.
Right? He's got to
he's there's got to be a reason for this life.
So when he's about to lose the NEMA of this life, that's when
he's worried about
House, which is his grandson
turns the camera on.
he says that my grandfather would always invent stories, record them
on tape. Okay, send them over. And I love my grandfather. So when my
grandfather said,
come in, let's let's record. last moments of my life. I felt this
was great. So he's the grandson makes the film for the grandpa.
He quietly observes the grandson. That the things that have come to
define his father's existence, are what's transforming the stillness
of time.
The stillness of time. By this, he means when you hit 90, when you're
certain age, there's nothing to do. No one's asking you for work.
You can't work if you want it to. You are too old to even have fun.
Have you ever had a grant and when you got your grandparents came
here, right? I can't remember them though. I do remember them. But
they were active still. I have seen grandparents
up all day. I've seen a grant. I saw grant a woman. I probably knew
her for five years before she died.
She's sitting on the rocking chair all day. On the rocking chair, get
up Priscilla.
Bring food comes to her.
Right. And at the end of the day, it's really bad because all day
she's falling asleep on the chair. So what does that mean?
When it comes time to sleep, she can't sleep. How miserable is a
existences this all day she said
I was young when I was younger. But taking myself with that's
going on here. That's it.
It's a scary thing. So that stillness of time. All right.
Loss of ability can do anything.
Even if you wanted to do something you couldn't do it.
And no one would want to do with you either. Like no one wants to
keep your company at a certain age you soil yourself you fall asleep
we have to ask protection from this from say hookah.
With some people Allah keeps them on Earth, some solid heen ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada keeps them on the earth for the sake of other
That their service of them is a is a elevation of the rank and a
purification of their sins. Like some people love keep some old
people on the earth because they're by the family serving
them. They're getting their sins expunged.
And that person existing as one poet said, old age is sickness by
itself. Old age by itself as a sickness.
And that
every day you're sick, you're just existence is sick, so it's a
buffet of their sins. Some people are so pious that ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada makes them stay on Earth, because everyone who serves him in
his old age is being elevated and high ranks not just just removal
of since high ranks from serving this type of person.
By the way, take the mic and speak whenever you want to. You have to
speak into the mic though.
He then says you you
also need to come to terms with asking for help in that insana,
loutra arouse Donna, the human being, he, he's baggy, which means
that is completely
he goes beyond his bounds. He's knows no limits when
he has no needs. So, imagine you ever meet a billionaire? I met one
or two in my life.
Probably, like, deep in the millions, right deep in the
These guys don't know limits. They don't know time schedules. They
come on they come. They do what they do. They say what they say.
Okay? Because they know
nobody can touch them. Right? People go beyond their bounds when
there are no limits. So what's the opposite mean? When they have
limits, they stick with they respect, they realize they're
humbled. This man, he's got to ask people all the time, hey, could
you help me walk across the street? Can you help me do this?
Can you help me do that? Well, when you do that, you realize
you're weak. When you realize you're weak, your horizons open
When a person realizes he's weak, your horizons open up to the fact
that your neffs goes down. When your neffs goes down. Imagine
like, you're like this right? You can't see. But when you're the
more this comes away from me, I can start seeing them. So the
neffs is a blocker.
And by getting old, slowly but surely get
the ego is coming down.
It's very difficult for people who have not reached a state of old
age to understand the psychology of what's going on inside of an
old person. This is what Fingerhut says, I love this personally
speaking. I've always thought about this, right?
That our deen is preparing us for a great old age. Not a good old
age, a wonderful old age because the spiritual spirit always gets
Through the spirituality always get stronger, while the body is
getting weaker. Whenever you see a human being you should never think
of the body. That is just a casing.
They may think he's old, but the rule never gets old. For those
people putting questions up. Remember, you're gonna have to re
put them up because when we take questions, we take them live
instead of scrolling back up.
In one scene of this documentary, finger at listens to a quartet
that was his wife's favorite piece.
He said he hadn't heard the piece for seven years since she died.
And her absence, he says is a presence because he always
thinking like, This person was with me for my whole life.
Now they're not here. Are they really just not here?
I'm telling you, we have such a
not just warm, mystical existence
mythological or fairy tale movies or tales, okay, they're mimicking
the truth of religion. It's not the other way around. It's not
that religion is fairytale. No, these these,
like mythological and mystical, and fantasy. That's the word,
these fantasies like Narnia. They're mimicking the truth of
religion, not the other way around. The actual reality of
Allah's existence.
Of the creation that Allah made, it's more mystical than what
they're putting forth. So the fact that idea that when you die,
nobody leaves. You don't just disappear, you just leave, and you
go to another boat. That's why if you truly understand death, you'd
know become callous towards death. You think I'm sad about
separation, but you realize it's temporary. Right? It's it's very
temporary, and they're in a better place right now.
If they lived well, so you shouldn't worry about them should
be happy for them. And that's why there are many cultures, in the
societies. They were white on deaths. When a righteous person
dies, they go to the funeral wearing white. I should never see
a Muslim wearing black to a funeral. Right? And the prophets I
send them put it like this. If someone dies,
bury them quickly. Because there's one of two things either they were
really good, send them to his paradise. Right?
Or they were really bad, get rid of
unload that guy quickly, right.
This documentary which is called being 97. He continues that the
contemplation of the absence of his wife so how could this complex
human relationship conflict
As a creature, just via a meaningless blob of atoms, how
your fitrah does not accept it when people say, Well, why doesn't
God talk to us anymore? He only sent one prophet. Why does he talk
to all of us? He does, but not through words. does it send you a
book, that's the only difference? He does not send you a book and a
new law. But all of these ideas, all this fitrah
is the way that Allah communicates to us.
Has the grandson
he omitted his own voice from the film.
Okay, good. So he didn't he doesn't comfort his grandfather
when the grandfather breaks down.
My perspective on this is this guy is an atheist materialist, but a
very honest one. And that at the end of his life, he sort of almost
like came to terms with it. And you'll see what happens here.
It's very difficult to watch anyone in the kind of pain that my
grandfather was in and not be able to console them.
Especially someone you love so dearly. My grandfather is the most
thoughtful man I've ever met. He continues, I found myself sitting
just a few feet feet away from him, but unable to reach out
because the camera was between us and I didn't want to ruin the
documentary that he asked for. All I wanted to do was put a hand on
the shoulder give him a hug.
After what felt to us, like an eternity, the filmmaker handed his
grandfather a tissue
to wipe away his tears and the scene ends. Just before this
A finger at died 2018. But weeks earlier, Haas had shown him the
final cut of the documentary. He said it helped him give a
perspective on what he was going through. I love talking about the
mysterious process. It had been.
No, here's this, this is the zinger.
The day before he died finger at uttered his final words.
He had spent many hours in silence with his eyes closed, although he
was awake and conscious.
But his eyes were closed. Sitting, not sleeping.
He said I looked. And my grandfather
suddenly looked up, opened his eyes.
And he said, Well, that's clear enough.
Then he went back into his meditative state.
A few hours later, he again popped his head up, looked and said,
Why don't we see if we can go up there and check it out.
Suhana Allah says if the guys like his, he's been in so much solitude
for so long, okay.
And the fact that they made this movie is proof that he's not
insane. He's not in what we call grief. Like, you know, when old
people just babble? Well, how if he just made a movie, right?
And the grandsons there.
So He then puts his eyes down, and he dies.
That's it. That's how he ended his life. Now, what was that? Well,
you can speculate all you want. But I mean, I could have my own
theory about that, you know, the theory and the idea that he's
obviously talking to somebody. Right, and he's obviously seeing
stuff. And when his eyes are shut,
he's clearly, you know, in another space, because when you're about
to die, there's a merge a blurring of the lines between dunya and
AKA, there's a blurring of the lines, you can go like, in and out
almost, right.
And, I mean, every Muslim that I know, has
seen a relative or something like that, which
had similar experience, right, where the relative or the
grandparent is
coming in and out. And then talking to people that are clearly
not in the room.
So it's definitely an amazingly, it's an amazing thing. It's going
to be the most amazing experience. Right? Because we could talk about
Africa all we want, but this is going to be the real thing. You
can have dreams all you want. But it's just a dream. It's an image
given to your soul. That's it.
But this is going to be the real thing. This is a picture of the
Right? Just
nothing unique, just an old man. But
amazing story there about the guy and it makes you read about near
death experiences and I wanted the most amazing near death
I read about
and mind you that all near death experiences you have there had
narrations. There's no way to say it's absolutely true, absolutely
false. But the more educated,
the more scientific, the background of the person, the more
you can accept what they're saying.
There's a guy, his name is Alexander something. He wrote a
book I watched I read, I listened to the whole book on audio
was one of the most amazing stories ever.
So he's a hardcore atheist. Okay, hardcore atheist. And what's his
job? He's a, he's a medical school professor of neurology, or
neuroscience at Harvard.
He gets transferred to North Carolina, and he's working there,
North Carolina.
And one day he wakes up with a terrible headache. So he goes in
takes a cold shower, nothing changes. It's just head is about
to burst.
Then suddenly just drops and falls in the shower. Right in the
bathroom. His wife comes. Okay. Next thing you know, He's opening
his eyes. And there, he's got a
I forget what it's called a fungal infection in his brain, right?
What is it called the fungal infection in your brain? I can't
remember what it is. But it's a well known sickness.
Now, the guy says that his soul left his body. Now remember, this
is a neurology professor from Harvard. Now he's at Duke. And now
I don't know where I think the whole scientific community has
banished him.
But at this point, he was at Duke, I think.
He says that, I went to another world. Oh, he said, I went into a
world of darkness.
And he said, I felt like I was there for an eternity for eons and
eons and eons and eons in darkness. Now, I think that's his
atheism. Because he was a hardcore atheists, hardcore,
educated scientist atheist.
He then says that,
someone plucked me out
and tossed me up. And I went into the clouds. And I landed on a
butterfly. And I'm writing this butterfly.
And there's a little girl there.
A young woman, young woman, there
is a young woman there. And I don't know who she is. I'm not
talking to her. She's not talking to me. But she's there. And he
describes all sorts of adventures that he goes on. Right?
And this young woman is his host the whole time. Right?
He's never seen her. Right? No, no know anything about her. So when
he came down, when he woke up,
he wrote all this down. And he was cured from a sickness. He wrote
all this down. And he drew a picture of the girl.
And he
drew a picture of this girl. And he,
he kept it.
He told his wife, but she just stayed silent. She knows the
implications of this, like, you're just gonna be laughed out of your
whole life. But he could not keep this. He had to put it out like
with things that are true that happened to you, you have to
believe Release, release it, right. And he starts talking about
it. And this, everyone just thinks he's crazy. The whole scientific
community thinks he's crazy, right? So he then says, He's
talking to somebody. And he's like, Well, why don't we get our
family trees, blah, blah, blah. It's Oh, by the way, you had
Your father, some, it's some long lost thing where his father or
something ends up marrying another woman.
Having a daughter, that daughter dies young.
And they send him the picture. And it's the same picture of the same
face that he saw.
So these are all what do they call Andy's near death experience,
whatever spiritual experience, and as we said, we take it with a
grain of salt because it's hard. It's purely the testimony of the
person. And there are plenty of cases where people lied. You know
that famous. There's a famous little yellow book
about a boy who said he met Jesus.
Turns out
it was a whole hoax.
The parents were evangelicals that were like feeding him this stuff.
It was just a hoax. And people were pissed. They made a movie
about him. It was a best selling book, like in the millions of
copies sold. At every airport, you'll see this book, right? It's
a yellow book and it's a boy
From like Arkansas or whatever, and he says that he almost died.
And he met Jesus then He would keep every time he would like pass
out or asleep. He would meet Jesus. But it was the parents.
Like, oh, did you meet Jesus? Of course, if your mom says that you
want to make her happy, so it's like, yeah, it's like, oh, did
Jesus have like a beard like this? Yeah. Because you want to make
your mom happy, right? You can't say no. So it was all lies. It
came out as a boy grew up, he said, not just my my mom was
telling me all this stuff.
People were pissed.
So that's why you have to take them with a grain of salt. So I
like to take that type of thing
from the atheists, because he has everything to lose by by by
telling the story.
Right, any comments on this?
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burble merger, effusive. Fetty Misa, Hey Rasool Allah, Allah
allah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was salam. Right, had definite
Maha Mudra of Nova Ilan had definite Abu Osama and sherek and
asked him in an awkward and Anna Sidney Malik and then the BIA some
Allahu alayhi wa early he was somebody he was a llama call Allah
Who? Yeah, the other nine
Yeah, I know you mess Yeah. Who? So? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said to a man Oh, you have to eat Oh to eared one.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this to him.
And the seventh Malik Yeah, the name? What does that mean? Yeah,
that was the name. Oh to Edwin or isn't everyone to ears. So what's
unique about NSW? Maddix, two ears.
Is it big? Are they big? While
maybe that not wouldn't be a nice thing to say to somebody?
Or is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam keeping in his
mind to listen well.
So it's a nickname. That is encouraging him to listen well,
because he's the prophets. He's one of the youth around the
prophet and he will live a long life. The prophets I send them
said to me, Mr. Anderson Malik, May you live a long life and have
a lot a large progeny. This makes total sense, right? Because you
want the spirit of Medina to last a long time. You want the the rule
of Islam to live beyond
the passing of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
the elder Sahaba. So the Prophet invested a lot in the youth,
meaning a lot of time. So say da Isha, he taught her and as soon
medic Abdullah bin Massoud Abdullah bin Ahmed Abdullah bin
Bess, Javid and Abdullah these are many of the youth of the sahaba.
So by calling him giving him this this nickname, yeah, that Oh 902
eared one
must be good, because he's praising his hearing or he's
Watching him listen closely to everything that I say, yeah, that
was an eight.
It's either that or he had very good hearing. Okay. But it will
probably not be
because he had large ears, because large ears is not a nice thing.
So why would you draw people's attention to that? Right? If you
had a big nose? You wouldn't say yeah, I will nose right. Because
that's an insult basically.
The Prophet joked, but his jokes were never lies. And they were
never insults. Okay? They were never lies, and they were never
insulted. The only time that you're able to,
to joke with people about something about them, is if
they're accepting of it,
if they're okay with it.
So for example, someone huge, and you call him tiny. It's like in
our culture, if someone's so huge, like diversity that you know about
the bouncer in New York City, there used to be a bouncer who
became famous. He was a bouncer in New York City. And it was a
bouncer for all the rappers and everything then it became so
famous because it was so funny how huge he was, but his nickname was
tiny. Right?
Yeah, yeah. Looks like like our guy. We got a guy here. If we had
ever had any problems, we're gonna call this guy over. We will not
have problems anymore. Right.
His name is Latif the gentleman right.
So Subhan Allah. So sometimes the opposite are like this. Now what
is forbidden? In joking? Of course the lie in the insult forbidden.
What is mcru? In joking the excess? Why is excess excess mcru
Rather than haram? Because the line of excess is blurry. There's
no way to determine that. What Where's excess? Like what is
eating to excess?
Eating? Being satisfied, joking laughing. It's a spectrum, right?
zero and a lot is a big gray area. You can't make law on gray areas.
So anything that has a gray area, the law makes it mcru not haram.
You cannot make law and say Haram are obligatory on a gray matter.
So for example, the dress of the kuffar dressing like enemies of
Islam, like where's the line here? Who's an enemy of Islam? First of
all, like his entire western civilization, enemy of Islam.
Of course, the US government, they waged a lot of wars on Muslims.
Russians have waged war on Muslims Canada supported the media England
did what they did, France did what they did. So what does that mean?
Does that mean like, wearing pants wearing pants was at there was a
time when it was very well known that the pen is only the
colonizers garment.
You don't wear the same way you come in with a Blue Star of David
on. Right, that's haram, not mcru haram to come in for Muslim to
wear a blue starved it because it's just explicitly and clearly
the flag of oppressors of Muslims. Good. And they're oppressing
themselves more than anyone else and Muslims will be fine and he
die and go to John. They're going to be a miserable life, that
they're given the people of Gaza and that will inshallah Bianca
Farah. no cause for them to go to Jana. But you guys are digging
yourself a very bad grave. Alright, so but there are the
oppressors of Muslims there without doubt.
But let's say
there are a lot of a lot of things like a yellow scarf. The Hindus
now they have a type of Yellow Scarf, right? A yellow sash is a
red eye. It's a red sash. So but but red sashes are so common in
the world. How many Muslims have red scarves? So it's, we can't say
that unless it's exactly their type. So that's why anytime
there's a gray area, we don't say how long we say mcru.
All right, we go to the next Hadith in our book here Shama in a
Tirmidhi which you can get from Mecca with the coupon
code Safina
had death now hundreds of necessary a death in our gear and
sharp and EBITDA. Yeah.
And it's in America. radula Juan, Carla in Canada Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa. salam ala you call it tuna Hatay Akula. The
aircon lease or rerun your Abba or maiden McFarland Nova.
And the seven medics said the province I seldom used to sit with
us for long periods of time you call it and he will be with us.
The profit was not away from everybody and never keep their
company and only when he gives an order. No
So he said to NSF and Maddix brother who was named homemade
when he learned that he had a little bird, pet bird that died.
So the prophets I sent him said, Yeah, but homemade math Allah, no
life. Oh my god. What did the new life do? What did your pet bird
do? Good. So
the scholars have been so curious about the statement from the
Prophet because death isn't something an animal does. Right?
So there's a lot of that they can extract from this
God Abu Issa Timothy will fit who hadn't Hadith, the fifth the
rulings of this hadith, and then absl Allahu alayhi wa sallam
akeneo Meza and the first thing used to make jokes but the joke
was never haram nor hurtful
and now can gulaman surreal and he gave a Kuhnian so jokes should
have been there are certain things that have nice rules to them jokes
should be never lies nor hurtful just as clothes should never be
see through nor formfitting
okay there's the clothes cannot be
released the what is the two what is the phrase
it's not should not be seen through nor form fitting
that's not coverage nail Sif. Well as Schiff is yelled like nicer
rhyme that is right nail Sif with a solid that means it doesn't
describe a person well as Schiff is not see through. If it's
descriptive, or is transparent then you're not covered. And
that's explains why the prophesy seven said in the end of time, you
will see women walking in the streets cast yet out yet. They're
dressed but naked, dressed in their world. They're dressed but
they're actually naked, because they're, it's all form fitting,
right so or that it or it's like has holes in it or something like
that. So jokes should not be lies, nor should they be hurtful. The
second is that you can give corneas to people.
A cornea is not does not require you to be the father of somebody.
The cornea could be any description about you. The Kunio
could be for a nephew, for example, what to say that is
Omar Abdullah, Abdullah is her nephew, but not her son, she
doesn't have a son.
Well, if he and no labasa, and your plus a b, you have pirate Lea
lobby. The third ruling we get from this hadith, the prophet knew
that he had a pet bird, and he accepted it. Right. He didn't say
It's haram. So you're allowed to keep pet birds and the mudhar or
the or the knocking on the door. But the condition on any pets is
that you're not harming them. So you can't take an eagle as for
example, an eagle needs to fly. You can't take a bird that needs
to fly and trap it.
But you could take a pet that a bird that doesn't need to fly or
in a situation where doesn't have to fly. And you can put it in a
And I don't think at that time they were putting it in cages all
the time. Maybe he was just keeping it maybe it was a type of
little parakeet that doesn't fly.
When I'll call alone abuse of Allah he was telling me about oh
my god my father knew right. And the Prophet said, oh Abu Ahmed,
what did the new hire to do? Nevada is the type of bird the
unknown who can Allah who know Viron elabo BB Fermat he used to
have this new hire a little parakeet nice to play with it and,
and the bird died. So the void
became sad.
So the Prophet lightened his spirit by joking with him saying
what happened to your bird? So there isn't that to that you can
console somebody who lost a pet.
I met my neighbor one my we saw a neighbor one time at the
supermarket. She was crying because your dog just died. Right?
So you can say a nice word about sorry your dog died, right?
If someone crashed their car, right? Wouldn't you say man sorry
that happened. Right? Well isn't a dog more a living thing more
important than a car? Right? So it is permitted
and it is has from the Sunnah.
To do that to console someone who lost an animal
let's see what what other
rules you have here.
difference, right? That's pretty much basically next heavy data
Ambassador Mohammed duty
definitely has an initial clip. And then Abdullah Adnan Mubarak
and Osama bin his aid and say did McMurray and Abu Hurayrah for the
Allah Allah, Allah rasool Allah in Nica today buena Takara Nam vida
en de la kulula La
ilaha ko
so Abu Hurayrah
said that some people said O Messenger of Allah, you just with
us you have just with us or it today is to say like comments here
and there that make you feel close. Like it's almost being
playful a little bit right with somebody.
So the prophesy seven did say yes, but I only say what is true.
So, could you go and check downstairs where the extra hands
okay? Maybe she fell asleep on the couch.
So Al mudarabah is also something that Jennifer has selected. You
can use what you measure. In the Java side, it was always light
hearted lightening up the gathering, by talking about
something that's semi personal, with a person in a way that they
feel near to the Prophet, they don't feel that it's just
lectures, lectures, lectures, they feel nearness to the Prophet,
peace be bought. So and send it off at ISATAP used to do that. And
when he used to do that, that people used to feel close to him
but they said that as soon as the messenger of Allah was mentioned,
then he became more in awe and respects. And he would stop this
joking when the messenger of Allah was was was mentioned. And that
his behavior in general was either he was reciting the Quran, praying
no alpha, or making Salah on the Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa
sallam, or teaching
or reading
and that he wouldn't waste his time but when he was sitting with
the people he would lighten up the scene with that
next Hadith
okay, this is a good one.
And it's a bit of magic again reports that a man
asked the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for a
load carrying animal.
He asked the messenger for a load carrying animal
something he could write on
the prophesy Salim said in the middle, Carla Well, Janaka
I'll give you the baby. A child of a camel. The man said I'm too big.
How can I go on the child of a camel? Okay.
He said my us now we want to do Naka what would I do with the
child of a camel?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said well telogen Ebola
Illa NOAC. Right, basically is in every camel the child of another
every camera has another cameras child.
Also from NSF and Medic, another module M and L birdie. Acana is
schmoozer Hera, a man by the name of Zara. He was from the Bedouin,
Ghana yo de la Nabi. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hottie yet and
mineral barrier he used to bring gifts to the prophet from the the
Bedouin areas, the
empty areas, the better one, and the better one had the best meat
the best milk the best everything because their animals are
breathing the best air and Mecca is trapped. It's trapped air.
For you, Jay his own interview sallallahu alayhi wa he was
telling me that Raja and Yak Raj, so when he would come the prophets
I send them would not let him go empty handed. He would give him
things from the city. The cities have crafts that the Bedouins
don't have
in the Zaheer run by Dr. Tuna wanna know how they roll? So the
province I sent him one said Xur here
is our he's our Bedouin land and where his city land
and the Prophet loved him
and he was a man who was Demi
get you the translation of demean?
Which means that he was not handsome Zahid was he was the
translation. They say it was ugly. So he was not a handsome man.
The Prophet one day came while Zedd was selling his Bedouin stuff
in the city. So he came through to him from the back and covered his
eyes. And he said, Who Who is this? Let me go since
looked and he found it's the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa salam.
Then he stayed still because it's the Prophet who's touching him.
Then he said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
many has said he had that ABS who would buy the slave from me?
Who would buy the slave?
Master? The poor man said, Oh, you would find me I'm not gonna get
you a good price. No one's gonna pay a lot for me.
The prophets of Allah when he was salam, he said, however with
Allah, right? You don't come at a cheap price and dined Allah He
evolved with Allah your expensive, precious
is that not be shot up with with Jana?
Does Allah does the prophets I seldom miss the mark. When he says
something about Allah.
The Prophet says something about Allah, it is from the eternal
knowledge of Allah. That means it does not change. When the prophets
of Allah when he was suddenly makes a description about a
He describes that person, visa vie his Creator, Allah, that knowledge
is eternal, does not change. So he is God and Allah, expensive,
precious with ALLAH SubhanA which permanently. That's beside a bit
Here's a man goes out one day to sell his belongings. Same day he
gets a besotted with Jana.
Wonder if the commentaries put anything here
now when he said here, who will buy the slave, even though he was
a free man, but the commentators saying that's not alive because
everyone is a slave? Right? Everyone's Asleep.
And on top of that, the entire exchange was a way for him to
remember Allah subhanaw taala to remind him of Allah because he was
engrossed in buying and selling.
And why else? Would he call him a slave? Metaphorically that anyone
who's so engrossed in something becomes a slave to that thing. So
he's so engrossed in buying and selling is like a slave to that
thing, metaphorically, not legally.
Then Allah subhana wa Tada. Then he received the good news that he
is in the sight of Allah, very precious.
And old lady came to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa
salam and she said, O Messenger of Allah make dua for me that I can
go to Jana
he said Yeah, OMA fallen Oh Mother of so and so.
In narrative Jana Leia, the Hulu ha juice.
Old paradise
is not entered by old women.
There are no old women in paradise.
So she left upset.
So he then says go and get her tell her. I said, old people don't
enter paradise and say you don't enter paradise. Okay? Because
Allah subhanaw taala says in and chat now who knows in Java
unknown, I've got auto Manitoba. We have returned them to their
youth. We returned women, to their old to their original and their
youthful form. The Prophet said a statement of truth, old people
don't interject what's true. That's why we set early like
old age you only hit it once in your life.
It's a casing. Once you come out of old age, your soul is always
young. There's no age to a soul, not younger, old. But the body
you're given in the resurrection for the moment is a young body. So
youthful body. It's all youth. John has all youth there are no
elders. There's no old age in general.
All right.
In Nansha, known for Jana on avocado Odoban Utsava what does
that mean? We have created them as damsels meaning they will find
themselves in a new creation. Like a woman will not see herself
she'll look at you have to look in the mirror and see what my face
looks like. Because it's not the face that you know. It's a
completely different face. There are a whole completely new
creation in and shut no nature, own brand new creation. The body
that you're gonna get in the resurrection is a whole nother
Which I know none of God.
virgins. There's no height, no blood anymore. This is what women
would suffer from in this world hate and blood and all those
things autoban at Traba
flirtatious lovers of equal age with their companions Odoban at
has humbled me.
And the age is 33 in Jana.
People say what they sometimes comment on how much the Quran
mentions love sensuality autoban Traba, which means flirtatious
Like they have a Christian lens and view this as dirty.
When your religion and your civilization deemed love between
man and woman, as a dirty thing,
fast forward your civilization, Estelle
spreads in * all over the world.
Because this is a natural thing inside of the human being to love
another woman. Okay?
All right. It's a complete, natural and normal thing to love
another woman. There's nothing wrong with that.
And to want to be with them, and to admire their body.
So by Sharia, putting it in a in a conditional way, you have to
fulfill certain conditions marriage, but otherwise, it's a
wonderful thing. To seek a wife is not considered dunya unless you're
only seeking her for her for her beauty, or for her lineage, or for
her wealth, like her standing in society or her wealth. But if a
person is seeking them,
for their deen and to do good things, and those other things,
then that's acceptable. Right? It is totally acceptable. To select
those other things, as long as it's not the only thing. There
should be some like we can do good things together. Right? We could
raise kids together. And she has good Dean, I could trust her like
that. And on top of that, she has those other qualities, her wealth,
her status, or her beauty. So when you shut these things down, and
you stifle it, well, what happens when you stifle something, you get
something worse. So they stifled these things. Now, you go and find
me what motivation a person will have that's greater than the
motivation of being with a beautiful woman.
I personally don't think there's any motivation. Wealth is merely a
means to that. I want to be rich, just to give what's the point of
ritual? All right, you want to be rich and you never marry? Are you
rich, but you can't marry a beautiful woman, a woman you're
very rich, but you don't have a good husband. Like you got a
husband that's, that's not attractive.
Which one or you're going to be middle class with a very
attractive husband. They're all take the letter, write power. This
also means me is something Allah has put in the souls of people
that they would love to have a partner. And that's why Adam is
the first creation was made for him was how work. Paradise was not
sufficient for him. He fell asleep. Walking in paradise, okay.
All right, nice castles. trees fell asleep, right. But when he
received her work, he was so distracted with her that he forgot
the one law that Allah Tata gave him is not to eat from that tree.
And they say he forgot it. And shaytaan tricked him and lied to
him at the same time. All right, with that, let's stop for our q&a
here. Charlo
All right, what do we have here?
we'll add them on a Sadam get more than one wife and how we will have
a creation that is different.
Number one, it will have a creation that is different, and
that creation is Kodaline hold it in are not the daughters of Adam.
He cannot marry
any woman of the human beings as we know them, except how well
because all of those women are his daughters.
And that relationship remains.
So he will have how well and there are also a creation called the
hooded ain, which is a creation that is different. They're
very close to human to the point that we can interact to them with
them and find them attractive and act like them with humans, but
they're not the daughters of Adam.
Yep, these are the holy
What is the opinion of having dreams about the prophets of Allah
when he was Saddam that doesn't match the physical appearance or
description of him? And the best answer to that is that the dreamer
himself has is incomplete. His spirituality is incomplete. His
deen or his Eman or his Salawat on the prophet is incomplete. So
you're only getting an incomplete image. That's the dominant
opinion. Is there any I'm a for overcoming laziness to study this
question by guy even dude.
funny names people choose here.
The answer to that is there was only one answer, which is to
visualize the results of these studies. Like what's the goal of
your studies? If you're studying engineering? Go watch a
documentary about an engineer that you're that makes you excited. And
that will amp you up. Right to study engineering.
Chief Latif, is it true that the pejorative word
what am I reading here? Who are comes from humulene? Who knows?
Why are they so upset about this? Right?
It's not like you're getting it because going to Gen.
Y you upset about?
Khadija says Solomonic if we start a sunnah or Neff in a prayer with
the intention to do for doctors only honeybees are allowed to do
that. Otherwise we break them up in tos. But then realize there's
no time can we change the intention to Toorak us?
Allahu Allah, and we will inshallah try to get you a HANA
fight here in this chair once a week to answer your Hanif ism just
to speak to you know get in Hanif ism
and talk to you about the Hanafi stuff
how do we interpret the Quran? Which says
yeah, he's in nee
mucho fika Rafi Oka Ilya very simply
mucho a fika here means I will put you in a deep sleep
because the Quran uses the word with to also mean sleep
in the maternal fetal or the other Tafseer it is
it's not an order
that I mean I'm going to raise you and then you will die.
the also
good example is explanation is that moto a fake it means put you
in a ditch if you read the tough seers, they say that said no. So
how did he go elevate it to the heavens? That Allah made him go
have a deep sleep
and then Medaka took him to the heavens into deep sleep. Alright,
Sophia, what's going on here? What is there's a lot of discussion
here I'm glad people made friends to be honest with
maybe more than friends to tell you speak with
Khadija says I'm trying to learn medically fit at the moment and it
seems uploading hermetic if it is uploading.
So now, it is a non issue now because we do not have for a rock
cause of in any Sana except for solar eclipse.
So lots of coastal is for raucous. Every other sauna is too raucous.
And witted of course is one Drucker whenever you want to pray
multiple, no and you break them up in twos. You always have to break
them up in twos.
Sophia says H K 4718 wants to get married. Well, we need your
identity first. I can work by h k 47182 Whatever. Okay, anonymous
user, so
I don't think any women will accept an anonymous proposal here.
Okay, good. chance they already Connect. How do we get in touch
outside the livestream but if you both email us with permission at
info at Safina Please give my email to someone so please
give me an email to so and so. Then Ryan will share your emails,
right? And then don't come back to us and say it doesn't work out. We
are just the middleman. Okay. We are just the middleman
All right.
And I hope it works out.
How wonderful of a Baraka if if the stream was the cause of two
people to get married, and I'm telling you the best place to be
We all have to adapt to do it.
virtual wedding is permissible as long as the identities of the two
is certain. I was the virtual witness one time, you were a
virtual? Yes. The identities have to be certain, though, right that
this is I'm so right. And this is so and so. And if there's a Willie
then we have to get identities. So as long as the identities are not
confused, the virtual nugget is valid.
No, you don't need a shift to do it again, by the way, right?
Groom could do the Nikka. I have married you to myself, and he puts
it in the past tense. She says, I have accepted.
You're married, right? Or the willie says I or I have married
your daughter to make myself and the will. He says I've accepted.
That's it. Many people that they don't realize that's all the
pillars of marriages. Nikka is
Mohamed Mubasher it and look at that logo. Wow, he's got a great
logo here. Muhammad Bashir it says so much of the Sierra describes
various battles and campaigns, what lessons in strategy and
making good leadership decisions and Dooney? Can we learn studying
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in general, here's here's
The prophets speech was clear and applicable. And I say that he just
said he did not. When he gave an order, or he gave a lesson. It was
clear and practicable. executable. He did not give them something
that they can't execute.
They could always execute
what he was saying. And it was short, I can remember it. And I
could practice this. That was one of the key features of the profit.
So if you're a leader,
then what you need to do is when you have an employee, it's got to
be crystal clear what he's doing.
And you lower them or make them excited by rewards. And there
shouldn't be a sense of punishment in the air to
not punishment. But you can't take this for granted. You can be
released from this job. And it doesn't have to be like hey, by
the way, you can be fired. It could be Hey, remember, so and so?
Yeah, too bad. We had to fire him. That's a hint. Right.
Now, that is a hint.
On how to move T. Is there judgment for animals who die in
this life? Yes, there is. But it's not a moral judgment. It's just
justice. There is no moral judgment for animals. Animals have
no right and wrong. But sometimes in the world of animals, there's
an unfair fight. And the unfair fight is treated on the Day of
Judgment. So the fight is made fair. That's if it's a fight
between two animals of the same type. Yeah, not the hunting. So
for example, a lion will not be hunted by zebra on the day of
judgment, because that's part of the order of nature. But if one
lion had one eye, and the other lion had two eyes, and one ally
and didn't have like claws,
and they fought that's not a fair fight, so they would be swapped
out. And then they turned to dust after them.
There'll be far more in Jannah for human beings to be involved with
for them to be busy with animals. And there are heavenly animals to
how does the soul work in the next life says, We have no knowledge
except that
it is, it is given more power, as Imam Malik said, in the Israel and
Mirage, the prophets of Allah when he was salam saw his saw Allah
with his heart, not with his eyes, because these eyes are Fannie.
Fannie means they will disappear. But so the fanny cannot see the
bhakti bethey is infinite, everlasting.
So in the Quran,
Allah to Allah gives us everlasting eyes bethey that we
can see above it. We can see Allah Tala.
And the next time not in this time.
It is said says for con that Hafsa will be the wife of Rasulullah and
So it's possible that a generosity man has a human wife, as well as
Houdini, of course,
a man and Jana can have there will also be many single women in
Right, they will also have husbands. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said to say that Maryam is his wife in Jannah. Is
not she the best of women? Some say she's the best of women.
Absolutely. Some say she's the best woman of her time. And let's
say the Fatima is the best of women.
But because, if who married the Prophet in this life
They look at Egypt, right? So therefore she's the best of women.
Fatima is the result the child of the best of women and the best of
men. So how could you not be the best of women? And if Fatima is
the best of women, that is a praise of Khadija. Because if
someone was to come to you, and let's say your son is going to be
the best son basket of his generation, have not, haven't you
been elevated. So the praise of the child is the praise of the
Father. So the same set of Ottomans the best of them is an
elevation of Khadija. There's no competition between woman and
daughter, or man and son.
So it is said that say to marry him is the greatest of women of
all, and it is said that say the 14th was the greatest woman of
all, and Allah knows best. But say the man will be the wife of the
messenger of allah sallallahu when he was,
was a MILCON says, Do sins effects. The two Juliet's that a
person receives from Allah that's a Juliet's. First of all, do you
pour milk in a dirty cup? No.
to Juliet is the gifts of Allah to Allah about unseen things or about
motivations directly from him things like this, whether it's in
the wakeful state or as a dream and they do not come into the
filthy cup. They only come into a clean cup
Okay, so you have to clean your hearts if you have sins rule out
anything to Joliet will be mixed up messed up stare don't trust
them until you clean your soul
what about the NAFTA prayer slot it Tessa via is that not also
Florida cars? Yes, that is a Florida so so lots of cool stuff.
So lots of tests. Thank you. Sharp Patel for reminding me that.
What is up to myself mean? Regarding Sade now isa in Merriam
yes means Rafi Oka Illa meaning Yes, he's being raised to
Paradise, it that does not imply Allah has a location does not
apply Eliza location like the one that what do we how do we explain
that the prophets I started them spoke to Allah at the rough rough
in the Mirage he kept going up and up and up and up and up and there
he spoke to Allah, we say that is the location which Allah chose to
give him the agenda. Right? Because Allah spoke to the
prophets, I saw them
in the heavens, and he spoke to Musa on the earth. So Allah has to
jellies what happened there? Okay. That's where the tragedy of Allah
occurred. That's where he chose.
And raffia Okay, Ilya, meaning I'm raising you to the heavens
physically, he's going up to the heavens. And the saying of
ascribing the heavens to Allah to Allah is meaning that there's no
disobedience there. Right? That's why the heavens is more worthy of
being attributed to Allah than the Earth. The Earth has disobedience
in it.
If two people are stranded says, ah,
what they believe with what they believe to be no hope of being
rescued. Can they marry each other? If it's only if it's a
valid marriage, right? Let's say you're on a plane, the plane
crashes, everyone dies except you and a woman. Right? If it's a
valid marriage, you can marry each other. Yeah, with no witnesses.
What are we going to do about that? That's a good fit question.
With no witnesses.
Good question, right, good fit question.
In Maliki FIP, we don't need the witnesses for the contract to be
valid. But for the consummation, we need witnesses
Hanafi fiqh they don't need a Willie but many factors require a
good Okay, let's go to Lily Rose.
Is Akia desire to be given a beautification beatific vision of
Allah as for Alfia in this life, she's talking to somebody else.
Yes. So Eva one, with respect to agnostics, those who do not accept
or reject Islam, what is their fate? It is covered for us, if
you've learned about it, and you're on the non acceptance is
because the in the demand is to believe the prophet
that that's the demand. It's one.
It's not that you don't you you avoid disrespecting the prophet or
rejecting him. No. There's one demands believe in the prophets
So agnosticism for us is
can you explain the use of the royal we in the Quran? It's a
from the eloquence of Arabic language that we is used.
for that, which is lofty. Right? So that's the meaning of the world
How do you do the solar eclipse prayer says bihon. Well, it's very
interesting. It has two rakura per sedges per raka Fatiha. Surah
Rico. Semi Allah limit Hamidah 30 has sudo again, Roku sent me alone
even amateur, then sujood
and you do that? Oh, no hoof is not for our cause it's true
rockers with four recitation Sorry, I got confused there. Who
Souf is to rockers with four recitations, and four real cores
in the two rockers. Okay, so I thought that was a mistake that I
said there. slipup
lunar eclipse is just to rock as at home.
That's it.
How do you know the solar eclipse prayer when you can't look up into
the sky? And when you are supposed to pray throughout the whole of
the eclipse? Well, you know, it's there because it starts and then
you pray. Like you're gonna you see it happening, then you go to
pray. Of course, today we have, it's all scheduled, which shows
the great knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala, that we know that
these massive bodies in space,
we know where they're going to be at exactly what time you know how
fast the earth is moving?
How fast the Earth is spinning. Like I say, speed that's
phenomenal. Yet, it never crashes. It never slows down. It never
bumps. The moon never flies off. The moon never quits, the moon
never comes closer, the moon never moves around and where it's not
supposed to be.
And so because of that, and because of the amount of
documentation over the years of by astronomers, we now know exactly
the moon will be between the Earth and the Sun.
So in the past, they prayed so lots of eclipses Kosuth
out of all because they don't know what's going on. They're a bit
scared. Right?
We now pray it out of all of Allah's creation, like the
perfection of His creation. It's absolutely perfect that we can
predict to the minute when it's gonna happen.
He says is it just me but I can't hear anything. Now it should be
just you were fine.
I converted. Someone says then I got medically circumcised as an
to fulfill the Sunnah. But we said yesterday, you cannot expose your
private parts to anybody except yourself and your wife, as a man.
So just say stuff for the low ones, for
revealing your aura to somebody.
Sophia says should we be scared at a solar eclipse? Look, it's just
this the moon blocking the sun for a short period of time. And it's
bound to happen, right? It's like, if you ever been driving, and you
can see three cars ahead of you. And you're all turning left.
You just sit there looking at the blinkers right? Eventually, for
like three clicks, they're gonna line up and blink at the same
time. And then they break up again. That's like that when you
have all these orbs flying around. Eventually one is going to block
one the other
All right, DUA and jokes SubhanAllah. Do they count? Yes.
You may say a joke about yourself or somebody else.
Or a word, and it may be a moment of each other. And it's it there
is an entire genre of literature that says in Nakada Rama work
alone Belmonte.
Your cover is connected to your words. So maybe they're aligned at
a moment, and you see utter a word and it's my job.
So be very mindful. Don't say stuff like,
Don't repeat stuff. That's a joke
that you would not want to happen for real.
And why does that happen? Well, don't ask why. Ask why did you
take dollar as a joke? Why did you take your words as a joke? Not a
joke. Okay. Someone who keeps saying, Oh, I'm going to do this
one day. I'm going to do that one day. Only say something you
actually want. Because if it happens, you'd be in trouble
with respect to care says So hi everyone.
Must one care for the mother and sister before the wife. Especially
when the mother and sister have no male protector, there is no
separation except that the feelings of the mother is most
Then the wife then the sister, but in terms of city are
You responsible for all of them?
So in that case, you know, if it's about who do I serve first,
physically, you would serve your mother first, then your wife, then
your sister,
or between wife and sister. If there's a big age gap, then you
would go with the sister who's older than the wife.
Chief Latif does Maliki FIP require a Welly for the groom's
marriage to be valid No, the only the bride needs a woody
to groom a man does not need Willie, he does not need
permission for inch area for a man to marry is like eating.
You don't need permission and It's haram to stop it can't stop a man
from marrying. Of course, there is the sense of I want my parents to
be happy, all that is real. And that's very important.
Anytime I see a marriage where one of the parents is unhappy, like we
don't want to be part of this, it's gonna be a mess. It's gonna
be a mess. However
some parents are extremely difficult
and their difficulty should not be taken into consideration if it's
JD like you can only marry a woman from this country from this town
where we're going to find that right it's absurd that's not a
reason to be angry
or upset
can you make vicar hold tests Viet with the left hand Yes, inshallah
you can some people have sins with their left hand that they need to
get forgiven?
Is is it cool for Jordan Peterson not to be Muslim after you had a
talk with Hamza Yusuf? Yes, and less than that to just hearing
that there is something called Islam as the final religion the
final claim and that the Muhammad is the Messenger sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, he doesn't have to have a lecture with Hamza Yusuf to be
McCullough. Right? Could you imagine if you had to have a two
hour talk about Islam to be more caliph, know your vocal of just by
knowing that there was a last messenger came as a claimant, that
he has a messenger from God.
And he's the last messenger and that God has ordered for him.
That's enough.
I read somewhere says for Khan on Instagram, that angels will not be
present in the hereafter.
Of course they're present. They're the ones conducting the hereafter.
They're the ones conducting the scales, who's bringing the scales?
Who's Who's getting the books, who's doing the punishing, the
angels have held as a venue.
Right? Vania it is said blind, deaf and mute and no smell either.
flat faces like this. Why? Because if they had smelled your rotten
flesh, right, it'd be disgusted. If they heard your screaming like
a dying pig.
They would stop out of Rama. Like Allah's creation has Rama. Okay?
So they wouldn't do it anymore.
Or if they if the people
not that they would disobey Allah, but they would ask Allah for a
pardon for these people. The people saying help us stop make
dua they would make dua because Allah creates creation with Rama.
So the way that he creates, can you imagine like, where's the
mercy of someone with eyes, and it's torturing right, you feel
like really scared, right? But Allah's Christian has Rama
and the angels these are angels. These are not Komodo dragons.
These are angels, right? So the only way they could do it is
blind, deaf and no smell. And Allah knows best this is like a
speculative Hadith, right or the that's not the right way to
describe a hadith but it's not of the highest Seha strength that we
can make jasm with it.
What is 100 vicar
says Guliyev and dude, the maximum indica that we do is Dicker
sitting and standing Quran mentions that they are sitting and
standing but to dance and do movements isn't that's not how
we're taught to do that. It's not respectful, but some of the chef
A's and thematic is do movements and the movement that they do is
require going down like this. Right and ultimately, the chef or
you have a sham and that Hanafy is of Sham
In the medical Morocco they have
but uh, but it's not something that I do personally.
What if the wife isn't happy?
If you marry a convert and he's not circumcised
get the kid
get numbing. You want to talk about this every live stream
because we talked about it last last livestream circumcise the guy
yourself go and get numbing fluid
watch YouTube videos get educated about it contact a doctor buy the
kit and do it for your husband. Okay
Can a Sunday his mother's Willie? Yes, she doesn't need a Willie,
but she should have one to protect her rights and the son is more
worthy to be the willie than the Father.
UK summertime evenings are so long that Asia is really late.
So I heard from Sheikh Abdul Rahman son of Morabito hajj who
lived in Spain and they suffered from this too. He said just wait
an hour and 20 minutes and pray Aisha an hour and 20 minutes after
like a stranger says was the book you mentioned earlier about
Anthony flu? No it was somebody else It was Alexander something
does it solar eclipse hurt your eyes? Yes, we're told not to look
at it
is a traumatic he's do three salaams at the end of Salah if
there's an Imam and someone at your left so one two Salam out one
for the Imam and one for the one on your left. That's three total.
If you accidentally say give me * in do when you meant give me
No. And so Allah Allah does not take us to account on slips of the
I heard her read somewhere that the Prophet only did to speak with
his right hand.
Yes, that's probably true. That doesn't make it forbidden with the
left hand.
Does the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam come
after the spirit? Yes.
The House of the Prophet is what we see we reach inshallah to Allah
will reach it if we pass the slots, which is the bridge over
the hellfire. I have a question on this. Yes.
So the hole is an extension from the Kota the hold. Yes, the water
is from the river of the cocoa. And how does the fountain do other
prophets have?
or however you say there's only one holds.
Sacred codenames holds
is really only applicable in Salah says Ibrahim Kanodia is applicable
in any act of worship any matter of Deen. But RIA is not applicable
in matters of dunya is no dia in matters of dunya only in matters
of Deen.
Aslam says what is one hour and 20 minutes based off based off of
negative or what's his basis is that that's
I don't want to speak for the shit. But he said if you pray a
show an hour and 20 minutes after negative it's valid for you.
Khadija says Can the younger brother be a Willie if the father
is alive and well? If he's more competent and capable than Yes.
Cause him says what rights to our extended family have? Mother in
law is a mom.
No less. You have to treat her like a mother. Step mother is a
Of course your heart is not going to be attached to anyone more than
your biological mom. But step mom is a mom. mother in law's a Mom.
Grandma is a mom, and is a mom. Okay, all that a woman who raised
his you foster mother is a mom in terms of the respect and the
treatment that you owe them.
What about relatives that are estranged?
What rights do they have? Just
decency and try to connect that's it. It's vague. Just try to
connect decency. That's it. What's the best vicar to combat temporary
spiritual numbness? Allah does the Divine Name Allah
and some schewe said no, that's not a decree it must be something
else. But the dominant opinion is that Allah itself is that that a
person the Prophet himself in a hadith said the Yama will not come
and as long as there are people saying Allah Allah from that and
From the different tentative up, they found that this is the
fastest jolt to the heart of a person say hola, hola. Hola. Hola.
Or La Ilaha? Illallah
All right
how often do we have to keep in touch with cousins? There's
nothing specific for cousins just general keeping in touch.
And generally keeping in touch is different for each.
Each time I met, there was a farmer one time
in Guyana and he said that the Bidwell a Dane for them is that
they go out, they pray fudge, then they go bring like milk to the
Then they go out work all day.
Then they come back pray so lots of thought. And then touch base
with their mom. Go out again come back for us to touch base with the
mom. prepare dinner and get a rest up like the menus of the rests in
the farmer culture after us and the wife is making the dinner.
Women of the house are making the dinner
at Primavera then eat dinner with the mom.
Then pray Aisha right, then have some tea and tell some stories
with the mom. So then he came to America. He applied that after
every slide. He called his mom five times a day. He calls mom
Subhan Allah, if some people they call five times a month Allah
RTG to says Did you see the images taken by James Webb telescope or
the James Webb telescope? It's amazing. Some of these pictures
man. Maybe tomorrow we put some of them up. It's a work of graphic
art. Honestly, if you had honestly told me
like, look at this picture, I would have told you it's a graphic
They're so ridiculously gorgeous. It's unbelievable. The vastness
and you're worried about your job and don't make your dua for like
one little piece of matter molecule here. You're worried
about that. When that's your Creator. That's who you're talking
to. He made that that's who you're talking to. What are you worried
about your DUA?
I know a convert who's circumcised himself no kit no numbing, just a
hunting knife and ointment Whoa man that I would not recommend
anyone to do that.
What I mean I will not recommend someone to do that but let's see
what he says he had high up because he had modesty he didn't
want anyone to see his
Masha Allah He wanted to revive the Sunnah of say Neva Rahim Allah
reward him Allah reward him yes I'm glad he did see survived that
without infection or anything achieve
what's your advice as Lily about what's worse? You ignore it. Wes
was ignores all his was Was
had none older.
Yes, a lot of people a lot of questions would hunger love? It's
a pleasure to take them. Silly question. But do you believe we
went to the moon?
I'm like 5050 on the moon landing. So they only conspiracy that I can
see like maybe right. A lot of other conspiracies are silly. But
that one maybe? Who knows? Who knows?
Most people think it's a joke to even suggest. But who knows? You
never know. Wouldn't it be hilarious if they faked it the
whole time? But we'll never know certain things will just never
Z Khan says this might be weird, but what should you do if you
accidentally break air during Salah USA As Salam aleikum, you're
gonna make a joke when you come back. Is it okay to stop talking
to someone so they can learn that they have done something wrong?
Yes, inshallah. That's fine.
silent treatment.
What morning of God direct recommend, of course I recommend
and would have the leaf Safina side of that or G backslash
lowercase wouldn't.
And you can watch it and you could listen to it on SoundCloud and you
can get the PDF and I'm actually putting up a new PDF with the same
formatting as the Rogen.
Alright, folks, we gotta go. It's now 315 I'm the little blonde. I
mean, we had a very good
stream today with hamdulillah Docomo, Lafayette and everybody
Subhanak Allahumma. webby Hambrick in the shadow Illa illa Anta
Pharaoh Kona to buoy Lake will ask
In Santa Fe, of course. Illallah Dena Anwar middle side had
whatsover Huck. What was over Saab was salam or aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.