Shadee Elmasry – NBF 73 How to Make Hajj
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to Islam, including hedge-related news and ideas, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations, hedge obligations
AI: Summary ©
Alright, let's get to it. Blackburn Mayor you guys hear
about this five pillars thing? No, it's UK it's Islamic news
Blackburn mayor's that celebrates LGBTQ culture at a pride event
Go renew your sad like it
was wrong with us what is wrong with a nice big Sona beard and
everything what's wrong with you and he's posting with an Instagram
frame you see this? Yeah
because wrong with people buy unless you're going to sell your
deen for other people's don't get it you're not even benefiting from
it right? Yeah
they're benefiting by saying mayor I guess
all right. How are we doing on YouTube? We're on YouTube now.
Let's go and leave this and see how our YouTubers are doing donde
style was YouTubers
where's it
All right, we got Hamza Jose.
How's it a and let's check out the Insta
and he's wearing a gold chain of course it's gonna be the gold
it's one thing to sell the your dean Virginia that's another thing
to sell your dean for other people's. You're not even the
not smart. And you have a white beard. That means you got one foot
in the grave. Yesterday, Mr. Uncle because he's older right? You got
one foot in your grave right? You got a white beard and he's got
grandkids that you wanted to die on on Sidama and your dean piece
in your dean
you're gonna die having a soldier diem for combos unreal
man, is here pass internationals here and I'm joined by two guests
Well, the Wizard of Oz is not against but he's here. How to set
up a behemoth you guys should see what Ryan looks like now. He's got
a behemoth.
A hacker type of computer this big on the ground screens all around
those screens like this. And all sorts of hacker material that was
put together. No
there's an echo dataset. Let's let's put this in my ear and
Audio no audio coming up or maybe it's not.
Today we're going to talk about hij by the way sound is Echo he
says Samira Noreen. Now it should be fun checking now. Samira,
Noreen Is it okay
s Bailey Fun
said Muhammad Daniel Muhammad, Muhammad says it's better now.
Folks, this guy, he should be ashamed himself.
Mayor of Blackburn Sulayman, whatever his name is, to be
ashamed yourself. You have a white beard, you have grandkids
and you're going to sell your dean for the mayoral position.
You're gonna get elected out anyway. By anyone who has any
sense any of the Muslims have any sense? They're gonna let you out
of there. Right? Right for the map picture. What if you shrink that
and put it in the top right because there's more empty space
in the top right? That might work. Hey, folks, today we're going to
talk about at hedge. Okay, and first we're going to begin with
our introduction and dot and dickwella
and get ourselves composed here and purify our selves from having
to see these ridiculous
you know, things that some of the Muslims are doing now as if like,
there's no Yamaki ama you're not worried?
About that
this villa Rahman Rahim Allah may Allah the muscle on Yukka Gmail
yeah the iminium yoke if you do there was a lot of coffee a lot.
Yeah Jeremy ala swan. Yeah Halima Leia, Joel Solea brsc Gina
Muhammad Ali was selling well Donna Sahaba de LGMA in Allahumma
laka Al hamdu chakra Kalama new formula. One Terra buena haka.
nanobeads one times as a leader Lika hella, yeah Maria Sirocco.
Leah see Jabra Cooney Cassie, we also have equally very do I'm
gonna equity for a period where Mooka we call your boy Eve where
I'm at Mana Colima cave
yesterday in Aquila CFSA sera la Syria like AC Allahumma Yemen,
Loretta you will be anywhere to see her tonight Kathy want to
unknown Bill Kabir olam any alcohol makeup well. Mica welcome
and Mila Coco mica Allah we'd be happy to meet a couple Minka and
Jeanette and Melinda when we go along we'll be happy to say the
name Muhammad didn't know he was gonna be a Nicoletti lead and
working with NaVi Kenefick Allah de la ROM or hum neighborhood
Rasika Lena Villa Anna liquid Antarctica tuna wa Raja guna also
Allahu Allah said you know how many were only on Sunday with
Salem with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Coronavirus, he was in a
tar shape when we can even
Allahu manana elegancia the 1015 wabarakatuh and Phil Omar was the
Hatton Phil just said was saddened for this which opens up goblin
mode which is just an Indian mode homophones and by the note waffleh
Indian is a monumental other one also Yuba Minella Jana, what is
open another ILA what she can carry, sort of Allah ala Sayidina
Muhammad and while he was on he was salam Subhana Allah beggar
ablaze Satyam ILC phone was Ala Moana and mursaleen our hamdu
Lillahi Rabbil Alameen have equally robbed us in the carpet.
What are the one FC was in Uttarkashi? Amin Kenema.
Alright, living my brothers sisters, this was weird.
A safe I mean bucket of insulin.
And you can get this word and this word we recite it you like a word
of, of Goddess Sabha of God, for protection for da general idea for
protection for risk for benefits. Okay. And the app is called and
hola casa, you type that in. It could be in English, you can type
it or in Arabic. There are many types of apps,
many apps regarding with collection of this of God. Okay.
And the app. There's no homepage to the app. I think here the app
looks like this. Okay. And the whole ALSA logo, it actually bring
it up on my iPad has been the bigger, the colossal logo looks
like boom, where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Here? If I don't
know if you can see this, but you see that there on the side?
On the where am i right here. See that? That is what the app looks
like. And that has in it
where it a shake up a bucket. And so it's a nice job. This isn't
that's what it is not I don't want to say that's it as if that's a no
big deal. It's a beautiful job. Now, here's a question for you to
have. The words in this job are not actually any different than
many other idea. But
things of Islamic nature they spread because of what's called
Cabal, okay. Things spread because of Cabal. Okay. And cabal is the
idea that Allah has accepted the intention behind this, okay.
And that's why you want to read something that has something that
it's been around for a long time, it reflects that Allah has
accepted the intention behind it. And Allah loves the author. So you
have Witter del Imam and Noah we would it didn't even know he's
also in this app at Colossae.
What does it mean? No, he has been going on for 1000 years almost.
Well, not exactly 1000 years, much less.
Okay. Mmm And no, he was what 700 Of the hinges oh, maybe. So
700 years. Show me something that's been around for so how many
things you know has been around for 700 years. So
he wants something like that.
The old rods of Sedna le mammal had dead.
You want that these are raw. Now you can make your own dua at any
But as a guaranteed that Allah Tala has loved you the way he's
has shown the Kaboul for those.
So we do both you can make your own dua as much as you want for
your own personal business, but the general dua, the general of
God for protection, these Allamah and mache, they knew exactly what
they're putting in there. Okay. And there's Kaboul has come down
and you're sharing now in a prayer that's being said by so many other
people. Okay. So that's the concept and the idea of, of these
old rod and we always is when we do current events, which is part
of our deen is to study what's going on in the OMA, right? But
there's a little bit of a golfer and a heedlessness that comes upon
somebody when you do too much of that.
And then you feel that, that that heedlessness in that rough law,
and so you feel like you want to clear it out, and you clear it out
by picking up some of these old rod and some of the rod or sewers
of the Quran.
Such as Surah Dukane at night, so little milk at night. So little
Walker after us does the practice of Satan NSmen Malik.
Good any recitation of Quran, okay, in the daytime, or the
nighttime. So that's basically what we're all about here. And if
you're someone who like you've never heard about this, well, this
is what are the nothing but facts livestream is all about to show
you, you know that this stuff is important, and teach you how to do
it. And we're going to always say, where did that well, that could
have been certain when we want, like when we remember, and every
Wednesday has been Nelson Mandela had dead. Why we repeat by
repeating those, eventually you'll memorize them just by viewing just
by being a viewer and watching.
Okay, so today our topic today we're going to talk about hedge,
but first a word from our sponsors. And we're going to have
a word from our sponsors twice, right? You don't happen to have
the exemplars pictures. Do you listen to that later? Or if not
even today, but
a word from our sponsors?
Mecca book, you already got paid Mecca books, all right, but that
medical and you're gonna get a book called exemplars. It's
a really beautiful book where I'm going to be doing some of the
interviews for them interviewing the authors of the biographies
about what they did in terms of their lives, or how they how they
met these few, etc. But you can get the book at Mecca
They're giving it away.
As well as the instance. So bro, so close up like that.
They're getting they're having a giveaway contest. So go to Mecca for a giveaway contest. Who doesn't want something for
free? Hey, right. Enroll for me. So maybe I can get it for free.
You got to do stuff. Like what? Share and do all sorts of stuff.
it's time for you to study for your SATs. And people have oh,
it's must be my fingers that didn't.
People who are studying for if you're in England, what do they
haven't England? What's the tests in England to go to college? We
haven't wheat for us. We call it the LSAT.
They have all levels and a levels and stuff like that. All right.
What you guys have to do is you're going to if you want to study, you
get an online tutor at professors one to
Okay, if you are in New Jersey, they can drive out to your home
and educate your kids who don't know, who don't have the
experience taking these formalized exams that these people do these
people have some serious as I said before, there are some serious
nerds in this company. Right?
Serious nerds in this company. That's number two. Number three.
You guys backslash Safina society. Good
back says to feed society on the regular there are new
people coming out and being part of this, you know, we should do
one day, we should make credits, right? And everyone who is a
Patreon subscriber. Right? We actually should roll the credits
at the end, right? Like a movie. At the end of every day. That's a
great idea. I'm gonna have them do that tonight. I want it let's like
the movies, right? Scroll with the names of all these people. Because
I mean, they did it, didn't they? They they're part of it. And we're
able to get all this technology with their help. Alright, so that
what we're all about today. In terms of our
or supporters and our subscribers. Alright, now what else are we up
to today?
We're going to talk about hedge.
let's talk about the obligation of hedge first. This obligation has
prerequisites when we study prerequisites of Hajj.
When we study the prerequisites of hutch,
there are prerequisites of it being obligatory. And then there
are prerequisites of it being valid. So whenever you study FIP,
there's Schrute.
L, would you and salutes sir, which means this thing is not even
obligatory until XYZ happens.
So the truth there is that it's not even obligatory upon you,
you have to be unless you are better look after her almost out
there. Okay, you have to be these four things, you got to be better
reach the age of maturity, you got to be often you have to be sane.
In other words, you cannot be insane. Okay, you got to be free.
I mean, if you're enslaved, if you're in jail, you're not free.
So then the obligation is lifted upon you.
And you have to be you have to have is to thaw. What is to thaw?
What do we mean by state law? That means you are physically capable
of going without the heart and an abnormal? What does it mean?
For example, at anytime you can be robbed, right? So that as
we're talking about wars, there's some abnormal type of harm.
That's number one, or that you can be robbed, or
you could be You're not safe in your home. Meaning that I believe,
might be taken by
a process, again, abnormal because as we know that
at anytime.
it's not, that's not sufficient, it means that there's something
or a gang of bandits has moved into the challenge, right? I guess
like in the old days, some abnormal harm like that. Or that
you have an elder that would die in your absence? Let's say your
mom will die. And your Abseits
you don't take care of her things like that. That is to thaw.
Good. That's what we mean by esta. So something that will cause you
will cut will be harmed that will occur in your absence, or harm on
the way that is all we're talking about the abnormal harms, or you
don't even have the money, right? All of that would negate. Okay,
the istilah. Good, it would negate the rest of them. Now, these are
that Now here's a question that comes up in FIP.
And that is namely that the question is that
if I become able to make Hajj, am I obligated to do it right away?
Am I sinful if I skip it this year? Or am I somebody who I'm
allowed to delay it? Okay.
And that's a debated question. And the Maliki method. Both are strong
opinions. Okay, that you are sinful if you're capable and you
just don't do it this year. You're sinful. That's one opinion. The
other isn't that you're not sinful. Good.
So there's it's a debated question in murky filk All right.
That covers your basics of the nature of the obligation.
Now, what are the students Assa? Now, the students are sad, there's
always overlap. Okay.
So, for example, you might not have to if you don't have to make
such as you're young,
you are, you're bad. You're not bad. You are a slave, for example,
good or you aren't good in these two cases, and you end up making
Hajj it's enough Allah.
So if a slave or a prisoner we lead them out to make hutch, good
and then we he goes back to jail.
A slave let's say let's leave jail aside because jail is different
on slavery, good.
Or a child or youth, a 12 year old, he's not better yet, but he
makes hudge, it's negative for him, it does not count as his
obligatory hedge.
In contrast, if I am not able to make hedge, so it's not obligatory
upon me because I don't have the money. But then someone says, Hey,
I'll give you I'll pay for you, and you go, then it counts for
him. Okay, so those are, that's the difference between sometimes
shoots and shoots at Buju. So sometimes it carries over and
sometimes it doesn't.
Okay, now, the first there are four conditions
for thought again, and eight YG bets,
you got to pay very close attention to this. There are four
again, that means if these four things are not there, your heads
is not even, it's not how much you did movements and stuff, but it's
not such
they cannot be made up in the same way that a foot cannot be. If you
forget Bluecore and salah, you can't make it up with sutra. So
you have to bring a whole new Dhaka, right.
Whereas if you forget a pseudonym Lakota, you can make it up with
sudo. Right.
So in the same way, hedge is divided between arcana and YG bets
that are can cannot be made up. If you miss it, you are finished,
you're done, you have no edge, you understand this. Whereas in
the wedge you bet can be made up by
not so do just so here, what we call heavy slaughtering a small
animal, which unfortunately today nobody's slaughtering. What we're
doing is pink.
So let me repeat, you have a can for again,
and you have eight words You bet. Good.
And you have six Nullifiers. So you're going to memorize these,
Now let's look at what these are.
The again are as follows. got it wrong.
And you have to wear put on your haram by number one making the
intention. What are you going for? Are you going for ombre?
Are you going for?
How much? Are you going for tomato you have to make that are going
for Quran what are you going for. So you have to make your
intention. And you have to do it before a certain limit, which we
call them your gods point, which is namely that
there are five cities around the UK
that you must put your head on before that. It forms like a
circle around Mexico, or a five sided star around Mexico or shape
around Mecca.
So sometimes you're going to travel past Arabia into the
Emirates airport. And you're going to make it head on there. That's
actually my favorite thing even though it doesn't make any sense
to pass Arabia. Geographically you're passing Arabia but you're
only passing by about two hours. Because it has they have a nice
airport where you can make put your drama, it's really clean and
you pray to it because when you put your drama on, you're making
your intention you are doing to Gerrard's men and Mahube which
means you're taking off
clothes that wraps around you.
And clothes that is the sewing is used to wrap around your limb.
That's the idea. That's what you have to get off of take off, you
should put on as much perfume and cologne as you are inserted as you
want and remove whatever hairs that you want because you're not
going to be doing that and clip your nails because you're not
going to be doing that for the rest of your home. You're not to
put on scent, remove hairs or clip your nails as much as you want for
the entirety of a home so you do that beforehand.
You are highly recommended to remove all the hairs that could
give you a bad smell or what have you clip your nails. Okay,
depending on how long you'd be for Iran, okay?
Because the shortest you'll be in a haram is like three days, two
and a half days even. And the longest there's it could be longer
much longer depending on what you're going for.
Then you pray to us.
Salah and you begin your Tobia by saying love bake Allah Humala bake
love Baker Lashley Calacatta bake in the 100 will never matter let
go and will nursery killer and everyone will start saying that
and it's a beautiful thing. So this is the rockin of Iran. Okay,
now the next rochen
that you will do is the most important one and it is a Roku
For the alpha
you have to stand at an area called Ottawa,
which we're going to put a map, you're going to see the whole
heads, I'm going to give you the list first of the again, and then
I'm going to give you the map. And we're going to walk through it.
When you stand on auto for First of all, when do you stand on on
the ninth of the ledger? The ninth of that hedger,
okay, which is called.
Alright, this is the ninth of the ledger is called Yamato, everyone
outside of hedges fasting,
everyone outside of just fasting. And on this day,
on Yamato, the obligation is to be there, even a pause the rockin of
the evening.
So you're gonna go all day. Okay, that's a wedge IP. But the Rokan
is to be there for at least a pause in the evening.
After that, then of mode of what is the least of a pause, the
amount of time that you would spend between two sujood to
sagittis. Still.
That's it, that's the bare minimum. So you got to be there a
little bit after maghrib and everyone is good.
So that's out of it. So remember, I will go figure out if it's
divided into two parts of the day and the night. The day is a wedge
IP if you miss the day, you can do heady. Remember anything that is
wedge IP, if you miss it,
you can do heavy slaughter an animal and make up for it. But the
reason you cannot. So the rochen in terms of out of the rook is any
even sliver in the night, which means after that then
and we'll see everyone's there after their magma for a little
The third rocket you cannot miss this is tough as a father, this is
the big toe off of Hajj and it must be after arpha
to offer the father
and the toe off is of course seven. And
with the cabinet to your left.
And you start from 100 ls word, the start point is a wardrobe. So
if you start let's say hypothetically say know what I
want to start from hijra, dismayed. And you do that, so you
fulfilled your look. But you you still owe heavy because the start
point is wedges. You have to start from 100 less words.
So you do too often if other seven times seven ASWAT you must have to
do too many people don't know this will do is required to touch for
three things, only three things to touch the full Quran such as this,
the full Quran, or a joke of Quran, someone gives you five gems
of Quran or wonders of Quran you must have
to touch it for a better if you are a bookseller, a teacher, you
clean up the mosque, and there's Messiah if Allah it's impossible
for you. And it becomes a hardship to sit every time you got to make
wudu. And at that point, you can you're allowed to touch the Quran
without wudu for that person, only the workers in mosques, the
workers in bookstores, the teachers who deal with the Quran,
like for work every single day, okay.
They can touch the Quran to move it on not to do a better only for
the daughter for the or for the nest the necessity, okay. You need
will do
to pray obviously, and you need to do for toe off.
So you're gonna make your toe off seven times around the Kaaba. And
this is of course the to offer your Father which is one of the
hallmarks of Hajj and everybody sees that this is the symbol of
Hajj and you do this after you're with bountiful. And then after Tov
there is Salah of Torah cos behind McCollum, Ibrahim.
And then there is say say, is the fourth of the rochen of Hajj, the
fourth rochlin of Hajj and you go from suffer as the prophets I
seldom said we begin with what Allah began.
She's saying there's still an echo for some reason. Okay.
Suffer tomorrow. That's one and you will see button and muscle
there's two green lights because button in muscle means that there
used to be the used to go like this. Right? It used to be almost
a valley towards the softer side.
It's not in the valley. It was not in the middle. It was towards the
SOFIA side, but they flattened it now. And they just put two green
lights so it's artificial. You artificially run there
is no reason to run. Because it's flat. The, in the past they used
to run. Why? Because it's going down anyway. So get momentum, run
it down, run it out, basically run out the downside get momentum, and
it'll be easier for you to go uphill. But now they flattened it.
So they put two green lights to artificially do this.
So that's the psi. And then you make dua on each mountain, you
face the cabin, you make two on each on each hill.
And that's it. So those are the four again. Now let's take a look
at your hedge.
In order, okay, day by day, so that you can be educated on hedge.
Anything that we say is legit. That you can put them up now.
Anything that we say is legit. All right.
You can expiate it with heavy but you cannot expect these four
things with heavy. Okay, so let's take a look. Day one.
And we'll pull up the map right in front of me here.
I love this map actually.
Too often kaboom. What is so awful kaboom. Too often kaboom. Is the
two hates and mustard we all know to hate investor to hear to
mustard is when we enter the Masjid. We pray to America's or a
That is like the greeting of the mosque. So while Philco Doom is
when I'm coming for Hajj coming into mecca for the first time. I
make tough. I'm coming for Hutch. Okay, I make tough. So often Doom
though is not obligatory on a couple categories of people. Who
is it not obligated upon? So awful could Doom is not obligated upon
someone who's multimeter
what is the ultimate domain
which means someone who came in a couple of days early for Hajj,
made a full ombre.
Okay, so he's greeted the city with tawaf. He's done a full
ombre, not just to off, he's done a full ombre, he comes out of
Iran. Such a person does not have to make too often.
who else doesn't have to do to Africa? Okay.
A woman who's unhide NFS. This is a big misnomer. Many people
mistake this. They think that if a woman goes on hide,
in hedge, she can make hedge it's not right at all. She can make
hedge, okay? She just can't make tough. She can't enter the mosque.
So the only issue she has is to offer the Father because that's
the look. So how does she do too often if other? She does too
often, if other and you follow the Shafi opinion on this is that she
comes out of her prom.
And she owes that though off later, anytime later. Now it Yeah,
if she has to leave, if she's staying right, she stays in a
And when her height is over, she takes the most makes will do well
listeners will do. It was always included with if you for a woman
always includes for a man it does. Unless he touches his private
parts after he has cleaned the limbs of voodoo. Then she goes and
she makes the Hanafis have their own opinion. She makes to off upon
Very strange stuff that allows them not going to even open that
can of worms and getting myself bombarded with the INF but
the Sophie opinion is that she waits. If her caravan is leaving,
she comes out of it haram and she owes it to off later on in her
life anytime in her life.
But hopefully, many women in this day and age they can solve this
Okay, by taking pills, they can take pills and they could delay
their height.
If you're a woman and you're going you're allowed to do this. Okay.
Now the read to ask about Hedy. The word Hedy is slaughtering a
little goat or sheep, to expiate for missing a wedge IP. Remember,
we're talking now hedge where you have to know the four out of gun,
then there's a list of words You bet. You missed those wedge
events, you can expiate, and then there are Nullifiers, which we
have to talk about the Nullifiers, the Nullifiers, anything that that
certain things that will nullify your hedge altogether. Okay, which
we're going to cover them. But first, let's talk about your
order. So on the eighth of the hedge up, you will
enter Mecca. If you've if you're entering macro for the first time,
you do too often. kudu means arrival. If you've been in Mecca,
if you're a resident of Mecca, if you're on Hyde, or if you already
did ombre, and you've you're already in Mecca,
Then you don't have to do too often.
So that's the eighth of the Headjam.
First thing you do is you go to Mina, and you spend the US
Maghreb, Asia fetch five in person the whole day there, including the
next day, next night for fetch, and you spend that time in the
tent of Mina. And as you can see, you're going southeast as you can
see in the map, this is a beautiful map.
And you spend that time doing a bird doing vicar Good.
Next morning after Salatin first, we all get up again, and we go to
All right, that this is the big day of hedge. Okay. This is the
big day that we have for hutch, right. And this is the day in
which Allah has promised the prayers of the believers to be
answered and their sins forgiven.
This is the greatest day of the year for us. The greatest night of
the year for us is laser cutter which is actually unknown. Like
you don't know what it needed to be, but it is you have a window of
when it could be.
But you have to also stay for a moment after the event of negative
Arafah after doing a bed all day long and door and let me tell you
practically what you do. Practically what you do in minute
and in Ottawa is as follows. It's pretty hectic, it's busy, it's
hot. There's a lot of stuff going on. You do a bed for a little bit.
Then you eat.
Then you talk. Then you get tired and you chicken up. You will not
sleep like normal. Sleep in minute from day eight 910 11 for these
four days, you're not gonna have normal sleep. Why do we not have
normal sleep? Mina is extremely loud. Okay.
Mina is extremely cinematic. Come take a seat next to us. Cindy
Phonto is here. Don't trip over any chords, though.
Is Sharif Antonia is skipping work today. What's happening, man?
How's it going? So called working from home? Which Elon Musk has
basically open your computer so that you can log in and say that
you're working?
So it's so loud and Mina.
And the reason it's loud is that there are illegal Hajaj every
And there are people that are disorganized. And there are people
sleeping in the streets
everywhere in Mina. And so they got the Saudis because they're
they're very fond of, like aura and spirituality and good mood.
They have cars going around blaring like sirens, and on the
mic. All day and all night. I was sitting with Matt Wood had been he
was like, it's like a war zone here. I was like, yeah, it is a
war zone. You feel like you're in a war zone. You did not feel at
peace at all. And I thought to myself, You know what? Number one,
maybe that's a reflection of the state of the ummah.
It's war, right? But also, maybe we're at war with our sins here,
right. And the blaring of these guys in the mic, sirens will go on
24 hours a day. It will just you cannot be get a normal sleep.
That's number one. Number two, the way they air conditioned the North
American tents is sort of absurd. They take the wall conditioners,
full blast, right full blast. And you're freezing inside the tent
boiling outside the tent. So it's not good for your lungs.
I always get sick from these things. I hate this thing. And you
can't cover your head either. Right? Because you're in a haram.
Haram you cannot cover your head. The aroma of women is nothing
essentially, except the intense and no perfumes and no removing of
hairs. But clothes wise they can cover their head but they cannot
cover their face. They cannot cover the face and toe off you
can't cover your face. What happens if you like put on perfume
by accident?
Can you make up for that?
Just the same for talking here by accident. If intentional, for
example, I forgot and I plucked a hair off my face is different from
I was just scratching and a hair came off. That's not plucking
hair, looking hair like accidentally forgot heads. We'll
get that to that. Those different things, those different different
breaks and they'll have different rules. So now you're in Mina. And
you can only eat when you're given foods. So that's another thing
that breaks up like you don't eat when you want. You eat when you're
given food and you're heard it off to another room to eat. So you
don't want to miss your mealtimes
So there's a lot of reasons why you'll your pattern of regular
life, which is fine. If you're there for hedging. You're not
there to have every regular day, right? You're there for something
new. And so the other thing that happens in Mina, mainly, not on
the 10th, not on the eighth of the hija.
The eighth of the ages called the OMA Toria Tada, we're tarraleah
And usually what happens is that there are people visit each other
in the tents, Oh, I heard so and so's there. So you get visitors.
But usually that doesn't happen on the on the eighth because people
still just discovering where everyone is. Now you go to Ottawa,
and you spend the whole day at Ottawa. Ottawa is also like tents
everywhere. Right? It's tents everywhere. Many people think it's
a sunnah to go to Germany. For us in the magic amount of yes, the
Prophet did, but it not as a sunnah. It's not a sunnah to go on
a big hike to double bottom and exhaust yourself. This is not the
sooner the sooner is to stay in one spot, do a bed. As much as you
can make do up remember all your loved ones. And on your model foot
when we're here, we're going to fast and do the same thing.
And we also we we mimic the judge from time of Muharram other head
just starts until eight we don't clip our nails and shave, remove
our hairs. Follow up on the chef seeking to be a little slightly
disheveled. How'd you supposed to be disheveled? You're supposed to
be perfectly combed. You're a pilgrim begging for God's
forgiveness. And you're asking for stuff. Remember, this is
forgiveness is the greatest thing you can get. But people have
desires and needs that are motivating. They're a bed.
No third step on the night on that night. So the ninth is over. The
night has fallen. And now it's the 10th of Muharram of the I keep
saying Muharram I don't know why if
you go to miss delta
and you go to the Sunnah for us is to go to Modelica for at least a
moment. At least a sit down for the Aetna if
it's until fudge for the shear failure, it's half of the night.
So they now why is this beneficial? It's beneficial
because it allows for different traffic patterns because you're
you're literally got such a massive movement that by having
this lifted off this difference of opinion of how long do we stay in
was deliver. It eases a little bit of the traffic so the medica you
only have to stay
a moment right that's it sit down have to Nina for the same amount
of time that between two senses that's it the second half of the
night. That enough until fudged
the sounds will fetch now in was dela for what do you do you gather
your pebbles? Because there's something called the rummy algae
Emirates or Amelia Murat. Okay, you have to gather your pebbles,
and you stay out and was delicate for that period. And I'll tell you
what actually happens. You're not going to leave was Delphi right
away, like the medic, you say the bare minimum, you're not going to
do that. You're gonna go to miss data, you're gonna be tired.
If your hedge leader is a generous guy, he goes and he gets you a
And bake is like the best fried chicken joint that's there. They
monopoly they got control. And it's it's really, it's really
good. I'll bake and he has got a garlic sauce and he's got
biscuits, and he's got Pepsi, right? And Coke or Pepsi, whatever
it is, and they get that stuff and you will just erase it completely.
Because you're tired and hungry and the food that they give you
they're Hamdulillah we have food that's the first thing. So it's
not to complain. But sometimes when it's like prepackaged and
it's mass made you don't really have the appeal so you don't eat
as well as maybe you should have the love we have whatever food
they give us is fine. But
there is a sort of little craving secret craving everyone has for a
bake. And he has pop up stands everywhere. Right? He must be on
Yeah, good side of MBs to be able to get these pop up since now,
Hamza is saying that it's highly likely that a bank is not the via
I don't know about that. Anything is possible. Number one, anything
is possible in the world of global supply chain. Anything's possible,
but it's probably not going to be likely if the guy is a Muslim. And
the owner is telling you this is the BIA is it going to be hand
slaughtered? No, it's going to be machine slaughtered but machine
slaughtered is permissible the machine itself does not negate the
Maybe for that enough that they have the concept of its facade
like he has to be connected to the animal or something like that. But
for us in the Medicare, even when I went to Chicago daata Salam
moved him in hedge, I said, What's the difference in the machine and
a long knife? A knife that's all the way across the room. He said,
We don't have an issue with the machine. We have the issue of does
the machine execute its job properly? And is the best mother
uttered on it? Right? So we say number one, medica and Shafia have
no issue with that. Because for number one for the chef, a
investment as sunnah. Number two for the Medicare you can say
investment on the whole flock of chickens, the whole whatever. What
do you call a group of chickens? Flock? The whole thing? That's
Bismillah and all these 1000 chickens right here, this chickens
in this room? This minute on all of them, stick them on the machine
and turn the machine on. The question now becomes, is it
slaughtering properly? Are you there? Can you possibly be there?
No. So what do you have to do? You have to take the word of the
Muslim who tells you it is. So if the Muslim owner of that factory,
or the manager of the factory tells you Yes. Now. Am I going to
go to every single? Do I know where the factories are? No. Who
knows where the factories aren't the owner? Right? Any manager in
the most Muslim has to be Muslim? In the company tells you Yes, we
observe the factories and the factories. If the chicken is not
slaughtered properly, we remove it and we throw it out. That's the
font. It is obligatory. If if I get 1000 chickens
and the guy says here's my chickens, but by the way, two of
them were not slaughtered properly. can eat the whole thing,
though thing we cannot eat. Right? We can't eat any of it.
That's not good grammar does what I just did. The whole thing you
can't eat the whole thing is we can't eat any of the things right?
Because that they're sick.
God, just no different but different level of taurine, but
really no difference than if I say here are there are 1000 Slim Jims.
998 or Halal beef.
Okay, want to consider the whole basket has to be thrown in the
garbage. It's not food. Isn't that just enough? It's much goofy. So
if the manager or the owner of this company tells us that we
monitor the chickens and we make sure they are slaughtered
properly. Our herd dog Brazil sings acceptable.
talk into the mic. Right turn this Mr. Antos mic on do you have to
get close to the mic? Very close to the mic. Yeah. Pull it?
Aren't you an engineer? Pull it closer to your mouth there. Yeah,
I heard about them getting their chicken from Brazil, from Chicago
in Detroit. So that's interesting that it's, it's it is an issue.
I'm telling you, it is an issue with the global supply chain. And
there must be a stiff sore. But to what degree do we do? If so, do we
do and say
oh, and bake? Is it how to? And his the owner tells us or the
manager or the rep? You're not gonna talk to the owner. The rep
of the company says yes. All the BIA Hello? Ah, don't trust him.
He's a Saudi or he's making a lot of money on this. I don't believe
him. No.
No, we believe him. As a Muslim, you said duck. And that's the bit
that's another difference between some people have this different
view. They're like, if you don't have a beard down to you're not
gonna believe you know, we don't say that if you don't investigate
it with yourself. No, we don't say that. And most of us, that's it?
Has he shown himself to be a first step, then we don't believe him.
What is a facet? Oh, I got this Halal
chicken shop, but I also sell alcohol on the side. I have a I
have an openly selling beer on the side and I own that company to
your vessel.
Your vessel, your word means nothing to me. At that point, we
don't accept your word. So that's when we don't accept the Word of
somebody but
aside from that, okay. And open fists and Muslim you said that the
Muslim is believed in what he says. Unless there is a reason not
to you see that. That's how we work. So it is good for us to go
investigate. Al Probably the essay just tell us tell us
it's valid for us to eat. Okay, you have a comment or question
Also just because he's from Brazil doesn't necessarily mean that it's
not so for example, like Australia, all the lamps that come
from Australia and Romania that's the but they do this because
they're because they know that these are Muslim clients. hedge.
Mahmoud is telling us that someone in my family has investigated
and Arabic chicken although it's from Brazil, it's machine
slaughter but machine slaughtered by Muslims in a halal way with
specimen on all of them. And observing that everything is cut,
or no, that's the question. So that's what you're gonna get into.
Now, after you eat this wonderful baked chicken,
and you have the fries and the biscuits and the Coke, you're
gonna pass up, okay?
You're gonna have the best nap ever. And it's not going to be
more than 1520 minutes because there are so many melodica there.
In the grounds of hedge is filled with magnetic this area's called
Harlem that on the map right there that you see right here, is that
it's so many melodica, then you're gonna wake up, there are what do
stations you make will do you pray Psalm 200, and do something about
if you are a Hanafy, you're gonna stay the whole night. So fetch,
then you're gonna go to minute. So let's, let's do it in that method,
because that was how the prophets I send them did it.
You're going to go to Mina, and you're going to take your seven
pebbles, and there is a area called a gem rot. And there's one
main one, and then there are two small ones. Okay. You're going to
do seven, throwing seven pebbles at this pillar. That's their jumbo
jets, and Aqua.
And that is a symbolic
of what Satan Ibrahim did when he threw pebbles at Iblees.
And you're going to sacrifice an animal now, by the way now it's
When when fetcher comes up in was Daddy for that now we are in the
daytime of the 10th of Muharram. Which is eat good. It's a Yeoman
knob. It's called your metoda Yamato Yeoman na
the Deaf slaughtering now here's the sad thing is there is no more
slaughtering at hedge
they could have done it right. But this thing has been removed from
hedge and it is one of the big bets that the slaughter happens
that area.
But you don't see it you just basically are now pushing buttons
on your phone to pay
for the slaughter and you never see the animal but in the ancient
times, you would have slaughtered there. Okay, there at Mina, you
slept now. Could they do it? I think they could. If you had
if you had towers of all throughout like four towers,
right? Wherever you are, you go to these tall bunches concrete with
lamps and sheep and you slaughter and you drain it
even if you don't do it, even if like a company is doing it right.
And you're paying them fine but at least it's happening they're good.
And that's really what is something that you many of you
they have decried this loss.
So now we're talking it's the day of aid you've gone from was
deliver to Mina. Okay.
And you have done that Amelia, Gemma rots and you have sacrificed
okay, you are now going to
go back to Mecca. And now it's daytime. Okay, and you are going
to make to off and if falda
return to Mecca on the 10th of the headaches human aid No, you
perform too often if father say, being a sufferer. Of course today
because after behind Malcolm,
Malcolm Ibrahim, then say
seven times you fulfilled all of your outcome. Now, you shave your
or you shorten your hair either one but the greater reward is for
who shaves Is it good.
And at that point, you are now out you have removed your haram
You can do anything except jimma sexual *. Okay, you can
now clip your nails,
shaved hairs.
put on perfume, put on regular street clothes.
After you've done your too often your father and your say okay, now
you're going to go to Mina and you're going to spend a yam to
shake their coat. They 1112 1313 is optional. The 13th is optional,
but you will spend the 11th the 1213 and in those days, you relax
you eat you meet the Muslims and you do a better okay DUA
and you recover a little bit
in the tents of Mina. Now, let me tell you something
this the order
can be slightly altered. Like what?
The way we made hedge
with the chef as
is that we spent half the night and was deliver
then we go to Mecca not to Mina. And we do too often if father to
rockers makan makan Ibrahim and say, so now we fulfilled our
and we save our heads. Then we go to Mina, and we do that.
Okay, then on the 11th 12th, and the optional 13th You have only
one foot to do on those days, which is every one of those days,
you go, but you're not going to do only one Jamara seven times,
you're going to do all 3777 that you have one task in the day. And
in doing that task, you meet people, you see people, right. And
in those days, amateurs do 1112 And then if you say the 13th most
people leave in the morning of the 13th
at that point you
you're going to meet people you're going to see a lot of people and
the OMA sorta is all in one space. That's the beauty of Mina. The
beauty of hedge is amateurishly internet is all in one spot. Okay.
Any questions so far?
If you are going back to Mecca
and leaving let's say you go back to your hotel and leaving for good
you do to off and WADA as a sauna, not for it.
So there's three two offs we talked about so often kaboom.
It's only for done some people
so often, too often a father for everybody that is the most
important one and then too often with that, but sometimes they will
take you for a minute directly to Medina so there's no TOEFL
and there's nothing against you for doing that.
Does everyone understand now how to make Hutch
so Haram is over the moment you do so often a father and say
you shave your head or cut all your hairs either way, you can
take off your arrow
and you can shave and you could put on alright so and everything
but you cannot have * yet Jim
only after the I am at the Shrieker over the 11th and the
then the 13th is optional when you leave then you can have your fully
out of Iran.
all right.
What did that sister say about the Muslim workers in Brazil? Go up
right above Yeah, right there. How'd you move says it is owned by
a Muslim and the factories all employ Muslim workers in Brazil
and it is in the halal way. Good so you can enjoy it. No, no, no
loads of salt water. It's not sort of fathomable that they bake
shouldn't be that callous towards the Muslims and feed them non
halal meat it's not all
it's not all negative on everything Saudi I know they're
not even Saudis or Palestinians by the way it'll make the owners a
bit Palestinians
not everything negative about a company that makes a lot of money
or because they're Saudi or something like that, that
everything is going to be breezy about them
it's sort of like that will be really beyond callous and satanic
to not care about
the Muslims that you feed and that you're selling to even as a
capitalist makes no sense right? I'm gonna get a rumor like this
against me
Okay, now
nullify nullifies your haram
and are your hedge what nullifies your hedge
is missing? Any of the four Archon okay.
GMO * sexual * sexual * you can make it up you
can not make up for them. Good. And yeah, haram what when you know
if you make a mistake in your haram, alright. Then you do heady
and I'm not gonna get too much into heavy here. I just want to do
an overview. If time goes on, we'll repeat this. We'll get into
other levels of details. Okay.
For example, too often
If you missed too often khulumani odit You could do head staying at
Mustafa. If you miss that
do head
throwing the Jamaats head shaving or trimming your hair had
if you do the stoning before you shaved your hair the stoning
before too often if you got the order wrong
if you didn't stay at minute heavy
so you do heavy for these obligations these are obligations
right? You do heavy for them heavy again mean slaughtering. And by
the way, as I said earlier, you don't
see at all of animal you're literally buying a ticket and
paying right?
Glitter says can you wear sunscreen in Haram if it is sent
If it is sent free you can use lotions and soaps that are
absolutely scent free they cannot have any sense in them. Okay
any other questions so far? Did we cover everything for how much we
covered the map and everything
you if you want to if you're on Instagram, we had the map on
YouTube so I don't know if the map is still it's not up anymore but
we had it up
I think over the week if we keep repeating this or like Yeah, I
think we should compile like a series Yeah, so in case that
someone has to do Hajj by themselves we're going to repeat
our philosophy here is repetition. We're going to repeat this we'll
make it into like a reference or something yeah, we'll make it a
reference. If you pluck two hairs by mistake like you literally
pluck them forgetting you're in it haram he Oh heavy if you scratched
by just a normal touch of your hair and it came out then no
that's not
sexy for example. There was like mud or something like that stuck
to my like your that doesn't get you know it's intentional act out
of forgetfulness.
What do you ask for each? No, no, no one had one doing two different
instances than it would be to add
that's a detail I can't remember to be honest.
But from what I immediately remember is No. No but so one had
you for everything for that act whether you repeated or not. If a
person has more than one mistake and haram you do a separate heavy
for each separate mistake not for each repetition of that mistake.
And you do heavy heavy heavy. So if I did the same mistake two
times that's still one heavy
All right.
Last thing that we're going to cover,
hedge combined with ombre. Now ombre of course you know is is
only three out of 10 which is haram to have say and it is at any
time. So if you want to do Hajj by itself, that's called a fraud. A
fraud. Okay. And if you are traveling then you have to do too
Too often could do Mr. Tahitian Masjid of Mecca, essentially,
of how much of your visit to hatch. If you are a resident of
Mecca, you don't have to do too often. Or if you're on how you do,
you don't have to do too often.
So again, kudu means arrival. So that's called a fraud hedge by
Iran is on camera, and heads with one intention. And the ombre takes
the place of too often. The toe off of arrival. So you get to
Mecca. With a haram. You make a fool ombre.
And you wait
a couple of days or one day until the eighth. Then you go off to
Mina, remember, hedges the eight of the ledger
and got your material nine of the ledger, your Arafa 10th of the
Yamuna. 1112 13 of the ledger is a year at the ship. That is how many
days there six days but the six is optional. You can leave on the
sixth minute empties out on the 13th of that which everyone
empties out very few people stay the whole 13 days. 13
So that's that's called purine
and tomato is that you arrive, make Omaha
but you arrived early enough you can take your hat off,
relax, eat. And when people do this, I'll tell you what the
rookie mistake is that gets so excited. Let's make another I'm
gonna spend all day at the hot domain at the bottom and they
exhaust themselves until they get sick and I'm sitting there
watching this rookie make a mistake and he's in minute dying.
As a rookie mistake, you get all pumped up about the first round of
the playoffs, right? Okay, I have no energy for the second round.
Now, third round, you're dead basically. So I saw these people
doing it, I told them, but I said, Do what you want to do. And in
Mina, they're done. And it's bad, you do not want to be second
minute, I'll tell you why you don't get a second minute. There's
not good food, the amount of germs that are being passed around
minute are terrible. The air condition is so high, your sore
throat is gonna be worse. And you can't cover yourself, right? You
can't cover your head or anything like that. Or unless you're here
out of it, then you can write. And there's a lot of nice things to be
doing a minute such as visiting the shoe and a bed and Arafah
right. Missing out you can do that. Like you can go Oh, yeah,
that's what everyone does. You do somebody better than you here. Oh,
shit, so and so's there. Let's go visit him. Come back visitors and
everyone does. It's a place for them to me
that when you do tomato,
you do your ombre.
You get out of your home. You should spend your time eating,
resting and doing some basic like a bad Of course you're not going
to ignore the hum. But to go and exhaust yourself and expand
yourself. You're expending yourself in the wrong time.
There's alcohol involved here and these things you're supposed to
expend yourself on your modify. And in Mina Yamato RIA do dua in a
bed and get really expend all of your energy on your MANOVA and the
days of human Naha the tow often if father OSI and am a tertiary
which is 1112 13. Okay, that's when you really should spend all
your effort
and you should be wiped out at the end of it.
And the DUA, you are a hedge in terms in the sight of Allah until
you arrive back at your doorstep. So even if I exited haram, I spent
five days in Medina
and even if I'm gonna go visit someone in my home country, before
I go home, okay, I'm still in the sight of Allah, Hajj.
And my dua is special. And my Eva is special in his sight.
It's not the normal time until I arrived back at my house. So you
should not take it lightly. This idea this concept that colors I'm
done with Hutch know you are in a special state MACOM costs are in
the law until you arrive back home. Okay. Secondly, some people
the extent the things that I saw Subhanallah there was an
Indonesian couple.
They lived in Pennsylvania, they were with us for hudge.
You won't believe what they did. They went from Indonesia. And they
had their four kids. They went from
Pennsylvania to drive to JFK Airport, two and a half hours
International Airport. So one long flight to Indonesia. 24 hour
flight, dropped the kids off at their grandparents. The costs,
right? And then came back.
What an exhausting trip. Came back all in one week period of time
five days
and then drove back to JFK Airport to make Hajj with us. And we went
from JFK. Of course, we went to the Emirates, then we went HUDs
for two weeks, then, so like oh, what's next? We get to JFK. We're
staying in a hotel. Then getting back to JFK. Then back to
Indonesia. Why didn't they just you can't the way Hodges you can't
book the flight you want you got to be with your group. That was
the old even though even though you I guess now maybe you can.
By the way, we have updates for you. The prices are not what you
think all the prices that my friends got back. What was
advertised Oh, nice. $5,000 hedge wonderful, right? No, it's not.
You're paying maybe 8000. Right. And I had a friend of mine, him
and his wife for platinum
His tiene que each.
I should give
Hey, Ray, if I send it to you now, can you put it up so that you get
the proof evidence? Okay.
Let's send it look at this absolute and utter. I mean, it's a
ridiculous fee SubhanAllah
wasn't okay here we go I'm gonna send you the first page he's they
gave him a six page PDF a six page PDF of the prices that he could he
could pay I'm going to send it to Ryan right now and he could put it
up okay
What should I send it to your whatsapp or email
all right so that you could see Didn't you think that the profit
margins were going to just disappear How naive no one buys a
business or takes over business and sees the profit margins except
you want it to for himself you think they're doing charity for
so you want basically essentially from the
the Muslims managing the Muslims to now KSA taking it all for
themselves that's essentially what you went for.
All right.
Now I didn't mention one thing here because it's sort of not
really like a thing that happens for us which is hunting
okay and of course hunting nullifies the Haram okay even in
killing a float know that some something that would harm you
know, but you should not kill anything unless it actually will
bring harm
All right, let's see
what we got on YouTube and on Insta
sup Hey
which days of the hedge we fast?
We we who are not going on hedge will fast
the ninth without doubt you do not miss the ninth good
and if as a lesser sunnah, the first through the eighth good as a
lesser Sunnah the first through the eighth
the first two days
what else is Sheikh Hamza Karim Ali has joined the sort of Azim
Luna and Nisha Hamza, Karim Ali and turn will institute are
watching and feel free to please call in as well. anytime she comes
to caramelly let me tell you if you want to study the proofs of
the existence of God and the truthfulness of Islam, go to his
YouTube channel
just type in Hamza camellia on YouTube. I always the first thing
when people start they want to study I say go to Hamza Karim
Ali's YouTube series on the proof of the existence of God the
rational basis why because we're rational beings. And Allah subhana
wa Tada has pinte has his via a veho a viral button right? He is
the outwardly manifest and the inwardly hidden what does that
mean? His certain attributes of his are outwardly manifest His
existence outwardly manifest by observing and thinking,
outwardly manifest what's inwardly hidden? Many of his purposes, we
need a prophet to teach us this, right. So some things are inwardly
hidden what's even in more inwardly hidden and Maddy for the
people who do see Luke? They can they will be uncovered for them.
The the nearness to Allah subhanaw taala. So he will avoid what about
them? So I highly, highly recommend everybody.
As soon as this livestream is over, you go to Hamza Carr,
Molly's YouTube channel.
All right, let's see the prices of this operation here. You'd like
these prices? Look at that. Read it to me as read in the mic.
What is this? Alright, and you can read it if you'd like as close to
29 That's for two people. 29,535 30,000 690-730-1000 228,003 99
So 28 to 2930 31 Wonderful pricing here. If you're no no, no, this is
not Saudi riyals. This is dollars. Saudi Rios No,
this isn't dollars.
Oh, I have something else to say that it's so terrible.
In my opinion,
and I think independent of all the Muslims. Here I'm gonna send you
another picture right now. I'm like a picture sending machine to
Ryan today.
The error that people are seeing today out they're all getting
error messages until recently or they were getting error messages,
which I don't know how recent it is, but they're all getting error
messages. They couldn't make the payment
As we assume that the thing is going to be
hmm, and website's gonna crash.
I mean, you have at least
Yeah, yeah. Josh from two years ago. Yeah.
All right. Well, I'm sending you another picture from TRT worlds.
And we're gonna announce we're going to talk about that too. It's
like bad news Monday with these people.
People say oh, you're extra hard on them because you don't like
they will have you out to eat. I said you're right
it's true though. This stuff is not good for the Muslims though
right? This is not a cleaner thing. But it's not true I'm to be
honest with you glad though that Allah sunnah do not are not
embarrassing us like this
All right, right check your your email now and stick that up there.
This is really bad news in my opinion if you ask me
You shouldn't be actually able to trim that picture by the way
Yeah, there we go.
Right is OBS using machine no row. Was it a vase on right or OBS
software using machines?
Look at this.
This is the rule now. Hey, you could shave one of you. Could you
pull up the article from TRT world you are no longer allowed to touch
the cabinet. This is a sunnah for us and this is not because the
Prophet used to do this right. He was put his whole body on the cow
but he's a touch OpenIndiana many kissa hudgell S word
and it is a thing of desperation that many people used to go and
they feel the desperation that they put their hands up and touch
the curb. It's an expression of the hearts of your desperate need
for Allah subhanaw taala and it is now the law or a new policy that
you are not allowed to touch the camera who's pulled up the
article for this Sharif What do you got?
Ah, not as fast TRT you're an engineer and you should know how
to use the internet
to your heart's
not allowed. Touch kava if I get it before you
visiting kava
in the metaverse fatwah not real heads. Oh my gosh.
okay, Saudi Arabia has now banned here.
Go news, India. Of course. Now we have to get our heads news from
India. What is this with India, but they're the first one that
popped up. Go news Look, the new Heads restrictions
on touching the Kava. They're happy. Right. They're happy that
they're the ones reporting on all of our calamities after banning
foreign travelers and you give me the TRT because I read a report
from the Turks. There's this Middle East, Middle East Side Give
it to me they also like Okay, after banning foreign travelers,
for the Hajj pilgrimage this year. Now Saudi Arabia has also banned
kissing and touching the cow but during the tour of
the Saudi Arabian government agency issued a statement saying
that during tawaf, it is mandatory for social distance. So the width,
the cap is going to get COVID and maintaining a distance of one and
a half meters from each other.
But you don't have that for your cons, your concerts, right for all
your ridiculous concerts that you have. Okay.
I shouldn't and saying that, we can't pay these prices. They're
not competitive prices were left in the dark because there's no
guide. You have no clue what you have. That's exactly how you have
no clue what's going to happen when you get there. And when you
do get there, don't come near the house of ALLAH SubhanA wa Now
listen up. The health agency for disease prevention control. This
is what Allah Allah deem a bunch of nonsense. In a view of the
curve, in view of the Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a ban
touching the cab. Okay. When you have escalators you ban people
from touching the side of the escalator. What's the difference
doorknobs right for a while before almost since 2020 here but this is
extra announcement now because of the like a reminder, there has
been a ban on touching the kava for Hajj starting during the Hajj
this year to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Okay.
All right. So clean it between prayers
All right. Okay, I I can here's the thing.
I can maybe maybe see where they're coming from
On that respect of Coronavirus, is it a thing anymore? Right that
affects public policy
it's not a thing anymore that affects public policy. But it's
just like
something that the symbolism of it is really bad
What else we got anything else?
A lot of comments here
All right, let's go through the comments section before we begin
the comments. Today we're going to Inshallah, tada remind you all to
be part of this by going to backslash Safina
society and be part of this and be a contributor to this live stream
that we're able inshallah we have the intention to make this live
stream. This is a permanent thing now Insha Allah, no going back
Monday through Thursday, we stream to the OMA and to the our little
community of Muslims, so that we can learn our deen and talk to
each other and get to meet each other and encourage each other.
And you know, like, it's always nicer to read bad news together.
Right? And to hate on Saudi together, you know, I'm a big
hater, right? Oh, I'm a big hater right
I'm a lot more small time I'm gonna We're not like yeah, Scotty
who's who's who's got banned from Ramona for saying Oh, yeah, he
did. Yeah, he spoke out with a wonderful cookbook about food
these people I'm gonna fix they're not a slam because what they had
done Khadem II remember the issue what they think they supported
Israel over Gaza, right. Things like that. That he got banned but
he got let back in after that. Right. So because they got pulled
some strings, but oh, those big guys have to worry about that
stuff. Right now. That's so cloudy. Yeah, like the selfie.
hitless. You're probably like on the second level Saudi hitlist.
He's on the Saudi hitless he's on the Salafi hitlist Philippi him
he's on a lot of the bros hitlist.
Oh yes.
It's like all those lights. But the Shadi John
Well there's selfie Atlas, but then there's the right the right
bros or whatever they call themselves up right.
Because because of the saying that it's a valid it's you had to
discuss ally ship with comb Lutz. Oh, that's what that's what got
them on that the great hitlist. Right. Well, I I'm against that
there's no coming near common roots with a 10 foot pole. No.
Of course at the top of
hitless, of course.
So, our our official policy, if Allah torture the people for
something, don't come near them. I don't care what
I do not care. What
is your articles?
here talking about like, it's not because Jonathan route took his
position opinion back. Oh, he retracted the opinion. So
that's why it took they took it off.
Yeah, I think he changed his mind on it.
Then why didn't like you write it like retraction or something like
I think he actually did make statements on the Mohammed hijab
podcast to that effect, because the whole job was to see if we
could convince him and he did change his opinion, on the
Muhammad hijab podcast. That's what I remember. That's what we
talked about beforehand that like it's not going to be a battle and
a debate and a fight. That's why I didn't like lunge at him. And in
forbidding wrong, commanding, right, forbidding wrong. If you
read those books, they say that if the person is willing to discuss
and change his opinion, don't attack him anymore. That's why I
didn't go on the attack. They got upset, Oh, you didn't attack him
hard enough. I don't care what you're saying. I know what I'm
doing. Right. And he did walk his opinion back.
Right. And he's honest, I've never seen a guy be more honest, to be
honest. And changing his opinions in public in front of people more
than him. Like he's done it with me several times. Not with me,
like in front of me, I should say, like, not that I've convinced him
but in front of me. He's done it many times. Like I've seen his
posts on it. I've talked to him and he says it. He says I'm not
going to be stubborn on a wrong opinion. I'll change my opinion.
I've been doing 1000 2000 Salawat today says oz demon.
1000. Consistently 1000 consistently is a son of the
ultimate where did they get that from Abdullah Minnesota. He said
do it every Friday. But the automatic dude every day after
that, and that is we see that many many automat are doing that and
there's so many blessings from it. Oh so many blessings to do the
solo ads on the prophets. I send them every day.
Okay, yeah she leave please open up the count your phone and get us
when is the head just scheduled?
Carla Wait can we fast from the first to the ninth? Yes. The
fasting of the first of the to the eighth of Dhul Hijjah
is a light sunnah. But the big Sun
sunnah very strong sunnah AKA a fasting is the night Yamato for we
never miss on your modifier. And of course the tent of the edge is
eighth 11th of July. And we're starting to look at 11th of July
as the big the beginning. No, no that's that's it. That would be
your modifier right? Yeah. Dave out of it would probably be around
the 11th of July we'll wait until
what day of the week? What day of the week is that? Yeah.
So so that July and we'll hedge are actually matching almost
exactly pretty much.
Abdulhadi open QA Yes. You can put in any
question you wish it does not have to be related to
this topic of hedge.
Life versus a Friday.
July 1 is a Friday when is the 10th When is the ninth of the
ledger scheduled so far? Saturday, Saturday, wonderful. We're gonna
have a massive Iftar at the masjid and BSE. Every year, this one of
my favorite days, the fast of your microphone.
As Nika says was comatose punished because of their deviance or
because they're rejected Prophet Lutz all all the all of the above.
But the the the nature of their punishment was determined by the
nature of their sin. So you're gonna be punished either way,
right? Because you rejected your profit, but how are you going to
be punished?
The severity of the punishment is based upon the nature of your sin.
was Jake, Are there benefits of reciting the names of Allah of
course, your DUA will be answered. Why? Because the province, Quran
says a yam Ruffalo, Asma UL Husna, Whatsoever you make dua for this
is the permission that you can make dua for anything. He has the
most beautiful names. What does that mean? Everything that you
asked for one of the Divine Names one or more is the key to your SD
job. Now if you don't know which one it is,
then you recite all of them.
Okay, here I did hear a story of in band in Saginaw, he was talking
about how, when trying to call upon Allah with these names, you
shouldn't be kind of careful. So there was this guy, he was just
calling call Allah with this, and everyone around him just started
dying with one by one. So you should not repeat one specific
name unless you have been educated upon upon it. But you should
recite all of them. They will give you a multivitamin. If you keep
don't don't we humans need salt. Don't we need sugar, but if you
keep eating salt all day, you're gonna get sick, right? If you keep
eating beef all day, you can't digest. So if you keep eating
greens, only, you're gonna get anemia, right? So you have to have
a balanced diet if you're ignorant upon the names do a balanced diet.
Alright, here's some questions. What is the ruling on using
Smiley's and emojis in the medical method permissible?
I went to Amara in December last year, there's a big barrier that
you cannot kiss alhaja a sweat or touch it or walk around? Maybe
three four meters. Only the wheelchairs? Some hot a lot of
them all for the sake of Corona so tell me something so the doorknobs
you know how many things are touched? Why don't you just wipe
it down after every? I'm not gonna get into it. Yes, I get the
argument about not spreading the virus. I get it. Okay, I saw I saw
a picture of Timmy of people maintaining six feet on their
lines to board then we're all sitting besides ourselves in the
airplane like
really? Well, like some of these COVID things were silly. Six feet
online to get on the plane. Six inches. When you're on the plane.
How does it make any sense? I did have the as a Gen Z who might not
be able to buy a house trying to go to college now is another
headache logistically and financially. You're not obligated
if you can't afford it. But more houses are set says speaking of
convolute What do you think of their new video? They tried to
position themselves more clearly. I didn't watch it fully. Alright,
I have I have no doubt that they're upon the sunny position on
the action. And the beliefs on the action. Have no doubt about that.
But I didn't watch the video myself. I haven't watched I wanted
to watch it. I intended to watch it. But to start off
I don't have a doubt that those members believe it is haram
and that we must say It's haram. Like I have no doubt that they
have those beliefs
it's thinking that Allah loves you has not done or Kibera
we should we have the right to believe that Allah wants good for
And he loves for us to be up on the good. Okay? What you should
say is Allah has honored me by seeking knowledge because the sign
that Allah loves the person is that he gives them knowledge,
okay? He makes you try to be sincere, he makes you make dua and
try to do so far. So you should be saying Allah has given me is being
generous to me. Okay. And yes, if that's mingled, that action is
mingled with the hostel done that Allah loves you that's allowed
that's not given. But
if you're doing acts of disobedience, and you're
preferring ignorance over knowledge, and you're away from
the cutting yourself off from and you have all those signs and you
don't go to massage and and you do haram, and you say Allah loves me,
that is really more of a trick of Iblees. Like
the dude that you all the teenagers like, from Patterson,
who's a
DJ, Palestinian DJ.
DJ Khaled
is from my boy. He's from Paterson originally, though. Yeah. And he's
got this mansion. And he's got all these women
swimming around in bikinis.
And he's listening to to music and saying, God loves me. Look at
this. Look what he's given me. We say, Brother, you have a great
spirit to you. But you are in is to drudge right now. Instead, Raj
means thinking you're going up. You're actually going down to be
honest with you.
I pray more than 10 times a day. Oh, do you pray five times a day?
I pray more than five. All day on pray. Oh my gosh. He's comedic.
He's got like a nice fun spirit to him. That's why everyone loves
him. But he's also interested Raj. You're not laughing with him.
Yeah, realize he's.
And but
Is he is he himself mocking? Or is he actually sincere about that? I
can't be sincere about them. You can't be saying
bikinis around me. Allah loves me. I mean, that's like a mockery of
the whole thing. I guess he's seeking His blessings, you know,
the woman money and he's saying that's is
that's a Freudian slip, maybe. But that's not blessings. You got to
wait till you die and go to heaven first.
Yeah, cerca de what's up with the SF Kazi? I'm not going to speak
about the SF cloudy, unless you ask about a specific thing.
statement. And I can speak on the ruling on my opinion on it or what
I have been taught about it, but to speak in general about my
colleagues like this. It's not a way to do things. Unless the
person is like, actively misguiding on something then I'll
talk about that point itself. shiftless have said, like, this is
one of the worst questions to ask. Yeah. Until people 10 years or
what do you think of this? Oh, yeah. You know, what am I supposed
to do? One thing he did bring up? I think it was the video on dogs.
Yeah. Where he kind of made like, if not the battle, like is the
ruling on the medical minimum? Yeah, like, Are we allowed to keep
dogs in the house? And he brought a statement from him saying that
or just putting it there without like a knee like a head? Yeah,
it's just macro is wrong, but for any benefit, then call us then
it's permissible. Now that's not the correct photo in the medical
method. It's not always a good thing to go and ask people about
their colleagues for a couple of reasons. Number one, he'll never
be objective. Yeah, right colleagues cannot be objective.
That's the first thing Secondly, we can discuss the point but to
discuss to ask to comment about a person is just going to create
fitna even started by even Yeah, so like, what the ideal, like the
statement of appear is not of questioning way back in the
science of Hadith. The statements of peers is taken with a grain of
But I have to say as a say, the good Zeno to say something good of
course, you can always say something good. The character of a
person who's like honest and when you deal with him, he's one of the
best people to deal with. He's honest, he's open there's no to
face this about him. Right.
Character his preaching on you know, tuck one general, those
clips are great clips. eloquence as well. Yeah. Now, point of an is
political openness, right. A point of knowledge, a point of fatwah.
Of course, it can be discussed, and there could be differences, no
problem. Right.
Is the Prophet Mohammed king of both worlds? Of course, he's king
of both worlds in the sense of
as the IANA, He's greater than that.
A King is less than
then see the codename is his name. He's the chief in the sight of
Allah subhanaw taala of both worlds and the king is less than
That doesn't necessarily
encroach upon Allah's attribute of King Of course Allah is the King
of all kings. He's Malik, Malik and Luke.
If we are struggling with a sin, like backbiting or we fall keep
falling back into it. Is it wrong to ask for Halal while we haven't
fully come out of the haram? If you are making Toba for your sins
it is as if you have no sense. So you yes you may fully make dua
have no hemorrhage no shame, no worries. making dua despite the
fact that you have some sins that you're trying to repent from.
Again, Saeed Khalifa, Aki the blunders in a debate between Jake
and this is mighty get did not watch the debate but did not watch
the to get the debate.
Maha Massoud is making a complaint about the Hajj packages that
you're stuck on the set number of days, like you can't necessarily
make it 20 days. 18 days has to be 22 days. That's another issue.
Islamic books mentioned Hadith and poet's wisdom do we have to apply
the touch weed rules? No, only when you read the verses of the
Quran, but we do not apply to weed rules to Hadith in Malama Lavinia?
you do not have to do that. But there are certain Tajweed rules
that are actually harder to avoid. So ivam you will always do that.
Right. Alright.
Certain ivam he will do it naturally. But the multitudes and
knuckle color and Aquila. No. Probably not.
Like, for example, Memphis summer. It's sometimes easy Memphis
summer, right? If so, some Tajweed rules come naturally, you can do
this. Because it comes naturally not because you're doing Tajweed
and why do we do that? Because we don't want the Quran to be
confused with anything else. So you should not recite any other
text with the tangerine rules so that people might think it's Quran
question I had on to read as. Why is it that we don't read like
dunya as like doing? Like you don't say to Bob?
Why don't you have the word dunya? Yeah, as doing like the noon and
you kind of merge them together?
Okay, hold on.
duniya known Sakeena
one second? That's actually a good question. It's the the ROM is
unknown second and 10. When?
Followed by the Yeah, that's actually a good question. So I did
Cool. So what gave like, shows like how, like, explicit in how,
like the memes were detailed in detail on these things? That
that's how they just like revealed it just like that. Okay. And do
one selfish about creating these rules and making everything
confirmed conform to what they had? Now? That's very interesting
question. It's a very interesting because it does fulfill, it's
known second, followed by Yeah, but we do not do an alarm of the
word dunya. So that is a very good question.
Zoggs what
was one of the special words that you were the word?
I would lose its meaning if you didn't pronounce that. Yeah,
that's true. But is he quoting somebody for that?
I'm sure he's quoting somebody.
Zog says duniya is one of those special words. Since when is Zog
bringing out gems like this?
Zach says, when we come out with these gems for new this, I'm gonna
have to talk to him next time we meet.
Caitlin says how do we reconcile the statements actions are by
intentions and actions are judged by their endings. The action
in the intention is needed for the validity of actions and for the
acceptance of the action. So the correct intention is needed to
make the action valid. But the purity of the intention is needed
so that Allah can accept it.
If Allah subhana which it's the second intention, that will be
revealed and reflected in the ending of the result. So for
example, as we see for example, even when no wheat gathers the 40
now we had the it's
got his purity of his intention is reflected in the fact that this
had eats
is widespread and the cabal is there. Okay.
That's what it is. You see that
sound comments help I have exact anxiety over the principal nodding
someone a caffeine in of itself a scuffle. So he says I get very
worried whenever a commoner says something problematic, especially
if I don't know if something's the Hadith that whoever calls someone
a calf, we could you scroll up, Brian, let me see that real quick.
Not deeming a Kafka, Kafka is itself. Of course it is. Right?
For example, you can't say a Christian is not a cuff. Because
that means you're saying the Trinity is acceptable in Islam.
Right? So if someone is a calf or in like, honestly, like, yes, he's
a calf, not by the photo of the person, right? Because he did that
he's a calf and you don't have to worry about the fence. You don't
have to investigate that. That's not what it's talking about. And
tech field is very detailed. So unless it's like a son, who's a
Christian, like, he's, like, you know, he's a catheter like, yeah,
that can work out for to them too. So you don't have to be offended.
You're not offending him. You're a Kaffir to him, too. Right. Like
people get offended. Like, you're calling me a calf or like, yeah,
you're, you're in a Muslim, basically. So yeah, I mean, we're
Kaffir to you, too. So
because it seems like a lot of these heretical groups they're
like No, Sunday's are Muslims. Do you? Like you know, we would
consider them Muslim who was like, I think that it's my least say the
same thing that she has said the same thing. Yeah. Okay. Then
that's their that's their it feel I feel as if they want to be part
of that just to know Gemma, so are like, in the sense that they want
our approval. Yeah. So they want to be included. So they say, Oh,
you guys are part of the same group. It's impossible that the
show except us. Yeah, their creed. We go directly against their
creed. Like, we're we're going against their creed 100%. So we're
upset. Yeah, at the minimum, according to them, so it's just
like, I don't want to say that. Oh, six. Yeah, I guess it's
politics. Maybe the T word. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Oh, it's always to be
with you. If you have to appear somewhere in your doctrine. I
can't believe anything you say. Right. This is also one of the
things why it is impossible. It is haram. It is. Cofer rejected, the
concept that it is possible for Allah to lie. Then when he says
the truth and he said this is I'm truthful in this statement. How do
you know that's not a lie?
Circular, it's circular. So we cannot even be a possibility.
Because how would you then know that any other statement is
If I tell you hey, I've told many lies, but this is true. How do you
know that this one is true? When I'm a liar. Right? We're have a
possibility to lie.
All right, let's go up know, Muhammad is off. He has a Quran
That's how he knows that. And also someone else is saying that within
the word these rules don't apply is that sentence. Okay, let me
* from Salomon. So it's not about being in the Word. For
example, Cohen's term
within the word.
This is what does it mean from an Islamic book better to memorize
two words than listening to two volumes. It means that you have
better understand what you read than read a ton of books. That's
what that saying means. I never heard that saying that. That's
what I mean. Can you read
the source? XOX what'd he say?
Nobody said dunya
it's yeah, if har mutlak will be done for dunya it's in the 10s
read Rules book. Okay, so they just created a word for that they
called it it's hard and what if hard and what luck? Because it's
an exception.
was sent
bro Zoggs is now pulling out quotes. Next thing we'll have a
PDF a screenshot, right? All right, great Zog great job dogs.
So these are exceptions within the Quran. Okay, these are exceptions
to the rule dunya Wellborn. Yan will sin when working when la
youtubeug la him the common the kinetin Wallack. In Milan Guevara
hitting kuv Everhart in what luck in excellent job. Yours for coming
up with that. Okay.
No quantum is
right. So if that does apply in the Word, and maybe there's other
examples of
okay here's Rojas lair Kunal Instagram Illa Boehner,
Callum Kelly martini for either John if he can't imagine where he
fit in Okamoto l IV har, thank you very much. Now I understand what
Omaha said was saying is that except maybe in the word but not
ivam because you would actually lose the meaning of the word at
dunya for in Nana learner know the Remo Bell, non taiko and noon ml
believe Haryana
excellent job Yamaha, sir. And Muhammad Zogby.
Okay, well done with your research there. All right.
Nimra if you can get professional help, that would be great. Oh,
she's talking to somebody else.
This conversations between people about mental health and May Allah
help everyone from mental health. And but and I don't know if it's
mental health or counseling, but we do have this sister lead that's
always here. And her friend. I think her name is Diana, that they
are counselors. You could check them? I don't know if they're
still on if you're still on. Post yourself. Is his bill Barr in Al
Kalasa? Yes.
And I'm, I'm an artist, so I have a problem. These ideas are always
popping up in my head during prayer and of God. I struggle with
it. Sometimes I feel I want to quit my profession.
I think that if you strengthen your remembrance of Allah, outside
salah, and your recitation of Quran, outside salah, it should
outweigh the images that you're designing in your mind. So if
you're designing an image, in your mind graphic, whatever you're
designing, but your remembrance of Allah is heavier.
It should outweigh Excuse me.
It's movable.
It's B it shouldn't be your Arab Yeah, it's my elbow here. You're
out. I was wrong here. It should be it's a B. Would you be able to
say a few words on saying no.
I can tell you that many many reliable strong orlimar say he's a
very unique figure in Islamic history that lives on until
alcoholism and he does and this is a very very unique story. Okay,
that we have in Islamic literature then you will not you'll see that
in this sorted KEF even cathedra mentions it
others mentioned it that if I'm not mistaken I'm going to concede
mentioned in suicide calf if not maybe it's in his birthday in
May many others mentioned that al Qaeda is a unique figure. He's not
a human he's a human but not like us. He lives differently and he
lives on for a long period of time traveling the earth doing
commitment to the OMA will love them.
model this is not a primary point of view.
Which is what good Yeah, no it's not okay to point it out.
Okay Rama Rama hacer says okay, it means it is treated as if it is if
Hermite luck. Not, it is not enough hot and cold look.
What else we got? So Rojas is saying Zoggs your usage of the
calf is wrong.
calf is just for testing me
if hardmode luck.
So I think grandma said is saying it is Ilhan Ahmed look not like if
I look look. Okay.
Fair enough. We covered a lot today. Here's Nimra. Fatuma says
if a parents shouldn't prefer one child over another, why did Yaqoob
prefer use of over his other sons? His big brother's biggest
complaint was Yaqoob love more use of more. He didn't treat them with
his time or his money or his actions better. But you cannot
control your heart.
You can't control your heart. And this there's signs of that. Nobody
can stop it.
They used to all say we know the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam love Seda ation more than anyone else. Okay, you cannot
control that your face lights up. You cannot control your smile. You
cannot control your mood. You can control your money, your words and
your muscles.
And that's what Allah will ask us about. He cannot control as much
as you should try but you cannot control your other things related
to you like a control that just got happy all of a sudden, right
can't control that. So that's what alo asked us about and the
prophets at or the brothers of you
Jakob, they recognize that he loves you surf. Every time you
surf comes it's as if like they see the uncontrollable things
about a person's face that they see there. When you see comes.
Mina says it is is it obligatory for women not to cut hair, etc
during a haram. So the yes, it would nullify your haram they're
obligated to restrain themselves from cutting their hair, clip
their nails, things like that. Yes.
Rama Hassan, great job with the 10th week questions.
Six I notice he says that Heather has a type of life called medical,
angelic life. He doesn't eat or sleep. He just remembers a lot.
And he goes around and he does these things. Yes, it is.
That's what they say. Yes. All right, folks. We're gonna stop
here. Nice q&a. And it's good to be back. Just come locally and and
everybody Subhanak locomobi handig Michel, de la LANTERNA. stuff
recorded to break. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts this
live stream from us. May Allah give us a class again as
beneficial knowledge. All of this week we will be doing revisions
about hedge cut all this week, not the whole time. But we'll review
this over and over so that you all really know your hedge inside out.
And we will close off by mentioning Mecca books. They have
an amazing book coming out called the exemplars you can get it from
there it's biographies of people who we hold Insha Allah we have
the good opinion that they're from earlier Allah and their Salah
here, you can read their biographies. Good.
We have sponsorship from
professors one to if you need tutors, if you need anyone to
help you in school math homework, you flunked out of class. So you
need to take the class over again. Yes, that ever happened to you?
Future times, if you had MacBooks professors once ones up comm one
right? So that's the benefit of presses one to and lastly,
your support to us is always invaluable and I was what do you
think of making credits? Good. Professor a mecca books Sorry backslash Safina society so that we're gonna have a
we're gonna have to
make credits at the end of every episode. Just come located and if
you want some Hanukkah Lahoma We have Nick to shed them into Mr.
Falcone to be like when I was in Santa Fe Of course. Illa Allah the
phenomenon Minnesota had, what also would happen, what was over
summer, was salam