Shadee Elmasry – NBF 43 Islamic Justice System Explained
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Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah
welcome everybody to nothing but facts. The Safina sighting live
stream where we are on our first on
stream. And we only have a few
because we're gonna have this week for next week we've got four that
takes us to day 613 1415. Then next week after that we have
yeah also for right. And that takes us to like the 20 of the
robot. So we have three weeks, basically essentially about three
weeks, but all week all month inshallah we will be studying the
call to the believers. The whole theme. Every talk I do this month
of Ramadan is going to be based upon a book written by a scholar
where he gathered the 89 times in which semester in which the Quran
and Allah Tala calls the movie. Now, if you want a
basic breakdown, whatever Allah says, Yeah, uns, that's usually
Mexican. And he's talking to the people of Mecca. But when he says
yeah, are you under the Emerald is for the people of many, in other
words, then what we need the believers of Medina. So that's
what we're going to be looking at today. And today, we're on call
number four, the fourth time in your lives is mentioned in the
Quran. Okay, and that is suited to the Bacara. And that's 178 of
sorts of ACARA. And that's what we're going to be on today. And
that's what we're looking at. So yeah, you're in Edina.
What do you got a communicator?
You're Latina Ave quotevalet como Kusatsu Phil Kotla a horrible
hurry. Well, I've developed the will on table onta Furman Oviya,
la Humann Fe se over TV on Bill Maher roof weather on La he
dedicates a fee from a rugby Camorra.
Then he gets a free from the rugby come Marama Manitoba Liquor fella.
This is about in the old days.
You kill the slave from a tribe. They killed one of your slaves.
How is that fair? They didn't kill you. If you went and killed. If a
regular guy comes and kills your slave, you kill one of his slaves.
You don't kill he doesn't get killed. So how's that fair? What
did that slave do to get killed? That's what they used to do. So
let's read from the tafsir here
why this was revealed. So we are sort of sticking our on our topic
of the SV avenuesuite of the verses. Yeah, you will know the
nominal quotevalet communica sauce. But it's bizarre sauce.
sauce is
justice. And it is the exact thing of justice when of when someone
gets a crime done to them, you have three options, pay attention
to this. So you should know what what recourse you have.
The first option you have is sauce, which is eye for an eye, a
tooth for tooth, you killed me on purpose, you're gonna get killed.
You took off my finger, were taken off your finger. On purpose.
That's the key. It has to be something that was done by design
on purpose, not something that was done by accident. So if something
is done by accident, there's no cause us. The victim is the one
who chooses in the Islamic system of justice. It's not the state
that chooses it's the victim. It's not the judge that sentences and
the victims are sitting in the courtroom, wondering if they're
gonna get justice or not. No, it's the victim who chooses
and if the victim is dead, then it says inheritors. who inherits from
this victim? Okay.
So let's say a man gets killed. That man leaves a wife and four
kids, that wife and four kids and two parents wife, four kids and
two parents, they're the ones who decide one of the three options
number one cause us eye for an eye. Number two, compensation.
It's called deep and the way that we calculate dia in the Sharia is
that the prophets I send them how to establish that the human beings
worth 100 camels. Okay. Human beings worth Andhra camels.
Remember saying it's made what was he slaughtered for? He was going
to be slaughtered right? What was he replaced with 100 camels. So
100 camels at the value of a camel at that time so what was the gold
value of a camel at that time was extremely high. Because a camel in
for the Arab is life.
cam was life. And that camera had no competition. There's no like
other types of animals, a packers or llamas or something no camels,
that's it. You don't have a camel in the desert go die.
So, the camel 100 camels valuing gold,
I remember trying to calculate this way back in around 2013. So I
came out to a million dollars, essentially about a million
dollars. Camels are expensive, okay, so probably about a million
dollars. So let's say the human body is a million dollars. So the
I, your eyesight is equal to your human to the whole body. So one
eye is is $500,000. Other is $500,000. This was back in 2012,
or 2013. If you take someone if you injure, like a tooth is
considered 5% of the body, right a tooth. So every limb has a
measure. It's not subjective. every limb of every human being
has a measure. And that's the measure that is what you are,
that's what your value is now or not the value the value of that
body part. And that's what the deal is. So the word dia means
financial compensation. Now, let's say a person is killed.
His family now is hurting. Let's say he's got five inheritors, the
inheritors. Mom is alive, his wife is alive, and three kids are
alive. If one of them does not want an eye for an eye, that means
it automatically goes down to do why because you can't partially
kill somebody. So they have to unanimously want an eye for an
They have to want it unanimously.
And if it's not unanimous, it's downgraded automatically to the D.
Now the D, you can divide it up. So the D is a million dollars,
how's the million dollars gonna go? The million dollars is gonna
go one six is gonna go to the mom because she inherits one six, the
wife inherits one eight, she gets an eight. And the kids, they will
divide the rest amongst themselves. Right? When the victim
is 228, the male will take two shares and the female or the
daughter will take one share. Okay, so, but the DIA can be
divided. So the deer she can't say the daughter because I want to
forgive. I don't feel I don't feel right taking the money. And the
mom says no, I'm not forgiving. And the wife says I'm not
forgiving either. So whatever the amount of money that you would
have taken, that percentage is forgiven, whoever forgives, his
percentage is forgiven. So let's say the wife forgives
than one he that one eight will not be paid. So he owes seven
eighths of the deal.
You see how it works based upon the inheritance. That's called
Dia. And then the third thing is called awful. If it was complete
forgiveness, so the wife chose awful, complete forgiveness. I
completely forgive him. If you can't forgive him for me, let's
say I'm the son. I want my I want to I want to because that's but
you you would integrate taco sauce. I wanted him dead. But you
didn't agree to that? Fine, I have to swallow that. What am I going
to get? Instead, I'm going to get my share of the deal. I'm not
giving up my share. Let's say my share is half.
Right? Then you give me half, I'm going to get that half. Even if
everyone else forgives, doesn't matter, I'm getting my half. So
the DIA can be divided up and forgiven. You just have to
understand how the Islamic law works. And why is this system
right? Because it puts the matter in the hands of the victims, not
some judge, not some state and lawmakers. That makes no sense.
It's got to go in the hands of the victim. So that's where it is.
Okay, so
let's see what he says here.
The purpose of this revelation is to abolish the afghan that had
come before the prophets of Allah who it was salam. This was
necessary, because Jews were insisting that killing alone was
obligatory. And the Christians were, were prescribing
forgiveness. So with the Jews, we're all about it's an eye for an
eye, whether you like it or not, it's an eye for an eye. The
Christians were like, none of them forgive, you should always forgive
the city, I came with the middle. Yeah, it's eye for an eye, but you
have an option, not only to forgive, to get a financial
compensation, because we killed the guy, or we're forgiving the
guy. It's way too far off, right. Something in the middle is called
the DIA, the financial compensation, right to ease your
pain a little bit. And if you don't think $500,000 will ease
your pain, you're mistaken. It will ease your pain a little bit.
It's not going to erase your pain. You lost a loved one, it's not
going to erase it, but it will distract you with that money.
You're going to go buy homes, you're going to buy investments,
you're going to do this, that and the other it will distract you
from the pains of the loss that you just suffered.
Now the Arabs, they're the ones who had the deer. The way of the
Arabs was not forgiveness. It was either eye for an eye or deer. So
the Shinya actually combined all of these there's the way
Have the juice because us because remember, all of these are old.
They're all truth, but it's corrupted truth. So the eye for an
eye that came from the law of Moses, that forgiveness came from
law, Jesus, the deer may have come from maybe the Jews or from
Prophet Ibrahim, who knows where it came from, right? The concept
of the deal. So, when a murder used to happen, they Arabs used to
either go with blood money, or they would die for a night. In the
application of these rules. There was some excesses though, for
example, when a murder involve two tribes, one of them more noble
than the other, then the nobles used to say they're in retaliation
for for one of our slaves, we must get one of their free men. Okay.
And for one of our women, one of their men, and for one of our men
to have theirs. So their tribes had had like a caste system. It
was a caste system. And there were some tribes like, let's say, New
York and Delaware, are they the same? Not the same, right? New
York is a big city. So guys come in from Delaware, they do damage
to New York? Well, the what the jehadi Arabs would have done is
they would have said, None Delaware in New York is not even,
it's not even the value of this thing is not even so we're going
to take two of their guys, we're gonna go kill two of their guys,
they killed one of our guys, we're gonna go to their guys. Right.
And this idea of the value of a person, there is something to say
about it. You see, some certain countries, they react really
badly. To one one of their citizens are skilled. Other, they
could care less why? Oftentimes, there's a lot of time and effort
spent raising and developing this human being Do you know how much
time and money spent to develop a Marine? How about a Navy SEAL?
Right, you know, anyone in the Navy SEALs,
I met a couple Marines, I've got people that went to the Marines
and made tilba came out. But I haven't met a Navy SEAL yet. But
I've read about the Navy SEALs, it's literally insane the amount
of stuff that they go through and the investment. So the death of
one navy seal, and let's say forget that he he's going to war,
he knows he's gonna die, right? But the amount of investment,
that's why they're crying, because we invested like 10 years in this
guy to develop him as a soldier. And then, you know, a shepherd
from Afghanistan, you know, like, throws a sheep at him and kills
him, right? And they're like, going crazy. So these guys,
it's true. Same thing with the Americans, like, generally an
American so much money is put into this person, right? And then all
of a sudden,
when he goes to a foreign country and gets killed or something,
they're also upset because so much money went into put into an effort
went into developing this person. So the society reacts based on how
much they spent to develop a person. Whereas
what Allah says is a person is a person. Okay? When it comes to
their life, it's equal. That's the difference. So you should see this
society rack differently, because of how much effort we put in this
person. But Allah has come and said, okay, yeah, you did put that
effort, but the person is a person, right? And one men for one
man, the killer, only, so you're not two men for one man. So that's
what they used to do.
They would also count their wounds as twice the wounds of their
opponents and sometimes more so they would all view like what how
superior are us, we're like double the your superiority, right? We're
double superior over you. So our wound is worth more than your
It is related that somebody wants murdered one of the nobles were on
a close relative of the murderer, assembled in the presence of the
victim's father said what do you want? He said, one of three
things. He said, Okay, what are they bring my son back to life,
fill my house with the stars of the sky. Or you heard the whole of
your child here to me so I can kill all of them. Right? Even
then. It's not justice. It's not compensation. Well, surely I came
to break that J Lea, that your perception of the value of a human
being has nothing to do with justice.
Nothing to do with justice as for the wrong committed in the case of
blood money, it lay in the fact that they sometimes set the noble
men's blood money at several times the value of the common man. Okay,
and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam he
prescribed that all humans in the justice in their DIA is the same
you killed the millionaire, you killed the homeless person
intentionally is the same because what you're intervening with is
the creation of Allah at that point, not their bank account, and
not how much money was put into them. Second cause of revelation
here, that it was connected. This was revealed in connection to the
incident involving the murder of Satan Hamza.
Siddhant, Hamza was killed by washi. But that was in war,
according to a city.
The tribes of course
either unabIe or in spite of there being devout Jews and devote to
this scripture, they were following the path of the Arabs
when it came to transgression. So they weren't even following their
own book when it came to transgression. So Allah says,
Yeah, you're Alladhina Eminem. It could be bad ecomo
Could you validate?
Are they chemically Saucerful catla. In other words, it is made
obligatory to do exact retaliation, not more. Okay, you
retaliate. The criminal is the one who gets punished nobody else. And
it horrible horror. Well, Abdul ABS will interpret because they
viewed it as three types of people, man, woman slave, you kill
a slave.
Right? Or a slave kills a nobleman. We don't kill the slave,
we kill another nobleman, and that's how they used to operate.
So you have to exact retaliation from the actual perpetrator.
Nobody else if a free man murders a free man, then the free man gets
killed if a slave murders a slave. The former gets killed, so on and
so forth. That's the key sauce. Not like here Western system is so
infuriating. You got a guy kill 72 Kids in Norway, and that guy is
sitting eating breakfast, lunch and dinner in a jail watching TV.
Are you kidding?
That's true. The guy who could what was his Anders Brevik. Let's
see what Anders Brevik is doing. I guarantee he was eating like a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich right now. Anders Brevik. Let me
just tell you what Anders Breivik is, if I got his name, right.
Anders Brevik. What is he doing right now? The guy is out there.
He is.
Norwegian far right, dude. He was convicted of mass murder. He
killed What 70 youth or something like that?
77 people 21 years in jail. He killed 77 people. All right. And
he serves, he doesn't even serve a year per person.
What a 21 year jail sentence these
these liberal countries, these socialist liberal countries, they
have no concept of rule of law. And that's why if you want to
commit a crime, the more socialist and the more liberal the country
is go there.
Right, because that's their, these are their their their laws. Okay,
that's the maximum penalty in Norway. Really?
Wow, he was sentenced 21 years in jail. If we need Maliki click to
fix this. Go on with your acts. And that's what he deserved on his
neck. Like, my opinion is this.
If the guy gets caught, and it's there's absolutely zero doubt he
committed the murders. Right? Like zero doubt. The moment that
firstly, you shouldn't have a jury? Why would you bring these
common people who don't know anything about law? Bring me three
lawyers to make the judgment. If you want to put it on one person,
fine. Bring me three lawyers, professional jury, three guys that
are lawyers
who understand the law.
And they're there, all of their cases are public can be reviewed.
All right, so they're gonna want to be consistent with their peers,
their peers can review all their cases. Now we have absolute
certainty that the guy's guilty, he committed the murder 100% It's
not based upon something that is hearsay. It's not based upon
circumstantial evidence, a lot of guys were found guilty. A lot of
guys are found guilty on circumstantial evidence, like you
just happen to be there at this time of the murder. Or you didn't
have an alibi at the time, but there's no evidence. But let's say
so let's we categorize all the guilty verdicts based upon the
basis and we realize that there is going to be a level of, of guilt
that is certain. So camera footage, for example.
Like five, many eyewitnesses whatsoever to that you committed
the murder, or you admitted it, of course, that's admission is the
chief of all evidence.
When that get well judge says a you are found guilty.
Why you breathe in another minute? Immediately. You should go from
there, go to the back room. Alright, let everyone watch. And
this person gets a death penalty. That's it finish them. Why are we
paid for? Why is the system treating this person? Like he's
some kind of he has any more rights in life? hulless and then
it's taxing. All the citizens are are doing this are paying for
And then sometimes they find him guilty and he's like 30 years on
death row. What's the point? What is the point 30 years waiting to
die that's worse. Sometimes you just get it over with and then it
costs about hundreds of 1000s of dollars. It costs hundreds of
1000s of dollars the way that they
To the death penalty. Why? Why? And they have to get a special
medicine to put the guy? Are they given the syringe and sometimes it
doesn't work, right? Get a mafia guy, boom bullet in his head back
of his head didn't even see it. It is in common and it's finished.
Right? Why do we need to go through this? And then the
electric chair? Oh, that thing is like, you want to be humane? You
know, Thomas Edison is guilty for that, like the one of the worst
things he did in his life. Thomas Edison is the one who came up with
the idea. And I think it was up in Buffalo or something or Albany,
that they wanted him to do it. So he wrote them letters, and he
showed them how to kill someone with electric chair. And it failed
miserably. Right. And then all his letters were leaked. Right?
Because he wrote his we wrote these letters to the guy in
Albany, show him how to do it. It was leaked to the press. It was a
big embarrassment for Thomas Edison. It's like the worst thing
that he did. I don't know what they're all whining about Nikola
Tesla, and they're making Tesla to be some victim.
No, that was shot up an hour or whatever his name is. But Edison
he it was a light bulb. And then it was the movie. The movie real
was Thomas Edison. RIGHT? IT guy is brilliant. He has over 300
patents, right?
So the electric chair, it's a disaster. It never works. Well. Of
course, nobody uses it anymore. Then they use this other
medicines. Sometimes that doesn't work. And I'm thinking to myself,
why are we doing this? So it's, Oh, you want to shoot someone
alive? Okay, fine. Don't do that. Put the guy asleep. Give him some
sleeping pills. Let them go to sleep, then shoot him or kill him
some other way? Are we gonna get cancelled from Instagram? By the
by the way? Because, you know, they're all They're all like all
about the death penalty. But you guys wait a second year on
government's job and bombs everywhere. So what do you whining
about this? Israel's not doing the same thing? This is good. Because
it's like one of the main misconceptions is their stomach
justice system. Yeah. Remember at the ballot booth. This was like
the first question people are asked how to collude. Who dude
punishments are very number one, they're there. They're not easy to
claim. Right? So it has to be for example, theft. It has to be you
have to break a lock. And the value of the item must be of a
certain level. And you have to walk out of the property with that
item. So you know what thieves in the olden days days, you know,
thieves, they always know the law, right? They used to steal and
throw it out the window. And then their friend never broke the lock
never came in the house catches it and leaves. So they're thieves,
right? But it's not going to be had punishment. So they know if we
get caught worst case that we're going to be downgraded, so
downgraded to what something else, right? It's not going to be
something that is the head punishment, but this guy is going
for 21 years, that means this guy Brevik is going to be walking the
earth someday going eating at restaurants. And you're saying
that you're civilized, the guy killed 77 people. And he's going
to be eating sandwiches and buying TVs and sleeping and enjoying
life. And you call yourself civilized.
I remember we were talking to a one of our teachers who's in jail
chaplain. And here's like, there's one guy who's about to get out. He
served 25 years. And he's just like, so scared for this. You
gotta get out of jail. Yeah, because the guy works.
And by the way, you got you put someone in jail with other
criminals to learn how to be a criminal, right to get better at
being a criminal. So but I had a friend in New Haven, Connecticut,
he went to jail. I was like, Oh, you went to jail? He's like, Oh,
yeah, you got to go to jail. Right? You got to go to jail. If
you're from this part of town, you got to go to jail. That's like
going to school. Basically, you get respect after you come out of
jail. If you didn't go to jail, they don't trust you. Right? They
don't respect you at all. Why? Because the jail has become like a
place. It's like as a Hangout, right? Go into prison, where you
learn stuff, come out with different tattoos. So, okay, so
this guy.
He goes in, he kills 20 people, 77 people, and he only spends 21
years in jail. Go figure. Tell me that this is civilization. Right?
Are you we have pests in real life. You have pests? What do you
do with pests, you call pest control and you remove them right?
Because they are harmful to society. You have your own body,
you have cancer cells, you remove them from the society. Now we
human beings cannot be the ones to judge that. Only the Creator can
judge what deserves a physical punishment. Right? Because you
don't have the right to touch anyone else's body. But the
Creator does. So we're agree with the liberals in the sense that
nobody has a choice. None of us humans have the right. We agree
with that, actually. But we we go one step further. And we say we
have a creator and the creator has decided for us. He has the right
okay let's see what else
if he does not repent any persist in refraining from repentance
retaliation this is what is this about this is about
probably the blasphemer.
There are only nine had crimes, murder, blasphemy, public
alcoholism, like public drinking, theft, which is like more like
burglary like you get you went in you broke a lock. You stole
something and you're left with it.
Adultery and fornication and for that requires four witnesses to
if you accuse someone of adultery and fornication falsely, then you
get some of the punishment 40 lashes
cut boom, boom boom. Public. Zina Burma Baba Baba Baba. What's the
other ones?
We said about blasphemy right and apostasy blasphemy and possibly
murder? Oh, harm, harm, so less than murder, but you assaulted
someone you harm their body. Like you there's a there's a permanent
damage to the body. So that's like that. You harm somebody. So those
are the those are the head crimes. I'm probably I think I'm pretty
sure I'm missing one.
Picture missing one. I can't remember what it is.
Theft adultery is in a blasphemy, physically harming somebody
murder. public drunkenness. That's it, an accusing false accusation.
Right of Zina and adultery. That's it. So those are head crimes.
And other than that, the ruler,
the the society and the ruler will decide what the what the
punishment is after that. But the problem with jail is that jail
takes away the rights of other people.
So if your mom
and your son is a criminal, right, all right, he's a criminal. But he
takes care of me.
Okay, he defends me in my home, He provides food for us, an old lady,
my son, he provides for me, when you put him in jail, you're
harming the mom.
Just because someone's a criminal from one aspect doesn't mean he's
not fulfilling obligations. Another aspect. So for example,
this person might be for example,
taking care of his family. He might have five kids, right? So if
you put him in jail, what are you doing for those five kids?
So what the city says is that this person may get they deserve a
Oh, black magic, released by law. Yeah, that's what someone said
that black magic really is. Okay. I can't remember that. I know it's
from the movie of gods. It's from one of the seven deadly sins are
long lasting sins, but is it a hate crime? I guess maybe it is a
I can't remember that reading that. But in fifth, but maybe I'm
wrong. But
that person has he takes care of a family.
So why will you deprive that aspects of him punish him himself?
You know, what else is not allowed for in Cydia to punish people by
taking their money?
Like fines? Not allowed? You can't find people. They could pay what
they damaged? Yes, of course, they can pay what they damaged. Or
there's dia, right? But you can't say if you litter here, which they
can $25 unless you can prove that that's the cost of cleanup, then
you can say yes, right? You can't say for example, you did this
crime, you're gonna pay this amount of money
for unless it's a deal or a compensation or you can justify
it. But just randomly charging people fines is not a lot. And
also taxation is only for the police in the military. That's it
for the poor and everything else and health insurance. The citizens
put together endowments for that citizens in dominance where you
willingly what you're the ones who are going to benefit you willingly
put together something like that. And I did ask and there is
difference of opinion on luxury tax, luxury tax, such as the rich
buy like a plane and you charge them like an extra a ridiculous
29% 19% tax on it. Right.
That's debatable in the shutdown.
All right. So let's Is that Is that clear what we said about
Murder or anything else? Right.
It's pretty clear about what the just a basic summary of what we're
not going to go any deeper than that. Just a basic summary of what
the Cydia system is in terms of the Hsieh system is in terms of of
punishments and
and these types of things, just a basic summary. Nothing more than
that. Okay.
All right, let's see what's going on here
that A was that I didn't cover all of it, but it was to Susan bucket
a 1788.
All right, let's go to the q&a. And now it is open q&a, but we're
not going to go forever, we're going to like only 25 minutes
because it is Ramadan. We don't want to kill ourselves, by the
way, we'd like to three hour streams. Is it haram to double
You mean, as husband and wife, I'm assuming husband and wife go out
with another husband and wife.
And it should leave us up. I think that in the house, if you invite
someone Quran says that
you can eat together in the house. If you're like it's flat family,
it's closest a small group of people. There is no harm in that.
So for example, let's say, brother and sister,
brother and sister, and then they're the brother's wife and the
sisters husband. So the wife, the brother's wife, and the sisters
husband, they themselves are not there. They're not.
They're they're marriageable, they could potentially marry they have
to lower the gaze with each other. But is it permissible, for
example, that, let's say I go to a country or a city and my, my
brother in law and his wife, and me and my wife, we're meeting them
and they take us out for a dinner or something like that? No, it's
not something that's going to be as long as there's no gazing
without with Xiao Hua. And you should really avoid situations
where you could possibly really be staring at somebody. But those
small gatherings where families involved especially really well,
the question is, is families involved in this right?
I'm just talking practically speaking, it happened. This is how
it goes and how it happens.
Essentially, you should just really try to avoid the gaze. And
if it's a situation where
some of the relatives that you have I'm talking practically here,
right, some of the relatives that you have, may not be observing the
shit out of the way you do. Right? What do you do so you just avoid
looking at them as much as you can.
What if they fall in love with your personality without staring
that's why it should be kept to a minimum. Really the best of
gatherings are the gatherings where the brothers are on one side
of the men are one side women are the others.
I guess it's possible to fall in love with your personality.
What's going on right there you make it
okay, let's hear it. I suffer from anemia, low iron. So it's a
chronic illness and get crippling back ache during the long fasts to
the point I can't move or do anything. Am I exempt from keeping
a long fasts until I recover the your medical doctor must be who is
you need a Muslim medical doctor to exempt you from the Ramadan
do you need a Muslim doctor to exempt you and tell you that for
example if the fast is more than 12 hours you can't do it? If it's
less than that you can do it and then for the 12 hour fast you have
to pay for the
for less than that so the Muslim medical doctor has to tell you
is there a significance of the color green and Islam it's the
prophets favorite color? Yes, the Prophet loves to look at the color
that's all it says.
So not everything should be painted green and dressed in
green. No, the prophet loved the color green to look at the color
green in other words, foliage.
But his favorite color of clothes was white.
The favorite color clothes for the province I sent him was white.
Alright, what else we got
this question? I can't really read the Arabic It's really small. But
someone said What are practical examples of exhibiting sugar in
light of the Zener comb the lion's share code well entia cartoon what
is practical examples of showing sugar is charity. giving charity
helping people smiling being a good mood. If Allah was good to
you, weren't you in a good mood? Make yourself happy? Spot Allah.
Make yourself happy. Okay, be happy as much as you can believe
in Allah squadra your situation
Can can be changed, right? If it's not a good situation, have you
been so so Schuco is by reflecting that happiness with others by
sharing with them, either your good mood or your wealth, or your
food or your expertise, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Follow up. Is it enough to just say Alhamdulillah? Very sincerely,
no, that's Hemd that's not sugar. Hamed is between you and Allah
Shaka is between you and the creation shcool Allah do something
good for others as an expression of your gratitude to Allah. So you
get a million dollars and you go pray to it because that's Hamed
now, give out some charity. That's sugar.
That's the difference between hemp and sugar Hamleys between you and
Allah, I worship you. I'm full of gratitude and love for my creator
for giving me all these wonderful things. That's happened. Now
should I have this nema? The rest of my people don't have this nema.
I share my name
I give charity I support people okay. Someone once asked me well
what if I don't I have everything I'm content I don't want how do I
make dua if I'm content I have everything what other people need
to write make dua for others.
All right, let's get this question here from
he says advice. How have you any advice for those working while
fasting and wanting to maximize their Amazon? Yep, put your
earbuds these ear pods in your ear and listen to Vicodin and dua
while you're working.
This accidentally swelling toothpaste require video requires
a photo. Although Anka Farah because this is something you
knowingly put in your mouth. And it's known that this stuff is
going to come around.
So the rule on toothpaste, you knowingly put is not what do you
had the option of a miswak? You knowingly put this in your mouth.
So now when it falls into your throat, about like a fara $600 All
right, sir,
get your checkbook out.
Or go find one of these charities, maybe the Kafala in Chad is less
than $600. You can feed 60 Poor people in Chad for probably $60.
So or other countries where the amount of food is so much easier,
cheaper, right? So that you don't burden you so much. So get your
debit card out, go onto your phone and look up Islamic Relief chat,
or something like that, and pay your co Fatah. That's your gut
flora. And then you abstain from eating the rest of the day to
respect the month and you don't have an excuse. And then at the
end of the month you make up one?
Yep. Caitlyn says, You spoken about having full your green and
200% How do we stop the thought that what if this dua isn't in my
cupboard for me? Well, by saying what if it is?
That's how you answer that question. Because it's a 5050.
Right? It is, or it is? What if isn't? What is it is right? It's
And sins, let me tell you something, sins is what disrupts
your your pain. If you have, let's say you're trying to have your
pain, but sins, but doubts are coming up those doubts are caused
by sins. So what you should do is make a sofa, do a bed, remove your
sins, you will have European European only settles in the clean
heart, the cleaner your heart, the more European has and it's not
just about cleaning your heart, learn about Allah read all the
Hadith about drop study the Hadith, about DUA and the Tafseer,
about the verses of God, you will realize who Allah is who you're
dealing with. When you realize when you get to know Allah
properly, you have a good opinion of him. You never have a better
opinion of him. Allah doesn't play tricks on meaning, and he's not
stingy with them.
And his default asked me and I give you an odious ledger block.
That's the default as the default is called upon me, I grant you.
Only in the case that you ask for something that's not good for you.
I'll give you something it's different instead.
But you don't know that many people start with that. Oh, well,
what if it's not good for me? How do you know that? You don't know.
Just make your DUA and leave leave that to Allah subhanaw taala and
oh, say Oh, Allah grant me this. If it's good for me, if it's good
for me, grant it to me, and then have full your team
for your pin.
That Allah try to answer you. Why because the Prophet commanded us
to the Prophet said, Would Allah Who and to move in with each other
well certain that you're gonna get the answer. So we're obeying the
Prophet here.
We're going by the letter of the law, sort of Allah when he was
young Mooji says, How would you explain the Jabba routes?
Somebody I have to get back to you on this one.
says is it haram for women to recite Quran in front of men?
It's my crew, if she beautifies her voice,
to the point that it could really attract a man's attention in a way
that is not appropriate. But if it's she's just reciting it, like
the way a person is talking, then that's not forbidden.
But usually people don't recite like that.
Because it clearly says what they could do recommend we place
importance on Ramadan, if we don't have much time to do them all the
recitation of the Quran more than anything else, recite the Quran as
much as you can. And in the last 10 days, Alemannic iPhone will
offer five one
M attracts 99 says is it permissible for one to sit down
and pray if they get dizzy when standing up? The answer is yes.
Who are allowed to do that.
And in the Sunnah, any non obligatory prayer, you can sit by
default, but it's only half the reward. Even if there's no harm,
you can sit. If there's no harm, and you're just tired, you can
sit, but you get half the reward. But anytime that you have a reason
not to stand, you can sit in the prayer.
Yeah, but if you have if you have a excuse, a medical excuse, you
can sit. Yeah, so for example, someone broke their leg. Someone
has a dizziness or vertigo problem. Something like that.
There are lots of
favorite dishes that you love to break your fast with. It's going
to be no doubt about it.
My milk and dates, of course, that's how you break your fast and
then a lot big thing of water this big.
I don't know if you guys seen my water bottle, right? And then it's
got to be a lot of water. And this time, I'm really, I have an issue
with the caffeine dependency. I'm not with it anymore. I love to
drink coffee for the warmth and the taste. Right? But I'm not I'm
not up for this. I'm not accepting this dependency. I don't like to
be controlled. Right? And my behavior now I get headaches. What
is this? No, I'm what I'm fighting a war on the caffeine depends. I
love to drink. I love coffee, right? As a drink, but I'm not
going to be dependent anymore. So I used to have a cup of coffee
right away with his daughter, but now it's decaf. I'm going with
because you have to be like 10% harmless, right? So it'll be
decaf. And I do have two bags, so a little bit of the caffeine and
the decaf to get myself off of this decaf, or this caffeination
thing. And then from now on, wake up in the morning. First thing cup
of coffee. No, no more of that. If so it's decaf. Right. And then
people tell me oh, there's problems with the decaf. Okay, I'm
trading two problems on trading one problem for a lesser problem.
I'll do the decaf problem after I deal with this headache problem,
because I'm not a fan of this. And then for Ramadan, I tend really to
like something dry, not saucy. I'm not a big fan of saucy, like spicy
and saucy. So something dry. And then you have to have a lot of
salads. The best thing you have for seafood is like Mexican food
like beans or Egyptian food beans, that stuff will hold you down but
you need to have salads because that's what will make a rock in
your stomach and you're going to be upset at the end of the month
you're going to be really your digestive system is terrible so
you have to have a lot of salads so that's that's that's my best
advice in terms of If thought is that you you don't want to have
something soy sauce it's going to really mess you up
or even that heavy alright Reid says our total we have 20 records
and not less the prophets I said and prayed 20 etc way every day
during Ramadan the answer is no. When it comes from the Sahaba the
Sunnah is 20 for the Messiah to establish the mosques should
establish 20 as a son, what is total we any number of Rakas to
duck I started with four because it's totally sucks because it's
not a we okay.
Any number of records is totally
there's no Omar Abdulaziz was either 36 If you say normative and
Abdulaziz made it 36 Why it's the same amount of time. But by
breaking the records up, it allowed people to stay for to be
more flexible and how much they stayed, right. So imagine if you
had a two hour total we divide it in eight Rakas Okay, so that means
four lockers in one hour, two tacos is half an hour. Okay? So
that means if I say if I want to say 45 minutes, I can't
I can't say 45 minutes I used to 30 minutes or an hour. So if now I
say to our total we broken up into 20 Rakas. So
So now I can have more flexibility how much is each indica is how
much now? Right so one hour tundra cars half an hour, let's say five
rock cars so that means six minutes per indica so now I'm
flexible I could say for any number variable of six now say no
I'm gonna have another disease let's say for Tata weighs two
hours breaking 36 cars now which way more flexible so you could you
can stay as long as you want to dip out whenever you want. That's
why he established it as 30 It's not like he added
36 So double the amount of time No, the time was the same, but it
was the division of Raka. So that also proves that the 20 is a
sunnah of the Sahaba if there's a reason not to go with it, then
there's no harm in that but it is 20 rakaats as a sunnah for the
masajid. To establish, but for you as an individual, any amount of
Salah that you do is tucked away
is chests haram.
For the chef aka
magic, he has always discouraged all such games.
And we have who sure and Yaqeen how, by imagining and realizing
the one
before whom you are standing
and imagining and recognizing both the gain and the loss that is in
his hands. We can suffer gain and we can suffer loss. And there's
only one power source for either one. If you always remember
there's only one power, that's the only one that's worthy of paying
attention to everything that you're worried about. isn't in the
hands of only one power.
When you think about that everything that I want is in his
hands, everything that I fear losing is in his hands.
You will have Kosha study the attributes of Allah and His power
and the and the and the aid of dua. It will increase you and I'm
Yaqeen is yuckiness, different Yaqeen is more broad. European is
by good company and by being in the constant state of the
remembrance of Allah, constant exposure to the gorilla
stories and things like this. Stories of the Prophets, things
like that.
I'm telling you, anybody who is in any weakness of Eman, go back to
yourself, you rebuild your email, you regroup your mind from
yourself. What Why fear in this world? What do I desire in this
world who's going to give it to me?
Because that's the raw basis of a human being of an animal of a
creature is self benefit is avoiding self harm. Who's going to
bring that to you?
What's your thought on the digit in the modern era, his system is
here 100% Were in his system.
The genetic system or money's corrupted, our our mental health
approach to mental health, in my opinion is completely corrupted is
taking the will out of the human being. And it's just made the
human being just a machine where his will is removed. The food that
we eat, allow them
you know what, what goes on what's involved in it.
Our financial systems corrupted our educational system,
everything's corrupted. And so yeah, we're in the era of the
digital, but I'm not a fan of overthinking it.
What is my man, you gotta come with the show? Do we already have
the studio? So let's, let's get busy. Get busy studying. But be
aware that this error is a very dangerous error. You need Samba
Samba, and you need humility. And you need knowledge. So the humble
person he doesn't he fails at Samba knowledge. He fails at
knowledge because he doesn't ask he's too arrogant to ask. And he
feels that Sahaba because he thinks he's better than all these
people. You must keep the company of the pious Muslims keep their
company all the time. All the time, especially those involved in
Indian. Nothing's more important than right knowledge. Like okay,
there's a lot of gatherings what gathering am I going to be part of
the part of the gathering that studies there are the ones who are
most likely they're going to because there's there is the good
things right.
They're going to understand the Sunnah properly because they're
studying. If you want money, you go to become a businessman. If you
want to be healthy, you hang out with people who exercise Okay? Of
course people exercise can make mistakes, but more likely than not
you will lose weight. Businessmen they make money they lose money
more likely.
They're not they make money, right? Students have knowledge,
they make mistakes, and they learn, right? More likely than
not, they're going to have guidance. That's why we say they,
these are the people that they're into guidance. They're studying
all the time. So be with those people we're constantly studying,
but be with them in a way that is, you're always keeping your
intention clean.
You never want to get so into a group that it becomes dramatic and
you lose your intention. Right? So always be with with the people in
a relaxed, easy way with your intention clean. Don't get
Ah, 6742. The caffeine tolerance has reset now. And she he or she
did the war of fighting the caffeine dependency. So my way of
doing is going to be to taper it off. Right? I'm never going to
totally stop. Why deprive myself. I enjoy it. Right as Khaled. Do
you know how many other haram things I could have enjoyed myself
in many other ways. But they're all huddled up. There was a guy
who was very overweight. His wife brought him a plate of food one
time, it was eight.
And she said to him,
is there anything else that you enjoy besides food? He said,
because he's trying to get him to lose weight, right? He said, Yes.
But they're all hot off.
She said, Okay, eat more. But D is I'm not going to deprive myself
from something that I enjoy. But I'm not going to make myself
dependent either. So I'm going to mix up the decaf with the calf
until I'm like totally off the dependency.
So that I could you could fast more to in the middle of the year.
Wake up in a grouchy mood with a headache. I don't want I don't
want that. Does dunya traveler says, Does the special time of
each other intelligence apply to those who stay awake till fetch?
Of course it does. But it's you who are going to be different. be
asleep. You wipe away all the thoughts of the day.
By to clean, when you get up for 200, let's say three 4am.
Sometimes 5am Depends on when feathers.
You're going to be so fresh, so clean, your mind is completely
wiped clean. And you're going to wake up with a different attitude.
So you're going to be stronger the time and the time of job is the
time of the job. When it comes down, it comes down for everybody
doesn't come down selectively.
But it's you who may be
stronger if you had slept a little bit.
Cozy close says fasting from coffee dependency is the worst.
It's totally the worst. First day got headache here. You got it here
and it moves. It's completely everywhere. Then you just knocked
out. Okay. And then you can't eat fast enough, right?
And when you eat, you're going to take that tomorrow. You take that
Excedrin, you get that water, then maybe that cup of coffee, but now
I'm like, No, I'm not going to put myself in the loop again. Right?
decaf with a little bit of guff. It's called half Caf now and then.
Sleeping early is important. Sleeping is one of the best
medicines for headaches, sleeping, water and sleep. Are you aware of
any tough series that break down commentary based on different
grads? Says young Mooji Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. A buckle. He does it a
A Razzie does it a lot. But is that their direct specialty that
only that what they're talking about? No. Bookbug always always
mentioned different crafts is always mentioning
get tough, seated buggy. It's one PDF put it on your iPad. Ryan,
what do you got? Have you got to write
someone with dementia required to pays a cut and should his wife and
or children pay it for him? Yes. Now one of the things that the
good question that someone has dementia does he obligated to pay
zakat? Remember Zika the kebab of Zika is not on the person it's on
the money. That's why it's one of the only acts of of a Betta. That
is actually does not have the precondition that you be a sane
Muslim in the sense that for you to have the sin of it, yes, no
sinful if you're saying and aware and awake. You will be sinful if
you don't pay this. But if you're in a situation where you are not
Micallef, then you are sinless.
But well, the Zika the Kitab is still upon this. The commandment
of the Sharia is so on the money I mean, it's on the money so your
family has to take it out for you.
Anything what else are we right?
There's nasal fluid break the fast nasal fluid when it comes to
anything that you put into your nose such as nasal spray that
breaks your fast? Yes, if it drips back, breaks your fast. Getting IV
drip IV drip of course
Yeah, I heard even a brother told me that he put in eye drops that
made its way back.
Anyone here study biology, that he said that he took an eye drops.
And then I guess he laid down or something. It went, I don't know
where it went, but ended up in his throat. So as someone who has
studied biology, I know we have some surgeons on the stream where
we need us. Yeah, we need the Wizard of Oz. Because he's
studying to be a medical doctor. I told him many times, stop this
nonsense and join me in business.
I got another one. From V. How to spiritually grow and cleanse your
heart when you feel overwhelmed and unsure what to start with? How
do you cleanse yourself spiritually? When you're
overwhelmed with what to start with? That goes more to how do we
achieve anything? And you just asking about the most important
thing, which is your spirituality, you achieve anything by just
Just start don't think don't overthink. So I'm assuming this
person if their room is messy, they also get overwhelmed, right?
If they have a pile of bills, they get overwhelmed their pile of
homework, they get overwhelmed. Spirituality, they get overwhelmed
the same thing.
Just start don't think just put your wheels in motion.
It doesn't matter whether you're doing things in the best fit most
efficient way or not. That doesn't make a difference. What makes a
difference is are you are you moving? Eventually you'll get
through that pile. Right? So move just start. So my advice you just
start Don't think too much take action.
The survey have to be performed before the second half of the
night to be considered totally taraweeh is formed
between Russia and sleeping that started with
texting the opposite gendered considered Galois is not
considered Galois but is not considered Hala either. The
present unless there is something that you can avoid.
It's not something that's considered the way of the sort of
hate to be flexing women.
put someone else on the text.
Okay, this is like the question that
gets me to asked Russia now has he asked can you DM a woman?
And the answer to that is it's not lol DMing is not color was not
with your body, however, is not the way of the SATA Hain South way
the righteous and you don't don't do this. Don't go that realm of
communicating with sisters in that way. Like, what's your business
with them? Oh, I want to marry her. Okay, but let's be practical.
I want to marry her. Okay, is that how you're going to do it? So what
are you going to do? Chit Chat? Are you going to go watch Charisma
On Demand how to text girls, right and learn? Because you're not
going to say hey, I want to marry you click. It's not a cold call,
right? You know this word cold calls?
You're not going to say I want to marry you. So what are you going
to say? So you're going to warm up to it? Oh, so now you need to like
learn up like how to talk right? How to how to flirt. Basically,
this is not the way I'm telling you. It's not the way it's done.
This visualizing your dog coming through health help its efficacy.
The Syrian scholars said of the matters begin with the imagination
of almost says it. And is there the Syrian scholar who also wrote
it a Senate where the matter begins with your imagination. And
you continue to imagine it with the KL we call who was in fell at
that at the Huck until it becomes real, it becomes a reality and
have even more calls to M will write or
use of, or imagination of a thing. Why? Because it makes you start to
think and it makes it feel like it's part of your reality. Now
your your mind will open up to how you can achieve your goal. So this
is all in the reality of goal setting and doesn't really change
in draw either. Because draw
is not the only thing that you're going to do. You must act you have
to act and have you almost says because of your confidence and
your action that Allah will answer your door a member had that says
the same thing. Allah does not answer your door until you move.
So because of your confidence and your belief in it, that is one of
the reasons why a lot how to answer your da da is not the only
thing you have to tap to ah and you have to have action.
There's DUA and there's action. So the imagination of a thing is part
of achieving it.
You can't achieve it if you don't know where you're going. Right and
you have to remind yourself because the future is unseen. My
plan is unseen. Anything that's unseen
You have to do that. You have to remember it all the time. Alright,
so if it's something, let's say of
the future, something planned that you want to do in the future.
If you don't think about it, you're gonna forget about it. You
have to always remember if it's a promise that somebody gave you,
the promise is not something I could see or feel or hear or
touch. You have to always remember there, there are divine promises,
Allah has promises, you have to always repeat them to yourself.
Alright, so I have a playlist of these lectures, clips from the
scholars such as psychology, but deep, okay, sure, I seasonal
theme, all different Altima who talks about the divine promises,
lots of NWC. I just listened to them all day. Because the divine
promises something that is unseen to us. Its effect upon you is only
to the degree that you can remember it, or that you're in
remembrance of it, that you're thinking about it. So constant
nonstop reminder, it's the same thing for future goals. If I have
a future goal for example, Safina Foundation has a future goal.
Or we have three parts our goal by constantly thinking about it
talking about it, then you remind yourself so you don't get
distracted from it. Or have academies our first goal data
center and soup kitchen a second goal third goal is the full time
sent school seminary. We're not going to call it seminar I don't
like the word seminar called House of Wisdom. Why What do you think
of that name, House of Wisdom. It's a good name right revive that
bested library House of Wisdom. And that's going to be with the
shoe teaching. All day. FIP updated to solf Hadith, Quran
three goals. So in the same way promises divine promises, and
personal or spiritual or life goals. You have to always remember
them all day unless you lose them. You forget about them. Yeah. So I
love this this question and I love the concept. is reading English
translation of Quran considered recitation? No. It's considered
studying the meaning maybe, but not translation.
How do you start get who you are and Salah this is what we
mentioned last time is remember the one in front of whom you're
standing? You're standing in front of someone very generous, very
powerful. How could you not have quit? Sure.
His creation is the most beautiful of all creation.
Everything is in his hands.
No other sources. Can women visit the grave of the Sultan's like
Sultan Abdulhamid the second women can visit the graves.
And it is my crew to attend the burial.
The Prophet forbade it but he didn't follow up on the
prohibition because people are sad at that time, so not going to be
scolded. But it is something that is McGrew for the women to attend
the burials. And there are some fief some tech fee a little bit
more leniency for the actual immediate relatives, right. But as
a default setting mukou for the women to attend the burials.
For women to attend the grave to visit graves after death of
anybody, they can do that, whether it's men or women or woman, right.
So you can go there and recite for them fecha recite for them Quran
and intend that they receive the reward of that recitation. It's
called hibbott. A throw up and all of the methods agree upon its
validity. Initially, the medic medic medic said he didn't know if
the reward reached people. Or not. Later on the medica followed the
chef phase in this, the chef aka were more strongly that yes, it
does. And so the lottomatica scholars all follow the chef A's
on this that yes, the reward does arrive to an Isaac knob to set him
he had said that he doubts whether he doesn't know if the reward
arrives to the dead or not. When he died,
His people recited Quran for him, and they intended the reward for
And then they saw him in a dream afterwards. And they asked him,
Are you receiving our recitation? He said I'm receiving it so recite
more. So you can make dua for them.
All right, now we have cozy closing, I want to sign up for
asthma we are on ArcView milk up, but not live. It's pre recorded.
So what do we do if we have questions? How does that work? If
you're in ArcView, you should be in the ArcView WhatsApp chats and
if you sent him a ride Did you check the info because a whole
bunch of people sent in for the to be put onto the WhatsApp chats?
Okay, so we're gonna if you send us
Yeah, you should be able to get on the WhatsApp chats, look around it
look in the classroom.
Or like in the, in the sorry, the curriculum in ArcView. There
should be a link to join the general WhatsApp chats.
And then there are specific WhatsApp chats to
Different subject matter that's how you ask your questions in the
WhatsApp chat and then we were back may 22. Inshallah Tada I
might actually, yeah, I should be there in that that week. We're
back online for magic you FIP may 27.
Aurangzeb says, What is meant by Allah created Adam in his image or
surah? No, it meant that hadith is interpreted means that the Hadith
comes in, in a reason man came and a father had slapped his son and
the prophets I send them said do not slap him for Allah created
Adam on his image meaning the sons image you know there's this face
is how am I created Adam, so don't slap it. So that his image, the
head, there surety, he is, in other words, it's the boy not
Allah subhanaw taala.
Cambridge Muslim college is using the Ark philosophy I know to
introduce their new series I know I told them copyright.
This backbiting block dot from by the way you should listen to those
lectures. Abdul Hakim Murad lectures, anything he's whenever
he opens his mouth, you should listen. Whenever he writes
something, try to read it as best as you can, if you understand
because sometimes his writing is deep, but all of his lectures you
should listen to this backbiting blocked off from being answered.
How does one repent from backbiting? Well, Allah forgives
those who back by it's forgivable no doubt about it. And your way
out of that is to say something good about the person. So let's
say I backed by added
about my mom to my friend.
Okay, now I have to say something good to my friend about my mom
even if it's alive, even if it's alive.
All right. We have questions here uh, Ryan, what do you have on the
from your side?
Could you please advise on the best response to give a seven year
old when they ask where is a law? Seven year old is asking?
Where is Allah Allah has no location. Simple answer, Allah
does not have a location very simple. There is no location for
ALLAH. So he created location. He created location, how can you have
a location when he created location? Answer that question Did
He create the location? Yes. So there was location did not exist
and yet ALLAH existed right? Therefore Allah does not have
I'm Ron Henderson says a Salam aleikum. What's the ruling on
missing a Salah you must make it up. Summer spaces said Is there a
punishment for purposely missing a fast other than making it up and
pink of Fatah
and Toba? The feeling of Toba
he does he says as salaam aleikum, I pray your entire team are having
a great Ramadan so far which we are hamdulillah My question is
when Allah accepted dua let's see grant all of it
example grant a job and good grades What if you get one part of
the DUA right away should you be certain the rest of will come to
inshallah you should be because when a dua is answered usually all
of its answered selectively so have a good opinion that it will
be answered
quick and easy how to improve software have kids quick and easy
says acceptable tasks for stuff to come sooner yes it is. It is it's
acceptable say oh Allah bring it quickly. It's acceptable to do
that. It should have been forage for example, quick and easy says
as Allah is the best of planners and mocha demon Walker are always
said together. Yes. And mocha demon Walker, he brings what he
wants sooner than and he wants what he wants later. So you have
to respect the less timing of things but you may ask that
something to be brought quicker. You may ask that.
Not Zef says try electrolytes in your water. Oh, that's a good
idea. electrolytes. Now where do I get electrolytes? ShopRite Trader
Hey, Ryan. Jim is here. Yeah.
He's changing all the knobs.
He can start with
When you start with the studio door, right. And it's right there.
It's a digital lock right there.
How late can you preach a hedge right up to fetch? Yes, you can go
right up to there then a fetch.
What is meant by Allah created Adam on a soda we answered that.
Ramadan Kareem from Suraj everybody else was Rivas is not
here. He's taking a medical examination. I told him stop this
medical nonsense and work with me full time.
The secret to getting ahead is getting started really? Mark Twain
said that I thought No, that's good. So we think alike Did you
say it's not how that to talk to persons of the other agenda?
Gender if there wasn't an exclusive person? Yes. Pretty much
Sara Sara says we have nasal crime old duct that connects tear
drainage to the throat Thank you very much. Nasal crime will duct
hoax there it is. Is it okay to perform Oil Pulling while fasting?
No, do not do this. Because anything that comes down boom,
you're liable for that?
What's the best dua to repeat if you feel stuck in life?
I would say a Salah on the prophets I said and we'll open up
all the doors.
Ha Wait, may we know where we can listen to these please. Safina
society YouTube channel. YouTube channel Sophie inside. Fatima
Brenda? Can you provide a list? But a list of what though I
because this was from the past. So which list just tell me in
parentheses what this was referred to ma'am, Miss Aude, I reached out
to ask about the May classes and timetable and waiting. Yes,
inshallah they will come up soon. It will come up. You need me
All right, let's wrap up because we got to change doorknobs. Folks.
Two more questions. Is the most blessed time of the night the last
part of the night before? The answer is yes.
Last part towards fetch less third, it's going to be somewhere
in the last third. You don't know where somewhere in the last third.
Caitlin says how do you know if the job is delayed? Or if Allah
has decided he won't give it to you? We'll never know. You'll
never know. So why give up because giving up on your DUA is not a
rank. The prophets I sent him said, actually you can know if you
give up. That's a sign that Allah doesn't want to free. So you'd
have to not give up. That's the sign that Allah does not want to
view is that you gave up. So don't give up, keep going. Just keep
going. What do you have to lose? If you admit defeat, you
guaranteed 100% loss. But if you keep going, there's still a chance
is not wearing hijab a major sin? Probably.
Probably considered from the major sins. Why? Because it's commanded
in the Quran. And though the condition is things that are
committed in the Quran. The opposite of them are major sins.
What is the punishment for * Islam? Some of them said it's the
punishment of Zina had the Zina and some said had of robbery which
is death. Why? Because he stole basically it's stealing and his
strength is his his weapon. Right? So a father spoke about death but
others spoke about being had to Zina lashes, Zina. How do we
reconcile that and also for witnesses are not needed for *.
That's a big misconception. You don't need four witnesses for
*. If she reports it right away, and there's distress and
some circumstantial evidence that could that could be sufficient. Or
if her reputation is sounds, and she becomes pregnant, for example,
that happened in Thomas a normal, they brought her a woman she was
pregnant, she said I was raped. He said, bring me her community. If
she righteous, they said yes, that says she was raped. Right he
agreed that she was raped based on her reputation
okay, how do we reconcile the idea that this is very important from
it, that his last question, how to reconcile that the messenger
SallAllahu anism was illiterate when that may be seen as
differences he was not illiterate he was unlettered intentionally
not given letters and words, the ability and reading for the simple
reason that it would so that people cannot say he went any he
read other books, and he copied the Quran, right from those other
books. That's the reason why. The Allah made him unlettered which is
illiterate means unable to read. He's capable of reading Allah if
he wanted to write, but Allah made him unlettered so that nobody
could say he plagiarized the Quran. Okay, alright folks, does
that Kamala Clara, we're going to shorten these Ramadan stream so we
don't get all get exhausted, keep our stamina going. So Monica loved
him. They said to stop for a corner to a lake with acid in it
in Santa Fe host Illa leadin. Meanwhile, Minnesota had
whatsoever sobered up. What was so severe was Santa Monica