Shadee Elmasry – NBF 225 Christian Dunks on Anthropromorphist
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La wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah while early he was
gonna be here on Manuela welcome everybody to the Safina society
nothing but facts live stream on a Wednesday, a rainy Wednesday in
the state of New Jersey on a day in which we are covering the
affairs of the OMA and let's get straight to the title Christian
dunks on with Shabana anthropomorphised Muslims
I'll play it here you can get it but I can I'll play it here
Well, if I just play the audio here, it should be fine because
it's a tick tock, not a YouTube video. So let's get straight to
this and let me play this audio. It's exactly what we've been
saying for ages that almost a must learn admit Killam this book here
is defending Edmund Kalam Okay
and here we have a Muslim who is a Masha bit type of they claim to be
atheria but essentially there must have been
you can there's a fuzzy border sometimes round to edge seem if
you say him to see me statement and then say in a way that befits
His Majesty were so committed he should get out of jail free card.
Right. But you just said to see me statement. So at the very best at
the very best you're saying something that is that does not
make sense.
At then you're not in worship, which is awesome. But you saying
something that doesn't make any sense? Okay.
But here you let's take a look at what a seems to be a Christian. I
don't know if there's a Christian Arab or what?
Just dunks on this miskeen
Are you going to play it from your side? Or my son? Should I play it
on the phone from the mic?
Yeah, play the video too. Why not? Yeah, play the video so people
could read the text. So we'll wait while while all my loads it up.
We got a number of issues today to cover segments. And this will be
the first one let yesterday, I know that we had a title and we
did a whole tough see at about an hour before we got to the title
or the subject of the title.
I mean, it's pretty pathetic, that nonchalant, Christian,
just dunking like like
did you guys see Did you guys see in the finals? Who's Who's the
European player for the nuggets?
Joke ish. There was a play where Butler had to cover joke. It was
sad. All right. I mean, Butler is a great player. But literally the
guy backed up, like like an adult, scoring on a child. You're gonna
see some Christian with just lazily Duncan.
And unfortunately, no response from the non Khademi Train Day.
And this is where I said earlier, I've said it many times. It's as
if you're a dunk, you're fighting with one hand tied behind your
back. You're fighting with the sword. Your opponent has come with
rifles and machine guns, like the British did in Sudan. And the
British got to Sudan. They had invented the machine gun. That
technology hadn't gone to Sudanese Miskin What did they come up with
of a calamity in our Oma? Your we ready to go? Are we going to hear
it too?
All right, go.
Jesus walked as a human being ate, slept and went to the toilet. We
do not believe this. This is just be what we worship. You know. So
that's the reason why the Holy Spirit for example, was the same
thing. It is in the creation, anything that is in the creation
cannot God anything that is in the creation cannot be God? Well, I
don't know. Why would you ask that question about Allah disgrace you
believe he does? It doesn't say that in Slack. Every third part of
the night What does Allah do? He descends to the lowest heaven so
have been part of creation or it's uncreated. Anything that is in the
creation can look good, but we don't understand how that works.
And then when Christians tell you we don't understand we say mystery
I see you stupid Christians but you can use it for but still does
he enter the most heaven every third part of the night. He comes
down he says he comes down through so when he's coming down he's not
entering seventh creation.
Everybody's creation Yes. Okay. So administration so what is this
about Alana entering into creation when you just said because you
follow her a lot comes down to the lowest ebb into heaven nears to us
which is part of creation
Okay, so
what difference does it make earth or heaven?
Says He was on earth and a tree. Can you
As people I observe a fire and we'll bring you news of it. Or
I'll bring you a flaming brand that perhaps would happily meets
perhaps you shall warm yourselves next week's pay attention.
So when he came to it, he was called bless it is he who is in
the fire and he who's about it. Glory be to God, the Lord of all
being now next verse.
Moses behold, it is i God the Almighty doorway so who's in the
fire? We know who's around it, it's Moses. He says less tissues
in the fire. And he says Moses it is I Allah the Almighty. So who
was in the fire?
It doesn't say Allah says fire didn't answer the question who was
in the fire? Who was blessed? I don't know who's in the fire. So
who spoke from the fire and saying it is a law a law school for the
fire? Okay, so you just whether you like it or not, if Allah spoke
from the fire then when he says let's just be in the fire you just
said almost in the fire even though you don't want to say
laying it up like joke it's over hit Butler's as name joke. It's
just posting
a sandwich over Butler in the finals. That's exactly what just
happened here. You all saw that play? Probably happened many
times. For some reason Butler was on Joe couch or whatever his name
is. His name is Joe couch.
Yoke EJ and what's the other tennis players name?
Djokovic confusing the two Serbians
This is why we need Edmund Khanna let's read above are we on the
idea that he mentioned booty camping that doesn't make a
difference all the big ads or the with the shabby hats or Alma have
handled it
with the Quran Anna doesn't even need a medical exam. It's like it
is an under the subject and we can but it's really just tafsir okay.
You when you have more to share Behat they are only interpreted in
light of Alcatra yet right and mock him at Allah tells us there's
mock him at them which I bet you interpret them with the shebang in
light of the maca. What's the mahkum Allahu Ahad he's one in
himself that means there are no parts all His attributes are one
and he's summit he has no needs anything that implies a need he's
free of it. Therefore interpret it or leave it
to tweet or tweet simple
Buddha comm a fun note
Buddha came up and not Yanni good discernment for Nadia who Allahu
Ana be enough. See here Allah mana and note Ned there Musa minha What
a smell who kala Muhammad Jihad see her? That's what he means by
that. Meaning that he that the he made Musa hear the to Jelly of his
speech from there. Same with Israel and Mirage, when they say
who were was Allah when the Prophet was speaking. Now we say
that's where the two deadly happened. The two jelly happened
there and it's a jelly is created manifestation. Good
Allah's Kalam.
Good, that's what a turgidity is. So for example, the light that
came in blue
on the mountain, the time of Satan or Musa de Sena, or the sound that
said no Musa heard the sound of the chain going over the rock, is
it to jelly
and to Juliet are created good. It's a matter it's a direct
manifestation of Allah's Will at that time at that moment. So he
says here, the amount of nerd that moves them in her with a smile who
Kalama Humann giardia and homak Joban fit Turati Jaya Allahu Minh
Sina wash Rafa. Mensa ina was the alum in Juba. Ferghana formaggio,
whom in Siena, back there I said to Musa minha woman sir ina Bertha
told Mercia human
okay women who are on Beata to most of them in with Iran is maca.
Well, clearly Canada Alec and Guru xojo Kala so a bad candidate in
our behind her one now rue de hita Allah so it was that fire is a
hijab of Allah subhanaw taala barrier cambogia if it Hadith your
hijab whoo hoo and
the way right that's absurd right there hijab who are not low Kashia
for her rocket super hard to watch he him into LA he bizarro who mean
healthy, and there's another an heiress to the hijab who know if
he lifted it.
All right, everything would burn
So Manasa Allah Who enough so then Allah Tada does 10 Z of himself or
and when I say who mean coolly sue in wipe and he is the moon as the
trend the transcendent from every or what Munez and he is the
transcendent from every flaw okay
you know during
the hello when when that Zoho on Main coalition wife for Karla
Jalla the crew was super Han Allah Hera Bella Alameen. Every tisby
Her is a tansy go, every tense just be hesitant at all right to
severe is to say My Lord is transcendent beyond this.
For Machado for Illa Musa be Sefa T for Kalia Musa in no and hola
hola Cesar Hakim will help with your code. He didn't know who I
met while I said the key Naya qila he Akina Annamarie was shutting
the oil Amrish was shutting al Bucha Anna from Aurora
Aurora Musa yet I attend Allah Qudra tea Okay, welcome so that's
all he stops there let us we're not stopped we're gonna go to
fucking raazi okay
SUTA to numb
all of the we let
the method of weed is always the same okay it's just it's just the
specific that we have that
or whichever ad that we're talking about. Okay
chief fucka Rossi what he says because it bugs me Of course we
know he's a major Ashati scholar
the tough Circe I needed an Arabic Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
is not going to sudo a number
you all know this website you should get used to this website
it's a very good website. l If you want to if you
want to see it right away and and you don't really have the ability
go into a search like a search engine or something you go to
at tafsir we're gonna go to
Jean you go down to a Tafseer firstly you go to the methods you
just go to Omaha to see it I had a son now that will it will reduce
it and then you'll see where is it fucka does he madam at 10 zero
Baba we just read that
Jeff zero Quran for him now the Salam dedikate and zeal for an SFP
that's another amazing tafsir Baron mohill double height Abu
hyaena tehidy of tafsir Ibn Arafa are a bit of Quran for a nice
awori. Okay, I'll be
okay. A cog
Alright, how could there if we got to see what you must have skipped
to fucking because
you have to hit audits. Do you see out there? Yeah.
Alright, let's go. It's not for some reason wasn't there? Oh my
head to tafsir jam at band for somebody to catch chef. Of course
he is a mortality but his tafsir is used for language mainly. Okay,
and Mahalia wears a Razzie what's going on here?
Did you see it? Where did you see it
you found it
oh, that's why I don't know why they put it up. I just look at a
tafsir it could be
a number for the merger or new DIA and booty cat meme for now. Okay
woman Hola. That's a we're looking for so we're gonna go down
it's gonna be on probably on page two
you know you go into these stuffs here and you end up it says
something like liquid water the liquid Alec alright, we already
mentioned this and suited in this area or something so sometimes
they don't always mention it. All right. It's going to be on page
two of that
booty come up and Nadia doula Anna who caught the Cabal, a moon of
the moon tenta. She will Baraka two men who fee are the Shami
Kalia. Okay, well Colusa
seven and Boudica demand at about aka one narrow demand and no
are well mana to Baraka men fee and Nora where daddy go Allah
subhanahu wa man hola her yeah I need Mala eco Malawi Yun and Abner
bass and Radi Allahu Anhu. Uma. Were in Kaduna Nakata will be
unhappy Hill rewire Moldova Metallica with a new Herman
Pienaar who are new Rolla min Fernando nor Allah. Woman hello
and melodica Oh maroon and PATA there was a judge with an ephah
seeing you saying here men for not who is in the in the fire the
light of Allah and Allah to Allah Nadia who be Kellerman Samia
hoomins Mina Shudra filled book attend Mubaraka This is the
burning bush and many people may not know what the burning bush
story is, which is that, while Sedna Musa was returning to Egypt,
is traveling with his family, and it started to rain on them and got
dark suddenly.
And his torch went out. He then saw a fire. He said, All these
people have a fire. Let me go get it. Now it's raining. But that
fire stays there. So that's the first difference. He then gets
there. And he sees nobody's there. It's a bush on fire. But he's
gazing upon the fire and he sees the leaves are not burning. And
the fire is not going out from the rain. So he knows something is
just like when Santa God had came. No one knew him. But he had clean
jet black, wet hair, and perfectly white soap. So he didn't travel
So they knew something is different about the situation.
And there he hears the words in nanny and Hola. I'm your Lord.
Fuck Lana Lake. When Nicaragua democracy to welcome mafia Minica
Musa. Okay. What metal can be a Munich a moose and many other it's
in different parts of the Quran, this dialogue that happens
in school
religious education that was the name of the class. It was an
exercise. Methodist school. Yeah.
Keep going.
Draw God. DREW. God looks like and I took the homework home when I
spoke mom, my dad and my brother said they want me to draw God.
What do we do? Yeah. And that's the homework and my brother and I
we agreed what we did was we got the Bible. There was a picture of
the burning bush. Yeah. In the Bible. So we just I just drew the
fire the burning bush. Yeah. And the teacher is Christian. And he
and I submitted it. No problem with it. He understood what the
message was trying to say.
People were drawing funny cartoon pictures that are unreal, horrible
things. That's it. That was the exercise. It's not a dean. It is
not a dean Subhanallah it's not a dean.
Remember Attica obaidul and brainy were hella GEMA Albania Malhotra
De Lima mon job. Let's read more look into one new DIA and Booty
Camp for nerdy woman Hola. was super Han Allah Hello Bill Alameen
Okay, for V path here we go. This fucker raazi with V A path. And
there are branches on this discussion. There are discussions.
A fee of hath good and that's what oh, we thought oh well. N N he'll
MUFA Surah Leanna need that fee Mandel Cole. Well, mana de la la
who Boudicca? Okay, n Boudicca meaning it is Mufasa meaning
explaining what happened that this is blessed by the Senate tele
foofy men finna ology they differ upon what it means what is the
meaning of in the fire? Because the IRS says I'm sorry, I didn't
explain all this to the assuming people are aware but I shouldn't
make any assumptions because many people don't aren't aware of
what's being said here. The ISs and Boudicca men finna get bless
it is he who is in the fire, good
woman, Hola, and those around him. Okay. So he says here, what is the
meaning of men for not, and that was what the Christian did to dunk
on the TSP him which non Qlm based brother, I'm not blaming the
brothers, some people just didn't, didn't learn that's all. Nothing
wrong with not learning the wrong is the result that happens, which
is displays like that, which get out to people and say, okay, the
Muslims have no basis because their god is also equally
in the earth. So ours is in the earth to in the form of Jesus,
what's the problem? Right, you see, that's the logic if you if
your God can come down to the heavens, why can you come into
Jesus? So your God is also in the heavens and above the throne? Our
God has also in the form of Jesus and in the form of God, what's the
difference? Your God is
In the lowest heavens of the Earth, Your God is above the
throne here God is in the bush. Right?
that's what they're saying. So that's a fitna when when people
spread out a false theology of Islam people are going to have a
misunderstanding of what Islam is. So he then says
Men often not what nor Allah
Yeah, be man it's about aka demanda and nor. So the first
thing is the light meet here being the fire here being the light.
When Amanda Tabata command for newer, bless it, who was in the
light with that eco ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and that is Allah woman,
hola. And who was around it, him or her? It? The light which is the
angels? Well Maria and Adib nobis Andrade Allah Juana is a narrative
from now best when Ken and I were in Kona Nocta will be under heavy
heavy wire Moldova, Metallica with any help Memphis Enoch
okay and there is in
the narration meant for not what nor Allah again he's repeating the
same thing woman Hala al melodica whoa Maroua Yun uncluttered and
this is also narrated from Qatada was the judge with Elissa third
option and Allah Allah Now that will be good. I mean, send me I
hope Mina Shudra he called
upon Musa alayhis salam with speech which he heard from the
tree, so the tree is the location of where he received the two
jelly, good men Fallbrook, Alma Baraka
in that blessed location.
For Kennett, a shadow Mullen, Lil Killam. The tree is merely the
location Wallah who who will McCallum law who and Allah
speaking to him, the unfair Allah houfy doing a Shudra okay, that
that Allah did this Kadem or brought him this Kalam at this at
the tree? Thumb not the tree that Allah is the speaker not the tree
clearly, Thelma in a Shudra can at Finn now the tree is in the fire
woman how the whole melodica and angels around it Buddha men for
not woman Hola. So what is blessed is the location of the two jelly
that's the one thing and angels are around the location of the
jellies that tree
good. So if think about this, if Allah has called lands whole lands
to be blessed, like crickets, so likewise the location of a jelly
of Allah is going to be blessed Mount Sinai remains to be blessed.
Blessed locations blessings cities. And here we have a blessed
bush. Family. Woman Hala booty command for nursery woman Hola.
Hola, Cole, Jabba de Warabi men fanatic. Well, hola Musa alayhis
salam, they could be human. So bless it is Musa ismat Musa Min
fanatee meaning who is in the area of the fire which is Musa de Sena
and it could be him in min hola en el melodica and those around him
which are the angels will have the Accra Okay, Li en el Karim Mina
che could you call in the houfy in the Arabic language someone close
to something is said is in it. Alright, here we go. Welcome. So a
fifth thing Colusa hibel Kiss chef. Okay, we just mentioned as a
machete, booty can opener. Amen fie. McCann and nod woman hola
McKenna. He had booked a Leti hustle at FIFA where he had Bhopal
mobile Raquel mathcore of your code Elijah Allah Minh shelter in
Wordle. Amen. If Ibaka Timo Baraka, meaning, the blessing as
everyone who's in this land,
okay, the land of the fire of this blessed fire, and he says, he
mentioned from spirits or causes, the blessed location, which is
that area of the earth. Good way a doula here pura to Abby. Obey to
Barak to Baraka tell Alderwoman hola her were and who are you
done? Boo Rick get an oil bath the 30th All right, and that's the end
of the Tafseer lots of
booty get men phenom
was in the location of this fire. Now, we must uphold that some
Okay, we must uphold that as an watershed that the literal meaning
that God has in the fire is watershed. Okay. If it's watershed
then it can either you don't interpret it at all. Are you Oh,
you interpret it in light of the Wacom yet and Allah tells us very
clearly there are no tricks with Allah. He tells us right away and
students at Enron there is a market
But welcome watershed yet, right there are mahkum is and then
watersheds Why are there needed, or the militia as needed many
wisdoms for the existence of watershed yet number for number
the itself tells us
that it is two separate Manfield cul de sac,
who has deviation in his heart from a Rasika inophyllum. Those
who are firmly established in knowledge and this notice, he does
not he says one group there, there's disturbance in their
hearts, the other group are firmly established in knowledge. This
tells us that firmly establishing your knowledge will quell the
doubts of your heart. Okay, and will remove the fitna from your
heart. Okay, notice he says the first group have disruption in
their heart, the second group have, he doesn't say they're calm
hearted. No, he describes what leads to the opposite of this is
firm establishment and knowledge. So firm establishment and
knowledge will lead to the heart that does not have Zaven that is
most stalking. So this is the great value of learning, like
knowledge will lead you to a firmly established heart that is
settled, like cement. Okay, it's not movable, we're not going to be
moved but by any of these philosophical arguments, tricks
and misunderstandings, even we call them genuine
misunderstandings. Okay. Secondly, so it separates scholars for us.
So that's why when I was studying with one of my medical scholars,
very early on, he said look, when you come upon a Dalia or a
scholar, and you want to know their message, he says,
immediately go to see what they say about the SIFAT. Allah has
made it simple for us that like litmus test, I can't judge a
person on every single message, right? But just one must Allah
will tell me everything about them what they say about this, if at
90% of time, it's going to tell you enough about them. Right? How
they do Tafseer to this event, okay. That's the first thing he
also told me in when it comes to medic, he scholars because the
Maliki unfortunately we have like a type of, you know, when meant
when you have a mint plant
and then a weed
mingles with the mint. The Mint comes out tasting bad and smelling
bad. Alright, so Morocco. They're not going to we have the thematic
e tree. But we do have now
like Wahhabi almost set a fee mixed with the mint. And I
apologize for if I don't mean to say that they're weeds, right?
That anyone has a weed but it's it's the mint is no longer than
that. And there's a lot of mixture between Salafi and Maliki now,
they have even altered the Mattoon like ignatia
right they say for example, filthy medic and Fiachra shadow filthy
American with the three pencil Juanita Seddiqi they all did that
in the safe EOC dramatic and were filthy malakian Will feet or you
could email me medically
they've even altered that. They did there is a shot on Khalil
relying upon Ben bez and what they mean
is Kellyanne has a line that will call of embeds Ricardo with me. So
it's the mint plant this beautiful wonderful mint okay that we drink
this Moroccan mint tea with has now been infected almost right? So
he says that when you study a medic he scholar and you want to
know if he's on that? Or is he upon the pure chain? You go to his
saying on said that.
On praying with the arms don't.
Right, because that's the most it's that's not even an issue in
any method, by the way. But it is an issue in popular Islamic life
for the simple reason that you see, it's the most visible thing
how you pray, right? No madhhab will will invalidate your salon or
even say that you left us pseudonym, aka, if you pray with
the arms down. Maximum maximum is a full data in all four schools.
Light sunnah for the Elam and Duba it's not a tsunami occur in any
method, whether you do clubs, where
it's from, it's in the level down, but because it's so obvious to
people, and it's something that people see, and the common man
thinks it's a big deal. Right? So it becomes elevated. It's one of
those muscles that's elevated. Superficially, the reality of it
is like down here as an issue of it. But in a social issue, it's
way up here. So it's like one of those mistakes that if you want to
know which way that medical scholars going you go look at the
mess at offset. And if you want to know which way they're gonna
appeal to you go to them. So that mess of a C fat. So let me repeat
and reread what
alphacard As he said, just so that we can be clear because I
I have a habit now. I never read something once anymore. I always
read it twice and sometimes more than that.
Okay, so let's read it again. And if people who who get bored they
don't learn
because discovery Oh, a new discovery that's the first cut of
knowledge and peep some people get addicted to that and they just
want the next fix of something totally new. But when you just do
and totally new totally new totally new you actually never
cement what you read before. Alright.
So he says here let's go back to it and he gave five we let
of Buddhic mm for not
alright see sets here
Sofia bethard O L and L Bethenny that's where it is. Della fu thi
min Finnur the Morpha serene deferred and the automat different
what on the meaning of who is in the fire? Okay, one and Boudicca
be mana Tabata, UK. One na be mana and Nora the light of ALLAH is
blessed. Okay? The light of Allah What Am I nuts about aka min Finn
nor the light that the meaning is blessed it is he who is in the
light. Okay, so why is this not exactly satisfying? Because men
always points to something living rational and living. So to say
men funner men fun No, it doesn't yet tell us. Right who okay?
Because we have to really be honest about what we're thinking
even though he's RMM but that doesn't mean we can't be honest
and say that doesn't really fill the gap that we're that we're
looking for here. Okay.
Okay. B minor inaudible monitor. When monitor Baraka Memphis you're
okay with that? Iike who Allah he says men for Nora and Nora who
Allah okay
with that eco Allah subhanahu woman hola who eonni l mela Erica
and always it's going to be most of the time. Bless it is he was in
the fire and those around him meaning the angels okay. And this
is narrated from MIB nobis.
Okay, next number two
men phenom. Nullah the light of Allah what is in the fire?
Okay, and let's add dimensions that ends the judgments and number
three, what an Allah to Allah Now don't be Kelemen Semia who Mina
Shedra Philbrook Alamo baraka for Kenneth a Shudra to Mahalalel
Kalam, Allah called book called him spoke to him at the in, in the
blessed area, which is the location of that tree. Wallah hoo
hoo and McCallum Allah Who and Allah is the one speaking to him.
Okay, and did this and he is the one who spoke not the tree, then
the tree canopy fee and not that tree is in the fire. And around it
is the Malaika Buddha for Nadiem and Hola. Whoa Cole algebra.
That's number three. Number four men Finnerty who have Musa alayhis
salam Jacobi him in her. Now we're talking because men phenom must be
a rational being. Okay, so you will either go by will Memphis and
not a mentored
Tangela Ilana bless it is the one who did who was manifesting who
created a manifestation through the fire this is what makes the
most sense, right? Bless it be the one who is making to Jelly through
the fire. Okay, and it is Allah subhanaw taala because this is his
introduction to Musa de Sena. So this is what really settles and
fills the gap because he's telling him that the one who is speaking
to you making this to jelly is blessed. Okay, Buddha came up and
not it would not really make sense to be a praise of Musa right away
like this because then he has not yet
introduced himself. Right. And he has not yet spoken to musante sir
All right.
Buddha Kim a phenom woman Hola. He says here. It could be Musa de
Sudan because that someone who is near to something is also said to
be in it. Now they say to us, oh, don't bring up matters of Kadem
Hold on a second. Once you get dunked on in this manner, layups
aren't even that we have to talk to them. Right.
And then the last one
All right, we've got a administrate but do you call in no
houfy We're fine missa cola Saharsa had been kiss chef booty
command for not a min fee McCann and Nora woman Hala McKenna her
here heal Booker. Okay, it's the the whole area okay bless it is
everyone living in the area that also doesn't seem to fit only
really the for the the one that fits and suits the meaning and
really matches with all the other Estrellita we that is the concept
and idea that blessed it is Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who
has made it to Jelly through the fire. Okay, that is the yes
five and he doesn't mention that specifically. Like what I just
told you. Bless it is the one who has made it to Jelly through the
fire. That's the meaning of it. Okay.
This is I'm sure we'll find it in some of other tifosi it
to jelly is a manifestation. Yeah, and manifestations are created.
They're created things. Okay, so let's go to Who are we going to go
Yeah, we have affairs. Yeah, but I want to go to quarters to be on
this idea.
Okay, because he is also an Ashanti scholar. And he will have
commentary on this
Yeah, you can change the font by the way. There's a there's an add
on. Yeah, yeah. The Add on it's called Wild will do.
Okay, listen, if God up Musa clearly in the astronaut Musa says
his family, I've seen a fire. And by the way, he's the only one who
saw the fire. No one else could see this fire. It's also a sign of
tragedy. Like if you're sleeping and you see a dream, the person
watching you can't see what you're seeing is
no different from its agenda. When when he is having Macassar fire
right in front of him. He's the only one you could see you can't
see unless you're seeing it.
There are cases where the people around him can see it. But in
general, that's the this is what they usually say. Because you're
not seeing something actually physical may appear to us
physical, but it's a manifestation if God and Mussolini early in the
Ernesto Nowra. In the case of Musa though it was a modular, it is a
physical fire that he saw in the Ernesta Nowra I see a fire, I will
come to you with news. Or I'll come to you with a torch so that
we can see for them Majah when he came to New Deal, and Buddha came
up for Nora, woman Hala they haven't spoken yet. So to say that
this is an announcement of the blessing of the people or of Musa
doesn't fit the first thing that Allah is saying here is that he is
blessed this what you're seeing is not a shaytaan is not a gin is not
something bad. It is something blessed booty can infinite woman
Hola. Good. Was Subhan Allah had a bit Alameen yeah Musa in no and
So by saying that this is blessed.
That means what you're seeing is something good, not something
evil. Because remember when the prophets I said him received the
first why he came down thinking perhaps is something bad. So
before even saying in no and Allah, He tells him he gives him a
like a preface. What is about to happen is good. Then he introduced
himself in no and Allah. Okay, so he closed his fear first by saying
booty QMF and not woman Hello. But uh Majah Nordea and Buddha came up
Nordea. Meaning that
it was a sound that he heard. It could be from Allah Himself. It
could be from a Mullah milak angel saying bless it is what you're
about to experience. Buddha coma for Nadelmann Hola. Then he says
yeah Musa endo and Allah. Then he says oh Moses, I am Allah He
introduces with his name. Okay
Okay, let's see
occurs to be says
Fela Mara Musa Gnar waka Caribbean Mina when Musa saw the fire he
stood next to it. Pharaoh had Sakura Zhu Min Farah Isha Geraci
and hombre
He saw it coming off the branches of a green tree shed deeds at the
Hydra. Extremely green. You call hola hola hola hola hola yoke
okay? The name of the tree let his dad who NRI Illa Allah man
what Tada Roma will let his dad who Shahdara Allah hydroton Wasana
he says the fire kept increasing it didn't stay still the fire was
growing however the tree was increasing in beauty firstly you
never see a tree increasing and greedy when you water it right?
But he's seeing the tree increase in beauty while it's on fire so he
knows something is not correct here is not normal. It's not not
correct but not normal to what we call a lie that
Fatah Jabba minha he was shocked surprised by this. What a Hua Ilya
and he wanted to go closer to it. Good to see it.
Okay, will he be live in FIA D with a branch in his hand to the
activism in her he get closer to it to get light from it with a
stick that was in his hand for Merlot la he for Kapha all of a
sudden the fire leaned towards it so we got afraid of it for taka
Rana. So he stepped back from malum TESL time who way up
to mA who way up mafia and it attracted him and he was attracted
to it. Illa and what the hombre and more Layyah did he meant Amara
until he realized it's intimate. This fire.
It's been commanded to do something, right. It's been
commanded. It's not a normal fire
Illa and Nordea until he was received an announcement bless it
men fun not who was in the fire and who was around it what could
mother her than mana feet Baja told you? Right when the amorphous
city and say and we've talked about this somewhere else and
thought sort of thought, but let's see what he says here. And Tao
hula who come akala when they know whom in journey with boodle Amon
and Zurich Miriam. Okay. And he discusses what does it mean that
Allah calls upon someone okay. It is the creation of that voice of
that sound. Okay.
God is the judge and female their inner spin ABN no Kalia Zhu Zhu
and takuna female then
female De Graaff and Giada Ismaila mu some fellow were hakea Wahaca
Abu Hachiman and a few karate obey webdam outbursts from which I had
M booty cat and woman Hola. So in another you have this in the
foolish the era of obey and Ibn Abbas it is not even booty coma
for not as booty cut and not woman Hala this must be from the rewire
the rewired that or shuts okay because the is not fitting the
Mustafa varthaman script of Hoffman Baden has walked me
through her ValueJet Bayes net and so here
there is no sound does not have that narration will also Harlequin
Allah, Allah tafsir for the Kunal al baraka to Raja Illa. Nor the
tufts even if it was sounds, it would mean that the blessing goes
back to the fire, woman Hala and the angels and Moses who are
around it.
Well how kissa II and a lot of Baraka Allah, who about aka fika
are thought to be about aka lo about aka fika because that he
says it's permitted in Arabic to say, Allah bless you and put
blessing in you. A lot of the cool okay, he's speaking about the
tongue of the Arabs in the Arabic language. Arab say Barack, Barack
Allah, Allah has increased you are blessed you and Allah has put
blessing in you and Allah is was buzzing on you and Allah has given
blessings for you. All of them are possible to say, but he said
Buddha can Memphian not bless it is who who was in the firewall
Ambia called booty can men. Buddha Buddha fie men finna Okay, and he
says, Bless it who he is in the fire, and he didn't say bless it.
Blessing is upon he was in the fire. Get. So it's on the language
of Baraka Allah, may Allah increase you
ukara Baraka who Allah Allah has increased him or blessed him,
because blessing means increase. We're about Ocala houbara kata you
have Erica fie BMR Anna, a Boudicca Allah ma Infinity War
Musa. So here we go, buddy what is the what he said it's Moses bless
it who was in the fire is Musa why because he's very close to it.
Oh Allah min Thea Corbin not meaning who you who is close to
the fire law and know who can if he wasn't the not that he was in
the middle of it, but he was close to it. So he says Kana Finnerty
Mullah Aika who is making this fire angels who says this a SUTI
so bless it as who was in the fire is angels
for Tibet fabriek who are Illa Musa Wala? So the blessing here it
goes to Moses or to the angels a booty kavika Yeah Musa you are
blessed Oh Moses. So it isn't preface to this conversation he's
about to receive two jelly from Allah that is extremely heavy. So
he's receives a preface he hears a call. All of this is blessed you
and everything that is about to happen to is blessed boudic and
and Boudicca muffin not
okay, yeah Musa Wolfie Allah, Allah Dino hum hola we're heard
that to hear tune mineral to hear to min Allah He Tala li Musa.
what's occurring with Zachary Matala. So it is a greeting and an
honor for Musa Kemah
Hey, Ibrahim Allah al Cinetic Mala Kahina Dhaka Diwali. So that's
just like the angel said the Mercy Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh ACHEMA
Halal baits when the angels entered upon Moses, they said the
Mercy of Allah and His blessings are upon you, people of this
household, a third sank from hip nobis and from Hassenfeld busty
and from Syedna Jubail could DISA min Finnur Wahoo Allah subhanaw
taala bless it he who is in the fire and that is Allah subhanaw
taala Anna be NAFSA who taka dosa taka dos what's Allah? Okay. He
means by this himself Okay. Fall of nobis when Mohammed Gibney cab
and narrow Nullah okay, if not best says about this. So you have
to continue he says.
It is Allah is referring to himself.
And it means the light of Allah.
Okay, that this fire is means here. It is the light of Allah Hua
Finn noodle la columna bass when Muhammad minicab and narrow nor
Allah the fire here means the light of Allah, Nas Allahu Musa wa
Hua Finn, Nori, what will further that we'll have all this the
interpretation of all this and the Musa alayhis salam Bara, our
neuron, all demon for Vanessa who not on he saw a great light and he
perceived it as a fire. We're heavily an Allah to Allah Valhalla
Musa bat he will kill me Mina nor Allah to Allah manifested here the
to Musa they Salam with his signs and with his speech from the fire
law and know who he had to hire zoo Fiji. hetson not that he is in
that location, who loss of all we just said from A to B. Okay, let's
read it again.
We'll have early on and Allah to Allah Vahana the Musa bat will
Khademi Mina Nora, he appeared he brought forth his speech and his
signs in the location of the fire, not that he was in the location.
Right and Allah says will who will lead the fee sama Isla, whom will
order the ILA le Likewise, Allah says He is a God on the earth and
the God in the heavens law and now he had to hire Sufi Hema not that
he is in both directions, right and locations. Well, can you have
a huddle fee Khalifa Island phiarlan B, he will do the rather
that he his creation and his attributes are manifest in the
heavens and manifests on the earth. So you know that he exists
when you look upon them in the heavens and in the earth.
It also means another meaning of that is he's to be obeyed and as
he's are to be obeyed and never needs to be obeyed on Earth means
he has a right to give law on the earth. It's another meaning of it.
These brothers from high from Hyde Park or Speaker's Corner are set
if you doubt YouTube, read Kotahi right? Don't even give us credit.
Just read it and interpret and answer people like this. Right? I
don't care if they say no, we're still Salafi, but we're using
Kalam doesn't matter the moon is what matters. So you don't get
incidents like that happen again.
With either either her a Boudicca min infinity, bless it in the
earth, sort of been who will Qudra to who it is His power and His
authority. look to you like a Boudicca meph in 30 Min Emery
later and it has been said, bless it.
Who is in the fire meaning the Command of Allah Tala
Allah the jar Allahu Allah, which He made a sign, go to y min Mejia
du loup Allah Sahitya co live nobis, Malka Raja who Muslim
what shows that if not best is corrected
This is what Muslim narrates and it's an imaginary it's one Lovullo
and he's going to cite the the wording of it imagine an epi Musa
from Abu Musa lashari. Ironically,
Kala Rasulullah sallallahu it was said because you know it hasn't
actually is from that same truck, not a direct lineage but from the
same truck. In Allah Allah a&m, Hadith,
Muslim and even imagine wording or the transmitted by Edwin was
Allah does not sleep what I am very low on e&m and is not
appropriate for him to sleep, yet filled with a pistol at a foul who
he lowers affairs and he raises affairs meaning some people have
their affairs lowered and others affairs raised.
Hijab who ignore his veil is the light so he's saying here the
light is his Ville
lo Kashia for her if he revealed it, the rocket Cebu had to wear G
Coolessay in America who bizarro okay, if this veil was lifted, the
veil of light was lifted. The transcendence of His countenance
would burn everything.
Okay, then EVO obey the recited and Buddha command for nerdy woman
hola her was Subhan Allah Hera Bill Alameen. A gradual by Hockley
island will love the will of the Muslim and Abu Musa. The wording
of Muslim from off on the authority of Abu Musa comma phenol
Rasulullah sallallahu it was suddenly become secret imagine the
Prophet stood up and gave us five words in the Lazo is Elena. Allah
does not sleep Lambo and e&m and it's not appropriate for him to
sleep yet Federalists.
Okay, he lowers the skills wildfowl. Okay. He lowers his
skills and raises the mean people have affairs go up and down of
nations and of individuals. You have to fall ELA he Emmylou
laelia, club Loma Linda, he receives the action of the night
before the action of the day. Well, I'm gonna nautical I'm gonna
lay meaning before you even do the action of the night. Allah has
received already your receipts for the day. And before the day comes
you received the receipts of the night.
Unlike us, for example, where I may buy something from you and pay
you way later. No for Allah's immediate, there's no time. Well,
I'm gonna knock Kablammo like hey Jabu, and we're with Ed way at the
Abbey buck. And
so the story was, his hijab is light and his job is fire. And the
rest of the hadith is the same Luca will refer to her to he meant
to have a lady boss a woman
called obey that you call a superhet into her jewelry, what
she the majesty
of His countenance woman have been Subhanallah and from that we say,
Transcendent is Allah in the MaHA ottavino, Allah tansy it is
aggrandizing our Lord and making him transcendent from all that
does not be fit him loca for her if he revealed it Yanni lower
alpha l hijab if he lifted the veil
with me with a bit him little Yachi and he does not establish
them and give them the strength for the vision the divine vision
ladipo They will all be burned. You wouldn't be able to handle it.
Well my stutter hola you can handle it. Call me Jurij and
narrow hijab one min min Alhaji the fire is also one of the bare
veils. Well here sebatu hijab is and there are seven hijabs. Hijab
is a barrier like you not to give an example for Allah subhanaw
taala but when there's a light bulb you need a barrier in front
of it. And in a hadith and then the if there are seven what are
they Eliza and milk a suit on and north and north of Imam Al map
were Bill happy he fell back loop al Maha job wallow lay algebra who
say it is we who are veiled
but an Allah nothing Conville Allah for Canada a nod Noura. So
the fire at the burning bush is a light weight nama Lakota who
beloved dinner but it is mentioned with the wording of a nod because
Musa thought it was a fire
so the address is based on what Musa saw not what it was good
what while Autobots allow huduma ngModel occur and for Arabs they
could in Arabic language you can refer to something as what it is
or how it's perceived. Good luck Allah say them Jubeir say even
Jubeir said candidates and nor behind her okay for s ma who to
Allah Kalama who Mina hiya Tia. So even Jubeir saying exactly what
the Ashara say later on. Okay, he says here he made him hear his
speech from that direction. It is not
that the fire spoke or there was someone inside the fire that spoke
he made him hear from that dragon is the same what we say about the
marriage, that the to Jelly of Allah came to him at that
location. Not that,
that Allah sada is, is essence is in a location
where other Hara Lahu Ruby yet to whom in Jihad Tia and Allah
manifested for him, his lordship from that direction will will
come. But do we know McDougal and fedora?
All right. It's written in the Torah God came from Sinai,
manifested at Sahid. And sexually beautiful St. God came to Sinai
manifested at Sahid and rose above all, at pharaon. Which means the
original Revelation the first revelation is the torah at Sinai.
Okay, the great manifestation, meaning of Allah's mercy, and of
the miracles of Jesus came to say it were saying the Musa received
His revelation, and then it Starla rose above all else, to the Quran.
about Hara, which they call foreign and what is Allah so go
about to say about the Quran? Elmo, Haman, Allah refers to the
Quran has more Haman, right? And that is that which is above all
else got dominant overalls, and it's the same word here as stalla
mean Gbit Fiberon. For MyJio hoomins sina. What does it mean
that God came to Sinai means he sent Musa from there and
manifested, it should offer him incentives, meaning that he
manifested His attributes
to say nice and muddy Him and His power, and reminded everyone of
His power is Shroff. And Israel Israa means like, someone's like
when a King comes out at a balcony. That's it shut off.
And then
it was that was
the superiority.
attained superiority not attained but manifested superiority from
felt on which is the death of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and foreign is a word from Mecca.
And he's gonna he says here, it's going to come into the circuses.
The smithy SubhanaHu Calama. Home in a szegedi that Allah made him
here his speech from the direction of the tree with more he's going
to go into it more because that's a whole nother discussion. What
did Musa hear the prophesy seven said Musa was made to hear when
Allah manifested his speech to Musa Musa heard it in the form of
a chain over a rock. That means that sound was created. The speech
of Allah is not created, but the sound that you hear is created.
Go Luzzatto Subhanallah blood Amin and Allah to Allah immediately
after an area that may have attached be hidden.
He makes tansy by saying Subhan Allah Allah behind me bless it be
Allah Transcendent is Allah Lord of the world's 10 Zi Han Nila okay
removing from Allah anything that does not fit him and what does not
fit him any characteristic of the Creation qualities of creation
meaning qualities that are explicit to created beings which
is the coming into being having a location having a material form,
it does not mean okay i love and Allah loves yes but your love is
with dependency with feelings with chemicals through means okay for
reasons so, your love is not the same as a love love. But when we
say tunzi We mean that but we also mean in even more
Bay basic Matter is anything that has the attribute of created think
materiality, physicality, location needs and so on.
What took at the moment for your ad moda and he says your end he I
mentioned this in many other locations. All right, well, Subhan
Allah has villa in the Musa alayhis salam Carla who Hina ferry
Robinson are in need is Tiana 10 biLlahi to Allah tansy. handla Who
will kill her woman mencoder Allah hits Allah Amana who Boudicca FIM
and Saba Saba hello to Allah Allah Allah me Alameen Heiko Ganesha
ironically ignition
qoutes Alia Musa in no and Allah okay into lumber okay we spent the
podcast basically
discussing this matter but it's worth it and I have no problem
with that because this is this is worth it to discuss and if you
don't have sub it on reading learn sub on reading learn sub it on
reading and learn subbed on repetition because that's how
you're not gonna you're gonna learn. Now I won't have something
else to say
I have something else to say
This is I guess, sort of
it's not just
Muslim news but it's sort of local Muslim news and local Muslim
chatter and local Muslim gossip. But I'm bad at Clear the gossip
then your hockey could you post?
Almost Sulayman A E speakers? Okay.
10 To $20,000 to hear that Islam means being kind to people
speaking fee for almost all day, man 10 to $20,000 if it's virtual
five to $10,000 Okay, who was the company A E speakers?
1-800-698-2536? Why am I going to talk about this? Because a lot of
people don't know this.
These companies are
self appointed agents. And the reason I find this interesting and
worthy to speak about is because we've me and another group of
people fell into this not really a trap, really, but fell into this a
couple months ago, when they said, hey, you know, I'm gonna send a
man, can you text him? We need him to speak. I said, Fine.
Send the message.
I didn't hear back I think he was away or something.
Or his main agent was his manager was away his managers a brother in
the masjid. Okay.
Someone then, okay, someone then
that the school that the organization that was trying to
organize it, don't worry, we're in touch with his agent. I said,
Okay. So I didn't do anything.
Some while later I'm talking with him.
And he said, Yeah, it's all set. He said, what's all set? We didn't
hear anything from your agent from from your guys. I said, are we
talking about are the organization is in touch with your agent. He
said, Were you talking about no one talked to us.
I said, Look at the screenshots, send me the screenshots. He said,
I don't know who that is, that has nothing to do with me. So this
company, and many like it, they go around,
they get famous people.
And their job, they just, they sell those people without those
people's permission. But they'll do the work for you. And they will
go out and get in touch with almost cinnamon, right? Or whoever
it is, you'll see everyone on these lists, you'll see anybody
it's like, it's just anyone famous these people. That's what they do.
But because they did that for you, they'll charge you, they'll pay
the speaker.
But they'll also take their own cut.
And so what they ended up doing,
what they ended up doing is essentially, sort of being an
agent without your permission. That's what this is. So I have
direct experience with this AAE company, because the organization
that I was helping ended up communicating with this company.
And by the way, I think there are more that represent Him, or fake
fakely represent Him.
And it's all something that he never permitted this. And let me
give you an
update. Another Another thing about insider how this world
Sometimes fundraisers professional fundraisers do charge five and 10
and 20 and 5025 and $30,000. But they are telling you, we will get
you $500,000. Right? If we get you $500,000 If I got you 500 dogs,
then I'm what am I worth to you like at least 10% of that, right?
And at least right, maybe 10% worth it right? If you set up a
program and the whole event costs me 10 grand.
Right? And you're telling me you can come and get me 600k or 500k.
That's it, I'm earning from that, right, I'm benefiting from that.
So sometimes they do that. And sometimes say listen, whatever you
get, if you get 10k, I'm only gonna take three, if you get 50k.
I'm gonna take this if you get 70. So he is no different than a guy
that you say go sell my goods, whatever you sell, you get 5% of
it, you get 10% of it. That's how they operate for fundraisers. You
don't get that for a regular speech. The for fundraisers,
there's a lot of money and now let me tell you this was a fundraiser.
And I know what the honorarium was, and it wasn't not even close.
It was not even close just to be fair to him. Right. And I
Do consider it.
You know, it's, it's false just it puts gives a bad name to somebody,
it wasn't even close. So much. So little it was if he had to pay
half of his expenses, basically go home with nothing. It was a
charitable thing, right. And he was in the area for other things.
And he just did this as a traveling, I know it because I was
involved in that organization. So that's just to give people an idea
of what goes on.
With speakers and with Dow. Alright, so that word doesn't get
out that, you know, someone's being,
you know, completely
selfish, or overcharging or something. Alright, so again, the
world of fundraising is very different.
And the world of giving a regular talk is very different. And I
happen to know specifically about almost a man that that event, he
basically took home some peanuts as an art, it was like a token.
Okay, there wasn't even a negotiation. I don't think.
So I know that and I know that and when you see him on commercials on
those things he just doesn't he didn't even charge so people don't
get an idea about these guys have an Iraq? It's not true at all.
None of it's not true at all. Maybe some people are, but I know
for sure that he isn't because he's informed me some of these
these commercials that he's on first comic relief, or Yemen or
just sit on this computer, record the thing for two minutes and send
it to them. He doesn't make a buck from it. Not $1 from it, according
to you know, one of my conversations with him. All right.
All right. What are Muslims? What else is in the news? We got a
couple of AIDS did you pull up anything? Did you find anything
good, anything juicy?
Let's say
a hackers computer here, a think pad with that little red mouse in
the middle. Despite the EU and Tunisia deal. Black refugees are
pushed out at gunpoint.
Tunisia, Tunisia is mass expulsion of black refugees and migrants to
its borders with Libya and Algeria is continuing despite the award of
more than 250 million euros in aid from the EU.
Are they expelling them because they're black? Are they expelling
them for another reason?
Is that a fair question? Right. They may be expelling them just
because they're black. They may be expelling them, and they happen to
be black. There's a difference right.
The EU EU has given 100 million euros for Tunisia to improve its
border security, while 150 million euros was earned earmarked for the
North African countries stuttering economy. But the benefits to the
EU. Beyond Tunisia ramping up its border security and surveillance
were not immediately clear, signing a Memorandum of
Understanding on Sunday European Commission president Ursula layan,
who was accompanied by Italian Prime Minister Giorgio Maloney and
Dutch bla bla bla, welcomed the agreement as an opportunity to
invest in shared prosperity. Okay, however, throughout the
negotiations, there have been mass expulsions deemed illegal in a
statement, no huddle. So if people don't understand where this comes
from, this is very important.
Individually, individuals should understand it when they
individuals become in charge of nations, they should understand
Monday or Humla. Right. I'm not saying you're going to take all if
I had our country, I'm not going to just open borders like a fool.
Right? Because you're going to destroy a country that way. But
there have to be in place some mercy rules that have to be in
place some charitable, if you give, you're gonna get back if you
think when you when America opened its door and give citizens to
people you found a lot of those people doing great things in their
country, right? That's just the nature of the world. Right? What
goes around in the good comes around in the good. So I'm not
against Border
Patrol. And yes, they may be expelling some people who are
black does not necessarily mean that they're expelling them
because they're black. Okay.
So the two things shouldn't be conflated yet at the same time. I
do believe that. There has to be mercy rules some of these people's
lives. There is nothing there. There's literally zero.
You and we don't know if they're keeping. They're doing some
charity. We don't know that. But maybe they could be but it's not
mentioned anything like that here so far. Hundreds continue to be
expelled from across Tunisia. After violence to cold in the port
city of Suffolk's, a destination point for many black Sub Saharan
Okay. fleeing war and poverty they literally like it's almost
I can understand you can't just have millions of people flowing
in. Yet at the same time there's got to be some mercy. The unrest
began after February speech warning, a demographic change and
denounce Sunnis as racists. It's not far fetched that Arabs are
racist. That's not far fetched. You can't say someone is or isn't.
You know from a news article, but it's not far fetched not saying
that Tunisians are somehow or and then what do we mean Tunisians?
It's like a handful of policymakers, and say, Tunisians,
a handful of policymakers.
The unrest began after February of a blob. It has dogged the dog the
lived lives of many that's how the verb is used dogs the lives of
many culminating in street battles between local residents.
And the police. And black Sub Saharan Africans after the death
of a local man, its focus. Since then, Tunisia security services
have been active in seizing black men, women and children who lacked
proper documents for migration. See, I do have a problem with this
this phrasing phrasing though.
Security sir, to have an active and seizing black men, okay, so if
Michael Jordan goes, he's gonna get seized. It's migrants. It's
illegals, it's people who says here lack proper documents from
migration hotspots and busing them to remote reaches of the border,
we can discuss the policy.
And I'm gonna be more on the side of you have to have borders in a
country but you also have to have some mercy, maybe 80 2080 We got
to have order. Okay. It's out of control. We got to stop this, but
we will have some mercy policies in the future. Okay. And to say
that Tunisian services are looking around for blacks, right?
It they're looking around for illegals, and they happen to be
black, right? Because I highly doubt if
I don't know name a soccer player, some famous person was to go to
Tunisia, he's going to be
tracked down. Right? Which is not to say that there isn't.
It could be a mixture, by the way. It's there illegals, and the
Tunisian forces can be racist, not far fetched. The idea that people
are racists right, and I don't like Does that make sense? It's
not objective to say Tunisians, those individuals. Okay. So that's
that is a new story here. And
it continues to show
how terrible the living conditions are. All right.
And that Libyan militias are out of there or they're attacking
these people for whatever supplies they have *.
People, militias coming from Libya.
And maybe Libyan too. I didn't know Libyans were capable of
having militias, right.
Maybe they're the jihad groups, the ISIS groups because I know
that they have a stronghold last I checked in Libya. Essentially,
America went in there and did what America does, or and also some
other countries, Arab countries, which I'm not going to mention so
they don't get arrested, went up and got involved and left it what
they left it a complete mess. Wild Wild West. Here's something news
out of Connecticut, Muslim legislator attacked outside of a
prayer. But why is it coming out now? Okay, this article came out.
I guess it's a while back so it's, we're late to it. Representative
Mariam Khan says she was choked, and slammed to the ground by a man
who made sexual advances towards her and her young children.
And she's complaining the police should have done more. A Muslim
legislator that I'm reading from NBC here, a Muslim law just so I'm
reading for NBC so we'll have a should have a slant towards the
hijab, a Muslim and against the police. That's my prediction.
I'm fine with the slant towards the hijab because we sympathize
with her to a Muslim legislator in Connecticut is calling for a hate
crime investigation after she was brutally attacked outside at odds
her prayer service last month. She said that she felt her body go
numb as attacker held her in a chokehold and that she feels law
enforcement minimum minimize the incident by the way, my wife
actually knows this person met this person.
Representative Medion Khan
became the first Muslim elected to Connecticut's House of
Representatives last year. She said she was taking photos outside
and annual Eid prayer service and Hartford when a man approached
her. The man whom police identified as Andre Desmond
allegedly made sexual advancements towards Khan and her two daughters
15 and 10. She said he then slapped
her, put her in a chokehold and slammed her against the ground.
Wow. I tried to deescalate I tried to distract but he kept persisting
there were no guys around. Gone said she yelled for help, but
police officers stationed at the event had already ended their
shifts. After she made several attempts to free herself Civilian
men intervened
and then she was able to get to safety Desmond's defense attorney
didn't respond. Now this is outside the XL center in Hartford,
wouldn't there be security cams all over the place? Makes sense,
right? There gotta be security cams. Desmond's defense attorney
didn't respond to a request for comment. At his arraignment last
month. She cited Desmond's history of mental health, weight
arraignment, that means he was arrested, so they must have a
basis what's the basis of the arrest? Okay.
And he was had spent six months at an inpatient psychiatric facility.
He was originally charged with third degree assault, unlawful
restraint, breach of peace and interfering with police. But after
a hearing this week, new charges were added and others were
upgraded to felonies. Now he faces three counts of risk of injury to
a child, second degree assault, third degree attempted sexual
assault and first degree strangulation, all felonies as
well as Mr. mean a misdemeanor count of interfering with an
Okay, what's notably missing concept is a hate crime
investigation. So again, did she happen to be his target? Who was a
Muslim? Or was he targeting her because she was a Muslim? Okay.
Well, there were many other Muslims around, right. So it was
eight. So
you didn't you do need to investigate to see has this person
had a bias towards Muslims? The fact that there was none of that
was very problematic.
I don't know. But just you could again be a case where she happened
to be a Muslim. He's going to attack somebody anyway. He's mid
June. All right. We'll see. Hartford Police Department. And by
the way, they what is the evidence by which they is it? They just did
they believe her and arrest him for that? I can't imagine that
that's lawful. Right. They must have seen security footage HPD and
Major Crimes are investigating and working with the officer. You have
some say?
I did med school in the Middle East, UAE. So when I said Majnoon,
my professor Prasad Hala amazing psychiatric consultant. Yeah, she
told me off. Why you're not supposed to say much. You know,
what reasons someone had mental health issues? She because it's
it's scientifically inaccurate. She wanted me to say delusional
false fixed beliefs. Okay, so that was just yeah, something teaching.
Yeah. So in med school as in as someone who's in the field, yeah.
You can't say my genome in but well, what about, Colloquially
speaking, someone acts, so someone who is completely sane does
something really, really wild? And somebody says my asthma Junoon?
Alright, it has a context. But you're a doctor.
Yeah, then you can send me you can send me a note you can send me to
noon in a professional setting. Strange hearing that from an
Egyptian? Yeah. Professor that, like you guys have PC too.
That's probably because she's been called the Junoon. So many times
as a youth, right? Every Egyptian is called Majnoon donkey. Every
all the whole shoe. We have a whole list and PTSD from that
stuff, right? I don't have PTSD, I embrace it and pass it on.
thicken your skin a little bit?
No, it's I guess it's not. It definitely is not accurate. But
Colloquially speaking, if you have a clear separation between
professional and colloquial speech, then that's different.
Right? And especially if someone does a violent crime, alright,
here's the thing, there is a limit on certain things because well
there I should say there there must be a fuzzy there is a fuzzy,
such a fuzzy
between in mental health because on the one hand, he did know how
to target a female how to pin a female down. So in that respect is
not mentioned but to do it.
Right. You must have some kind of something is wrong.
Job, yeah, different hospitals. If they commit a crime, the mental
health nurses and even a psychiatrist, they will get the
police involved in England. This is in England or happens in
America, but they will charge them and they will have to go to court.
Even if they have paranoid schizophrenia of the worst degree.
Yeah, you're still gonna get trialed? The institutions work
very closely with the police in England. Yeah. And it's not any
easier. I suppose there is that discrepant disease that maybe I
won't say sympathy that but but there is there is a
is a niche field, sentencing someone with a mental health
disorder? I think that is something. And I think that this
idea would take into account certain things, for example, if
that fuzzy border border between sane, and actually clinically
insane if someone is, or I don't even know the terms, to be honest
with you, but I mean, fully insane, the fully insane will not
know how to take an action upon somebody they right. So what they
do with them, as they put them, they still have to protect society
from them. So they, if they're nonviolent,
then they have these places where they can roam freely within a
guarded compound, if they are violent, but you can tell that
they're not right like this men.
Not right, I'm sure it's not the clinic clinical term either.
Right. But you know what I mean that, but he's within that realm
he's capable of knowing that that's a woman. That's how you put
someone in a chokehold, right.
But the behavior is so erratic, yet it's violent. So such a
person, maybe we can say in Sharia that
they would not be deemed treated like a criminal in the hood, dude
sense. But they would have to be protected from society, and the
victim would have to receive some compensation. So we would say from
that person's tribe, or their family or their insurance, you
need to compensate the victim. We're not going to head crime this
But we're going to protect them from society. And we're going to,
it's not going to be the free roaming asylums. Of course, that's
not a term either. But forgive me, I'm not from I have to get up to
date with the terms. But you know what I mean, it'll be more
restrained, because this person did have a violent inclination.
And that is what I think is fair, right. And I think this video
would uphold something similar to that.
Because there has to be there is a gradation, you cannot say that
there's either sane or insane, right, there has to be a gradation
there. Just because a crime is extremely gruesome and violent.
That's not what makes the person insane. It's the erratic behavior.
So I think when it comes to tribunals and courts, my
understanding was that a lot of it comes down to the diagnosis. But
the diagnosis can't be established until they've been inside the
inpatient psychiatric facility for a period of observation and
dissection. And that's by law legally kept, they're observed by
nurses and psychiatrists. And then the diagnosis is given if it's
personality, yeah, like, we've got something called
water in America, we call the borderline personality disorder in
England, we call that EU PD. Now these people are
not all of them. But in my experience, they self harm a lot.
They don't want actually killed themselves, but the police will
come in the middle of night, and they'll be on a train station just
sat there waiting for the train to come and someone will call the
cops and yeah, so. So these people actually have what's called a
personality disorder. So that is just that is differentiated from a
mood disorder, which is which is also differentiated from a
psychotic disorder. So psychotic disorder is your quote, unquote,
by doing seeing things crazy, that kind of thing. So in there's it's
quite complex, psychotic.
psychotic, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, mood disorders,
and personality disorders, which they're trying to say is a form of
normal Now, everyone's got something so there's something on
my phone about Cluster A, Cluster B, cluster C,
I'm sure they're gonna have one of these take this questionnaire to
see what kind of disorder you have. And at the bottom is going
to be an ad for a drug. Right.
But yeah, so it's interesting how they divided up cluster of
psychotic being also psychotic could be violent versus non
violent. So right. You might still have to protect society from them,
but they just might not be violent. And there's a city
where was it? I think it's in Austria. There was a city where a
family started this but it became that the city welcomes those who
are psychotic nonviolent patients, and the city takes care of them.
Alright, so let's see here and get and learn what they're saying your
cluster a. Alright, here we go. Let's let's start diagnosing us
ourselves. 10 A, Cluster A is odd and eccentric,
Cluster B dramatic and erratic, cluster C, anxious and fearful. So
cluster a odd and eccentric can be in three different ways. Paranoid,
socially detached, schizoid,
restricted emotional expressions schizotypal uncomfortable in
society, and has behavioral eccentricities.
Cluster B dramatic and erratic antisocial does not read disregard
for violating other people's rights. Borderline.
That's it I thought borderline was was was slang. Now it's a
technical term, unstable relationships self image is
unstable. And they're impulsive, histrionic, excessive emotionality
and attention seeking. But are they disorders or is there Tobia
Like, I would venture to say that a lot of it has to be related,
right? Like, for example, unstable relationships is disorder.
Or is it a social you weren't taught? Right? That's sometimes we
got to think about that.
And they have to they can't just tell us no, no, no, it's just
biological. No one's created biologically you can't have a
relationship. It's an absurdity. It cannot be proven, right. There
must be something that there must be an element of Tobia involved
and something in an in an a description like that.
impulsivity. You mean you can't teach people to think before you
talk? Think before you spend money.
attention seeking no one's Are you telling me they're born with
attention seeking disorder? Or is this Toby see? Can you answer
this? What by the way? What field are you in? So family medicine,
family medicine, so So you know somebody that know everything you
notice everything jack of all trades. So you're a dahlia
basically, you know, the drugs, they need to know a little bit of
every science.
A strong day, he gets to the intermediate of every science of
very strong day like heavy bomber, he can take you to the edge, the
end of every science.
Now, am I right in saying that attention seeking histrionic
Cluster B,
there must be an element of Tobia in this right to be a meaning,
upbringing, socially. Being taught being educated being raised, the
research is showing that the some of the research is showing that
your aces they're called adverse childhood experience, AC e affects
your mental health later in life and personality traits,
particularly specially influenced childhood. So it was interesting,
because I read about like social media phones and all this stuff,
affects our kids over that a little bit. Some of not that some
of the research is very early on. But they're saying this stuff is
actually caused that proves my point and personality disorders
later in life that you'd like one of my friends is a psychiatrist.
And he says, in 1020 years time, you're going to see children, peep
adults who don't know how to interact with another human being,
you know, avoiding eye contact, not looking at them looking down
these kinds of things. Because their whole upbringing, they were
just like, No, hello. Yeah. And they weren't talking to each
other, like just going on the park to play with your friends. Having
a fight like just over a ball and doing going angry. That's normal
human, but you know that we're not getting any of that anymore. You
prove my point, though, because you said that things that happened
to in childhood. Yeah, external factors caused this. That means
external factors can fix it.
That proves the impact of external factors upon the personality. So
if I then have 10, very bad things that happened, but 1000 very
educational and good things that happened, there should bounce out,
right? And so you agree, philosophically, if you're saying
that the cause is external, that means the cure can also be
external select or non clinical therapy is on different field like
in the West Freudian theory versus accepted. That's the norm. And
you've got in Cambridge, Dr. Abdullah Rothman is starting his
own Islamic psychotherapy. And they're doing it in Kullu. Center
in Chicago. So that that's a new field that's emerging Islamic
psychotherapy. But in terms of psychotherapy itself,
it's not
there, there are like schools of it. So there's see there's
different things they do to train you to get out of certain
situations, cognitive behavioral therapy, which is okay, in certain
situations, emotional therapy, psychodynamic therapy. So there's
different ways to fix things to talk in therapy. And that's
without talking about the medications. I haven't even spoken
about them. Yeah, that's, that's beyond personality disorders at
that stage. That's when you go into psychotic features trying to
get voices out of your head. So that's meant well, that's at that
point is different level now we're talking about Yeah, so see where
my uneasiness is. Yeah. Is the rush to render something outside
of freewill and behavior.
Okay, because once you do that, you're ceding too much ground.
Okay. And it may seem sympathetic and merciful in the beginning to
say, Oh, it's a disorder.
or it's out of your control. But in reality, you've ceded so much
self control, you've ceded so much empowerment. Right? And we want,
even as patients that come into the psychiatric unit, we want them
to be independent, functional adults in their own right. That's
the ideal that we can discharge them just traveling safely, they
can leave the hospital without worrying about them. And they can
live free lives. But the reality is, getting to that level of
independence is hard. If you've got these, of course conditions,
in our AC in our communities, we've got people who are full time
carers for them, so and not only for them. Yeah, like family
members. Yeah, I don't consider it far fetched the idea or that
something may have started.
Because an outside influence
could have been fixed with behavioral therapy, Tobia but now
it's too late.
The person just needs careful. It's not an exact science. That's
exactly what I'm saying. It's not an exact science. So it, but it
could very well be that it's so the damage is so bad that it does
need chemical repairs, as as well as Tobia. And it may very well be
too late. Right? That is that point. It's a sickness.
Definitely. environment plays a role. So yeah, so we see a lot of
drug induced psychosis. First thing you do get them away from
that. Yeah, drug dealer environment. That's the first
thing you do. Yeah, but when we discharge him, it's just a vicious
cycle to go back to the slums. They go back to where they are,
yeah, they start taking drugs again, and they start seeing
things and they're back in the hospital is just repeat. It's just
on repeat because the environments not changing. So it's definitely
there is something to say about your environment, your nurture
versus nature. There is there's that really, really sad so Pamela,
do you offer counseling someone's already you got a customer already
Nozman is saying Who is it and do offer counseling?
Not yet.
Okay. I am a GP registrar working in Bradford that means middle
grade family doctor, and in a few years inshallah we'll be
completing my training and family medicine, Masha, Allah insha Allah
dua for me. So yeah, I don't offer counseling. I've never even
thought about offering counseling. I did want to become a
psychiatrist for a year and a half, two years. But when I worked
in psychiatry, the two jobs I did, there was the problem I had was
the psychiatrist, they were really dumb on everything else. They lost
all the medicine. So all that moja that you did to learn about the
heart, the lungs, eyes, the whole body, and how to cure someone,
they forgot all of it. And they just became the dawn in
psychiatry, the master of that, but they forgot everything else.
For me. Family Medicine is gotta be integrated. It's a way for me
to keep my skills and everything. Yeah, and we see the NHS where I
work that will say 90% Of all the UK population, and half of our
patients are mental health patients anyway, if not even
demographic, we'll see definitely see like one or two a day if I'm
seeing Oh, at least. So it's like, it's like we so I picked a field
where I'll see everything anyway. It's gonna get it's gonna get
worse with the way families have been destroyed and new styles of
new types of families or lack of families. You know, are there are
things that have no precedent before? Just gonna get Subhanallah
let's get to a few questions here. Not too much time because it's
Wednesday and it's time for dua,
who are the greatest scholars in the medical school, past and
present Othman answered that below?
Okay, Othman answered that already down low, or the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said all sinners will be forgiven.
Those who committed in vile sinners sins in public, not it
there there is you're on the right track in that there is
a line between those who hide their sins.
They have enough decency and Eman to hide their sins.
And that those who do not have the decency, nor have that Amen, and
they don't hide their sins, that that's one way to break it down.
That if Allah hides your sins and gives you the trophy, to hide your
sins, that this is an a chakra or a sign that inshallah we hope that
this person will be, we can be forgiven for that. Okay.
The one who is also it helps it is a benefit in that you will not be
humiliated. If you try to hide your sins, and you're not so bold,
and you try to make Toba. It's the toe was even more important. You
try to hide your sins and you make Toba that Allah to Allah will
hopefully will never
beause you. Yet if you have become nonchalant with your sins, and you
don't bother hiding them, and you don't make Toba then you can be
exposed in this lift, then humiliated and that's party,
that's the beginning of your punishment, and hopefully the end
of it. There's another breakdown minor sins and major sins, whoever
does minor sins, but successfully avoided major sins, then his
avoidance of major sins can be the reason that his minor sins get
forgiven. But those who fall into major sins, they will need the
CFO, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or the CFO of martyrs
in their family, her father, Quran and their family, whoever Allah
permits to have intercession or the Allah may forgive them
directly. What's the difference between direct forgiveness and
Chef Shiva is basically it's the
last that because Allah does not want to see you. He does not want
to hear from you. He's rejecting everything you say.
But because
you happen to be connected to somebody whom Allah loves only for
the sake of that person, that Allah will forgive you. That is
the concept. So Shiva is a branch of Allah's mercy.
And it is that you yourself, that person has lost all chances of
Mercy directly from ALLAH SubhanA wa Asad. It's very much like when
you're so angry with somebody, you won't talk to them, but you have
some mercy left so you send somebody to talk to them.
Like, mother's so angry with her kid, but she sends like the sister
go give her give your sister a sandwich, go give your brother
this food. Go tell your brother, maybe we'll talk about it. Right.
So that is it's a level that a person has been has earned Allah's
wrath so much.
Right? The Shiva is also a part of Allah's mercy. Okay, so some
people they separate between Allah and His Messenger son Lysa they
say Oh ALLAH is angry but the prophet is merciful it's not a who
created the prophet who made him a Shafia the Prophet that's why the
prophesy centum said Anna Rama to Alamanda
I am the Allah's Mercy who was given to you as a gift.
Okay, I'm I'm the Mercy it's given to you as a gift.
couple more questions real quick anything from Instagram?
The Hanafi madhhab Can you combine intentions for the forthcoming
Muharram Ashura
white days with Miss fasted Ramadan? I don't think in Hanafi
school FIP you can combine Nephalem for two Can you you can
do miss fest with you can combine Neverland photos in the Hanafi
school. So if you want to make up a miss fast for Ramadan, and you
also want to fast Muharram you can double intention. Okay. There was
your mic on? Yes. Okay. So they heard you there
all right. If you want to take classes, you can go to ArcView dot
orgy sign up for RFU based ArcView plus, and ArcView basic either
one, and you could take our classes on FIP on up the shift new
Saunders has an amazing class on tafseer that is every week. Okay.
How do we understand the the fact that God has blessed nonbelievers
with wealth? Allah Allah Allah in this gives the dunya to whom He
loves and whom he doesn't love because the dunya is not worth
anything to Allah subhanaw taala he gives it to whom He loves and
whom he doesn't love, what doesn't he give to whom he loves, or he
doesn't love? Iman and deen and Taqwa.
So that's what's decisive. And why does Allah give great amounts of
wealth to non believers?
Because Allah Tala has decreed that wealth will be distributed to
every nation at some point in time, right? Every nation, you see
you can see it in history. The Greeks they got it, they didn't,
they lost it, they're never gonna get it back the Persians at it,
they lost it never gonna get it back. The Egyptians at one time
were the Dons of the world, they lost it, they're never gonna get
it back. Everyone gets one chance to England even got it. There was
a time when Austria Hungary whatever it's called, was an
amazing civilization and the height and the Ottomans had
trouble with them. The Turks had the Ottoman Empire, right people
get it, every nation will be will be able to say we had our day and
we were great at one point, China and India, early in history, human
history, they had great civilizations, Mali had a great
civilization. At some point everyone gets it. Now East Africa
at one point was a feared civilization and a wealthy
civilization. So everybody has that an in this and as
individuals, Allah raises and lowers whom He wills for wisdom
that he has, it doesn't indicate
Get his love for them. And to say something is a blessing means that
you have it in your hand. But it doesn't, and your heart is not is
still on the truth.
So you use it for the good, and you live with serenity and
happiness. To, to be unblessed means to have it in your hand, but
it's a source of misery for yourself. And you look at many,
many, many of the rich and famous and they're living
in opposition to the fitrah they end up miserable. And this wealth
is a source of misery for them that better off without
Subhanallah torture, they're taking sleeping pills. There are
millionaires, they're suicidal, you know, there's Owen Wilson, the
the comedian Owen Wilson, shouldn't he by material standards
be happy? Right? Housing Molly house, I mean, Maui, Molly, but
Malibu, Malibu Beach, living in Hollywood, playing make believe
for a living, laughing and joking all day. Right.
And he he was, at one point, almost committed suicide. Like why
isn't he happy? So clearly, the material by itself is not a
solution. He got a guy like Brad Pitt, who is almost borderline
alcoholic, right? Borderline like just is depressed or were you
depressed? If material material
pleasures, or material blessings or gifts from God was the only
source of happiness? You should be the furthest one from unhappiness.
Okay. But that's not how the world works. And sad isn't hidayah it's
in guidance. Okay, sad isn't guidance. So let's now go to the
we're going to recite has been noticed. And then we're going to
do a short DUA and we'll wrap up the stream from there.
I know from what I know, you can combine intentions for whether
it's manifesting and
maybe that's a weaker opinion, but I know that Martoma at least in
our method is you can Yeah. As for the six days of like the white
days, for example. It's more about the day of fasting rather than the
intention. Nia for a DA and then it happens to be that day, then
you get both rewards. Okay, good. But you are having one intention
or multiple intentions. Making the intention itself?
I'm not sure. I think I think double intention is like fine.
It's more it's more about the day itself. Yeah, I'm pretty sure
We can get enough from sure can run. Yeah, I'm pretty confident.
Yeah. Metro la New Jersey now has a we have a Hanafi
resident scholar and Hunter FIFA. I'm Ron Ahmed, from Long Island.
Chef Murad will be
taking a couple years off away to study to continue his studies and
inshallah We'll be back after that.
Now Allah had a lot of medical happen with Leila Lila America in
Hong Kong will be in La Ilaha illa Allah and medical hub como bien la
la la la American Houghton will be in La la la la Melaka will be in
La ilaha illallah will medical hub con will be in La la la la hon
medical hub como be in La la la la la and medical. Hopkin will be in
La ilaha illallah medical Hopkin will be in La la la la la or
medical Hopko moonbeams from La Romana Rahimi enough and elica
Fattah Medina. Leo Farah like Allahumma taka Demimonde Ambika
WeMod car when you to me no matter who Alec Diego serata mas therapy
when surah Allah Who knows Rana as he is what can I in the law what
do you have? What do you have for dunya curato minimal Clara been
with Joshua Jaden daddy Fatah sama jewel Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
Allah Solomon Allah Who Fatone Karimova Shaden meaning
your lady in Amman Okwu Surah like oh my god I use Ave Maria Medina
How are you in a man on Saudi Illa Allah, God al How are you in and
on one side Allah? Allahu Allah Allah Allah Allah Hi Europa United
la maphis. SAMOA Juma Phil Outlander Lydia Shiva window Ill
be in yeah my bein ad mama Cara formula Hey Tony Bucha lemonade me
he will be much worse yeah kudos to you all. Well, I do have vomo
Allah Allah you know the Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah owns
another Quran Allah Javelin Lara Ito Akasha matassa Yamanaka Silla,
with helical antenna another word in acid Allah methaqualone walau
la de la ilaha illa who I remember it was shahada or Rama no Rahim
who hola hola de la ilaha illa will medical produce As Salam will
movement on Mohammed Al Aziz al Jabbar will imitate Bill Subhan
Allah may actually go and who hola hola Carla called Barry almost a
widow level Esma Husna
hola home office somewhat you'll all do well as he is on Hakeem are
either NFC relate to Adam equanimeous Mobile you're gonna
know sort of behind
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then has something of similar local or local Akbar Munchetty
Maka for mineral Geneva as well as Jariwala Santa Monica desert Esma
or Hola Hola, La Mina geography Nordea de whether we come in today
Mata unito makarim Omega ad and elsewhere an ottoman arrabbiata
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Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam Allah
Maha listening gynecology Latinum
what can only be kind of Nicola de la ROM for how many of you a
quadratic Allah for Allah, Allah quanta Ducati we're
here we had the mystery Taenia Reatta mystery theory Earth and
Mr. Et Nia Dora Kelly alakina Darren Hardy, Kenya director
hurricane ik finisher Kalita Kenyatta, Kobe Leyland. Elap Oreca
neotrope will be acquired in inorganic collision credit, which
rely our cleanup semicolon. The semicolon has a lot of Shiva
moloto plate Allah who might have been double bursts into sheffey
Rafi and Wi Fi last year. She felt she felt a layover there was a
comma Wallah LM yaka via Wi Fi or her media Majida paniculata
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Fini Machado equity these are in Nikka Anta Allahu Allah, Akbar Wa
sallahu wa ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali he also mbusa la Mata Sleeman
Kathira on type and Mubarak can be what hamdulillah here Abdullah Al
Amin Allah had on my belt and Anwar Cooley Halia or hamara AMI
shallow tick
a couple of minutes here for.
Something Allah when I say that I'm into all areas of your salaam
Subhan Allah because Allah is ZTR Milesi foon was Salah al mursaleen
Al Hamdulillah Hara below biller let me in
got it