Shadee Elmasry – NBF 222 Stories of the Awliyah
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TV's on.
We're alive. Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was
Salam ala Rasulillah Walla, wa sahbihi wa Manuela. I'm sitting
here on
a piping hot, bright and sunny Thursday in the state of New
and the city of New Brunswick.
And I'm joined with tools to love it.
And I came into the studio and to the Cosina to C three to love LM
Xia Are you studying?
And they're also working. No unemployed bums. No one employed
mums in this in our in our world. who's unemployed you're employed
here? Yeah.
You want to autofocus? Let me push that aside.
We don't have we got an unemployed bums here.
Stories of the earlier today.
Are there any announcements or anything? No, I don't think so.
Do we need to make any announcements? No, we're good to
we're good. Well, first announcement is that summer term
for ArcView, you guys should take advantage of it because Chicano
Saunders is highlighting.
Chicago Saunders is highlighted with a tough seiad class, which is
very good and powerful. And you don't want to miss it.
And that's part of arc view. Plus, you have two options when you
study with us online are a few basic, and RP plus shipping or
Saunders is highlighting the ArcView plus also Johanna to toe
heed, which is awesome and nakita is continuing.
So you want to get to take advantage of that and do that you
can do it. Good.
So those are you go to arc v dot O R, G, okay, and
you could sign up option one and option two. Furthermore, if you
have kids, where have a pilot program
with hips, we now offer hips, many people they go, and they need to
find themselves a half is overseas or something like that, we cut
that out for you. And they don't know how to pay them and blah,
blah, blah, we cut that all out for you. We do it for you
ourselves. And at the same time, you could take all the adult
classes, right? And we do that for everybody so that your life can be
made easy. All right, and we have the hips program
on ArcView is now buzzing and that's how we want to spend our
time but you got to make sure to spend your time and never let it
be mingled with the evil and the sharp.
Spend your time doing something good, but don't let it mingle with
the evil and the sharp okay, because one of things that shaitan
loves to do is he loves to mingle the good with the bad that's how
he corrupts something if you mingle the good with the bad
enough times you completely corrupt the good
and then you're stuck because it's good but there's this necessary
evil with it or attached evil with so you gotta be very careful with
this stuff. Okay, be very careful very cautious and
have a strong life outside of
you know have a very strong family life outside of your work and
social life so that can ground you
and those who don't have a strong family life they don't get
grounded is one of the reasons that many shoe I think I would
have said assuredly would not take someone unless you had a job
to be out of trouble. You have a job you have a family you can't
chances are you're not gonna get in trouble. You have too much to
What's tonight's schedule for arc view? Arc view basic
to solve when do we do to solve an hour
before McRib? Okay
let's look at the prayer time.
Nobody was at 830. So what does that make our course or two so 730
and today we're going to be studying
see the Amazon rook. And he breaks down the different
facets within the realm of to Soloff and the names that are
attributed to different qualities such as the mullah Mattia. You've
heard of them in Amity
You heard them me too. Oh, you guys are missing out. The Mullah
Mattia comes have the word loam in there.
It's rooted in the word loam. And the mullah Mattia, our people who
never show their good deeds and don't hide their weak, their
flaws, weaknesses and bad deeds.
That's what the majority are. And it's permissible to a degree in a
certain capacity. And see that I'm, as I said, it's the people of
the path of Allah who are not in the field of scholarship, but the
rather regular professionals.
You don't see any Dean on them, in the sense of anything different.
He's just a regular Muslim guy. But he has his own. He has his
path. He has everything. Right. He does everything. But he never
reveals it. He didn't change his beard. He didn't change his
garment. He didn't change his cap. He looked like a regular Muslim
guy. And that's it. Now the molarity Yes, sometimes. They love
it so much because of the loss.
It's like, no one treats you differently. No one expects
anything from you. So it's very easy to have a class but sometimes
they enter into Cairo here
are discouraged state, which is when they do discourage things,
publicly and openly.
Right? Or they and sometimes it's not like, Hey, I'm becoming a
Malema t so let me do something mcru. They don't do that. But they
want to be free flowing in their life and in their Deen. And so
they give their neffs. A little bit more room.
Right. And that ends up becoming mcru. If they do walk through, and
I'm telling you I met somebody. Okay.
I see that question about ArcView. UK times, and that is something
we're going to deal with, we will eventually we have the intention
to offer UK hours for all of our online classes. I see that and,
and we're going to take care of that. It's actually should be
easier. Because UK hours means middle of the day.
Most you heard aren't that busy middle of day. But in any event.
What was I saying?
What was I saying? Milan mithya. I met somebody
and this guy came with a T shirt.
I think he maybe had a very small beard, or nothing at all. And he
was talking and he was a complete regular guy.
And yet, he was chit chatting with his friends. And he said he just
finished the heft of Alhambra.
And that he did it in half the time it took him to do the heft of
and he would sit for a test smear after a loud and boisterous
sitting like sitting down eating joke and laugh and like a complete
guy, just a regular guy. And then he would sit down for a test Samia
and he can go for two or three hours of dyspnea reciting
it his wife and his daughters and his friends. That's an example of
someone who is not and he doesn't even know what Malema TIA is. He's
a regular guy. But it's a way of being where you don't ever try to
make errors of religion. You never tried to put on airs in your deen.
There's no fakery. There's, it's just he is who he is. That's it.
And within the HUD, and that's where it's okay, whether it's
within the HUD, if you start going into the mcru or skipping Sunon
that's where it's a problem, right?
So these people they love this way, because there's very little
pressure, there's no reputation for them to have to keep up.
There's nobody yet possible, right? And they benefit. They
benefit from that.
All right, let's now read Eileen Zane.
We're reading from
reseted cush area and we're reading the chapter on Allah Mina
The famous hidden one was done with the chat with the book. We
are on entry number 67 And there's only 83 entries.
Well, I'll leave it in Mohammed didn't was L L L mosaic or L
And he died 328 After the Hijrah, which equates to 940 of the Common
And he is a man of that.
Man, US hub is the companion of Sahar Libnah Abdullah had to study
Okay, and he is also from the companions of alginate Selleck
and he died in Mecca and mocha Rama
and her he had lived there and he was a
Whatever, which means he avoids them accrue.
A turkey. The Taqwa someone of Taqwa avoids the Haram someone who
has water avoid the mcru That's the difference.
And he said from his sayings is a venerable bad to have them be
awkward but to them Bilawal
which is that will say a tendency to Mithila isn't Allah say in the
Quran? The punishment, the consequence of a sin is a sin like
it. So how do you know if a person is being punished when they commit
a sin is that they end up committing another sin, like what
someone steals than lies about it. So the Lying is probably worse
than the original like Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon, what he did was not even like that bet, right? He
would not have been
impeached. Right and have to resign.
But then he lied about it. And then he obstructed justice, right?
Obstruction of justice was even worse. So this is a reaction to a
wrong that was far worse than the original wrong. What what does
that tell you that told you you lack Tofik Allah has not given you
tofield and Toba. And he's clouded your intellect, sins, cloud
intellect and our cosmology. If you want to think clearly purify
this, your heart from since logical thing, and that's why
we'll look around. Let's look around and see if the Promise of
Allah is on display is in demonstration.
The intellect is not being used anymore.
Very basic things going around what is a woman? What are we
kidding? What are we discussing here? The Oculus gone? Why,
decades and decades of Zina
and sins. Now we have reached the point where we are as dumb as
pagans. When you look at the old pagans, I remember being in Sunday
And so many masajid started off like this in the 80s.
And the early 90s. You go into a medical, you know, these like
medical appliances, which like offices and doctor's offices and
stuff, and you rent out a doctor's office, break out the walls, but a
men's section women's section, I remember being in one of those
massages, right? And we would put up have to put up like,
sort of these walls to make the classrooms for the Sunday school.
And we would sit there and then every week we would read the sera,
sera book that was like a workbook. And there was a sister
there Subhanallah I can't remember her name, but she was like our
first stomach teacher, basically. And she would teach us and she
would say the pagans, worshiped idols made of wood and stone. I'm
like, How dumb is this? Right? How stupid is this? And then they
would make it and then call it there got you thinking? Are you
serious? Like what happened to the human beings? Why would they those
so dumb?
But well, and I'm thinking to myself, Okay, so Islam came and
fought those dummies. Right? But we don't have dummies like that
anymore. People are smart. Right? Wait a second, fast forward a
couple more decades? No, we are dumber than them. Their intellect
our intellect, the collectively today the trends is more clouded
over than them. Because sociologically, you could say,
listen, because there's a sociological philosophy of
paganism, which is that nobody really believes these are Gods
except the common people. The elites establish them as a
methodology a target. This is a symbol of our tribe. Right? And
the rituals are a place to get the people together. And the common
man just needs a ritual needs a story needs a myth. But the
leadership they have really understand that this is just a way
to keep the group in order. Right? And then we could choose some to
Jada around like the super rich, the elite, why do they care about
the Superbowl? Why do they care about the NFL for the love of the
game or the love of the business of the game? Right. So the elites,
they see that this is a business we can make a business out of
this. And hedge becomes a business. And that the leadership,
the true leadership, they love the gods as symbols of their tea,
Jarrah symbols of their business symbols of their work of what
keeps the tribe together, and makes them a buck.
And that's our society. And we're at the top of the society, and the
common man and these weirdo medicine men, that are the
priests, they're important to feed it just like the players are
important to feed the NFL. The coaches are important, the media
is important. And at the end of the day, the most important is the
owner and the advertiser. That's the relationship. And we need
these people to prance around the field to get the viewers so the
are the more attractive, the more interesting the player is, you're
only good if there's a TV where millions could watch. And
advertisers will pay millions to get, that's how it works, nobody
cares, they probably care less about the ball going into the
Same thing with the adults so you can actually understand what's
going on. And that and this is one of the early sociologists when he
talked about this, and he said that that's the I think it was
emerald Durkheim or whatever, said that, that is the philosophy.
That's the philosophy of the pagan culture. It makes sense, right?
Why humans will behave like this.
But now fast forward. Okay. And now we have people at the highest
offices of everything than the highest locations of education.
And they're convinced make you get pregnant.
Make humans do it. And will tell look, you straight face and says
the sins the sins have reached such a level that this this
intellect has become.
Muhammad was what's the English from welcome, but it's it's not a
what happens to the grape fermented. It's fermented with
filth, right, it's fermented, the brains are fermented, they don't
Just need to be conquered. So we can take care of you
on this, but um, you know, even back then, you know, people say,
How can someone be so dumb as a Muslim to follow the diet? Yeah, I
mean, same thing, right? It's in the book right there. He makes a
great point. It's in the book. He is right there. It says he's one
I'd like just don't follow. Yeah, don't follow him. But then I
forgot to mention this. But they said, today we have people that
are looking at guys, and they're, you know, forsaking their own
eyesight saying this is not a guy this is a woman, even though they
know this guy's a man, thank you. Like it's, it's a dry run, it's a
preparation. And if you
repeat an action over and over, it becomes a Melaka. A Melaka is
something that you're so good at. You've done it so many times you
do with your eyes closed. So what is this part of this transgender
movement is a constant repetition of denying what's in front of your
own choice. Your own to I see a male yet because of the
repetition, you will see you will say that's a female. So the whole
world is doing this. So when it comes time the concept and idea
okay, that a one I did Joe comes and tells you he's not the digit.
I'm your savior. Hold on the book. That deed says he's one I write
right in front of your face. And the guy's one if you could see
calf had written on his forehead.
And all of a sudden,
people will follow Him because they have gotten used to negating
what their own two eyes see.
Unreal, it's unreal. But again, Allah subhanaw taala when he
of since he says if Allah takedo your uncle have stopped working
because of sentence. So a vembu about them be okay. But to them
Bill Awali.
The sin after the sin is the punishment. Now, you did not have
remorse. You did not have admission. You did not commit sin.
You did not can make Toba. So as a result of that Allah punishes you
with what you love. You refuse to repent for the sin. You enjoy the
sin you defend it. Alright, take more.
The opposite.
Shaka well in Chicago tonight. You're thankful hamdulillah have
the opportunity of Toba. Allah will open you another opportunity
of Tober okay.
So now come on it
whereas Eunice
Ooh, very good LSAT prep, well has an actual battle has no teeth.
Bull has an agile ruler, he says. So, likewise, the opposite is the
case, a good deed.
If you do a good deed,
and you did it truly for the sake of Allah, the sign of that is it
will be followed up by another good deed and that is that a
person does good.
Then after he does good, he insists that he has done nothing
and all the credit is due to Allah and all those who helped him.
So he did a sec that's becomes a second good deed
was so ILA and it's so he difficult caller he was asked
about Tauheed. So he said, and Tulum en el Safa hooter, Isla
Bella in tune, the O salafi hoppy
Good day I know home beasts of busy fatty here kingdom and Kumar
Bay and who will be referred to he had that. So, the to know that the
creation is the
created man of manifestation of His eternal attributes the word,
Hadith or Hadith refers to that which has come into existence. And
the word Kadeem is that which has not come into existence in fact,
infinite and eternal. These are two important words Hadith and
and the will of Allah subhana wa Tada
is Kadeem, everything that will happen, he has been willed, and it
is in his knowledge,
and it will matter and when you see it happen, it's not at this
moment, or any time recently that Allah subhanaw taala
thought of it and created it, no, not at all. Rather, he willed that
it manifest at this time
as the MATA Zilla and some of those used to say that, like Allah
was constantly creating something new. So it was like as if like an
artist's thinking of something new idea. No. Rather, Allah has
already willed that.
And he willed that it manifest at this hour at this time. We'll bet
it man that this day manifest right now.
Not that earlier. He thought of it and then created it No. So that's
not the case at all.
That's why the ultimate say
the same for that is
more on you, buddy. How will I ever take the hand let me read it
to you. Let me read it to you.
It's from Abner Josie gives the story
let's read
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. This is from
Carla Julian Illa YBNL Josie
well Oh ALLAH could see you he linworth Ye Accra OTF sera Kohli
he to Allah Coolio Mojave sun now this is it Tuesday
Should be even
cooler yeomen who officiated every day he is in an affair, meaning
doing something. What does it mean? Well, welcome for Allah
Rossi for Kalia the May of Allah Boca, l n. He says, Oh, you what
is your Lord do right now. What's he doing right now?
For a second, though a bad moment. He's remained silent and became
very pensive for the rest of the night thinking of the answer to
this question. What is Allah doing now?
Pharaoh, Al Mustafa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he saw the
Prophet Seisen SallAllahu he was and for that Kerala who Delica was
He mentioned this to the prophet and he asked him for Carla who, in
nessa Ilica al Hadith
the questioner who asked you this is
what a no se owed, and he is going to come back. Tell him she own on
UbD Hola. But it matters that he manifests and does not initiate
because all matters are already willed, and in his knowledge, but
they are not manifested. So Quilliam and Hovi shut and what is
Allah doing manifesting what he has already known and Wilson
excellent Kutiman
Got ya fildo acquirement where he lowers some people in elevators,
others for us Bahamas Troodon. He woke up very happy.
When he went to the to the class again the man came and he asked
the same question so he answered him, and the man said, suddenly
Allah Munna lemak makes Recite salawat I'm the one who taught
you, meaning he knew that this was the answer given from the prophets
of Allah who it was.
And he left, well Murad Michonne and this is Allah's Anya Allah's
care for the Ummah, that he has people asking questions so that
the scholars can answer them.
Our caller you do have a youth hero her What does it mean? You
have data he manifests it. So all of us have existed clergyman
internally and Allah's knowledge
but we didn't manifest until you were born in a physical form
well are you do a well I ever said he had a he does not think of it a
such that he didn't know it now he knows it he didn't will it now he
wills it no his knowledge and his will or sad there Kadeem
pre eternal
that is the meaning of Coolio Minho, ifisa
Let's see
let's see here
what was that link that someone put up there?
what's up, it's smaller shunga so it's very important for you guys
to know this. Well, more than
I, when I had heard it, I was more than you've developed with you.
But it's
the exact statement in this narration of it is.
should own up, do whatever to do. Should own or more on same thing
matters that he manifests. But he's not initiating. They're in
his knowledge and will Excellent. Meaning pre eternally
because people do bring this discussion and say, Okay, your God
transcendent beyond time. Yes. Okay, then what about the nature
of creation?
Could you please the nature of creation, so 2030 hasn't existed
yet. He's gonna create it. Right? So he's gonna take action. And we
say know that it exists in his knowledge and his will already
forever it has, but it has not. He willed that it physically
manifests at a certain time. Then that's a difference.
Well, Carla, Mala Mia, Stephanie Billa
okay Tala wotja. Hula lot.
If you do not suffice yourself and satisfy yourself with ALLAH
SubhanA wa Tada that Allah Tala will make you need those people.
And one of the reasons the one of the meanings behind this, what
does it mean to suffice yourself, suffice yourself with the Hala?
Suffice yourself with the remembrance of Allah over
intoxicants. So suffice yourself with with the food that is halal
over the Haram, the company that has had over the Haram, the
listening that is halal, rather than the haram. So you don't need
them. So that is the meaning of sufficing yourself with Allah is
suffice yourself with what he permitted, and avoid what he
And then also it has to do with emotionally speaking, when a
person is down, what do they do turn on?
People go to bars, people smoke, people use these things, to
assuage their pains. But what about the remembrance of Allah?
What about?
What about good deeds? Because you do good deeds towards others?
Regarding what you need, I'm down, go make someone else happy.
That's the real medicine. You're down. I'm down. Why am I down? I
got these issues. Go make someone else happy. solve their problem.
You basically put what you need up in the sky. And it's going to come
back and rain upon you. Right. That's why some places are always
raining. Why? Because there have lakes that always put up
evaporation, right? And then that water flies up around the sky.
Okay, and it rains, wherever it needs to rain. The cloud moves, as
doesn't rain right over above the lake. The water comes up from the
lake, the cloud moves and rains somewhere else. So you have a
beautiful lush green country. Right? So likewise, that's what we
need to do you you have an issue, what is your issue? I need someone
to forgive me go forgive somebody yourself. I need some money, go
give money to someone else. Alright, whatever little you have
maybe a big deal for somebody else. Your junk is someone else's
treasure. That's why people have garage sales and they sell junk
and it gets sold because for someone else it means something. A
bunch of old cards. Well, you're gonna get a weirdo who collects
carts. Right? There are still people this is he's got a weird
hobby. What can you say? Write my junk to him as a treasure.
And it's not the same for everybody. There are people who
have purchased massive libraries
for dirt cheap, because the person inherited the library has no clue
what it I just inherited this library from my dad, and my dad
had inherited it from my grandpa. All right, who cared about these
books. My dad didn't know what to do with them. Then he died. And
now I got it. I need to I need to unload this this junk.
And then you got books, right? That people are buying up.
Okay, people always buying these manuscripts and you see people
like, with the, oh, I got the original Moby Dick. someone cares
about that.
And then you got someone who doesn't even know anything about
it, who ends up like, not checking the prices and what he could have
made for just get rid of it. I need the space. Right? That's how
things happen. Believe it or not one of the oldest Messiah have his
sign of wire OMAS went down. One of the oldest Messiah have was
by an Ottoman Sultan, who had need to be checked. He gifted it to the
German, one of the German before they were Germany, they got a
presser whatever, right? He gifted it to him. Right? Why would you
gift your oldest artifact to another King who's not even a
Muslim? Well, he did. He's the Ottomans. Yeah, overall, they were
great protectors of the Sunnah of a soldier Mao.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have some dopes as to why
Warren Buffett said, make your business easy, because one day is
going to be run by an idiot, it's going to happen, it's eventually
going to happen that your business one day was CEO will somehow an
idiot will come up in the ranks and end up as CEO, right. So he
said make your business model really simple. There was gonna
fail. So then, after the World War,
it was it was a mandated part of the deal, the peace treaty that
that book, be moved to some kind of museum. It ended up in a museum
and ended up sold and ended up in someone's home who didn't care
about it.
Right. And then a bookseller who was a Christian Arab. He's like, I
gotta get my hands on this a book collector. And he collected any
purchase that myself, luckily, he took care of, it was a she, she
took care of it. Right? But it went from hand to hand to hand to
hand, all because people did not have the same value for it, right?
So you don't never know that what you possess may be of great value
to somebody else. And that's how people can help one another. And
if you keep doing that over and over and over and over in life,
you find yourself there's never a dry patch. The state of New
Jersey, we because we have the ocean next to us. We never have a
drop but there's one was last time in New Jersey ever had a drought.
I don't think coastal cities don't get droughts. There's enough
especially the East Coast, because the wind comes moving east west
coast gets droughts, because the wind is going away from the water
right or away from the land towards the water. So we get this
easterly wind all the time. And as a result, it's rains every few
days. Right? So that's the concept that if you want Allah subhanaw
taala to help you. Right? Help others. Okay. And depressed
people. I remember
our executive director here, Sammy Kaktovik was talking about
volunteers. And he said, We need volunteers. But don't come and say
I need volunteer hours if you if you have them, I'll give them to
you but change your intention.
Because if your volunteering is just for the sake of the hours,
right, you don't get the great benefit of it. You have to
willingly try to improve somebody else. Good and it's actually going
to make most depressed people are selfish. They don't help others is
one of the best people best ways to go around and remove your
sadness and bring about happiness is to go spread it let your lake
evaporate into the into the air. There's the lake losing anything.
Right? It's going to evaporate eventually the rain is going to
come back to it.
So that's the meaning millennia 70 below
Okay, hello, aloha.
This is Cigna biller sufficing yourself with Allah is in his is
in actions and is in even feelings to the emotions.
Next only of Allah is atma gymnema through
Well, I will Abbas met him in the Mohammed bin and
he also lived and died at the same time.
minutos he is from Persian, the Persian city of
Those second about that but then he moved about that was Sahiba
Alhadeff al Maha CB was serious supposedly kept their company and
he died in Baghdad.
So the previous one alien was alien, or an MS alien was from a
halal Hijaz or joined to handle hijas and 100 Masaryk was a little
Iraq Wirkkala man rock of Allah to Allah fie Hatha, harati Calbee.
Awesome Mahalo to all of you how to get the jewelry. If you monitor
Allah subhanaw taala in the depth of your heart, meaning your
thoughts and your what you're daydreaming about,
then a low tide will protect your limbs. Because if a person thinks
enough about something, by necessity, like magnetism, you
must, you must eventually speak about or act upon. It's
impossible. It's impossible to be thinking, let's say about
food, constantly thinking about food, except that you will
eventually as possible be thinking about how much you hate somebody,
and you hate them in your heart. And you keep dwelling upon that,
except one day, you're gonna say something bad to them, or you're
gonna frown at them. It must be that way. This is the nature of
life. It's impossible that you're going to love something, except
that someday you're going to act towards it. So he's saying if you
watch a lot Tata in your heart, meaning Watch out for your
feelings, watch out for your sentiments. What's your thinking
about doing maraca there first, then it must be that Allah Tata
will protect you, your actions, because you protected the inside
that Allah will protect you outside.
Okay, well caught up to the mu, how to imagine what money and
mentality Mohamed Salah to
take very seriously
make a big deal about the sanctity of the believers is from
the caution with the sanctity of Allah. Why? Because if you are
monitoring and if you're giving respect and honoring somebody by
honoring their possessions to,
right, if you come into someone's house, and you put your feet on
the table, and you spit or blow your nose onto the rug.
But then you're really nice to the owner. Haven't you disrespected
the owner? How No, I didn't. I didn't do anything to you. I
didn't spit on you. I just put on your rug. My Stuff represents me
what you do to my stuff. It reflects what you think about me.
So you come and disrespect my home like this and you spit on my rug
and you blow your nose on my
tablecloth. You are disrespecting me. So likewise, what is the most
of the creation of Allah to Allah that He is concerned of? The money
right, that is Allah's possession on the earth, that is the most
valuable possession. Yes, it's his possession. He owns us. He made us
there were his creation even more than a possession because a
possession can be someone else's creation that you purchased.
But a creator create a creation has a direct link. So that's why
to say where his creation is more strong than say where his
possession. So were his creator. So you disrespect somebody.
You dishonor somebody you drag them through the dirt.
You're not respecting the Creator
will be he else to do Labdoo in a Mahalia paper to Taqwa by honored
by may be very careful how you treat people you arrive at Taco.
He also said Shudra to the mighty 32 Scobie metal factory,
the tree of knowing Allah subhana wa Tada is is watered
by OR is fed, nourished by the water of contemplation. So, what
do we contemplate we contemplate the patterns of creation? What is
when people say flicker? What are they doing flicker of the patterns
of creation? Right? And you when you think about something when you
hear something, don't just take it at face value. Just think very
deeply about this. For example, listen to this.
I said this yesterday.
You have to think of what is the very first human relationship
between humans that Allah created
it was in Jannah, of course, but what were they doing, for example,
Did Allah create we know Adam existed then how it existed but
when was the first time they met was it in Salah?
Huh? They're laying down in the bed.
Like, we got to think about that. That's an it could have been in
Salah. It could have been in eating, it could have been
walking, it could have been that they were created separately. And
they discovered one another. It could have been so many different
things. You had Allah subhanaw taala the first creation of human
relationship and I thought about this
teaching the high schoolers mama That's right, interactions, the
very first human interaction was a husband and wife laying in a bed.
And think about well, why that it's because it's an issue. It's a
hint, it's pointing to your progeny, your your existence of
your species starts from here.
Think about that. Your the existence of your species starts
from the bed from a husband and wife in a bit. screw that up and
you will have no human existence after that. Right? Husband and
wife or the husband and wife because ALLAH SubhanA wa has a
creator of her what he married her to Adam and his sunnah.
you that contemplation is thinking about very deeply about every
detail that's given.
And he said, This is what nourishes
modify. And this is something that see damage Zurich was going to
talk about what is the difference between the IRF and the Zed and
these other terms that we use, the Irish biller is specifically
focuses upon the concepts of knowing the patterns of Allah's
creation, how Allah to Allah interacts with the creation, in
other words, how he
brings things about in the creation. The these patterns
example, one of the odia was contemplating about water.
When Allah says we created from everything living from water,
everything alive, everything living is made of water, then he
went contemplating water. This is a water, it's clear, that means it
has no bias. It's like not like white like milk, or red, like
let's say different types of grape juice or something like that. It's
it will take any form you put it in,
unlike a solid, which won't. It will evaporate. Good. It will
it'll get gifts from itself always. It evaporates. It's like
giving from itself.
It's like Fennec finishing, it's ego finishing itself. It always
goes down. Like, unlike fire always goes up, winds go side to
side, there or not everything goes it goes goes down, certain things
go up, right he goes up.
But water always goes down, you pour water always goes down, fire
goes up, wind goes side to side. So these are the qualities if
Allah made us from these, he wants us to have the qualities of water.
And then he went on a treatise. Take on the qualities of water.
Right? That you take any form what wherever Allah puts you, we can
adapt. If Allah makes if there's a situation where I'm a follower, I
can be a follower. This situation where I'm a leader, I can be a
leader. There's a situation where I'm a supporter, I can be a
supporter, there's a situation I have to be a servant, I can be a
servant. If I need to be brave, I can be brave wherever Allah puts
you. And in any situation always go down. Be humble. And give
yourself give of yourself until you disappear. But you never
really disappear because you will evaporate up into the sky and new
rain somewhere else. Right? So amazing.
The study of water now we know that there's a Japanese scientist
who made one of the most amazing studies you ever see, which is the
study of the molecule shapes of water. And he called this What did
he call it?
Messages? I think messages of water are messages from water
something like that. And he basically
yeah, he basically said that the sounds around
the sounds, water consciousness. Yeah. The sounds around water, not
just the sound the feelings around water will alter the chemical
makeup or the molecule shape, the very shape of the molecule of
water, it alters
by the sound that is around it. Not only the sound, the mere
sentiments, so put a glass of water and
then start having bad thoughts, bad feelings, the water changes.
Put a water, okay?
And think good thoughts, changes becomes beautiful. And this one
becomes ugly. Right?
He then said, what if? Let's take another step further. You just
wrote the word does not we know Allah subhanaw taala says that
we're protected by his words right just the word itself not just what
it doesn't know what the word means, but you do and when you
write it you transmitting a feeling. Right the words took
But two containers of rice is rice is mostly water. And He then wrote
bad words on one good words on the other, put them right next to each
other in the same fridge, same temperature, same location, one
rotted way earlier than the other.
I mean, this stuff is amazing. So that's why this is the meaning
when the Sheikh is saying here, that your knowledge of Allah
subhana wa Tada is nourished by the water of contemplation,
contemplation of what is the creation, contemplation of his
attributes to the attributes
there was one sinner
who died,
grave sinner who died yet in the dream that we were seen in. I
think Shafi narrates this
he was seen in paradise. So he was asked in the dream, how you made
it to paradise with all your sins. He said, I arrived at Allah
subhanaw taala and I saw a grave punishment waiting for me.
So I called out I thought about the attributes of Allah. And I
called out oh Allah showed the creation that your mercy is
greater than my sins.
And by that I was forgiven.
Different versions of that story.
Show Jenna to Luca flattie. To Scobie, J. Now let's look at the
This tree of heedlessness, the rotten bush? The thorny rotten
bush of heedlessness is nourished by the water of ignorance. That's
why I'm telling you the way for us Muslims to live. It doesn't have
to be that you go to an institution and you study for four
or five years. That's wonderful if you can't, okay, if you could do
that. It's wonder if you could do that.
However, what's more important is melasma. Melasma is constantly non
stop non stop.
Melasma is nonstop, you're studying nonstop, you're reading a
dose a week. And here's a habit a good habit to have. You put a book
on your nightstand or on your pillow. And every night. Just read
for a minute.
That's it one page challenge who cannot read for one page and it
can't write read for one minute. But the truth is that if you keep
doing that, right, you're not gonna events you're gonna read for
a bit more, but just read for a minute. Problem is today, people
don't actually read a lot of books. And that's something we
have to fight. Because we are living in a digital age. There's
no trying to get away from this right? Embrace it. It's a gift
from Allah subhanaw taala but put it in its right place. So that's a
good attitude. And when people come with technology, and they
come that we have to fight this evil, which is technology, what
what you've actually done is as right as you may be as correct a
movie you guaranteed loss because human being is not a natural
feeling to be in conflict all the time. It's exhausting, right? It's
the human being is not made for this. It's stressful. So why don't
we just embrace what Allah created but put it in its right place.
Right? Let's take all these apps all these things we could probably
make use of but let's put it in the right place. Like what is
enough? What is enough tweeting?
Right? How what is enough scrolling? Why don't we just set a
number just set a number why because like, what is the right
price of of latte? What is the right price of a candle? Who the
heck knows. But just go around and ask right?
Ask go around and ask because it's it's a number that someone pulled
out of a bat out of the out of thin air. And then enough people
it's stuck, right? It just stuck.
Like do you ever think of mattresses?
How much is a mattress? A queen size mattress?
Know how much couple 100 bucks, right? At least some time they go
to 700. Sometimes they could be like, I think 350 is probably a
good deal for a queen besides mattress, Thrift, there is no way
it takes that much money to produce it or close. When you look
at the content of what it's there, what's there, look at the content
of the mattress, there's no way that they think is costing $85 to
produce. But someone pulled the number out of thin air, and all
the mattress companies went around that area. And now in all of our
minds, that's the value of a mattress, but is it the number out
of thin air. But point being is that we gotta go around ask around
when we use technology and see what what is enough. What is
sufficient, right?
And that's the problem with those things. Like,
we have an idea of what is sufficient sugar for the day,
because people always talk about, but how many minutes is enough on
social media?
For every well of course, everyone's different, right? The
student, the child, the doctor, the scholar, the journalist,
everyone's gonna be different. So an athlete needs to exercise far
more than a non a child.
For someone with diabetes has eat far less sugar than an athlete,
right? Likewise, a journalist, you expect him to need to use social
media a lot more than let's say a surgeon. So everyone's going to be
different, but for eat for your class.
For your physical situation, we know how much sugar you can be
eating, how much exercise you should be doing. Because we talk
about that, well, social media how much is enough? For a student how
much is enough for a child? How much is enough for a scholar? How
much is enough? For a journalist, we need a number. Right? And
that's how we could embrace it as a noun. Allah gave us this ability
to take knowledge and to just like talking, I can curse. And I can
say good words, right? Likewise on social media. I can say something
good, I can say something bad. I could waste time in mathematics
that he said that he was asked about a man he said he's a
wonderful man. But he talks the talk of a month in a single day.
He talks too much, right? So Allah gave him the gift of a tongue, but
he overuses it.
So okay, well, what's Enough talking?
You know that we have parameters for these. The parameters are
judged by the people. That's what audits custom. If you go to a
dinner event, a dinner Okay, someone invites you for dinner
stay three hours. Right? That's what it is. If someone invites you
for dinner at six, you leave before nine. You don't leave at
eight. It's too short. You leave at night. There's the other 3040
minutes before dinner, chit chat and all the other people coming.
You sit for dinner for about an hour at the table. Okay. And then
you sit for dessert for another 3040 minutes. And then you chit
chat a little bit at the door and you leave. That is how does that
happen? All right. How do I make friends? It's formulaic. Invite
234 people to dinner, sit for three hours. Guess what? You keep
doing that. So started inviting you all of a sudden you're in a
network of invitations. All right. What about you invite someone for
tea and cookies and dessert? Just that's the second type of
invitation. That's the startup You don't, right? Sometimes you don't
know somebody? I don't really know them. So you don't invite him for
dinner. you'd invite them for tea. That's a 90 minute sit down.
Right? It's 90 minutes. It should never be more than 90 minutes. The
tea comes out the cookies, the dessert. But you need to Okay,
what about the number of people four is a great number of people.
One is the weirdest thing.
You invite? Who did you invite one I remember going into some
people's homes. Right? And we're the only ones there. So I got to
look at your face and talk the whole time and listen, it's too
much. I'm not happy here. I'm stressed. Right? It is the
weirdest thing. Three is also weird. Because there's someone
being left out four is the right number. If there's four sometimes
you could take a break, right? You could not talk and just watch them
talk or you could talk to one person I talked to the other. Then
you hit five acceptable six, seven us too much now, right? I went to
an Iftar one time there's 300 people there.
Like this is feels like a conference. I'm going to
conference here right? It's like mass production.
Right? Too many people. So all has all these things and the better
attitude to something is to say it exists. There's no avoiding it.
What do we do with it? What is excessive like?
Five hours on Netflix? Okay, what if the artifice excessive Dorf is
not the average the order is what the righteous people deemed to be
good. Okay. The order is what the pious righteous people deemed to
be acceptable. That's thought like what's the order fun shoes? At
what the odd for us we look at what are the righteous people? How
many shoes do they got? We're not going to go look at it my Mohammed
bin Hamblen. Junaid is like no
or if you don't do that, or if you look at today, you don't remember
who would have been humble had one room, he lived in a house with one
room when a chef they came, they put up a curtain.
Right? So we're not matching them. That's them. For us. What is
acceptable? How many sneakers, how many shoes? There, there is going
to come a point where if I put out a number, you would maybe raise
your eyebrows, but you won't say anything. Then if I say another
number, you're all gonna, we're all gonna laugh at it. Right? If I
say guy has six pairs of shoes, you're not you may not say and I
don't think you'd say anything, right? Because one shoe for
weddings, one shoes for every day, one pair of sandals, one pair of
running sneakers, and then two of the old shoes. It's acceptable
number, right? But if I told you a guy has 16 shoes, you start to say
that's a bit too much. How about a guy has 60 shoes? Because he's a
collector? No, this is right, you got to throw that out there.
That's your your, your way out in left fields, wasting your time and
your money and your space. And and everything's something's wrong
with you. Right? So that's where the concept of auto Yep.
You not one spends on an item.
Social Care. So for example, I want you there was someone
recently, close to me got a watch. That was rather expensive.
And I saw the watch. It's a nice watch. But it's, I would never pay
that much for that one. Yeah. They say within that circle watch of
professionals or whatever, or professionals in those spaces.
That's what they were. Let me let me ask you something about
watches, do they? Is it treated as an investment to? Well? Does it
lose value gain value? expenditure to say that it's not going to
increase it to adjust? Do they plan to sell it back? No, they
probably don't. But they use that to justify their initial purchase.
But how could a watch not lose value if you wear it?
Wear and tear dusts because it's like cars, basically, the idea is
that there's still going to be an understanding that there's wear
and tear. But there's a limited number of that, okay? Because
because the super luxury cars don't lose value. Like Porsches do
not lose value, right? People will buy a used Porsche or Lamborghini
at a very high price to. So
I think the masajid are great examples are great resources for
this. Because when you if you got to find masajid in your local
area, right? Without realizing what are you seeing, you're seeing
the cars that people owned. And you pretty much after a while, you
know who owns which cars, right? And you know, what is out of
place? If I if I if you roll up to NBC in a McLaren, right? You're,
it's, you're gonna know that you're way off. If you show up in
Mercedes, one of those big hoops is eat what is it the E class or
something? The Marleybone? What is it? What's that big? hoopty?
Mercedes? Looks like the mafiosos? No, it's like, no, not the GY
Maybeck. Right.
It's acceptable. Right? All right, you're a very successful
businessman or a doctor, we see one or two of those. Right. But so
I think the masajid are a great place to often for us to see what
is a reasonable expenditure? What did the rich have? What are the
poor drive, and what's in the middle? Right? And that becomes
our off our audit of reasonable is not relative to my income. So if I
make 50 million a month,
you think that doesn't exist? It exists? The earning of 50 million
a month as a salary.
So if I earn 50 million a month, and I buy a $2 million car, I
don't if such a thing exists, right? What did I lose? Nothing.
Right. But that's not how we judge. Excess excess access is
judged around the community, right? Relative to the community,
not relative to what I'm losing.
Yeah. So if someone follows the order of say, massage, and they do
purchase something that's in that wheelhouse,
and someone accuses them being excessive, then they're wrong and
accusing them of being excessive is what you're saying. Because if
they're following they're following the war for the
community, then that's perfectly acceptable, even if it's beyond
the means. And most people there Yeah, if the righteous people,
then I could point around and say, Hey, are the righteous people have
this right? There are other righteous people who are better
than me. And they own bigger homes than me right. Now, here's where a
good example of a bad sunnah has been established. Where you are
the first person right where your view become the first person. And
now all the rich have to level up. Right, let's say in the world of
let's say businessman, and there's what maybe six multimillion dollar
businessmen in the general area, and they all live a certain way.
Then you go, and you get a McLaren and a private jet and a chopper.
Right? Now, human nature we're good or bad, righteous or not,
they're gonna say, Hold on If he did it, right. I'm going to do it.
Right. It's like Phil Knight, when he gave Jordan a cut of the of the
of the shoes, give Jordan a percentage. All the other CEOs
were like what Thank you doing man. Now we got to give it out.
When they do go go to arbitration and go to court or whatever or
just negotiate. You set the bar. So so there is a concept of a bad
sunnah. And I'll tell you where we have actual problem. We have an
actual problem in weddings and funerals. That's where even the
righteous we need to get it needs to be fixed.
And it's rare to go to a wedding where you could say, hey, this
expensive amount of expenditure, what's going on here is actually
doable and good. Other than that,
everyone else has weddings where a lot of mocha happens. All of a
sudden your righteousness has gone out the window for some reason is
great guy.
But his daughter's wedding is out of control. His son's wedding is
like, Wait, where am I am I had the right wedding. All the monka
is there and the expenditure is ridiculous. So we need to fix that
we also need to fix funerals.
It is my crew for the women to attend the burial. You can you can
go to the graveyard.
But to be around the grave as the burial is taking place, it is
makuu with the Prophet forbade it. And when one woman came and
disobeyed that he didn't say anything because she was from the
family. So even Malik said, if it's of the family, they owe the
problem. We don't say anything, but a small crew, the Prophet did
not want this to happen. Okay. One of the reasons very simply is that
it becomes really like jammed. The bodies are touching each other,
everyone's trying to look right. And it becomes something where the
correct way to do it is that you can come to the graveyard wait
until the burial is done in obedience to the Prophet
sallallahu. And he was setting them after the body, it's a grave
now not a burial, then you could come and visit once the pack the
traffic has decreased a little bit. What is there is no value in
just witnessing the burial. There's no value in it.
You're not missing out on anything.
And if you are missing out on anything, it's in obedience to the
Prophet sighs Ramadan, we're missing out on food. Right? We're
missing out on Hajj, I'm missing out on 15 Grant
and three weeks of work, right? Because you're gonna go hard for
two weeks and get sick for one week.
So their sacrifices, obey the Prophet peace be upon him. We
don't have this. I'm telling you, you go to funerals these days. And
I remember the first or second time that one of the first times I
saw this happen, I was like, oh, shoot, this is not good. Now
everyone does in funerals, and burials everyone's attending and
is jammed. And you're sitting there, lowering your gaze at a
funeral in a place where it's supposed to actually be
a place of remembrance of death. Now, it's not a remembrance of
death. It's a distraction, and you're jammed up. So that's
something that needs to be rectified if we don't rectify
these things, that Allah will send us a group, a sect, a crazy group
of people
who will do the job. And we're not going to like it. And I said, two
days earlier.
Some monkey rocks were happening in the world of Dawa. But the Duat
and the Imams are very nice people and they give us not done and they
don't want to embarrass anyone and they don't want to conflict. And
so it passed and nothing nobody said anything. And that Allah to
Allah created somebody who was going to come and not care about
all these a dub, and all these fine tuning. You know, let's see
exactly what he said. Let's put it in context. Let's be nice about
it. All that's out the window.
Pouring gas.
Gas on the whole thing. light it on fire and laugh. Okay. Now Allah
sent you the Joker to fix you. Okay? That's the truth.
If you don't fix yourself, well, that's up Morrow, never tomorrow
forgotten how Nonnenmacher I will leave soliton Allahu Wa alaykum
Okay, well, that was yesterday, boudoir, Chiara calm.
You fix things. If you don't,
then your DUA is canceled now, and Allah will send someone to fix it.
Okay, or Allah will send an oppressor over you, and your dog
is not answered. And that's why we're seeing it. Right that nobody
could stop these things once they once that let's take the SOFIA
one thing I said yesterday is that they always say about the SOFIA
The SATs with their Greek I said, What Greek are you talking about?
This is general any rational logic is used. There's nothing Greek
about this, right? It's a lie. Worshipping graves, was
worshipping no graves. Right? But did Ah, yeah. bedarra their
innovations definitely were there. But the Sufia amongst themselves,
being polite being as just like Amazon hookset see Amazon Rocha,
he's gonna say it in the collide at the soul of when they all come
together, they have one flaw. They don't fix each other.
They're polite. They're nice, they're merciful. They're kind.
They give the benefit of the doubt. They hope that in the
future, it'll be things will get better. They don't correct each
other. They don't set each other right.
See the Amazon?
Well, he was right. Okay, you're not gonna set yourself right. And
Allah Tada created a group of rabid wild people
lighting the whole thing on fire. Okay, coming out of nudged of
course they're gonna be upset this a rabbit and while we did shoot
up, Hajaj shot up, people gonna make Hajj because they're singing
the Buddha, you're not rabid and wild.
Stay come in with no mercy at all. So that's why fix yourselves
before Allah sends you someone who has no mercy and does not distinct
discriminate between the innocent and the guilty and does not treat
you the way you deserve to be treated with Rama, a guy's 95%
good and it makes a couple of mistakes in his life now, cancel
the whole guy. Right? Take the 5% mistakes and label him with it.
Horrendous what we're seeing happening in the Dow, I feel bad
for them.
I'm not saying this is justified. But I'm explaining the phenomenon
of what happens in the creation. This is what happens in Allah's
creation. And it's happened over and over and over and over. Fix
the wrongs and if not, then Allah Tada will bring about for you
something that will bring you to your knees, doesn't discriminate
doesn't treat you nicely, and it'll fix the job and do more
damage to.
So that's why we got to correct ourselves. So he's saying here,
that heedlessness is by a golfer.
And a golfer is going long stretches without studying. Mmm it
had dead he said that the Allamah in our times, they have to stop
caving themselves up and writing commentaries upon commentaries
upon commentaries, and they need to go out and teach the basic to
the people. You have to go out there.
You can't wait to the people to come to you because they're in
And how you gonna go out there you got to go out there in a way that
doesn't harm yourself.
Because you could harm yourself, Imam
many Imams of the past. They were some great strength overcame them.
And they went into places of monka and give down with her. How do we
explain that? Like they went into bars? She said joints and they
went and one is narrated that he took the call of the shisha and he
threw it on the belly dancer. Right. 90s and and she got
shocked. And he said the Euro like this, that Jahannam that you're
going towards his worse. She made Toba. Right. So how do we explain
that we explain that that he was overtaken by a head. It's not some
it's macuahuitl It's haram to go to those places, even for dough.
But we say he was overtaken by a state.
So we have to go out to the people in a way that doesn't harm you
can harm yourself. Remember her dad said there's no Zewde about
your own akhira you don't say you can say I'll sacrifice my life to
save somebody else. I'll sacrifice my wealth, to give wealth to
somebody else. You can't say I'll sacrifice my assets to save
somebody else. They have to be that will be NIFA democracies.
We have to be a people that are in constant state of study
constantly, with the ultimate, every day, some exposure to
autumn. I know people whose Instagram is all
he could do it all and
shudder to Toba to scrub him out in the Dharma. The tree of
repentance is nourished by the water of regret
Shudra to muhabba to scrub it if they want more Africa, the Tree of
Love what is it? What is it? nourished by agreement? Agreement
being an agreement, people who are contrarians will not have a lot of
friends. Show me a contrarian who's has a lot of friends by
being a great if you want to make have a good relation with somebody
be in agreement with them, too.
Talk about only what you agree upon. Leave off the disagreements
and this is one of the diseases that has an epidemic that has
certain segments of the Islamic community
is argumentation non stop argumentation and when
argumentation you know when it has not just boiled over vomited over
is when name calling
it's not this thing hasn't festered is blown up
threatening people like physically threatening them, right. Name
Calling is one thing. Now physical threats. This thing has boiled
over something's wrong, right? Something is terribly terribly
wrong with the Dallas in in some segments, not masajid are fine. I
find myself to be peaceful. People tend to want to get along in the
massage, right? I tend to find massage it to be peaceful, very
peaceful. Even you go to a masjid where they're a little bit
different than you. But it's like,
we're fighting everywhere. There's fights everywhere. There's tension
everywhere. They shouldn't be tension here. I tend to find
myself to be very peaceful, but some of these
virtual spaces.
It's metastasized. I'm telling you, it's metastatic there's no
cure in this thing. It's metastasized. That's my diagnosis.
It's an out of control.
It's the cancer is never going back. Right. So allow them and
that's not that doesn't fall into what the prophets I said them said
is that the one who said people are destroyed or destroyed? No,
he's the one who destroyed them. Imam Al had Mammon. No, we, he
says that. If you're diagnosing a thing as a hopeless case, that is
not what it means. That's not what it means. It means when you wish
for them to be okay. Destroyed. And you don't believe that Rama of
Allah exists for them. That's what it means. Okay? But when you're
diagnosing something as a hopeless case, or or like a metastasized
cancer, is no one gonna disagree. No one's gonna disagree that
Twitter, the Muslim Twitter world and all that it's metastasized.
It's a cancer that is out of control
if the Zionists had a plan to destroy the Muslims,
it wouldn't be as good as this as what's happening, it would not be
they wouldn't be able to plan something better than this. This
is beyond their wildest dreams.
person comes into Islam I worry about them.
Because they're gonna come in and there'd be bullets flying. Hold
on. I thought this was the abode of peace. Arrows logs being thrown
out either chairs being thrown. It's the malice at the palace is
happening here.
Y'all know about that?
He made the one that was the one that was not answered.
In between. Yeah. That's it. That's actually evidence. It's a
proof proof. And you all saw the malice at the palace right? You
know about that?
Yeah. Ron, our test
let me change his name to like Metta World Peace. That's the
craziest news. Guys miskeen man.
Guys miskeen
world peace. We'll call a meta Tamata cinematographer T fatigue.
What I'm tackling Kubla Madera gel Irati for anti fija if you want
Malefor enlightenment and knowledge of Allah to Allah, but
you can't control your lower desires and you're in a state of
ignorance. Controlling the lower desires must come before
enlightenment and mattify.
Well, mata toptal era that accomplices here he Maka Matoba.
For NTP of of Latin method, you can't control your base desires.
Okay? cannot control your base desires, unless you have first
master Toba because you will control your bases are there's not
going to be like that. It's going to be a back and forth and a back
and forth. May Toba fell into sins. May Toba fell into sins, so
on and so forth.
All right, it's 219. Right now, we will take a short break. Why don't
you come up and talk about fictional frontiers? What's going
on? Why don't you tell us some of the stuff you're fighting against
while I take a quick breather, and then we'll be back for a q&a
Yes. Smilla Rahmanir Rahim salam alaikum. Everyone. This was not
planned. So, again, extemporaneously answer any
questions you might have about the fictional frontiers initiative.
We've talked about this a couple times in the past. But basically,
our initiative is focusing on storytelling from or inspired by
the Muslim world. And what that means is that we are trying to
create affirmative storytelling, it's not a push back to anything
or response to anything that's being created right now. Because
we're confident that the stories that we have to tell which are not
only based on the ethos of the Muslim perspective on things, but
also based on rich legacy, the history of the best of noble
character, not only from the times of the Prophet Muhammad
Sallallahu, wasallam, but also those that came after him, we just
need to share those stories, we need to share those those
narratives. And by sharing those, we ultimately will be able to
bring people to understand a completely different paradigm than
what they're accustomed to grappling with, in the short term,
and in the long term right now. So rather than say, Okay, this is
counter programming to what we're seeing, I feel like that's a
watering down of what our message is all about. We don't need to
respond to what is being created or what's being produced on a
creative level, in a storytelling Millia, we basically need to be
focusing on storytelling. That really, as we've been talking
about here, in some ways, manifest the hawk the truth of what we're
trying to live according to. So let's see if there any questions
if anyone has any questions about the initiative as a whole what
we're doing, I know, we've had a couple people have actually
submitted some of their content to us. And we do have a process by
which we evaluate the stories that are submitted, if you visit WWW
dot fictional, we have a pretty detailed approach to
how we that content material, we have a new chief creative officer
nor use of who is an incredibly talented storytelling on right,
she is the daughter of Schiff awesome use of out of the UK. And
she's done a brilliant job of putting together a formula by
which we evaluate content that's submitted, and then also look at
what can be done with the particular stories. And you might
be asking the question, what do we do with these stories? And what
kinds of stories are we looking for? Well, we're looking for, I
guess, two different things. One, we're looking for the seeds of an
idea. So if you just have a pitch or an idea that you want to kind
of help develop further, but you're not necessarily a creator.
That's something we'll be more than happy to discuss and explore
at a certain level, it might need a little bit more finessing and
marinating. But nonetheless, we will be looking at that to explore
it further. But more than anything else, we're looking for stories
that are medium agnostic, meaning that they're not necessarily for
publishing or for television or film, they can be for a variety of
different mediums and we'll help you explore what those might, what
mediums might serve those particular projects best. So just
visit fictional And we can talk about some of the
things we're actually you can see what we're looking to develop in
our team will actually get back to you if you email us and send
things in an organized fashion we try to create we try to create a
process that would keep things a little bit more smoothly moving
forward. Inshallah. So we welcome the opportunities there to share
what you have with those other people around
not only the OMA here but also outside Duomo who are interested
in stories that elevate entertain simultaneously so are there any
questions or I don't have a couple of stuff okay sure. That liberals
I'm sorry if I butchered that name for liberals uh, yeah. You said
Muslim fiction writer here hope to work with fictional friends
inshallah. Inshallah.
What's yours? Yes.
internships. So what's the process look like for that? Okay.
opportunities to get involved for somebody who's looking to, okay.
Someone asked one of the guests, you're asked about internships, we
are looking to bring on interns. And we have a variety different
that we need or welcome assistance in, because one of the things
that's really important for me is to actually make sure that this is
a collaborative effort. And so many of the industries that we
focus on and we work in, the doors are somewhat closed, because we
are working on a very high level content and productions because
we're not looking to just do things on a small scale. We're
looking to do things that are going to be on a global scale with
respect to not only the stories that are being told but how the
stories are being told. So there are a lot of different parts
moving parts in that mix. So there there are positions available in
open for social media positions, editorial positions,
things like
technical side of things, we're actually planning to relaunch our
live stream in Charlotte next month and do a lot more content
there. I'll give you a quick update on our schedule. In the
next couple of weeks, we actually were invited to San Diego Comic
Con next week, which is the largest pop culture event in the
world to moderate a panel on the fictional frontiers initiative and
share what this whole effort is all about. And for those of you
who are familiar or not maybe familiar with that.
That convention, if you will, it's basically a place where all the
industry leaders in genre pop culture entertainment come to
share their projects for the upcoming year. And they've invited
us to share our content. And we do have a couple of things we are
going to be announcing there, I can give you a teaser of what's to
come one of the things we are going to be talking about
announcing there is the launch of our digital platform. That's
another thing we may need help with is the monitoring and
the processing elements that are involved with that with respect to
the platform itself, which will be a subscription based platform
every month anyone who subscribes to our platform will have access
to all the content on it. We'll be actually sharing more details
about that at the event. But one of the other things that we are
going to be talking about in greater detail is a series by Nora
Yusuf, our chief creative officer, which is beyond the forest which
is a sea it's based on a series of novels she is currently writing,
she's written the first two novels of the series. And it's focusing
on the stories of the Olia in many respects basically, we are taking
I don't want say we're taking a cue from Narnia, per se, people
have compared it to 90 but I think that's a bad comparison. But to
give some context, but in essence, it's about three young children
who visit
there, one of the cousins is actually visiting two other
cousins in a place outside England where it's very rural, and it's
more of a forestry forestry area at Forest, the area Excuse me. And
when this cousin visits the other two cousins, they come across a
place where they think a witch is living. Now the witch is not
really a witch, since they don't understand that this individual is
someone who is ahead and who's actually dedicated to the deen and
through their interactions with her. They metaphysically are
transported to the times of the Olia
through philosophy. So the process of the storytelling or the the
vehicle by which we're telling you stories is a way for us to revisit
those incredible periods of time, but also give a sense of what
those individuals were able to accomplish and to share not only
with Moses, but non Muslims, the incredible legacies of the Olia.
So that's our first project. And the plan is actually to develop
that in a variety of different multimedia platforms on a variety
of different multimedia platforms. So quickly, if there any other
questions, I think duck shy probably coming back. So do you
guys have plans of coming to Dragon Con in Atlanta, right?
Dragon Con is more of a cosplay event. But you never know where
next year inshallah we're going to be attending a lot of different
places. And what's really nice is that we're finding people outside
of the Muslim community very interested in what we're doing as
well. So depending on the appropriateness of the venue, and
as Dr. Shadi mentioned before, we're not going to go to certain
locales, but depending on the opportunities, and the, you know,
the expectations, we definitely want to share what we're doing a
variety of in places, so we'll see, inshallah.
Any other questions quickly?
If you get, I'll give them if that's, that's for someone else.
But But yeah, one of the things that's really, really exciting is
that we're coming across incredibly dynamic creators in
their own right. But
you know, tied to that, or I guess, you could say, honing in on
that. They are really, really focused on making some of the
stories are consistent with our tradition. And one of the other
things that we're going to be doing next year, inshallah.
They want to put the pressure on Dr. Shadi and others, but we're
actually hoping to have the shoe book.
And I know that she had talked about the social media side of
things, but we were hoping to actually have the shoe on a very
high academic level, provide the parameters for artists who want to
enter these spaces in these industries. What questions they
need to ask, what are the limitations? What are the
expectations? What are the responsibilities, not only from a
creative perspective, but also from a business perspective as
well? How do we collaborate with people from outside our community?
How should people who are in this space, collaborate with one
another, you know, because one of the things that we see in the
secular space is that it's very much tied to capitalism and this
idea of competing against one another. And the Muslim ethos is
very different, where we look out for one another. And, you know,
one quick anecdote. Chef awesome use of brought this up, which was
very interesting. He said that if you visit the old Ottoman
marketplaces, you would find that they were guilds in those
marketplaces. And what would happen is that a person would
actually want to purchase something from one shopkeeper and
he would find that all the shopkeepers were pretty much
selling the same thing. And the understanding was that they would
share from a pool
And they had a certain amount that they made for themselves, but they
still worked with each other. So they elevated one, you know, one
another. And it wasn't just, you know, complete and utter
* or competition amongst each other. And I remember Shere
Khan said, Sheikh Hamza had mentioned this, I guess, a couple
months ago, where he said that he had gone to a shop and someone in
that shop, he was trying to purchase something from them and
said, Listen, don't buy from me buy from a person two stores down
because he's had a rough day today. SubhanAllah. So that that
ethos is what we're trying to embed in the creative process at
the highest levels, even when you're talking about multi million
or billion dollar projects. And so I think that one of the things we
hope to have the shoot, contribute to because we definitely need it,
because of the impact of storytelling is making sure that
we have something that's going to establish the parameters, the
ethics of not only the storytelling itself, but the
process by which we develop storytelling as a whole. So here
are the tier two series beyond the forest. And the other one, Claire
on, if you can see that on the screen here. Okay, yeah, there's a
series called Clarion. And I guess we can tease that since on the
side, I'll quickly kind of wrap this up. It's a series it's a
martial art series that's basically inspired by the martial
artists in Indonesia, who are definitely tied to a lot of the
schools in Indonesia, that have a rich legacy connected to Habib
Omer, for example. And so the martial arts stories are actually
bringing in, again, the ethical elements that come into martial
arts, or are part of martial arts from Muslims perspective, or
Muslim perspective. And we put a little bit more of a fantasy twist
on it, because the, the villains that they're fighting in this case
are actually demonic forces who have actually men whose whose sins
manifest physically so they are actually transformed into
monstrosities, by the very sins that they're committing. And so
that's what they're trying to fight against on a, you know, not
only in a, I guess, tangible level, but actually on a
metaphysical level as well. So again, we're pushing the
boundaries of what storytelling can be, but we're actually doing
it in a way in a show that's going to embrace the process and method
that resonates with a lot of the mainstream content out there. And
people were actually really, really excited about, like I said,
not just from our community, but outside the community. Because
the one thing I think we have neglected this last point I'll
make is that people outside the Muslim community,
they really are drawn by drawn to, I should say, science fiction and
fantasy. And what I found is that there's a direct connection
between that and the unseen world because that means they're
thinking out of outside of what they're seeing. So they already
have an inclination to want to explore those possibilities. And
so we're trying to develop stories that will allow them to connect
with these questions or these answers, we're actually trying to
give them the answers to some extent. But more importantly,
thing else, we feel like if, if, if you build it, they will come
not to borrow a, you know, a cliche from Field of Dreams. But
that's Hinshaw the plan as a whole, wherever the shows be
the platforms that we're going to be airing the shows are going to
be and they're gonna be in a variety of different places and
show ultimately, we do want to produce live action animated
series. And it will be on a variety of different streaming
platforms. Hopefully, it'll be on some of the more
North American centric platforms, but also their emerging
international platforms that a lot of the different regions are
developing themselves. So Turkey has their own
streaming platform, Latin American countries have their own platform.
So we hope to have the content available on a variety of
different types of platforms have different spaces. And the nice
thing about this is that as a whole,
what we're seeing is that in the old days, you could see genre
entertainment dominated by only a certain number of networks, you
know, studios and like, but because of the ubiquity of
technology today, and everyone, you know, being able to do so much
at home for example, for example, not to say we're going to be
working with independent creators on that level, but you can do a
lot now that you just could never do before and a lot of countries
are now able to produce content that's comparable, if not superior
to the content we're seeing developed here even if you go
online and see some of the independent
North American filmmakers I saw a video the other day of this young
man who had created this clip of he was trying to copy spider man
but he literally had filmed himself I believe under this
tunnel and he was swinging and climbing. He was swinging
underneath the tunnel and climbing on the walls and he just he did
all himself without any visual effects house and
that's like I said real leveling of the playing field here so now
it's more about the content and how you you know develop the
content as a whole
yeah, beyond the forest is at the top there and the second one is
Clary on it's actually the Mohawk kijk is the name but we we had to
Give it a name that was a little bit more digestible for English
speaking audiences. But both of them are manga series. And the
reason we use manga is because with respect to even a lot of the
younger students of knowledge, I found that they've they've they've
enjoyed content that's using that medium because manga is a medium.
Just like dodge Chevy alluded to earlier with respect to the apps
and I don't want to, you know, speak on his behalf, he may push
back against that. But I think that it's the utilization of the
mediums. It's just like driving a car, the way we're looking at it.
This is a process by which we're conveying or telling this
particular story. And in many respects, I feel that there's also
the opportunity for us to redefine how that medium should be used.
That's, that's one of the ultimate goals and, you know, Allah
subhanaw tobique is with him, of course, and we just we do our best
I remember again, a couple of weeks back, Dr. Shadi had
mentioned that if that stretch, I think it was at the event for
prophetic living.
For Shaykh Yasir Fahey's organization, he made this, he
told the story, I think he told him, he has an NBC NBC about
making the law that, you know, if the intent is there, you get the
reward of the intent, regardless of whether or not you succeed and
the intent. So our intent is actually to redefine what pop
culture genre attainment is across the globe. And if we make it fine,
if we don't, it's not up to us. It's up to Allah subhanaw taala.
So I'm just looking to see if there any other questions.
But we'll be sharing more and more as we move along on our Instagram
page and on our website, but we want to do a slow burn, because it
was really important for us to make sure that the content
reflected who we were and is, you know, and is consistent with our
tradition, which is again, why we've referenced scholars and all
this, you know, nor use of one dimension. One other thing about
Nora, in her writing of this series beyond the forest, the
stories of the Olia any section that she's written about these
particular individual, she does not move forward in her
storytelling until she gets assigned after doing this the
hotter. So, because I had asked her how long does it take for you
to write the different installments in the different
books? And she said, Well, I don't move ahead. Wish I thought it was
just because of the creative process the art behind it. And she
said, No, I don't I don't move ahead until I get assigned. After
doing this, the harder that it's okay for me to move ahead. Or that
I'm okay with this. And she said I've had to make change make I've
had to make changes in the storytelling aspects of it because
of you know, certain signs she received. And that's the thing we
really want to also bring to the mix here is that whenever you're
jumping into this, yes, sir. It's okay. Everyone wants to make a
living in these industries. But
you have, you can you can have your cake and eat it too. You need
to purify your intentions across the board. And
it's at the end of the day, it's not about who has the most toys
wins the game. What we're trying to do and we have a responsibility
because we are here in this time in this place, we have a
responsibility to
to share
the share the hug, that's what it to share the hug and
and there's a way to do it, and there's a way not to do it. And
again, I think one other thing that really kind of gave us some
clarity, to be honest with you was
Dara, Dara share total the series on Netflix, which
was about the precursors to the Ottoman Empire aerotow the father
of aasmaaN who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire, and that
series is obviously unapologetically Muslim in its
content, or at least the you know, the story is as far as who these
individuals are, you know, they don't shy away from their
expressions or their their their lives as as Muslims and what we
found is that about 40% of people if you go on to Google for
example, and look at the reviews for that show, you see the 40% of
people who are watching that show are not Muslim and they love the
content they'd be giving positive reasons I don't I don't I'm not
you know XY and Z and then they say
you know, but I I embrace and celebrate and really love the
sincerity I love the devotion to elevated character and I think
that there's a you know, there's a connection on the level of the
fitrah to so much of this you know that that draws people in eemaan
comes from Allah subhanaw taala doesn't come from us and so all we
can do is plant the seed and once we've done that we fulfilled our
responsibility and
yeah it's it's it's instant exciting right but an answer an
answer to the brothers question again about the internships we
definitely looking for people who want to contribute in any way form
or fashion and
the one thing I would also make mention of quickly is that don't
think that you cannot contribute to this space because
I believe from my experience, at least what I'm seeing, I have
seen, excuse me is that people who are creative on any level or in
any area, their skill sets are transferable. So even if you don't
know how to do certain things in the arts, per se, the fine arts,
what have you don't think that you can't contribute, or you can't be
a part of this industry. And also, from my experience, with all due
respect to, you know, colleagues, and people who are working on
feature films that are like most of people working in those
their talent is some is not something that is awe inspiring,
or something that should shouldn't, you know, send shivers
down your spine, say, Listen, I can't compete, or I can't be in
these areas, if anything, most of the people in our community are
thinking about things at such a high level. And with such a
layer of nuance that they just need to be given the opportunity.
So I think that don't feel like you can't, you can't do what
they're doing, I think we can actually do what they're doing and
do it at a higher level in so many different ways. They just need to
be given the chance to show and hopefully we'll be able to do
that. So.
So I know if you want to take
your cycle here, as long as I can.
So this is another thing where it's something Allah created in
the census situation where people are there watching stuff, there's
no changing that right. So you moderate it, put it in what's
useful, put it what's it * out and do it excellently. And if you
look at
the best stories, the best movies, the most successful brands,
brands of or whatever they're called right. trilogies, whatever
we want, what do they call them? Yeah, those, they're just the best
story and has nothing to do with the lewdness, nothing to do with
the nonsense that they put into to get you to people to watch. It's
just the best story. Alright, so
there's one question I definitely want. Yeah, sure. It says, it's
part of your decision. I think it was the MMA as part of your
decision to combat the Islamic phobic novelists, literary
artists, such as Rushdie and have to hedge I want to address that.
I would say no, because I think again, echoing something you said,
a couple weeks back, we as Muslims, we're not reactionaries.
I think that that by its nature, already gives a level of validity
to what has already been created and produced by another person,
you don't respond to other people. Yeah, we have people respond to
us. And I think what we have, and what we are doing is not a
response to what others are doing. It's because we have a
responsibility to share who we are what we have, yeah. Which is very
different from responding to what others say, or do or what have
you, then you're on the defensive, we're not on the defensive, we're
on the offensive here, in a way that's not aggressive by any
nature, or any way I should say, it is a way for us to fulfill our
responsibilities. So it's not a response to them, it's actually a
responsibility to our Creator, you don't
stay in the negative in the defensive. When you're in the
defensive, you've already lost.
You've already lost when you're in the defensive, you got to always
be in the offensive of putting out what you believe in, which doesn't
mean that you never state what you're against because the shahada
teaches us, right? The shahada says that we negate we are in a
constant negation of the evil. And it's one of Satan's tricks of up
to stay optimistic, and just always, which you never say
anything is bad. And you never say anyone is wrong, and you never say
anything is not correct. That's also misguided. But where's the
location of that that should be
secondary to what you're pushing off? Right? It may be primary in
what's in what's necessary. So it's necessary to remove and
adjusted before break necessary to disbelieve in idols before
believing in Allah. So in the logical order of things, but in a
cultures general ethos, it's got to be positive. Because one of the
biggest difference between the Shia ethos and the Sunni ethos
which is not to poke and start a fight with the Shiite the Shia in
the month of Muharram, but the ethos is very different. One ethos
is always negative, the central point is the negativity, whereas
you go to Egypt
in Muharram,
for decades, known centuries, what did they call it? They call they
don't not at non Muharram. I don't think ism haram. They actually
celebrate the birth of a saint.
Right. I don't know if they do it in Muharram or when did they do
it? But
If there if you go to the masjid there
are Hussein deaf celebrations, to celebrating the achievement of
what he did? Not
being negative curse upon while we curse upon his Eid curse upon the
Omega it's curse upon and then it extends to the Sahaba Macedo Maori
and extends into where we're entering into
serious innovation and misguidance. According to the
majority Irish has said he was wanting Shaban so go to molal
Hussein in Egypt, see when they do it.
Okay, mela did Hussein in Egypt they do for a month. But what's
what's the ethos happiness? He's in Jana. He said Shabaab agenda.
So, yes, in his journey, there was that one terrible period of time.
But the overall he succeeded, right. He succeeded. He has he is
saved Shabaab had an agenda. Every year hordes of Egyptians hordes.
This is
how he was able to just head to head Hussein mosque in another
district to celebrate the Molad birthday and Hussein had not even
thought of this year. The Molad came in the same day as Western
Christmas that Hussein has a great significance to the Muslim
specially okay bubbeleh The mosque was built on 1154 Okay
it's regular his shrine is regularly visited.
Okay 15 million people a year festivities in old Cairo. Have a
fair like nature. Okay.
All right, keep going down scroll.
Now, it doesn't mention anything what's the day go up?
Go up or go up up up up. See the date of the article.
Okay, so it doesn't really say that any history date but when
they do it 1000s It says here celebrating now we can discuss how
they celebrate it right. And sometimes these the you know, they
just go a bit crazy. Right? And they have a one time I'm not even
kidding you a full band in the Merab.
A band
flutes, drums, set up a stage in front of the mahogany rendering to
serious levels of I would say, you know,
this is not what was intended. What's intended is a hit Vic. Here
vichara of sound so there are the crow meaning the commemoration or
the remembrance of it. What do we learn from this? What kind of a
are we going? What are we going to revive recitation of Quran so the
gods those usual things, right? That's all fine and good. But once
it goes crazy like that, and then guess what happens? Nobody says
anything. So Allah is gonna create what is for you. Right? So we got
to fix ourselves, but we got to do things right. So the general ethos
of the Sunnah.
Is happiness
in everything, not grief and sadness.
All right, couple
questions we have time to take right now.
Magic bn says we mentioned mingling the good and bad at the
beginning. Yes, is one of the tricks shades on
after talking about how we want to spend our time learning the dean,
I was a bit confused. Yes. Okay. So she cheats on when he cannot
stop somebody. Right.
When he cannot stop somebody from doing the good, he will try to
make them mix the good and the bad. Such that for example, they
may have arrogance and wearing the garments of the Sunnah. That's
good. Having a big beard and looking down on mixed together,
okay, or studying up data, arguing with people studying FIP
making people's lives miserable. Okay, because
that's the that's the part where things can be mixed good and bad.
That's the problem.
We do a quick AF again
soon as I got up and refocus to the mic, it was
all right. What else we got here? Open QA. Not much from Instagram
so far.
Question from the Mo has, is there a risk of diluting the Dean like
that of the American show? Rami? How do we avoid this? Well, we
should just look up by rulings.
Ramiz, not dilute.
During the dean, it's directly soiling.
It's a Durex. That's pouring defecation in the water. Diluting
is pouring water in the milk. Now this guy vomited in the milk
like with his show just straight up Muhammad's prohibitions
straight up. So
which one?
Oh man Yeah, I mean the guy has got filth in the thing, but that's
what they want him to put. They wonder to fill Mojo con
the origins origins of took took our mother hip o'clock, and Mother
hip of chocolate and over the Ella
tactical Abu dia de la is to optimize, perfect, actualize our
servitude to Allah subhanaw taala. So how do we do that we need a
living example. And hence the turtle have chains of transmission
back to the Sahaba
where they passed down how to actually live as a slave of Allah
subhanaw taala. In our times, as we said earlier, the greatest
is in the past, but the greatest impact is in the present, the
people of the present will change you right away. They don't have
the best rulings, the best guidance is with the people of the
past. They're pure. But so we need this
immediate living right in front of us flesh and blood right in front
of us examples. Because we have in our times challenges that didn't
exist back then. I can't know what is a good amount what weathers to
study or to, to go to college or study Dean, again, get that
answered from Abdullah Regina, and he can't get that answer from the
Sahaba get that answer from the sheep that are alive today. So I
can't know how much you know, should I socialize? Versus should
I be in solitude for liquor? That question is not going to be
answered by the people the past can be answered by the people of
today. Hence the dire need and the necessity
of being with
the people of the present. And so when someone becomes an adept at
this, they've done it so much. They've trained, they've been
And now they're training others, they become a shake.
Shack, don't wanna waste his time,
some Sheoak, they don't waste their time. You come to me, you
don't go to somebody else. That's the idea of a bear. It's not that
you can never be around somebody else. But your general direction
who if I'm sitting there and teaching you and teaching you and
teaching you and then all of a sudden you say Oh, I'm gonna go to
some, I read with somebody else, you're wasting time. Because this
is a very intimate relationship.
Okay, it's not just reading a book with them. It's guiding you along
your spiritual development, okay?
For you then to waste that time.
That's why they established this concept. And it's a deal. The
buyer is a legal deal. I will be there for you. Listen to me.
That's the trade off. I'll be there for you. I'll make my time
for you. You listen to me. Don't waste my time.
And that's only one perspective of the bad there are many other
perspectives. But that's the baseline legal perspective of why
they did that.
Far too might have been too abrupt man says, Please tell us on the
DUA that are answered on Wednesday between Dover and us. I never
heard of that until yesterday. Why specifically on Wednesday between
God and us, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at the Battle
of 100.
And around one month had passed. And the Muslims have been under
siege for one month about and the were getting exhausted and the
supplies were running thin. And they had been away from their
homes at the front of the city for one month. And the Sahaba were
feeling the hardship. So the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wa
salam began to make dua for a relief
from this hardship.
And he and this hobby jabot and Abdullah, who was like the
attendant to the prophets of Allah when he was sent him at that time,
he saw the Prophet peace be upon him come out of his tent,
or be in his tent, which was on a high area, so he could see the
whole situation
And he made dua all day on Monday. Just like pray, make sit for da
eat, sit for da pray again sit for dot tend to affairs sit for da did
that on Monday did that on Tuesday.
On Wednesday he began doing that too. And on Wednesday between the
hood on us, he received the answer from Allah that Allah Tada will
answer him that the photos will come. And shortly thereafter, a
great wind came and blew away all the tents of the pagans, and they
became miserable, and it rained on them. And they lost their desire
to continue. So they began to scatter and leave
Jabra bin Abdullah the sahabi. He then said, I knew at that point
that Wednesday between Dora and OS is a special time because anytime
that something happens once to the Prophet peace be upon that time
and place become sacred. So the place and in Medina, you can go
there, there's a little Masjid built there.
But if you don't can't go to that place, we observe the time,
there's time and place. So the time is Wednesday, anytime between
the hut and us, we never know when it can change, just like the last
third of the night. It's not the whole last third of the night,
there's a window opens up when you don't know.
So Wednesday between the hood and us, there is a time of each other.
Because Allah gave that once to the prophets. I said to them, he
doesn't take it back. And that's the definition of Ed Kadeem, when
he gives you doesn't take something back. It's not the
attribute of generosity to give a gift and take it back. So the
prophesy started the job and opted out the companion said anytime
that I had an issue and I have a matter that's burdening me.
I sit between Doha and Nasir on Wednesday do some a bad to recite
some Quran and make dua and he said, always I get a signal that
my daughter a sign of some sort,
some indicator
from Allah to Allah that the draw has been answered. So that's why
we take advantage of that time.
And that dot
North Korean says, Should I read the Quran every day? Even if it's
the same Surah over and over? Yes, that and that's a great way of
doing HIF.
Let's say I want to memorize a surah of Quran
but I'm weak I don't have time. Okay. How about every morning
receipt, recite it every morning, recite that sutra? Oh, it's long.
Recite one page of it, too, I can't recite half a page of it.
Recite the half a page twice, I guarantee you by the end of the
month you memorized now start praying with it. No. See, you can
memorize the Quran with very a lot of Quran with very little effort.
By doing observing this methodology, every morning, you
wake up, first thing you do is you remember you recite that half page
once or twice, you start playing with it.
By the way, you're allowed to mark it out when pencil or in pen in
the Quran. Most if you could mark it out, you put a line, right? And
treat that like if every Surah of the Quran was the size of let's
say, a Baja with Baja allele that suggests
we don't have fun. But we're just saying we can do this. All you
have to do is break up every suitor with a line you're not
saying that it's a new SUTA. But you're putting for my hip. This is
my section and it's that five is here seven is there, every page,
break it up into two or three parts. And then obsessively read
that same part. Don't read the second one, read that one. And
number it. So let's say it's suit, it's a team, and you break it up
into four parts to Heading One, Heading Two, Heading Three times
four. So in your mind, you know what it is, right? And every
morning or anytime you recite Quran
instead of reciting five pages recite to him 110 times, which is
equivalent to five pages, right?
hefte is better than not
Because heft allows you to memorize, to recite without the
most hoof and insula had some doesn't because you don't remember
anything. You remember, you'll you'll remember selected verses
here and there. Or how to continue a verse make most most adult
Muslims who read the Quran a lot, you can recite an idea who finish
it for you. Right? But he won't be able to recite a passage. So
that's a far superior way of living with the Quran.
And then you just take it systematically, and you start
playing with it. That's the key.
All right, I'm gonna have been to says that she has questions. All
right. Let's see
Where are these questions?
It's Instagram. I opened it later didn't see it. So can you scroll
We're looking for the question sister.
What are some resources for learning? And what's the best way
to go about
Buy every book of cereal you can get from a reliable source and
read them all because not every one of them will not none of them
will be complete. And they will patch together like the Oh like
the Mattoon, like you're studying Ashmole. Yeah, then you study
UCLA, then you study IB and then you study Isaiah 70 80% of it's
the same which cements you in that you become like, this is like
bread and butter. But each one will add a little bit more here
and there. So see what are the best methodology if you're
ambitious, any sera book you get you buy it.
There may be a chapter, or an incident in the theater that is
discussed better in one book than another book overall, the other
books better but on this subject, it's better. Maybe a writing style
is better in one, but the sourcing is better than another one one has
footnotes for everything. The other doesn't have the footnotes,
but it flows a lot nicer. One of them is very good for the advanced
ones a good for the beginner. So likewise, for playlists of Sera,
listened to everybody. Sarah got everyone who was within a reliable
sunnah. Right? And as soon listened to them, some people may
have better storytelling skills, some better analytical skills,
right? So that should be our methodology and see it and see it
it doesn't need a jazz just need to know the sources sound then you
read with regards to memorizing and reciting the portion in your
Salah. How can you know that you're not making a mistake? So
you listen.
If you can possibly have a teacher to give it to Samia to then you
know that you haven't made a mistake, but after a certain
While, if you know your 10th weed, you know the Quran in general, you
won't need that. Right? You listen to it, you recite it. That's if
someone has, for example, I've been to teach week classes. Right?
I'm experienced now in that I know how to recite the Quran and I can
listen to it. But if you're a beginner, you will need someone to
bounce it off of go to you go to anybody who knows how to read the
Quran, open the most half, or if there are half of the recite to
them, so and you only need to do that a couple of times until you
become good at reciting.
And you know exactly how the book should be recited.
can find the two questions that the sister was talking about? She
sends either a long time ago. Yeah, we can see it's sister. We
can't see it. Yeah, resend it. Am I right says I have broken pieces
of Islamic art. How do I dispose of it? You cut it up, or you would
break it such that no words can be deciphered. And then you could
dispose of it. That's how you do it.
I'm teaching a theater class and thinking of showing the movie the
with a disclaimer
that the actors are not you know what they?
What about the movie the most in
pious people and people of knowledge show the movie? I don't
believe I don't believe in
just displaying Sahaba though, because it's a slippery slope.
Right, but at least they refrained from but also okay. They refrain
from the qualifier.
But who's judging I guess the qualifier there are a special the
profit and the forklift effects are not shown. But what about the
10 Guaranteed paradise? What about bidet? He was guaranteed paradise
he's not from the 10. The 10 was in one incident the Prophet
synergy visa the first 10 people to enter give them the Bucha of
paradise. Right. And then they came back Rome are automatically
Southside that has been Ramona been Alpha, Beta 10
We start them all. Back Roma Rothman rally sad cytol tollhouse
aware of the amount of an alpha male beta male genre. They all
enter one after the other after the other and it's energy reset or
mass or Muhammad the first 10 to come in. You give them Bushra
That's why they're called the 10 But are they the only no Bilello
Baba was guaranteed perilous Hassan and Hussein were guaranteed
perilous Hamza was guaranteed paradise, the prophesy centum set
said that
all the shahada, those shahada that the Prophet preyed upon so
there are many so who are why why would we display Hamza
And beloved,
but not others. So I'm not a fan of that, personally, because it's
a slippery slope. Why? There are so many other incidents that
happen in Islamic history you could make a movie out of. But I
can't say there's no benefit in either. Yeah.
Obviously, the scholar that you should avoid, I think anything
that shows the Prophet Muhammad son loves or any of the Sahaba
Yep. But there is a way around that. That's one of the things
that Aristotle did. that I thought was very effective, because
I'll give an example of an article and
you read about them, do you understand them intellectually?
But honestly, I really gain a deeper appreciation of what I will
not fit was by watching by seeing it by seeing it in display. Oh,
yeah. So you can use other stories, I would say what will be
the probably the best course is like Dr. Shadi said, take the
books, the techs, process, the stories. And then as Muslim
storytellers we tell stories, which give you an archetypal
example, a concrete example. So you can actually see what that
really means what isn't enough in real life, and how they interact,
how they enrage a person, because you see them causing the trouble,
but you can't actually pinpoint the crime. That's why they enraged
you them when efac Like the snake, you know, they're causing trouble,
but you got nothing on him. It drives you crazy. Jobs, law
enforcement crazy these guys who are like this law enforcement when
they they know you're the source of all the trouble, but you did it
in such a crafty way. That they have no proof on you. They have no
proof. But they know you did it. Yeah, he did. Now the mafia
might kill you anyway, just by suspicion. And that's why the
mafia there's more law and order where the mafia exists, but
there's systematized oppression to men anyway, let's get to this
question here. She says no, I mean, when you're reciting the
memorize portion, and you're slow, how do you know you're making a
In any case, it's the same for anybody. So you are going to try
to recite it to yourself and compare before that so many times.
All right, do you have to have it so many times that you feel
confident that I know it will ask somebody to hear it and if three
four times you recited it without mistakes, you can pray with it.
And it doesn't break your slot to make a mistake. And in the, in the
If it if it no longer sounds like Arabic, that degree of error,
egregious error, then this was invalidated and the automat said
other things. So there's different parameters on that, but that's one
of them. And that's in
I can't remember I recall the book it's it's a
book compiling many Shadow Hearts of colleagues.
All right, Muslim, Muslim.
Okay, first before this before this one. Because it's a longer
one. A shorter question is what does it mean? The same evict room
and Shula? It means that what is a mature it's an ad.
Like a little
piece of paper that says, there's a sale on a barbecue on 345
Washington Street.
Simple, right? You take it you go right away. When you get those
ads, those little leaflets, what are they they're simple, and
they're direct, they give you direct access to the benefit. So a
vicar matured Wilaya means that when you become a person of
victory, it's as if you've been given a little leaflet telling you
where we lie is like it's the fast route. It's the left lane it's the
direct route once a person has become a lover of a vehicle that
they are on the path to will eventually they'll get there and
show lots on and most of them walking with some guy who well i
This is a big Hadith well at Lulu Kulu Muslim Muslim haram
Muslim is sacred. His reputation his wealth, his blood. Okay,
chocolate is here.
It's enough evil for a person to hate your Muslim brother. Okay,
the Muslim is a brother of the Muslim he should not betray him
lie about him humiliate him. That's the meaning of that hadith.
It's one of the most encompassing Hadith on matters of a clock
between Muslims. Okay.
Okay, couple more and then we are off for the for the day we'll come
back on Monday inshallah a
friend of mine is unsure if she should marry a brother who asked
for her hand
because he's ever LV.
Let me just put it this way in a marriage you gotta agree on the
If you're both in the into the dean, if you're both nominal
Know the dean, you have a risk, what happens if one of you becomes
interested in D, right? So you really should be on the same
wavelength. And if you have positions and he has positions,
very strong positions that are opposed, it may cause problems,
but really,
he don't want to turn away potential good people,
over fine points of theology, unless they're fanatics. If a
fanatic you can get along with a fanatic, not because of their Deen
because their personality, the fanatic is a fanatic and
everything. Right? fanaticism and reasonability reasonableness are
isolated. Again, fine guy. He's a very reasonable guy. But in the
dean, he is a crazy fanatic. No, he'll be a crazy fanatic and
everything right. So that fanaticism is no good in life. So
I wouldn't like somebody to be
like marriages, it's so precious these days people have trouble
getting married. Right? So shouldn't just be shutting someone
off because of a method which within a lesson see if you could
try to get along and we're not just get along bring up the points
and find the middle ground. And that's not the methodology and the
dean of lets you bring your point you bring my point will bring the
middle ground that's not the methodology will soon there's
right and wrong based upon the sources. So bring up the mess
Allah and find together find what is true. And what is false. Now
there is fanaticism, even in that, like you bring something true.
Okay, so that it is assumed that is true. Now, where's the
fanaticism? Anybody who does not espouse and declare their Ashot
ism and Metro D does and more humble ism is a McDonough and
we're going after him and we're going to tear them down. That's
where yes, you're true, but you're a fanatic know how you apply. This
is fanaticism. So the way I like it, the best thing I heard is that
everyone's innocent until they utter something that's not right.
A person is not guilty because they like somebody
or they look they dressed that way or they have shield of that you're
not guilty until you
express an utter the innovation with your own mouth and support
it. Okay, so
a lot is best Your situation is a specific matter. I'm giving you
just general points. Yep. Would you have like a distinction
between like 50 stuff so like, it's your 100 and like, she she's
a volleyball and she's like Shafi let's say yeah, obviously we don't
believe in like even if you touchable most Shaohua it's not
gonna break my will do. But then for her she has different approach
to that. So like with fix stuff like that. Okay, well, that's a
that is a great question. Muda had husbands got one mother. wife has
got another method. This is how it works. When husband and wife are
together if it's a matter that is mutual, such as the touching that
breaks would do right
it's a mutual thing you like it's it's a mess Allah that is based
upon two people.
You're on the husband's mother up. He's the leader of the house.
You're in my kingdom right here. All right, which we don't pray
witches together. Do your thing. All right, children. Girls are on
the mother's mother boys are on the father's method.
That's the best I've seen. So in a mutual mess, like which it is not
mutual. You pray what to do your way. I'll pray. What's your mind?
Wait, we're not doing it together. Right. But something that must be
done together. It's on the husband's method.
Like the Mesilla voodoo.
She's Shafi
touching you okay.
She Shafi and no on this No? Okay, you make the video. I'm not making
the video.
So there's not even an issue. But I'm touching. I'm not hesitating
you can come and tell me.
Let's sit together and have ice cream and watch something on
Netflix. But we'll put a wall here or I'll wear a glove No.
You gotta have in a marriage soon enough. Good.
What's the specific dua for clarity
Allahumma adenan. Hakka Hopkin, what is Oconee Tabasco and in
about at about an hour is looking at Steena and by the way that
hadith had cited earlier about commanding right is let's at Moto
Knebel ma roofie while attend her guna and among curry, Liu Sal
Layton, Allahu alaykum sharara calm while la SML dua here Rico.
The meaning is you shall command the right and forbid the wrong or
Allah to Allah will put over you the worst of you, and He will not
answer the door of the best of you. So if you find yourself being
oppressed, being messed up, someone's abusing you, and you're
as not being answered, it's because right was not commanded
and wrong was not forbidden. That's the result.
How do we address the Shovelhead? spewed by the liberal teachers in
the classrooms?
So, sister goes to school brother goes to school, Muslim students.
And they're now some nonsense some Cofer is being uttered.
In the class, how does she handle it? Well,
it's a very tough situation. And there are specialists
organizations, like the Coalition for virtue or coalition of virtue.
That are, they're designing content.
First, how students and parents to handle that I don't have that off
top of my head, because there's so many different things that a
teacher can say.
But look for the Coalition of virtue they have that they have
ways to handle that talking points,
tips on how to love the Quran, listen to it, as much as you can
recite it as much as you can. The more someone recites the Quran,
the more they love it.
How can I respond to my friend who knows to trust Allah and it will
get easier to be patient? But response? What do you do when
you've been patient over again, and no changes happen?
I have a friend who smokes and he says that smoking isn't haram. I
know that's not true. But what proof is there?
The whole point of patients is that you never say I've been
patient enough. Okay. Patience is the opposite of that. So, yeah,
sometimes you have to be patient for a calamity for 15 years, that
happens. And you just have to stop once you quit. You can't call
yourself patient. To be patient means you reach the end.
And you can bide this person's time. And by distracting them from
their tribulation is one of the best things someone's got to
tribulation distract them from the Tribulation. And that's one of the
things we're alive, we're law who becomes permitted becomes good
playing and so called like wasting of time, it becomes actually
permitted. When you're taking somebody away from focusing on the
tribulation, you some not you can always focus on how the
Tribulation is okay, let's do something positive, there are so
broken and messed up. You need to
take them to something that is just halal and fun, away from
their tribulation.
It's easier, it goes down easier, helps take their mind off. So
that's something where it is accepted. Because you can't always
expect people who are in a traumatic situation say, Okay,
let's go to the masjid. Their mind is not for this right there in
mind not ready for this. Their mind is they're shattered, they're
emotionally just messed up.
I can't talk like I have a lot of experience in that. But that's
what I do know. And you could ask people who are in the counseling
world for that. By the way, we might open up a, a coaching a life
coaching and counseling company, I might open one up,
because a lot of people need to and what I will be, I won't be
doing it myself, but my friends will be doing it and I'll be
guiding them on it. But it's the general life stuff. People just
don't know how to do general life anymore. Right? I don't know what
the dads are up to, like the regular general living, they don't
know how to do it
why should you ask for a good ending? I understand that it
signals potentially having a good stay in the hereafter. What else?
The good end is the most important. The most important
time of your life is how you die.
More important than anything else.
There's a thunderstorm happening here. Should I make any dua that I
want? Yes, you can. But the DUA that is accepted is more
in the heart or in the rain, the thunder, it should be a sofa when
they're scary thunder and lightning. It's not a time of Dawn
it's a time of is to have fun. That is if it's scary. It's like
shocking everybody. The province I sent him used to make it so far at
that time for sins. Rather than do if it's just general rain, then
where do we have the Thursday night molds? Good question. I'm
gonna ask where they put them up. If we ever recorded them. I can't
even remember if they recorded them.
All right, we have to stop unfortunately, a lot of questions
we didn't get to, but it is now 315
And, and time is running out we have to
we have to go, unfortunately. And with that we will close off with
our ending droughts of Chanukah, la humo Byham Dick Nisha
Illa. illa Anta Mr. Farrow connectable in a while asked in an
internal a few who's ill Alladhina amanu ominous sada her towards the
wall so bellhop what a while so the sub ask Allah subhanaw taala
to accept from all of us, we ask ALLAH SubhanA which Allah to bless
us and protect us, forgive our sins and not punish us if we are
penitent for our sins. We ask Allah to odd and not to punish us
when we are penitent for our wrongdoings seeking his is so far,
making us so far seeking His forgiveness and trying to improve
and stay away from sins we ask Allah to Allah for Citra enough
when I fear and Mark Farah and IK Rama Rama wa sallahu wa barik ala
Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Subhan not a
beggar a blazer gmlc phone was that when I was sitting, but
Hamdulillah I mean?
got it.