Shadee Elmasry – NBF 206 Surah AtTaghabun
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala
Rasulillah. While earlier he was talking to human Well welcome
everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts, podcasts in
today is Tuesday. And on Tuesday as you know, we study the Tafseer
of the Quran and we read from one of the bests toughest year
ciruit Baba, we, alright, why is it one of the best you always
learn something yet at the same time? It's not long winded.
Neither is it what, jeez, very thin.
Nor is it there's too much to Weststar or expansion on every
single little subject that would make you feel that you're not
progressing in the reading No. tafsir is never about.
It's never really about advancing quickly in anything. Okay, but
here we are. And we shall read from Pseudotsuga. When that
segment number one, segment number two, I'm going to read from
critical, the divine for critical minds, again, an inquiry into
God's existence. It's going to be segment numero dos. Segment Number
three, I'm going to read from a little dot book actually made for
children. But you should never see a dot book, except that you read
something from it. Right read and you never know which door is going
to be accepted and do not is something that should never
be taken for granted. Or oh, I know this. It's not about knowing,
constantly non stop. supplication is our way and that is the way
that is what Allah wants from us. That is what Allah loves from us.
Okay, so let's open up
all the different chats to see who we got on board today. We had a
great audience yesterday and a
lot of interaction on the stream. Okay. And let us open up instance
and make sure everyone's here by the way, did you guys see Maureen?
Meet you know, Maureen from the from the original Sofia society
podcast. Did you guys see Maureen's
the stuff that he's putting up on Instagram? He's become like, a
carpenter. Right? He's become a carpenter.
The Christians are gonna get upset with you. You're rivaling there.
You know, he's become a really he's big. It's impressive.
All right, he just monitor him.
Ka here macchia Illa Allah
Allah Falletta
it is a Meccan Surah
Surah it's a tough baboon. It's a Meccan Surah minus three is which
are Yeah, you're letting me know in a minute as magical until the
end. Okay, so the last three ideas are not are from Medina. Okay. The
last three eyes are from Edina. The rest of the SUTA is mucky.
And he begins by saying regarding the first two ads Bismillah R
Rahman r Rahim you said Behold, EMF is similar to Murphy's Law
Homolka Allah Al Hamdulillah, who Allah Felicia and Kadir who Allah
the Calaca, confirming carefully Ruhlman commitment will long be
met by Luna Belsey
Caleb nobis in Allah halacha Benny Adam Mina and McAfee era from
mejor E to whom yarmulke Yama Tikka Masala, Cava Mina kathira.
Who will lead the kala Coco hickory created you. All right,
and some of you are men and some of you are careful. And that is
always what boggles the minds of many people who try to think about
this. And sometimes I think they are looking for errors in the deen
and saying, oh, Allah created me a catheter, then what's the point?
We say to you look, is your lived experience? Do you have choices or
not? Man came to one of the scholars and said this. So the
scholar took a rock and he hit him with it. Right? And you know, what
are you doing this for? Because I'm asking questions. It was
It was destined that I throw rocks at you is that it's not an excuse.
Okay? It's not an excuse for me. It's not excuse for you. What is
the lived experience discussion over the lived experience here is
that we have choices. That's what matters. We have enough of that. A
will to render us innocent or guilty. Could you imagine if
sense of pure predestination or this understanding or
predestination was admitted into law.
It was innocent than, well, he's not guilty. There's no innocence
and guilt. He just that's just his DNA made him do it. This is the
podria. The Korea or the jabariya. There's a group called the Jabra
way back in Islamic history. Jeopardy means force. We get the
word algebra from that, too. So if I say x plus three equals five,
that equation forces x to be two, right? Two plus two equals five.
So Jabra is force. So the jebadiah believed we're forced to do
That's what they believed. So they were refuted. And the opposite
side was the cutter, you know, every even Allah doesn't
know what's gonna happen tomorrow. We do our actions, all of our
actions. So that these are the two extremes, the Khazaria no cutter,
and the Jabra, everything is forced today, to Djibouti, we do
have a new version of the jabariya. And the new version of
the jabariya. They're the they're usually the biologists. And they
hold that
you're just wired to do what you're doing. Right with your
wiring. Put in this setting, you're going to produce this
result with your with your wiring the way Habib is wired, given all
the factors that he's been handed in life, he has no option except
to do what he's doing now. Right? To react the way he's reacting. We
said, well, how do you know that? Right? They, they laugh off free?
Will that that you have a Free Will they laugh it off? So we do
have a modern version of the jabariya the Asuna state and the
data of Islam states you do have enough of a choice in your actions
within a set confines that Allah created for you, guy to take
action that renders you innocent or guilty. Okay. And, and Allah
knows this in advance. That's it.
Designed by Allah Jabri and Korea. Yes, you spelled it correctly. You
got it right.
Okay, so this is what we say you have enough freewill.
All right.
That you can be rendered innocent or guilty. And in Islam, we
elevate free will very highly when it comes to our own action.
And that does not in any way impugn the knowledge of Allah,
that Allah has knowledge of what we were doing and that our actions
are created by Allah subhanho wa taala. And we, we earned them, let
him a cassava 20 Makossa but it has what it earns, okay. And Allah
says Calaca como Mata Malone, He created you and your actions.
These are two verses that's that outline our Aveda. Regarding God's
knowledge, predestination and freewill. So what do we have
something called cast, we do not create our own actions, Allah
creates them, but we earn them by intending them. Okay? And the
i may intend something yet Allah doesn't create it. Right? How
many? How many times you tried to do something and didn't do it? So
you intended it. Okay. But Allah did not create it for you. So if
it was a good deed, you get the good deed to get the reward of the
good deed.
And if it was a bad did, you don't get the reward or the punishment
of the bad deed. So Allah says, Lahoma cuz of it, what's so ever
you intent, Allah give you a portion of that reward. And then
if you do do it, that's called tofield that you and made a good
intention. And Allah gave you what you were looking for. Okay?
created it for you.
So, and there are certain there are things Allah commanded us to
do. Right He created for us, whether we like it or not, not
commanded us who created it for us, whether we like it or not,
such as US existing in this century.
He didn't create create for us to exist, before or after. So that's
why I said we're in a sandbox Allah creates for us parameters.
We are here obeying Allah or disobeying him, I have the choice
to obey or disobey. Okay? Here at this moment at this location on
this planet, and let's say, your location, I could change my
location if I wanted, right? But at this time, I can't change time.
I can't change this planet. Right humanity is created on this
planet, not on Neptune or Pluto, or Mercury or Venus. So we have
parameters. Allah created me as this type of figure created us
that figure that figure everyone's created with their own figure.
Alright, no choice
Now you have choice in how you handle we talked about the
prophets I saw him yesterday, tending to his body.
That's why you a little bit off the subject, it is possible to
demean or criticize appearances. Right? And is not criticizing the
creation of Allah. Because a person may have a terrible
appearance. That's not how Allah didn't create you. All right, and
disallow you to comb your hair, for example, or trim your beard or
trim your hair or iron your clothes. Right, someone once said
how terrible it is someone who was overweight, as a Don't make fun of
the creation of Allah and the person responded, Allah didn't
create you overweight, you ate, and you didn't move, right. So
there is within everything that Allah created for us a little
realm of control, or we shouldn't we can say cusp, we can take
action in that we can move in that. Right so that's the basic
understanding the parameters of how we understand freewill and
God's knowledge. Okay, what do we know and if not bus and wave and
cab the Great's companion who is second most knowledgeable about
the Quran after even our best is obey bencab
Kala kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Noble
Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said in nettle golem and Lydia
Catella hula Cadila alayhi salam to be IKEA Farah.
The youth that
got her killed,
was made to be a KEF Allah created him and stamped him as a KEF.
Why is that? Because do not imagine that this is why it's so
important the 10 Z okay. The 10 Z
of Allah from time
Allah subhana, which Allah is not in the time that we live in, in
the sense of experiencing,
past, present and future. We are on a timeline because we are
material things anything material must exist in a timeline. And
there is no timeline without material things. Good time. The
timeline is a sub is a function of matter. Very simple thing. Time is
a function of matter if there's no matter there's no time. If as soon
as there's matter, there's time.
This is what the we call this McKeen McKean, is you exist in
time space. And Allah subhanaw taala is the creator of that.
Hence he is Munez transcendence, from that transcend and beyond
time. Therefore, when Allah to Allah says a statement with a
prophesy centum says a statement like this, that Allah stamp that
he's a Kaffir Okay, that is not a poem that is not forcing him,
because what Allah is deeming
is not living today and tomorrow, the way we are, all right, he is
seeing the final results.
God is created with his knowledge already the final result of your
choices. So therefore, it is accurate and not a contradictory
to the, the freewill of a human being. It is a contradiction if
you misunderstand Allah and you imagine that Allah is existing
like us
today, not knowing about tomorrow, etcetera, etcetera. Okay. It's not
a transcendent or Munez.
transcendent, the Arabic of that is Munez transcend it means beyond
something, it does not apply to him at all.
As they said, Is God connected to the universe or disconnected is
near or far we say the question is wrong. The question implies that
he is material and somewhere hovering around the universe. So
he is Munez.
Transcendent beyond this question, transcendent it does not apply to
him, because Allah is not composed of matter. So 10 Z is trend is the
concept of transcendence. And Vanessa is the description of
being transcendent.
Carla jelavic Rue wala yearly do 11 Janka Farah Akbar Rana Abdullah
hijab. Malia Akbar Anna Ahmed Jimena ABS Abdullah Abdullah no
AMI, Barona Mohammed Abu Yusuf had death and Mohammed didn't smell
yet had done that I saw a man who had death and mud on our way to
live near a bucket of bananas. And Alison and Nabi SallAllahu. Sana
makalah what can Allah who the Rahimi mela mela can fer Kulu a
Not for a rugby Allah era Bimala for either Arad Allahu and Yakko
dia Hello
Bahal ARB Guru, the karoun M Onza. Ashoka U and M Sade for murderous
co Famille agile factor with Erica V. Bethenny Omi. Let's go first to
the section and read or reread your V ever read it 50 times it,
shouldn't we part of our pet path in knowledge or philosophy is we
never get bored. If you find yourself getting bored of teaching
something unboard yourself Quick, take a breather from it. But then
go back to it, shall we? The concept of getting bored is the
beginning of your failure. If you allow getting bored to dictate
your actions, be prepared for failure. Okay.
Let's go to the section on divine on let's see if there's in this
book on op ed, the section on freewill, predestination and free
down to 68 a whole section
268 as we do in this live stream reread from the heritage of
knowledge that these scholars have cascaded down generation
after generation and that's how we're going to benefit by through
knowledge. Okay, if Allah wills good for people, he gives them
education. So here's what we're gonna say. Okay, so he says here
reading from
the introduction to Islamic theology, Imam noted Dina sub
Guney. I'd be dead if you also the Dean translate by Frasca excellent
job. Contrary to the sad scholars, Muhammad Ali twaddle, our fellow
Metro Ed state that it is not conceivable that God exalted place
on his servant a burden that that can not be performed by them this
is because burdening someone incapable falls outside the scope
of wisdom like burning a blind person to see a paralyzed person
or or to to see or a paralyzed person to walk. Thus, it would not
be attributed to the all wise because it would be foolishness to
further elaborate to burden is to require someone to do that which
entails hardship as a test such that he is rewarded for his
performance and punished for its non performance.
This can be actualized only in something conceivable, not
something inconceivable. If it is said the God the Exalted states,
our Lord placed not upon us a burden we cannot bear. Okay. So if
an unbearable burden were not possible, seeking refuge from it
would not be valid, okay. So it's possible for it to happen. And so
when Allah states this idea, do not burden us with something we
cannot bear. Okay. And Allah states he does not burden a soul
with what it cannot bear. What does this mean? This means Sharia
obligations and prohibitions.
obligate you to for example, not eat and drink for two weeks you
die. So the obligations but is it fathomable that someone can be
burdened with something that cannot bear of course, houses
anyone killed or dead or sick, you can't bear the flu bug, you get
sick, you can't bear a bullet to your head you die right. So that
is possible from people
but it is not from Allah subhanho wa Taala in other words through
the Shetty, the city or the religion does not teach us
anything or does not come in to something that we cannot do
the first refuge the says your likewise God said to the angels
inform me of the names of these despite his knowing Okay similarly
is related to narration that God the exalt said say says on the day
of rising to those who used to make pictures give life to what
you created of course they can't do it. The first verse deals with
seeking refuge from being given a physical burden that is unbearable
not a moral one. Okay.
For it is conceivable to make someone carry a mountain or a wall
he cannot here
cannot bear such that he does. Alright, in a break, fall break
wall falling on a person he dies, so he couldn't bear it. Okay,
torture all the time. People are tortured, right? People suffer far
less than all these things. They can't bear it, their brain fries.
Literally their brains are fried from the burden of life that they
couldn't bear. Okay. And so you have situations where you walk
around and you see people they had to drug themselves from the pain
from the hardship and then their body couldn't bear the drugs. So
we literally have I'm not even kidding you the zombie apocalypse.
There is some truth to it. And it comes to the in the form of
drugged humans and there are
Yeah, but But even worse, like the zombies, there are
places out in LA and California, where there's tents of homeless
people who just do drugs day in and day out. If you ever go to one
of these crack houses, you saw there's zombies. They are so out
of it. I don't even know how they're walking and drinking and
going to the bathroom or whatever. Right? They are out when we used
to feed the poor here. Every once in awhile we'd see someone did not
there. There is a person is not there at all. You give them food.
He is not there. It's drugs. Right. And that's spreading.
And then
like the other started like seeing that. Yeah, so then they started
like grabbing me and like actually, like zombies. Yes. Yeah.
It's scary. It's freaky. And it's out there in California spreading
and an end. And if anything spread in California, they usually end up
spreading the rest of the world. What just happened? Camera was
showing off.
We'll fix it.
But you have a different publication. Do you have the CPL?
The PDF? Man, you hacked it to 69 How'd you hack that?
I didn't have it.
All right, if it is said, Did Alon not place upon Abuja Hill and
Pharaoh the responsibility of believing while knowing all along
that they would never believe is it not impossible for something to
exist if it contradicts what is known to God the Exalted we
respond. This question first entails divergence from unanimous
consensus as well as denial of a statement of God the Exalted
regarding the former the community, the OMA has reached
unanimous consensus that God never actually places a burden on anyone
greater than his ability, no moral obligation that is beyond his
capacity. The difference of opinion is only that is in its
logical possibility. Regarding the second God, the Exalted states,
God does not burden any soul except within its capacity. And
the impossible is not within the capacity of anyone. Okay? So his
burden upon them to believe what's possible for them,
okay, yet knowing that they would not do it, and is
not forcing them to not do it, get his knowledge that they will not
do it. Keep in mind that statement itself is false is knowledge that
they will not do it. All the creation, all the knowledge, you
cannot speak about Allah regarding past, present and future. So they
have it's as if it already happened. In the sight of Allah,
it's all already happened. So he's telling you the end of the book,
right? But you, us humans have to live page by page. Okay? So if
Allah is telling you that, in the last chapter of your life, you're
going to do X, Y, and Z
is irrelevant to you. You are living on chapter five. I'm on
decade number four, decade number three, chapter three, chapter
four, chapter five.
Right? You're still the author of your deeds, but for Allah subhanaw
taala. It's as if it's all done. Okay, so he's telling you what's
in chapter 10, does not mean that you're forced No one's forcing you
to this is one of the most important features here.
Specifically guarding the statement it is not impossible for
something to exist if it contradicts what is known to God
we respond with the following impossible is that which cannot be
logically conceived, while possible is that which can be
logically conceived, the existence of a non existence of something is
considered alright, but there's still not the answer that we're
looking for, or the debate that we're looking for. Okay.
This is indicated by the fact that we already already in agreement
that both the existence and non existence of the cosmos are
logically possible.
Okay. While in the knowledge of Allah, it was certainly to come
into existence, the reality of its current existence does not render
it logically necessary, since if what God knew to exist were deemed
necessary. And what he knew to not exist were deemed impossible,
there'll be no actualization of that which could possibly exists
Drake sort of complex if you're a new reader, to this
actualization to come into existence. Moreover, Divine Will
would then serve to distinguish the necessary from the impossible,
rather than specify one logical possibility from another. This
understanding is contrary to the position of all the logicians and
metaphysicians. Now if it is the notion that it is possible for
something to exist if it contradicts what is known to God,
I'm not going to read this. I'm going to go to the next section.
On the generality of things what do you see this livestream is
actually doing?
New a great service. It's books, it's more like like audio books,
books on tape of various books in Edison, okay, being read to you
and even explained to you, and it never keeps you bored. There's
always a different book that we're reading from. Okay. And this
section is very important, from Sudha to Robin that we give that
we expand on this and learn from it. The people of truth may God
grant them victory state that everything originated
more death. Something created something that came into
Whether substance or accident, good or evil occurs by the decree
and the will of Allah subhana wa Tada, the more tessellate and the
more Tesla which is a deviant sect, state that things not
pleasing to God are not willed by him. Okay? They differed among
themselves regarding permissible things. We state that whatever God
the Exalted nose will exist, he wills for it to exist, regardless
of whether he commands it or not. Well, Hanifa alluded to this when
he asked one of the other candidates did God the Exalted
eternally know all the evil and vile things that would exist or
not? Okay, good question. This is what people say to God, no, all
these bad things would exist. The person was forced to admit
that God knew these things. He then asked, Did God will to make
manifest that which he knew, as he knew it? Or did he will to make
the manifest contrary to what he knew, whereby his knowledge would
be rendered ignorance, the person then renounced his former position
and repented to God for it. Okay, so let me read you the second
question. Okay. Okay. He asked one of the cutlery, did God know all
the evil and vile things in this world are not? And he said, Yes,
God knew them. He then asked Did God will to make manifest that
which he knew, as he knew it, or did he will to make the manifest
contrary to what he knew, whereby his knowledge would be rendered
ignorance, okay, so he created them as he knew them to be, which
is something that has already emphasizes later with toa folk
of early but tell me, God's knowledge, God's speech, God's
actions, they're all in accord.
There is no diffusion between them. All of his words are in
accord to his knowledge, all of his actions are in accord, to his
knowledge. And the word for that is more or less in accord. To his
knowledge, there's no separation in it.
For that reason, one of our fellow Matteucci, these stated Divine
corresponds to divine knowledge. Raja tragedy Malelane. We just
said, his will, his actions, his speech is in accord to his
knowledge. The correct way of stating it, however, is that the
divine will corresponds good in a court, I said in a court, he says
corresponds to divine actions, and Iraida tragedy malefic. Meaning
whatever acts God the Exalted undertakes, were indeed willed by
him. For that reason to shape a man or woman suited to the
maturity stated that this issue derives from the issue of the
creation of human action. Once we established that all human actions
are created by God, it then flows that there will by him, since if
he did not willed them, you will be coerced into bringing them into
existence, which is impossible. Nothing is coercing the Creator.
Okay. Allah says, and you do not will, unless God wills
and his statement had God willed, they would not have ascribed
partners Tim, and his statement had your Lord wilt all the people
on earth without exception would have believed? Well not to shout
when insha Allah the first one, some verses, in fact explicitly
affirmed that misguidance is also wilt.
he misguides whomever he wills, and whomever he chooses to
misguide, he makes his chest narrow in English. Also, according
to new orthodoxy, there's no difference between choice and
will. The proof of the soundness of our position is that
transmitted saying, that the community received with acceptance
go to the Cthulhu OMA to blockable that which God chooses exists,
good, sha Allah who can give me a shot let me have
you noticed that in ODOT, right to negate the Morteza lights
that which Allah chooses exists and what he does not choose, this
cannot exist, for Allah does not will or choose for something just
that thing will never exist. The position of our opponent
contradicts the implication of the statement since some of what God
chooses Okay,
such as faith of all disbelievers did not occur. And some some
people say hold on a second did not allow want
everyone to believe he commanded us all to believe, then but they
didn't believe. So here they're confusing his command with his
will. Okay, he's gonna say that soon. Okay, did not he command
faith of all disbelievers, but it did not occur. Hence their
position, that Divine Will means that he wants something or prefer
something, thus differs from choice where it is invalid by
consensus. So is Tesha his command is different from his will. Right?
He may command a thing, and he doesn't will it, he commands a
thing and wills it. He
does not command or disallows a thing and wills it he disallows
anything and doesn't willing, and the examples they give on it is
when he commands a thing, and he wills it, the belief of the
believer, he commands a thing, but doesn't will it the disbelief of
the Catholic, you're commanded to believe, but he does disbelieve,
so on and so forth. You got two options. So you have box A for he
disallows a thing, but he creates it, he wills, He disallows
alcohol, but people get drunk all the time. He disallows the thing
any great and he creates it doesn't create such as the co
founder of the moment. Right? He does not allow us to make over and
he does not create it for us. Okay, so it's like a box of four.
If it is said, If God chose disbelief for the disbeliever, he
chose disbelief for the disbeliever the person would not
be able to do other than God's will. That's the question we got
to write. If Allah willed for a person to be a Kaffir, then that
person cannot possibly be a believer. Right? Here's the
beautiful thing of it.
You don't know God's will.
That's the thing. If a Catherine says me, or that if God wills for
you to be for me to be a careful, how can I ever be a moment? We
say, this is a moot point because you don't know God's will. You
don't know Allah's will. That's the first thing. So secondly,
they're trying to say I'm coerced by God's choice by God's will.
He should then either be excused for his disbelief according to his
own logic, which would nullify the divine command,
promise prohibition or threat, or he should be punished for it,
which would entail accountability for what exceeds capacity because
no one could go against God. So if God wills from your calf bat calf,
but I can't go against him. So why am I being punished? That's the
logic of this argument. Okay, I guarantee you he covers this here.
But I have Rohan Zedi. Because this is a common question for
thinking most of them I get your I know, you want to read with us
after we finish this. Find it in here. I guarantee you, he covers
it in here. We respond. You know, people want to know what we're
reading from. We're reading from this. We're then going to read
from this. Okay.
Let's see what he says here. We response we were but your argument
with the issue of knowledge in that if God knows he will
disbelieve is he then able to do other than what God knows or not?
Your response with regard to the issue of knowledge is our response
to the issue of will? Furthermore, our position is that although God
wills disbelief for him, what God's God wills is that the person
chooses disbelief of his own volition.
That's it. That's the answer. What did God will God willed that you
chose this?
So God's will, is over our will, will Master Sha one and sha Allah.
So it's not as if God is willing and unwilling. Right? And, or only
one of us is willing, sorry, God's willing or unwilling? No, you are
willing, and God's willing that you're willing, okay?
Of your own volition and choice.
God's will is that the person chooses disbelief out of his own
volition and choice while having the ability to believe this is
also what God knows of the purse. Thus, the divine command
prohibition, promise and threat is valid. All that is valid.
And that's the meaning of what matters set when it lands Insha
Allah, your will is also wilt, you're never outside of the Divine
Will. So if what is willed and known is an act based on choice.
How can the door be deemed coerced?
In fact, God the Exalted explicitly mentions the servants
own volition in his statement, so whoever wants let him believe
a man shall have a new admin for for the man who
I'm going to show a videographer. Okay, so that's what is the Alice
rock Alkaff for Misha video, middle Misha Ophelia,
water dinner, as well as the statement do as you wish. Do as
you wish, indeed, the servant necessarily knows that of himself.
There is no way for him to deny it. That's where he goes to the
practical aspect, you know that you have the choice. You can't
deny that you have choices, and that you take action.
It's intuitive. Before you came in, we said that one story, man
questioned the same thing. So the scholar picked up a rock and threw
it out his head and made him bleed.
So he said, Look at the shaker, I asked him a hard question. He
abuses me. He said, Don't blame me. It was willed. Right? I was
willing to do it. And that was so that was the answer. Right? So you
clearly intuitively know that you have choices.
Don't I think it's Is there something left less than 30
knowledge? Buddy fits me even? Because the Rudy knowledge seems
like there is still thought, like two plus two. Like it's a
knowledge. This is like a buddy, right? It's like something that
does not I guess you'd be the Rudy but if there was anything less
than the Rudy be the Rudy.
This is Micah and by the way. Now we'd have a mic for him. But
that's okay. Just speak a little bit like
Or like thirst? Like nobody here yet? Yeah. So he's saying the Rudy
and buddy here are the same. The word buddy yet is things that does
that just by existing, you know, what's the case? Right? All right.
Let's see if he has this discussion in this book, and we'll
read it a second time.
There is no way for him to know and God's Will of the servants
action is established by both scripture and reason. So we can
not deny either of the two, you see how beneficial this was? let's
underline this sentence right here.
God's will is that he choose
disbelief from his own volition.
and I believe that's probably the end of this
section. Now, there's one more chapter one more question. He
says, if it is said, God, the Exalted states and I have not
created Jinan mankind except so as to worship me. He informs us that
He created them for worship.
How can he will their disbelief and disobedience he likewise
states God wants ease for you, he does not want difficulty and God
does not will oppression for His servants and we respond as for the
first verse, it cannot be applied generally, since children and the
insane do not worship Him, therefore it must be interpreted
appropriately, it's its general statement, but as a limited
application, there are two possible interpretations. One, it
could mean except so as to be servants of mine, or it could mean
I have not created whomever among jinn and mankind that God knows
will worship him except so as to worship me. Thus generality is not
intended and God knows best as for the second verse, God wants ease
for you and not difficulty or
God does not will oppression for His servants. That's the second
verse what he mentioned is
God wants ease not difficulty is what is meant in that is that
specifically with respect to the legislation of the law of the
Sharia, okay, he does not want difficulty, but rather ease as for
the third verse, which is God does not will oppression for His
servants, okay. What is meant is he does not will oppression for
His servants. That is, he does not oppress them, but not that he does
not will for some of them to oppress each other. Okay.
All right. This is indicated by the fact that he does not state
oppression of servants, rather oppression for servants. The
preposition for here meaning against as in his statement, and
if you do evil, then you do it for yourselves. Okay, that it then you
do it against yourselves.
Is that all clear?
Heavy stuff, but extremely useful, like useful to an extreme.
So I think we got the answer to that.
And that is going to cover that up because guarantee I'm like, 90%
sure he must have covered this subject.
In his while, looks that up
Okay we will continue the Tafseer of Alibaba we on this matter
he says here that Allah Tala has assigned an angel to every womb.
And that angel fashion fashions and and writes down will the
decree that Allah has for this creation? Well kala GEMA tune
Mannella in Allah kala Kolkata McAfee through manually and Allah
to Allah the Quran Alka firma was a phone be fairly him, okay is
that Allah is in this describing their own actions not enforcing
something upon them
as Allah says from income capital and income movement while low
Calaca colada but map for men who may Allah botany, right, so Allah
says Allah created every animal from water, some of them walk on
their stomach, some of them walk on four, four legs, etc.
Okay, that is their description. He's just describing them, not
forcing them. He's describing their own choice
Fotolia and evisa Aiden illiquidity and the whole called
firming concasseur fee hayati movement Phil aka the income
Kavanaugh maker movement. He say the hoodie said you're a cat fit
in this life. But when you go into the next life, you're going to be
a believer. And some people could respond to that by saying that
there's no belief in the afterlife, because belief requires
accepting the transmission of what you don't see. Right? But on the
day of judgment, you see it all. So there will be no believers on
the day of judgment and Allah knows best
will mean commitment fee hayati, he can fulfill octubre mocha Lapa
Rowbotham income Catherine Billa, who McMinnville kawaki will make
commitment below he will carefully bid kawaki and or he means by this
one African, the appearance of a believer in this life but in the
next life with the cafe and vice versa.
Creative income careful to be an ally to Allah halacha who are
meltable diarrhea will make a movement the and Allah Calaca who
there are people who are Cafe
cafe in regard to Allah creating them. And that's a group called
the dedhia. In the past there was a people called we've said we've
been around here forever and nothing will destroy us except
time. So
that's a group called the deadia you find it
necessary attributes and he goes straight into like, divine design
and then
okay, no mention of the freewill debate here
okay. All my best, he says, Isn't believe doesn't belief also apply
to the observed ie the Quran is rejecting the Prophet size and
Salallahu Salam even after seeing his miracles? Well, I think what
they are rejecting they see the prophets of Allah when he said
them, they see His miracles, they're rejecting that it's from
Allah. They still don't see Allah right. So that's what the
rejecting a lot is best.
But the we also are told that the kaffir if he was to see the truth
itself, he would reject it.
Right. Let me take a peek at this here says model is
Christians and Jews anticipate Mohammed Mohammed mentioned by
name, the parakeet of the Bible. This is so good we're going to
read a section from this is their evidence for God logic brand
design, my journey
mathematical symmetry in nature nature's simple math. How does
evolutionary theory fit Adam and Eve biochemistry kinds of Hadith
conquest of Constantinople, Mongols, tall buildings Hadith
preservation of Hadith satanic insertions Western hangups about
Muhammad's marriages what loved ones were you going to get
involved? Are they even getting involved in profits marriage love
wins? How would you know anything about say diocese ah from herself.
She's the one who told you right? It's multiple times by the way.
Like the hadith of if she says I was like very young
in Makati. She says her age when you guys get involved, right? Love
wins. Isn't that what you guys say when when it's
something against the biblical religious Love is love so don't
get don't get involved while you're getting involved. Did her
dad get involved did her mom get involved? Oh, we're gonna go that
route now where the Democrats think that they're trying to
undermine parental like the new progressives and they're trying to
undermine parental authority Be careful this they're like parents
who whose to say parent knows best for your kid the state could know
better anyone else could know better. So be careful from these,
these lunatics and they're they're getting authority to it's a
problem. Let's get back to our reading
what Jim Natsuko Leafy and Allah kala Cal Khafre were Khufu who
fell in law who workers, Allah created the cafe, and his Cofer is
his own action and KeSPA a local movement where a man who fell in
the hole workers be created the moment and his Iman is his action
and his CUSP for Licola Hedeman Manuel Ferrier piney Caspian Wuxia
each of the two groups he has his own freewill and his own choice.
Well cuspal Work Dr. Will be targeted Allah he will mushy it he
his own will and His cusp and his action is from Allah's Will, and
is preordained predestination fund Moltmann badda calcula, yahoo,
yahoo. Email, and Allah to Allah orada daddy caminho Allah will do
it for him to choose aemet What other aka Daraa Allah, and Allah
chose for him to willfully choose the man for himself. And same for
the cat for Allah willed for him to willfully choose for himself.
The exact same thing that is said here, exact same thing, like
almost word, not word for word, but the same concept. And he's an
SRE back always, and actually Shafi and he's a maturity, I
believe Hanafi, right? Yeah.
Is there a non Hanafi maturity zero, that just happened to be
that they're all
and there's no shut? There's no reason a chef a cannot become a
maturity, except that all of a sudden, you mess up your teachers,
right? Because
part of this thing is the unicity of your teachers, right? So you
have a gym out in Morocco, and you want to be oh my god, do you want
to find one? Right? Especially in the old days, Modern Times
everything's off because teachers are everywhere, right? But in the
old days, so you don't generally tend to find these
these things and it's probably not good, I don't think
I think it's by the intent. A person should not intend to cook
up for himself.
Some kind of identity in these things that never existed had no
reason to exist. Like, um, this when it comes to this subject on
this when it comes to that subject. It's like
yeah, on this subject on this, it just seems to be like you're
trying to get attention. That's what it seems to me and a lot a
lot as best but it seems to me that you're just you're going that
route of attention.
Like they not not like to say like, oh, like every single like
every other issue. They're like Matthew ashabi mentally Dasha and
like they said something the majority of one of the school
Yeah, but like they'll say like,
they'll say about like one masala, like I inclined towards the more
the majority. Yeah, I don't think I don't think there's a problem
with that. Yeah, but it's one like when it comes to my certain food
on this, when it comes to also on that when it comes to update on
this. And it's like, it seems like your intention. What's your
intention? It's not like a Frankenstein Have you tried to
cook up a new identity here or get attention? But then now the show
exists in all formatives.
American chef it goes without say there are humbly studies or who
lean towards that such as Evelyn Josie.
And there are
four Saudis in Shem. All over Syria. They have that Neff for our
But the maturities I believe are solely historically speaking not
today. Historically speaking within the Hanafi circles.
He then says had that thought equally sooner. Well Jimmy, I
mean, men Celica who saw bellhop was was Salema mineral Jabri well
cadaver okay
and Allah Allah Raja Lika Minh who works at Daraa who Allahu Allah
Muhammad who
Calaca Samoa he will have the will Huck was a water come for us and a
surah como la Hill Mercier
Yeah, Alamo Memphis similar to what we animal magisterial no
matter what you know, will law I'll even be there to salute Allah
speaks about his creation and his knowledge.
Again, that his creation, as his his speech is always in his will
is always in accord with his knowledge is for never separate.
His fit his cloak,
get his fat his irida and his Kalam
Quadra Raja Kalam Kulu mwah where God ma il me there in accordance
with His knowledge they never separate these four from each
well, I'm your call Yeah, Dina.
The Enel Bashar. We're incana Love whoo hoo Wah hey don't fit in a
healthy manner Gemma.
I know Canada team Russell humble Bayonetta avocado Abacha Don't ya
Duna the people said well a human being guide us okay he's on ASX he
didn't have much commentary
about as three to five. So he goes to ASX vedika bn now Canada team
rasuluh humblebee net profits used to messengers used to come to them
with the proofs for God who the reaction was a bologna tuna well a
human being guide us well I'm the aquileia Deena the NL Bashar were
in Canada love the hula headfirst into who female and Gemma whoa a
small agency la Wahidullah, whom in love to hear the word Bashar is
is one legions is the name of a whole genus and there is no single
of Bashar. So an A Bashar will not know Bashar I am a budget we are
all Bashar right there is no singular to it. So what he says
here LAWA hate Allahumma love the Wawa head who incent the singular
of Bashar is insane when I know who Yun Cyrano eco Luna adhamiya
and Mithila Nya and Dena will a human they negate that a human
being like us can can guide us how can one single human guide us? Or
how can a human like us guide us fucka forward to Allah Subhan
Allah and Iman him for comfort, whatever they rejected, they
turned back with Stephen Allah, Allah does not need them in the
advancement of his will.
Okay, well, Logan Yun Hamid and healthy fit from Kabara and
include him in Bath. Let's stop here. Actually, you know what?
I feel that if we stop here, I won't know where we left off. But
let's stop here and read from
from JDS book.
how can a human being guide if it is said that only Allah guides?
How can it be said that? How can it be said that a human being
if we know that only Allah guides?
Like, ultimately we all know, ultimately.
Okay, so it is the description that the speech about the sub, in
the same way that we speak about them with sub.
That's possible. Firstly, for those who don't know, what is the
sub Anamosa bib, the Musa bib, the creator of all causes is Allah
subhanho wa taala. He's not a cause he's a creator of the
causes, and then the cause. And it is permissible in speech to refer
to the cause.
And the creator with the same language, right? So I could say,
if you saved me from a river, I could say you saved me. Right?
While believing in my heart that you are the cause, not the creator
of the saving. That ultimately Allah saved me. Okay?
That's correct on one facet, that's one answer that works.
Another answer that works is that the guidance of the human is to
point people
to the actions through which Allah guides you. Right? So a human
guide would be the one who takes you to the wealth, but he can't
make you drink.
Or we can say the human guide is the one who teaches you how to
Right then when you do pray that Allah guides you.
So Allah is the guide of your heart, but who guided your body to
prayer, the human guide, and that's how we can call humans
guides. There's nothing wrong to say that the human is a guide.
My love story with God begins in my teens though I didn't know it
at the time. Since my high school in Canada, where I was born and
raised was a huge multicultural salad.
The spectrum of beliefs prodded me subconsciously. I found myself
hanging out with Sikhs and Hindus at lunch. And high fiving
Catholics and Protestants and Orthodox Christians at basketball
practice and discussing Buddhism and Sufism and every other ism
overdose at coffee shops. They were eye opening experiences, but
naturally these interactions made me wonder where I stood.
I figured I should learn something about my religion, the religion of
my ancestors, Islam, having been viciously bullied when I was
younger. I was inspired by the religions proclaimed Prophet
Muhammad salallahu Salam, an underprivileged orphan who
remained at the servants of the week despite triumphing over
powerful oppressors. I remember staying up full night's engulfed
in his biography. Though I was drawn to Islam due to its
Messenger, and its lofty principle had not explored its theology
deeply. Belief to me was something relative, like tastes and
clothing. However, I did not think God was a matter of fact, a belief
everyone shared. I did think sorry, I did think God would just
make tech for you to the guy. I didn't think we could remember
made the the poor guy calf. I did think God was a matter of fact, I
believe everyone shared. He just assumed that. That's everyone
believes. Then I met atheists. These people asked me why I
believed what I did. And I appreciated them for It compelled
me to question all my beliefs and how rational they were. I checked
them a pistol melodically assessing how we can be certain of
what we think we know about God's messengers, holy scriptures, and
other ancillary subjects to the biggest question, however, was
whether God even existed all this to me was in the spirit of
inquiry. I figured that pushing all my beliefs through a
scientific method, which I hold high would certainly reveal
whatever truth there was, and I was prepared to let the chips fall
where they may. Oddly, it led me to a profound respect for theism.
I say oddly, because many of the atheists I had known over the
years, were now a hint more condescending, and I was actually
expecting that I would adopt their view. But you by University
College, most people I met thought that the rational support the
rationale supporting atheism,
on touchably outstripped the one supporting the divine being. They
went so far as to say that theists were enemies of reason and
science, following a weak and dated belief. Today, this view of
God seems to be widely accepted, even theists have couched it's as
if they to think that all God has going for him is faith. Given my
own explorative journey,
though, I find this position grossly ignorant. I think it is,
is us rolling our eyes that philosophy, theology and logic
that has led to this warped outlook, this is summary of the
book, right? The western mind, all they look at is the visible data,
ultimate Tgb. By limiting themselves to only what is
demonstrable, and rolling your eyes at transmitted knowledge and
rational knowledge, you will end up with very little certainty
about these big matters. So he's saying you're that's the real
problem in the western civilization is that they have
pretty much dismissed, okay, rational knowledge and transmitted
knowledge. All right, I think it is us rolling our eyes that
philosophy, theology and logic that has led to this warped
outlook, no less to blame is our aggrandizing if not leaping up
aboard the apparent ironclad bandwagon of scientism, scientism
is the belief that truth is restricted to that which can be
which we say no truth can be demonstrated, it can be reasoned,
and it can be transmitted.
Okay, from the past, scientists and whose stars we have not given
a solid kick. But it is not all our fault. God has the best case
with the worst lawyers. That's totally true, where the
theologians theists fail to deliver. That is why it is my hope
that this book will convey the strength of the platform on which
the concept of God rests. Note that I am not arguing for what is
true. That is another investigation. I would rather
consider it a success if my work merely challenges readers to
evaluate whether their position is as reasonable as pointing it in
the omnipresent and creating, creating deity
Whether their position is as reasonable as positive, and
and creating deity, we need to pass this milestone if we wish to
embark on what is, in my opinion, the far more beautiful journey,
the journey unto the divine. This is a modern Qlm work. Put in a
language we could all read and understand.
And that's why I was like this. It's almost like, this is a book
I'm reading from everybody.
It's as if this book, it has the same principles as a Sufi insidey
podcast and not them Ephesus livestream. That was the whole
presentation of this phenotype, the philosophy of the Simian side,
the podcast was it was a Kalam podcast, more so than FIP. Or to
solve it was about Eman and reason, belief and reason. Okay,
there's like, we were reading the betta to Minnesota. From with
Sharon yesterday, and then we were like reading from the translation.
And like, there's all these big words like ontological and like,
like and like we were just like, like, are they just putting
ontological on like, like sprinkling in like book like,
scholarly vocab, or like, academic vocab? Like, we were just like,
all trying to like figure out what he was trying to say. Yeah, but
mashallah, like, this is easier. Yeah. So when you're a specialist
in a field, you take the lingo, the technical terminology of that
field for granted. And some people become, they're limited, actually,
I think they're limited, that they may stay in a field for so long.
Right? And be surrounded by the people of those that fields that
they no longer remember what it's like to be ignorant of that field.
So I think that's a limit. Because even I think it was Einstein who
made that statement, he said that you truly have knowledge. If you
can go through an entire discipline become an expert, yet
explain it to the ignorant. Right, that's where you like you, you
want the journey, but you haven't forgotten what it's like. And
that's why for example,
in, in politics, how is it that
tyrants are kings collapse? Why would they collapse? How do they
collapse is because they've been kings for so long, right?
That they don't
even have any knowledge or recognition of the life of the
common man. Hence, they make decision after the decision that
hurts the common man, there's they have no access to the common man
anymore. They make such blunder as decisions, because they don't even
have a clue how the common man lives, feels or thinks. And then
they go within, they make these clear blunders that get them
kicked out. So that's the concept again, people ask them what book
we're reading from. We'll be reading from this. Okay.
just read another section here because
oh, look, look, I'm telling you as much as don't think, right. Look
at look at the chapter. Look at what the chapter is called. A
specialist don't think right? Unreal.
It's uncanny. Right? must agree on a lot of them.
Let's skip this section and go reach to that section right away
because I'm really curious what he said. Many people I meet have
wondered why I believe in God, some people ask, but most people
don't get it. Some people ask semicolon, but most people don't.
Their curiosity, I imagine is the same. How can anybody be so sure
God exists? Has this guy just been indoctrinated? Or maybe it works
for him? But there's no real way to know is there? I don't usually
get a chance to answer these questions. The existential
questions are not automatic turn off, or are an automatic turn off
nowadays, even though everybody longs for answers.
Get why we exist and all that stuff. It's not fashionable to ask
these questions these days, but everyone truly wants to know.
As for those with whom I have had enough time to kick back and just
speak openly, usually friends who are not afraid to be critical of
themselves or me. They most always, almost always end up
remarking something to the effect of if it's so rational, why
doesn't everyone believe in God? Okay, there Hey, could you put the
you're putting the link right heavy? Good. Thank you. And for
the youtubers that link to purchase it. There are a number of
reasons why people do not accept the concept of a divine being
there are those who carry baggage from certain past experiences.
Others are allergic to religion being able to do little these two
fronts this book is not for them. Okay, if you have any emotional if
your emotional, you got some emotional issues. No offense, but
you can't talk to you. Your bias what we call not his bias
hysterical Oh sir.
Yeah, people whose emotional gets dark, we can't deal with them. But
most people have other reasons. And to whom this book may appeal.
Hey, those who deemed sense experience the only reliable
source of knowledge that scientism science, demonstrable sensory
experiences the only source of knowledge. In other words, those
who say if God exists, why can't he be more obvious? Why can't I
see him directly? Okay? Those who do not see God as a necessary
explanation, those who have not challenged their own framework
strongly. Which is true of any of us who follow a belief system, not
just atheism, so like a Christian person who is Christian, but if
you ask them, Hey, you're so into this, but did you ever study
anything else? No.
And there are a lot of that in the Protestant camp.
Those who have accepted the views of people believe to be smarter
than themselves. Right people who are who watch Neil deGrasse Tyson
think he's so smart, right? You can't be wrong or what's the other
guy's name Jordan Peterson now?
Oh, musical that atheist from England. Oh, Richard Dawkins,
Richard Dawkins. Those who have accepted the view of people, they
believe smarter. This point is particular to atheists in our
current scientific Millia. Right. You ask everyone okay, well,
evolution, never seen it. Oh, no. But scientists saw it where
they're going to tell me what's up the fast finches. The birds,
right, those birds? What are those birds called in the Galapagos
Islands? Really? you're transmitting that everyone says
that same example the finches on the Galapagos Islands. Okay.
Okay, the first group who say God does not exist, because they have
not seen him suffer the same as anybody who claims that they do
not see that what they do not see does not exist, it is the weakest
form of reasoning.
But the last category, those who follow what they perceive our
beliefs of smarter people are the ones I have the greatest objection
with today. That often ends up meaning intellectuals in popular
hard sciences such as STEM science, technology, engineering,
math education, there are a number of reasons why following their
belief is dangerous academic achievement is not inherently
joined at the hip with atheism. But actually it does not matter.
Even if it were an idea being Vogue within the scientific
community does not make it true. Otherwise, that would have been a
valid reason for believing that Jesus was God. 100 years ago, when
most scientists were Christians, scientists, we find are no
different than any of us whose conclusions are deeply influenced
by personal interests, beliefs, and wishes. See, for example, in
samples book, Nobel winners, declare Nobel Winner declares
boycott of top scientific journals.
Okay, even the peer reviewing process does not escape these
But since 93% of leading scientists have been rejecting any
form of religion or soup, or spirituality, their influence on
what scientific journals publish, and what information the public
receives is very real. God within the academic milieu of atheism,
for example, were published the findings of Mark Hauser, former
Harvard professor, his research demonstrated the moral superiority
of atheists moral. In a twist of irony, Hauser became the
embodiment of his own premises defeat, he was notoriously caught
for fraudulent research Suhana believable.
But it was not that an atheist had been manipulating the truth which
was alarming, but rather how errors readily pass academic
checkpoints as long as they conform to the scientific
community's desired conclusions.
And he gives examples he it's all footnoted, there's footnotes
everywhere in the book.
He's basically done something that I would not have had the subs to
do to go get footnotes and, you know, it is those views that crowd
out the others. According to the philosopher of science Ilja,
Massimo, most scientists employ the scientific method based on
materialistic mechanistic and reductionist assumptions. So much
so that research find fundings are affected. The more a vision
deviates from the materialistic paradigm, the lower its status,
and the less money it receives. It is due to these leanings says top
ranking biologist Rupert Sheldrake, whose many well
documented peer reviewed research papers run counter to the ideology
of the community to which he belongs that a belief in
materialism has indeed been propagated with remarkable
success. Millions of people have been converted to the scientific
view. They are, as it were devotees of the Church of science
or of scientism of which scientists are the priestess. I
believe we
We must be aware of the biases of scientists whom we put on
pedestals before we adopt their beliefs. They're human beings.
They have biases, they have a philosophy. They have a desired
conclusion, like all this stuff with Neanderthal man and all these
things. I always say, guys, these guys have a conclusion in mind,
then they saw the evidence together, right?
Okay, I believe we must be aware of these biases of scientists whom
we put on a pedestal before we adopt their beliefs. Sociology of
science confirms that uncritically adopting anyone's view within
their field of authority, let alone outside their field of
authority is risky. It subjects us to incorrect conclusions. So do
not be surprised if throughout your reading, you catch yourself
wondering how that which is making sense to you is at odds with what
smart people may have concluded. Thinking for ourselves is a good
thing. Actually, it is more intellectually rigorous to
formulate an opinion based on information than to follow an
authority. Okay. Specialists don't think right, he says, Okay. Apart
from their mortifying bias. I just read the wrong chapter, by the
way, especially as don't think right was not what I was reading.
I was reading why people are atheists. I don't know how I I
skipped that. Good. But apart from the mortifying bias, there is
another downside to accepting the beliefs of scientists unchecked
specializations, specialization forces them to think in a vacuum
specialization is a prized goal in scientific endeavor. But learning
more and more about less and less until we know almost everything
about almost nothing has its pitfalls.
For one, our findings may be irrelevant to the real world. Take
how a pharmaceutical agent may alter an enzymatic pathway in the
body as an example, the drug may elicit the desired change at the
biochemical level in a controlled lab environment, but it may not
produce any clinically significant outcomes in test subjects. In
other words, years of successful research does not actually lead to
any real life benefit. This is why we have on site classes for teens.
We have youth night, we have soup kitchen, we have Dawa, we have
live stream so that when people go to Dr. FET, and study they do not
spend years and years and they come out realizing oh, this was
irrelevant, right? I have to relearn how to live now. And how
people think I literally took this just this year. I like what he was
describing about like, just when you study a drug? Yeah, they study
like, yeah, sure it's effective. But now is it clinically like
relevant? Is it gonna work? Is it like, is it practical? Like
essentially, like, are you gonna give it like, Is there gonna be
like 13 shots like a patient? I suppose it like just one pill
like, they can take like in the beginning of the day. Is it
pragmatic? Yeah.
You know, the guys at the top are always the super pragmatists.
Yeah, that's why they're making the decisions.
That is not to discount the immense benefit that we all enjoy
as a result of academic inquiry. In other words, nerds are good
days used to notice. But we must be wary when specialists claim
that there are specialized discovery has certain
applicability in larger context.
This question of when a reduced finding can be appropriately
generalized as a challenge that scientists have wrestled with
since the 19th century, says Sheldrake.
Those who believe in reductionism say that the whole can be
understood by focusing on a part that the whole is not greater than
what is composed of it. They are inclined to generalize limited
findings to mean more than they actually may. As specialists
dedicate a lifetime looking through a microscope, it may be
understandable that they are inclined to reductionist analysis.
After all, there are instances when it does one brick can teach
us all we need to know about an entire wall. But reductionism does
not always work. So well.
The inherent flaw of reductionism and generalization was portrayed
in a parable by the 13th century Eastern mystic Rumi, and more
recently by the English writer John Godfrey * in his famous
story of the blind men and the elephant. Basically, as such, as
each of the blind men touches only one part of the elephant, he
presumes that part is he is examining to represent the whole
animal. The man who touches the tail declares the elephant must be
like a snake, the one who feels a leg he says it must be like a tree
like a pillar, and the one at the massive side, he says, it's like a
wall the elephant is like a wall. Essentially, each man is a
specialist. In the part he analyzes. The analogy portrays how
someone focus intently may not see the greater image, okay, it can be
related to how scientists who focus on one area of study are not
in a position to comment effectively beyond it to do so
they would need to consider the fields but don't they always come
to us? You're an Imam, stop talking about economics and Ribba.
Just stick to Tara and salah. And we'll do right that's what they
always say.
Whenever someone says anything about Riba, the guy whose whole
business is based on Nova comes as Listen, I know, you don't
understand economics. No, I don't understand your contracts know
that I don't understand all those derivatives and all that stuff of
your stocks and your contracts know that I don't understand but
what Allah said about it that I do understand, right I do understand
that Allah said these kinds of trades are haram. So you would
then apply that to your contract now.
Likewise, when they say the evolutionists, when when we say in
Islam, Allah created Adam, directly without an antecedent.
That's a fact. Right? In the Quran, though, you don't
understand evolution, I don't need to write. When it comes to where
Adam came from, I don't need to understand that field. They are
not an authority on where Adam came from.
They're speculating at the best they can ever get is a speculative
answer, right? Because you weren't there. Think about it. Just
epistemologically epistemological, you are not there. The best you
could do is a very, very good case for how the first human being came
about. Maximum It will be funny. Okay. Extremely speculative.
Not even funny, Schottky or when me right when me LM imaginations,
get filling in the blanks of the of the fossils.
Like dinosaurs, probably maybe they look like that. Maybe not.
They're filling in a lot of blanks. I was so like, shocked.
You get to the dinosaur. You see one color and some bones or
another go, Hey, why is that count? Well, I was just telling
you that that was the bone. And that's like a filler.
Yeah, because they didn't have all the bones. It filled in the
blanks, right? So Oh, ham, oh, ham is when you have like less than 50
less than 49%.
Likelihood are even less than that. Far less than that. Check is
like 5051 is more 51% or more. European is 100%. Well, as a
Muslim, I'm not talking to the non believers here talking to the
Muslims, the Quran is provides you again. And when Allah repeat
something over and over with language that cannot be
interpreted away, I have absolutely a pain that Allah
created Adam without an antecedent, antecedent, like a
mother or a father. Right?
Or an amoeba or anything. Right. And that was my whole debate with
another day, right? A long time ago.
And I don't even know where he stands on it. And he said, Allah
is not a statue maker. We said yes, Adam was a statue. He was
hard like this. So sod and CalHFA car it's in the book.
It's in the Quran, Sol Sol and CalHFA car you can knock on him
like that. You could do that to Adam at one point.
And when is a mammal ever subsonic alpha in the development of a
when they're dead, right? And even that you can't knock right? It all
is powder shatter into into pieces, right? So saw the *
Khalifa car go explain it. Right and I'm not this is just like my
theory of Adam's existence or is this like the entire OMA
go looking at itself as you Adam was fashioned and he was made and
he was clay and hollow on the inside, you could knock on him and
there was like an echo too, because we have hollowness, right?
There's hollowness in the human being. So
this person was saying know that he had an antecedent, right? So
even if you did, even if a Muslim evolutionist
firstly, your marriage is nullified your gift. There is
indeed that belief is yours, Hindu, Muslim evolutionist and by
the way, some people say no, no, he's dead down. Okay, fair enough.
You are way out there, whether you're like a homerun, it's past
the wall right? Whether it's out of the park, section one section
two or out of the park, you're out right of the truth. You're far
from the truth.
Because I remember debating with my friend is the Muslim
evolutionist. He said that it's a bit more festive, according to his
scholars, but according to who I watch it from it's been I'm okay
Copy. And it's whatsoever.
Yeah, and it's modeled in a gym with regard to data.
if you were to scientifically explained that Adam came from this
animal who came from this animal came from this, why don't you
still have to come to something in which Allah says configuring,
right? So why are you kicking the can down the road? Why would it be
difficult for a lot to create a particle? You don't find it
difficult? Eventually, you're gonna have to at least Allah will
say, could for a particle to exist, right? What's the
difference for Allah to say couldn't for a particle, or human
being or an entire universe, same for Allah? Right? All of it could
exist in the blink of an eye. And less than that, by saying Could a
particle could exist? A whole human could exist an entire
Higher society with a universe and a world could exist when Allah
says confit. What's the difference? As hard to believe as
a Muslim. In any event,
essentially, each man is a specialist in the part and they
portray the whole to be what they imagined and they do not see the
greater image it can be related to how scientists who focus on one
area of study are not opposites, comets are effectively beyond it
to do so they would need to consider the fields of others.
Okay. To give you another example of this, someone says to you is
Hindu god, Is he real? And you say no, is covered and is not real? He
says, Yeah, but you don't know anything about the Hindu gods.
What do I need to know? All right. All I need to know is that in
Islam, we don't have schicke all these idols are false. I don't
need to know any information about your idols except that you worship
it. Then it's I can say it's false. So false God got to do so
they would need to consider other fields it is to this that