Shadee Elmasry – NBF 184 Trials of the End Times
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Marla Rasulullah earlier he was a human Well, welcome to the SOFIA
society, nothing but facts live stream everybody on Tuesday in
which our schedule is a little bit off because all of our books are
at the studio and we are here at mbyc. And the first thing I want
to mention is a question that came up recently on on social media
regarding the permissibility of alimony for a Muslim woman who has
divorced her husband, is she permitted to use the secular
courts to collect alimony? The answer to that is that she would
not be permitted to do that. And the question now comes well, how
will she be taken care of? So
the question of how should a divorced woman be taken care of is
it is a concern for the entire community as the welfare of every
Muslim is
there, however, there it is not the husband, the ex husband,
that's for sure. The ex husband is there for her her maintenance
during the Edo period. That's a three month period of time. In
most cases, it could be a nine month period of time. If she's
pregnant. The idea of the pregnant woman is until she's until she
gives birth there is it of
Yeah, it's three months or pregnancy. So in that three month
period, is when her the rest of her maintenances is like as
planned for. So in the Sharia the order of who is to maintain a
Muslim woman after her husband is that goes back to her father, if
not her father than the next male relative in the family. If not
that then the state.
But it would not be an obligation on any strange man. All right,
strange man is a man who is neither her husband nor her blood
relatives like what are these guys have to do anything with her?
Unless it's willful? All right, their own willful Zika at their
own will as much as they want, like whatever they want out of
sadaqa and Zika. Okay. So the question of well, what about the
ex husband? What about this ex husband, she gave her life to this
man, right? She spent time she paused her career to have kids, so
on and so forth. Right, all these things. That's all fine and true.
But if, once they're divorced, we'll also the man did spend time
to so
for all that she sacrificed and gave, it was her right to
maintenance, access to the man intimate intimately and access to
his wealth during the marriage. After the marriage, you have
nothing to do with him, except three months, he maintained you
for three months during the ADA,
in which you now plan for the future, so there will be no
straight cut. Okay.
It's the end of period.
But the Shinya will simply you have to give some legal reason
what how is it that it's his responsibility to maintain a woman
that is not his wife, nor his blood relative?
So the argument that Yeah, but she's she she spent a lot in the
marriage was sorted the men and she got a lot in the marriage,
too. She got free maintenance the entire time. She got access to his
money bidding model, meaning she can use his money.
She can use his money in normal regular ways, like going to the
supermarket buying herself some clothes, taking care of the house,
buying things for the house, like in Belmar roof in well known
regular ways that all other women do.
And she also has access to intimacy with Him, too. It's not
just he's accessing her intimately. No, they both have
mutual access. That's what she's getting during the marriage.
Once she's out of that marriage, she gets nothing. Right? Why would
get does he get anything from her? So that's the that's the answer to
that question. It really should go to the family of this woman.
And if not, then the state the the the the the
governor, the wealthy or the assault on or the Kingdom of Saudi
for whatever the government is, that's the one who takes care of
her. Okay, that's the answer to that question. So I hope that's
clear. Now, what about the dowry? The dowry, as defined by Sharia
is given as an agreed upon amount of money given from the man to the
and it is classified as a gift. In this case, it's a gift with the
condition that she agrees upon it
She satisfied with it. Whereas there could be a type of it's a
unique type of gift in that respect, is I give anybody a gift.
I don't ask them if there's something that they
in advance agree upon it. Okay. But the Mahara or the Sadhak is a
unique type of gift in which she needs to be informed about it and
approve of it and agree with it. So if you said $5,000, she says,
How much 15 He says, I love you to death, but I don't have 15k. Okay,
some people don't have a lot of money, what can you do? And so she
says, Okay, fine, then 10
Then she accepts it. Okay, that 10,000 is her money now. Nobody
has the right to it. Nobody has the right to take that $10,000
dowry. Her dad said, Okay, give me the money. No, it's her money.
Now. She marries the guy. And she gets bored of him and she cannot
fulfill the duties to the guy. She says, Alright, I want I want to
get out of this marriage. He says, I hadn't done anything wrong. Did
I skip salah? Did I get drunk? Did I hit you? Did I ignore you? Did I
not maintain you? Did I give you food? Did I not give you clothes?
Did I make your life miserable? No, no, you're decent God, but
I'm not feeling it anymore. Okay. And I can't fulfill my obligations
to you. Because my heart's not in it was okay, fine. We get
divorced. You're not just going to walk out like that, because I
didn't do anything wrong.
Hula is now in place. What that means.
I need to get something for this. I'm hurt. Imagination, though.
Like only women get hurt. No men can get hurt too. I'm hurt by
this. Good. So you need to appease my pain a little bit how? Well
give me my, my the dowry back. Give me this adopt. But you came
in. You were happy to take the money coming in. Right?
So you want to get out, give them money back?
Or any agreed amount? You said, Hey, I mean, I don't have the
10,000 anymore. I spent it. All right. What do you have? I got
5000. All right, give me the 5000
whatever they agree on. It's agreed upon in the beginning. So
agreed upon in the end, okay. Or she says, Look, I came into this
marriage at $25,000. So duck, but I spent 10 years with you and we
had a good 10 years. Right? So I'm only giving back 10,000
Fine, he agrees to that whatever he agrees upon.
And she takes them and he and she pays him back that money to to
compensate the pain of I did my half of the bargain as a husband
and she wants to leave. All right, to compensation for that. So
that's what a hula is now if there is a reason for the divorce, and
this is where we need to do some more work. If there's a valid
reason for the Tulloch, okay, a valid reason such that, for
The guy ignores her he doesn't give her time. He doesn't have
intimate relations with her. She doesn't.
He doesn't something is wrong in the relationship. She should go to
the kadhi or the local Imam and that local Imam has the right by
Sharia to separate between the two. He brings him Did you Is it
true that you were not intimate with her? Is it true that you
ignore her? Is it true that you make her life miserable? You hit
her you cursed her? And he says yeah, unfortunately that's true.
Okay, Hollis. That's harm.
That's harm to free.
And she doesn't give back the dowry. Okay, he met he forces the
divorce. And she keeps the money, the dowry the setup.
Now, here's where in real life now all this is nice theory, right?
Let's talk about real life in real life. That's very hard to happen.
And that's where we actually have to make it strides. And we really
need to buy we need to, to establish shitty aboard NJ because
shitty aboard and why the City Board of New York. There are a
bunch of there several I don't wanna say a bunch. There are some
very nice Imams. I've met the leader of them.
Very good, solid, immense, excellent work they're doing day
in and day out. They do so much for the community. They provide
Sunday school curriculums, they provide a network of hip and
Sunday school teachers or Masjid madressa what do they call it?
In the subcontinent, they call it what do they call it when they
it's after school classes basically.
I can't remember the call but but after school
All classes like you go straight from school, you go to these
classes in the masjid, they provide the teachers, the
curriculum, the books, they go around the restaurants and check
if the food is halal by Hanafy standards you gotta keep in mind,
which is the highest level standard, which means there may be
restaurants that they do not approve of, that are still had
that by Medicaid or sheffey standards, just to keep that in
mind. They're open and honest about it.
By the Hanafi standard,
that's exactly what their audit their logic was. Their logic was
that and I suggested to them, You also cannot harm these
restaurants, because they pull the the certification.
Exactly. You need two tiers. The first tier is the Hanafi tier, the
second the last year will be like the Shafia and medica and Jeff a
tier all the Arabs
and you don't even need tearing for selfies via the kitchen food,
McDonald's Bismillah. Right, according to that festival that
they have. But point being is that they do so much work one of the
things that the Sharia board of New York does and this is they
actually use medically fit for this is they facilitate the
divorces for the abused women.
I'm telling you, we have to do this I've seen many cases where I
have to tell a sister who I have no power to this specially
converts who have no Willie to give the man a hard time like they
might have already but he's one men and they're the guy's family
is like 10 gods, right? You had a big family that big family has
weight if we can make your life miserable, miserable enough that
you behave right so what they do is they use the medically ruling
that the MLM is a comedy in the absence of a kadhi. And they to
make it safe, they require three Imams to sign off that they had a
hearing that they warned the man for six months and they gave him a
chance for six months. And at the end of the six months if the
problem is still there, they sign off and they effect a shot a
divorce and then she goes and files divorce
she goes and file a divorce and she treats the men like a divorce
man whether he likes it or not.
I'm telling you, we need to show you a board NJ we need to do this
here in New Jersey. Okay, we're going to start it up in the data
Allah. And it'll it'll we're going to learn from them. But we're
going to do it in the in the two ways. We're going to do it in two
ways we're going to we're going to put two tiers of halal
certification so that otherwise all of Patterson will not get
All the Arabs of Paterson will be like not halal restaurants. So, so
that's the concept. And I want to take a second right now to take
any questions on the issue of alimony because when I looked at
the issues,
the comments on why the sisters are supportive of alimony
number one, they did not always recognize the they didn't believe
in Hadith, or they felt that FIP was done by men to discriminate
against women and to harm women. So for that, in terms of Hadith, I
have to say that if you don't accept that as a source, it's
another religion. You're a sect that I can't talk to you. We
cannot talk to you. It's a different sect. This caffeic for
us, to be honest with you, that's because you don't accept Hadith
like how do you pray?
So you don't pray? If so you're negating I don't mean a dean below
Torah. Right? How do you pay zakat?
Yeah, the actual Yeah, the actual following of Hadith and the
existence of hadith is itself Madhumita deemed liberal. We gotta
follow the messengers of Allah when he was on them. So forget the
discussion at that point. It's dead on arrival. Any point on the
Fula the branches when we don't agree on the routes, that
discussion is dead on arrival? Now, let's go to the next
discussion of the fuqaha are they were men who were out they were
against women and for men? Well, in that respect, you're not
insulting the folk. Aha, you're insulting. A millennium and half
of Muslim women.
Like you're assuming all for a millennium and a half across five
continents. Muslim women were extremely dumb, illiterate and
able to be duped. But you are the smart one. Okay, who has uncovered
this massive, you know, abuse? And on top of that, it's an accusation
that you need to bring us evidence because when I look at the word
the works of folk Aha, I see evidence, right, for and against
people based upon not their gender.
Her or being Arab or non Arab, but by the evidence of the Quran and
the Sunnah. So I don't see any conspiracy and I can't it's not
fathomable to imagine
that scholars from across five continents for a millennium and a
half, put together a conspiracy.
Or that we're just innately against women or not had no
compassion for daughters, mothers, wives. So it's imagined that
there's two groups in life. And this is something that I just
don't even accept it. Like, I don't, I don't exactly accept the
concept of there's a myth there are males and females. That's not
how it works. Because every male is intimately connected to a
bunch, a number of females, and every female is intimately
connected to many men. Right? I just don't buy it. I don't accept
it. That's how people think in life. Alright, so I can't really
continue. I can't continue that discussion if that's your premise,
because it's extremely difficult. It's actually impossible to prove.
So that's my belief. Okay. So
let's see if there are any questions regarding
the subject matter of alimony before we get to the end of time.
Muhammad would desert stunning with electricity
is not allowed. This is about the city board. Okay.
But we're gonna stick to alimony for now, what about cultural
practices, alright, so
the there is a cultural practice that the hut the father of the
bride, helps put together the house of his wife. This is called
an LG has got the preparation. Okay, Joe has a Yuja Huizhou is
from the Arabic group have to prepare something, and that money
is for the bride. But I guess at some point, the husband took
possession of that,
to make the purchases. And over time, it became a practice of the
father of the bride giving the husband a bunch of money,
essentially. And he uses it however he wants. So the wife got
lost in the middle.
That did that.
Payment is considered to be an innovation if people hold it to be
an part of the marriage. Anyone could give anyone a gift, right?
But if it's someone consider that if something is so habitual, that
as Khalil says in motorcyclists is key for active guards and will
job, you fear that people will think this is an obligation. I
want you if you're listening here, to be sharp and to learn something
new about FIP this three words he fits at the card and with job.
This is something we cut something off, we cut off a practice as a
bid that should be ended. The moment it spread amongst the
people that this is a sunnah or an obligation.
We cut it off. Cliff it's Add to Cart and would you
write the fear that people will think that this is a sunnah or an
and I'm telling you this G has or what whichever
J he's in order to do I guess has become J he's in Arabic, it would
be the GS right? The preparation as Jes or however you want to call
it that people imagine that that is now a dowry and that is part of
the wedding contract that in according to the Maliki
understanding of FIP
of life, that's an innovation now because everyone thinks it's an
obligation you have to cut her off good.
So in a mimetic is extremely concerned with any practice even
if it is good, even if it is Sunnah, that people do not imagine
that it is afforded to the promise.
What's that?
Exactly? The province I set it I'm stopped doing pm Ramadan. So that
the Sahaba Tara we so that the Sahaba do not imagine it's fun it
okay. So the prophets lie. Selim is the one who established this
line and all medical cooktops and what destroyed the Christians, the
early Christians, what destroyed them, the blurred line between
obligations and recommendations. So they went to extremes and
worship and zoo things that was exhibit all right, which was just
to be from your own will they started now.
imagining this is fun to say normal said always separate
between forbidden sunnah.
And furthermore, this is one of the reasons people step aside to
pray sunnah. So lonely soul soul leads, so that to separate and to
make everyone known that this is it's different now so that imagine
if we prayed for it, like three rows, people prayed for it, then
they slammed out. We also named out we sat for tests via for five
minutes then all got up to pray sunnah a person may come into this
thinking that's part of the prayer. So that's why right after
the foot, there should be some movement so that everyone praying
there suddenly is clearly it does not look like the foot, everyone's
jagged and out of place. So the flooded were lined up, and the
sooner we're all out of place. Okay, so that's one of the reasons
and this Jes or Jihads or whatever. however it's pronounced
in order to do okay.
If it's imagined to be part of marriage contracts, then it's it's
a on on that aspect of it becomes a reprehensible innovation.
Alright, so all my best saying all day see women stopped buying J.
right here, because when the fifth becomes known, a man is advocating
against his own interest here, right? If it was something that
men are advocating, Scott, male scholars are advocating for their
own interest. Wouldn't we want the jockeys, I want to jays, I don't
want to pay a dowry. Every time I marry, I get a woman and I get
money. What a great deal. Right? So that's the idea.
It's a lot of stuff. You see like TVs, TVs, couches, beds, TVs,
couches. Well, what that what the heck's the point of marriage, then
the whole point of marriage is that the father, like the
financial aspect of marriage, there's a lot of parts of
marriage, but the financial aspects of marriage is that the
father unloads the financial burden onto the man. That's why in
the, in the contractual element of marriage, of course, there's a lot
of warm and fuzzy and love aspects of marriage. That's the truth of
marriage. But they're the structure around marriage is the
man, the father of the bride obligating the men, I have married
my daughter to you. He puts it in the past tense, the the See of the
verbiage of the language of marriage contracts is in the past
tense. Remember that? Okay. So if someone say, I will marry my
daughter to you, that's engagement. That's not marriage.
You are not married? I will I plan? Alright, we will marry that
is not a marriage, that's engagement.
Puts it in the past tense, I have married my daughter unto you.
Okay. And he says, I have accepted why? Because he has now accepted
the burden in the sight of Allah of her maintenance and her
protection. Okay. So that's the contractual element. Marriage has
a love element, and it has a contractual element. And when
we're talking law, there are answers to everything. There are
numbers to everything. Okay. So he's transmitted the obligation.
So what is the point to transmit the obligation and then continue
fulfilling the obligation? If a guy comes to me, and he's a great
guy, and he asked me for a job, he's, I'm going to say,
Go Joe, he's yourself and find another woman, right? I'm
unloading this financial burden upon you, right from me to you.
Okay, what is the point people should understand flip to
understand that this relationship here is far it will be inshallah
far more than a bunch of numbers, okay. It will be personal
attachment, it will be love, it will be memories. But in the
outset, in the structure of it, there is an actual, okay. There is
an actual contract here. I have expectations, son in law, I have
expectations. If you are not able to protect my daughter and
strangers in the road or beating her up, I will get involved. You
can't you're not doing your job.
If she still loves you and is attached to you, you're lucky.
Right? But you're not doing your job. If she comes visiting me
skinny, right? You can't afford food.
I'm gonna get involved. This that's where I know when to get
involved because that's the whole purpose of marriage. If she's
doesn't have a roof and it's leaking roof is leaking, right? I
gotta get involved. You're not doing your job as a husband. So
that's the concept and understanding of this.
All right, we're going to right now.
I need I'm gonna take a breather for a second. Hey, listen, you
don't have to come on the camera if you don't want to. But
Ryan will start reading from
disruptive trials I'll be right back
just start reading
okay maybe we'll do a commercial break actually
us man you're not gonna get
let's see what we could put
I was trying to figure out how to put a video up I couldn't figure
it out. I was trying to figure out how to put a video up I couldn't
figure it out
all right, here we go.
Question on the registries in marriage, I guess it's permitted
to have a registry. It may not be considered the highest level of a
HELOC. To be honest with you to have a read, you
know, the registry is it's like
you, you pick the stuff that you want from like Bed Bath and
Beyond. And then the people instead of buying you gifts that
are random.
They buy the gifts from that registry. Right. And why is that?
That's really not the adab or the iCloud to be honest with you. You
don't invite people
go to a wedding. And tell them this is what you have to get to
get me something like this. That's not their job to buy use pots and
pans. Right? That's not my job. I have nothing to do with your
family. If I want to buy a pots and pans or buy you a gift.
Weddings have been full of Bidda it cost me like two 300 bucks to
go to a wedding these days. I'm paying for valet parking.
I'm cutting a check.
I tell my wife.
I'll cut the check after I eat the food. I got to check it out first,
Everybody I go to the kind of 200 bucks. I know when I get married.
Yes, you gotta book. You gotta have the book, right? I mean, I
mean, first of all, it used to be 100 bucks, right? The heck is 100
bucks these days? The inflation is terrible. To 20 to 20. Yeah, so
you're above everyone else. And some people get cute. $223.42.
Right. They get cute with it.
This is to cut it off on people. Man. This is not right. This is
totally not right. You know what a wedding is to us.
This is how I would do a wedding.
I would have the Nikka.
And then here in the masjid. I would announce afterward. Hey,
Tomorrow is my wedding. Anyone is welcome to come. Right. And of
course, my friends and family Oh, I told them in advance so they
could book the day, we come have the Nikka everyone comes to eat
food, bunch of lamps, five, six lamps, eat it up, right? Spend as
long as time as you want there. Okay. And that's I publicized it,
I've given the sadaqa and I make sure to invite the poor
that night or the next day.
the other family is really into these weddings, then a very small
wedding in a fancy place with a bunch of monies burned. Okay, just
for the sake of this habit that people have, right?
Like 175 Do you ever see an American Wedding? It's like 50
people, right? 35 people, it's I went to a wedding one time with my
sister. She's She's a doctor, she's a surgeon and went to one of
her surgeon friends weddings. It was like, Oh, wow, surgeon is
gonna get married. This is gonna be a big wedding. Like 25 people
there. Two people have friends. What's wrong with you people? What
is with you people? Right? How do you guys live? Where are your
friends? So then that second wedding would just be friends and
family very close friends. And there will just will burn some
money for the sake of it. Right? And so that's how I would that's
how a wedding should be. But this to cut it off of sending you an
invite, then having the nerve and the gall to send people a
registry. And there's pots and forks and blenders and bench
bedsheets. I'm not buying your bedsheets right now I'm getting
into your intimate business here, right? I didn't want to know
anything about your master bedroom.
Bid, got all bids, and they turned, by the way itself. He's
not wrong about everything.
Probably 50% of the stuff they call a bid is actually a bidder.
But because they went overboard on it. We reject everything. Right?
We don't want to say anything because a bit I know.
stuff is all better. Okay, and it's rude. It's to cut it off. And
it's absurd. Okay, so we shouldn't do any of that stuff.
Any other we can go on for about weddings forever. Okay.
quadrillion, Pilate loves the registry. Well, unloving, but
registry for yourself. Right? This is over the. So here's the
registry. I'll tell you what the registry is. And shittier I'm the
I got to set up this house. I don't know how to buy forks and
pots. I have no interest, right? All set up the registry, wife,
mother in law, you can buy whatever you want, right? Or you
set up the registry, and I'll buy it when I can. That's how it
should be. I've heard another thing, which is what
it's not specific. No open ended mod is not allowed. So doc must be
a closed set number is not a fluctuating number.
None of that mud has to be a closed set number let's say I'll
tell you how to do it. husband goes buys a debit card puts 10,000
bucks on the debit card. Right? Go spend spend it however you wish.
Right but there's a set number that's your mod is on the debit
card. Good.
But that's not even that's that's not necessarily even the way it
should be. Because what if she just wants to put cash in her
pocket for later she should be able to cash
Should out if she agrees on the Visa card, then you can give it to
her. But her HAC she may agree 10,000 bucks What if I want to buy
gold? Cryptocurrency whatever she wants to, but she does not have to
spend any of it on the Jehovah's. She's not to spend a penny she
could say husband
this apartment has no refrigerator has no stove. You have to go buy
the girls, the girls dead. That's all. That's not right. If he wants
to buy it fine if he's rich got
to feel an obligation though because of the culture, bro. In
Syria. The Syrian culture is the opposite. The man pays everything.
Okay. The husband Egyptian culture is almost 5050
All right, let's move on to our topic of today, which is the signs
of the end of time.
Yeah, hams as easy. Of course, the registry doesn't force anyone to
buy anything. It's a way to save people from getting useless gifts.
How is this a bitter it is it is an innovation because your basic,
it's not polite. That's what it is. It's bad o'clock, to say to
people, hey, buy me this. Or if you're going to buy me a gift buy
me this. It's just not good o'clock. And if it becomes a habit
that you got to go to a wedding with with with and spend a whole
bunch of money, that's to cut it off on people. You're barely
putting a burden on their shoulder that they never asked for. They
don't necessarily might want to not want to do and secondly, the
way they do the the they've made people sort of buy into it. You
know how on some of these registries, they'll have a
website. And each each person it'll be like Venmo a public Venmo
Hey, I got them this I got them that right. So now it's like, if I
click on that, and five of my friends bought something, I'm
going to feel embarrassed not to be on the Dave social media. They
merged social media with the registry essentially. Right? So
there's like a peer pressure to finish. Hey guys, let's finish it
off. Only three items to go right. And then some will go alright,
I'll get to you get one like that. They've the peer pressure that
kind of peer pressure the city has sensitive to it.
Okay, so for hums as easy. That's the answer to that question.
Mr Malla Rahman Rahim.
Segment Number Two of our live stream today the destructive
trials about the End of Times
Abu Hurayrah the Allahu Anhu. Related that the messenger of
allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Woe to the Arabs from an evil
that is indeed near Wayland Nila Ravi Minh Sheridan ca Katara
see the prophetic speech has these
rhymes to it that are amazing. You can't forget it. Wayne Rooney
Lara. Men Sheridan conductor
fit fit unknown capita in Mina Leyland Muslim
trials like slices of the dark night, meaning the night just gets
darker and darker and darker. So likewise, the situation of the
Muslims will get bleaker and bleaker and bleaker
used to be a hallmark OMO Mina William cecafa A man wakes up a
believer he sleeps that night very casually, having made kofler In
People will sell their religion for a paltry worldly some
like what?
approval from academics sells his Dean as a PhD student on one day
sees Hey everyone around is denying marriage All right, I
didn't I said I manage everyone around is now making fun of
Hadith. I'll make fun of heavy
selling your religion for a paltry sum politics. This new Scottish
politician. Oh, if I love gay marriage, I can get in on the
become a politician. Yes. Denae deny game. Reform Islam is a new
thing. We got to call it what it is this another religion there is
heretical sects. There's Indians to us. But that's what it is.
They're not Muslims, right? These people sell the religion for a
paltry worldly sum and then you get voted out in two years.
Political career will be over in five years but you sold an
eternity for it. Unbelievable. At that time, says the
Hadith al kabwela dini he can be the jungle. Okay. The one who
holds his deen
is holding on to his religion is like the one who is called kabhi
the Allah, hallelujah Marathi holding, not only holding a call
grasping at heart, so this is like holding I'm holding the phone, I
could, you can actually hold a cold like this right and you can
survive, but cubs is holding it tight. If you hold a cold tight
what's gonna happen it'll burn them straight through your skin
and it'll burn through the bones and you won't have a hand left.
I always say put the Arabic in this
not only put the Quranic verses in Arabic.
We're reading from the book of the end great trials and tribulations
which is essentially a just a volume from lb Daya when you hire
from Ribnica theory.
One of the best two who gathered many a hadith and it'll be day one
Neha he's He allows
for many grades of Hadith he doesn't restrict Himself to the
fully sound Hadith he allows everything in
abode yellow to on who said
I heard the messenger of loss and Allahu Allah He was salam say to
Filburn How will you be when the nations of the world will call
each other upon you. Just like people are calling each other to a
tray of food. You remember how the Arabs used to eat food
in the old days and even till today in parts of Yemen and Saudi
when you go to these, even the rich, okay, a big round tray with
a lot of rice and the meat on top of it. And then little tiny trays
of pickles or sauce or whatever you want to put on it dip what
they call an Arabic eat them. Your damn is like the dip type of
things sauces, salts, things like that. So that people will call
each other on the Muslim nation. This is colonization what else is
it? So the Mongols didn't do this the Mongols were one nation. The
Crusaders didn't do this. They were one nation but the colonizers
they did this and they cut up the Islamic world after World War One
and divided up pay France you take this England you take that okay.
So then asked Oh messenger of Allah will that be because we are
few in number. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
no bail and Timothy will come Kavitha is safe.
You are many on that day at that time, but you are like the froth
of the sea useless.
Okay, why are we useless O Messenger of Allah.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When will be cast
into your heart, what is what when of course his weakness right, when
his weakness? So the when they said when what they mean is your
or when they say what is what hidden? They mean what is the
source of the when? What is the cause of this weakness? Why are
Muslims weak?
This is this is extremely important. Why is our iman weak?
This not just for the Muslims in general for us individually? Why
is our Eman weak. Karla hope boo dunya worker here to remelt the
love of dunya and the hatred of death, hatred of death here means
the hatred of fighting, which hatred of death, the hatred of
debt that causes you not to fight jihad.
That's what it means. Right? It's not the hatred of death, like I
want to live so I can first for any reason. No, it's the hatred of
death to the point
that you will not engage in battle to protect your own country. Like
you won't even protect your own country. And if you want to
protect your own country, you need to go on the offensive. Okay.
counterintuitive that sounds to some people, some people Yeah. Big
numbers and then bring them up. Yeah.
Yeah, it's counterintuitive. Well look at the Jews. They're smaller
numbers and great empower. Right? Because they had him to make sure
they never know Hitler ever happens to them again. No
Holocaust ever happens to them again. They got the result they
put in the work ALLAH given through the results. Allah
compensates. That doesn't mean you're gonna have compensation in
the Africa. But in the dunya if you put in the work, Allah will
compensate you. That's the fairness of Allah. That's called
compensation, not reward reward. Is love is with love. Compensation
is not with love. When I pay a plumber, I don't love him. Like
you just did your job. i It's a transaction here.
The Sykes peikko agreement. That's correct.
Sykes pico agreement is where they divided up these Islamic countries
these borders are our enemy we are enemy to these borders we should
not believe or our hope that these borders ever exist we want to
erase all the from from Mali
to Sudan
all of shim at UK person erase all these borders
they we put Bert borders for us. Okay.
borders for us and then they took the borders down for Europe where
it matters.
NATO and the EU and all that.
comes as easy says
there's a hadith in midwall photo we fatawa about handheld black
squares that will spread news at the end of days.
Good like handheld black squares. Do you mean the black flags or
Oh really? Phones? Right and good.
So tell me hams as easy Can you can you share that hadith
Big Ag some of they come talk to me. What? What's happening
oh, we opened it a long time ago. Every Wednesday. You should go for
dinner for dinner. Six o'clock.
Yep, yeah.
For Living? Nah, no, we don't have rooms to rental.
No, no, we don't have that. Unfortunately.
No, nothing that I know of. But if I find someone I'll let you know.
Okay, I'll look around for him.
Good men. How are you? How's your How's how's the barbershop?
loves Mercer?
Hamza. I'm glad to hear that man. hamdulillah
Yeah, we get it. Okay, I'll talk to you after.
I got you. I'll look for something for him.
Okay, all right. Welcome shift.
I'm gonna open the web. It was an SD related that his father said.
As I was within my home in Kufa. I heard a Salam aleikum at the door.
And I said, I take Lucena. The visitor entered and when he came
in, I saw that it was Abdullah a venomous ODE. I said yeah.
What time is this to visit? Okay.
The time was high noon, middle of the day is not the time people
visit. It's time people seek refuge from the heat of the sun.
He said the day is long for me and I remembered one to whom I can
speak, he began to relate to me from the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wa salam there will be a trial wherein the one
who is sleeping during it is better than the one who is lying
And the one who is lying down is better than the one who was
sitting and the one who was sitting is better than the one
standing and the one who was standing is better than the one
walking and the one walking is better than the one writing and
the one writing is better than one who is going forth quickly to seek
it out. All of those killed during it are in the hellfire. So that is
a civil war amongst the Muslims. Abdullah of episode asks, O
Messenger of Allah SallAllahu sallam, when is that? He said the
days of much killing. When a man will not be safe from the
companions that he sits with. In other words, there will be spies
amongst the people. Okay, people will turn on each other.
He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and what arogya Alon,
Abdullah Massoud said what do you order us to do? If we are in that
time? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said restrain
yourself and your hand and enter your homes. Sometimes honestly,
you feel that way with the argumentation that is verbal.
I know that Egypt all Egyptians are split between Pro CC and TCC.
There's no middle
you're either CC or your f1.
And that's absurd. You can be neither right all of Buxton, your
Pakistani, right or is split. You're either
also Imran Khan or against Imran Khan. Politically you're either
Imran Khan or you're against Imran Khan.
Every nation you go to they try to make the split happen. Okay?
Restrain yourself. And this is the prophet is talking about physical,
it will get physical. Now, if you want to practice that than when
it's merely verbal, we should also be able to restrain ourselves. So
he said, O Messenger of Allah, suppose a man enters upon me in my
home, the prophets have locked the door of your house, he said,
suppose he and he breaks down the lock, the prophesy seven said
Enter the place of prayer,
and do this. And then he closed his right hand on his wrists, and
say, My Lord is Allah until you die upon that thrombey Allah,
okay, he closed his right hand on his wrist like this, but a be
Allah sit like this, I'd be Allah. And then you do not kill another
Muslim. Good. So this must be the time of major, major fitten.
Major fitsum.
And so I believe that this is in the Muslim Muhammad, if you ask
me. We have we should actually practice this amongst the Muslims
to present your evidence and that's it. Okay, present your
evidence when you want but it's you have to present your evidence.
You cannot
just be there's no Kumbaya, when it comes to certain barriers of
the Sunnah. You just present your evidence, but for us to engage in
heated hateful debates within our OMA, it's going to hurt or hurt
our hearts. And probably, I believe that would also make us
less beloved to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
would not want his own man doing this, even if you're on the hook,
and the person is like, okay, they're within a sunnah or trying
to be an Edison. You just present your evidence, isn't that, okay?
You can present them back and forth, that's fine. But make sure
your heart does not get into this hateful attitude towards other
Muslims who are
essentially being from understanding that we're trying to
be from Edison
and trying to be pious.
I'm gonna have been well, this related from his father
from Abdullah bin Massoud who said, I heard the messenger of
allah sallallahu when he was sending them say,
okay, all of those killed in such a fitna are in the fire. That
means both sides, both sides of the fitna. They're in Jahannam
that happens, you can have two sides, Muslims, and they're in the
fire, meaning that they're guilty and that neither of them should be
supported. While I was asked when is that I've been Massoud. He
the days in which there'll be much killing a man has not even saved
from his own companions your companions are the people you sit
with regularly.
The companion is different from a friend a companion is just
somebody you sit with right when you come to Asia or you come to
any regular gathering of it in a public place those your companions
these people you spend your life with doesn't necessarily mean that
you're you're friends with them. What do you order me to do if I
reached that time
even Mr. Wood said restrain your tongue and your hand okay? And be
as if you are a fixture in your house meaning a fixture in the
house is just like your your your you're always there you're like a
lamp in the house or you just like a table in the house. You're
always in the house.
And when off man was killed, my heart flared up and agitation. So
I wrote until I reached Damascus, where I met Hey, had them
indefatigable SD and I swore by and he swore by Allah, none has
the right to be worshipped, but he that he heard it from the
messenger of allah sallallahu. So when the fitna of men came,
the Sahaba had never seen the community divided the tablet in
either the elder tab eight, they ran, they lifted, our beloved OMA
sat down, he refused to take a position or he refused to take
action gets a refuse ticket position, because it's known that
killers of both men are guilty, but he refused to put himself in.
Likewise, when it came out, Abdullah bin Omar knew that Yazeed
was in the wrong but he refused to be part of this.
So we gotta be careful when these trials happen. The simple rule is
if there's a trial amongst the Muslims, the pack private PI's
practicing wasn't trying to be from Edison to present your
evidence. And then step out. Step out of the whole thing
I heard one sign is that someone said the hardest people just
better liberal seculars present your evidence and that's it.
Firstly, you can't even debate them. They're except Hadith.
Abu Bakar related from his father who related from the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Indeed, there will be a
tribulation the one who's lying down
is better than one seated the one seated is better one standing
standing is better than walking walking is better than running.
Oh my serve Allah What should we do? If you have camels, right?
Heard your camels, if you have sheep, go herd your sheep. In
other words, mind your own business, go do your job, do your
job and go home. Right? If you have land, go attend to your land.
If you don't have any of that. Good.
Take your sword and break it. In other words, just don't be
involved in fitsum amongst the Muslims, why one of the worst
things about fits in amongst Muslims is people will lose their
Eman, their Eman breaks, when the violence and the and the conflict
REITs reaches a crescendo and you spend 234 or five years in this
what ends up happening is such bad things happen. People literally
lose their Amen. Okay. And that's why bliss loves fits in amongst
Muslims he loves to see fits in amongst Muslims. So take a pious
believer gets involved in a fitna it gets so nasty. At the end of
it. He's like, Islam is bitter to me. It's just fighting, fighting,
fighting, fighting, arguing, arguing.
I don't want to have any do with Islam. So that's why we avoid fit
in at all cost. Say North man
prays he did not combine the prayers and hedge at Ottawa. He
said I have a home here. Okay.
I'll deliver him a suit said the messenger combined his prayer
here. He said that's because the messenger does not have a home
here. I have a home here. I'm not a traveler. So they different on
that INLA the purpose of why the Prophet combined is perhaps the
the back and forth got heated. Good.
After saving the Earth man prayed the hood for rock us. Say now
Abdullah bin Massoud was witnessed praying with him Salaam is out and
did not pray us.
When he came back for us on that day, some of his companions, his
students, his disciples, his moods from the terrain. They said yeah,
it's as if saying to their ship, hey, what's going on? Right?
said yeah, you're gonna miss out.
We weren't like we're with you. Why don't Why are you praying by
Northmet like this? He said alquila for sharp.
difference amongst us is bad. He's the Emir call us I have a
different opinion. He has a different opinion. This is the
money matter. Not a cut a matter. Okay. Opinion is allowed. Let's go
with the gym. Ah, it's funny, right? It's not cut sorry. Of
course, it's a hobby is not going to commit a cut to the error,
right error on a cut to a matter. This is money. So extremely,
perceptive on if you're when you're getting dragged into inter
Muslim fitten.
Notice if the jihad is valid, it increases your Eman.
And if the fight is fitna, it decreases your Eman.
Is silence sometimes equivalent of concession or agreement? That's a
good question.
Is it or isn't it? Yeah.
For the Muslims, for the regular people, it is not a sign of
agreement. Only for the Prophet it is always a sign of agreement for
the Muslim it is not. That doesn't mean it's always praiseworthy.
I personally believe
on mat when cut a matters copy. No discussion matters are being
blurred, or violated? Or every one of us? Who knows the answer to
this and we all should because it's very explicit in the religion
should make the statement at least once. If we all say that somehow,
at least once. There'll be enough voices to clarify for people who
are onlookers.
If someone puts out let's say, let's just take a practical
example. Someone tweets that it's a marriage was a dream. If every
single person just puts one post
of why it was not a dream. What's the proof? Just that's it once
that's it, there will be such a large number of responses. The
onlooker who's actually ignorant will really know the truth. Okay.
Now the response should be you're just a liberal Jahad. That's
useless. It may be the sentiment we all have in our heart. But it's
useless. Some sentiments don't need to come out, right. It's
useless and it's bad persuasion because people say oh, look at
these people just making fun of him. Poor guys getting made fun of
some people might think just to give you an example, by the way, a
Rukia because they say Well Matt Jalna Rukia
Right, the chef Harun gave that proof in the cookbook. The word
with an Elif, is known to mean a dream. And that's why people say,
Oh, Quran says it's a rodeo. No rodeo does not mean dream rodeo
means a vision at night, whether with your eyes are with your
It's a night vision. A night vision can also be with your eyes.
So if I walk outside of my house at 10pm, and I see a fox with my
eyes, that's a rodeo.
But it just happens to be that most of the time, the night
visions or dreams. So it became synonymous with dream. But it's
not a rural area with an LF is not a dream. It's not restricted to a
dream. It's any thing that you see at night
that was very useful proof given from shikhara.
A browser saying what element are we on in the Livestream? We are on
segment number two. And if you liked this podcast and this live
stream, which I think all of you do, go to and support
it even with $1 $2 whatever you like to support the live stream it
will go to us bringing in more guests improving our technology,
etcetera, etcetera.
Yeah. Should we create a registry?
A registry? Yeah. No, we only accept the highest grade of
construction, construction workers. highest grade of
technology. What is the highest graded technology these days for
cameras Sony?
Yeah, so this segment of Safina society is for the public and it
will be supported by the public. That's how that's how it works. As
you wish as you wish to support it. Okay.
So it is a call there with no how much that's the difference between
this and the wedding registry wedding registry is how much?
Because you know who bought what? No, no. How about you?
Okay, know how much how much means embarrassing the person into
spending their money or into doing anything
I was saying about the ramen and SJ, related that he heard sads if
Nebbiolo costs say, O Messenger of Allah, suppose in our one end, a
person enters my home.
A Muslim enters my home and tries to kill me.
In this time of fitna, what should I do? He said, Be like the son of
Adam and say
that in their cell that you layer the Kalita kotula neem NRB
BellSouth the illegally apostolica in the UK awful lot. I mean, good.
Any valid before Hamza is four beats. Four beats in ni UK Afula
Ma, NAB BellSouth in you know, the headache for beats a beat is like
this with your finger. Okay?
So if you stretch your hand against me to kill me, I will not
stretch my hand to kill you. I fear Allah. Okay, civil war with
Muslims, you run the other way, move out of the country leave. It
was an obligation on Satan it to engage in the Civil War. It was an
obligation on all the people in his army to be part of that civil
war and he was correct and rewarded for it. Okay, Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam said, I'm a Muslim and he asked me to
Cthulhu via
the OP the rebellious army will kill him.
What rebellious army? Rebellious not careful. Therefore, the
rebellious army are Muslims. And they are the Assyrians who
rebelled against a naughty over a judgment on worldly matters. Okay,
so they're Muslims. Their format is Sunnah, but they're rebelling
against their leader on a mistake on a false on incorrect judgment.
So Hobbit can make mistakes, there were Sahaba amongst them, they
made a wrong judgment. So they're in the category of rebels say
nobody's obligated to fight them. But if you're not in the army, and
no one calls you in the fight and you're far away, stay out of it.
If Allah blessed you to be away from it, stay out of it. Try as
much as you can to stay away from the Fitz and amongst Muslims.
I'm telling you, some people they think they confused this matter,
and they wage war against other Muslims thinking that they're
defending at hop. You're actually going to cause yourself a fitna in
Eman. I guarantee you that
this was the situation during this trial of say Northmet sad him to
have you walk us he said the Prophet said there will be a fitna
the sitting is better than the standing standing better than the
walking walking better than the running. Good. And I'm staying out
of it. You
If someone enters my house and tries to kill me I will be like
the son of Adam and say if you extend your hand to kill me I will
not extend my hand to kill you. I fear Allah Saddam who stayed out
of it. Okay, sometimes you have to be in it for a reason.
And if you're but if you're not, don't make yourself be in it don't
put yourself in.
time check to 50 open QA similar to follow on the open QA.
Well, no
action is required or necessary for what our prayers for Cadet
prayer, you get two options. A get them done ASAP. Be take your time
and unseat each Surah with the proper test read as you're in
front of your Lord. You cut up prayers you treat it exactly as
any other prayer the kuduk prayer you treat it with the Shuar just
like it's a regular prayer just like it's an adept prayer, there
is no difference
in who you are is something that is not measurable therefore, the
salah will be valid, but how much of it you get rewarded for it
depends on the issuer the validity is dependent upon objective
measurables so harder to harder to harder to cover. Okay, central our
digital Kibler. Okay. And then the Fuhrer it's Salah Sunon aka cetera
so there's validity of prayer is upon objective measurables the
reward of the prayer
is upon the issuer
Okay, is dua with two so off to west? So do you mean to lessen
draw with TOA? soleus is always better yes do to draw with to us.
So let's in Sahih, Muslim, the people of the cave they made to us
suelen, and it benefited them. And there's a reason the Prophet
taught us that hadith, or he taught us that story. So that we
should make a lesson, when we make dua
is doing more good deeds to
it, you need something to make a lesson with, right? So if you see
some chance to do a good deed, you should say to yourself, alright,
this is something where I could put this in the bag. And I can
pull it out when I need to write when I need to make the lesson and
the way in which you do to us. So they say, Oh Allah I did x, y and
z. If I did it solely for your sake, then grant me what I'm
Right? It's a beautiful thing. Allah gave you the tofu called the
deed, and then he allows you to now trade it in for something else
that you want. It's like telling your child
go into that draw or there's $5 Then you could use that $5 to buy
this piece of candy from me right? And it's all from Allah, the end
of the day.
Language of Friday hooked up difference of opinion from the
scholars Hunter fees and Malik is actually require the foot putt to
be in Arabic. And you think there's a weaker opinion in the
medical school that it can be in another language or membership
comes a quoting quote, but one open Pharisee Yeah, but I can't
remember what he quoted from but that is the weak opinion.
Regarding that, I don't think the chef a required to be an Arabic.
How do you deal with people who do sit in Sharia they would be
killed, executed? If the Sahara is contains Cofer. If it's black
magic that contains Cofer if it's white magic, which is also haram
it's a computer from the cabana. It's just lashes
will remember the fight the seculars and the Wahhabis in the
shear. I personally Well, we let me let me put it this way because
it can't speak of the vibe that we don't know. What we do know we say
exactly what the prophets I said him said his first battle will be
the Arabs he will fight the Arabs first, who will be the Arabs be at
that time Allah knows best.
Then next fight will be the Assyrians.
Then he will go to the Persians.
Then he will take that army and go to Constantinople. He will have
unified all these people. Okay. And from further back the people
from Kota San will join him willingly. Okay.
Then they will go to Constantinople. And the people in
Constantinople ie Istanbul. Good. It stumbles the other Greek word
for for the big city. Okay. Constantinople. They will hear the
tech of you rots and their hearts will soften and they will join his
army willingly. There'll be no fight. Then you have
put us in Arabia, Syria, Iraq.
Persia, Iran,
And some people say that Egypt follows Shem in this age is not
mentioned in this at all.
Right. Now Egyptians get like, wait, wait, where are we? So you
know what the Egyptians said? They said we're with him. Right? Since
when is Egypt Shem? Right. But they say that we will be following
Shem. At that point, they because Sinai is the hook between Egypt
and Shem. All right, if you want to think that fine, but you're not
mentioned. Okay. The Egyptians, they cannot imagine how are we not
mentioned that because Egypt is OMA dunya, we had Azhar, and
people think this is the capital of the Islamic world. And it was
for why the capital Islamic world, so much so that some, if you will,
if you lived in Egypt, the amount of Nobel scholars that amazing
scholarship that came out of Egypt, the centrality of Azhar, I
probably can imagine that a regular Egyptian thought would
think that Sheffy was Egyptian because he was a chef, he's buried
there, right? Jose in his head is there write
that book, it was all these scholars are all Egyptian. That's
probably what you imagine, from the centrality of Al Azhar the
greatness that it had, but Egypt is not mentioned in activism at
all. And so these six countries, what are they going to do this,
this, this union, they will March on Rome, and they will take Rome
by force, and they will start scooping up the gold. Now once the
jealousies oh my gosh, the Muslims are in Europe, now, my home, all
my support comes from them. Right? Of course he doesn't, his support
may come from them, but he's from the hood to justice from the root,
then IBLEES getting nervous now,
he will call an audible and he will have a rumor go out that the
jet is out. So leave so the Muslims will stop there advance
upon the Europe that will stop they will all go back to protect
their homes. But they will realize it was a false call false flag no
So the advancement on Europe will come to an end at Rome.
And then after if people settle down
and realize it was a false call, no The judge then while they least
expect it, then then the judge will come up.
These is what the Prophet said right? How we how it will happen
what will happen what will be the group's Allahu Allah and what is
our business except to transmit what the Prophet said and what is
the Imam Mehdi going to come with? A Sharia we already have this
video so we can practice it right so my mind is not coming with
anything different
is it true that Allah and His angels pray for the one who does
the hooded Ramadan
Yeah, it's it's great rewarding. I don't know about if the if you
saloon you saloon You mean like
like the prophesy Selim says, makes a dua to Allah wa salam ala
him in Salah tech a second alarm, sorry the Allah commands the
prophets I send them well suddenly I didn't miss a lotta meaning pray
for them. So Allah, but of course it's it is an excellent deed to
do. There's no doubt about that. I hope people fast as much as you
can and Shaban just get your body used to fasting get your head used
to it get your your hydro hydration level used to fasting
when making dua for family or loved ones to be guided. I always
think about saving I knew he didn't succeed with his son I will
Taalib never became Muslim. And Allah says FMS sha Allah who said
that Odin Islam before islandwood him Robbie whoever Allah opens his
heart to Islam will be on a light in his Lord All right
this is question from it I would say Brother I don't think of the
negative right why put in your mind
why put in your mind that
the negative when you're trying to do something put in your mind that
Nick RBM says is it bit out to write no gifts or no boxes? I
guess that means no gifts right? No box gifts so just money
that I would think that that's rude to no boxes only cash no
we got to end this thing
this expectation that I'm going to come in with if I want to bring
casket let me bring cash right but
expectations right like the expectation. Oh yeah, that's
actually too I'm telling you people but then they want the
gifts to pay off the the hall right? I'm paying to go watch you
get to get to.
I'm paying to make you have a wedding. No. I so
I'm really against all this stuff. And we really need to bring down
The Wedding methods I liked the method that I brought up right so
far. Okay, which is just the open haul a bunch of lambs come in
however you want bring the full cut off specially invite the the
people who need the money, get some lunches, all right, Aisha
Maghrib whatever prayer everyone leaves, okay? The bride and groom
can leave when they want and the people could stay as long as they
want eating food, singing some casinos making dua talking amongst
themselves. Okay, then if we want to and we have to we have this
extra special thingy in a small space like 25 people or something
or 30 people
what should you add together be like and Ramadan says Khadija
Attica forsees. Any amount of time that you go in from before
to after mocha
one full day like that, but
going into the Shafia
anytime that you can spend in the masjid is like you have to KEF if
you intend to have to cough but the Sunnah Attica is the last 10
days. That is the pure son of the Sahaba that's how they did that
decaf and Malik liked the method that what the Sahaba did you do
don't add a don't decrease in a bad debt. Good.
Mama W says I was having a bad day various we'll shoot down and
depressed No, don't do this. Don't be depressed during the middle of
it. So I got up and said let me do 50 Salawat I swear by Allah I felt
the burden lifted off me and the rest of the day was great. I told
you that's what Salawat does. Right? That's what Salawat does.
Okay, is Salah to Doha, the same as Iraq says Ibrahim
it's more like this if you pray it shut up you have prayed before but
if you miss this rock you can still pray later on. Like let's
say you slept and you woke up an hour before the her anytime that
you wake up before the hook you can pray but it Schrock is takes
the place of
once the next Ondra trip says what what?
That's his name what
it's next winter, end of December last week of December, you can
just go we are confirmed that hamdulillah for that trip, but the
registration is probably not going to be open to the public. You can
get your own registration and meet us there and we'll put you on the
WhatsApp group so you can meet us and do all the activities with us.
The only thing is that we won't be responsible for your bookings. So
we'll put that those dates out there but it's only the only delay
is that
the hotel prices come out
later on so the group we're going with they don't know the prices
yet. The details yet which hotel which flight but the dates are
set, which is the last week of December?
What's the advice for someone who procrastinates
there's so much on your plate and you start crashing and end up
procrastinating everything. Here's
my advice on this.
Here's my advice on this.
Don't think too much and just start somewhere. Here's my advice
on writing. If you need to write an essay or a paragraph, write
whatever's on your mind. Don't try to write the first sentence you it
doesn't work that way the human mind doesn't work that way right
whatever you're writing keep writing whatever you're writing
then you can so so it all up later and edit it all up later that's my
advice on people get writer's block is because they're trying to
write the first sentence you don't need to write from the from the
from the beginning right from anywhere
sometimes you write the end first whatever it is that you're you
know put it down then you could figure it later. Isn't Rome a room
America no Allah Allah but I think room is room on Allah knows best.
Okay, alone is best what the prophet meant by room. Did he mean
the West in general Hola, hola.
Stop expecting gifts as quadrivium pilot and trying and asking for
them. I agree. Don't expect gifts from people and don't find a
subtle way to ask for it. Such as no boxes, please. What does that
mean? Money only? No. I wouldn't agree with that. If my kids wanted
to do that in a wedding I would say no. All right.
Can you briefly explain how covered and free will? If Allah
already knows what we're doing? Okay, that's a big subject but
knowledge of Allah the summary of is Allah's knowledge
does not force you to do anything you have enough free will to be
that anyone force you to write the question No, we have enough free
will to be legally responsible, Allah's Will has noted is not
forcing us to do Allah's knowledge is not forcing us to do anything.
Can someone get intended for marriage if the actual marriage
date is far out? Yes. It's called engagement. And the phrase I
intend to marry you is not a marriage contract.
Right? The job and Kaboul or the job, and Kaboul is in the past
tense, I have married you to myself. If a man says to a woman,
I have married you to myself, and she says, I have accepted that
you're married. You don't even need a third person to do it. And
people don't know that people think you have to get the shape.
If a man says to a woman, I have married you to myself, and she
says, I have accepted your marriage. Right? Or I have
accepted. That's it. That's it. You're married. You cannot
consummate the marriage until there are witnesses.
All right. You are sinful. And it may be invalid even
in the Shafi and medically schools if the Willie is not there,
because marriage in the chef and medical schools in the humbly I
believe to it's between the man and the Willie, of the woman.
Okay. Before marriage that if she'd never been married before,
if she was married before.
Okay, then it's her decision. But she still needs a Willie. But his
decision is not his approval is not necessary. If she's been
married, she knows she knows the world of men. How to deal with
In the medical school, the contract is valid without
witnesses. But the consummation is not allowed until there's a shot
what is it shot after awesome. Five to 1010 people that awesome
All right.
Maybe let's say more than that it shot. Let's say like 30 people
that Aisha Yeah. If you come to NBRC for Aisha, and you say, Hey,
everyone, me and her are now married. Clueless. That's it?
That's it's hard, because you can't it's hard is that the news
is out in such a way you can't bottle it up anymore. Like if I
Yeah, you someone, someone doesn't matter. They do a secret marriage
in New York. Yeah.
No, it's got to be in a way that it can't be bottled up. The news
can't be bottled up. Like, people know who I am. People know who she
is. We all know each other. And there's like 50 community members
praying Aisha, they can't be bottled up. That's the idea. Is
her. It's not a secret. I can't, I can't say oh, shoot everyone. Keep
it a secret. You're not going to work. That's the idea of a shot. I
can't go to marry a girl go to a random mosque and say me and her
are married. They don't even know who you are.
Nomads traveling and
you'll have enough permanent house. What do you mean? Like
let's see. I mean, obviously before so I'm in the street. I'm
traveling on my camera. And she's traveling on my camera. I say wow,
look at her. Right. And I want to marry her.
That's what she's so we got to go to the next village. Just like
make it clear that I am I am so and so. She is so and so. All
right. We are married. Okay, testify that we're married.
That's the best you can do. That's what you do. Right? But if the
intent is to do that in such a way because those villagers will never
know who we are and we can continue our skim. That's right,
that will be Hana.
Onza GEMA says how do you know if you failed a trial? If you are
getting further from Allah because of the trial, then you failed. But
if you're patient and drawn near to Allah by this, you're
H VAs three. I have sad news for you. Some of you at least.
I probably will not be doing the morning. after fajr after fajr
Casillas after Ramadan. They were just extremely exhausting because
yeah, that I don't mind. Yeah, I don't mind if we could do that. I
don't know much right if we could rotate it, but it was like you're
up. And then you got to get the kids up for school. And we stop
eating at 18 wait to pray at 15 degrees. That's how I do it. I
stopped at 18 I do insect before that.
All right 10 minutes before the 18th degree fudge stop eat then
but I don't pray until 15 degrees I don't pray right as soon as 15
degrees I wait another 10 minutes for that. Let's take 30 minutes of
waiting right there right then pray fudge then hop on the live
stream. By the time I've done it seven in the morning or something
and I was just in the masjid all night until 12 Midnight it really
messes up your head so it really messed up my head like you you
have no it's almost like imagine doing all nighters
every single night for a month and only sleeping two three hours it
your your head will burst after a while and the last 10 Nights is no
sleep at all
the advice to those of us finding it hard to stay patient while
waiting to meet the right person for marriage
very tough situation. Very frustrating for people. It's
extremely frustrating. I don't know what to say.
Because the thing is
the thing is that the marriage it's not like it's ever going to
within a month right? Like from when you meet someone to when
you're actually married to them and happy in life. At least gonna
be like nine months I would think that someone's weird if they marry
if they find someone and are married within a month no married
within two months by the way where's that sister that was here?
Remember that sister from Seattle? That convert who knows Instagram
okay. So I
don't have much advice just keep trying. Have Keep your head up.
Keep having beliefs belief the power of persistence knock on
every door right have your friends knock on doors right and make
yourself right with Allah that's the thing make don't avoid the
Haram Don't be doing anything haram How could you want to be
doing something haram
and asking Allah to ask for help.
All right, is it hello to work for it at a police station? Yes it is.
Heather is receiving aid from reciting Sarawak continuously from
Allah subhanaw taala or the Prophet sighs of course everything
is from Allah but the means is the salon the Prophet saw
it if
how will we know the details of the
the details of the ombre trip we will publish the details.
It's early so that's why they're not even getting back to us the we
have the deal is there but yeah, it's gonna be a while. Okay, did
you get my email about this? Guest Yes. I'm going to try to look at
who this guest is that you're saying? Read center. Can you check
that she sent about a guy a brother who was a good day that we
can have on the stream?
marriage virtual marriage is it permitted? I believe that virtual
marriage is it is valid. If we're talking about just validity not is
it a smart idea? It's valid if the identity of the person is
established and confirmed. That's what so you don't suffer from some
identity virtual witness you've been a virtual witness yeah did
the keys yeah
the key is to the the identity of the person
All right.
Can you keep a second marriage secret? No you cannot you need
there's no such thing the even the Two Witnesses that's not what
we're looking for.
Is hot is what we're looking for. Such publicity that
it can never be you publicize it in such a way you can't put it
back in the bottle
What if someone got married secretly without their parents
knowing it's valid? I think that if it but if it's a girl she needs
a woody
say it again right.
Who's up?
Oh, yes, yes him so see. See what he's all about.
You got to be aboveboard with this marriage stuff. Anything that has
to do with money and sexuality. You need to be aboveboard with it
if you're trying to keep it secret.
There's a problem, right? It's just a problem
is it true that the one who does hijama on Wednesday or Saturday
will get leprosy? No, of course not.
Can you negotiate it hello wedding for me when it's time in sha Allah
says chief Latif. Just show my clips that's it.
Is there a DUA to help to bring the person who feels they have
failed the trial back and closer to Allah again.
I believe that
Toba that's very simple with Allah. It's very easy to deal with
Allah make Toba say okay, oh, Allah, up to this point, I failed.
I'm going to change myself now.
Ask God How do you try as a woman? You ask your Willie, you ask your
male relatives you ask your sister your friends, brothers.
You keep knocking on the door say Can you find me someone keep
looking? Keep looking, keep looking. But you also got to get
yourself right with ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada avoid sins. Okay?
Is it appropriate to ask a fee inside a member for marriage?
I believe that the appropriate way is to contact the middleman who
knows? Who could who knows both parties and say, Could you check
out If so and so is available for marriage? Okay.
And then that middle person should help out? do you a favor, contact
that person? Are you here ready for marriage? Give me a word
document or a Google Doc with your face, your biography, et cetera.
And we send it to that other person that other person says yes
or no.
How do we understand the reward that
the individual at the end of time will receive 50 times the reward
of this harvest? Because they the challenges they face and the
distance from the profit is so great, that their efforts are
to have Amen. Whereas the prophesy centum said what? Why, even though
the Sahaba are greater, that why wouldn't you believe you have a
prophet walking amongst you? Like it's not that hard at that point,
right? Of course, what they did is harder,
but to believe itself is harder later on, than it is no. Path to
self destruction as much easier. Yes, our path, the path to self
destruction is so easy. In the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam you had the prophet to guide you. You don't
have that guide. It's so easy to be confused these days.
Can I list books from the Sunni tradition that has Hadith from say
90 Of course 100%.
We need Ramadan prep. Yes. Does to us soon have to be of deeds or
actions. Its deeds, its actions and its feelings. Feelings are
actions, feelings or actions but actions I believe are stronger,
but feelings are also actions.
Yeah, whereas it is critical to us until the good.
troubadour is saying do I want to hit in 200 I'm telling you this.
This is a formula with Allah Todd. If you are sincerely and you're,
you have got rid of your sins
and you do your obligations. And you try to remember Allah as much
as you can. It's not that hard. Then you try to get the times that
dua is accepted. Especially tahajud especially Wednesday
between door and asked especially Thursday night, especially Friday
between Austin and McGraw
it's not going to be to three months except your door will be
answered. That's what I believe. Especially if you're helping other
people laser mme a low fee I wanted my dominant laser low mme
along with Yamuna or laser Lulu who was can remember the first
in the love Fiona that's it in Allah Fiona labs mme and Abdo
Fiona, okay. Allah is always helping you, as long as you're
helping others. The key is to be helpful to others, if you're
helpful to others, and you're avoiding sins, and you're
remembering Allah as much as you can, and you're hitting the times
of the job. I don't see how you're not going to be answered in three
Of that to three months of that.
I don't see how two to three months, but you gotta be helping
You got extra money go find someone to give it to. Not a
website is a website doesn't affect
A person, all right.
But when you actually buy food for someone and you see them smiling
and happy that it's the big difference. It's a huge difference
you can imagine. Okay, go and buy some food.
Right? Drive around to the poor area, look for people and hand him
the food and see the happiness on their face. Your dog will be
accepted, but also telling you you want another fie. This whole thing
you want to pour water on the you want to pour sand on the cake
since brothers with the gays, sisters may have their own types
of sins.
Don't go there. Okay, fight sins, like you have to imagine yourself,
what's the price? Why are you committing sins? Because you want
to be happy, right? There's no one who commit sins except the sin
makes him feel good.
So what's the price? What is the price that I'm going to cut you a
check, you put whatever you want on this blank piece of paper.
That will be worth it for you to leave off this and I will lower my
gaze, I will stop smoking, I will stop. I will do this do that.
Okay, if I can get this, put it on a piece of paper. That's how you
motivate yourself.
That's how you that's how you get yourself going.
Would it be to hedge it if I sleep after maghrib and wake up the last
third of Asia?
No, that's my crew sleep after Aisha then get up anytime before
can you use good deeds you did prior to Islam? For to us? So yes,
you can retro say, Oh Allah, I did those deeds. Now you have to ask
yourself, did you do them for the sake of the good? Or did you do
them for some other sake? Right? If you said you did them for the
sake of the good. Alright, you say oh, that's what I knew at the
time. And you ask Allah to accept it for you.
becoming Muslim is the best deed you did. submitting yourself to
Allah is the best thing you did. How do you lower your gaze, I'm
telling you don't think about lowering the gaze. Think about the
reward of lowering the gaze. Keep your eye on the reward. There
everyone has a cost, every single person will will sacrifice
something for a cost. Why do you look? Why do you look at people
from the first place because you enjoy it? So why don't you ask
Allah to give you something
and that's the, that's my, that's my price. If Allah gives me
someone like this like that, I would worry it'd be worth lowering
the gaze and give me the whole list, then keep focused on the
reward. That's called Total heap. That's what Seraphim is called.
And most people they don't have to heap. The heap doesn't work for
many people. Fear of the fire just doesn't work for many people.
Right? alcoholics, heroin addicts, they know forget to fire right
away, they will life is gonna get messed up immediately. And they
still it doesn't stop them. If you're one of those types than
tokeep, which means dangling a reward in front of you. Because
people who are who are alcoholics, they they know how bad it is going
to be tomorrow morning. They still do it. Because they want to feel
good. They're craving something. So
use the carrot. Remember
to eat from before? Yeah. As if a person's watching.
For levels? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Someone who's pious. Yep, exactly. So one of the least things and
this is also the measure what Ryan just said is the measure also of
if you have a judgment call,
if something within the halal but it's a judgment call, how do you
make the judgment call?
If the Sheikh was here, if the most pious friend that you have
was here, would you do it? Right? If the uncle from the masjid that
is pious to you in your eyes was here, would you do it? So that's
one of the most base that's why the best thing is good company.
Because good company is not if the Sheikh was here, if the pious
versus the pious person are here. And I said many times, there was a
chick in India who did a wonderful thing. The first month of every
weekend, he invited all the movies to his house.
And they had programming and sometimes they just did nothing.
But at least they were in each other's company. And he said, When
you're all here, I know for sure for this weekend. You're not
committing sins for 72 hours. You're not committing sins from
Friday, right after Joma. They ought to come to his house. Half a
Friday, all of Saturday, all of Sunday. They leave Sunday night to
go to school again Monday. So two and a half days.
for two and a half days, I know you're not going to make sense.
Right? So if you did have an addiction hopefully that two days
a month will break that addiction.
We have to stop here we're in the masjid and the event has gone off.
Brothers and sisters. Does that come Lokeren subharmonic hola como
Byham Deke, share them
up next stop Furyk on a two way Lake while us in an insane and a
few host il Alladhina amanu amino side.
What was sobelle help whatever