Shadee Elmasry – NBF 18 Creation of Adam and Refutation of Absurd Theory of Theistic Evolution
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala
Rasulillah while he was Sami human Well welcome everybody to the
nothing but facts live stream along with soluble barik ala
Sayidina Muhammad and while early he was so happy he was selling to
slim Allah masala salata and Camella, wa salam, Salam and ala
Sayidina Muhammad in Ludington Hello, Bill okot What's infected
you we're caught up with Chuck Bobby Hill House age where tonight
will be hosted on how to while you still have a man will be watching
Kareem while he was gonna be here with Salim Tasneem and get here on
time broken fee. First thing I actually have to I'm so upset at
myself actually. Because I didn't keep tabs on the lunar calendar
until late last night. When I realized it's the first night of
Rajab where there is a narration from a Buddha. There's a narration
from it. But have you thought about the blessedness of this
night that they would devote themselves to a bed and this night
because on that night, the DUA is answered, it's one of those nights
that the DA has answered now. Mr. Chavez is even stronger Laylatul
Qadr. Even stronger than that, but the thing is, you don't know where
to put this data to code that is hidden, but Mr. Schaben is not
And it's also not as strong as the two aids the nights before the two
aids. There's direct many, many prophetic Hadith on these three
things. Nisbett, Mr. Shaban, and the two aides and of course we
know later, but there is no doubt about that. But also you got for
the night before Friday. So I wish that I had shared that with
everybody. But nonetheless,
an edge of is a time they say where you plant the seeds Shabba
and you water it and Ramadan, you pluck the fruits, can you benefit
from the fruits. So we're really Rajib is a time where people begin
to, to do their revive themselves for the month of Ramadan. Now
today, we're going to open up and we're going to talk about
evolution, not evolution, but
what they call theological evolution.
Which is, to me one of the most absurd and ridiculous doctrines
you're ever going to come across. Because they're it's a desperate
attempt to merge two completely different ideas, which is the idea
of evolution that the human being evolved, which necessitates that
at one point, there was the first human first male and the first
female, there has to be at some point of first male and a first
female, and the Quran and the narrative of the Quran on the
creation of Satan, Adam. So the first thing that we both agree on
both the the Darwinists and the Muslims, is that there was a first
male and a first female there has to be, there was no human beings
from eternity everyone agrees that at some point there was a first.
Now, the thing is that in the Quran, we're told exactly how Adam
was created.
And that's not the only way in which Allah creates ALLAH SubhanA
what's out it's created human beings in four distinct ways, the
same human being, is being created in four different ways. Adam was
created in a way that Allah describes with detail in the
how what was just created in Hadith we know how that how what
was created in her own way, from the flesh of Adam and the flesh
and bone of Adam, it sunnah. So that's a second way in which Allah
created. We know that Satan is up and muddy and was created yet in a
third way. Prophet Isa was created with a womb. And nothing else
saying that you breed came, he touched her womb, it came in the
form of a men, she was nervous. He said, I have no fear, I'm an
angel. In other words, that that's the meaning of what he said,
and that you became pregnant. So that's a third way in which Allah
created. And then the fourth way is how we're all created. And with
the subset within that is the creation of Satan as a Korea. And
Sedna is hot and other children of Ibrahim that came from Seta Sada,
which create came from a woman who was who was barren her whole life.
And then she was passed a childbirth age. So that's a subset
of however, so for a and for b. So there's four ways in which Allah
creates so he told us exactly in the Quran, how Adam was created,
the other one come in Hadith. Okay, of course, the number four
which we said, Satan has equity and the children of Ibrahim is how
that comes in the Quran to and say now isa comes in the Quran, but
the second way about, say, the Hajj Hawa that comes in Hadith,
but nonetheless, he tells us how it's created. Human being didn't
have to be created in the four stages. All right, in our sorry,
five stages, in which
Allah describe the creation of Adam. But one thing we have to see
is the evolutionists. And the Darwinists in their thesis, Adam,
their first human, he evolved, right. So that means he had
parentage, he had to have a parent. Okay, he had to have a
mother. And that mother had to have been impregnated by a male,
we're not going to say because they're not human Nakota say a
husband and wife, a male and a female. So you're actually
positing and you as a Muslim? Now you're positing that Adam, the
first human being the Prophet,
okay, actually had a mom
and clearly must have been breastfed
by this beast, right? Because it's she's not a human. Right? The mom
is not a human, it's a female, non human. That's the implication of
what they're saying. Right? It's a female nonhuman
beast, a creature of some sort, doesn't talk grunts, doesn't wear
clothes, doesn't speak something is clearly different between her
and Adam. So that's actually that's what you're saying about
the Prophet Adam? Where are you bringing that claim from? You
can't make a claim about another now from from a completely
legalistic standpoint, you can't make a claim about another
person's parentage. Right? You need some proof, let alone a
prophet. But that's essentially what they're believing. Now, why
is that element completely contrary and cannot ever, ever,
ever be married with the Quran? Now, look, you can be an
evolutionist all you want. There are Muslims out there. They want
to be evolutionists. They love Darwin. And they actually get
upset if you say anything bad about Darwin, right?
They're emotionally attached to him. And they want to have a
little less things that in which they're different from the modern
world. I mean, we have our views on gender, we have our views on
sexuality, we have a views on afterlife, we have our views on on
River, which is a big deal. We have our views on a lot of
different things that make us feel in a constant clash. We're going
against the grain so they want to sort of decrease this because the
rest of the modern world believes in evolution and they sort of want
to believe in this I'm telling you believe it all you want your it's
a free world and ALLAH SubhanA wa says oh son of Adam, do what you
want. You're gonna get the result.
Yeah, man oh man, my chips I'm finna commit zoom, but you're
gonna get the results good or bad. But what I'm telling you is
absolutely impossible is to merge this thought
with the Quran and I'm gonna explain to you exactly why and I
have a guest next to me so hey, you can interrupt me anytime you
want with a common anything so far.
Keep going okay. Now the first thing is that Allah to add it does
tell us the details in which Adam was created it was created. He
could have been couldn't add them had just been created. like boom,
without in a blink of an eye. There's Adam, in a full flesh
living him and for him it could have been right. But no, Allah
Tada took him in certain stages. Okay, at
certain stages, that house was not taken in. Okay. No other human
being was created in these stages, maybe to show the angels to teach
the angel something, maybe to teach us something. Maybe it's a
show of bliss. And the first thing is that he took to rub Earth, dust
or soil from the earth, soil from all parts of the earth commanded
Santa God to do this that's in the Hadith, not in the Quran.
But the the Torah is there but that he told you that he had to go
into the earth and take from the earth. That's in Hadith.
Secondly, water from the heavens, also from the Hadith, not in the
Quran. But we know the Quran does affirm, its to rob and it's met
soil and water. Okay, he didn't have to use straight with soil and
water he chose to. Secondly, that soil and water was mixed to make
Clean, but then, was then transformed, it was shaped when
you take clean mud is in a all over the place. But when you make
it into a form, it becomes Miss noon. That's the meaning of
Solomon Hamilton Miss noon. The word Miss noon. It either wheat
means what it means in whatever yet altered, and it also means
MUSAWAH if you look at tafsir Razi, he tells you this the word
Miss noon, it indicates that it's motivated, it's altered. So it's
not just mud in random form. Now it's altered it's put into a form.
And so saw the word saw saw means you can now hit so it dries, okay.
It starts to dry.
And then when it further dries, and it has a real echo, no.
It dries and if and if the wind goes through it, it has an echo.
And if you hit it, it has a deep echo. And that's the meaning of
Sol Sol and CalHFA car. So it's
To rub only then met mixed with the Torah then its theme. So the
theme is just sitting there not shaped, then it's shaped into It's
Miss noon. So Solomon Hammett and Miss noon, and then it's left in
the sun as an fucka. Razi says without a strong narration in the
Squealer, it said, it was then left in the sun for 40 years.
Just like when you make a pot, you have to leave it, you can't use it
to fall apart, right. So it's from Solomon how many Miss noon first
that if you were to touch it, it would fall apart. But then it has
to cook. So he was left to bake in the sun. Okay.
That's what I'm talking about, as he says he left it in the sun for
40 years. And that's a statement that does not come with the
strongest of transmissions, but it's the sank, because there there
must be something between Hemet and Miss noon. And so Sonica for
her so that it goes from a shaped mud into a hardened mud hard and
that you could hit it. You can hit it and it makes an echo.
That's the meaning of Sol Sol in CalHFA. Car. There is no other
mammal. No other human that is ever in a hardened state that you
can hit.
That's why this is so important. Right?
And there is no other human being none of his parts. Okay? There's
no phase in which you can be described as tore up
or map like fluid. Yes, * is a fluid. All right, but you're never
taught up. * news will never be it's not the same word as dust
soil. And that's what it was made out of. The thing is this. This is
not the only way that Allah creates, he creates created Adam
in many ways. I mean, human beings in many ways. And he created how
work directly. That means he took a piece of the living human being
Adam at a cinema. And lo and behold, he wakes up and how what
is right there, she doesn't go through all the many stages, that
was the fastest creation of a human being is how she was created
very quickly. Okay, so that proves to us that Allah He can do it
demonstrates he can do that if he wanted to. He could have created
Adam alive. Speaking as he wanted to, he could have made him a baby.
He could have created him. He could have created him through
birth through an animal. Is it possible? Yes, but Joe's Auckland
but not shut on? What does it mean when we say possible rationally
but not possible? scripturally Jeff is Auckland versus just shut
up. The meaning here is just as Auckland it means it is something
within the possibility of Allah's will. There's nothing that
contradicts in the, in our understanding of Allah that he
cannot do that he could have done that he could have created in many
different ways. He could have created a dog from a dolphin.
Okay, he could have caused a lion to sneeze and a kitten comes out
of his nose, which is what the Bible says about I think it's the
Bible says about the flood of new Hasanah that when they were on the
ark, and there were all sorts of rats. In the in the in the garbage
there was there's a layer for animals, a layer for humans above
that. And then there was a chute where the humans put their garbage
and their waste, and the so the bottom level was all garbage and
waste and it smelled so bad. And there were rats everywhere. So
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada caused the lion to sneeze, and a little baby
kitten came out of his nose. Then the lion sneezed again, you know,
you could put a kitten in your in your hand sometimes, right? So
definitely could fit in a lion's nose. And then he sneezed again, a
female lion sneezed and a female came up. Alright. And that's the
origin of cats according to the Bible. That's not a chain for us.
It's a nice story. That's it. So you people have to understand how
to categorize knowledge, right? There are certain things you can
believe it if you want, it has no impact. There are certain set
things you must believe there are certain things you must believe
but have greater import than the previous one. Okay? Something in
the Quran, for example, you must believe in something in a single
solitary Hadith, you can suspend it, right? It's not an obligatory
belief. All the beliefs take the five rulings. Yes, all possible
beliefs are either there either you must believe it. You may
believe it if you want. You may suspend it. No comment, right.
Neither belief no disbelief then or that it's discouraged to
believe and we're going to talk about what is discouraged to
belief, a belief that has no basis, hearsay. And then the fifth
one a belief that contradicts the Scripture. So it's rationally
possible for lots of create in any way he wants.
It but scripturally impossible. It's scripturally impossible that
Adam was created in any other way than what's described here. The
first human okay. So that's the thing that we have to understand
that this is
Why it's impossible for a Darwinist to set to believe that
the first that our Father, Adam, and I'm going to tell you why I'm
saying our father, Adam,
the father of this human species that we all see
is because we have direct and repeated oft repeated that it's
doctrine, it's our theta is not something that is optional. To
believe in, it is a unnecessary idea to believe in. All right.
someone asked a question, which is a good question of how is it that
science and paleontology, they tell us that there have been
humans or homo sapiens, or whatever you want to call it?
categorize it that lived, like 200 million years ago or whatever?
Whatever it is. But you're saying that Adam came? For us? That's an
insignificant question. For two reasons. Number one, number one,
anything that comes from a lot of these subjects,
the you know, the how broad these estimates are, speculative
knowledge, right? As a Muslim, if someone comes and tells us that,
oh, there have been humans on the earth for 500 million years ago.
Where did they get that number? Exactly? Yes, they have a method
to get their number. I'm not saying that they're guessing. But
where do I categorize that piece of information? I categorize as
speculative knowledge, they might be right, they might be wrong. The
Quran as a Muslim, is 100% truth, that is the first source of truth
if I'm a Muslim. So if I get 100% Truth as a Muslim, and then a
speculative fact, brought by observation, or not observation
alone observation and conjecture, then which outweighs which, then I
don't need to reconcile this. They're not equal sources. Now,
here's the thing you want to do so yeah, I was gonna say people got
it backwards. Right. You should judge the non decisive by the
decisive Yes, by the Quran, you're, you're judging everything
else, not the other way. Exactly. You judge the non decisive by the
decisive you judge human observation, by what's guaranteed
in Scripture, with a shabby hat by them, you judge them with a Sheva
you interpreting what to show me and by the mahkum, right? Here's
the thing. If I'm a Muslim, and I'm dying, I need what some way to
reconcile this will give you a way to reconcile it.
It's flimsy, but I'll give you the way to reconcile it. And remember,
as he talks about this, and the source of what I'm about to say,
is basically we say hearsay, it's transmissions that have no strong
basis at all. What I'm about to tell you has no strong basis at
all. It's not Arcada for sure, okay. It's not even we can't even
saw effect, the source of what Imam Razi tells us, okay.
In the tough theater of Southern California, and so Saddam and how
they miss noon, he tells us it is said in the books of the Shia,
that Mohammed Al Bakr, who is the father of Satan, Imam, Jaffa
And by the way, I have my doubts that even Mohammed Ibaka said this
although Adam anyways, there's no Senate to any of this. Not it's
all hearsay all this is hearsay, that before Adam was created,
there were 40,000 atoms created.
Right? And between each is 40,000 years. Where's they getting this
information from? Right? Even out of me, he says something similar
based upon a mocha dream. It's just going to be the source of our
knowledge with all our respect number one, Mohammed bucket, Santa
Jaffa, the subject is his son.
That's the mimetic shift. Right, his spiritual shift that we could
say, taught him how to love the messenger peace be upon him. Is
Java sudden, we hold the position for Java and RAM that bucket and
it Zenit Aberdeen. Okay, that is above our heads, these are early
debates. That doesn't mean everything that is claimed that
they said is true, right. Show me the proof that they said it so I
can believe it firmly and hold on to it. So it's hearsay. Okay, but
if you want hearsay to sort of bring these two things together
and how they're human beings from all that time, and even were they
human beings or were they some kind of Homo erectus, some
different type of non ad Adamic whatever, it's all conjecture from
the paleontologists to the spiritualists who are saying this
to the Shia, even a Razzie says it's conjecture, but it's a sink.
And it doesn't deny anything. Right? It doesn't deny our belief
that our father Adam was created in this manner. Okay. It's
whatever. That's where a belief that we could say is probably
between permitted or discouraged a belief that there were other
homosapiens other human beings other atoms, right. And then
there's a saying of an ibis that there was a
12,000 new S and 12,000, Ibrahim's and different planets, it's all
hearsay. Right? It Legally speaking, it's hearsay, you can't
make a case out of this, you can make a doctrinal case you can make
any case on this. But if you like it, and that's what's going to
settle your heart, it's probably between a permitted belief and a
discouraged belief. As long as you're not contradicting this,
that us human beings that you see, are all descended from Adam and
Eve. And Adam and Adam, it Sam was at one point sort of signing
CalHFA car, you can hit him, knock on him, and it would echo until
life came into him, then he became moist with the sweater rule.
Let's reverse it now. So he was it was to rub.
Then he was water mixed with the Torah. Then he was rule.
Once he was wrong, he became with a different moisture, no, and
heated. And he could walk and talk. Take now we don't see that.
But we do see the reverse. We do see take the roof out of somebody,
someone dead. What do you see? Now all of a sudden the water there's
not talk and he's not walking and he's cold. There's nothing there
anymore. Right? Now. He started watching this body, this carcass?
All of a sudden the moisture goes away. Right? And the dust falls
apart. And he's dust again. Right? So we don't see. So if you tell
me? How do I drive to Florida? So you're gonna drive to Florida,
you're gonna go down to Jersey, then you hit Delaware, then you
hit Maryland then hit Virginia, then you hit I think it's Georgia.
Right? Maybe my skipping a state. And then you hit Florida, right?
So I'm in Florida right now, I have to trust you. Now I drive
from Florida, New Jersey. And I get the exact reverse list that
you got. That's our I know your true. We spoke the truth. So that
is how human being was created. So this idea of oh, there were there
were things discovered. It's you're in the world of all
speculation. If you want to believe in that fairy tale,
believe in it. You want to believe in the hearsay and the dreams of
Fibonacci? Who is by the way, on top of our heads, we have a of
teach, we hold a very good opinion of it a bit out of it. But we
don't read his books. Firstly, we don't know who wrote them, how
they're transmitted, what he was saying. And it's almost cash if
that's okay. And we'll catch the fact that have no impact on daily
life. Most of them like those types of ricochets. He says in a
dream I dreamt that I was making to offer on the cab. And then I
saw a man who I couldn't recognize his face. And he said, I'm so and
so. And he said a name that like from another language. And he
said, And who are you in there? We're like we're add to mean, but
not like you were humans but not like you. Right? And then he said,
and how do you make two off here? And he said, we've been making two
off here for 40,000 years before Adam. Okay, it's a nice, it's a
thing. That's it, we suspend it or reject it, if you reject it
completely. You're innocent. Alright. So that's it. Second
question that came up before we wrap up my opening statement here.
How did Adam and Eve and their children have tools and narrations
that they were have tools? And they were shepherds and farmers?
Right? Because we know how BLM copied one was a shepherd one was
a farmer. Well, we say very simply, that signature breed came
down with them and was constantly with the human beings and and
helping them advance so that they could survive. So we don't believe
that Allah put them on and they're just looking around and have no
clue what's going on. And let's Let's eat this berry and see if we
live and let's eat this. You take a squirrel and no, they say to God
came. And he taught them how to live. And he even brought them
tools. So that no, they didn't have to discover iron and then
discover how to heat it up. And then do it. No, he came in bought
them tools. And he came in to rock them seeds. And he taught them
everything. Right. He taught them everything from scratch. Now when
club now the human being spread out, coffee left, he had to invent
everything from scratch. He didn't get the privilege anymore, of
being around with them. After the flood of Noah was the same thing.
People spread around. So they they did have to discover things again.
And they may have been in a very primitive condition. Right? It's
possible so that we do have an ability that to say that Adam, I
said I'm came with a malloc within a job read who taught him the dean
and the dunya. And it was one thing living and Dean was one
thing in that time.
All right. So that explains how that is the mention of that. There
were farmers and shepherds that early on. Yet we know that farming
and shepherding was also discovered way later. That's how
we reconcile the two because it was brought to them directly as
This, and then many, many people spread out and left, and then had
to read this reinvent the wheel.
So those are the three questions that came up.
We Muslims don't have to get involved if you want to get
involved in the critique of Darwinism To me that's pointless.
It's pointless. It's nice if someone does it and finds the
holes in it through paleontology, probably the discovery of fossils,
but it's irrelevant to me. What is relevant to me is very simply that
this doctrine and this or this this theory, can not line up with
the Quran, it can line up for animals if you here's another
permissible belief. You want to believe that the tiger evolved
from the
what is it called? The Saber toothed tiger and the woolly
mammoth evolved from the elephant I don't know setting good for you.
If you'd like to believe that frogs, they evolved from Little
Fish, wonderful. If dogs, they evolved from different things, be
my guest. Because we don't have a doctrine on the creation of
animals. We could care less what you believe about animals. I
personally don't believe that. Because from the Sunnah of Allah,
He creates a thing as its directly. That's the Sunnah of
Allah. But it's not something that is going to even be a
forbidden belief, you won't be sinful for that belief, you won't
be an innovator or a CAFO. If you choose to believe in evolution of
It's not a hill to die. And someone said that. You said that,
yeah, it's not a hill to die. It's not even a hill to even discuss.
But enjoy yourself, if that's what gives you kicks and you will be
happy now. Because you have something in common with other
Darwinists, right, wonderful for you. You just can't believe that
the human being you cannot reconcile that with the Quran.
So that's its That's how simple it is. Right?
What do you think? I mean, so they go into being like, metaphor, all
of the, you know, the narrations? I mean, first of all, there's no
reason to go into so much detail about the creation of Adam. It's
just gonna be metaphor. And second 100. There's no other cases in the
Quran. There's no other stories in the Quran that are metaphor. Why
don't you interpret everything?
There's if so they're gonna say, Oh, it's a metaphor, then why
isn't everything else a metaphor? We're out of a religion, then.
Everything's a metaphor. So let's open it up now to everyone's
comments and questions. We're not going to go to 50 right now.
I got to do parenting at about 310. Let's, we gotta wrap up at
three. So we'll have 10 minutes of question that I have to do.
adulting Alright, let's see what we got. So if you can bring
something if you want, put your questions if you're on if you're
on the ground. put your questions in the little question box here.
All right. Well, we got Ryan, someone asked, is there a ticker?
For the month of Roger, yeah. Hey, vicar for the month that month of
Rajab is general is still far but it can be anything you could say.
Yeah. Are you yep Are you is a wonderful? Are there any
remembrance of Allah with the intent of purifying ourselves and
preparing ourselves for the for the for Shaban and that the coming
of Ramadan?
Are there any sahih Hadith apart from Bukhari and Muslim 100% there
so he Hadith in what the Imam Malik there's a hadith in the for
Sunon. Specifically, you'll find them in the chapters on nakida and
FIP, and rulings, you will find many sahih Hadith in Messina of
Imam Muhammad in Tibet Ronnie datamine plenty of sahih Hadith
was studied the mustard rock of Al Hakim upon Bukhari and Muslim
you'll find plenty of Hadith that are so here outside of Bukhari and
any are there is anyone commenting on
Smee to the
on the on what we opened with? Or maybe was like that cut and dry
Alright, let's hear it our friend Maliki click? Yes. From our
Tuesday night class. Hello, Aqua. He said in your estimation, how
many years ago did Adam or this exist? And what is the wisdom in
that we were created with different colors? What's the best
book in English about the creation? Okay, so the question
the first question is how many years there are some weak Hadith
about that? But I can't remember them all right there there it's
weak Hadith that say that between
the Prophet Muhammad and said now used to 600 years that we know as
a fact between set prophet or ISA and Prophet dellwood 1000 years
between dude and Musa, like 500 years between Musa and Yusuf. A
500 years between Yusuf and Ibrahim 500 No not 500 years less
than that. Between st Abraham and scruff in 1000 years from New to
add on Madison I'm gonna allow Adam right but to me, it's there's
Nothing that you can do jasm upon jasm is to say with certainty. So
it's not really something. Secondly, what's the value of
races and skins? And how did we get them. So we do have a hadith
about that. Again, it's not one of those perfectly sahih Hadith that
we're going to put a stake in the ground, there's some weakness in
it, but it's nonetheless stated. And that is, namely that
after the flood of new hotness, and I've seen the human beings
were one, they were one skin one tongue one everything. So when
one, when the corruption entered, it very easily spread to
everybody, right? Because everyone lived together when was one skin
in one language and one tribe. So the corruption spread. Like if you
have all your money, all your paper money in one bag, and
someone puts a match, eventually the whole, all the money is going
to be burned, right? So likewise, this time around, Allah taught us
divides the human up for their own protection, by dividing them up
through by by having seas, oceans between them. And then after the
flood of new that people were born, and were created, they were
given birth to completely different races from their
parents. And that's how races developed. And they woke up one
day, speaking three different tongues. Okay, so the one tongue
went up north, one tongue stayed when people speak in one language,
and the people speak in the third language move down. That's like a
coal. For us. It's not doctrine. And that's how races and languages
came about. And then people spread from there, but you eventually
ended up with three or four or five, allow them different groups
from the ark. They were divided up, and they gave birth with
children of different skins right away automatically. See, we have
no problem with right away automatically, unless it's
configured. Right? How was how was born, she was she created, she
wasn't born, she was created right away automatically, right? There
was that he she was created way faster than Satan, Adam it Sinha
said, and Adam, Allah created him degrees as education for the
angels and for the humans afterwards, say to her what was
born right away, what was created right away. Likewise, these races
and, and essential languages were created right away. So that's our
understanding of how and why. As for a book about this, you need to
consult many different books. And there used to be a book it's
filled with Israeli yet but as the prophesy centum said, the stories
of many, so they have amazing things in them amazingly, that you
reject and amazing that you just say, it could be well, it's
amazing. And that is the book by Kisei. Because that is a book on
the prophets, like history. Have you so read? Adam? No, you read
amazing things. He got them all from the Jews. There was a YouTube
guy on YouTube. And he was basically putting nasty comments.
Oh, you copied the story from the Midrash.
Right. That's their book, The Midrash. Right, whatever it's
called. All your scholars copied? Yes. They did copy some things. By
the way. You lucky they did because you didn't preserve them.
We did.
So that's the first thing. But secondly, our and they tell us by
the way, here's the fun. Here's the most hilarious thing. This
I went to their websites, they can't find the narration that was
he's talking about they rely on Rozay to cite them. Right. I
earlier on in the stream, I cited the story of Razi Imam Razi and
associate he says that the Shia the books of the Shia say that
before Adam, there were 1000s of atoms 1000 1000 atoms like a
million atoms, right? And he says it's just an aberration but it
doesn't impinge upon this our belief that this is our father
Adam it same as our father and he's created like this.
When I went to look it up the she I don't have a source. Right? They
all say it Ozzie.
So I mean, if it wasn't for, likewise, all the critique
critiques of the Quran, oh, the Quran has this dialect and this,
where are you getting it? You're getting it from our books, we
preserved it for you. So that's the first thing to this guy. But
secondly, alright, whoever responded to him from the Safina
team was really smart they said it doesn't matter what you think keep
watching and keep commenting.
Get our views Alright, what else we got? We got a question I'm
gonna read it here from
the creative end is okay to follow the moon sighting website apps if
the website is a confirmed website that scholars have referred to and
they discuss there are Crescent watches a good website there have
Cressy Moonwatch there's Chicago Hillel they're all inshallah
reliable people. Website is like a book. You got to know the author,
right? Or YouTube videos like a book. You must know the author the
about page gives you the Senate, right of this website. Who is it?
Who's doing it? So yeah, you should, you should do that. Is
there any intelligent physical creature that lived in the earth
before Adam? I said if that's what we already answered that with that
theory that
comes on the level of hearsay. It's completely hearsay for us
that there were Adams before Adam. It is not updated for us for sure.
And I would say we can ask the scholars but I heard have heard
them call it either a belief that is permissible, discouraged, or
even forbidden, because they say it's from the ABS and it's from
the actions of Allah, and you can attribute an action of Allah.
Without a proof, you have to have a proof.
I'm gonna read one more, then we'll go to Ryan, Xena says if you
can believe in the wheel of SIFAT, because it contradicts into like
why can you do to will have Adam Allison
that we'll have this effect is like this. That's a good question.
The only reason we ever do that we'll is because the literal
meaning of a verse contradicts another literal meaning another
direct verse, or a more dominant verse. Okay? The story of Adam
does not contradict anything else. Right? And secondly, we don't make
we have cigarettes to weed when we're not saying it's all
metaphor. No, we say that we're anytime there's an watershed.
Okay, get this. I'm going to repeat this a million times in the
future. Anytime there is a verse that is Morticia, that indicates
the outward meaning of it is that Allah has a physical shape, for
example, or is moving or has hands and arms at face, we divide it
into two categories. The first category is the literal meaning
that the other verses of Quran negate for us that is false negate
that contradicted? So therefore, we don't believe in that aspect
what but we still affirm the attribute. How? By believing in
the result. So for example, what is the health of of ALLAH SubhanA
wa Tada, what is it called? The anger? Anger is the boiling of
your heart. Okay. That's the definition of anger. Does Allah
heart boil? No. Does Allah have Oregon's No. So therefore the
literal meaning of Allah, we exit out, but we affirm the result.
What's the result of anger? Punishment?
Right. That's the result of anger. Let's say cat, for example. Have
shame. Allah prophesy. Sam said, Allah is how you And Kareem.
Right? He's has shame. And he's generous. He's, he's embarrassed.
What is embarrassment? Embarrassment is a weakness for
us, right? The literal, being embarrassed means because you have
something that you need to cover up. All right, you have a hour
that you need to go does Allah, is he embarrassed of anything? Does
he have out of that needs to be covered up? No. So we reject that
the literal meaning we reject. We affirm the result. What's the
results of Hyah? If you're embarrassed? And I come and ask
you, and you're embarrassed, what do you do you give? So the result
of higher is he gives to everybody, anyone who asks him,
he's gonna give them a reward of some sort. All right, how about
Allah? Allah Hezekiah jealousy? What is jealousy? Jealousy is fear
over something you love of losing something that you love? Is Allah
have fear of anything? No. So we read, that's impossible. We reject
that. And we affirm the result of data, what is the result of Veda
is separating between what you love and what you hate. So the guy
is the jealousy of Allah towards his abs, towards his servants,
human human beings through the believers, is over them going to
prohibitions. So the vitae of Allah is that he separates between
them and prohibitions.
The New Zeal of Allah to Allah the coming down, okay, coming down is
a physical action. All right, we negate that for Allah subhanaw
taala the divine doesn't move around, okay.
How do we know that because to move means that space is
dominating you and you are subjected to space right? And
Allah says, Allah has summit he has no needs good.
Secondly, so that's the nature in essence we x that out for Allah
Tada. But what we what do we affirm if the king comes to you,
he's coming to give you so we affirm the result which is ample
an immense generosity. So Zina
Abu rune.
That's a very important question that you asked and because it's so
important, and I'm going to repeat this again, I'll repeat it in
every stream if I have to, because it's actually a beautiful, it
makes you now understand why the watersheds are there and how to
understand them. So I need Zana to come and tell me if she heard the
answer. And if she she grasped it.
I am Hamad How can you name an easily understandable FIP and
update a book for beginners? What about Kedah paradise?
Can you link it up? Orion Safina keetsa Paradise is where
I summarized basically the classes that I taught over the years on
aka. Okay what's a good an ideal Laila till Juma routine try to get
a good night's sleep and wake up for a decent tahajjud in which you
recite from the Quran and bring to Allah
All of your wants and desires. So again, we don't make anything. We
don't have to interpret anything unless that text contradicts
something more absolute. As so having said that, there is mahkum
and what's a Chevy? The MCC and versus their the oatmilk itself,
there's no doubt about them, that's our religion, then there's
more to share. But there's a wisdom for why Allah uses them
with the Chevy things that needs to be interpreted. Okay? They are
interpreted in light of the mahkum the story of Adam is not conch is
not one with a Chevy, it's Mokum. It stated so clearly, and it
doesn't contradict anything else. All right, Ryan, up to you.
was accepted as part the air quality in what's accepted as a
delille Katai in Islam, that the language has a clear and precise
definition. You gotta go Alright, go ahead. It has a clear and
precise definition.
It does not contradict any other narration, okay, and that it
cannot be interpreted in any other way.
You cannot read the story of Adam and interpret it any other way
except that he was created from soil and water in the heavens.
And then he was made into soil Sodom and Hamilton Masnou. And
then Sol Sol and Cal fucka.
And then Allah blew in him from His Spirit, by the way, when a
fucked up he Maru, he, that means the rule that Allah owns. And
doesn't Allah own everything, yes. But when Allah attributes
something to himself, it's out of tissue leaf. Okay? Yes, Allah is
owns the pigs on the earth. Okay. And he owns the birds in the sky.
And he just tells you that there are pigs and there are animals and
there are heavens and there are mountains. But he said my soul,
meaning the soul that he owns, he attributed it to himself, okay.
Out of tissue leaf, so it is not as some people say part of Allah
Tala is infused inside of the human being, that would be an
incorrect belief that will be covered, as well. All right, what
else you got?
What to study after the iron? What do you study after the fall today,
and you should go deep into the study of theta. And then you
should go into the study of the greater the chapters of mama
that's in Mamata, to the interactions, how to buy how to
sell things like that, but she's just studied deeply alQaeda.
Alia says, What does the word Khalifa mean? That Allah Tada used
in the creation of Adam, it means the one that will represent His
will in paradise. Okay. Sorry, in the earth. He represents Allah's
will. What is Allah's Will his law? Okay? There's a question here
from FGA free. How can you reconcile the origins of Sid,
discussions of Christian theologians I'm very much open to
understanding. So I said it yesterday. I don't have the book
with me today. But there are questions that came up after the
Sahaba after the first generation after the second generation, and
the third generation, and it is obligatory for the scholars to
answer these questions. I would have sent an essay it was one of
those who did that. Okay. Yeah, well, monsoon maturity was one of
those who did that. Okay. So they confirmed the essential beliefs of
the Muslims.
Okay, no different than he met Muhammad have been humbled. And
then they did they answered them, they had to answer all of these
other heretical beliefs and a lot of this is also discussed in Kedah
which is on Safina press. Do you have Sid up yet? Of course, is
that Safina for beginners? No, yeah, it's sort of for beginners,
but it's so long that it's put in RFP plus scholarship track. So if
you go to my art, you're gonna see a key to Paradise, the
class. And it's mutawa. It's a long class, anything that's really
long, we put it on, but I repeat the same things. I try to put it
in very simple terms. And you could subscribe, take the course.
And when you're done taking the course you can unsubscribe. People
have always asked me can you just sell something? Buy the course.
No, we're not gonna we don't have to do it. Buy the course. You
subscribe. When you're done with the class. Unsubscribe, it's not
gonna hurt my feelings. Well, I love them. If I see on the email,
which I don't always go on these emails anyway. Oh, let's see. Tt
on Saudi unsubscribed. I'm not hurting my feelings. You took the
course that you wanted to take. And that's it. So they subscribed,
they unsubscribe and I have seen people every two months.
subscribe, unsubscribe, subscribe, unsubscribe, no problem. It
doesn't upset me. But that's the best way to do it from the admin
side and the back end. We give you all the courses, over 50 courses
that you could take right on and then more on the scholarship side.
All right, let's go to Osama if Nicola Nicola Nicola mm has to be
as well as the self. Yes, it will.
Undeniable she talks about how al Bukhari takes a lot of Aki
different clinical lab. Next question was the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi salam
was the prophets I said enrich the prophesy Salam represented all of
the financial status is that human beings could ever have.
And at one point, he was the wealthiest man in Arabia. What's
the proof? And why? Allah made him the wealthiest man in Arabia to
show the wealthy Arabs, right, that this messenger is capable of
attaining more wealth than you? And what's the proof that he was
the wealthiest man in Arabia, very simple. After the Battle of
who Davey the Battle of her Davia.
Okay, when he conquered a thought if
he had so much, what 1/5 of all that wealth was his to do whatever
he wanted with it. Okay. He then gave it out. He gave it all out to
people so that they could soften their hearts and believe that he's
not doing this for the sake of money. So he, if he was
not if he didn't own that wealth, how did he give out, he was the
owner and he could have possessed all that well for himself.
So he was at that period of time the wealthiest men are at the
Prophet was never poor. Poor indicates the inability to attain
wealth. That's one of the indicators. This is not a good
thing. But the prophet we say was FEMA comma, zoo HUD. He was
representing, and he chose because it was sent to Djibouti and Allah
gave him the choice. You can have all the wealth in this world. Its
profits. I said, No, I want to live like abs. And I want to have
money. He was in Macomb zoo at the rank of zoo hood. Alright, one
more question, because as I told you, guys, I gotta go do parenting
and adulting. Yes, dear brother. So hey, yes. Just
asked if there's a good book that describes the differences between
Ashari and meta Ed. Yeah, there is a good book. It's very technical.
It's called the differences between machetes and Metolius.
Right. I have it on my shelf, I read it. And you can get that book
the difference between SATs and metodi. I encourage everyone to
study off data as much as you can. Not only it cements your Eman, it
also fills your heart especially when you study the attributes of
Allah, the name of Allah, Allah, most people don't make a DUA, they
think it's impossible. They have to study the name alkazi and
Moqtada. Or they think oh, I can't do this and this at the same time,
why not? Allah is wasa his vast
you present your desires in front of Allah and he can make them both
happen. Okay, and he's aware sir, the vast the dean and I bed is dA
and DA is happiness, because you don't make dua for something that
you don't want you make to offer something that you want
to me i bed equals happiness, because I'm going to benefit I'm
going to,
to completely benefit in deen and duniya i ajilon Agilent Alright,
so now it said never do not ever think that Allah to Allah is going
to only give you an extra, he pays you in cash, you're doing a better
now, right? You won't just get the reward later, you get the reward
now and later. And some people there have the MACOM that they
only want Allah to Allah and nothing else. I say you have a
greater MACOM than us. But we're mistaking and we need a reward in
this life and the next. Okay, so
I am Hamid last comment we'll have to take for today. I wish I can go
along with you. But I can't. I really want to study but I don't
know where to start from my Go there and start the
first thing is learn how to recite the Quran. And you could take
Arabic letters, and you could take to tweed there. Under the free tab
there are free courses, click More, Go to mark click more
courses. You'll see free, study the Arabic letters and study the
rules of Tajweed until you know how to recite the Quran.
And then Ryan, we really need to get Sheikh Murad here and record
him on Aqeedah like it's become a necessity 12 free videos on a
piano and then we have on the free courses how to flip how to pray
and how to fast the father Dane essentially. So start with your
father dying. Alright folks, Joseph Campbell O'Hara and we ask
Allah subhana wa Tada having to learn herbal Alameen alongside you
America said in the Muhammad do it early he was happy he was setting
him to cinema We ask Allah to Allah to forgive our parents and
answer them gently without hisab and we ask a lot out for all those
who owe we owe a debt to a debt of Talim of education a debt of
We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to forgive them and enter them Jana
without any hisab We ask Allah subhana wa Tada for all those who
are passed away and recently to enter them Jana, and to enter them
without any hyssop We ask Allah subhana wa Tada for all those who
are seeking something from Allah to Allah, that are turning their
hearts to Allah, Oh Allah be generous with them. We ask a lot
to be generous with us. We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to render us
from those who are constantly in DUA and are constantly grateful
and check eating at the same time. We ask Allah to Allah to fill our
hearts with gratitude and sugar. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to
fill our hearts with the desire, the desires that Allah wants from
us, and the desires that would make our messenger pleased when he
sees them We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to make none more beloved to
us than his most beloved say that contain some Allahu Allahu alayhi
wa salam or Baraka Lo Fi calm, which is aka maloca was set at MIT
comm Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.