Shadee Elmasry – NBF 162 The Only Valid Reason for Desire, Depression, and Fear
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was Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who was gonna be here
woman whether ladies and gentlemen welcome to the nothing but facts
Safina society live stream and today
we are on of course stories of the odia and there's a new segment
that we inshallah Tada we'll be we'll be adding
to our
to our program and that segment is involves signs at the end of time
we just have to find out when we're going to add that in but we
it it's an important thing to read always to be reading out a meta so
why is that because the time that we live in there can be so much
fitna that people could lose their Amen. But once you know the signs
of the end of time it does the opposite effect it actually
increases your Eman
just pull some of these blinds here
are the shades
getting a bit
good Yeah, certainly put the thin ones the sheer ones known
Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. Today number the first person that we're
eating which is entry number 28.
In our book that we've been reading from what he said was
shady Abdullah nickel bait.
Well, Mohammed Abdullah
Abu Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah, Hebei, minzu herds and Mutasa.
Cofield us
is from Cooper
was second and takia and he went to Antioch which is one of the
places that later on the Crusaders will take over.
Well, so heavy use of fitness belts caught up in the mail here
at Abba lover. There are four things there's nothing else
what are these four things? I know what he said look our Calbuco
Havoc your eye your tongue, your heart and your desires. Fund Orion
aka le tombeau Rubia ilmiah help
you look at your eyes do not extend it to what to anything
except what is permitted. Wonder Lisa Nicola Takashi che and yeah
Adam Allahu Taala he left home and pelvic look at your tongue Don't
ever say something that Allah knows your heart is in the
opposite to in other words, don't be on one FM this is one FM has a
couple of meetings the first meeting of a Munna. FIP is the
someone whose heart and his tongue are different, but it has no
impact on his Eman. He's a movement. That's a niche app.
That NIFA if it's involves sinfulness. In a sense, it always
involves sinfulness because it's a lie. Okay, so being two faced in
that regard. So it could be minor sin and it could be a major sin,
the major sin is when you're actually
preaching the deen to people.
But you're doing the opposite on purpose.
As opposed to just falling into sense which everyone falls into
since the minor it's a minor sin, if you're just in your worldly
like essentially. All right, we're Yeah, we're gonna do business with
you. And then he turns around and he doesn't do business with you.
So it's involving his worldly affairs. It's like it's falls into
the category of lying and being two faced.
And then of course the NFL can uncover the major hypocrisy is
that hypocrisy which you don't even believe in Allah, you're
lying about your Abida that's the hypocrisy and sort of that Bacara
so he says here do not speak. What is the opposite of your heart?
grows the more you do it, the more grows okay. The more you do it,
the more gross
Okay, wonder callback Elia confy here Gildan. Well, I happen to
know Allah had admitted muslimin go look at your heart. It should
not have any anger, hatred.
Envy towards any of the Muslims and
has said is the desire of the collapse of somebody, the desire
of someone to lose their namah and that is permitted if that person
is an oppressor. So let's say somebody is hurting all the
Muslims and they're, they're they're they're hurting people.
They're doing voting
And it doesn't have to be like a Saddam Hussein, it doesn't have to
be an oppressor Joseph Stalin, it could just be someone who's,
they're always hurting you, they're always looking down on
you. They're always offending everybody, all that stuff.
So that type of person,
you are allowed to desire that they're never goes away, because
that means their oppression would go away.
And that means people will look up to them. Because insofar as
somebody has a great namah, people could look up to them. Right? And
therefore, they think well, yeah, harming all doing all these
things, cutting all these corners, it benefits you in life, they may
think that, and that's,
that's the way things are, I mean, when Trump was coming up, and by
insulting him his way to the presidency, a lot of other people
thought that that's a path.
That you can insult your way to popularity,
and get your agenda across. Alright. In the meantime, what
they've done is done nothing other than they destroyed their own
reputation, and they destroyed the relationships with people. That's
all they've done. So mind, your mind your heart.
So this that's one thing
from ever have. And that is the hardest thing, in my opinion.
That's one of the hardest things, you work on that so hard, and so
much. Some people
when you look at them, they've got amazing careers, they've done
amazing things, they've amassed great fortunes, because that's
what they work done. This type of work, in my opinion, is greater
than that. Because you can have, you can amass a great fortune. Yet
at the same time be filled with these diseases inside your heart,
you won't enjoy your money.
You'd be these people sitting on the beach sipping pina colada, yet
his heart is envious of someone who has more money.
Or he's envious of somebody else. Or he hates he has enemies. And
they don't realize that you with all your fortune, you've only
gained the external part
of the benefit. The real part of the benefit is that your heart is
clean. You can enjoy yourself wherever you are, anybody could
come and go and they can't really upset you.
That's the real internal part. And those people Allah says about
them, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead, I'm gonna hide to dunya they only
know the outside of the HYAH to dunya.
and let me tell you something, the the route to purifying that aspect
of your heart is by having a lot of time alone in a bed. If you can
be alone, you don't need people.
If you can be alone, if you can, if you can enjoy yourself being
And you can accept the fact that people will be better than you big
deal what how does it affect you when you're alone in a room.
Not a problem, let them be better than me. I'd be almost always says
that they have a job teach. And it's in his book on my head to to
so often many other books, that if all the people leave you,
if you're sincere with a lie, you should be happy about that.
Because that means I have more time in my own a band. That's why
this matter of a bed is so important because if you can be
comfortable, alone, not only comfortable, happy,
happy in that situation, then
you have a lot of leverage. Got a lot of leverage. And it shouldn't
bother you whatever people do or say. wondered how oculata whoever
he say a minute shorter. Now your desires we are human beings we
have desires. We want to benefit our lives, we want to do great
things, we want to have things of this height to dunya. And provided
that we see that we are asking Allah for it that's coming from
Allah and we understand the real source of these good things, then
there is no harm in them. Nothing wrong with that.
Many people imagine that this is something that's worldliness, but
if you're seeking it through the generosity of Allah Tada by doing
thoughts, actions of thought and do ah, it's good for you. And then
it becomes a test.
Don't desire anything bad, desire only good things
further and wait by the sheer fear that I'm to configure how the *
Kursaal out about fetch out of the river Dallara? Sikka foccacia
Pete, if you don't have these four things, if you cannot master these
four things, your eyes your tongue, your heart, your lips,
your your your desires. Take some dirt throw
put on yourself because you're finished. It's an expression
people have been asking me about the hair extensions. I'm going to
answer it right now.
In a second
we'll call up lots of Tim. Min che in your daughter Ruka.
Well, let's Afra it let me share in your Sorocaba sadness and
happiness, don't ever be depressed, except by something
that is an eternal harm to you
after and don't be so happy except buy something that is in eternal
happiness for you.
You help people do some hire, you teach them a hook them, you teach
them how to reset Quran and you see that they benefited you should
really be happy because you're gonna now have all that reward
The Quran teachers or something else with the reward
will call a washer to labor the annual help Oh,
wash it.
men whom will call a local lube our hazards men who will call lube
so he know
says it's like a play on words. A People's wash on it help
the people being distant from the Huck from witches, Allah, the
People's being distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala has made
get their hearts wild.
They become wild creatures because there's so far from Allah subhanaw
we know unknown and so be able to be him.
Any any superior obey Him that any Sebium Kulu insane.
If you have an unseen with your Creator, every creation will now
have once with you.
owns, it means that when you spend time with somebody you really
truly enjoy the time. That's the meaning of and
it's that you're not doing this out of to cut it off anymore to
kind of is burdening yourself, you're truly happy doing this and
enjoying yourself doing this.
If you truly genuinely get to that level, and you're a badass, then
you'll find that people will be like that with you.
People will love to be around you. Why because the closer you are to
Allah the more to the job. And the softening happens to your heart.
So you become somebody that everyone wants to be around.
And the DIS more distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala the more
wild you become greedy, angry, envious temper all that stuff.
Well, Carla and for our cofee ma Hi, Jessica. And Marcy, the most
beneficial fear is that which stops you from committing sins.
And I would assume that the opposite is true. The end foul.
Raja, the most beneficial desires
is what? Deaf aka il five is that which pushes you I'm trying to
mirror exactly how he would say and foul Raja e madeha. AKA in a
bad way to thaw.
The greatest of desire is that which moves you towards acts of
Well, Paul, I mean, can Hosen he's talking now about the health, the
health, that health, which leads to the beneficial sadness, the
beneficial sadness is a little bit different. Namely, that the
beneficial sadness is that
that sadness, that is not a sadness about something that you
lost of the dunya. That type of sadness that depresses you. But
it's more of the pondering, or the pensive sadness about the
shortness of this life and we're passing Have you ever driven back
from a funeral? Right? Or went someplace that you haven't been
for years, and the place is now like destroyed? I remember there
was a certain hotel, a lot of people used to have weddings
there. These weddings were the most happening hip things in our
community that you got to see everyone everyone's dressed up.
Right and it was so exciting to go to these weddings for some period
of years. Then 10 Years pass ended up somehow being visiting that
same hotel and seeing it had fallen into ruins. It gives you
like the feeling like life just passed. It's over. This is the end
result of everything. Right? So this is like that's the pensive
Hosen that is more like a contemplation of the afterlife, or
the brevity of life. Right that this life, it's coming in, it's
It's coming in to scope. You met at Madison Square Garden in the
East Coast is probably one of the biggest arenas, let's say, in the
area, right? In our area in New York City. Can you imagine a time
maybe like 80 years old, or 90 years old, go to New York with
your great grandkids. And you say, you know, there was once a time
where this was the city, right? And your grandkids in New York,
people used to like New York, and you're like, Wow, this was the
place, there was no place greater on the earth. Right, in terms of
dunya entertainment. And let's let me take you to a building, it's
abandoned. Now. It's all boarded up. It's nothing, nobody uses it
anymore. It's called Madison Square Garden. And this was the
place to be. Right.
That's, that's how to do it. That is that pensive sadness that when
they these earlier to talk about it hosing that's the type of
housing they're talking about the husband the feeling that this had
to dunya is passing us by.
And we're moving so quickly through it. Also, you get that
feeling when you see an old friend that you haven't seen, or you when
you see an uncle or somebody or elder of the of the community. And
all of a sudden he went from being like middle aged, like really old.
Right? Spatola
it's strange, sometimes you have bad relations with people. They're
just like, staticky relations, not really that good relations.
you see them 20 years later, 15 or 10 years later, and they're like
happy with you their smile, like they missed you. I missed you so
much, blah, blah, blah. And you're like what happened to their heart
at that time, they must have gone through so many hardships, that
humbled them, soften them broke them, such that whatever they were
holding against you is now gone.
It's such an odd feeling, but it's a good feeling. It's like, but I
know something happened to this person. They've been humbled by
life. Nothing major have had to happen just life in general
humbles people. So many bad things happen that soften me up that made
me realize what's important in life.
We'll call
was Emma Cal Fick Rafi Bucky at the onclick
an incident may occur that makes you contemplate it for the rest of
your life. And anyone who's ever lost a family member at a at an at
an odd age, an unlikely age such as losing a parent
early on in life or losing a child. These are like the odd
ages, right? Usually you lose your parent later in life and you you
and you don't lose your children. Usually that's the case. But those
incidents usually make people pensive throughout the rest of
their life.
There is one for our Raja de massa Hala alayka Rahman. And foul Raja
because the first one is that and vital health now and foul Raja,
the greatest of desires. How do I measure my desires by the Sharia
and by their impact upon me? Is it halal first of all, that should be
easy, right? Secondly,
is it moving me to thaw? Salah Alleycat Ahmed, it makes a bad
Wirkkala tool is steamer I ll bow truly yoked vo Halawa it Minella
Too much listening to Balton just dunya Balton means anything that
is not it's useless essentially it towards the sakura unless you're
making it useful
alright right belted is that which is its has no use in in and of
itself. And maybe you use it for for good and maybe not. That's
about to news, sports stuff is but
your talk shows documentaries, all this stuff. It puts out the
sweetness of heart of a bed and thaw acts of obedience. Good
wisdoms here from Abdullah bin homemade. Next.
Entry number 29.
Miguel Carreras. Whoa I wish I would have been a Sal horas
because it's like the one who puts jewels together. Whereas is like
not jewels, beads, little beads. That's what a hot rods is he does
beads. He I guess puts beads on the clothes and sells it or
whatever he was from Baghdad Sahiba the unknown and mystery he
was he kept the company
of the noon and mystery and he kept the company of Oceti a
society and Bishop and ahead
said heavy major early so hurt and he died 277 After the Hijrah,
which is 890 of the Common Era?
Karla Kulu Balton in new Califa who via her for who about every
Belgian, every internal state that contradicts an external ruling is
bothered like what? Like I'm going to go and I'm going to strike up a
relationship with this sister to give her dower
right. And then when you do that, you feel Subhan Allah, masha
Allah, I've been texting with the sister all night and she's just
benefiting from the dour.
Cut off of
you went against what is the outward rule of the Sharia. You
don't go and do Dawa to a sister. What's your business with it? That
is one of the biggest tricks of iblees
they're not other hundreds of other women that you could have
suggested her to? Why are you now oh, there are other women. Why
aren't you doing Dawa to your grandma? Right? There's why this
woman in particular have you thought about that? There are many
other woman you pass by in life and you didn't have to give Dawa
to but this one you want to save
your neffs is tricking you.
There was a pop song way back in the day and a brother in England
he said oh this I know it's it's a pop song. But if you think of the
profit while you listen to it, your state goes up about it. Okay,
could you do Balton ukulele for hula here for how about
every internal state that you have and feeling if it contradicts via
Sharia? It is bolted completely
Bacala right to a blissful minimum. Oh, this is going to be
interesting. I saw bliss in a vision in a dream. Walk away.
Yeah, Maru I need to be done. For call to Tala malloc
he passed by me in a worshipful state. I said come what is with
you? For Karla Mirtha mineral become Antrim Tara toman fusi coma
Aqua the OB nurse What can I do with you people?
What can I do with you people you took out of your soul? That which
with which I trick people all right.
For call to warmer who? And what is that? He said a dunya a hug
with dunya love of the dunya that's the main trick that a bliss
uses love this life.
Fella well I need to eat a year.
Well, Ill taffeta Ilya Wirkkala * and nearly fee cumulative.
When he passed by, he turned back he said except I got one thing
left and one thing left for Cryptomeria Allah
subhanaw taala death
will call us.
Sama to Zoo herds Mercer tu familia waka Albania Albania
homeschooler F Carlu lumada pally and n equal to ma Hamada and FC
Saba to death, quarrels, quarrels. That's the only thing left you
quarreling with people? And And isn't that the case? People of
Zeus and Dean still quarrel? It could still quarrel over fatawa
they could still quarrel over methods of data.
So that was still the one thing he had left. Now what did he say?
He said,
Not at least the dream is over. That story is over. He himself is
saying about himself. He said that I kept the company of this ahead
and we never had a conflict. Okay. Some his students said why? How
did you do that? He said, because every time I was with them, I've
always blamed myself. Whenever anything comes up, I blamed myself
to keep this relationship to keep my relationship with the Zohar. So
the, what bliss said to him can be interpreted as two things conflict
or making you keep the company of fools. Either one, you can view it
as that, but it's the company you keep. So how many people in there
Dean, they're excellent. In themselves. This is very
important. I think a lot of you can relate to this. Their Dean is
excellent themselves, but with people. They always have
conflicts. They're not great with people.
That's the trick that IBLEES still has. That's what he has left. He
will cause fitna between you and the people why we all want to do
this down. Okay, let's do it this way. No, let's do it that way. No,
with this, but no, don't do it that way.
That's the thing.
That's the issue.
So you have to be very careful with that.
Don't let your relationships with righteous people go sour if they
go sour, man SubhanAllah. Okay, if they go sour.
So right when you hit the permissions on that, that puts it
on Spotify. Good. For all those who are asking about Spotify, the,
they're all uploading right now, pretty much almost done.
They're all uploading on Spotify.
So this is something that I think that a lot of people there, make
it or break it by their Sangha. If they're able to maintain good
relations with the righteous, they'll benefit from those
righteous. And if they're, they have bad relations with people,
they end up always getting sour, they won't benefit from them,
they're going to suffer. So it was one of those things that you're
you will you're the benefit from it is long term, but it's
guaranteed. Like it's not everyone is a student, right? Not everyone
picks up the book and studies. But if you hang out with it long
enough, for 15 years, there's you you will be a mini hockey, I
guarantee you.
If you hang out with a businessman,
you never study business, you never do business.
But you just you're his driver, for example. You're going to
overhear enough conversations as long as you have a modicum of
One day you you have half his knowledge, right just by
listening. So if you just hang out with a fee for just a few minutes
a day a week, you will learn and become a fucky
but it requires a polished ego, a really polished ego that you get
and it's a skill in my view it's a great life skill to get on with
people to get along with people. And some people just have this
this this very bad. I'm not even call it a disease or a personality
trait. It's it's a bad habit. You can change it, anybody can change
these things. They just always have to have fights with
Or they like to be alone. And so they find an excuse to break away
from the group.
Important, really important lessons were taken from diesel
Next is his brother Abdullah kuras. Okay, and he was his
younger brother. He died 310 After the Hijra.
No, maybe he's not his brother.
No, no, not his brother. No. This is EVO Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah
Mohammed. Al Assad Ross. The other one was Abu Zeid admitted bin Isa
different fathers. And this one is Persian, but he moved to MCC and
mocha Rama was Sahiba about half sin. We're about Omron LKB work
Adam and US habit. What are
the haram? We ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easy again to
enter into the Sangha. It's called Sangha is the ground level of the
home. And it seems like now like a long distant memory that you could
just walk right into the hot tub. There was no guards, no nothing.
And you could just
walk right in. Now you can't do that anymore.
There was low seasons, maybe in the low time. But I don't think
there's any more low season the OMA is a billion plus people there
will always at any given time be at minimum 250,000 People in the
So they're going to manage that.
He didn't say much but there's one quote he says a jewel bomb was a
hidden hunger is the food of the Zohar. With Vic grew, the arm will
atrophy. Amlodipine and Victor is the thumb of that if en and what
is the difference? The atrophying
are the people that that subtlety of that term? Are the people who
they study the ways in which Allah works in this how to donate or the
ways in which Allah has Allah takes action in his head to dunya.
Right, which is namely, like what are the Sunon of creation? This
How did Allah create in this dunya things like that? That's something
extremely important.
To know that that's what the word I had a feeling of Allah means
they know Allah has attributes. They know the signs of Sophia the
signs of good land failure, the signs of tofield etc.
shammy Khan Yes, the pre COVID limits have been lifted. However,
you cannot enter the Sangha the ground level without a haram. So
Still, so after you do your first ombre, you're either gonna have to
fake it by just putting on it head on or you go and you have to sign
up with an app to do ombre. Or
you go upstairs to the second level. And now the second level
used to be that you can go right up to the wall
and sort of walk around and look at the cabinet. But you can't do
that now anymore. They've made the first portion of that for people
who want to make a law. Then they put a ticker tape around that or
not a ticker tape, like a strip of a caution tape. And then you walk
there. And you when you look at so far, you can't even see anything.
On top of that.
When we were there, somebody jumped.
So they put another 10 foot five feet or whatever.
They put another wall like a little wall. So that where you
don't even pray next to the plexiglass wall through which you
can see the cab, you don't even see that they they push that out.
They put a little wall, these moveable walls. It's not that
high, maybe three feet, not not even.
So there's two barriers, no. And then the people praying and then
the you make tau off there.
So all different things are happening. And so when you're
making it off on the second floor, you're just like in a building.
You're not even like feeling any sense that you're at the curb at
the home.
The next one is Abu Hamza al Qura Sani from Kota San Jose san is
part of it is Afghanistan. Part of it is now Persia. Abrahamson Hoda
Sani he died in 295
which is 903 of the Common Era and he was originally from the city of
Nisha port Nisa port somewhat condemned bukata formed a triangle
of knowledge, very beneficial knowledge came out of that
And he was from the followers of Juanita Selleck, okay. And our
horas and many others who heard
Well, Karla, Minister, Shara vichara, and multi hub Allahu
alayhi, Kulu back.
The one who often thinks of death,
Allah makes everyone loved him. Again, the one who often thinks of
death, that death that thought will purify
the purify
his character, so he won't have this envy, he won't have this
holding on to the dunya, he will be generous, it'll purify your
whole character, the more you do it, the more you get purified,
people will love you.
Well above Allah La he could live in
and he himself
will not like anything.
He will love everything eternal, and he will hate everything that
is Fannie. Two terms you should know about the and Fannie.
Temporal is Fannie. Eternal, or everlasting is Bappi.
not infinite, infinite is different. Infinite means both
ways. Everlasting. And eternal means one way
or infinite going backwards, in going backward infinitely can
never be for human being for a created thing.
So this is when the Greeks and the atheists and all those they said
no, this, this world has always existed.
Okay? Rationally, that's impossible. Put yourself on a
timeline, right?
The timeline is the present.
Now go back to the beginning of the timeline and come back, right?
Go back to the origin.
And come back. We could do that. I could say that.
Here, here we are, what we call 2023.
We can go back all the way to the origin of human beings. And then
we could write a history. Okay, we can imagine history coming back.
But if the world has always existed,
you can't if you go back to the origin of the world, or to the
beginning or the end, it has no origin. You just go forever, you
would never come back. So the idea that if this world and this
universe in this creation
always existed, we would never be able to present there would never
be a present. Right?
It's almost as if there is a well of water that has no end. And I
tell you fill the well so that we can use it benefit from it. So
it's take a hose and you put the hose in the well.
That water will never fill up. It just disappear.
forever. So that's why they come the
Okay, the concept of
existing forever is impossible. So that's Fannie and Bappi bathy
living on forever. How will we see Allah subhana what's out on the
Day of Judgment? Even a medic says ALLAH SubhanA which will give us a
body and eyes that are bethey they're different and they will be
able to now see about it. So Alberty is that which stays
everlasting and then Fanny is that which has an end
this world is funny. And that's that what I said earlier when you
when you see something that a place that you were in
a place that you were
used to go to that used to be exciting, and now you see it's a
katiba it's destroyed it's in ruins are just not used anymore,
or not even near the excitement it used to be anymore. That's the
feeling of you're feeling the fanny the Everleigh the temporal
nature of things Okay, which by nature gives you a sense of
makalah Elia refer you there for Oh, Aisha who? Yeoman beome?
Well, who do I say who? Yeoman Liam the IRFU in a villa. They
live day by day. They take their living day by day and it's not the
fact that they don't ever save.
No, it's not that but it's they don't rely upon that.
They don't rely upon that. And they're living day by day
literally, you literally don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.
So yeah, we may save as a practice.
Good. We may save as a practice, but
it's not that we're going to rely upon that you never know what's
going to happen tomorrow.
We'll call Allah Who Raju el cine a man said give me advice for
Carla. Hey, Zack Kelly suffered a lady baignade ache prepare
yourself for the journey that is right in front of you coming to
you right now, which is death.
Let's read one more. And then we'll stop there and we'll talk
about this hair extension issue.
Admittedly not heard of the way. Well, Abu Hamad akhmedov Nakata
the way Belfie. He died 240 earlier than the previous few that
we read
854 the Common Era, and he was from the Kibar of the mache, of
course and what can or can't be Iran Phil fatwah he was a puppy
and used to give fatwa Sahiba Abba to Robin nakshi Cardamine isa who
was our about house he went to nice award and he visited our
house. Waka Raja Illa system physiology a BSc will bestow me he
went to Assam and he visited WWE as either ostomy by Aziz al Abbas
dummy. What can we as Eid yaku Estelle Dona Akhmad used to call
him our teacher Ahmed
Walcott was served as a Persian word for teacher and it went into
Arabic and then it went to Spain. That's where we get the word stead
from. in Spanish. We'll call it I will have sinned Maota a to add an
Kabara him mitten wala as DACA hurlan Min atma Dibner, Hubbard
away, he had never met anyone with a greater him, him his aspiration.
And Hal is sincere like he's very he's, it's what is in his heart is
what's your sit, putting out everything that you can possibly
put to attain your goal. That's what's a class is that you're not
doing anything for anybody else. Except Allah. That's a gloss. But
sit is that you're
you're engaged. You're you're putting out every last you're not
leaving a single stone unturned. That said, You're not leaving a
single stone unturned to achieve your cause or your goal.
So there's no one he said that's him. So these are three words you
got to understand him is aspiration. If you're depressed,
there's one quick answer for you. Develop an aspiration, have a
goal, create a goal for yourself, and then get lost in that goal.
You'll lose even yourself. Okay, you'll forget all your destiny,
your depression.
Having a hymn is so great. Right having a goal and then sit is that
don't leave any stone unturned in pursuing your goal.
And loss is the sincerity
you say that this is I'm doing this for such and such a reason.
Now be pure in that
I'm doing this to help you okay be pure in
I'm doing this to please Allah subhana wa jawed then be pure in
whatever it is, whatever your intention is to be pure in your
intention. That's a colorless, so these are three terms and him was
sit, well a class. And previously we learned albacore. Well, fena
Bekah, everlasting finit is passing away. So these are all
important concepts. And he says here about him that he was he had
the most him and the most sit
where are we here?
All right. So matching Mohammed, Mohammed. Yeah, coal country
journalists and Madam Nakamura way, within NASA. What can i lay
he comes from which is ona Center. He was 95 years old, and death was
upon him on his deathbed. For say, Allahu Baldo asabi and Mr. and
Miss Ellington. They asked him a question.
In fact, I suppose
for Demi attina his his eyes wept vokalia Bunny Yeah, buena? Yeah,
my son's baboon come to Adecco. Mundo comes in with his * and
this was a door
I'm now upon a door
that I was knocking on for 95 years.
Oh, the who were the youth the holy is a now it will be open to
Now it will be open to me Let it be sad. Amba Shut up. But I don't
know if I'm going to be happy or miserable.
And nearly awareness.
Now is the time for the answer. So is this something he's been
preparing for his whole life now is the time we'll call it La Nome
escala Minella. There's no sleep worse, heavier than heedlessness
of Allah? Well, I'm lucky I'm in a shower, and there's no slave. Work
slavery worse than your desire. Your desire makes you a slave.
Well, Lola Sakalava Fla, Alec lemma the first the biggest
difference because SHA two. And if it wasn't for heedlessness, your
desires would have never controlled you.
So it's remembrance of Allah to Allah saves us. This is what saves
us from our own desires and our own knifes. It's these earlier
have amazing things to say to us.
Amazing things to say.
Segment Number three or two is upon us now. And if you are
enjoying this live stream, then support it, keep it into
existence, there is no
guarantee that it will exist in the future. This live stream, we
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exist and support [email protected] forward slash Safina society
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Off man, are you here? Can you put the link on Instagram and on
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Yeah, books books for the library for the students for the students
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And you can also take courses with us starting next week live courses
but the pre recorded courses are always there on arc view dot O R
G. Okay.
Before we get to your q&a, we will discuss this issue of
hair extensions. For sisters, for women.
There is a dominant ruling. The dominant ruling in the Maliki
school is the prohibition
of wigs
and hair extensions, okay.
There is the fatwah though there is a federal law
that analyzes the reason for this prohibition. The reason for this
prohibition is that it would fool people
and therefore let's say a woman may see you and say oh mashallah,
she's so pretty.
Look at her wonderful hair.
Let me suggest her to my son. And then he discovers that it's a
fraud. That's not what she looks like.
So based upon that, if you base it upon that this photo says, So
that's what's wrong, the magic is of Egypt, it states that
if the wish is not happening
then it's permitted.
So there's two different opinions here within the method.
And one is the generally stated ruling and the other would be a
If the race is not happening, then it becomes permitted. Namely,
you're already married, your husband knows you.
There is no fish. The fish is misleading people.
In this livestream, you learned a lot of Arabic terms, which is
Now the Maliki I say that you cannot benefit from other human
And into interval will add me the Medicare say that even if it's
So therefore, in this photo, you can benefit from synthetic hairs.
And the Hanafi is agree with this. You can benefit from synthetic
hair, you can put synthetic hair in
question number two.
Is it tacked? Are they are they connected on or are they glued on?
Are they glued on to the hair? Are they glued onto the scalp? If
they're glued onto the scalp, then it's a hat and for will and host
so you'd have to remove them every time you want to make those or
will do so she may wear with them when she's not praying but then
she would have to take it off as soon as you have to pray again. So
that's the problem.
And that covers it. So that's the issue of the ruling itself
using human products and then its effect on will do analyst. Okay.
That's the answer.
Any questions on that? Let's start taking your questions in general.
It's a question on the in the context of potential marriage.
Yes, Gish Vish, in this case. Alicia is a general word for
fooling people in trade and transactions and give you an
example of the prophets I send them came upon a man who had very
good grains he had a basket of grains and as a prophet was
looking in the grain when he put his hand in he found at the bottom
of the basket that the customer would buy were all the bad green
so we had bad grain but he covered it with good grain
so the prophets I said him sediment question if it is him and
this is Rich
Okay, and so
that's that that's a fish
can fish have also applied to men and marriage? Yes, if he comes in
with a to pay for example,
for man comes in with a to pay some fish, or if a man with the
intent of covering his white hairs in his beard to make himself look
young. And he dyes his hair the color of his beard with the intent
to cover up his white hairs. Because you have to remember back
in the day there was no such people didn't know their age.
Right because I was born the year the flood the year the elephant
the year this people didn't really know this. So you knew someone's
age by their face. And so
that's a fish. So this this issue of the prohibition of dyeing your
hair black man cannot dye his beard or his hair black. So
there's two different approaches to this issue number one, it's
purely to add booty to Aboudi meaning it's just something the
Prophet said not to do. It's a test of your obedience and it's an
exercise of your obeying the Prophet over your rather than
following your intellect or your your own judgment, I should say.
That's one take on it. The other take on it is no, it's about good
and mana. It's about good and mana Mokona and Mana is another Arabic
term, which means that it's something you could rationally
understand why he's prohibiting it, which is not to fool people.
If that's the case, then a blonde person cannot dye his hair beard
blonde and a redhead cannot dye his hair
Red and a brown haired man cannot die his beard Brown, and then a
black haired man cannot die his beard black.
So if we go that route, that's the answer to that. Because it's a
that's the understanding of that.
So yes, a man can do this too.
There's a discussion, nice clarity here. People brothers are, are
wondering if suicide is a means for someone to be in * forever.
No, it's a major sin. And they're confused about the Hadith about
someone repeatedly doing that to himself. That's the punishment of
suicide is that a person will be repeatedly
doing that to themselves until the resurrection, but Suicide is not
shirk. It's not cool.
It's a major sin cannot be forgiven. Yes. And that we have a
proof from that in the Hadith, the prophets I seldom was asked about
a new Muslim who killed himself because of pain and the prophets I
send them mentioned that he Allah will forgive him. However, it is
also you may be a accessory to murder. If a guy says to you, hey,
I'm suicidal. Is this a forgivable sin? And you say yes.
I've seen many shields talk about suicide and they say you're not
allowed to say that.
You must say it's not forgivable.
Okay, and that's the same case, as it said about hustling bustling.
Some people tell the story about a medic. And then
they A Man comes in his murder forgivable? And they say yes,
another man comes his murder freakin will say no. So they said
why? Because the first man who I said yes to he had already
committed murder and was feeling bad about it. So I said yes, it's
forgivable keep making job. The other person is about to commit
murder. He wants to commit, commit murder. So I said no, it's not
forgivable to stop him from from the
shazzy it says draw can be exhausting. But don't stop relief.
Maybe close. Yes. Don't just do not stop. There is no point in
stopping just don't stop in anything you do. By the way.
Allah loves and will the molar this is a good quality. To keep
pecking away. Keep pecking away, keep pecking away.
How could you go on a long journey if you're someone who gives up?
Good, so just keep pecking away? Keep pecking away don't stop
that was a deepest question. What do you do if you're praying for a
long time? I'm exhausted. Keep going. Why? Think about a lot of
things are exhausting. Right.
While other things are exhausting. Medical School.
like physically exhausting. Yeah. And in terms of any journey
most people's journey of learning may take 10 years before anyone
considers them learning learned.
Any doctor from the your first bio class until you open your own
practice that may have 15 years right? May have been 15 years.
All right, next question.
I asked my elder they all read Salah Hanafi time except US and
Asia. They follow the Shafi time that's what he was saying the
other day
I asked him why do you do this without a need? He said wearing
What the heck an answer is that?
Well insha Allah has Salah is valid, it's just not the right the
perfect way to do our a bad is to choose to use our brains to choose
the Imam or the method that is most worthy of following then
follow it through.
And but if you don't do that, it's not that you're you're you're a
bad is invalid as long as it's valid in one of the schools. It's
just not the right way to practice things. Daydreaming of autumn. We
are up on Spotify again.
right could do a check, go to Spotify and check but
just go to
Wait, it's not a public website,
Spotify, but if as long as you're putting into SoundCloud and you're
going into the RSS, the RSS you clicked on RSS
including okay when you you go to okay go down down there it is.
Yeah, so they're coming up soon.
Only but why are they out of order like this
random click on the whole channel right above the channel it's no
no go back back again.
You Yeah, and go to the channel. Yeah they're right there
they're Masha Allah they're all up on Spotify good. They're all up.
Can you put we can put a picture on
there all up on Spotify Sophie has been very sick in and out of the
hospital What's wrong with you?
Why is Sophie in and out of the hospital
now good
Allah give you a Shiva yeah so
some Baraka logon place
next question Khalil Hamza. Can you please explain the concept of
cast cast is that we do not create our actions Lahoma cassava to La
hammock testbeds meaning Allah is the Creator of all actions Calaca
como Mata Malone. He created you and what you do.
So how do I do deeds? No, we don't we don't create our actions
they're created, but we earn them by our intention. That's cusp.
Is there a truth behind lines that are seen on the palms? No. palm
reading is nothing. It's it's completely busted.
Muslim Grandpa says
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam man committed
Yes, so there was a sabe who did a brand new Muslim who killed
himself won the prophesy centum said he is in the fire and he's
doing that to himself until the day of judgment and the other
ALLAH forgive him we just one had no I was brand new Muslim
and the other was not
so one were forgiven what was not
COVID-19 and pneumonia. Allah give you Shiva
How do you prevent our hearts from being attached to something that's
not good? i My experience is that a lot of
a lot of recitation of Quran removes detachments at the
attachments that are no good cheat for you. They remove them It
removes it
Sophia says what about false eyelashes? It's a hotbed for the
same ruling but it is a * of voodoo.
Is laser hair removal haram for a woman if she's showing her outta
then yes of course. If you're doing it to yourself I don't know
how this laser hair removal works. But in any case in which you could
do it to yourself it's permitted but the to have somebody if
they're if it involves looking at your older than No, that's not
It's not a valid reason to show your to reveal your Iota
is a sunnah to wear collarless shirt. No, I'm wearing a collar
right now. It's not so no such sooner for them.
Is it permissible to finance a condo with the guidance
residential company you look at their contracts. There were a few
that looked at their contracts big shoe that validated their
Aw says I made dua and also made intention to make 200 And until I
to cure a defect, Spot Allah. The next day a Muslim came into my
shop selling a product for this set. Very same defect AGGI well
take it now. It sounds to me like that, take it and see if it works.
And I hope it works for you.
Madigan said if he wants a difference, night and day,
night and day.
They shouldn't even be compared. It's an insult Malik to compare
them, to be honest with them.
This is a new innovation.
Yeah, there's the wealth of the soil. Saudi family belong to the
royal family. They have the right to use it in certain ways, but
stuff that things that are found in the ground. Okay,
has its own ruling in FIP
including Zika
Many what is the ruling on free mixing?
My husband and Jr. attended
a particular Quran study group for the first time men and women were
not segregated.
The mixing that is forbidden is the mixing that has touching of
the bodies. That's absolutely forbidden like you're so jammed
up. That's absolutely forbidden except in the hot domain a shitty
Fein where it's impossible to avoid mainly in Mecca. If you can
easily avoid that Medina
the mixing that would induce somebody or give someone an
opportunity to glance to look at the opposite gender with pleasure
would be between prohibited and mcru
That's the type of mixing that's that's forbidden.
Okay, next question.
Should aim resign from the harm of makup Why would he do that? Go
look it up drama and the domain is shitty vein is weirdest thing
about the domain shitty Fein is,
is that they now have like youth running between their Twitter
accounts, right how to manage anything Twitter account. So why
don't you get us the news for that and see why did he resign?
Now the difference between Medicare and Sanofi is this the
medical meth hub relies upon sources of Sharia that the Salafi
do not recognize.
And they limit sources of Sharia that the Salafi FIP elevates. What
are they the first source of Sharia that the Salafi or reject
that the medica establish
is the AMA Laval in Medina
and the which is the pious practice and the fatwa
of the first three generations of scholars in Medina, and the common
practice of everybody. So the common practice is that which
something that could not have been changed. That's what to watch it
like the event, the size of the mood, the way of prayer, the way
of clothing, these are things, it's impossible to have been
changed. And only three generations from the prophets, I
send them and it was something that everybody's doing, the whole
society is doing it. Okay.
Like the way that event is called the way the economy is called, the
times in which they pray, the way in which they pray, the way in
which they dress, like in terms of covering the outer niqab or not.
And it's the fatawa of the first three generations of scholars of
Medina. That is something we call it I'm an I'm an Medina, and that
is a major source for a mimetic, he elevated this source over
another source which the setup fee,
take and consider that as a stronger source. And that is the
ahead Hadith. Now, by the way, what I'm saying here to self is
this doesn't make this enemies wrong, because the share phase
also have this view and the homies have this view. And that's why I
set up these FIP and Chevy's and somebody's is very close to each
The 100 Hadith means a hadith that come from one or two narrators,
just one or two chains, especially one. Okay, but I have seen some
people say only one or two. It's only come, especially just one
like come from one chain once a hobby transmitted. What does that
mean? Well, if it was a major matter of religion, the prophet
would have repeated it over and over, and many Sahaba would have
said it if it's a ruling of religion, right.
There are many important Hadith that come from once a hobby such
as intimate MLO vignette, but there's no direct explicit
prohibition or obligation in that hadith. We're talking about halal
and haram here FIP.
If it's something that is truly haram for the OMA, it would have
been repeated it would have been said in mass in public in a
such that many Sahaba were transmitted.
So that's what it had hadith is
and the medica will measure and ahead Hadith against the camel.
If the camel goes one way and the Hadith goes another way, then the
Malik Imam Malik says that I had Hadith we don't have enough
If information, there must be something else about it, so we
won't say it's a lie, but we will say we don't have enough
information to make law about it.
They will go with the Ahmed,
medical Gautama,
the chef A and the HANA biller will say no, we'll go with the
Okay, so the salary are not even wrong about that, in that in that
matter. So when it comes to our the Azulon, Philip, that's where
there is the major difference. And the other difference between you
could say set a fee and the Hanafi. Humbly, is and share fees
even is the recognition of valid different different valid tools.
All the format hubs hold that each other's will suit is valid. They
may differ, but it's valid. Why? Because they're different on
matters not exact explicitly mentioned by the prophets, ISON
and the Quran, therefore, it's left to human judgment. If it's
left for human judgment, because it's lundi its interpretive
then you are free to have a sound an opinion that that is in line
with the language of the texts and does not contradicting to any
other text of Quran and Hadith. Simple as that. And it would seem
that that phrase selfie year, they have said, no, no, this is the
only way and those things are completely invalid. It would seem
that that that's their attitude. Okay. Otherwise show me a Salafi
mosque that has 100 feet that has hired a Hanafi teacher. Show me
one Salafi mosque that says okay, well said if you felt has been
taught on Monday, humbly flip on Tuesday.
Maliki Fick on Wednesday, never happens. It's like one my way or
the highway. And that's not right. These inven knee and interpretive
matters. You cannot just eliminate valid opinions.
And nakita is a whole nother subject. In nakida. The Sofia,
will base their opinion on the motor Chevy hats.
That's a whole nother subject. Would you say that?
Yeah, we seem to have repeated that many times. But that's okay.
Because either you're a regular listener, and now you've memorized
the subject. Because we say so many times I have no problem
repeating stuff. Or you're a new listener and you're hearing it for
the first time. Repetition is how something becomes part of you. And
so, the Hanafi is and the magic is and the chef and the chef is their
view on that is the motor Chevy hats. The anthropomorphic seeming
versus men like human like seeming versus are interpreted visa vie de
Mark Emmetts.
They're interpreted in light of the Mokum the mahkum versus or the
clear and explicit versus and the habila is what their way is, we
have no comment on any of that. And the seller via they will
insist upon the they will build their athlete on them with a Chevy
and Allah knows best.
We opened up we opened a book and it was an officer NBRC little
booklet. And it was Aki it was like something to eat. So I looked
it up I was open to a random page and it was like as a toy chapter
the whole chapter. There's a there's a shredder in semis
office, shred those books completely.
The religious police in Saudi have been disbanded.
And now you just have regular officers monitoring the Hitomi
Which I found that to be
more friendly to be honest with you. And if that regular officer
is in some kind of a bad mood. It's only because of his day, not
because he thinks you're at Mystic or Muqdadiyah.
Ma'am says you cannot do laser hair removal on yourself. It
requires training and equipment. Do not try this at home.
What are they use it like a laser pen.
You know how many weird things you learn about and FIP
was ml con. Some people say a Scylla. And Camilla has covered.
What? No, not one word.
Llama suddenly was selling might have said that. Suddenly Salatin
camera was salam Salam and terminal nav in 10 Halaby hilchot.
What does that mean? It means that knots are undone by him.
So when we have a gym and we're in a problem, a moral problem is not
knowledge of the Sunnah. What unties this problem for us? So
it's an Hello
be locked. If if I have a doctor that is not a doctor is a nut, if
I have something I could have a knock that is not a practical
problem but an emotional one did not the prophesy centum say salah
upon him removes anxieties so it's true What's unfair did you get
caught up say meaning by the prophesy Salah major disasters are
either averted or you find your way out same concept. What took
the hobbit how much? By the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam needs are attained. Good
is okay, where do we get our needs attained from? From Allah, through
Through the a Betta the Prophet taught us through worship through
dua, well who taught us that worshiping the DUA. So therefore,
by going to the Sunnah, and by going to the salah on the Prophet
and by going to the knowledge of Sharia, my needs are attained.
Okay, so why don't we just recite, let's find any consumable I mean,
the doer of the noon and mystery type. Good. So, the Prophet Yunus
at s&m, also known as the note, not the University, said, you
understand a Salam who is known as the noon in the Quran? The one who
is swallowed by the will
all right, where did we get that from? From the Quran? Well, who
recited the Quran to us the prophets I said, Okay, that'd be
too narrow. It's all the same. All good desires are attained through
him. Why but is not following the Sunnah loving the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all these Eva that every Eva that
you're doing where's the Senate go back to goes back to the prophet
who taught it to you
are still covered. We've just got a man will be what you'd get him.
And we're sila through him is a cause for rain.
Right is not even say no, I might have said in the app, we didn't
have the prophet at least we have our best right living to make the
DUA. That's that's actually a proof for
this was either because the Prophet in his grave is not going
to come and lead the so let's have this discussion. Right? So he used
a best guess the nearest kin to the prophesy center. And we have
that famous Hadith where that meant game and he said
we've been suffering drought, etc. I don't want to quote that
exactly. But Ryan, you probably have heard that one.
And that man came
it was a Bedouin came in front of the grave of the Prophet. So I
said no. And he said O Messenger of Allah, we have drought, we have
all these things. And then they they think that
Bedouin then saw the prophets, I send them and said, Go to Omar,
and tell him at Kison keys, right?
So lots of Camella can be recited without any hesitation. There's
absolutely nothing against him at all. Against that at all. It's
like, Well, you said this is like, perfect. It's not an analogy, but
just an example. Like, if a toothbrush cleans your teeth.
Yeah, like it's an example. It's a process. But just generally like
what have you be scared that they're gonna commit Showtek with
a toothbrush? Yeah, I mean, they need their teeth. Yeah, you know,
it's because Oh, no, are you associating the power to the
toothbrush here, use this, to clean yourself use this to save
yourself from thirst or from whatever, but it's a means right?
But you may speak about the means the same way that you speak about
the source.
And being the example of
the Quran saying
qualia to effect on Malecon mouth, say the Angel of Death causes you
death brings you death takes your soul. But doesn't Allah cause
death? Yes, but you may speak about the source and the sub in
the same language.
So you can say this doctor saved my life.
Hey, yeah, a guy saves your life from getting hit by a bus. Right?
You said man you saved my life. There's nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, survival repeat your shahada because now you made sure no you
do say Allah saved my life and you were just them sub No, you can you
can say him You saved my life. Of course with Dotty to that he's the
sub and Allah is the meat as the source sub is the means
cut away had some jaw issues may Allah give her a speedy she fat
for that. That is out. So So pays out. It's going on here.
What is the end of of saying sometimes to someone with their
wife or sister you can say As salam aleikum in general to all of
them in once in one shot
All right, what is another loaded question here about niqab?
You might want to go put your question in again because I can't
see all ICS
is asterik Nickleby.
So I see the correction but I don't see the original question.
niqab, what are the question of niqab, Shafi and humbly view niqab
and Maliki of union club. If it's if people are
if people do not have a Deb and they would stare upon a Muslim,
then it's blocking her.
Then blocking her face would be fought. However, Nick, as I would
know, not as the outcome but as avoiding people who are
harmful, but not but the hour in the Maliki school is for a woman
has everything but her face in her hands, her face and her hands and
the bottom of her feet for the Hanafy is its face, hands and the
whole foot
Okay, good.
Salam aleikum from Toronto says in Yes 313 The 20th of Jumada Thani
is tonight. And that is the birth of a say the father may say the
Autumn was born on the 20th of Jumada al okra. Now remember,
Jumada is a feminine word so it's Jumada al okra
and the 20th is her birth.
is salted Hijjah a valid Hadith? Yes, it is. And how do we pray it?
We have a video on that I think yep, go to the video for that.
It's called like da was a call Dr. Hajra
Yeah, we should have a video we'll get it shot, check the stuff
inside the
How do we identify problems in our hearts so we can correct them.
There's two ways read the books of the side of hand
and hang around
the side of him.
When you read the books about the side of hand about to solve,
they'll talk all about
your the diseases of the heart. They talked about it. And and they
you check yourself I have this I don't have that, and then hang out
with the solder hain.
And you will also it will reflect any disease of the heart will
reflect in the course of that friendship and that interaction.
So that's how it works. And then you try to work on yourself
to fix them.
From the Hadith where the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wa salam tells us jealousy is only permitted in two causes or
two cases. Does that mean we can be ungrateful? No, it doesn't mean
we'd be ungrateful. It means that we don't view our deeds and our
charity and our knowledge to be good enough. We need to go for
more. That's what it means.
Someone named instantly a says they emailed about scholarship for
art V. We do have scholarships for ArcView. Just email.
We'll check. I'll ask sister Tasneem if she's on the stream, if
she can check that. Where did you email?
Make sure you email the right person or the right. In philosophy We'll get you there.
The live on the Nile me known as seven.
But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors?
Is it inter open to interpretation?
slightly, slightly open to interpretation but in general,
whoever seeks beyond the
as is its ear sinful. In other words, Zina, * all that
is sinful
any sexual pleasure outside of marriage is sinful.
Shazia go, salad, said hi
It's it's up there
yeah the, the video is called dua alhaja or the prayer of need is
herbal medicine medicinal tin tinctures containing alcohol
In the medical school it would be haram in the Hanafi school it
would be if it's non grape and wine and it will you will not be
drunk from it, then it is permitted.
How many of Godzilla Am I required to pray for it to be acceptable
all of your kudos Allah make you have to make up all of your kuduk
Let's go to YouTube while ignoring these poor people on YouTube.
wase aim to constantly be in a state of vicar Yes, when our city
carrying beads but keep getting thoughts of ostentation
presentation of what what have you done to be ostentatious about
carrying a bead
Buddhist monks carry beads, Harry Christmas carry beads. There's no
ostentation in that. Get rid of that feeling from your heart, then
don't use them. Use something else. Use a rink,
the current
right, use anything else? Use your phone, there are beads on the
phone. Like let me show you this app right here. Any of these apps
have it they all have?
It's like a Misbah on the phone like this. And then you just move
it like that. And it counts for you. I don't like to use a phone
so be honest, is full of distraction. Do you know palavra
says from the Hadith where the messenger tells us that jealousy
is only permitted in two cases. Okay, do you know put the saint
had put that question? We answered it hamdulillah
young man divorced his wife on the first night after he discovered
she had body tattoos. He felt deceived. But she wore hijab
seemed to come from a good family. Should he give her a chance? Yes
if she made Toba from it. If she made Toba from it, give her the
sister agendas because people make mistakes.
And that's not a deception. She did not deceive you in any
childbearing issue. And I don't think that a body tattoo is going
to be effect sexual performance. Right? That's the deception. That
is the major deception. And that's not something she really had to
disclose to be honest with you, unless it was so much that it
would affect intimacy. That's where you that's the only thing
that has to be disclosed. So I think that you should give her a
second chance, personally speaking.
Now, what's she allowed to say that, yes, she's allowed to have
said it, but
this is what she obligated? No, she's not obligated.
Saba Khawaja says how do you explain the concept of original
sin and coming to earth in Christianity versus Islam? We have
no original sin. But would you just say it was an innocent
mistake of Prophet Adam? We say that Adam is a Salam was tested
and an Allah says what happened?
In clear language in the Quran for our saw Adam or Abba who
wasa Adam are both of our and in another area
while I'm negitive la Abu Asmaa, so Allah says, Adam committed
Maaseiah what is a Maaseiah? It is the opposite of obedience. So that
means you're not supposed to cross this line, you crossed the line.
But why?
Fantasy? Well, I'm nudging though. Asma, Allah tells you why did Adam
cross the line? He forgot, he forgot the ruling. And we did not
find that he had the strength of remembering. Or it could asthma
here meaning the strength to remember or
the intent to disobey God. So the Quran explains to us how the atom
on a Saddam did this, or why he did it. As for him, breaking God's
law. Yes, he did. But why did he break God's law? Allah makes him
innocent in the Quran by saying fantasy, however, forgetfulness in
the Shetty of Adam is not an excuse. Why is it not an excuse?
Because you have one ruling.
You have one ruling. There's one prohibition there are zero
obligations in that Sharia.
So when you have how many obligations do we have in Islam
like a lot? How many prohibitions a lot, so if I forget
it's an you have an excuse, right? And we got I have to go earn a
I have to take care of my kids. I got to deal with people. I got to
pay taxes, I got to do all these things. So I got a lot of slack if
I forget. Okay.
In the Shediac of Muhammad Sallallahu when he was in the city
of Adam, does he have kids? No. Does he have to pay taxes? No.
Does he have to earn his livelihood? No.
Does he have many obligations? No, he has zero does he have many
prohibitions though he has one so in the city of Adam i They said
I'm forgetfulness is not an excuse.
Okay. So overall, though, we say that Allah was the the wisdom here
the purpose is that Allah Allah is showing and wanting Adam to
experience what it's like to make a mistake.
And he reacted properly by making Toba and blaming himself that now
when he did that he passed the test. Now you're ready to go live
on your own on the earth.
And he went to live on his own on the earth after that, okay.
And go live on the earth and be my representative on the earth. So
Subak Khawaja let me know if that makes sense to you.
Mas que says brothers coming to my friend for marriage. The mother is
harsh on her to be quiet. Regarding the doctor's checkup,
she got small ovaries and can't give birth.
They went to a hurricane.
So if you have if you cannot give birth, that is something that you
must disclose.
Remember what has to be disclosed anything that will affect the
marriage in terms of reproduction?
Sexual intimacy, reproduction, sexual intimacy must be disclosed,
because that's the main one of the main reasons people married people
marry for companionship for other things, but also
Yes, but reproduction and intimacy for the man, he must disclose
that, and he must disclose the ability or inability to keep her
safe. So if he says, Hey, I have bad credit, I can never rent an
apartment or buy a house.
We got to live with my parents forever. He has to disclose them.
That's the essence of marriage. For the woman side is intimacy for
the man side is intimacy and, and the ability to sustain the family
and protect the family.
The only reason that marriage exists is because the intimacy
between husband and wife can produce a child and the society
needs to know whose child it is so that they can be legally
responsible to feed it. And and how's it
that's why friends don't have an official friendship has no
official relationship. Right? Because there's no risk. We're not
going to produce anything that requires financing and protecting
or any legal relationship at all.
Or illegal legal implication I'm sorry.
Ahmed Ahmed says during the Prophet Muhammad time was the
mutts off in Mecca the same way women and men would do to off and
touching each other. It would make too often the same way yes, they
would make too often altogether. Also like how the 100 S word was
there a line no there was no line you just want to remember the
population wasn't so high. That's why the Salah the
to hear to the Masjid
Al haram in Mecca is to make to off seven times. Now if you
imagine to off seven times, take you
20 minutes but to off today may take 45 minutes and on the second
floor of the store the roof. I think you two hours. It's because
it used to be empty. Pretty much. There's wasn't like this even 100
years ago it was not even close to this 250,000 People minimum
minimum and on high seasons half a million and Ramadan and Hajj over
1,000,003 million in Ramadan.
Wow Subhan Allah 3 million in both cities are in one just in Mecca.
While 3 million just in Mecca last Ramadan. Ryan says amazing.
And I remember that you could sign when you made when we had Hajj in
20 2017 or 2018
that you connected your phone they would send you these these texts.
Avoid this tunnel today avoid that tunnel and I
At the end of that they told us to hedge numbers this year was like
2.8 million or whatever. So, and that's the people who signed up.
That's not to say that maybe have been 300,000 people who were
undocumented Hajaj.
Do you say it's UK lead is important? Or you don't need to
follow a school of thought, says athma Darby took the lead is
inevitable because McCullough is someone who is not in which to
hit. You're either in which to head or you're almost colored. And
in between is the fucky. Who is not in which to hit but he knows
the evidences, he understands the evidences of them which to hit,
like, Why did ematic come up with this or that are edible honey for
Ahmed, Mohammed or Shafi come up with this? Or that? Why did he
come to that conclusion?
Someone had asked yesterday about the HANA fees, can wash my wife
after she dies.
And the Nerf
say that death ends the marriage relationship.
She's not your wife after death. Why is that? Because
if you have, you're allowed to have four wives, right?
If wife number four dies, at three o'clock,
it becomes religiously valid to immediately take another wife,
It is. So therefore, if you're only allowed to have four, and
you're allowed to take that fourth wife, then therefore the dead one
cannot count as a wife. So nothing, that wife relationship
doesn't count. You can't see her anymore, without her hijab or
anything like that. That is that is the Hanafy ruling on that.
For the husband.
If the husband dies, he remains to be the ruling of a husband for
four months and 10 days of the head. Because after four months
and 10 days, on four months, 10 days and one hour, she can
contract a marriage. And one minute even one second, she can
contract contract a marriage, therefore that first one is no
longer a husband.
And that impacts the hostile rulings. Right. So so that means
we have to check that. I remember reading it in the books. Where's
the get? Pick up the amorosi? Again, I'm gonna see because I'm
pretty sure it's in there.
I'm pretty sure.
The evidence Yeah. So. So of course no one's going to be
washing for after four months and 10 days, right? Unless let's say
he was lost. And he's been kept in the freezer for a long time. After
a year. Hello. So it's not your husband, you can't touch him
But if it was for in Hanafy school, but if it's immediate then
of course you can wash him
and shroud him and bury him. But the man cannot do that in the
Hanafi school.
Bushra Begam yo this sister with the tattoos has taken over the
The topic of her I despise tattoos but if my husband had a pass and
he had tattoos I just go with it.
Aw says who was Imam Zahawi and he was a scholar who is his update
the book is considered the
first and not the first about Hanifa was the first but it's
considered one of the most important works of Athena to study
when one visits a grave does the person in the grave know Yes.
Aw says thank you for repeating these topics from a new listener.
See, that's why we repeat these topics.
What was given to me his view on the works of the people of Medina
at the high nebula in general. They do accept Ahmed and Medina as
a source. They accept it as a source, but it doesn't it's not
going to be stronger than an A HUD.
him said no. He says Are We Living in the end times many Parliament's
say yes we are living in activism and
I've been a Choudry Amin thank you and may Allah try to strengthen
you as well.
I was told * is allowed if it will stop you from
committing Zina. Is this true? It's not that it's allowed it is.
It becomes the lesser of two evils.
Right but it
In that ruling, it means there needs to be a temptation of Zina
in the first place like near you, then it becomes something that you
could do that, for example, you can't be sitting around in your
home and say, You know what? I also could be committing Zina, so
I might as well just masturbate instead of doing that. No, it
needs to be like, you're in a situation. You got yourself in a
weird situation. And Zina is very possible right now, physically,
that's when it becomes something that's the lesser of two evils.
We, in our religion, we control our sexuality, the West has now
become a place that freedom is really marked only by two things.
To be as sexually deviant in our world as you want to be to be a
sexually open and do anything with your sexuality that you want. Take
your private part, put it wherever you want, and put anything inside
of it wherever you want. If you're a woman, that is the first
hallmark of freedom for the West, the second marker that all they
care about is the ability to profane what is sacred and just to
say, to de sanctify, to insult what is sacred, they really only
have these two freedoms. That's it. They don't really care about
anything else. That's the truth. Like in in the general sphere of
things. That's how they have portrayed freedom to be.
Revert arc is asking about it in terms of sexuality, the only
prohibition there was really just a two prohibitions. One insect in
this intimacy is * *. Okay, for a man to put his member into
the * of the woman and for the woman to or the man to ingest in
the Jessa, intentionally to ingest the Jessa they're touching or
kissing any other part of the body is permitted.
How does the man says Dino from a different profession reach the
ranks of the righteous scholars and odia it's hard to focus on my
craft, when I'm always thinking about how someone's outdoing me in
the deen. No, don't worry about that. But if you be smart about
your efforts, and study systematically, even if it's
little by little, even if it's 20 minutes a week, but it's
systematic, like we have medically fit classes starting up next
Tuesday. Text by text, text by text whether you're to buy videos
or live or online or on site, or just from videos etc.
Text by text and over 1015 years you will learn a lot if you just
go by text by text, shipping rods Aki the class can't miss
text by text. Okay.
And then, in terms of your crafts, nothing stops you and your craft
from tune to head to head Judy is going to be your path much
thicker. While you're driving in the car. When you get home.
Nothing can stop you from them.
Live on the Nile.
This person is either from Sudan or from Egypt. And they say a man
tells his Muslim wife he is seriously no longer Muslim.
Okay, we ask Allah firstly, offense anima. And secondly, that
marriage is nullified immediately on the spot that he uttered those
words and her
Ida starts immediately
upon him uttering those words. So if he uttered those words
at on February 1, they'd started on February 1, if he uttered them
on January 1, and now you're asking you about it on January 11.
Your head just started on January 1.
Do it for someone who passed away as a Muslim No, we can't do that
because they did not accept that God and that religion and that
paradise in their life therefore they don't get the perks of it
later on in life. We don't force our religion upon them they didn't
want it. So the Prophet forbade do offers a nonbeliever
make dua for them if they're alive. Once they died homeless if
they're alive, you can pray for them. But if they're dead then no.
All right, let's go to YouTube and see what's going on here.
Wishing non Muslims congratulating on their festivals. No, that's not
correct. If it has a religious
connotation that it's not correct. If it's like Independence Day
fight. There's no big deal with that.
Ibrahim Khan if a person has an STD they must do they have to
disclose that definitely have to disclose that. They definitely
has. Let's see my man. Look at this researcher. What book
First of all at VIP kid Maliki what a delight to buy it have you
been taught her
menu cut them for Watson XO Jen your cut the man if it was a
hydrothermal occur, both spouses are the first person who should
watch it metamath have no offense, someone dies who washes the body.
The spouses evidence. And Abdullah and Abby, Bucklin and Asmat been
to amaze the Salat Abu Bakr Siddiq
that Abu Bakr Siddiq died a smart bento mais was his wife, she
watched him. Okay. When Ali and Wasilla Fatima Ali watched Fatima,
Allah jolla Han
you see the difference here. The Hanafi is used some legal and very
smart thinking. Why do we Maliki's need to think we got the people
practicing the Sunnah right in front of us? Say Nalley ismat Ben
Thomas this is the way of the American method was the first
let's see what the Muslims did. They did it kill us is Mao Sahaba.
Either that ik the Sahaba have each map on that. Okay.
After that you go to the relatives boom discussion is over. Look how
quick that discussion came and went.
Now, thank you for the data FETs library that just give us the
answer. And you could support this book fundraiser and help pay for
students books. What's the link there? What does it say real quick
Arthur man we need a link
Yeah, call them up
what's the link for this one? Oh, I see. It's just website.
Okay, go to data fetch dot O R dot O R g.or Fetch dot orgy.
Awesome. Al hakim from Saudi says salatu. Hajj doesn't exist.
Dua al Hajj exists and in in the DUA al Hajj is includes to rock us
and then a DUA and it's there. Okay.
Where did I get my liquor rink?
It's not really a place it's like the factory itself. So you got to
get them in bulk. So
just look it up. You'll you can get it from the retailers. I got
mine straight from the factory. Right. But you can get them from
retailers probably tripled. The price though.
Has sent Ben chumps. How do you recommend a Midwest Swiss to deal
with the matter regarding Tahara in their acts of worship, just
ignore it completely. And you can write it down you can use a note
card and if you make will do for the hook, just write it down. And
then ignore any requests you got after that. If it's sulla you may
use your fingers to know what aka you're on.
And keep looking at that and ignore any request you
by the way, where is Mina Zog Leila cigar he says Subash. Is it
permissible for someone to wear niqab part time? Yes, it is that
it's not considered niqab as in our it's considered niqab as in
just veiling my face from men? You're allowed to do that?
Yeah, in the medical school, and it may even be obligatory at some
If you're going to be harmed by fascinating
how does explain Islamic slain fossil evidence of Neanderthals
and other hominids that existed before Benny Adam, like none of
that is got the knowledge. All of those estimations are speculative
knowledge. It's all speculative. So it has no value to us.
It's all speculative.
A woman inquired the prophet or asked the Prophet about a few men
who approached for marriage. He said one has no money the other
man beats his wife and the other is righteous. Yes, of course. So I
guess he's just sharing that piece of information. So it's important
to look at these things.
Shima maybe this doesn't happen with a lot of Muslims, but I
noticed where I live whenever a woman wears niqab.
Where I Live whenever a woman wears niqab moves to the town
woman Ashima write that again because I think some word was
messed up
what people leave the town
every day you will come to visit sinful for parents to give up
their child for adoption out of fear of inability to care for them
no it's not that they're they're going to give up
it's not that they're going to give up their kid to adoption they
need financial help they they can only give their kid to a relative
who they know will care for them and proof of that being at Ibis
Did the Abu Talib sorry did that with the Prophet and not best he
gave it to the prophets I send them and he gave Jaffa shabbas.
But those are his brothers. He knows they're going to take her
his his nephews
their relations there within the male relations. So they know that
they're going to take care of them their fathers.
So that's permitted but to just give your kid to a stranger
because I can't afford him.
Subak Khawaja was Adam coming to earth punishment? No, it wasn't
ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says the first mention of Satana Adam is in
Niger I don't feel Aldi Khalifa, the purpose of this creation is to
make a representative of mine on the earth.
It is his honor to be on the earth and fulfill God's representation.
If you send an ambassador to China, is that dishonouring him or
honoring him? It's honoring him. It's like one of the most
important countries in the world right now is China. So to be sent
as the ambassador to China, that you're being honored? So you're
representative of God on the earth? You're fulfilling his
mission here on the earth? And what is his mission to establish
this law and to live and to descend to come and come to know
Allah to Allah, on our own free will, with all the challenges in
front of us to prove that we're sincere about it?
Because once you see the beauty of paradise, there is no more
sincerity colorless, everyone will submit to such a god. Okay, so
Allah Juana is wants us to know who's sincere and who isn't by
putting us in this faraway dunya with all of our challenges and
temptations and heedlessness and feeling that we're so far from
God, so we could prove ourselves
is it required to wait a certain amount of time between one ombre
and another on the medical method, we don't have this concept of go
out to mustard I should come back to him and go out to massage come
back to hombre we don't have that but in other metal hubs.
You can
make as many elements as you want right away.
Alright, let's see what Instagram is up to.
I'm struggling with memorizing and fumble over the words when
reciting from memory. Any advice? Yes, memorization has a simple but
Practice, shorten what you have to memorize and repeat it longer.
Repeat it 300 times. So let's say you memorize Five Eyes, repeat it
300 times read it 300 times, then repeat it from memory 300 times
there's no way you can forget it. There's no way you can forget it
what happens to a deceased person if they're cremated?
Some say that they feel it.
Or they feel some sort of harm. That's why it's haram for us.
Are there any works on fic of social media? I don't think so.
This is such a new thing.
Can you give sadaqa on behalf of someone alive? No. You have to
wait. You can only do deeds on behalf of someone who are dead
who's dead.
And in the medical school, it's only the financial deeds that
we're allowed to do, which are two so the cuts Hajin ombre has had an
ombre are partially financial deeds. If I'm Hanafy and I want to
wash my wife body, can I follow the medical school? Yes you can.
Can you pray Salah to the masjid during Juma click the salad to
hear it's in Masjid during Juma hookah in the shefa. Yes, but in
the magic you know.
Couple more questions before we wrap up
See what else we got here?
What about if the mother and daughter went to experience Hakim,
an experience I came? And he said, don't listen to these doctors? Can
they rely on that as a second opinion?
I'm gonna go by the track record
of the physicians.
To be honest with you.
I'm suspicious about throwing the medical establishment out like
that. It just doesn't make sense to me. Doesn't make sense to me.
Does that mean they're right about everything? No.
But what I definitely don't listen to them is when they give you a
prediction of the future. You have five weeks to live you have six
weeks to live that is nonsense to me. But I am hesitant to just toss
out an entire industry.
With what experience and knowledge that we do in that maybe on this
one issue that Hakeem feels that he's stronger so you're gonna have
to just look at
what stronger evidence to write. Does has he has this Hakim cured
this problem before?
Say again
Yeah, as the people have knowledge did he cure this people before?
That's the question. Then he's added thicker because he's done it
before and liquid is someone who does it always. Always does.
So that's what I'm gonna go with
since we're redefining the names of everything says juice can we
call a gun a cordless hole puncher?
How's it films, there's actually a book called The fifth of social
media? Well,
you're gonna have to update it every two years. Every time
there's a new app
where can I access Schick Murasaki the classes frozen? You can go to
arc view dot O R G and sign up for basic and the recordings are there
and the classes start again Sunday.
and that takes us to 259 We'll take up more questions
What can I study after Al Qaeda as I have nearly finished a Phyllida
Did you yes Senussi. If you didn't do too how we then do certain rods
to see from rod is now teaching and fickle Akbar.
Akbar by Abu Hanifa go study that study. That's how we
Tamar Hasson what is the case of someone Muslim who says they hate
Repeat your Shahada. Okay.
We're carry who met ends that Allah Who? For Alberta Amata Han.
Allah says in the Quran describing the kuffaar were carry Houma ends
Allah Allah had he carry medical for
the the Allah describes the wonderful pain by saying, I mean
the caffeine, the kofod they hate what Allah revealed. So Allah
blocked out all their good deeds. This person who says he hates
Ramadan, all of his past good deeds are now blotted out and he
is a cathode and he has to redo his shed
Subhan Allah
What was the question here says that
what was this question here
Could you name a child Moses? Yes you can name Moses you can name a
mo che Hebrew and you can even Musa but what is in the Quran is
better Musa is better.
Imam Sephora and aroma Robin
is kosher food halal for us to Yes, it is halal for us. So as
long as you have alcohol because remember, they do slaughter but
they also drink alcohol. So as long as it didn't have alcohol,
which Salawat from Salawat tab is best to read at midnight,
whichever one flows best from your mouth and from your heart.
What's this point of accepting one school, if it's valid to mixed
methods says akhmedov it well? The answer is
that just because something is valid does not mean it is Essen
and Allah came to test the Diablo come to us and who am Allah, the
most beautiful of action is that which has no wins in it. As we
said earlier, we use our intellect as mocha Lydian as common Muslims,
we use our intellect to determine the Imam, or the method most
worthy of following, and then we stick to it. That is what is ACEN
the best.
That's the best way to do things. You choose a methodology, even
administration, in administering any and doing anything, choose
your methodology stick to it now. Now, just because you don't like
something you swap your methodology out. No. But just
because we're saying that that is not good. It has not happened to
do that. That doesn't mean it's invalid. So that I'm going to go
and I'm going to be humbly but on the matter of food, I'm going to
be a medical because why I want to eat shrimp, or lobster. I don't
even know let's say Hanafi I'm a Hanafi but I feel like eating
lobster. So I'm going to medically when it comes to seafood. So are
Have you committed some sins? No. But have you dropped from what is
the best course of action? To what is a valid merely a valid course
of action? Yes, that's that's your description. So
is no the Christians don't slaughter anymore. So it doesn't
matter if they're Christian chick for Lena. And
by the way, what we're talking about is really most important in
terms of the muda had for students of knowledge, the regular common
Muslim, he just follows his local imam or his parents or whatever.
But I don't think anyone should be a common one we should all strive
to become folk up at some level of fucky is somebody who is a common
who is a much more Khaled. He is not a witch to head mm who can
derive the rulings themselves, himself, but he can study the
rulings and study the reasons behind the rulings. That's what we
call a fapy. Ignorance is categorization.
Were colored, which the head and in the middle is the focal hub.
We can all become forgot. We study the rulings and the basis of the
rulings of them which debts.
If one is in Amara and the woman got paid,
she's not allowed in the mosque. That's correct. She has to wait
outside the masjid when her height is over, then she can make wudu
it's not just Hana fees. It's everybody. All the methods.
All the methods to the
daydream of autumn says a sheikh recently said the INF can eat
lobster if they define lobster as fish. We're not gonna play games
here. They can't eat lobster. No games don't play games. redefine
it is how is it a fish? Are we going to just make up words, it's
not a fish.
It's not a fish.
for HANA Qureshi says if you are living, just say, I'm not Hanafy.
I'm not going to I can't follow the Hanafi rule. I just love
lobster too much. You're in the valid, but you're just not in the
best. That's it. The best is the consistency. You made a decision.
Now you follow it through. If I say Listen, guys, from now on, I'm
not going to eat bread because I want to lose weight. And I'm going
to run on the treadmill for every day for 20 minutes. And after two
weeks, you say, ah, you know what? I don't feel like doing I want to
eat bread and I'm not going to run on the treadmill. Have you done
anything wrong? No. But you dropped from what is the right the
best way of action is make a decision. You stick to it. That's
the best. But you're still not done anything wrong.
Daydream of autumn says she's innocent. I'm just telling you
what someone else did. Okay.
Anita says Why did you decide to fall madly in love? Just curious.
Again, mainly, most people get affected by their first teacher
and my first teacher in this matter. As an American seek
English speaking, very strong influence was Hamza Yusuf. If he
was Shafi, I probably would have been Shafi to be quite honest with
But then after that, you're like you're lucky you made the right
decision. Right? Some people they have their first teacher later on,
they change. Nothing wrong with that. Right? You're very highly
influenced by your first teacher. But thereafter, you either keep
that influence or you make some tweaks alterations because you
still have your own brain. Right and that's the key you have your
own brain.
And when we say someone is a common Muslim does not mean he's a
dummy just means he's not his area of expertise. The common Muslim
has a brain and can study the methodologies of these Imams the
biographies of these Imams, the practicality
Other methods, you may love the medic method, but you live in
Turkey, what's the point? There's not a single medic you for like
500 square miles, right? And now of course we have the internet,
but you can't physically meet one.
And you have an F all over the place. Why make that decision?
Right? It's not practical. So you also have to study the
practicality of it. So when we say common Muslims layman, it just
means that this is not his area of profession and his expertise
doesn't mean he's a dummy. None of you here, all of you here can
study the form of herbs, their methodologies, the Imams, and can
stick to it and live by that, right. And you can study the rules
of when is it valid or invalid?
To apart from your mouth hip? Or? And when? When is it allowed to
choose from a different method? When is it mcru? When is it just
not good? Which is even less than mcru? Right?
I encourage everyone here to study this stuff. We here teach four
methods on ArcView dot orgy we teach all four.
Right? And this semester starts next Monday. Sorry, Sunday
daydream of autumn, an islander Subhanallah cost of lobster is
cheap in the Hanafi countries. They're not eating it.
If you're living in a non Muslim country, and you need a civil
divorce, is it permissible to divide property and rights for the
non Muslim law?
No, it's not. I'll give you an example of what's not allowed
alimony to the wife, after she's divorced from the husband. And of
course, this not splitting property, it's a different
subject. But that's one of the most popular things. Alimony is
he had the obligation to take care of you. When he had access to you
and your his wife, now that you don't want to be his wife, you
don't have access to his money. Except if you have a kid or two,
then he has to pay for those children. And that money may be
mixed with yours. So you may end up benefiting from it. For
example, when you buy milk for your children, and you end up
drinking some of it yourself no problem, right? So he does only
have to pay for the children, for the boy until the boy can work for
himself. And by the way, when the boy reaches puberty,
he should shift transition to the Father. The girl stays with her
mom until she gets married.
And the man covers all her expenses, her debt. Even if she
lives with the mom.
after puberty, the boy has to shift and live now with his dad so
he can get raised.
And then the father is responsible to him until he could work on his
As for the property, the if you have a shared bank account, that's
that split 5050 If the guy has his own stocks, his own money stuff he
bought on his own that's his money. You have no right. And if
you now have stuff, then he has no right to that. Right? If you share
a home
and it's you both live in it, and you contributed to it and he
contributed to it then you have a half you have the share of that.
It's his home and he bought it all for himself. And here's the only
name on the deed, then it's his house. You don't have a Sharon,
you don't have a hochland
It's extremely important.
Ar 7414 is happy to see the magic humentum thriving and expanding.
It's now 310. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish we could stay
I'll take one more question from Machu Picchu says What would you
say to a 27 year old who wants to study the deen but feels like they
should have started years ago and feels too old. Well, let me tell
you a story.
There was a man who used to light the lamps at Al Azhar University.
And he must have been he was an old man in his 60s. And he went
then, and spilt some wax or some oil on a student of knowledge who
was young, very young.
And that student of knowledge said an old man is still doesn't know
how to pour the lamps properly.
So he wanted he became really, really, really upset for a number
of days, and he came back
enrolling in Alaska. He enrolled in his 60s at Alaska. So you're
not in your 60s. You're 27 you're just born to be honest with you.
He studied for 10 years, and his 70s he graduated with a full
covering the full curriculum and he became a share here
became a chef for 10 years in which
in those years he taught in Al Azhar for 10 years and he also
authored a book in Arabic grammar that was became was used for many
decades after him
as the US has official book Teaching Arabic grammar so he was
a shaker outside of for 10 years and he died in his 80s
that is one of the greatest stories you ever gonna hear. So
it's not too late for you at all
Subhanak Allah whom OBEY HIM they're gonna show them Allah
Allah Allah Anton iStockphoto gonna make room reminder it's
little Joomla
also comes negative comes in very soon for us and if you guys are in
England, it's already come in lay a little Joomla do not do not do
ignore little Joomla it is a waste a dua V he musta job take it
seriously. Well also didn't know the incentive the fuel cost in the
Lilina ammo I'm in Australia had what it was seven Huck what was so
the seven was money?