Shadee Elmasry – NBF 122 Affairs of the Umma
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Other suited law or other early he will be human. Well welcome
everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts live stream
where today. We're talking about
France today.
Today is all about France. Now, I don't understand something. Why is
anyone surprised in the least bit that France
wants to shut down all these mosques? Okay. So here's an
article. Let's get the exact date on this article. It doesn't make a
difference because it's just it's about a sweeping trend. Okay.
But France is shutting down masajid all over their country.
Now I have a question. What in the world is the surprise here? When
I've as I've said earlier, their grandpa's, their great granddad's
all of them
traveled 1000s of miles to do far worse than this. And they
Like, traveling in the old days in the old days in ancient times is
not easy. Okay.
That traveled hundreds of 1000s of miles, coming and going and coming
and going for crusade, number one crusade, Second Crusade, Third
And then they also were the reinforcements for the West. There
crusades in the West, Alfonso the six when he got in trouble, and he
had to face the Mojave tune. And he realized he's he's not facing
some weak person in use of vintage graphene, who did he write to the
French, and they went to Spain to fight and luckily use of
intensifying with them.
They traveled all this left their homes, where strangers were dying
of disease in order to come to you Muslims and slight use your necks
off. Okay?
When their great, great, great, great grandkids, they want to shut
down a mosque in their own country, are you surprised?
Now there's one thing about the reality of the situation, in
theory, and there's another thing about the consequences. Now, as a
result of all the nonsense that the French are getting, we're
going to take, we're going to do our little bit of action.
And we're going to try to reach the French Muslims with subtitled
YouTube videos. So going forward, we're going to have a playlist in
French, with subtitles, good because I want to reach out to
these people. I feel bad for them. I want to say I sort of feel bad,
I don't mean to insult you. But your your parents were naive
to think that they could go in France, I mean, things in North
Africa must have been really bad that you would go to this country
whose history is not a secret. And imagine that you're going to live
a better life, that you're going to be treated well. So the
situation must have been that bad. Think about it, how bad was the
situation in where Algeria
and what other countries are in Senegal,
the situation must have been so bad, that go into the land of
essentially the Crusaders
was appealing was an option, if not appealing, at least an option.
So on one hand, it must have been really bad, I feel bad for you. On
the other hand, I want to say to the second generation Muslims, I
think that your parents must have been either they didn't read
things were really bad for them, but I want to try to reach out to
them. And so we're gonna have a subtitled
playlist of everything that we want to do we try to get a
subtitle in French.
For these Muslims, I'm reading from an article here, that in the
in two years, under the name of the anti separatism law, the
French have shut down over 20 mosques. First of all, I'm pretty
surprised that they would even bother
giving this legal cover of an anti separatism law. I'm pretty
surprised. Right? I mean, at that point, their hatred of Islam is so
obvious. We just say we're shutting you down because we don't
like Muslims. Right? We don't we don't want you in our country.
Right. We tolerate a lot of things but niqab beards, and all your
politics and what have you. We just don't want it okay, I'm just
surprised that they're actually still trying to have a legal
cover. I guess they they got themselves
bound up with with human rights and all these
You know, manmade ideals that nobody really is bound to, except
that they're now bound to it just for the public face of it. That's
it. Okay. Truth comes to shove, but when push comes to shove, no
one's bound to anything that they make up. If I make up some rights,
and I say, Hey, listen, let's say I get employees, right? And I say,
hey, employees, we you got all these rights?
Who made up the rights? I did? Okay, the moment I don't feel like
I'm benefiting from these rights anymore, what do I do? I just
change them. Okay. Oh, you have a contract? Do you have? Are you
going to pay a lawyer to sue me? Right?
No, you have no ability to physically sue me. So tear up the
contract. That's it. That's the nature of if you don't have any
taqwa, and you don't report to anything greater than you, that's
how you behave. Okay. So France has started the process of
shutting down the overnight mosque in the in the in the Basque green
But this isn't the first time it has done so. And since 2020 23,
Masada had been shut down.
And its critics say is a direct action against French Muslims who
make up 6% of the population. By the way, that's nonsense. It's way
more than six, like way more. You go in certain parts of Paris. And
I've been to Paris two or three times. You go to certain parts,
it's all Arabs. It's you you go to any train station in the country
of France. And yeah, Mama do 10 People turn around. Okay.
France's Minister of the Interior and overseas, Gerald,
Gerald darmanin, whatever revealed this on Twitter saying at the
request of the President of the Republic, the fight against
Islamist separatism continues, again, let's cut to the chase,
just say Islam. I rather much cut to the chase than this veiled
human rights nonsense and you trying to put a separatism? What
if I want to separate where's my freedom, liberty, and it didn't
Napoleon Go and die for liberty? Right, but what is it brotherhood
liberty and whatever. Okay, so my liberty to be different. And so
don't play with words, just say it as it is. Let's cut to the chase.
If there's ever going to be anything really bad, out of
Europe, it's going to be the French just butchering all the
So in 22 years 23 mosques have have shut down. The growing anti
Muslim sentiment across France's political spectrum has been a
cause of concern for rights activists read naive people and
organizations, there are no rights that you give your that you force
upon yourself.
Get just have to get it. If you force a set of rules on yourself.
No one has to follow them. You don't have to follow them what
will what will force you to follow them except some painful
In the absence of such a painful consequence, is why no one keeps a
New Year's resolution. No one goes to the gym, no one loses weight
because they put the rule on themselves. 99% of the people will
not put a keep a rule on themselves. The moment there's no
pain, there's no consequence and there's no game. Okay.
In almost all the instances of the mosque closures, mosque
representative said the French government gave inadequate or no
for this so called separatism. Reuters issued a report earlier
this year talking about how an array of powers that rights
activists and international groups including the UN, and members of
the Muslim community say gives the authorities carte blanche to close
down places of worship without proper scrutiny. And with
procedures so opaque the case can't be overturned. Okay, again,
the naivete of looking at like rules. There's no rules. It's your
heart. They hate you. That's the only rule that matters. Whatever
words you put on paper, they'll find a way around it because their
heart hates you. Okay.
feel fear. Fionnuala knee, Elaine. Okay, well, they butcher our names
all the time to let's put all these friends names. A UN Special
Rapporteur on the protection of human rights say it's Kafka esque
Kafka. He's an author
from the old from not the old times, but maybe a century ago
told the news agency of the legal procedures used in such cases,
which can include evidence where the source is an identified the
flirtation with secret evidence is wearing and it but it also
breaches provisions in international treaties relating to
the right to a fair trial and equity before the law. So all
these people need to get the memo. Wake up and smell the coffee that
what humans do is what they want to do and what they love to do,
not what they agree on on a piece.
certpaper means nothing. Go look at the Islamic countries. They
claim we got the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger and
every most of the Presidents though, give lip service to this.
Do they want to follow it? No, they don't want to. So it doesn't
matter even when you have a religion. It's what people want to
do. So what is this anti separatism law when the French
authorities decided to shut down the O'Byrne a mosque they cited
its prayer leader or Imam saying he was radicalized.
Further accusing the person of carrying out radical preaching
activities, taking a hostile attitude towards French society
and making provocative comments against the values of the
Republic, which he should do. But the foolishness is living in their
You should have all these views and probably
if I read his views, I'd probably say it's too mild. It's too
watered down. This is not radical. This is weak, it should be far
worse, but you should leave their country. What are you living in
their country for? They don't want us there.
The only people that really have a case are the Born French Muslims.
So though they're born French and they convert, now that's the
problem. I'd love to watch that arena. Right. I love to watch what
you know, a Pierre who becomes a Muslim. That's what I want to see.
John Luke becomes a Muslim. Like that's what I want to see. But a
Moroccan goes to be an imam in France.
It is a controversial anti separatism law that allows the
authorities a free hand in targeting French Muslims by using
this concept of separatism. Since the implementation of the law,
which has received criticism from many observers, including rights
defenders, academics and activists, the life of Muslims in
France has come under strict scrutiny.
Critics of the law call it restrictive and repressive
while the Moreover, the newly released European Islamophobia
report 2021 mentions in its executive summary for the state of
anti Muslim sentiment in France that this law which is supposed to
provide a strong response against terrorism, and radical Islam has
in fact provoked
a violent crackdown on Muslim visibility and organization. It
effects the first most visible Muslims first and most visible
mostly by extending a ban on religious symbols to many other
spaces and criminalized any attempt to organize independent
Muslim worship and fight Islamophobia by carrying out
abusive cultures.
One of the
abuse of closers one of the crucial findings in the report
states that the arbitrary closure or disillusion of many Islamic
bodies, such as Association schools, mosques and restaurants
or publishing houses, has very often been justified by
unconvincing reasons. It is also important to question the
intentions of the French government, which essentially is
the French people. It is not the government a reflection of the
people in implementing a policy that goes so far to criminalize
criminalized Muslim Enos. People, could you please read history a
little bit? Okay, can you please read history? Some brothers,
you're the youth, they don't know. Their why to French hate Muslims.
It's this is ancient, we're past more than 1000 years.
Okay. And you think like, the soldiers from the Crusader times
didn't come back and pass it on. And that soldier lived, you know,
70 years, and he's a grandfather, you know, 70 years after coming
back and live to 90 years old or 100 years old, and pass it on to
his son and his son, pass it on to his son. And then there was
another crusade for hundreds of years, up until the colonial
times, which was just crusades by for another motive. That's it, the
motive had changed. They are no longer interested in Christianity.
When the colonial period began, they were no longer interested in
Christianity they did it for for money for dunya. But So same idea.
So these people left their homes to kill you.
When you come to their home, you think that you're gonna get,
like hosted well or something like that, or, or are treated well
Slama phobia, Islamophobia in France is primarily the result of
the state, which is the people
which seeks to establish an Islam of France which removes self
determination for France was able to make the Muslims without Islam,
whatever you want to call it.
The least people who went in the ancient times were the British.
They were mostly the colonizers. In the for us in Islamic history
is the modern period, right? From the colonial from the ancient
times. We're talking 1000 years ago and more. It was the French
and the Spanish
and so
I'm Italian, because Northern Italy is it's closer to mainland
Europe, in their temperament and politics.
Germany was not very present in the ancient times, nor was
England. Now you fast forward to the colonial times. It's England
leading the way, followed by France. And, again, a little bit
of Italy and the Germans. I don't know what they never had much of
an appetite for colonization, right? They had a colony here and
there, but they didn't have much of an appetite. Okay. So when
Muslims go to Europe, I think their situation in their home
countries has to be so bad, that that going to Europe to the land
of these crusaders was an option. And I'll tell you what else
It's that
the generations in England in Europe swung back and forth. So we
had these hardliners that followed the old allegiances. And that were
enemies to the Islamic world. Then they, they maybe they do some
abuses, maybe things get really bad.
And the next generation, they get they feel bad. They're liberals.
They're soft hearted. And like, let's let's not do this to the
people, let's, let's bring some Senegalese in, let's bring the
Algerians in, let's bring some Bengalis into England, blah, blah,
blah, let's open the doors for these poor people, we really
abused them too badly, right? The son of the general and the abuser
and the killer, you know, he has a rich son who's like, soft in his
heart, like, in a good way. He's a nice guy. Let's bring these
Bengalis in to England. Let's bring these Pakistanis here, and
let's bring the Algerians into France, let's open the door, and
it could benefit us, they can work and we could tax them. But we feel
that we want to make up for all that loss. Well, that's wonderful.
And that's the reason why Muslims go there. Because the these people
talk like this. Okay, then what happens? That generation opens the
door to much another generation Hold on a second, wait a second. I
mean, I walked down my street, and no one speaks English. And that
produces a reaction. Conservatives, no, no, we're gonna
lose France like this, we're gonna lose England. What does it mean to
be French? Look at our soccer team. There's not a single French
guy on the team, right? They're all Algerian, they're all
Senegalese or whatever.
And it swings back.
Okay, give it another five years, 10 years, it'll Swing, swing back,
and it keeps swinging back and forth. So these nations themselves
have a type of
two mindedness in themselves. So they'll bring you in because they
feel bad for you. Then the guy who brings you in, gets voted out that
generation gets voted out. A new generation comes in who can't
tolerate you.
The land of Allah is vast. Okay, I met a guy he left Belgium, not
France, Belgium. Because the Belgians are like the French,
He left Belgium because it's just use no way to actually
live well, in these countries, in the sense of fairly going up the
ladder while also trying to go up the ladder of Eman.
It's not gonna happen. So he left and he went to the Dominican
Republic. Right. And he's gonna probably leave there because it's
just like massive depression there. All right, right. Read Me
some questions before you go to the next story, which is Mohamed
salah. supposedly one of the best soccer players. He himself is
facing some serious backlash for being Muslim.
Smart as saying that the reason why people go or why France pulls
people in is for cheap labor and diversity for cheap labor, but
then they regret it afterwards. Right? Like oh, it's too brown
now, right.
Footage went viral, showing Chelsea fans in a pub singing a
song about Salop being a bomber incident is the latest incident of
I have to be honest with you, you know a little bit of you know
this type of stuff.
It doesn't move me to be honest with you
that's the story right?
I mean, by the way, look, if
the bomber the Yankees are called the Bronx bombers, right? It's
almost like that's not really that bad. As as a as a curse. Oh, you
blow stuff up.
That's it doesn't really.
It's not like they're making fun of your face or your nose. That
would be far worse. Right? As a soccer player. Yeah, like it's
like they say this stuff all the time. This is so normal and
fanatics. Oh,
Yeah, all the terrible stuff. Oh, totally. Right. I remember Jeremy
Lin, you know, writing this piece, as if some, you know, Jeremy Lin
is a Chinese basketball player. And he has an amazing story. But
he went out and expos a life in the NBA and he's in the G League,
unfortunately, like he couldn't really make an in the NBA anymore.
But he's in the G league. And he says the racism in the G League,
okay. And what's the article?
The guy comes by him, right? And he's and he says, you know, the
guy who's guarding him, Lin misses a shot. Nice shot Coronavirus, and
he moves out right?
And you're Are you seriously gonna write an article for that? Like
come on What what happened there anymore? Like no one has any sense
anymore. Right? That yeah, there is banter that is somewhat
upsetting. Fine, but you can say something back, right. So
Chelsea fans singing salah is a bomber.
Come on, right? It's not much of a to me. And I'm telling you for
stuff that's directed against us. Right? When I was in seventh
People, we used to make fun of each other. And grade school is
bad, right? in grade school. The first thing that you do when you
find somebody you got to find his weakness, right? Because you never
know he's gonna lash out at you. You got to have something ready.
Like for example, maybe his whatever about him. That's how it
was. I'm not saying it was good, but that's how it was.
They used to say to me something like, oh, where's your prayer mat?
I used to say, Man, these parents are gorgeous. You're not this is
not a put down. Our rugs are beautiful houses that are put
down. So people have to think thicken up their skin. I'm not
even reading the rest of this article. Right? To be honest with
AFC I don't know who that is. Football Club, I guess. have
launched the investigation.
Please, a Muslim I'm telling you. Not really a big deal. Okay.
I would not want to be seen whining about this.
All right.
Not to really extend the discussion on sports too much. But
you know, who is the biggest whiner of all time is Scottie
Pippen? This guy is the most negative does anything exude out
of this guy except complaints? Complaining about Jordan
complaining about the coach complaining that what's his name?
Number seven, whatever that European guy got the final shot.
He's still complaining about that. 9094
the coach uses him at what's his name? Phil Jackson, in in a game
that they had to win uses Pippen as a decoy and gives the ball to
that European dude. Okay, who was a great offensive player. Okay. He
uses him as a decoy. And until today, Pippin is bitter about it.
Nothing exudes out of the sky except negativity. That's why
you're not a mega number one superstar when people love it,
although he's one of the best players, but it's just all
I was going to read the news today and today's the day of reading
Muslim news. But I gotta be honest with you, I can't it's all just
terrible, terrible news. So, in India, Muslims got flogged.
Okay, they got flogged. I just can't read this anymore. It's just
so bad. We just battered around from pillar to post terrible.
Muslims in multiple areas of India are facing arrest demolition, and
even they're getting flocked for disrupting Navaratri celebrations.
According to the new belt, new Delhi's MC two media guy said that
three Muslims are accused of disrupting these celebrations.
The village was demolished.
And they flogged these people
the men were taken into custody, they were booked. And I just can't
read this stuff. And it's just every single article is like a sob
story for Muslims. Here's
Jinjiang Muslims in China. All right, next article. It's going to
Afghanistan. A man is so poor that he sort of went crazy. I guess he
killed three of his sons.
To arrested in ads of a stabbing outside of Coventry mosque.
It's just everything is just getting beat up from pillar to
That's the the era that we're living in. But let's read this
story from the outside the Coventry mosque. Two men have been
suspected or arrested on suspicion of murder.
After a 52 year old Muslim man was stabbed to death outside of El
Medina central mosque and Institute in Coventry.
Five Pillars stop these popups I don't want I'm not signing up with
any emails.
It's up the popups police were called to the mosque just after
9pm to reports of a fight involving a large group and knives
were pulled out officers found two people who had been injured
including a 50 year old two year old man was stabbed. What is
England turning into some like backwoods country now just being
stabbed left and right marches left and right. A second man age
44 suffered a small stab wound.
56 year old man was arrested by armed officers.
A 27 year old suspect was arrested, all questioned for this
In a statement on Monday, Mohammed Kadri the head of the mosque said
It is with great sadness and distress that I announced that
last night we made the funeral prayer
at 8:55pm. All right, a man by the name of hijab Rob Nawaz was
viciously stepped outside the mosque.
The victim had his car targeted initially then was stabbed.
He was rushed into the mosque for safety and sanctuary and only to
collapse inside the mosque
and breathed his final breaths. The attackers did not hold back
and they continued their assault they came into the mosque carpark
which is the parking lot holding large knives and machetes. Like
what country is this? Like? Weird way of killing somebody searching
for the victim.
We believe this was instigated and preplant and it has has to do with
the Family Feud.
I speak on behalf of the mosque and the local communities who can
severely condemn this vile, despicable and callous Act. The
life of any individual is precious and sacred.
I request the local community allowed the police to carry out
their investigations.
This was an isolated incident and it is not part of religious or
communal tensions. Why am I reading it then?
Right. It's not really omoide news is just this family's news. Okay,
so that's the important part. That's just it's a family feud has
nothing to do with omoide news
All right, let's go to the q&a Because I'm not I don't really
like any of the stories today. All the stories are just are Qatar
spends $200 billion on the World Cup.
And we wonder why we have an OMA that's a failure. When that money
could have gone you know to your it's for entertainment. What are
they going to win back how much money you're gonna make back 400
billion? No, I doubt it.
Imran Khan contempt charges were dropped against him. None of this
is really omoide news.
Yemeni ceasefire talks break down in Yemen. I'm going to open up
YouTube and Instagram and I'm going to look for your comments
and questions before we make our dua.
All right announcements.
We have reached Masha Allah, we've reached our limit, not our limit
our goal, we reached our goal. Of course, people could still donate
but we reached our goal. And I'm going to pull that off the launch
good. Plus, I want people to know that when we ask for a certain
amount of money, that's all we're taking. We're not going to see an
opening and keep taking more. Right because we need the donors
out there in our community. People don't know what we're talking
about. We had a goal on launch good to collect money for three
Shabaab to go to ombre. Okay, threes about to go we got it.
We're gonna give them longer to trip and travel on time.
And we have to pray that they accept it first of all, but if
they don't accept it, we go to the next but three Shabaab high school
youth will go to ombre thanks to your efforts.
Okay, thank you to the your efforts and your charity. And it's
really an amazing thing. Okay.
That how fast like we didn't even put a Facebook post or a Twitter.
I don't even think I put Twitter up a post up or Instagram post.
It's just through the live stream, and the ArcView chats. That's
literally all the only place I put it and to have a couple friends.
It's the intention. It's the the goal, the idea that you can send a
high school youth from America to ombre is going to be a great
protection. They're all public school kids, too, that we're
sending off. We want to send the kid that's that's vulnerable to
you know, these these influences anti Muslim and anti like Islamic
influences yet at the same time, that they showed effort and these
youth they put over 200 hours in the masjid, I think maybe even 250
If we count, we go past Coronavirus, right.
Before Corona. I mean,
amazing. It's amazing that the community that you're all going to
get the reward for that. So that's the first announcement. Right?
Second and next year, next year 10 Our goal is going to be 10 next
Next announcement today is the day for Chef a
Yeah, us chef Yeah, yeah, sign up for ArcView dot orgy so that you
can get educated in your FIP sign up today. And you get over 40 pre
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sign up for that and sign up for ArcView plus if you're a student
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you go to arc view dot orgy and you sign up for arc view plus if
you are thought of in okay and you sign up for ARCs you plus and you
get you can join now the chef a fit class. It's amazing and
sorry the Jehovah to hate class. So today is checked with Sam is
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what's the next announcement right You want to support the podcast and support the stream
which is now streaming on Spotify. You can get these recordings on
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everywhere support [email protected] backslash Safina society all right
what do we got here? People agreeing with me here that what
the heck are you serious song about salah that's what you're
worried about calling him a bomber? Not an article.
Okay, not anything worthwhile
let's see what else we got.
Anglo Saxons have similar roots to Vikings.
But they went to England getting rid of the native Celts than the
Anglo Saxons were in power for a few centuries. The Vikings got
northern of the Isles.
I'm not exactly totally familiar with
to be honest with you. Scandinavian and
and Celtic history to be quite honest with you.
Do we fast on the 12th reveal? Oh, well. No, the medic yes, they
wouldn't fast on yet. They consider it like I eat so we don't
fast on it. Jennifer Friel. I'm not sure if it reaches the level
of difficulty that would make that day right, can you zoom up to see
what she's saying?
if you don't have running, if you don't have running hot water can
you make to your moon or of course, or the fact that you can
heat it keeps changing, you keep heating it. So in the countries
that have really really cold weather, like really cold weather.
There are a lot to make Tamil for Fetch, fetch, in the middle of the
day, they could put a fire on and turn and heat up the water. Today
in these days, if you know that it's going to happen in this day
and age, I believe and Allah knows best that.
If you heat up water on a stove, and there is not much difficulty
in doing that, then we can warm up the water and then make we do from
it. Because that Fetzer about the TM came at a time when you would
have to light a fire and lighting a fire means go and get wood,
blah, blah, blah. This is how much so those mountaineers Muslims that
lived in the mountains and the water would literally be so cold
during fetch they make Tamil but the same they don't get the same
Rosa for the hoorah
Some evidencia because you're up and awake, and you could light a
fire, no problem. But
in today now fast forward, what is the purpose of the of this photo?
Is that
it's, it's a hardship to light a fire. But for us, is it a hardship
to turn the stove on? Not really, if you're gonna get up and you
turn the stove on for five minutes, that water's warm enough
to make
or stick it in the microwave even
at less of an issue, okay? That water is warm enough or not cold
enough to warrant
Obey to get double the reward and punishment for sins and good
to adult baits. We know that about the well it's not that they get
double, because we know that the double is explicitly mentioned for
the wives of the Prophet.
But what we do know is that
that they have an there have a Noble gift that Allah gave him the
nobility of being part of the prophets lineage. So if they do
good, sort of, it's polished by that lineage. And if they do bad,
then it's worse because they've
they have the sin of sort of not living up to and giving a bad name
to maybe a little bit and Allah knows best.
Does emotional pain cleanse sins? Yes, it does. Of course it does.
Yes, emotional pain is probably far worse than than physical pain,
right? Just do an analogy like this. I mean, if you had
if on the day of your wedding,
or let's put it this way, your your your son is getting married,
you're the happiest mom in the world. And then you step on a
Alright, or the day that you get a raise, and you have a windfall of
money of $50,000 coming to you.
Right, which is not even that much money. But let's say $50,000 is
coming to you. Yet on that day, you have a big fight with your
husband, and he storms out of the house. Which which is worse,
right? So physical pain is less than emotional pain. Muscle Pain
is far worse.
The Mad bison says I feel insecure about my hair loss.
I feel like I won't be able to get married. What advice do you have
for me? Well, I mean
the Cydia allows you to return what you lost. So maybe you can
consider there. I remember the old Islamic magazines, they always
have these solutions for hair loss and that this is something that is
hard for this person to do. And we shouldn't
you know, belittle anything, you can go and investigate the
procedures that can be done for this.
Okay, so Habib says that they have these in Turkey so
right, and that's it is across the board. It is hella
jam as sockets to return to your body what you were born with, and
lost. Right. And I think it's getting cheaper and cheaper
every year. So it's almost like someone who loses a tooth, you can
bring it back.
No, you can put teeth because it's based on like, what is the general
human being born with? Right? Generally the human being is born
with this stuff. So he can put it
some people my by the way women can do it to some women lose their
hair. There's chemicals that come in
into our bodies for oxygen. Right? Allah knows best. Also, what was I
going to tell you?
If you have a nicely shaped head
some people are gifted their head is shaped beautifully. go bald.
Right Michael Jordan was the first guy to make this popular and
celebrities up forget. He had a good shaved head. Not everyone has
a nicely shaved head. It probably be the easiest thing in the world,
right? You have to wake up and comb your hair every day.
In any event
I like to have no hair personally because you enjoy it every time
you go in the shower. It's just Oh, it's so easy. Yeah. If you
haven't actually shaved head
All right, what fifth questions we have here? Some said if you say
you can't ask others to make dua for you,
the prophets I send a made dua and told say normally do not forget us
in your DUA.
All the prophets I sent him said to all my love himself when he was
going to Amara, don't forget us in your DUA spot Allah is the Prophet
said that, does he even need anyone's dua? Is it permissible
says Hawkman to invest in Bitcoin?
It's different upon but the answer is yes, there are many scholars
that approved of it
is what is our opinion? Why did not a lot of traditional scholars
say anything about Yusuf al Qaradawi? Well, they did have a, I
guess, a rivalry with him in terms of maybe the men heads that he
approached, and they didn't really appreciate his fatawa maybe a lot
of but I, I personally, don't like to have a lot of, that's why I
don't like to get close to people to be honest with you. Keep a nice
healthy distance, it's easier to have what we call Hudson oven.
Right? It's easier to have a good opinion of Muslims, right? When
you have a distance from them,
if you know what I mean. But if you get too close, and you have a
massive feud with another scholar, it's gonna be very hard for you to
have a pure heart towards him. And I personally don't like that. So I
like to have a like a clean heart towards people. And the cost of
that is don't get too close. In other words, to close meaning,
don't get intertwined with with in anything that would result in a
I personally don't like that
All right, Snake juice, you got your wish.
Snake juice, he asked us to put up matrimonial. Now I'm sitting in
the studio, Ryan and Habib, they're like we this is not a good
How many of you are against it? Okay, look, look at how Hasson
Osmani wants to do it. Him and his wife.
people submit biodata at NBC dot orgy, backslash moda, we'll put it
in the chat.
Yes, it's on MSC showed. Now how do they do it, there is no
shopping around, there will be no pictures up, you will fill out
your vital data and fill out a survey to the best of your
capability. Okay, now, if you're just joining us, listen up, if you
want to get married, we're trying to facilitate this for people, for
people to meet others. And if you're if you're on this stream,
then you probably have, you know, similar beliefs. So that's one
thing that you could check off. So, if you go to this website, you
gotta fill out hazardous money says fill out as much bio data as
possible. Don't put something like I like to travel, or I like eating
dinner, or like
buying cats, or having cat as a pet. Okay, I like sleeping. I like
you don't say these general things. Make it as specific as
possible about your beliefs about your families? How do you want to
raise a family? Where do you want to live? What industry job are you
in? Good. What's your background? What must you do go to as much
data as possible. Okay. Now what they do is they they read, they'll
read yours. Let's say it's a woman, she puts in all these
things that she's all about, you got to put as much detail as
possible. They then we'll go to the brothers and see, where's the
compatibility? Let's say you're 50% compatible, but
you're 90% compatible, but you say we have to live in, in in
Leicester, England.
And then another guy is like, perfectly compatible, but
they want to live let's say in in in,
in the United States, Idaho, America. Okay.
So they may just say, Listen, you guys are totally compatible. But
if you're willing to negotiate on the place of location, and the
email was the guy that emailed the girl, yeah. Are you compatible to
move? Are you is it up for negotiation? Is it compatible for
you? No. He says no. on the clock. They drop it. So they there is
it's as hilarious as it can be. Because nobody is you're not
scrolling through pictures of women and pictures of men. They're
gonna they're the ones who are going to read your bio data and
find somebody that's
Do you? Okay? So not only do you have to write what you really want
with detail, you also have to write what you don't believe in.
Like, I will not marry. It's not negotiable for me to live in
France. It's not negotiable to me if
you support this or that or the other.
All right. So it's NBI C dot orgy
mbyc dot
where's my dot networking? Cheese? Right. Can you type it in please?
NBC bases that were backslash, Melinda
Yeah, the simple spelling no h is no funny business.
Habib, I'm gonna I'm gonna fill what you want in for you.
Yeah. I didn't know where it goes. You if someone else chooses you,
then you get sent. So your bio data has information that you have
sent and has an they're gonna have so much work. They're gonna have
so much we're gonna be a million people are gonna Yeah.
My age range. Yeah.
Like, what if there's no girl in that age range that applies? Then
then No, you won't get an email? Yeah, so let's say you put in I'm
I work in the car rental industry.
I study medically flip on Pakistani.
Get a I want to live in New Jersey.
And as snake juice, like the comment yesterday, I'm anti woke.
I have no tolerance for any of this. For these liberals. I have
no tolerance for liberals. Right? What else? Is biodata? Hmm.
They're not what hobbies will not answer the household. Right?
Stuff like that.
I'm looking for somebody who is younger than me.
It doesn't have she doesn't have to be Pakistani. She could be
pretty much anything. Right? And she needs to study with me. She
has to be a woman who loves knowledge. Okay, she has to have
this, that or the other. Okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah. So go to the website.
Alright. And you could be European doesn't make a difference because
they're just emailing you. They're gonna email you. Hey, are you
interested in this type of person? Here's their biodata no names
mentioned. You're gonna say yes. Go to the other person. Are you
interested in his bio data? Yes. Okay, now you can guess a mutual
email will be sent to you. Where this person matches with you. You
both seem to you wanted to meet each other. Now meet each other.
Okay. And, and go deal with it. Okay
our Amara is going to Medina first. Yeah, I thought he didn't
tell me how many people the internet is done on my phone again
he didn't tell me how many let's ask about that. How many spots
Yeah, answer me please.
You're gonna get you're not gonna get a spot soon. Salem. How many
spots left? How many spots
Can you send names? Can you
and names
all right. So y'all you all understand how this this marriage
thing works. I want to see people get married. I can't stand having
this. You have NEMA and you see these people suffering? Well life
is suffering. Okay? Being single like this
alright, so that's Habib's basically. That's heavy vital
data. Right? What else you want to say about yourself? Have you
you said that
he wants a woman who's doing it with God all night.
hams Oh saying says Hyderabadi Biryani is a must
man no one answered the travel agency hasn't answered mom's email
What is it
all right now listen to this.
The land package we haven't even released it. I don't even know I
I don't I didn't get yet the
the roster for this demo so I keep asking him for the roster that
would give me the roster yet. I need the roster to know how many
spots are left. Who's going, who hasn't been email hasn't been
answered. So all this okay
how are Assam Saudi Coura different from other Coura
there will hubby's. That's a difference. They recite? Well, so
many of them recite very well, but they have a different athlete.
Are the books of Hassanal Ben okay to read? Did he write a lot of
books? He did read a couple books, and I read them. Yes, I didn't
mind them, like in knowledge, which I liked him to be honest
with you. And I liked him.
I know many people are Egyptians are like allergic to him. But yes,
they differ that he shouldn't have started this organization and
blah, blah, blah. Okay, you can have critiques of that knowledge
wasn't emphasized enough or whatever.
It was righteous men, in my opinion, my personal belief?
is a sin committed in a video game the same as a real sin? No.
But it depends what you're doing in these video games, but no, it
is not a real sin.
Can I do it off idea, Dane says me as a Hanafy, if I'm convinced of
the evidences, or is a very good question. He's convinced of the
evidences in another method. So I would tell you this, you need to
review your methodology first.
You shouldn't be studying the evidences of other modalities, you
should be studying the methodology of the month of of your choice,
your Hanafi that is not a nationality that you're born with.
It's not an ethnicity.
It's a choice based on the azul of this method. So study the
methodology of the method, the Imams of the method, and then
either be convinced or not convinced, if you are convinced
that these these methods this also this methodology of deriving
rulings is sound and is correct.
Then you follow it with everything.
That's your methodology. That's the way to go about it not the way
of what you're doing of studying the evidence of a particular mess
Ella from another method, no study that will soon have the Shafi
mother study that also love the Hanafi madhhab. Take your time
doing that.
Make a decision, then you live your life on that discussion over.
How do I tell a kid about mold when he's already brainwashed, and
he thinks in the sheets are haram.
He's a kid. Just wait until he stumbles on some sins, and he'll
be humble a little bit. He'll get humble a little bit and then who
realize why people are doing what they're doing. Because we need to
revive ourselves.
We need to revive our deen we need to revive our love of the prophets
of Allah who it was Saddam. Okay.
Chief Latif, can I come visit the stream in December? Yes.
And we've actually we are in the process of preparing a get a guest
or a hosting crew that will be at Nila he to Allah
act as a as host to all the guests that we're going to receive that
we've been receiving lately
and they're going to have insha Allah Tada like there it's going
to be it's going to be like a little bed and breakfast
it's not going to be with like a nice bed or anything. It will be
like with a cot almost.
And but you have towels you have bathroom you have some eggs, you
have some coffee machine etc.
I received some tough news to take today can you all make dua for me
says my ham in the delay when they Rojo allah how to make things easy
for you at today's Wednesday between Dota and us so make a
strong da vida says would you recommend people to move to Saudi
I never lived there myself. So I can't tell you yes or no Have you
ever made a loss if something were there yeah pretty I thought was
pretty strong as he said like a lot of people want to move to
Mecca where he was living, but like the responsibility that you
have to uphold there's a spiritual responsibility at every moment.
Yeah, it's pretty pretty good like the you can't go into sins and
love law when you're living in this these holy lands.
If someone is very close to accepting Islam, should you push
them? It's a case by case basis if you know them, and you know that
their personality needs a push then yes. If not, then no.
So chief Latif, you need to contact us, like a week in advance
so we can prepare the house for you. And you get three days all
our guests get maximum three days, then we charge you. We should
probably charge you from before that. But why? Because it is a
stress on the guests committee, right
oh Muhammad Daniel has an end. Really good question. Who are the
CEO of the person? What is your Islamic influence? That's a really
good point. You got to put that, right. You got to put that good.
What's your Islamic influence? Where do you learn your deen from?
That's a very good point
the basis of the substitution theory of Jesus is it based on
Islam? Elliot, I have to double check that. No, well, no, it's
based on the Quran. Like who it was maybe a theory. But Allah
subhanaw taala says in the Quran we're lacking should be hello when
they did arrest a body that they stopped was Jesus. And they
punished that body whose body was it? Is the question was he made to
look like his enemy was his enemy made to look like him? And then
they punished him so that his say now he says enemy received the
Judas that question is not in the Quran. But while aircon should be
held at home, while Salah who will not cut a loo we're lacking should
be held home. Okay. Now listen to this. There was a chef in Egyptian
He was jailed in America. He talked to the the jailer of the
guard. And he said,
I start saying what's your belief? What's your religion? He said
Jesus. And he said you love Jesus? He said, Yes. Well, let me give
you would you want me to give you good news about Jesus? He said
yes. He said, Okay, tomorrow, right? So the
next day you want this. He said, This is amazing news if you truly
love Jesus, but I won't tell you today tell you tomorrow. He kept
waiting, waiting. What till the guy said, Tell me. So he he got
him curious. First of all, he said repeat after me. Well, mouse Allah
boo. Well, now Cthulhu will consume your home. Right? He said
Jesus was never crucified nor felt an ounce of pain.
The guy was so happy, right? He truly loved Jesus. You don't want
him to have any pain, right? He never experienced not one prick of
Okay, and he became so happy. Right? And a little bit time
passed and he became Muslim. The guard
Sharif Antonia says a Muslim college frat house with vicar
nights instead of parties. Yeah, yes. And no. The thing is that
the frat houses are filthy.
So we want to
Oh, yeah, it feels much better to live with your parents. Right?
Food is nice. house is clean. It's actually a house. There's people
there. So
the frat houses besides the frat house party, then yeah.
So Maliki click when you come you could stay here, but if you the
hotel will be much more comfortable. But people are free
to crash here.
Okay, Sharif is just putting his bio data right here follows a
mother. If she doesn't fall in love. It's a red flag. Okay.
Red flag.
No, I wouldn't totally be that strict. If she's anti meth hub as
a as a as a position. That's a red flag, right? Like the you've
solidified your position that these methods are all wrong. I'm
not following any one of them. That's an issue because that's not
compatible to someone who believes in a mother but someone who just
shouldn't have a mother if she doesn't study she never know any
better. Right? I remember a sister. She said that. When
someone was she married a guy. The guy was teaching her about
motherhood. And he said well Malik is from Medina.
Abu Hanifa is from Kufa.
She said where's Kufa? He said Iraq.
She said Abu Hanifa is from Iraq. All the summer thought he's from
Some people just don't know. You can assume assume that
People know stuff.
Sophia, how do you answer a child who asks, Why did Allah create the
universe and mankind when he doesn't need anything? The answer
is out of generosity and love for the creation, to give generosity
and to be generous and to love the creation. And so that they could
have the greatest gift is to love Allah by choice.
Because once they love Allah by their own free will and their own
choice, the generosity that they will receive will have no bounce.
Are we ready to go to our
to our
let's go to our ViewController
swift cases, how do we be consistent?
All right, I'll give you a trick. If you struggle with consistency,
the reason that you struggle with consistency
is you forget and the solution to forgetting is remembering.
And the way to remember something is to write it everywhere.
Okay, to write it everywhere, like we in America, we drive cars a
lot. So anything that you have in your car, like little cue cards,
keep them in your car. You as soon as you get in your car you
remember it your phone screensaver so but you got to keep it simple.
Let's say it's a rotten computer simple. Just keep reminding
yourself about it. Everywhere you put you write it down, you keep it
so that's the disease of consistency what what why do
people aren't consistent because they forget
the solution to forgetfulness is reminders. So constant reminders,
but you got to keep it simple. All right, let us move on now to again
question on the automata land package. Yes, you can get the land
package and then get your own flight and meet us there. We will
be arriving at Medina December 23. Just get your flight to December
23. Two, Madina Munawwara and you can meet us there all right we
will insha Allah to Allah recite now is vinous
Imam and had dad and then we will do a little bit of dua, we ask
Allah to Allah to bless this short vicar that we're gonna do in this
short DUA
and accept all of our prayers, all those who are seeking health and
wealth and marriage and children and amen and freedom from sins. We
ask Allah to Allah to bless them all, and accept this dua from
everybody. And all those who are sick and all those who are
suffering in the OMA Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa Salatu was
Salam, that it be that Allah alleviate their sins, their
hardships, and their sicknesses and their pains and replace it
with happiness.
Happiness and baraka and blessings in this life and the next
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim enough I don't know like if that's her
movie in the afero like Allahumma taka demon them bigger one that
with you to me no matter where they go and the Consolata must be.
When surah Allah Who knows Ronda Aziz, we can end Allahu wa Jia,
would you aim for dunya funeral to me and Animoca are being rejected
here Linda D fatahna sama what you will miss Mala Rama? Rahimi
Nostrum and Allah who have had somebody who was she didn't want
me in your, uh, your lady in a man who know sorta like anakata he's
seven about a minute how are you gentlemen on Saudi it Allah, God
how are you? On site Allah? Allah Allah Allah Allah who will hire
you later to do center to win I know local mafia somehow to him
when the lady is following the who in the evening, Jana mama been ad
mama fell for home. What are your Hey Tony Shea in me
was he I could see us somehow it was
what I would have loved them our Hualalai you will have the
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah, Quran Allah Allah Javon and Lara
eita Aakash moto Saudi America Shatila within Good afternoon
everybody. nasira Lomita vaca rune will Lola de la ilaha illa who are
limited by the Russia that the word Rama nor Rahim Allah Allah de
la ilaha illa who al Malik reproducers salam ala MENAUL
Mohammed Aziz al Jabbar will in which I can bear Subhan Allah Hi
I'm Matthew Shikun. Who Allah Allah Allah appleberry almost a
widow learn as
you said the hola home if it's somehow it will follow the Wahoo
Allah as easily Heike. Are you gonna have Sybil HRM in Colima is
now we are learning we will Serbia in a way I'm Shiva Judaism
wherever there should be a day
way to kind of movie chef attain Hassan Turnipseed Billerica local
government shettima aka for genuine ncwa doru as a jar who are
Jonathan Takada, such as
Illa viral
along with any other Erica fino who the other he went over the
weekend shooting at him with a high yielding him or making him
one mica at him outfit now turned out to be our Two Minute genuine
ends. Yeah half Alia huffy Yeah keffi More he Subhanak Yara Masha
next to us all Barnack to Hudson to
OB ayatullah at lab one via Rasul Allah was solid eliminate the
Sultan of Billa illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
and he was Allah
Allah Maharaj anemia Nicoletti Latin McMuffin EB Kenefick de la
ROM or how many of you put the rhotic Allah for Allah Allah
quantity party when
he returned Mr. 80 in the area that Mr. 18 Yeah here then Mr. Ed
that we can head again you have the record head again yeah, that I
can head again. It finished recording our opinion probably
laden oh no how her Illa para Pena Procopio higher in the curriculum
Isha and Kadir, Bismillah, AR plaintiff, Simeon Colima, the
oming Cooley has said Allah was Shiva Amis Malay repeat Allah
humara been hibel bursts HV Anta Shafi wifey Anton Wi Fi last year
Illa Shiva, Shiva and layover de recerca hola Elena Caffee wifey
Hamid yeah Madrid Irfan Nicoleta Vinci did work Fini minute had
your Hadid Walmart on the shady wall Jason I did watch a lien or
aminu. Gois Amina is a quote from Cobra Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha said we're heroes heroes attic with either mentor
either Jelani only crow world MOBA Hibbeler as elegant tech finiman
Chalakudy Disher in the cantle lol Hello Paul Akbar Allahu Allah said
you know Muhammad in my early he was on me he was a limiter Sleeman
Kathy Iran Pavan Mubarak and fie what hamdulillah Hera Bella and I
mean you know about and and why that Cooley Halia or hamara Hey me
I would take five minutes for door?
Salam Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam
Subhan Allah not a beggar Avila is that yeah, I'm IOC foon was
Morsani no Al Hamdulillah Rob, Bella and me