Shadee Elmasry – NBF 112 Tafsir of Surat AlQadr
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Amanda Rahim under the law or Salatu was Salam ala assuming that
while he was on be women want to welcome everybody to the Safina
society nothing but facts live stream. And today we are on
sudents at a cuts in Enza. Now if he did it's a cult, right. Is that
correct? Or hold on a second?
All up?
We did. Let's see what?
Yes, we're on from. We finished?
And we're on.
Yes, correct. And I know from reading from tough seated Baba, we
went on Twitter today and met some of these Salafi brothers. They are
so annoyed, so angry that Sheikh
Abdullah had somebody's video that I shared. His name is Sheikh Abdul
Wahid is an Egyptian. Thank you, Lindsey, in Egypt now, but used to
live in the Emirates.
And he was like a hardcore Salafi. Then he became, he started reading
the how many books and he realizes, has nothing to do with
the Salafi. And the humbly school is very far from Santa Fe, and the
two totally different things, which is what Dr. Hudson hatch
said to in the podcast, he said, They're two separate, they're
completely different things don't mix the two up at all.
So he, he's Egyptian, right? He has sharp, stinging comments, when
he criticizes something or he goes after something. It's sharp, and
it stings, thinking and they got
so triggered by him, because he said that all the Eseni of all the
unknown, and he see it.
Also, in any curriculum that you want to go through any research
that you want to do, you will have to rely upon Sid scholar. At some
point, there's not a single subject science of the game in
you will eventually come upon in the internet, in the research in
whatever it is.
Not just one, dozens, and when I say actually, I mean maturity as
But it's insane. And send me all sorts. Why are you attacking me?
Go attack him. Right? I'm sharing it.
Because, because, sure, first of all, but they went nuts. So
Well, Alex, what he said is, you gotta just be quick with the block
these days on Twitter, for the simple reason that you get like 12
year olds and 17 year olds
talking at you, and all these things. But the thing is that you
never know who's on the back end of these things. So that's why it
at some point, you just have to be quick with the block as Alex puts
it. So let's
get straight into this after we had an amazing kickoff weekend of
all of our classes, and our classes being on arc view dot O R
G, go on arc view dot o RG which I keep telling you that we are we're
adding a second site which is like arc view is going to be a site and
the course portal will be a different site. Nonetheless, the
course portal right now is very good. And you sign up to any of
The mic is off. How's the microphone?
Can hear anything
coming up.
You can hear it
I don't know if it was fixed but
what was going on?
It's been it's got a buzz to it. I don't know why. It's no good.
Something's going on.
There is
it works now but I hear a buzz Do you guys hear a buzz?
Maybe it's my headphones that has a buzz to it.
It's good.
All right, so I guess we'll start over.
All right. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Welcome
everybody to the Safina society nothing but facts live stream.
Thank you for the youtubers telling us that the mic was off as
we kick off this week, and I was saying that we kicked off a great
week of classes, where we had our onsite classes kicked off, and our
ArcView classes kicked off, there were a lot of students in shift
Murasaki the class so you can still hop on to these classes at
any time, because you can catch up with the recordings. Plus you get
over 40 pre recorded classes. When you sign up at art view dot orgy.
The purpose of arc view is that when I give these public talks,
and any Holika and any see any person in the masjid, and they
just need something quick, and they need something accessible.
And I want to explain some of the like camps. So you just take this
course and we've made it like so cheap, it's basically free. It's
$10 a month, and you get 40 pre recorded classes. And as time goes
on, we're getting better and better at classifying it
organizing it. And the classes themselves. We're working on
getting better technology for the classes. So Sofia saw in class, my
hand was in class for the op ed class. So
it wasn't 100 Hola, a really great weekend. And you could join in at
any time. ArcView dot o RG today Hanafy FIP. Are you had enough?
Yeah. Hi, Naveen.
How does he fit with Jeff and Ron Mohammed, he's from Long Island,
which is about an hour and a half away from us here. And he's a
young chef who is very qualified to teach the Hanafi school and
besides that, I don't know if I already talked about this. So I'm
not gonna repeat it about Sheikh Hamza did humbly and how his video
has gotten everyone triggered and the amount of hate mail that I
got, it was like crazy, but you have to be as Alex like quick with
the block because there's no point in dealing with people you don't
even know you're dealing with maybe like an 18 year old or
something like that, or a 12 year old. I don't think anyone
knows really who were buying the screen names so you just ignore
it. But as soon as someone had said the seller fear and the
handling method is something completely different. And you see
that someone who was upon the humbly school, it'd be just you're
you're talking to someone on common grounds. That other group,
when you when you say something they don't like oh my goodness,
the hurls that you get when you say something that you don't like
so you have to get hate mail every once in a while. Because if you're
blunt and you're straightforward about what you're saying, and
you're not cutting corners, then people are gonna hate on you. So I
have no problem with that. I take it on behalf of everyone else in
the organization so that people know where our lines are. And our
lines are with Shut Up the hill humbly is video that you cannot go
through in any subject matter also tafsir Hadith shahrul Hadith loger
phip everything at one point or another you will have to rely in
your research in whatever in the books that you that the Maharajah
on the heads of these subjects get he will go through and actually at
some point not one many and when we say that we mean the shadow and
match what he did many he basically cutting off
all of the Medicare all of the benefits and all the share face.
When you're cutting off these two doctrines. The schools have agreed
it's absurd. That's the majority of the OMA not the majority like
the like the 90 Who knows what are like 90% 85% of the only you're
cutting them off. Ridiculous. And anyway, people get triggered and
you have to deal with it and that's part of life. Nonetheless,
Allah guide us in them. So kludze Surah tune Makita tune, it is a
makin surah in the inner and Zanna who feel a little cut. We have
revealed this. What have we revealed the entire Quran on
Laylat al Qadr. We haven't revealed the entire Quran
on lei little cards, my green here with Dino palavra pulling knowing
100 That's it. What other subjects to be honest, I mean, who else
from the Classical Period? Why do we rely on them because they saw
all the issues?
Not all the setup had to answer questions. The first three
generations did not answer all the questions because they never came
up. These new questions never came up. So the latter scholars from
the classical period and the post classical period like Gibbon
Hotjar. And now will we before him sealed
The after him they dealt with all these Messiah and that's why we go
back to them because they dealt with them and they answered them
you're going to deny you're going to put them as deviance
listen to this question from Dijon argue there are two operative
there's one more Jack Ma just for the first person taking the first
level of first Aki to class ever. This is your first time actually
formally setting up.
Osama is for those who have studied and they want to study the
bigger book, which is Johanna to toe heat with the hasha of
imaginary. Good.
All right, let's
talk about in Enza Nico, Violetta
and Zelner, who is referred to as a pronoun, and when you
aggrandized something, as an Arabic expression, you use the
pronoun and then now you and your Quran, Kynaston and YMF cool. And
Zela who Jun Latin where he didn't feel a little Kadri Mina lo
Hedmark for the innocent dunya from the low homophobe to the
lowest of the summer to remember the summer workouts are different
from the GNN
GNN are paradises
and that's closed off yet until after the judgment. But above us
are what we call semi wet,
semi wet which are skies and abodes that we cannot fathom their
size this dunya this which we for which this galaxies massive and we
don't even know where we are in the galaxy. We don't we haven't
seen the edges of the universe yet.
Right? So we don't even know where we are. Are we smack in the
middle? Are we off to the right left? We don't know.
Is the prophesy seven said it's like a ring in a desert. It's like
a ring in a desert. So that's how massive the first summer is summer
dunya. And then there's the next one. And then that is like a ring
in a desert and so on and so forth. That's how massive they are
and what happens there. Allahu Dona Ana, okay.
All right, Allah Allah. So
the summer dunya received the Quran from a low Hellmuth and
that's what the meaning of influenza now who feel a little
crowded and that night was called let's look at the night in which
Allah has decreed for this to happen.
For a while the I O fi beta is and he planned placed in beta and Aiza
there so he placed it in a physical form.
Allahu Allah and what kind of physical form but clearly must be
a glorious physical form because he's somehow the seven heavens,
seven skies. They have a physical nature to them. It's just not some
cloudy spirituality that maybe some Western images give of the
afterlife or this is not even the afterlife. This is just the
the meta Coots, this is the molk this Jr. Here the other world is
the medical route and
it was placed in beta days. So what is beta it is it is an abode.
It is a kava, the kava of the lowest heavens, and it is right
above our kava, and 70,000 angels go there every day for two off and
never go back. They're not permitted to go back but we are
permitted to go back to the cabin. That's one of the differences.
That's one of the differences between
humans and angels. They go once they never come back.
The mechanic ends up Djibouti you are a seller, new German PhD in
Asana, then saying that God will come to him in phases over 20
years 23 years, but it's nice to know that new German means in
parts so when Neji me either, however, yes, it could be the
shooting star that comes down like this, but it's also the revelation
that comes down
the majuba
and it'd be Yahoo for Karla Wimmer at the Rock murli in Jeddah novio.
And what is so, to heighten up your interest about this subject,
what is later to heighten up your your your interest
what is later to cover? So me it later Qadri the Anna Leila tune.
Leila Leila to talk the real Ohmori Well, again, it's a day in
which many things are decided once and for all. So all the a bad all
the all the sadaqa and all the sins and all the bad
means people did are weighed out and then one of your destinies is
chosen because for everything that every choice we have there is like
an avenue.
If I behave well then this will be the outcome if I don't pay well
this will be the outcome and so on and so forth. Okay, so
the final judgment of how we behaved for that year is made on
that day. So many people ask this question How do I reconcile
freewill and predestination now the moment had died he didn't like
to go into this the more you talked about
the subject the more you confusing it gets. Others have tried to give
it in a nutshell and one of the best nutshells that I came upon is
that all of your choices you are merely choice choosing from one
destiny to another and that the answer holds that there are
multiple possibilities that are all destined for you. It's
possible that I put my hand up or down there's that's a destiny
there this is there's both are predestines good. So I'm choosing
between things that are predestined. There's no such thing
as escaping it. Okay. So And furthermore, the most important
summary is destiny and other only think about it backwards. Well
think about it forwards Alright, so you don't think well what's
Allah has covered for me so I can make a decision? No, you have no
business with Allah's cover. Let's cover you can cite it after the
event after a matter takes place. Okay? All right. So let's now go
one that other accomodate
your cat zero love fear. Amara Santa Fe a bad fear a birdie will
be la de Santa Monica Bella, that the final say, of that year is
decided. Some have said that that's an issue of Shabbat. But
many many have said it's late. That's why you want to be in a
state of ADA for that. Good. You want to be in a great state of
Nevada on a little country and you can't be in a great state of a bad
if you'd ever do any a better before that. So little drama is
supposed to be a night of a bad prophets I seldom mentioned later
to Juma we have to give it a hear of little cut of a bed on that
night. And then there are other times good even in the daytime
Wednesday between Dawn and us we should have some here of at that
time. So at least some draw at that time. Yeah, it means doing
various good deeds. That's what the Prophet used to do. In the
last 10 nights of Ramadan.
Kokkola heater Allah fie how you Franco Kulu Embrun Hakeem.
Alright, in Surah dokkan fee, yo Franco Kulu Amarin Hakeem on this
day, every serious man on this night, every serious matter is
decided that's the meaning of that. sudo apt apt dokkan and many
attributed to Mr. Chavez and some attributed today to the country.
Whoa, I must double colon him God Allah Who che ebitdar Fifi
Catherine Wakanda
Canary when nadie
What can anyone know he
was shot he was shoddy. So cut that up.
So there's similar what cut Daraa be tested zeren Be MANOVA had.
So cut and cut.
p&l Hussein YBNL. Further, LA's Condor Allah who will not call the
cobbler and Yahoo Luca as summer wa t. Well herba has not Allah
Allah determined everything before He created the heavens and earth.
Now, he said yes. Do you look for murmur? nerdly little cut, then
what's the meaning of this final decision? Isn't it already decide?
He says, God so. So work on Monica de la Sol. naka de relatie Kanaka
illan ma pate. So it is destined. But the timing and the execution
is what's determined on laser cuts. So I mean, destined for you
that xy and z is going to happen to you.
But on the little cards now, it starts setting into motion. And
that's a kabbah is Allah's final will for something and Elkader is
the execution of it. That's the difference between the phrase
Qaddafi and Qatar Kaaba is His will. But Al Qaeda is the
execution of the will and it will be executed in phases in stages.
Not all at once.
Not all at once.
So welcome, maka do allottee halacha. LL ma peds what's
unfeasible. kabbah al Mukunda at 10 feet. So Allah
Electoral College, it's the 10 feet begins, it starts rolling
into action. So you start meeting this person, and this person buys
you that, and another person makes you meet so and so and then this
gets delayed. And then within six months, your life is totally
different. How did that be happened? It's because you met
this person you moved here. I mean, Habib, is buying the screen
We know him until he moved here, right? When did you move here?
Like during COVID, right? Probably six,
six years ago, and then you only started coming to MBSE.
So you started living, you're living in North Brunswick, okay.
You don't even know the mustard. It's just six months ago, areas
sitting behind the screen, mean,
Ryan to a couple years ago was living a hole.
somewhere else, totally different life. But little things happen.
And you don't know what's happened. That's why you should
just everything that happens. You're living in a movie, you
think about it. But people just don't appreciate it. Every little
thing that happens, you think to yourself
a wonder, don't try to guess. Let's just see, I wonder where
this is going to go. So you just let it happen. Let things come to
you. I wonder where this is going. You're not going to know right
now. Don't try to guess either. You just you don't know enough.
And then, a couple years later, less than that couple months
later, you realize, oh, this could have never happened if that other
thing didn't happen. And that's why you just let things come to
you. And don't try to force your agenda on things. And then when
you have a hope in something, there is no point in knowing all
the steps. And this is what always frustrated me frustrated with me
with people
you want to achieve achieve something, some people will not
take a single step
until it's like predetermined safe, perfectly executed, planned
execution of every step of the way.
And these people just frustrate the heck out of me. We don't know
enough. You don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. So all you
do need is the first step. Right? That's that's all literally all
you need to know if it takes 1000 steps. What is the point of
studying step number 900 706 50? You're not there yet. All you need
to know can I physically move on the first step I can take the
first step? If the answer is yes, then boom. Take the first step.
That's all I need to know. Because I can't take 600 steps. I can't
take 12 steps. All I can take is one step. Anyway, so what's the
point of thinking about step number three, if I have any
mistake, take step number two. So I just like stick step number one,
Muhammad Daniel, how can I get into the Johannes until he'd
course you sign up for ArcView plus
and Wednesday, at
845. Wednesday at 845 Click the arc view plus button zoom zoom
link. Good. The Ark view plus zoom link click it at 845 eastern
standard time you will see Sheikh Osama and the PDF of Johanna to
toe Angel how she's individually
so now we continue
I love this technology is connecting Sheikh Osama who has
such a shift that I'm like it just boggles my mind that not more
people are studying under him.
But now we're connecting people to him and hamdulillah to Allah to
certify them Lana
I really hope a lot of people take this Johanna to toe hate on myself
I'm sitting in the class I'm going to sit with incognito
we'll call as hurry we're Leila to love Amma was shut off there is a
night of greatness and honor. Middle cold and nasty for learning
in the immediate control and so on. So he has a cousin with the
king or with the Prince and that means he's got a great position
with the king and the priests. Right so it is an honor it's a
position a job women Zilla, it's a position and a rank you Carlo
Kadar to fully learn CAD data to flow learn and AR VM to who cut
data to fool around and a Ubuntu who I gave someone so his rank so
that's from the other meanings of CODA or cada or the word other.
Ubuntu which are Vemma. Well, Mathcad Allah aka candidate, which
means they haven't given Allah His rightful rank, right or his do or
his they haven't
given him the glory He deserves, or they haven't believed in him
with the beliefs that are correct regarding him. They thought lo of
him. Like who like those who feel that hold that Allah is stingy.
ruya doula Hema Lulu cola ad in Leuven Mikado but yeah Dunlop
suta, new Fukuoka Vasia
that they think Allah stingy, alright, it's not giving me
anything. There was a guy the other day who he had an issue and
he had a lot of issues and he sort of skin to be honest with you. And
he said, Allah has oppressed me.
And he was he had reached out to a shift shift system who are you to
even oppress? Like Who are you to even oppress? Why would anyone
bother waste their time to oppress you? Right?
What rights do you have over Allah subhana wa Tada that he oppressed
Except the rights that Allah Allah gave us. Right?
Well piano, the NL ama Salah here goofy, that in the law, Tony iimak
Bula. So what is honorable about that night that the a bad at that
time is accepted by Allah, which means it's an honor for us. We're
the one being honored
by Allah accepting our event on that night, and he may accept on
that night when he does not accept on previous nights.
vanta view says I'm the type to make a test schedule two weeks
before a quiz and then get upset when things don't turn out. The
way is planned I could use this and
I like Mike Tyson's saying everyone has a plan until they get
punched. Right and that's so totally true. And if you ever
lived and did this and acted on this and had a perfect plan and
then within two seconds, the whole thing is shot right and blew up.
Then you realize that planning has like limits what you just said
plan is what I think people should have is basic habits. Like if
everyone has habits, the right habits, then whatever happens.
Like you'll you'll be in a good position because your habits are
good. You always be able to rebound from that situation. What
telephone few of the different on the time of an additive construct
the call about the home some of them said in Canada Allah rasool
Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and one of the sayings and this is
not the correct saying is that it was only in the time of the
Prophet, little cottage, and then it was raised up and it doesn't
happen again.
And that's wrong. Well, I'm not too Sahaba we're all under her
belt Peotone, Illuminati Amity, and the majority of the scholars
and the Sahaba before them, were upon that it is every year until
the Day of Judgment.
What do we and Abdullah Hussein Mowlem while we are called
according to the Ebihara errata I said to me Hurayrah ximu, another
editor of quadra carova Some people said they had a sort of
cadres lifted up policies nominated by the Candido culinary.
He said, Whoever said that has told you a lie. A lie meaning
something that's inaccurate does not necessarily mean in Arabic
language that you intended to deceive somebody. It's just
something inaccurate.
Or to hear equally Sharon, is it in every month
called an Arab? He said yes, it's in every month. Imam Malik used to
spend the first night of every month in a bed the whole night.
Holding that draw is Mr. Jab and our men are raised in this night,
and answered in a way they're not answered every other night
with God about whom he or Leila toon Minh lair earlier center. And
by the way, I didn't say that magic said laser cadres first
every night? No, I'm just saying that he did a bed on that night
all night. Holding that it's different. It's things are the
gates of paradise are more open on that night than any other.
Sen. Many of them said he la Letran midlayer Alia Sena, it's
one night a year and that's what the OMA is upon right now. Hello
hola Cara Julian Paola cumbre de wa, where it's P Abdi belay little
Kadri Lai aka Omar Lambton de Sena when he has enough
so if someone swears I will divorce my wife on laser cut. And
we don't know when little Kudus right
so there's two opinions on this is that the divorce occurs after one
year because guaranteed little custody was happened on that one
year. The other opinion is
the divorce occurs after Ramadan. So when one Rama for Ramadan
passes, then later Takada would have definitely passed. Do you
mind putting up the Instagram comments because I can see the
YouTube on my phone here. Yeah
Olga panda says yes, there are a group we have that Allah has
granted us, namely, he has granted us the right to ask him and make
dua for him. Okay.
And he has given us that He will answer them. And he has promised
us many things, and that he will give us generally if we worship
Him, and we have to heat.
Good. He says, step by step, and good.
She'd liked this comment of step by step. That's it. Why do I need
to know 10 steps, I only need to know one step. Right. When I get
to the second step, I'll figure out how I can get the second step.
Right. Of course, some people are not that bright. And they might
jam themselves in a corner. So yeah, that that
has to be thought out. You can't jam yourself in a corner. But
usually, you learn that from experience more than anything
else. So you have to make sure that you you don't take the step
that will jam yourself in a corner. But you don't necessarily
have to know all the steps to success to or to the goal that you
reach and you just need to know the one in front of you. Now let's
continue no question answer hasn't begun, but I cheated a little bit.
Ibrahim Khan.
All right.
Got it? Many,
How usuba Fabella medallic. Abdullah have normal. So when it
came to Abdullah bin Omar, and he heard that even a mess owed said a
year. He said May Allah have mercy on me to miss out? It doesn't he
know it's in the month of Ramadan. Of course, he knows right.
Somebody said this for a reason. Well check in on that the Elias
tackiness. He want, he didn't want people just to rely on nails of
color being in Ramadan.
So he wanted people to think that it could be anytime in the year.
So he said one year but in reality, it's the month of
Ramadan. So if someone says I will do this, and he makes any oath and
he hangs it
on NATO cards, it takes place on the first show with the next show
well, which is when we are guaranteed that Ramadan is over.
So for sure, let's have the will have happened. Okay.
What do I have a feeling that we did this sooner?
What color has a Laila to say? Then they talked about different
nights in which they said Leila to serve Asha saba 17.
I should even 20th and the correct one is that it's in the last 10
nights and it's unknown which night it's in. Okay, it's unknown.
That's the most correct statement. And that's what everyone's upon
and everyone knows
all right.
One Hashem even Ottawa Navy from Hashem even Otto from his father
from Isha Raja low Tada I know call it cannot Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you Joe will fill out our work in
Ramadan. We are going to Geraldo Laylatul Kadri philosopher in our
academia Ramadan seek out later gathered in the last 10 Nights. So
we are it is an act of worship for us to seek it out. We're requested
to seek it out.
And I it's just a rather low tide on her cannot Azula he's Allah
Allahu Allah. He was telling me he said we'll ask you to lower female
age that we have idea. He used to put an effort in the last 10
nights that he would not put in any other night.
Also from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the authority
of say a Seder. Aisha Radi Allahu Allah Anna either duckula Asha,
Asha will our kidney if the last 10 Nights enter from Ramadan shed
damnit Zato me basically what we would say roll the sleeves up.
Wow. Yeah. Leila who? And he gave life to his night. What? Oh,
hello. And he woke up his family.
What's up?
Did the suit of God right? So
that's what I thought.
Oh, going backwards. I'm going I'm going this way. But we actually
unsorted to team. The thing is this. I never mind. Okay, doing it
anything. Again, anything in religious knowledge? You should
actually never hesitate to read it again. Or listen to it again,
force yourself, because that's how you're actually going to memorize
it. Alright, so it's okay.
Let's open with SUTA teen and then we'll take a longer q&a today
because we actually haven't taken q&a. A long q&a For a long time.
But yeah, well, as we were reading this, I realized we're like, we
read this part already. But that's okay. But now that we're certain
that we read it, so let's go to what Teenie was zaytuna College
Ibis will Hasson one Mujahid wherever I am well thought of Euro
one more cotton well Kelby Hawa
T Nico over Tino calm a lady tech guru Luna who was a tuner calm
the lovey Tao Sirona men whose aid it is the things that you do eat
here and the oil from what you squeeze your the olives from what
you squeeze your oil peel up costs octane Bill customly and have you
had on McCullough certain law or Jamila
shall be her turn before work? He'll Jana. It has no seeds in it.
No Peel, you eat it straight. Everything else has something that
you don't eat in the fake it so for example, in orange, you have
to peel it. In Apple as a core. Watermelons have seeds. Maybe the
youth don't know that. Believe it or not you did you know that? You
didn't know that. automount had seeds. Oh my gosh, that's
hilarious. Back in the old days.
Okay, in the ancient times in the 1990s used to take a bite of
watermelon and you had to you have seeds in it. They're little,
little black seeds that are slimy little seeds. Right, that slip
around all over the floor and all over the plate. And
yeah, they were it was basically you. The seedless watermelon
was amazing. Invention, right? I don't know if it's good for us or
bad for us. But we're eating it. That's all you have. There's no
choice now. Right? Everything is seamless. To get a seedless
watermelon in the old days, you had to you had to pay extra.
Right? It wasn't a seedless watermelon, it was like cut
watermelon. And then they someone like took the seeds out or
something. That's why it was expensive back in the day. But
today, and you could take the seeds and stick them in the oven.
And then come out halfway. Cover them with salt, mix it all up,
stick them back in the oven. And then you can have seeds with
seeds, like you know, these baseball players who weed seeds.
So everything's genetically modified to the point that people
don't even know
you know, these the what what things used to look like. All
right, we're what things used to be. So watermelons itself seeds.
Everything used to have seeds in it. So they they modify the all
these things. But that's what he's talking about the fig. It has
nothing to remove. You eat it directly straight as it is.
Like it's not even on a vine. Oh, by the way grapes.
Yeah, grapes used to have seeds. Yep. You and you can't take them
out. They're too small.
No, you guys here in this conversation. I love this. Is your
mic on by the way? Oh my God. He said, Did grapes have seeds? Like
a pit like cherries? No. They had there were like three, four little
in a grape, especially the green ones. And you just you just
crunched and ate them. There's no point in taking out the grape
seeds, right. And there were some grapes that didn't have seeds, but
a lot of like green grapes and seeds. And that's what
that's one of the things about Jana is that this dunya even the
best of things has a little nuisance in it. That's the dunya
even the best of things will have a nuisance to it. But in general,
it's pure. And that's one of the differences. So I love I don't
know if he's gonna mention it here but I love another statement is
that the fig was something that the Arabs had. And the olive was
something that the Jerusalem had. So it's mentioning both it
swearing by something that is in Mecca and something that is in
Jerusalem, and let's see if he mentions that
will cost us a tune and he specified the olive for the great
number of benefits because of my nephew when he and I shall data to
mobile raka it's a blessing tree Allah has called it and have a
blessed tree jvL Hadith Whoa, tomorrow we're doing
your slow sliver. What is the VA makalah Karima Houma Javelin is
another there's not food at all. There mountains there are two
mountains now Jovana?
I don't know what you what he's talking about which mountains he's
talking about. Like what he's intending Calacatta at Tino
eligible, lovey alayhi dimished was a tune and Jebel Ali Ali, he
made two Noctus so Qatada says the mountain that is, has Damascus on
it is a teen and the zaytoun is the mountain that has Jerusalem
It is a no Huma Yan would Ernie a teen was a dune and for that
reason, they produce those trees. So they mean by like the plane on
which those trees come out
we'll call it the hawk Houma Masjid Dan Bishop, two mosques in
in the sham area sham has Damascus and all the areas around it
which the which
the French called the Levant, which is essentially what we call
today Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
What kind of news eight a teen who messages through the mask was a
tune mustard baits and muchness so the Umayyad mosque and the muscle,
Allah Muhammad niqab, a teen Masjid as hobble calf was a tune,
Masjid Aelia. So, the mosque a teen is the mosque in which the
people of the cave, those who say the sleet Seven Sleepers of the
cave 309 years and as they tune is the master OXA. So Ilya, Ilya is
one of the turret names for Mr. Luxa. Ilya is Jerusalem.
What do you see Nene? Now this is clearly Mount Sinai. Alright, so
Mount Sinai. So why do they go to this interpretation of mountains
because the next verse is clearly a mountain. So what is the
connection between foods and a mountain? So that's where they
went into it. We'd have it as something beyond the food because
the next verse, Allah swearing about the mountain of Sinai, so
that which is where Satan and Musa received His revelation. So then
what is what are these? They're teeny was a tuna referring to
hear? And let me kill him Allahu Allah, He Musa alayhis salam?
Well, the Khurana Mautner, who ended up only he was shunted out
into clergymen to resign. So Mount Sinai was a different una Jebel.
And Atul el Jebel is Rocky. So you can see that, for example, like in
calendars, they show you this mountain that is a pure, purely a
rocky mountain, right? It's all rocks. That's a Jebin. But a Thor
is a mountain that has rivers, caves, trees, goats, vegetation on
the mountain. So you can't live on a Jabin. But you could live on a
door. Okay, you can move on to
a door has everything in it. And it is said that the first
community of humans say to Adam and his descendants, they lived on
a door. They lived on a
a lush mountain. So it rains on that mountain, there are rivers on
that mountain, there are plenty of trees, trees, attracts billy
goats, that's your food, that's your meat, you eat those goats.
There's plenty of birds, you can hunt those birds, there are caves,
you take refuge and live in those caves and make your home inside of
those caves. People talk about the caves as if it's like a bad thing
that humans lived in where else you got to live on the earth at
that time. And you need the tool because everything's there. The
early humans,
if they didn't have the knowledge of farming, they took to a tour.
And you live there and you had trees, vegetation, and you had
your you ate from those leaves, and you ate from the animals that
ate from those leaves. And so everything was there for you took
refuge with the mountain in the in the caves, and you drank from the
streams. So the cave was also your place of safety. Because you could
cover a cave, right? You can cover the door of a cave. And so no
cougars or or Pumas would attack you. So that's probably how they
lived in the olden in those ancient times. Well, her they'll
Bella didn't mean so Why else did they go to the wheel that
the wheel of the Genie was a tune as being locations because the
next verse after that mentioned smackAh were heavily biological, I
mean, this
this safe the sanctuary and by that I mean means the sanctuary
a LM in the safe the sanctuary Yeah, and you Maccha Yep, manual
fee and people can take safety there. Even in J Helia. If
somebody went to Mecca that was a safe space. You didn't
arrest anyone there you didn't kill anyone there is the Haram is
a safe space
have equal
access Sam Kasam la colo laka phenomena in Santa Fe sen cwieme
All of these oaths lead us to one
thing we have created the human being in the best fashion.
That's why permanent alterations for no reason are forbidden.
Alright, we've been talking about this a lot lately. What is the
line for altering the body? It is correcting how Allah created you.
All right, that is always fair game for you to do to, to to
correct an error, something that happened to your body back to the
way Allah created you. Alright?
So someone says, Well, what about getting braces, Allah did not
create anybody with crooked teeth. He didn't create poor eyesight. So
he created people, every child's three years old, five years old,
six years old, they perfect teeth, right? You as an adult because of
what you ate or what have you, your teeth got crooked, you can
correct those. Same thing with eyesight. Same thing with skin
baby comes out four or five years old, perfect skin. So if somebody
now has, you know, acne, I will never forget that somebody I knew
when I was young, there, they didn't have fix, they didn't
understand. But they were very pious. That's a big problem.
And the poor kid had a terrible case of acne like really bad.
They refuse to fix it. He said we do not alter the creation of
Allah. Right? No alteration of the creation of Allah is if you have
something that's fine and perfect as it is, then you altered it. No.
But if it's as it was, as Allah created the person then something
bad happened to the person
do you have every single right
in the sight of Allah to return to how it was it's called your jam
socket? It jam knock us we returning what was lost returning
what was fell out for example of a tooth or something like that all
that was permitted for a person and there should be no how much
nobody should say
should be embarrassed that they need that type of treatment.
Something deteriorate you like people that go through
chemotherapy, cancer,
like outside, like slowly, like hair loss that can be returned can
be returned? Or is your mic on knows to repeat the question.
You're saying when like people have cancer and they go through
They like obviously the insides getting filled with materials. It
can all be rectified returned.
I'll be returned. And Dino's question on or comment on the
hairs. In my mind nobody talks about this in the shadow Muslim,
which I'm going to be teaching Tuesday by the way, just for
everyone's FYI.
And we're gonna be reading from kids about the book on
towards the end of the chapter on the end. Okay, so which is about
heart softening subjects that's what so basically that's the
Sophie element of things from Shadow Muslim. But when he goes on
the hadith of trimming the mustache, for example, or shaving
certain hairs, so he talks about the removal of hair is always
permitted right to remove any hair of the body. Why is because at
it's out of cleanliness, because hairs they attract they hold the
sweat hairs, they hold the dust they hold and adjust in certain
parts of the body. So where the profits I said I'm pointed to
removing the hair from the pubic hairs and plucking the hair from
the underarms removing it permanently so that was these are
the major places of dirtiness where sweat and adjust that will
be trapped. So he took from that remember no we that that is a sign
that all any and all hairs may be removed if they fulfill those two
functions. Or or if they have the those two results. So someone has
a lot of hair for example on his chest, let's say and it's
resulting in like sweat is getting trapped there dust is getting
trapped or you can remove it.
So the only thing of course that you can't show you're out to
somebody. So pianos always people always ask about these like laser
treatments that permanently remove hair from there between their
legs. That would be haram to show your older to somebody. That
procedure wouldn't be haram but to show your outer to somebody for no
reason that is necessary is forbidden. So Allah created us in
the best of luck. We anyone who's tried to create an alien, then
it's just hideous, right? Like no one has no artist has ever
produced like a rendition. An alternate form of a human that's
any better than what we have.
They're still talking about grapes here.
alright with that, again, no cleanup ikoula Haiwan were not
given monkey vanilla, which he, because he created every human
with every star, every animal with his face down, every animal goes
down in its face, right? The way it is, is down. Like there's no
animal going straight up, looking straight up, except the human
being straight up and look straight up. All right, and he
takes his food with his hands, you have to know what to make Kuno big
he doesn't eat with his mouth.
Alright, he doesn't eat with his mouth. He eats with his hand.
However, so Miranda now as far as f 18. However, we have returned
him, we've returned him to worse than than the animal sfsf. And in
the worst of the worst, you read to ill Hurrem. Well, out of that
Alomar and he mentioned here, that Estrella 17 is not only a moral
claim statement about him, it's not a moral statement only. It's
also physically the he comes from the most beautiful. Any returns in
old age to to be arched back, the skin is loose on the body. It's
wrinkly, they start shrinking. Right? The teeth fall out. It's a
terrible sight. And we should all ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for
protection and Afia from an hum and this Haram is you know the
Haram is the pyramids, the Haram because your back becomes like a
pyramid you become like bent over. And in the places where
there have been places where the elderly they don't have a concept
of like exercising and just staying healthy. You should see
what the elders look like and they don't have medical care. And these
in many poor countries in the past, probably still today. The LG
like really look. It's a sad sight like it's a disease in the sense
of it has all the attributes of a disease without really being a
disease. And there was a great poem by one of the
poets of the past. And he said, How can I describe old age when
you're healthy or sick? Right? When you're healthy when you have
no sicknesses. Old age itself, it's like you're you're creaking.
And nothing works anymore. You're always there. When you're with
people, you fall asleep.
When you try to sleep, you can't sleep, right? Your default is that
you're cranky.
Things are always bothering you. And he says that you still have
desires, but no one desires you. So that desires are still alive in
the old people. But nobody wants them. Nobody wants, there's no way
to fulfill these things. And if you have an idea, you don't have
the energy to fulfill it. There's no way to actually get up and do
something. So this is one of the meanings of s fella surfing, and
it just can't get any worse than this. So somebody has a
somebody has a good good health and old age. And their mind is
with them and they're happy. Usually that's a sign of their
good deeds in the past that they had good deeds and Allah's
returning their good deeds to them. And the CEO said, when
they're asked How are you so healthy in this old age, they say
We guarded Allah's limits in our youth, so Allah with our limbs, so
Allah guarded our limbs in our old age. And I remember so how's the
use of mentioning one of the I think it was
one of the shoes of Mauritania at the age of 70 hopping on a camel,
like holding onto the to the saddle, putting a leg I guess in a
stirrup. I don't know how they get on a camel and jumping onto a
camel. Of course the camel is sitting right? But still It's
really high. And he jumps on the camel while he's 70 years old.
Spatola great health. We got terrible health because I highly
suggest to everyone to stretch
because because of the way that we live in the amenities. We have.
Muscles shrink joints. I saw one time an old man, right drop
something at a supermarket. Him and his wife. They looked at it
like it fell off a cliff right now that's so far down. We can't get
that I just bent down and picked it up right there like Oh, thank
you so much. So we can't bend down anymore. We don't bend down
anywhere. Right?
They don't have Salah if they had salah they could get bent down.
Right and that's one of the wisdoms of Silla is that
it forces your waist to be moving all the time and your knees to be
moving and everything to be moving. And so I remember Sheikh
Abdul Hamid Mubarak talking when he talks about the Jelsa
The to work, it's called to work in Salah. And he says it's sort of
a shame that many of the new generation because of the way, and
I'm included, the way that we have chairs and everything that their
leg joints and their Achilles heel, have just shrunk, and they
can't stretch. And he says most people cannot sit to water Oconee
anymore. Whereas that was a normal thing in the past. So in the dose,
he, he advised everyone to stretch, because you can
stretch out all these ligaments, all these muscles and ligaments
and joints. It's just a matter of essentially
learning how to stretch consistently and correctly. But
every one of us can become flexible. It's the consistency of
it. Right? It's not necessarily the amount because you can hurt
yourself, by the way. And a lot of people who do this are incorrectly
stretching, you can really hurt yourself. So you got to be
careful. So but to your stretch to a point that you know you're
stretching, but you're not in pain. But you do that
consistently. And eventually, it will take years, you can do you
get that and honestly, I really love looking at people who are
Ibrahim Khan, we're going to answer to you what is to what rook
to what rook is essentially, the sitting curtisha hood, with your
no pay attention here, your left foot under your right calf,
and your right foot facing out. So imagine someone's sitting with the
right foot straight facing out, and then you slant that person a
little to the left so that his his left buttocks is is it buttock, or
buttocks? Is it one or two, I don't know, his left, but
essentially, is on the ground. And his left foot is under his right
calf muscle. And his right foot is on the ground facing to the right
or like with the toes bent. So
yeah, I can't get it. It's hard to get.
I can't sit in it too long, either. I can do it on my left.
But it takes me a while to do it on the right. But I love seeing
some of the senior citizens in our neighborhood who are healthy. Like
it's it's like, that's how things are supposed to be. Because what
else are they doing with their time if they're retired, and there
are no kids, right? Even if they have a job. Right? What else you
do with your time. So there are people who just sit like a log,
and basically decay.
And there are people get up, let's do gardening. And let's walk and
you can see their face is different. There's blood flowing
in their face, their bodies, their mood is out there. So there is in
our in our coldest sack, there's a judge. This is crazy. This lady
walks every single day, she walks like three mahseer this judge
Believe it or not.
Her husband got killed.
Her husband got killed by one of someone who was trying to kill
her. So for about six months, she wasn't walking. Then for a while
she started walking again with a police escort walking behind her.
Because someone that she ruled against, came back to kill her. It
was on the news. She lives in our development.
She the son and the dad were killed. I went to my school.
You're kidding. You knew him. Yeah, that's insane. I think two
years above me, he played baseball. Wow. So we had like a
whole tribute. Yeah, he was killed. So she ruled against the
guy in a in a divorce case. That guy went to kill her hit in the
But then when the family came home, it was only the dad and the
son. So he pops up to kill the judge the woman, he ends up
killing the dad and the Son.
And that's how the woman has to live with that. I mean, that's
just how do you go on with life. But this woman is an avid walker.
And she walks around the neighborhood for she didn't walk
for like six months. And then she
started walking with a police escort. Right and now there's no
more escort because there's no more threat on her. They caught
the guy that I think they put them in jail. So but we have other old
folks in our neighborhood, that garden every day they do the
gardening, that's how they pass their time. So you don't want to
just die like this just sit there dying. And we have other things
too. We have massage, we have doodoos we have all sorts of
things you can do in the restaurant to keep you social. So
as far as f 18 is not just morally your low, but it's talking about
old age. That's one of the things about it. And it's just because
Allah says that no as well as symphony, but you it doesn't
necessarily mean you just capitulate to that you can
possibly stay
To fit and stay active and this is part of Deen in the sense because
if you're fit and active you could do more a bad a bad a requires
Armageddon, and our mmm they're super about physical fitness
because they say our job is sitting and standing like we did,
there's no movement. So between McGraw and Aisha, now, they turn
the back of the machine into like a fitness operation, and they stay
physically fit.
So rather now who as far as feeding, keep in mind, if you're
young, whatever it is, keep in mind to stay physically fit from
now, so that when you reach that old age, you can still do a bed,
still be alert.
Your body, the body is a big part part of this. So he now says
young Kousaka, who is one way of better No, as we just said, his
intellect softens, and his body weakens. And the intellect will
not soften if you keep it working. That's just how it is. Keep it
working like a business, a business will not slack. And if
you keep having customers, keep selling products,
good, bad or otherwise, just keep selling. You'll get better over
time and you'll get through the hard times. But likewise with the
intellect, keep it going. And the prayers in the masjid is the best
way for people to get their intellect going. When they're
older, because you got to look at the prayer times the prayer times
always changing son is always moving. You're going to get there,
you're going to talk to people, right? There's going to be someone
moving the table, right you do something with them, someone's
given a talk your intellectual constantly moving moving for us
Muslims as by just showing up to the prayer times.
All right. He continues with surfy Luna homo Alpha.
Well, I thought a selfie drone in this regard are children who are
weak, and the elderly who are equally as weak. The difference is
that children babies are weak with beauty. Like you love to look at a
baby, although it's weak and you look forward to it, living the
elderly, their weakness is not pretty.
Their bodies are not pretty in weakness. And you just look
forward for them dying. Like because that's the next phase for
them the next phase for babies to to live. The next phase for a an
elderly person is to die. There's a big difference there. That's why
taking care of an elderly person is not like taking care of it's
harder. There may be even more reward. Okay, but the attitude is
different because you're just sort of like waiting for them to die.
Which is a bad thought but many people have this thought.
Okay, so
as far as f&e I serve you know normal Oxford
will not fall where we leave off what the offer for Shay whole
career the older old man is one of them.
Selfish in in the physical sense. Well as far as f 18. NEC euro to
almost gents its Allah left it
general so that it covers many things can match a code for LAN
Akram got him with our after call to Accra, Monica Amin, where he
most happy Abdullah as far as surfing, getting the most of of
Abdullahi Massoud as well as surfing. What color has an orchid
Oh my God, I need Amara now.
Yanni LSVT 70 and the Jahannam Babu ha s filamin BB. So now we
get into the other meaning which is morally worse in the sight of
Allah, the human being has the potential. So when Allah says we
have returned him to as well as 17, that means he has the
potential to be physically weak, and to be morally, the worst. The
worst of the worst, morally worst of the worst.
Reading hear from tough seated bucket.
And then into the fire and in the fire, it's levels that are lower
than each other.
The worse you are, the lower you go.
The less definite then he gives this stiffness in Alladhina Elena,
except those who have belief and I'll meet let me tell you that
health and old age is oftentimes related to belief. Why because a
lot of people get depressed. Amen, we'll get you out of that
There's a natural depression I believe. If you ask me that nobody
should be ashamed of when they get into older it just like nobody
should be ashamed. If they if they have for example, postpartum
depression. It's a physical hormonal change that's happening.
If a girl is going and developing or boy maybe two but they are
usually talking about girls. As she's developing puberty their
moods are altered because their body's changing. So but for some
people this carries on.
They have a midlife crisis because they realize life is passing them
by their have heart
monal changes, we can adjust that we adjust that with the men
you just did with the men. And the best way to increase your hope as
ask Allah for something.
Ask Allah for something that lifts your spirits, right and then work
for it. Because we may be weak but we know Allah stronk Allah is
called didn't go we Allah Konishi Calderon a cliche. All right. So
by that it's there is a mind over matter element that has to take
place. Yes, my hormones are changing. Everything's changing
about me. But there's mind over matter at the same time.
And there's no mind over matter better than really hoping on one
who is generous and capable.
What else do you have to worry about? He's generous, and he's
capable of giving you what you're looking for? And why wouldn't he
answer you? Right? So you make Toba, you get up in the last third
of the night, and you have something to live for something to
hope for. It's the materialists who believe that there is nothing
to be attained except by what we see. So I can't attend anything
except that I have to attain it. And then they realized that I
can't because I'm weak, then he literally plummets into a
depression, right, because he has no hope there's nothing to be
hopeful for.
So he talks about Illa Levina avenue for a new law.
Your aduna Elena, they will not be sent to the fire. Woman Carla will
call in a while. And as for those who said that, as well as f 18 Is
their physical weakness.
But now who as well as Stephanie infidelity, or coolroom,
one room or cutout fella yoked up law whom has an LLM in amateur. So
he's saying here that it's talking about the physical weakness.
It affects people except the believers because the believer,
his deeds will continue on. If he educated a child, and that child
goes on to make use of his education, he gets the reward of
it. If he did good in giving charity, even if he's an old age,
he continues to get the reward of it. Right? Everyone he did good
towards and that person continues to do good to others, he gets the
reward of it. Right. So that's the concept and idea of
negating, or making the believers an exception to the physical
weakness, namely, the reward will not be cut off.
Well, I made of solid it hurts for inactive, alone, bad haram. If a
person used to pray and fast and give sadaqa and do good deeds, and
no longer can do them due to sickness, or old age, Allah
commands the angel to write it as if he used to do it. So let's say
somebody used to pray their prayers in the masjid and fast
once a week and give $100 a week in South Africa. Then they started
to get old and they started to get sick and they can't do it anymore.
So did they stop willingly or unwillingly? They stopped
unintentionally. So Allah subhanaw taala writes it as if he commands
Angel keep writing it as if they still do it.
We ask Allah to Allah to protect us in our parents from a cut off,
which is when the brain stops working. Essentially, what God
have now Abbas who Nefer on who do a lot of that in Omri, Allah it
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for Enza, Allah, Allah
Audra and the prophets I send them in his time, according to him, not
best there were some people who were believers, and they entered
into this old age in which they cannot function nor understand
anything anymore. And the Muslims became like, well, how is he going
to pray? What's he going to do? Allah subhanaw taala says that
they don't suffer anything that
a loss of what they did and they're no longer responsible.
And this is their excuse. So being old is an excuse for them. So they
they end they will end up not praying anymore if they're if
their mind can't function that's an excuse for them. And but they
still get the hassle out of everything they used to do out of
Allah's generosity.
For about an alarm Eijiro home a lady I mean Oka Bella and her bow
polo home. So Allah tells us that they get the reward of everything
they used to do before they lost their intellect. I can Emma says
let me Allura the chef Kibera who are Kibera who either hurt him
Allahu La who be asked any mechanism and
there is no harm for anyone who dies upon this. If Allah subhanaw
taala judges and by the best of his deeds,
what our awesome as well and a crema and IV nobis
call up Illallah Deena m&r middle side
had except those who died and did righteous deeds God Allah Illallah
Dena Cara Al Quran will call him and Cara Al Quran. Lamb you rod
Illa are the Linamar. Whoever recites the Quran, he will not be
returned to this decrepit state. And some people say that reciting
the Quran means here any matter of knowledge, sacred knowledge, any
use of intellect
follow a drone viral Mamnoon a viral Mokhtar the elderly who die
in the store her dogs are going out in the state loan, a journal
viral Makua writer rider Mamnoon yarnover moto. They're there. The
reward is not cut off. They continue getting the reward of all
the actions they used to do.
A minute a bad Quran with Ahmed Assad will Matt Kenny Ahmed caught
up the hub of the hack.
A June variety Amel they get rewarded without taking action to
Mikado examine they'll Hoja firmer you can dibuka a a URL insulin
human being maybe they will go by the with Dean what is making you
lie about this Dean
that you have a clear evidence that there is a Creator and a
clear evidence that Muhammad is a prophet and a clear evidence that
the Quran is the word of God. So what makes you lie makes you
reject this religion and that you will be judged a denier meaning
that you will be judged on the Day of Judgment.
Alert at a fucker fee surah. Take our Shabaab Boko Haram Myka. For
tat ever.
Don't you look at your youthful age that has become so weak now.
You're weak? Why would you lie? Who are you fighting against?
What's up guru in Allah? Allah Danika cardoon Allah Ania Bethany,
where you have seen any the one who has taken such a strong
person, and step by step made him a weak, fragile creature. Don't
you not believe that Allah is more powerful than you? Right, and you
see nothing and a baby comes out a full life. And then full strength
comes out in the next generation that you're witnessing.
For my lover, you can debuggable Mojo Mojo badda Hill judge, look
at these, this your life itself as a proof. It's also a proof that
this dunya is leaving you. If you're not in divorcing the dunya
with your heart that dunya itself will divorce you. You don't have
the energy to get up and chase it. And nobody wants to be with you.
Right? And from the worst tribulations of the elderly. They
lose their sense of smell. So what happens when they lose their sense
of smell? It's okay, so they start losing the enjoyment of food. And
they don't realize that they smell their house smells never go to the
senior citizens like serious senior citizens homes. Right? And
the house just smells terrible. They don't smell it. They lost
their sense of smell. So they can't enjoy food anymore.
Their house stinks.
Because they can't smell anymore. They can't cook anymore. Because
they can't smell they can't taste it's a terrible calamity ask Allah
data protection and but I've seen many of the pious they don't have
these, Allah has protected them from these. It's a big number that
Allah protected them from
closing I lace Allah hoobie I came in I came in the Akbar Colleen
wise, this is wisdom. It's wisdom. Because the stubborn person whose
was stubborn because of his strength, stubborn because of his
power, and we all know people really rich really powerful. You
tell them fear Allah is not used to fearing you. Nobody.
Fast forward 2070 The remote controls over there. That's a big
journey. There are more controls across the room. Big journey,
right to get across the room. God forbid, see falls.
Are you done with one of the older people falls? He's finished. God
forbid he ever has to have a surgery. You open an old person
up, you'd like closing them up? Yes, they should. They should
never do surgeries on old people unless it's life or death. And
when they do.
You're just gonna discover more problems. You're gonna create more
problems. The kids heal very quickly. Their skin is amazing.
Right? Their organs are amazing. But the elderly
you're not gonna you're not you're not you're not closing them up
anymore. Right? It just doesn't happen. They don't heal the way
they used to heal, to take tonsils out of an adult. It's a dangerous
surgery, right? Take tonsils out of kids. He's gotten the next day.
Go in that night. He isn't at home. Okay? But something like
that. They just keep bleeding, bleeding and the skin no longer
has the life in it. So to have a surgery
On a senior citizen
on an old person
all right.
And it's said from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
Cara our teeny was a tune Fanta Eleftheria Elisa lobia human heck
you mean failure call Bella and Allah daddy communist che Dean is
of course he is. And I'm witness to this, that Allah to Allah is
the most wise because it's a chance to my opinion for the for
the people who are
who do have done wrong in their life, and have been stubborn in
their life. It's a way for them to realize, let me be humble here
because I can't even get across the living room to get the remote
control. I shouldn't be humble here. It's a chance for the
righteous to basically
get has an answer for free. You get rewarded for free. Because
once you're too old to get up for too old to do get the Hasselblad
for free. They also get many free passes, as it was funny that one
elderly man
his wife complaint about him, he's losing his hearing. Right. And he
was an old men. And so his wife took him to the doctors. And the
doctor does a whole check up on him. And she says ma'am, he's got
perfect hearing, right?
Turns out, because he has an excuse, because oh, he's old when
he doesn't want to talk to somebody, he just doesn't even
answer anymore. Right? You got a lot of free passes when you're
old, right? He just doesn't even answer because
I'm old, right? So people think I'm deaf. So if he doesn't want to
talk to you, we don't even answer you. So his poor wife, though, got
angry. And you've been hearing me all this time because he doesn't
want to talk right? Sorry. I'm awful. I don't want to talk. I
just want to sit in silence. Right? I always wondered about
someone who wants to sit in silence. Like why would you want
to sit in silence? Don't you want action? But when you live maybe 50
years with a loud household. Maybe you want to live in silence at
some point. But the poor lady was so upset. Okay. Last hadith is
from the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam i That canopy
suffered and he was traveling so he recited for Cara Felicia he
recited in Asia in one of the rockers
what Tina was a tune so he recited it in Surah Tonatiuh that's all
the narration states. But the
issue here is after you recite suited scene are you here at
recite and you should say better? In no acumen? Heck you mean and we
should look at what the focus of the mother have said because
remember when you read to see it and Hadith there are commentaries
on 50 matters, but you should always look back because this may
be one evidence, there may be other evidences that will cause a
difference, but they have to say something else and allow them. So
let's open it up to our comments in our questions.
We have a number of people here and they are talking with each
other to chatting with each other they're talking about.
Alright, they're talking about sense of smell being related to
memory, which is pretty important.
It is you can tear up when you smell something that reminds you
of the past. All right, Moab says, if you have drains placed in your
body post surgery, draining body fluids around your muscles, can
you pray body the body fluid around the muscle is not nudges
the body fluid that come out of the intestine is nudges. But
nonetheless, if let's say someone has a bag for let's say where
urine comes out of can they pray such a person it would be
considered service it is recommended for him to make we do
for every salah. But if he did not intentionally breakers will do
then he may pray but it is recommended for him to make wudu
for every Salah
how do we increase our love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
salam when you're in trouble, wake up in the middle of the night and
recite one. A good amount of Salah on the prophets of Allah when he
20 minutes, 30 minutes, something like that. wake up the next
I can always guarantee you
your trouble will be alleviated. And you will realize that even
though we don't have the profit we have the salah upon him
it's it becomes something that is a cause and effect you realize the
effects of Salah on the Messenger of Peace Be Upon Him are so
powerful you start loving this Allah on the Prophet peace be upon
the act itself. And the thing is, then you realize well why is this
Allah and the Prophet special because the Prophet is with Allah
very special. And the prophesy Saddam had lamented that he could
not be with those who come after him. So ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
granted him a gift. Those who come after you can make Salah and salam
upon you and they will have some
Something similar to what those who are with you have. In other
words Sakina kashfian him capitalism, what did the Sahaba
how do they feel with the Prophet, if there is something on their
mind, they go sit with the Prophet a little bit.
Everything in their mind is erased, right? We do not have the
prophesy center. But Allah has given us a Salah and cinema upon
him in which the prophets I said and promised your anxieties and
your concerns will be gone, even if the issue is still there, but
it doesn't. It's not shaking me to the core anymore. It's something
that I can deal with. So that's what we have.
Alright, that's, that's what that's what we have in place of
the messenger. So I said it was we have salah upon him.
All right, so let's look at the question from Carla. Why is it
forbidden for a man to get a haircut by a female hairdresser?
Most likely, the answer is yes. If she's touching skin to skin, if
she's touching only his hair,
you know, there.
If he's touching only his hair, then we may consider that that may
be a little bit different. But nonetheless,
it would be not appropriate for a man to get a haircut by a woman.
Oh, someone says he's very old law item about that. But
in general, yes. We don't get haircuts from women, we get
haircuts from other guys.
What's the easiest way to wake up for 200 sleep very early. Or like
ridiculously early. I'm telling you, you wanna you want an amazing
Sleep ridiculously early, you will sleep so so well. You may even get
inspirations in your sleep because you sleep so well. And your mind
is so healed. And then you will get up for 200
You'll get up whenever you want. Because if you sleep ridiculously
early, I'm talking like 9pm That is ridiculous, right? But try it
pray Asia, as soon as it comes in and asleep right away. You will
feel like a million bucks by 6am. And then you're gonna get up and
you're gonna do stuff and you're gonna realize you achieved more by
8am than you had to achieve the whole day. Otherwise.
That's the secret. What's the is there a dot for improving memory.
Memory is essentially by practice. And it is said a lot was best that
it is said that the memory has no limits, that a person's physical
memory can be stretched to no ends.
And that's how it explains that places that don't have a lot of
technology. They they remember entire ballads like a book this
big they can memorize it. It's absurd. But it says that's the
memories dictionaries in concrete.
Some jobs like being a bus driver
are very difficult to prey on time.
Okay, then you don't take such a job. If the job requires you
driving locally so you're not travelers you have no way to do
travelers prayer. You're just driving locally the entire time
and there's no break for the No break for us with no break from
then you can't I don't know how you're going to do the job.
How can you do that job
what was our creative Abdulkadir J nanny he was a humbly
What about a Timothy leathery a lawn
mower and old man got angry at me recently for pointing my feet
towards the Qibla. This is not accustomed This is respect. He was
correct. Imam Ahmed didn't even let his son point his feet towards
the house of a Shafi pointing your feet out in the old world is
disrespect. That you can't put your feet out in front of her for
example in front of your, your dad, or your mom or an elder. You
can't even cross your feet so that your foot is pointing to an elder
Americans don't have these rules, but we do. I remember growing up
my mom like anytime I put my feet up like immediately would like
immediately. I still do that with people do that in the Holika and
the hookah and stuff.
I really wish that we could hire a security guard for the hookah for
drama. No, no leaning against the wall.
That day that you call someone out Yeah. Yeah.
Every every year or something I call someone out someone sometimes
they're absurd what they're doing. One guy was talking on the phone.
He doesn't know that Deb of Joomla right.
Where's the green scarf from? Habib? I mean, just got the word.
You got it from Canada. Yeah. You want me to give a shout out? Yeah,
if you want
What was the website?
Read says what is the line between being hopeful and unrealistic?
The line is pretty far off the line is basically that we're
allowed to hope for anything that is not contradictory to the
shittier or to nature. For example, I want to try to live
without drinking water.
I want to try to never sleep ever, right like that you're things that
contradict nature.
And things are contradictory, of course. So you see how far off the
line is everything else we can be hopeful for.
So that's, it's pretty generous from Allah subhanaw taala. Seiko
95 on Instagram says, Please explain. I don't understand what
you thought you should pointing your toes and while
bodies towards the Cabo and praying.
Yes, we point our toes, but we don't point the bottom of our
feet. When you sit towards the Kaaba sitting down, you don't
point your body, the body, the bottom of your feet towards the
camera, but You point your toes in the saliva Your toes should always
be pointing towards the Capitol fibula, but not the bottom of your
feet are never in the Salah is the bottom of your feet. That's the
issue, not the toes. The bottom of the feet.
If anatomy, we say about him, he was a part one of the site at hand
and the Olia Allah subhanaw taala. But we don't read his books
because they have many confusing things in them due to either them
being altered or he being in an alternate state in which we just
don't understand what he's saying. So the batteries, they disallow
people to read his books.
Huck 123 Last you were mentioning about doing good deeds when you're
in a trial. What about when the trial is a Jin who stops him from
worship? And he can't find a cure?
I don't know anything about that, to be quite honest with you. I
can't give you a ruling on that. Or any statement about value
because I don't know about that.
Jen that stops him from worship. Allah Allah. He mean, I don't
know. Can a woman sit and pray if she has a stomachache? She can
only sit and pray if she cannot stand.
Whether that's because of for whatever reason, if she can't
stand that she can sit down because standard remember his
Lego Man 11 says if God says look at the ending of how we dealt with
the rejections, does it talk about the opposite as well, those ending
of the pious 100% 100% Okay, 100%. You look at the reward of the
pious and look at the the punishment of the in pious. And
one of the things I loved about the path of deen is that
we're not as a youth, there were pious group of people. And there
were empires group of people.
The at the moment, the Empires group of people always making fun
of the pious people and looking down on them. And you felt a
little bit like I'm on the I'm not really with the cool camp, right.
As time progressed, though, you forgot about those other group.
And they did not age well at all. They aged, they were very lonely,
okay. They were very
grumpy, grouchy, and had purposelessness in their life.
Whereas those who had piety that community that was marked the age
together, they had stuff to do go to ombre, have grandkids your kids
are still around the other group, their kids all left, right and
didn't either didn't marry or didn't have many kids, like empty
homes, no grandkids, no weddings, this other group, okay. It's very
simple, pious people but Allah filled their life with people and
things to do. engagements, marriages, friends, massage to go
to Omaha to go to Hajj to go to so many things to do. There the age
way better. I've heard that because that he repented in on his
arc from his Akita during his latter days. No, that is not true.
He kept the same Arpita. Okay, everyone repented on the deathbed,
is that no, it's very rare. It is actually for that to happen. But
in other words, from the big scholars that they talked about,
they always make this claim, but most of them those claims are
empty. But what he did say is that the kalam theology, the
dialectical theology, the argumentative theology, the those
that theology that answered questions that were brought up
later. Okay, those questions he said that that's not what builds
up your Amen. That may be a cure for heresy that we had to combat,
but what builds up here
Amen is just general exposure. Keep it simple and just expose
yourself regularly to the dean. All right Stories of the Prophets.
That's what will build up your Amen. That dialectical theology
may be necessary to refute heresies. But that's not what
builds you up. What builds you up? Your faith is just exposure to
Is there anything I can say after finishing a bit of learning
I don't understand the question.
I don't understand. Is there anything I can say? After
finishing a bit of learning Arabic, which I guess what you can
say is that you learned a little bit Arabic And now some tickets
next level. Abdulhadi says A while ago on a previous NBF you said
that a certain tariqa Sufi tariqa was a cynic of the urban and the
city and that was a shed that he Yes, in my mobile Hasina surely
would not take a disciple. Unless he had a job. Right and was was
employed. He wanted people and he in the end, he taught people
assuming that they're living the city life.
That's how he guided his disciples.
The burn the aggro body? How often? What is that?
I don't know what that meant. The OG nobody ever heard of it.
I guess it's like
a natural. Maybe it's connected to memory. Who knows?
I think that the only way to strengthen memory, it's not by any
food or anything. It's just simple fact of
exercising your memory. Qasim, our V let's see if this is causing was
dreams. I've heard that death is painful. For the believer. Every
death is not easy. No death is easy. But
I heard it's like hair coming out of dough. For the believer. Yes,
onset of death
is always scary. Okay, the onset of death is scary. But Allah Tada
makes it the actual process of death easy for the believer
because his soul is not attached to the dunya. For the cathode is
there like pulling cotton out of its of its source? So it's like
tearing their soul.
Right. Abdulhadi knowing that Allah created us in the best form,
what do we say about people who are born with deformities? Yes,
that is a reminder of his power. It is a reminder, but if they can
fix it, they can fix it. Just like Allah created people to be poor.
It's to remind the rich, that they have something, but also to give
them a chance to give sadaqa if someone sinful says Sophia, if
they pass by a beggar without giving them anything, no, and
especially if the beggar is a young man who has the ability to
get up and work. Because you're actually ruining society by
feeding this.
I like in Morocco, you have to get a license to bake.
And the license to bake. Yeah, you got a license, believe it or not.
Yeah. And that license also says that you're eligible. So if you
have any deformity, like you're blind, you lost a limb, all that
you have a license to beg.
You can just know you, they have to see something about you. Right.
And they literally give people a license to beg. And they were
like, they have a card. Basically, I'm a card carrying beggar. Right?
I can accept Zika they have to make sure you're not from an
inmate. Right? So there's two levels to it. So
really smart system. And if you're begging without a license, you're
out. Because that's what we need to have. You need to have someone
who you can't have a city out of sympathy, like the way that our
cities have become in these Democrat run cities are terrible.
They just want to there's lawlessness all over San
And they're calling themselves what do they call themselves?
You know, these cities that sanctuary cities all bring anybody
chaos. This is not sympathy, this is not empathy. Order and empathy
are not at odds. That's the problem with some people's
thinking. They are not at odds. Okay? You need to have order, but
you can have order and mercy at the same time. And the people who
want to receive mercy have to have sub, right? If someone comes to
ask for Zika have sub, there has to be order in our distribution of
Zika. It's not just reaching the box and give because that in the
long run harms more people than good. The right way to do things
is to receive
people's information
in an orderly fashion.
And then Allah Desica based upon their need, some people want time
some people monthly
based on the first come first serve.
Not just oh, I came for Zika have mercy Give it to me right away.
No, there's order. So there's order and empathy and Rama, mercy
are not mutually exclusive. And the one who wants the Mercy has to
have somebody so you can't have mercy. When you want it, you have
to have mercy and you have to have patience. You have to fall you
have to lower your ego. Because you have to follow the protocols.
You got to follow instructions, you can have things the way you
want them to be. And people will do this, you end up with more
benefit than anything else than previously. Caitlin Joanne says I
always feel disconnected spiritually after socializing with
people. Why is that? That's because when our attention is
directed to the creation, it's not given to the Creator so you
calibrate by not
taking so much time with people ever take a break from them. And
don't engross yourself with the creation so much take a break from
the people. What is the question underneath it says from Jethro is
a permit Good luck is it permissible to ask Allah in
English instead it is it is in the medical school only. If it is
impossible, if you cannot explain.
If you cannot express yourself in the Arabic language alright if you
cannot express yourself in Arabic You may make dua in any language.
You said
Erykah Badu but what was the purpose that agarbatti was brought
How do you convince a family member says come on who doesn't
pray to start doing it
keep praying in front of them
right and you should keep after them in some way shape and form
I remember is good for memory. What's up? The incense is good for
memory. That's what someone said. Incense is good for memory I don't
know about the Moab says, But Bilbao stood on top of the Kaaba,
are we confusing? Dean wood with culture? To a degree, it is a
culture of cityfolk that putting your feet out in front of people
orient towards the Qibla
Yes, it is a habit however, it is a habit that the scholars have
upheld, right. It will always be bad manners to stick your feet
towards something. Standing on the Kaaba for a functionary purpose is
not disrespectful he's not sitting back putting his feet in towards
the curb but he's standing on it for a function and nobody stands
on the curb anymore after that that was an exception
yeah, that's that that's an exception
All right, let's see what else we got. Abdullah us says what about
being a groundskeeper for an institution like Seton Hall,
explicitly Catholic and has a Chapelle on campus and statues all
over the place?
Okay, let's just put it as this can I cut the grass of a church
and take money for that
forget to you know this just go straight to a church. Well, the
rule is this that if the essence of an employer is is a
product or service that they offer, then you may work in it.
But not work in the
in anything that is haram. And so for example, a supermarket is
halal to work in a supermarket but you cannot sell the pork and the
alcohol nor handle any of that
because the essence of the supermarket is food and the food
is another thing to sell. So if they have something haram in
there, then you don't do that, but you can do everything else.
If the essence of the company or the employer is that their product
and service is permitted by the essence of such as spirits, the
liquor store liquor company that's all over New Jersey
then you cannot do anything for them right you cannot do anything
for them, you cannot even change their lightbulbs. So a church then
it the essence of the function of this church is to spread the
Trinity right. So therefore, that would actually be worse than a
liquor store. Right. So by the
principles that we've established then or that are established, then
to do any function for a church would be forbidden. So that's the
answer to the question. And what is Seton Hall? That's the
question, how do we conceptualize Seton Hall? A is it an institution
dedicated to spreading the Trinity? Or is it just a college
that's owned by Catholics?
Go back and look at it yourself and make that assessment. Because
there is a big difference between a supermarket owned by a Christian
or or a college owned by Christians. He can put the cross
wherever he wants, like a supermarket. Okay.
He puts His cross wherever he wants, but it's not peddling the
Trinity. It's not selling the Trinity. It's selling food. That's
fine. Right? You can work there. But is Seton Hall a school that is
out there to teach the Trinity to everybody? Or is it just happens
to be a regular college that teaches all the subjects and it's
just happens to be owned, or managed by Christians who put
their crosses everywhere and have the priests? I personally think
it's the letter is I don't think anybody goes to Georgetown and
Seton Hall expecting to get preached at and to become a
Trinity preacher. It doesn't happen. These are the most atheist
places in the world, even though the school isn't, but the people
are, and the professors are, right. There's plenty of religious
people all over the place in these places. So I personally my
conception of Georgetown, Seton Hall, all the Notre Dame, I think
Loyola to all these Catholic Jesuit schools is that they're
just regular colleges. No. And they just happen to be managed by
a Christian group,
by the Jesuit order
of Catholics, that's my conception of it. So it's very different
than, let's say, the college that produces priests. That's
different, right? Because clearly, you're going to be preached to, to
be taught the Bible in the Trinity, and to teach it to
So therefore, personally speaking from like, from this glanced at
it, there should be no hearts to work at Seton Hall.
And you can go ask other CEOs about that to
ask and see what they say about it and tell them basically what I
said is that the conception of the principles that we talked about
the essence of the job,
and then how we conceive of Seton Hall, I personally feel it's a
regular college
that is just managed by Christians. Rutgers is a regular
college managed by people who have no declared religion, the state of
New Jersey, right? Tons of private schools out there, you regular
schools, managed by people who have different beliefs, okay, and
they just happen to be Christians. So that's my conception of
the one when you sit when someone says I graduated from Seton Hall,
nobody expects you to like be preaching to be a preacher. But
there are priests, schools, schools, for priests, priests, and
what if you say I'm a graduate from there, then yeah, we expect
you to be a priest. Right and that your life mission is to spread the
So I hope that answers the question
all right, it seems like there are no more questions on YouTube
either that are my thing he failed
my YouTube chat is failing. But we will stop here in sha Allah China
as it is now 330 So a basically a two hour stream which is decent I
know the audio was cut in the first 10 minutes, but just
couldn't locate and everybody may Allah subhanaw taala except this
two hours of the
remembering a lot either through remembering or mentioning or
reading from his Tafseer May Allah subhanaw taala I don't know why my
feed is not showing up my YouTube feed is not
Yeah, it's not going to I it's never stops but it stopped this
done. But may Allah Tada except from us. And may Allah subhana,
which Allah
enter us into.
The state of is TOCOM and grant us sincerity as we live and die,
until the day in which we meet him and let our final days be the best
of our days and may Allah try to answer our DUA and answer
everybody's DUA and may Allah Allah inspire us to ask that which
He wills to answer for us. Subhanak Allahumma will be handing
a shadow Allah Allah Allah
And the stock wanted to Lake with us in Santa Fe of course Illa
Allah Deena am environmental cider had water was so bellhop. What was
sober sober was salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.