Shadee Elmasry – NBF 105 Surah alAlaq The First Revelation
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hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah, who either early
he was the woman who Allah. We begin today with the Safina
society nothing but facts live stream. And today I want to open
up with something that's really, really interesting is the New York
Times article
entitled, The Curious hole in my head
gives us a perspective on or a fresh view on how we view science
in relation to, you know, the other elements of our life.
Science to us is one of the signs of Allah's knowledge. It's, it's,
it's an indicator of knowledge. And a dead thing cannot have
knowledge. So and knowledge must be possessed by an agent, or by
maybe that's a
must be possessed by living beings. Otherwise, it's just
What we see here, when we study sciences, we see patterns that are
amazing. And then we see adaptation. Right to aberrations.
That's also amazing. And that's creative knowledge. And that's
what we call Allah's Name, idea. He innovate, he brings you
something you never imagined. Okay. And so this article has that
there was a woman
she was born. And she had a
perinatal stroke, what does that mean? perinatal stroke is
basically that in the womb, her brain started bleeding. Now, of
course, this is such a fragile time, that it ended up causing
the, in her in her brain, a hole, that part of her brain did not
develop at all. She was told, she would never speak,
she would never be able to conceptualize anything. And she
would be in an institution her entire life. That's what they told
the parents.
But she could go home as a baby. And eventually, though, she's not
going to hit the targets that are necessary. And in the beginning,
she didn't hit any targets. So for example, what are the what is the
target for a baby? Grabbing the thumb? Right? There's a certain
strength by which you grab the thumb. What's another target for a
Sucking is the other thing that they know. So what do babies know
how to do they know how to suck, right? They know how to grab on to
a finger. So these are like very basic, she wasn't hitting any of
these targets.
But she could go home. And eventually, they're gonna have to
check up on her every month. And she's going to eventually have to
be institutionalized. She can't talk. Who knows if she can hear.
And she definitely will, will be essentially
brain damaged.
Month after month, she starts catching up with every milestone,
until she reached a point where she is no different than any other
All right. So while the language skills, the doctors were most
worried about language skills, because that's the part of the
brain they said that was affected.
So there were 1000s of people who had similar situations, and all of
them came up, they could not speak. Okay. She says, My
childhood memories are just all researchers following me around
with pens and clipboards, get her brains were scanned several times
a year, okay. And then they would give her puzzles to see if she if
the brain is working. At the end of every test, or testing session,
right? She would gain all the prizes. In other words, it's okay,
if you could put match all the colors will give you a cookie, she
gets a cookie, like in other words, she's hitting everything.
Good. Then she's nine years old, and they start to themselves,
okay, well, maybe
something's going to be different if she gets exhausted. So for
example, maybe she's okay when she's alert. But if she gets
tired, how is her brain going to function? They told her to keep
the girl up all night. So her mom got some, some Chinese food and
they started watching movies all night to keep the girl awake all
night, and then wake her up early the next day to see, you know, how
does she act when she's tired? Because that's really where the
brain is affected most.
She gets into the clinic half awake, she's exhausted. Okay, this
took the electrodes all over her scalp. All right. And she was
asked to do tasks.
And she fulfilled all the tasks
All right, everything was normal. After a while they allowed her to
sleep. And then they tested her brain while she was asleep. And
they want to see what their brain looks like when she's tired. So
she wasn't like the other kids. In the study, there were other kids
who had perinatal strokes and had holes in their brain
at the same time, but when she was around 15, right, she has been
hitting all the targets for so many years, they actually started
a question, if this is if she actually had a stroke or not.
Because not none of the targets are being missed here. Okay, so
there's no point in her being in the study anymore. So they
actually asked, quite frankly, you know, what, what actually
happened, and we have to go check. And then we might not even be part
of the study anymore. So what they discovered was that other parts of
the brain picked up what was missing in the other parts. So she
has, like, let's say, I don't know, I'm just saying 85% of her
brain physically. And that 15% is supposed to cover, let's say,
language, I'm just throwing numbers out there. He said, The
language was picked up by other parts of the brain. So what that
totally threw off, was the commonly known concept that
certain parts of the brain affects certain behaviors. So this is the
effect of breathing. The hearing this affects the speaking this
part affects the decision making said that a part of a brain was
taken out, other parts picked it up,
which was
really an amazing discovery for them. But what for? The point that
I want to make for us is that we do not have a conflict between
science and The Quadra of Allah subhanaw taala. But we do have a
limit, that we don't put predictions of the future that are
negative. We don't allow those to affect us. Like we don't we don't
make ourselves believe those. Because once you do you really
closing the door on a lot of L Vidya, the creative creator,
right, he creates creatively bring something new that you never
imagined. And that's what part of our Imen idea, he will bring you
something new, find a solution that you never thought of before,
bring two opposite things or not two, to what you seem to be
impossible, bring them together in a manner that you couldn't imagine
before. And that's where
we put a limit on
that item, which they call science, right? We put a limit on
science in that respect. So she's out of the study, right? But she
became consumed herself with neuroscience, because this is
obviously what you grew up with. Okay. And she started taking
internships. And she started to look at her own case files, her
own studies, right.
And eventually, they said, You were the worst participant, right?
Because you threw off all the data.
All the data is saying, so now we start to get into some
psychological things where when you tell a parent, your kids never
get to speak again. Well, then that parent starts to treat that
child as if they're never going to speak again. Right? So how do we
know there is always a level where how do we know that something is a
predictive negative versus a brought on negative and we in the
shittier, we accept predicted positives, but not predictive
negatives, right? We just don't accept them. But
it's in a sense, it is a type of part of the teaching of the
prophets of Allah when he was seven that he doesn't like
false superstitions or negative to share your negative views on
things we can do Hibou. And he likes optimism. Of course,
scientific things are not comparable to superstitions. One's
based on knowledge, one's based on chance. But, or anything, that's
not knowledge. But the negative outcome is still expected in both
cases. That negative outcome is where we draw the line as Muslims.
And we say no, no, listen, tell me what's going on. Tell me there's a
hole telling me there's bleeding. Tell me what's up. Don't tell me
that I have a limit going forward. Right. And that's where we believe
in L. Vidya. Okay. So her mentor died. Her colleagues would go on
to publish many studies on perinatal strokes. And in a 2012
paper, they found that babies suffer these strokes, they have a
risk of higher attention, behavior problems, cognitive problems,
right from 1983 to 2006. They did all these studies.
She In contrast, went to college. Majored in neuroscience became a
A writer, graduated, right spent two years studying in
labs, right? And she continued. And she's now you know, in the
field, she's in the field that she was once a subject. And now she is
herself, an observer. So it goes on. But that's a summary of the
story where
her brain picked up.
They filled in roles that they weren't actively are usually
filling in. So that's something I wanted to start with. I thought
that was really interesting case, and an important case, to compile
part of our examples of the many times that negative predictions,
they didn't turn out to be true. So we shouldn't limit ourselves
with such negative predictions. All right, let's now turn to a
quick question from ibutton. Yes. Did she say anything about karma?
Well, what is karma? First of all,
karma is simply a Sanskrit word that gives the meaning of what
goes around comes around. That concept exists, I believe, in all
cultures, because humans observe it. Like you can't not observe
that in many cases in life, you see, what goes around comes
around, and you see someone who, for example, maybe made fun, of,
of a type of person, with the same affliction hits him later in life,
and we all see it right. So I think it exists in all cultures.
But if we want the Sharia and if we want our revelation to confirm
our culture, we do have a confirmation from the messenger
peace be upon him, come to the you know, to the prophets of Allah,
whatever Samson, do what you wish,
as you just had, it could see there was you wish, what you give
arounds will come back to you.
In that era to do, like, what, literally what goes around comes
around the circle goes around, that's what it literally means in
Arabic, the circle goes around, right, and what you give out you
will get
it's the same exact concept. But sometimes these concepts we just
it gives us more comfort to know that revelation has affirmed it.
And here we have an affirmation from the prophets of Allah when he
was setting them that what goes around comes around. And a further
affirmation from the Santa Hain
is that the closer a person is to Allah, the shorter the circuit, so
that if I did something bad, the solder Hain would say very
quickly, it will come back to me why? Because Allah wants to keep
his slate clean as a blessing for this person, he gets a cup fodder
for his sin right away. Right. And if someone is far from ALLAH
SubhanA, which Allah then that thing
is delayed.
It's delayed for one of two reasons a to give him a chance to
repent, because he's not someone who repents often, and if he was
given the CIG the if it was to come back to him, he wouldn't make
the connection, that this is because of that.
Or so that's one thing he can repent or if he doesn't repent
that it's a punishment for him, because it will happen so far
later down the road, he almost forget. And he won't even know
that this is the punishment of my accent. So it has been noticed
that when someone is near to Allah, that their bad actions,
they have an immediate result. One of the sudden instead every time I
do something wrong, I commit some sin, I am distant from Allah. I
feel it in my household, my wife, she gets argumentative, she gets
unhappy she gets has friction with me. So he sees it in his wife all
the time. This is one of the early setup who said this, right? I
think you can find this in
crusaders Lisanna. It's one of the biographies where he says I see it
in my wife, right? In my head, they call the wife and so that's
one of the important things that that we have unbelieving is that
what goes around comes around. When you're near to Allah, it's a
short circuit, it happens right away to clear your your slate off.
I think one distinction though, is I remember I used to be into this
before I was Muslim is that like Buddhists and Hindus a justify as
it's like, egocentric type of thing. So the distinction that we
make is that the doer is Allah. Yeah. And also, if we say we
believe in this, it's only metaphorical belief is the cause
and effect that we see yours and isn't actually just habitual. And
it's important to know that when we're in the Arabic language when
you attribute a verb
to a subject, you can be attributing it as the source or
the middleman.
For example, the risk is not risk from Allah subhanaw taala. But the
Quran says and there's Hadith of the prophets, I said them saying,
No to Zuko, we give you risk. But we know
that the risk was from Allah but Allah attributed also to the
middlemen. So the also call it our third Comella como tu takes lives
is not Allah Who takes lives. But Allah subhanaw taala says the
angel of death takes your life cool yet our third co medical
notes, right? So when we say a verb and this also we are
attributing that verb, either to the source or to the middleman.
And this again is basically comes up in the topic of is to have the
why there's not shiftworker from asking people for help asking
Monica in that hip Hadith Yeah, a bad Allah uni. How's that not
shit, because asking for help is a shift if you misunderstand the
source versus the middlemen, right? So if you understand that
I'm asking somebody as a middleman, suburb or an agent that
Allah created and we're commanded to use these agents that Allah
gave us, then
it's then it's not sure to get out and duboeuf actually can be either
mobile or men do
same thing with medicine believe that I think people forget
Siddhartha when people take medicine they really
ask them is it really the the AKI that towards medicines?
Okay, of course technically everyone believes no this is just
the agent that Allah created but the way people treat it it's like
there's no other agent there's no other way that it can be cured.
There's no other way I could survive without this medicine they
get extremely attached overly attached to these things and
that's why part it's so worth is breaking attachments. It's not a
good habit for someone who knows these things are are just agents
of Allah's Will to get attached. So I can't sleep without five
things right? All at the same time. Wait a second, you got to
start disbelieving in these things a little bit. Allah can bring you
the same result through different things
Khadija Asif mentions in terms of compensation the Phantom Limb
phenomenon, which is very interesting I my theory on the
phantom limb is that it's the sole the rule so your do has come in to
all of your body right
and so it's taken the it take the raw takes the form of a body
you cut that limb off now but that rule was was there right so it's
almost like it's still there. That's just my theory on it. All
right. What's the what are we on today?
smaller man. The Rahim hamdulillah salatu salam ala Rasulillah as we
begin to wrap it up and of course this will probably take us a
couple sessions
and it is now time check 150 So we'll go for a little bit then
we'll take q&a will be wrapped up by 330 Inshallah, even before that
made a corrupt Mr. Arabic Allah, the kala,
kala acceleron MOFA serine.
And the heavy a will Lu su Ratan NASA let's mineral Quran. Of
course, there is no doubt that this was the first revelation.
Okay, I put up Mr. Mikela, the colop five acres of Sudha Talaq
are the first and the first let's take a look very specifically,
what is the first nature of the word? It's a command.
It's command. Good. And this is so important to contemplate.
It's, it's telling us basically, you have a creator who's going to
be giving you commands
when the first interaction is in order. But what kind of order is
it? It's an order that clearly benefits you read.
Nobody sees a parent forcing their kid to study except that they must
understand a couple of things he wants good for him. Right? Study.
Parents looking 12 years down the line that this kid won't be a
doctor or whatever. Right? So it's an order. Yes. So we are creatures
who have a creator who has a rub is not just a creator, and he left
us that's deism guy, he's a creator and he's monitoring us and
he wants to benefit for us. You get all of that just from one word
UCLA. At the first revelation is unlike I think the Bible is Let
there be light. It's a narration about the creation. But this one
is much more direct. And it's singular. Read is not saying
Accra. Oh, all of you read No, he's talking to you read you read.
Get educated.
But education is useless if it is not geared and centered around the
Creator. Why? Because he's the source of all this knowledge that
we're studying. What is the point of knowing all the things that
Allah created, but not knowing the Creator? And that's where this
mirror because the HELOC is so important. Yeah, because knowledge
is useless.
Without context, right?
Which context earthly context? What about heavenly context? So we
always forget heavenly context. Right there. Whoa, whoa, what's
the context? What's the context is also heavenly context.
There's a creator here. And that's where anytime knowledge becomes
absent from the Creator, that knowledge can benefit you or harm
you. You could still advance in it. But the results, the
consequence of that knowledge is up in the air now. And that's what
we see all over the place, like people are studying, they're
inventing, we got cameras, we're streaming, we're inventing, we got
scans, we can know what happens in the womb, at levels, right. That
unimaginable to pre modern men. But does it benefit us? Or does it
harm us? That's the question.
Surgery, are we now using surgery just for our whims and fancies? Or
to, you know, for actual benefit? That's the question.
And yeah, we could talk a lot about the medical field, how a lot
of it is not used for the actual benefit of it. How much of
pharmaceutical knowledge is used to keep people on a medicine?
Right, because that's what where the profit is not effective
medicine, I read a recent study that effective the effectiveness
of medicine is only one factor in its success.
It's the prescriber ability is the other factor. And that's their
sort of a type of corruption of the field. So yeah, obviously,
they have to make money. But when
effectiveness is not the number one and only almost, okay. Goal
of the industry prescribe ability. Now, long term prescribe ability
has now almost, maybe you can tell you say overtaking effectiveness,
where a guy's got an illness like this, will flick prescribe him,
this medicine, it'll take away parts of an illness, but not
enough, it'll continue on, he'll need it again. And he'll need it
again and no needed to get a simple successful drug. Right. So
that is a type of corruption in the surgeries, the way that we,
you know, like, surgeries and for us, we are allowed to return to
the human being what he was created with, in terms of
aesthetics, in terms of beauty in terms of cosmetics. We are always
allowed to return even if it means becoming better. Let me give you
example, a guy shattered his nose.
Like he broke his nose in many parts. The doctors told him all
right, well, good. Good luck. Good news for you. You get a free
rhinoplasty insurance is going to cover it a rhinoplasty is a nose
job. So the guy felt a little bit guilty, because he had as we all
do a little bit of bumpy nose, right?
So he said, Wait, is this hard for me to do?
She said yes, it's hard for you to do. Why because the intent here is
to return to you what you lost. But there is no way to do it,
except improving it. So he goes from having a totally broken a
regular nose with bumps and everything. And very few noses are
perfect, right? You see a perfect nose is it's around a fast. Allah
has created the dunya like that, like it's attractive. But there's
always something different about it. Right? little imperfections
here and there. He shattered it so badly. The doctors told him
Listen, we can't fashion your old nose. just impossible. We're gonna
put your nose together in a perfectly straight line.
Because that's what we could do. The Sheikh said, yes, it's totally
permitted for you, because you're not doing that from from where you
were, you were you're at a loss. Now, you don't have a nose. Okay,
you can't your nose cannot continue broken in multiple parts.
So now you consider it a gift from unlocked on. Now, you know it's
even better. Right? So at maybe that's the the compensation of the
pain that you went through. So in many cases,
or the rule of thumb is that the shittier allows you to return what
was lost, but it does not allow you
to change or to add when there's no loss. Okay, so that's the basic
ruling in and Where's the proof of that? In other words,
Is that a man came in to the prophets of Allah when he was
selling them and he had lost his nose, I guess in a battle.
So they put for him a silver nose, but the silver, it rotted. Right?
It didn't last as long and it began to bother them in. So the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him taking notice of
gold, because gold will, it will not have a reaction with your
body. So here you have a man, they fashioned for him a nose out of
gold. So he went from having a nose out of bone and skin, to a
nose out of gold, which is better, right, then a nose out of a bone
and skin. So
that was basically the Ps that they made that when there is a
need, you may fix the need.
Good with know how much and even if the fix improves it, then it's
acceptable. How about people's skin, if you got pimples and
things all over your skin,
you you end up going to a dermatologist, but you end up
taking more care of your skin and end up with better skin. So all
that is is acceptable. Okay, so
that's the idea is that era jam sockets Elma.
Nagus to return what was what Allah had created, that was lost,
right? Due to whatever reasons, but Allah created you that way. So
point being is that all knowledge, there will be human advancements
in knowledge, but that does not necessitate that we get better or
that we use it. For what benefits us. I don't know if what laws
there are now for what they call
ableist seeking
to have hands removed and arms removed, and to be blinded, I
think this is a crime. So whatever they do, this is a crime. Of
course. Same goes for various reassignments where they're doing
these things on youth. So now it's like criminal in my opinion, it's
it's a use of an immense ly valuable knowledge, but used for
criminal purposes. So there is a human being you want to summarize,
advancement is in knowledge, knowledge is in reading. And we
all are standing on the shoulders of 1000s of people's efforts and
work, which we don't even know someone wants to. I used to have a
student when I was teaching at a summer school, I used to teach
high school and Islamic school. And he said Why were the people
before it's done. Right? We get smarter every time he said, No,
we're not getting smarter. We're, we're standing on their shoulders.
You take I think personally speaking, IQ is pretty much the
same human being human IQ is the same. It's the circumstance and
the information you have that differs. So you take any person
take take 1000 People today delete their memories completely. All
right, throw them into an arena, an island, which was just like the
Earth was when it was first. You know, when first human beings
inhabited the earth,
they're gonna follow the similar trajectory, right? Their concerns
will be the same concerns, they're gonna have the same limitations.
My personal belief is human being essentially the essential
component of the human being is the same from the time of Adam to
now, right, except that we're on the shoulders of hundreds of years
of innovations, right, and discoveries. So we might wheat or
our results are far more astounding than previous people's
results. But we, ourselves are the same. Right? If we were swapped
and you were take, let's say, the fourth generation of human beings,
put that baby in 2021 and take one of our babies and put them back
there. You got that same thing? They have the same result. Right?
it's one of those things where human beings it's an illusion to
think that we're any better No, we have a better result because of
whose shoulders we're standing on.
The messengers of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrated from
moment to moment in
and now call it our Luma booty IV Rasulullah sallallahu It was
sudden a minute what he wrote
was an NF Sonic
fan No, say that. He says the first type of revelation was a
Rukia is with an lf a route yeah with Tamar buta with a wrapped toe
with two dots on it means a vision.
An array with a yet means an opinion.
Good. So all three are
revisions and opinion is a vision about things I wrote here with a
TA Barbuto is a vision about things. And I wrote yeah within LF
is a spiritual vision in other words a dream. So the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Cana era Rukia McKenna
nya Allah Yara ruya il ledger at Mithila fellow aka subhead, he
would see a vision
the next morning, that thing would the next day that thing would
happen exactly as he saw it and that is a branch, a rare branch of
a Rukia. A sada. The it's one of the rare branches of more Rare
Visions is that you see something exactly as it is. Okay.
Why does that happen? It has it's just a mina gives too much Nina to
its way that Allah Allah is giving you
cooling, soothing your heart down, I know this is going to happen to
you. The other type of Rosada as we said Mirada and many times is
that it is the symbolic short symbolic dream and that is also a
message from Allah to Allah either with good news to come or a
correction about our deen
some hope VIVA LA and Kala, then the Prophet, he began to love to
be alone.
Just want to be alone all the time. For Ken Atheneum we've
already hit up. So his place of color, or being alone is, of
course the cave of Hera.
Fair to had an atrophy whoa to abodes at 200 North is worship.
It's he used to do the acts of worship that were known from the
time of the Prophet Ibrahim on a sinner
Leone, the word till added many nights and days, all right.
Before he would take a break Wenzhou in early, then go down,
spend a night or two with his family, pack up more provisions
and go out again, where it says a word Willy Danika, from where Joe
Illa Khadija fetters our duly mithya had a whole house. And he
continued on this until he had almost you could say like a streak
many, many
days on end until
the angel came to him.
So if we want to have a connection with the heavens, one of the
things that we actually have to have a prerequisite is being cut
off from the creation. And that's why I think that that Corona time
who benefited benefited greatly spiritually, and who did it
benefit was wasted.
A lot of people say that they spiritually benefited so much for
this just a simple fact that 90%
which is a massive, massive number, but I think it's true 90%,
maybe of our stimuli was taken away from us, just like that.
March 19, was in March 20. Here in New Jersey state in New Jersey was
March 20. I remember it very well. It was a Wednesday. There were
rumblings about it on Tuesday, were just rumblings. We found by
Tuesday evening, they announced Schools are shut down. Once you
strip down the schools, you're shutting down everything because
who's gonna stay home with these kids, and everything else takes
cues from that. So the state, you know, their way of sending the
message was shutting down the schools. So that was it was a
Wednesday was either March 19 or March 20. I can't recall. But
there were rumblings about it. And then there were that it would be
Thursday, but it ended up being Wednesday. Okay, and SubhanAllah.
Just like that. I remember the Dallas Mavericks were playing a
game. They were literally in the warmups on Tuesday night. warmups.
You got to call and the PA announcer public address announcer
says we're sorry everybody, you will be refunded your ticket this
game has been canceled. You will be refunded go home and the
players had to sort of like sort of cheer on the fans because you
know, the fans came out to catch a game. And they got canceled. So
everyone just went home. It was a shock. Right? But a major things.
It's crazy how in the world major things happen with very little
preparation. The rumblings about Corona started in January, but I
didn't so that's something that most 99% of you will not pay
attention to it. But what does it end up doing? It ends up sending
us on a
18 month absolute no connection to the outside world for 18 months.
And then for the next six months after that it was like 5050
And then it was connection but with like masks and stuff like
that. So
it was an amazing time period in human history, my opinion. And if
you've benefited
the introspection, if that introspection for 18 months,
doesn't benefit a person to not or not what will what's gonna send
you back to Allah because everything that you thought you
lived for was gone.
Everything that would have distracted you from your problems
was gone.
And so it brought you down to the bare bones of what your reality of
your life is. And then you could assess that. And you can either
make a change, or you can just go deeper into a depression
is our charger, camera charge by the way
for a whole Melaku Then the angel came to him and said, so here are
the prophets I send them when he cut off he got the revelation have
to cut off from the external
forces first in order to gain some kind of insight. And of course,
this isn't the way beyond an insight this is a direct
connection. Right?
If Carla and I have your card. Now, what does it mean to read
recite? What does it mean? Because the problem it clearly means one
thing for us but a different thing for the Prophet. Because for us,
it does mean Read,
read words, books, but for the prophets I send them did not learn
how to read. He could have surely had the capacity to but Allah will
train to remain unlettered, which means the source of his knowledge
is not the words of other men. That's why the prophet is
unlettered. Right, because the words of other men
is a downgrade. When you are getting the word of the creator of
If your education is at the hands of the creator, you have no need
for the creation.
If your greatest miracle is the transmission of the book of the
Creator, then reading men's books, or the books of men can allow
people to accuse you of plagiarism. So the Prophet being
unlettered has so many wisdoms
for Karla and me I don't recite
Quran means recitation as well. Color for Alka Danny forgotten he
had Bella vermin from our 70 then the he coffee in shrouded him with
a hug
and then he squeezed him so tight. been like a mini I've seen this as
Jordan jet from our salary, then he let me go. Then he said a
recite, I said, I know not recite. Then he covered me again. And he
squeezed me until I was exhausted.
Then he let me go. And that didn't happen a third time. And then the
rest of the time. Then after the third time he said it couldn't
miss them in a big color the color Calaca insert them in a color what
a book and a crumb. And let the unnamable column or lemon in Santa
Merlin Yalom
that's it. Five A's?
Follow JB Hi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
forget yet or juphal heart palpitating? What was that? What
just happened? There was no
reference point to the messenger for this ever happening.
That's very important. The concept of reference points. Like you've
never experienced anything like this. But Doc Allah Allah Khadija
been toiling could eat Of course, no, I'm going to serve Sakala the
Milan is made only for the man who had the hub and horsepower. He
said cover me up, cover me up because he was getting cold. And
he needed to be brought together. He said to Khadija What is wrong
with me. And he informed her about a hardcover of what happened.
Well, Carla had Cachito LFC said I'm worried for myself that in
other words, spending too much time alone could also have a
negative mental impact on people and they could see other things.
Remember, spirituality is not one way. There is a light spirit, a
spirituality of light, and mercy and truth and there's a
spirituality of darkness and falsehood. Not all spirituality or
to when you say Hindus are so spiritual they are it's the wrong
spirituality though.
Look at the results goblins and gents and all sorts of weird
creatures, no offense to the Hindu religion, but that's what it is.
Well, I don't want to pick a fight. In other words, because we
live in our area. It's all Hindus.
Like percentage wise, like what is our area
arrive at 25% Hindu Indians, North Brunswick is South Brunswick
is more than that South Brunswick is more than that. Okay? South
Brunswick may have some power. Yes, like 40% Some streets.
It's just all you could smell the even the food, right from the
homes of coming out of people. So
I don't want to pick a fight with that, but this is what it is those
gods, you would not want your child looking like that would you
write with the head of an elephant? Or a girl? If your
daughter was born with with six finger with with a six finger? She
puts her hand up, she's got six fingers, right? Would you not go
to a surgeon and have it chopped off when she's healthy enough to
have a surgery? Clean it up, patch it up, make as if it never
happened right or wrong? Imagine she had an extra arm. So why does
your god have nine arms, you wouldn't want your daughter to
have an extra finger. So falsehood is always like that you attribute
it to somehow and the famous about learning something you wouldn't
want you to be famous welcome learning.
He wanted to bait the Christians, the Christians invited in for a
debate the Catholics. So the Byzantine Christians, the
Orthodox, the Muslims had long standing good relations with them.
When the cat, the Roman Catholics, they wanted to debate so about
Kalani goes to debate with them.
And he says, How was how are your family and children? Because the
priests they marry and they have kids, right? The Byzantine
patriarchs and their priests they marry and have kids. So he went
there. And he said to them, how is your family and children? Just as
breaking the ice? They gasped all of them. Right?
And then someone laughed and said, Sir, the priests here they don't
marry or have kids. I said why? Because that's impure.
Then what do you attribute to God have a wife and a kid some hot
Allah give your that why that's the debate right there debates
over right? And they were like shocked they never thought of it
that way. Okay, so
that's what these when someone spends too much time alone, it
must be monitored gate because that could lead you to all sorts
of levels of insanity. Right?
So the prophets of Allah when he was set up said Has she to Allah
and FC I'm worried for myself a QA that's Khadija This is such a
famous Hadith, the section and the scholars say this woman was so
pure her mind, her heart, understood ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
before even the religion of SLAM spread. And the Prophet taught the
revelation because we know that the Arabs they did have a concept
they know who Allah was, but it was all covered in the idolatry of
the pagan worshipping these idols as a path to Allah. But she
understood now listen to what she said.
Color wala he may you because eek Allahu EBITDA. Allah, Allah will
never humiliate you. He will never allow you to be misguided.
Listen to the qualities that she mentioned. Because we also don't
want to be misguided, right?
We have to adopt these qualities when I learned this, when part of
the theater classes that I took in Yemen was this hadith. They teach
sera in Yemen, like no other place in the world. The Hebei love,
their love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is when
you when someone says oh, they love the messenger so much. When
you go there, you'll see it. And you will have to admit,
when you see the Hebei and their love for the prophets of Allah
when he was Saddam and for his Syrah, okay, and for any vicar of
the messenger peace be upon him, you will have to put hands down.
There's no discussion, this group of people in IntelliBeam Yemen,
their love for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is far
more visible, clear manifests in many ways than anywhere else.
Okay. So
and of course,
the whole OMA loves the prophets of Allah who was among all the
scholars love the messenger, but I've never seen anything like
this. So they take the whole lecture is this hadith?
Because these are ASVAB
and he may or may not because the causes the character traits that
will protect us from being humiliated, humiliated as let go,
let go astray. Okay. Allah will not let you go astray in your
beliefs and your precious perceptions in your expectations
in your deen if you observe these things,
Number One.
In Nikola Tesla, right? You're good with your family. Good.
You're good with your family?
What's going on? Can
you help people who have need
someone with a need you help?
What taxi will Makhdoom?
The poor, you help the poor?
What's your credit by your good to the guests?
This is all basic decency. That's all it is. These things are such,
they're little things that just reflect the decency of a person.
What do I you know, I don't know. If there's truth that needs
support, you're always there to support the truth. Because
sometimes the truth is there, but supporting it is unpopular,
supporting it will cost you and your business and your reputation
in your friends.
So these are, that's it, these are the qualities you so it's everyone
vulnerable, like your family is vulnerable to you.
Your family stuck with you
guessed, in a sense is vulnerable. He's in your house, you can be
generous to him or not, I can offer him as a good cake. Or I
could keep it to myself, when needed after he's gone. I could
get up and offer water, coffee tea and put some effort into this or I
could not. Okay, so the guest is stuck with you, the needy, the one
who has a burden on him.
Right and the one who is in need of help. Right? All of these, say
to Khadija said you do all this,
our Creator does not leave to be humiliated.
He does not disgrace somebody by letting them go astray. Or to be
fooled by somebody, someone who's so decent. And that's if you want
to be guided Do you want to make sure that Allah Tala helps you and
aids you, and is with you and never let you go astray, then
basic decency is what you need. Okay. I can tell you, as an
example, I saw a man studied with some of the biggest shoe
in the womb of Islam for over a decade, on a daily basis. But I
can also tell you, this person did not have these qualities did not
have these qualities, there would be a person, let's say in the
circle, say we're all sitting and a person comes in, is totally new
with this, does not have knowledge doesn't know what's going on wide
eyed, right?
And does not have anything that will be desirable about him like
wealth, social capital.
And I would see this young, she was a young shake, I would say
completely give that person 00 attention and in fact, almost
enjoy carrying on the discussion with technical terminology. And
name dropping, he knew that other guy would not understand. So
almost like he enjoyed isolating that person further.
And it always hit me the wrong way. But he was the sheriff and he
was older than me. And I thought maybe I'm making a bigger deal
than it is. But it persisted and continued.
Until the to the point that this person when it came time that he
like a community to stay in and needed communal support, he
couldn't get it,
which ended up making him more and more bitter and isolated.
Right? I don't know what his situation is, he figured his life
out or not. But all of that knowledge. To me, I guess it was
led to kibble arrogance. But the basic decency wasn't there. And it
always bugs me. And it bugs a lot of other people. But we swallowed
it. Because he was a great scholar, when he was and all the
Hadith about scholars misbehaving or not practicing their knowledge
is not about scholars of the millennia. It's not about
heretical scholars, like scholars have some sector groups. So what
if a sudden, true Sunni knowledge with the great Senate, but it
doesn't act upon it? Or he just missed it? It's like you miss like
some of the most basic things to protect yourself. And he's not
protected. He wasn't he's actually life collapsed. Believe it or not,
and I attribute it to a type of kibble. This will break your
killer. All of this stuff will break your kibble. And that's why
socializing is very important.
If I go and I haven't achieved
May I make a ton of money, or I go in again in a ton of knowledge,
some achievement or other, then family,
the needy people, oppressed people, matters of truth, hosting
guests. All of these things, if I act upon them, they will put
cracks in my arrogance. Until my arrogance breaks apart. Right?
Nicely, organically, slowly without humiliation. Until my my
neffs breaks apart. Being a host of guests. That's a big deal.
Right? Because you're the servant of the guests. You're working all
day. So this guy can come sit on his butt and eat
and enjoy himself. Right? You're having a well Leamas are parties
when he was usually people say that for wedding. But in Arabic,
it's a general party, having dinner parties for people. There's
a Sahaba sahabi, who said, I prefer to have a dinner party for
my companions than to spend all day in the masjid. Because having
a dinner party, you're working, it's sadaqa.
And it's kedma. Its service so that the host in a dinner party is
the most tired person, he benefits the least. Okay? And he's in a
sense, a servant. He's the most humble of all of them.
I remember our executive director semi Academy, he went to Morocco.
He's not going to mind I tell the story. He was invited by Sheikh
Mohammed Jacobi. He said I was embarrassed. The chef would not
serving everybody. And he the chef, Muhammad Talia, Kobe. And
surely after we had said this before, in other gatherings in the
masjid, he said it in a class. He said, We have innovated as hosts.
How have hosts innovated? He said today we do something that is so
far against the Sunnah and our grand forefathers would have the
scholars would have never allowed it. And that is we give everyone a
plate. And we say go serve yourself as a buffet.
Go take a food yourself. He said in our day. In other words,
talking about his father should give it to him and Jacobi. There
was no such thing as the guest ever getting up not even to wash
his hands. You bought him a bucket, a pitcher of water, the
use of a fancy pitcher for the guests and a fancy bowl. You laid
the ball down and you poured the warm water over his hand as he
washed his hand. Then you put the water down and you presented him
with him hotel. And he dried his hand. You did that before the meal
and after the meal.
Okay, you bought the record you bought the rose water to sprinkle
around when it was hot. And the food came right to him. He was the
the guests would sit down would not get up the entire time.
Not like today you want to drink drinks are over there. Oh, go get
They didn't do that. So he was like embarrassed shifting the ship
coming in giving you food. What would you like? Would you like
this? And then lots of different foods. Right that he would bring?
And he said he was embarrassed like the chef is serving us. But
he would refuse to stop he would have no other way. That's what
real hosting is. Tonight. You got to host sitting down.
I mean, the food's catered
no effort was put in this at all. Not to make fun of people. People
need to cater food sometimes. Right? But I mean those comes
Alright, come on in the plates. There you go. Got it yourself. The
foods catered no one even cooked it it came from a restaurant of
course he paid for it. Right. So there is some effort there. And
you put the food yourself. You finished you throw the garbage
So that's the way we have parties today. Which I'm not making fun of
that. I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm just saying it's a little bit
different from what the expectation of people used to be
that and why is it that the prophets I set say to Khadija
saying here to host a guest well is a source of Allah to Allah
protecting you from humiliation
right? That you are going out of your way to serve the for the
enjoyment of your your your guests. And even even if they
cater and even if they make you go and it's a great service. I mean,
they went out there and got the food for you took the time of day
out invited you all you do is you sit on your on the couch, you
enjoyed this food, you get dessert, you get tea, you get a
wonderful conversation. See your friends, right? All of that has
been done for you. Right. So that is that is the commitment and the
service they did for you. So hosting dinner parties is part of
our deen and there's a social element to it as well. Right? Like
how is it that why do we have this marriage crisis? I think
personally, that a lot of it is solved by dinner parties because
that's where people start to
see each other? It's like, okay, that's where I see that family.
All right, I don't want to see them again. It could be right
yeah, I don't like the way they this family acts. Another family I
really love the way they do things in that conversation was great. We
get along we have the same boat, you know, positions on things. We
live the same way.
So this is a potential suitor, you know, for my kid. That's how the
community works. And that's why dinner parties are important.
So that's the there's a social element to that. There are
internships, jobs, knowledge gained by interacting socially
over food.
So that's the idea behind these five things where these people are
vulnerable and you are the giver. You are the helper in a situation
you don't have to help in a situation where you nobody asked
for you to help
or required you to help.
From Talaq to be fantastic. Glad to be here. Khadija two had added
me he was able to Nofal in acid in Abdullah economic Khadija she went
to his cousin, her cousin.
Her cousin was watercop, son of Nofal. Who can Amara and Tana
Surah Philip J. Lee.
He was somebody who became a Christian during J hadiah. What
can I actually will Kitab Arabi and he used to write the Arabic
scriptures. You know the scripture in Arabic, fact to mineral in God
Bill Oribi. Yeti Masha Allah Who and Jakob used to translate the
Bible into Arabic
What can I say if and kebenaran Khademi he was an old share who
became blind
for God at low Khadija you have Nam Oh, cousin.
It's mom in Ibni Akik. Listen, from the son of your brother. Maya
cool. What is a son of your brother age difference? Okay.
It's a phrase that you say for age difference. fucka Allahu wa Raka.
You have Nucky mother, Tara, what did you receive? In other words,
He's as old as your father. That's why she said son of your brother
because he's who be the prophets. I said it would be as the age of
your sons, for example. So you said Oh, son of my brother.
What do you have? The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
informed him of what he saw. What aka said, Heather and now Moses.
This is the revelation, the angel, the law. Allah the ends Allah
Allah who Allah Musa, which Allah brought down to Moses the law.
Yeah, late any fee. Her Jeddah and I wish I was young. They 20 Hakuna
Haiyan I hope that I am alive. If you can read you can calm look.
When your people expel you, I wish I was young. And I would wish I
was alive. The day that will come. Your people will expel you. So he
believed that messenger was a true prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam. There was no shahada, no concept of saying Leila and Allah
Muhammad Rasul Allah but he clearly expressed he believed the
Prophet is saying the truth, and that this was the angel James
Gabriel. tribute for Karla Rasulullah sallallahu it was an
hour mockery Gu home. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
well, they actually remove me.
They will expel me call Anam.
Waka says yes, lamb Yes, theological Cocteau. Mithuna magic
dubby Illa Rudy. No man has come with what you have come with
except he was faced with animosity.
When you drink Neo mukha on circuit, if that day comes I will
give you victory.
Ahsoka NASTRAN was Zara I will give you strong help from LM yen
shop worker into fear
without a runway
shortly thereafter what aka died and the revelation stuffs coming
fats out on why a long period of time stopped from the revelation.
This is one of the most important Hadith that you find at the
beginning of many, many Hadith books.
And in another narration I share with Akira de Wirkkala Bismillah
beaker Lydia colop. At developer mallam Yalom was the vfv for kala
fatawa he felt threatened had Hasina NaVi Usul Allahu alayhi wa
sallam the revelation stopped coming until the Prophet became
sad, female Bella vana husband and other men whom Iran okay
He would go far off away from everybody. Okay? Let them Russa
called G Bell, he would go to the top of mountains.
Right, then Santa Gibreel would come and said, Yeah, Mohammed
Naka, Rasulullah haka, he would be so sad at the loss of this
revelation, that he would go to the top of the mountain and look
down until he would hear Gibreel give him some silver by saying,
oh, Mohammed, You are the messenger of Allah and truth, say,
for your school did Erica. Right then the prophets of Allah where
he said would be at peace again.
But I couldn't do enough. So who failed, and his soul would calm
down a little bit, is when you're waiting for something so immense,
so amazing to happen.
And it's just time it's long time is passing, start to get really
sad. So you need these little reminders, these little reminders,
you're on the truth, this is going to happen.
Now, why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have
to go through this period?
Well, number one, to prove to himself and others, that it's not
an invention of his own mind.
This is not that some people say his mind was under such intense
pressure that his imagination created this revelation. This is
what some kuffaar Say. Right? All right, well, why can he create it
again, then? So to show to remove any requests
from anybody, just the suggestion that he was under intense pressure
that his imagination created this, that means someone's delusional,
someone who's delusional, can't run a city, can't deal with
enemies, can't manage wars, can't manage nine households, someone
who's delusional cannot function and lead people to a good life.
Right? Did not the prophesy seven lead all of his Sahaba
all of the early Muslims of Mecca if they lived into the time of
Allah, were immensely wealthy, because of the message of the
prophets, I said, and that they acted upon, and lived upon that
was the results of the sahaba. This is one of the wisdoms of why
is it that the generation of the Sahaba all of them died with
immense wealth, except if they gave it away, or they didn't want
it, but it was theirs. It is to show that the followership of the
prophet does not lead to worldly loss, it leads to gain in the
dunya. All of that is to show he cannot be a diluted leader, a
diluted leader does not he leaves a mess behind him. Right? Not
wealth, not success. Since I was this delusion, it's so that the
can no longer accuse him of inventing the revelation. The
revelation stopped three times. This time, it came after it
stopped. After the challenge of the Jews asked the Prophet three
questions. The Prophet said, I'll come back to you tomorrow with the
answer. Soon it's in calf. 15 days it didn't show up.
And they made fun of him. Where's the answer? Where's the
revelation? You proving that it's not from him? Say it is it was
accused. 30 days, no revelation. His own wife was accused, whom he
said she is I love her more than anyone else on the earth.
He was asked openly directly by other men, by American us. Who do
you love most on this earth? He said.
He said who after her? He said her father. Okay.
this is to prove that the revelation is not from him. It's
to remove any doubt
that he invented this revelation, how do you invent
at one point, and not be able to event when everyone's making fun
of you to invent? Right?
So every time, the wait, the waiting, would become too heavy on
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he would get a
message from Santa God like that. And it would cool his it would
come his way. There's another reason for this. The The why is so
heavy. The burden of what he is going to receive. It's a gift,
right? But a gift could be burdensome. It's so heavy. He has
to want it. He has to desire it. What is it? What is one of the
things that makes you able to carry a burden is desire and what
creates desire, longing,
longing fuels desire. You know how hard it is? Many things in life
are hard, right? A lot of things in life are really difficult. You
can only carry this burden by the fuel
rule of desire, okay, and desire is so important. So if you have
desire, you will never think twice about the hardships of this.
Right? Never think twice. Here's a couple. They couldn't have a kid.
They had to wait. I think they waited
over a decade. Try to have a kid. All the parents whine and complain
about kids, right? Except this couple everything is a pleasure
changing the diaper is a pleasure for them. Right? Every other
normal parent they marry have kids. There are whining
complaining about their kids, right? Like enemies. You ever see
it happens, right? Oh, I lost my favorite toy. Good. It's really
your enemies, like enemies in the house now? Oh, my favorite toy
fell in the toilet. Good. I'm gonna hope you learned a lesson to
like, having a rivalry in the house, the parents in the kids,
they live with each other. Okay, until something bad happens to the
kid then do you remember how much you love him, you lose him in the
store or something, then you're all happy. Now you love him. But
when you got it quickly, and you got kids normally like everybody
They don't take to the pains of children the same way. Right as
those who had to wait, and they were deprived, and spent years and
days and, and big stretches of life, go into visits go in to see
kids on the street and the driving home alone, go into houses and
dinner parties, and seen all these kids running around going to newly
born right, seeing a newborn baby and driving home alone.
And sleeping alone that night.
They spent years in that state now that they have a kid, they don't
utter one complete, right? So the desire strengthens you for the
burden. And desire is strengthened by longing.
Right that you have a long wait for something, your desire grows.
Okay. And the waiting though could also kill your desire. So for that
reason, Allah sent the Prophet a reminder that his desire would
never die. You're reminded this is true. This is not an illusion.
This is not you didn't miss see anything. This is the truth. So
Sandra, Judy used to come to him say sit down to him every once in
a while to remind him know you're on the right track, keep desiring
it because it's going to be heavy.
Right. And so the revelation on a set.
X was extremely heavy on the prophets of Allah when he was.
I'm Chuck snow
Notice here, there's a pronoun, a dummy here,
that has been removed or not removed. It's expected, but it's
not there. Read in the Name of your Lord who created
there is a pronoun there that we expect to see they're created,
what created the world created you created, who read in the name of
the Lord who created that's it. And that's one of the ways in
which the Quran is beloved. It's called Health, which is where a
word is just not there. Right? Actions are by intentions, actions
are what by intentions.
So, by removing a word, it actually fills in everything
Read in the Name of your Lord who created period created what
created everything created whatever you imagine, created you
created, the knowledge that you're studying. Whatever it is, is on
your mind. That's what he created
Allah, then Allah to Allah specifies the most noble of his
creations and the direct the creation which is receiving his
speech Khaliqul incense and incense, the human being menolak
This is why the Maliki view that the creation of a baby in the womb
is not like anything else. It's special.
Right? Because Allah Tala speaks of it often in the Quran. He
created the human being menolak
from a clot This is one of the places and it's the first
revelation pointing to the great miracle of the creation of the
human being in the womb. There was a funny thing
a skit a God not a skit. I don't know what to call these things
like these like social YouTube pranks, guys going around with a
clipboard is hey, I got a
a petition
saved the baby whales. baby whales are being killed.
Because what nuts and straws? Would you sign the petition? Yes.
Okay, next page. You won't believe this ma'am. Save the baby a Ranga
Tang, baby Ranga tangs are being killed. Right because of pollution
and other things. Who signed the petition? Right? They're being
killed at birth. Okay, next petition. Save the baby humans.
They're being aborted in their stomachs. Okay, no, no, this was a
prank. This was a trick. What is this? No, I'm not signing this.
Okay. Well, alright. The orangutan. Yes. Being the baby
human. Stop there. That's the woman's right. All right. Good.
Baby has no right there. Well, good. Ranga Tang, good. But I'm
telling you The Wrath and the anger of humans towards other
humans. Probably a result? It's like a reflection. Right? It's a
reflection of Allah's wrath. It's almost like we don't care about
our own species anymore. Right? Of course, someone's gonna say, oh,
there's a million exceptions and purposes for abortion. Yeah. But
go to the statistics, even by the liberal websites, the bulk of
abortions for Zina, right, by the liberal websites themselves, are
saying this. So I'll tuck it in the point zero 1% time that it's
valid, and treat that as the real issue. Right? In any event.
So created the human being from just a clot, right?
And that's one of many, many areas where the Quran mentions the
creative process in the womb,
the Carrara who kiddin So when Allah says Now again, this mural,
Nicola, Nicola Karaca, and salmonella, Accra, again,
emphasizing the importance of knowledge, learn, why would you
learn because when you learn, you use your intellect, when you
observe the world, the intellect and the world, it will point you
to a creator, it will point you to a purpose of life, there must be a
purpose to this life.
What a book or a crumb, and your Lord will help you. He is more
generous than you ever imagined. You look in the world and you see
amazing things.
And you realize, well, the creator of that I can talk to when you see
some of these mountain ranges, like wow, like prana the size of
these things, when you see the beauty of some animals, even
beauty of some humans, right? You say that creator of that I can
speak to okay, I can speak to the creator of that. So Allah is
telling you, I'm generous. I will give you a cut up what a booker a
crumb he's more generous than to not give you that has he not given
risk? Has he not sustained and given everything to birds fish for
centuries on end, and sustain universes and sustained at the
smaller level? Okay. Like the quantum level is a universe within
that level. Like it's almost like the universe within you. Right?
Has you not sustained all that? So then why wouldn't he sustain me
and give me as well?
So this creates love for your Creator when you know that your
Creator gives you nice things. And he's generous.
And Haleem and
a crumb also means Haleem and January, but right now Yeah,
Angela lay him below Kuba. A crumb isn't giving and forgiving. So
He's forgiving to the creation. Right. So Al Karim al Karim is not
just giving it's in Forgive me didn't at the conquest of Mecca.
What was the word that they sent to the prophets of Allah when he
was sent him that made him forgive them?
He said, What do you think I'm going to do with you say naughty
whispered it. Nobody said anything. Everyone just silent.
And say not he was looking around saying that he whispered to a man.
He say shout out. A one Kadeem, if you can cut him. This is the word
that use of his brother said to use it and say not he knew the
prophets of Allah. He said, we'll forgive people if they evoke
another prophet.
So he said, and he knew that the Prophet was just waiting for this.
So the man shouted out, he said, awkward Kareem Abdul Karim?
That everyone said, Yes, excellent. Kareem. Kareem, a
generous brother, son of a generous brother. Right. The
prophets I sent him was so pleased with this. He says in Hebrew
fentanyl. tilaka go for You're all free. So cut them means
forgiveness as well generosity is forgiveness not holding a grudge
and holding it against somebody.
And then a lemma will Kalam. The pen here has been is the tool of
choice for the creation for knowledge Allah has chosen that he
could have chose
As in many other things, there were many other ways that you
could learn. He didn't say, He taught by the speech by giving
speeches he taught by visions, like observation, he taught by
could have been nailing things in know, the pen. And some people
pedagogically, they say the best way to get your imagination going,
and to really introspect
is to give person a empty sheet, notebook of paper
and a pen,
you're going to do to what's in your mind, you're going to start
thinking, Well, what do I like? What do I want? What do I think
about, you're gonna do it or what's in your mind, you're gonna
start writing. And I think that that's far superior for the
purpose of imagination, and pulling out your imagination and
helping you slowly organize your thoughts, then, let's say the
amazing invention of the tablet, which I love the tablet, right?
But it's not good for everything. It could carry so much knowledge
and I love and what I love about this is I never carry myself on a
plane anymore. Right? I never carry my books anywhere, because
on a plane, they are thrown on the ground. Right? So no. See, so you
put it on the tablet, though it's not a must have click off. There's
no Quran there. Right? It's not a most of it can go on the ground.
It could go wherever it goes, right. That's what I love. I can
carry a library in this thing. Right? Except that Apple has done
this thing where they put it on the cloud by force. No, he can't
save it. I don't know why I can save it on my
on the iPad itself, unless they change to change the settings. But
point being is that this tool, I would tell you is not so great for
imagination, the computer. Why? Because if I'm writing on the
computer, there's just so many distractions, right. You can't
ever quiet your mind on the computer. If you want to quiet
your mind. You have to remove distractions. Right. And so I have
a second computer. I went and I took a nice, it was really it's a
good computer ThinkPad Lenovo, ThinkPad
with Microsoft Windows on it. And I like the old windows. I think
it's Windows like eight. I like when I don't like the new windows.
I slammed down in front of my friend. I said break the internet.
He said why are you crazy? I said well, I could just turn it off. I
could just turn it back on then. Right? I'm not that bad at
computers. Right? I said, open the thing up and break the internet.
Don't give it back to me until it is impossible for the Internet
to ever come onto this computer.
He said alright, you want to see I said no, I don't want to see
because if I see I could unsee I mean, I can undo it
is there and I'm going to do it in a way whether you see it or not
you can't get on. So he actually literally went in, I don't know
what he did.
You can ever go on the internet on this computer. So that's my typing
computer if I want to type something. And I just need to
quiet my thoughts and no information. How do people study
these days?
You study but you got 50,000 tabs open? And one word Oh, I don't
understand that word. Let me look it up. Oh, that leads me to the
one thing to another to another to another and all of a sudden, boom,
an hour has passed. I don't understand how the new generation
studies. It's a miracle they have adapted. Their attention spans may
be are different. But to me, that's it. He literally broke my
internet, right.
So I have multiple computers now
that the Allama will call them so the pen and then lastly, we'll go
through animal in Santa Maria lamb Yharnam
returning all knowledge to us to Himself all knowledge that we
gained to himself. That's why
the Scholars when they talk about scientific technological
advancements of non believers, they returned the attribution to
Allah. Because Allah says he taught the human being Muslim and
the kaffir what you didn't know before, we didn't know that we
radio waves could pass. We didn't know that sound could pass through
the air through radio waves with no connection. Now we got all
sorts of other things passing through with no connection. Right?
It's an amazing discovery. They attributed all to Allah subhanaw
taala. So they're not many scholars are not these. What are
they called Luddites or something people who hate technology?
Or like anti modern, in a sense? No, it's a question of how do you
use it?
And some people say, well, the technology is not neutral. I don't
I don't necessarily believe that there's evil embedded in
technology. But there is there may be bad habits and there may be
restrictions around things that I definitely agree to right. But
ultimately, everything that has been invented
by non believers for whatever profit motives that they have, or
just curiosity or whatever has at in some capacity being used to
spread the truth.
And that's where the scholars take a positive view on technology and
science, that wherever it comes out of, it's an amazing science
and amazing knowledge. It can and should be used, right for the
benefit of others. And that's ultimately, you know, our
philosophy of knowledge.
Some of it said, I love Adam and it's miraculous. I was in Santa
Ana Mohamed Salah Mo and he was sending him I like him, Adam took
Montana. Alright, so
we'll stop here.
And we will return to this and show Allah next Monday, but in the
later and we'll turn now to
Instagram and
me we will turn to
Instagram and
Excuse me there as I was opening up my Instagram and I have to see,
you know, nature's beasts and vicious nature. That's what the
turbid channels that I watch.
And that was a poor deer running away from a tiger ran into a
fence. The Tiger didn't even know what to do. Like he's on the
chase, the deer ran into a fence fell. And the tiger just sat there
looking at it and the deer got away because the tiger was so
confused. It's not how Chase is supposed to go. But those are the
things that I like to look at from the creation of Allah. Tada.
All right, what is one Salah that we could do we could do alone,
most of you are selling Malay 1000 times because it's short.
Modern man seeks out difficulty today to become stronger. Yes, we
seek out weights to lift. Whereas in the past, people really
probably didn't do that. Because you were lifting water from a
well, lifting, animals slaughtering, lifting, moving. So
you didn't have to do that stuff in the past. Okay.
Ibrahim can just turn on airplane mode. Yeah, but I could turn it
back off. Right? If I get too curious about something. That's
the problem. So I need a permanent solution that cannot be altered.
People saying that, because of how much we've typed and we stopped
type writing people have liked the handwriting is really, really bad.
It's true.
Ultimately, my thing is you got to have multiple devices, the
solution to devices multiple, like these two different data, two
different devices. This is the one I carry around all the time. It's
my alarm clock. Emergencies. My people gotta reach me all the
time. Right now that doesn't mean I answer all the time. But
and this
is for all the other the needs that you have the apps that you
All right, let's see what else we got here. At Likewise, with
computers, I need a computer just for a
just for my my typing, and a computer for regular use. So
sometimes the actual solution is a little bit more than less.
What are the reasons says Maliki click for the younger generations
being more weak sensitive, less masculine, very simple to meet
less conflict less need less conflicts, and less need less need
to do basic things. When I went camping, some of the Shabaab and I
went with him. And we had to get water by pumping water he had to
pumped from like a well, like Man, if we spent a month here we'd all
be jacked, right? We'd all be so physically fit because you have to
walk, pump the water, bring it back and what is one bucket of
water gonna do? Right? Nothing gotta go back like three, four
times. These youth that some of these young kids if they were
there with us, for spent like two weeks in the summer there. I'm
telling you, we're going to do it. We're going to make a detox camp.
I want to do it badly. Maybe this summer or maybe the next summer. A
detox camp.
Two weeks.
Two weeks in this campsite.
Take your phone put it in a bucket. No phones. Oh mama has a
call me I have to call my mom. Fine. Ryan's flip phone.
Great. Your numbers down. Call your mom. Talk to your mom.
Okay, other than that, you spend the whole time in the woods in
Their brains will give be rewired. Good. I remember they came back.
Yeah, they came back from the well on there. They think they shut it
off. Oh my gosh.
They came back from the well, they didn't know how to do it because
you have to pump like, maybe 20 times before the water actually
starts coming. So they pumped pump pump. And they came back and they
said no, I guess it shuts off at 10 o'clock. You think it's
Unbelievable. These people you think it's a digital? Well, it's a
well there's no shutting it off. Unbelievable.
The youth they face less conflict and also society disallows so many
things. I'm like, Okay, it's my son. He's just get a job this
summer. Just to bang around do something right? Oh, no, not
allow. You got to be 1617. What? Why? Oh, because in the 20s they
abused kids.
times changed so hard Allah
or the McCombs of Olia places of acceptance of dua. Most people say
yes, Saudi Arabia just sentenced one of the Imams of the Haramain
for telling the truth about modernization plans. Shouldn't the
OMA protests there's no protesting with these people you're gonna get
chopped up the guy chopped up a world famous journalist
in the middle of the city of Istanbul
got away with it
no one is you want to protest go get yourself chopped up.
Protests Yeah, in our hearts, in our living rooms. But that's it.
That's all you're going you know when standing in front of this
this? This power? Okay.
If the Quran says it's permissible to eat food of Al Kitab Why do
people not eat chicken at McDonald's in a Christian country?
Because Moab the Quran when it says we can eat the meat of Al
Kitab the assumption is slaughtered.
That's was assumed there. If the Jew and Christian slaughters the
chicken or the cow
then Bismillah Allahu wa sallam eat it. But they don't slaughter
anymore. Let's see who do we have here at
on Instagram for he seasick autism and Shanaze Nadia is homes real
estate agent, I guess, a deal.
Kasim Muhammad sugery.
Nobody Samira says nobody knows a smell spell anymore. That's
totally true. You don't need to you don't know how to spell and
you don't need to know how to spell because it'll just fix it
for you. Totally true.
My friend got to a good.
Maybe there's not a good thing for school essays, where he would do
like a five page essay, your take his phone and put on a speaker and
just talking to her, Oh, my God, and then go over the blue and red
lines and take control and change it. Are you serious? So he
wouldn't even type. And soon we won't even speak what Zuck Musk is
creating and put a chip in your head. And you don't even have to
talk this boom.
I don't think I'm gonna go that route. You know, that chick?
Turkish Sheikh, Mahmoud affendi. He had Rahim Allah.
He was one of the old school machette
old school, in his prime of his life, like in his 40s and 50s. TV
was spreading. Right?
So he swore that he would never watch TV. And he never did. He has
never sat in front of a TV ever let alone a computer, a laptop or
a cell phone and never sat in front of him. That's something
else. I remember back in the day like history class and middle
school high school. You take one of these like DBQ papers. I
remember like you write like three pages of words on a paper when
you're done like I'm a lefty. So I have like, you know, pencil. Oh,
yeah, I felt good. I felt like a champion. papers here. I want to
take a picture. Yeah, wrote it all. Yes, everything's written
off. The computer doesn't feel like no, not at all.
And it also human handwriting. There is a beauty when you get
your handwriting done right. And there is something that feels
really nice that you actually put this together yourself much more
than put together a graphic on a computer which you didn't do any
of the work.
Okay, get an old Blackberry. Do they even sell those things?
Because they
Ever, I would actually get an old BlackBerry because it makes
texting easier
to even sell these things. That's the thing.
The company's out of business right now exist anymore.
Give it a couple of years. They don't have
any job to recommend for a man in his early 20s?
No, it depends on what you're good at, you know what you do?
All right, more different questions here, ma'am, says
Pakistanis have the best cursive handwriting.
cursive as in the Arabic like the ODU.
Maliki click? What are the reasons we asked? We answered this. What
is the ruling on living in the West as a Muslim? Well, the ruling
is different from the feds with the ruling is that it is actually
forbidden to live amongst non believers. But the exception is
that if there's a need, and that exception is probably what applies
to most people to make their life here permitted.
Or that they were they were born here?
How do we interpret that? Some shakes? Like if and all they mean,
they say that the Quran says the sun revolves around the Earth? No,
the sun revolves around the Earth in our perception. Right? So
there's 2% Also, the Quran says the earth we made it flat for you.
Yeah, it is flat for us. When we walk, you don't fall off, right?
You don't like curved down. It is flat for us from our perception,
it's flat. So that's not an absolute statement.
I think someone told me in science that we the sun isn't still the
sun itself is not still the sun itself is moving.
In one sense, the sun is itself a moving, all the solar systems are
moving. They're not just sitting still. But from our perspective,
from a pre telescope perspective world, the sun is moving, there's
no doubt about it. It's right in front of you. Right, and the earth
is flat. So from that perspective, it's the truth.
But the Quran never said this is the ultimate final word on it.
That's the interesting thing, though, is like when you try to
use science to look at the
user and to look at science, because this can be something we
just don't even know yet. That's totally true. We know what's up
with this. That's totally true. Right? So what is the truth? The
Quran is the truth. The question is, is the Quran absolute explicit
limiting? Meaning exactly what you think it means? That's the real
question, right?
What is the Hadith about fewer women reaching command mean? Is
this about prophethood? Or Willa, I believe that it is about
virtues and that they will not be able to do certain virtues, such
as lead, go into battle fight. So because they don't do those
things. That's where the command is missing.
But they also have other things that we don't do. care and
compassion and suburb.
What's the best way says Do you know to debunk the claim of some
Muslims that say we need to believe that the Bible wasn't
corrupted? What? How? Then show me the original Bible. The Bible
wasn't corrupted does not need revelation.
Observation is enough. Show me the original Bible. Yeah. Yeah. I
mean, just basic history and observation of of the books
themselves. So show me the original one.
If you're saying it's not corrupted, that show it to me.
Bring all the Bibles forth. Show me in its original language, you
can't even find it.
So that's why that guy, he's more of an attention getting guy than
anything else. David would. And it's I will challenge the Muslim
says give me an unexplained tacit or explicit verse saying the Bible
itself has been altered as a Quran does not need to tell you what's
obvious, right? But by the way, we have many such verses that they
altered the book etc. There's many but he says no, all of those you
can interpret them. Alright, fine. But why is the Quran need to tell
you something obvious? Show me the original copy.
How do you deal with obsessions? How do you get rid of them says
Ibrahim Khan. I
would say, much recitation of the Quran
can remove obsessions because an obsession I believe, is just
trying to feed something in the heart that is
missing, trying to fill a gap in your heart. That's what an
obsession is. And so
two feet to replace it with what will truly nourish your heart,
which is the word of Allah. Revelation. SR says A friend told
me a long time
that in the rich middle class Saudi households, children were
being raised by non Muslim maids. Well, that's true. I can't say
everybody, but for sure that's true. Right? That there there were
maids raising the kids. There's no doubt about that. What's the best
Salawat for da much, it's to do much if you want. There is no such
maybe not one specific one. But Soulive Neria is one of the great
ones you could look it up and almost 30 salons and Kevin was
himself and seminar and obedience and how to be a rocket until the
end of it.
It's one of the best, no doubt about that.
What is the best way to expand your Arabic vocabulary? So
suddenly, listen to Arabic to scholarly lectures and read books.
That's it. When you when you listen to scholarly lectures, and
you listen to a lecture over and over and over, then
you're going to pick up new words, but try to listen to the same
lecture over and over and over. Because you're going to your mind
is going to realize, like, Oh, I didn't know what that word is, I
need to know I know everything else in the sentence, but not that
word. Cosy. Chloe says, What are your thoughts on 313 beds of club
thing? It's a big controversy.
Venture club is run by a guy who's also has a GoFundMe account. So
he's promising you to be a mill teach you how to be a millionaire.
All right, six figure salary. That's what he said. I saw that.
Right. Someone sent it to me on WhatsApp. All right.
But I also saw the guys running a GoFundMe account. So
how are you going to teach you to have a six figure salary when
you're yourself broke? Right? So
I'm not into these things that people are just
promising you something that they haven't done themselves. Right.
Haven't done it yourself.
I love the thing. First thing is initiation. Second thing,
Operation second wife, you can even have your first wife, right?
Who's that gonna get marry you? Right? Unbelievable, these people.
So promising something that you haven't yet really done it
yourself, to be honest with you, if you're going to be honest with
make money go make money with your 313 Club.
But the product will, I guess, speak for itself. You can get
anybody there's enough human beings in the world, you get
anyone to buy something once, right? That's the thing. But to
me, that's not that's not business. To me, successful
business is when you're consistently offering a something
a product or a service that is consistently improving people's
lives. Right?
In as much as objective way as possible.
You're worth to get paid. So if he's gonna go and selling people a
dream to me,
that you yourself are begging on the side. But selling people that
you can train for six figure salaries.
Have you haven't done it for yourself? So I'm going to do for
other people. Oh, you have to have the millionaire mindset. You can't
make money by mindset. You make money by actions.
by by by by doing stuff. marrying anyone can marry today. staying
married is the hard part.
Right? Anybody can get married today one and two and wives to
their certain countries where they're in. So in need, they will
tolerate you and accept you and imagine that you're some big deal,
right? staying married happily is the hard part.
I don't need some 20 year olds telling me how to live. Right. You
don't have a single gray beard in your hair. What do you know about
life? Anyway?
So anyway, they want to go and make tons of money, go make money,
good for you. Right? You swindle one person. want everyone? One
time? You're gonna make a ton of money, but it's not going to be
something that's,
you know, a long lasting, successful business.
And it's the
Andrew Tate everyone
Following around and mimicking, mimicking, you know, hustler
University in Islam Ising something that they saw
what's the ruling on ring with stones? It is sunnah to wear a
ring with a RP stone in it
is it correct to assume Allah will guarantee worldly life when the
OMA practices Islam as it should be practiced? You don't worry
about the OMA for yourself that's promised this is the m zero oke OC
he's asking this question and I'm at my responses for you forget the
OMA for yourself in as promised, when the OMA returns to obedience
of Allah, it wins politically battles. Wars, it succeeds. But
forget the OMA you can't control it control yourself. If you obey
the way of living that Allah gave you. He will give you a good life.
And that's in the Quran promise in the Quran.
My easterton by Eva, Allah says
ma'am, says when I studied in Konya, Turkey, I had to sit on the
floor in 40 degrees with no fan.
I wasn't even old. And it was hard corneas in Turkey 40 degrees, I
guess Fahrenheit, or what do we use? Celsius?
That Celsius so what does that for us? Like 90 degrees?
Which place are we going to be resurrected from from I guess
where we're buried?
That's 104. Well, even Waleed, is there a basis from the Sunnah for
exciting facts you have for the dead. The basis is fps. The
Prophet SAW Selim came a man said his name was sad, as a hobby. Is
there a messenger of Allah I my mother used to give sadaqa but she
can't give it anymore. He said give it on her behalf. So he took
bags of wheat and he said this is from me, and this is for on Mossad
so based on TLS of that we believe in Esau litho I could do a good
deed it can go to other people the Maliki and limited it to financial
good deeds sadaqa only because that's what the Prophet did. Or
that's what the other said the Shafia expanded it to DUA and a
bad so because as you are the possessor of your good deeds, so
you can recite suits and fattier Oh Allah I asked for the reward of
this fetch out to go to my mother, or any Quran or anything.
Ma'am, says the Aladdin jammin in Konya, Rumi was the Imam of that
mosque when he was 16 years old.
How do you deal with obsessions? We answered that
Moab says, we are not allowed to eat machine cut meat. Yes, you are
allowed to eat it if they are certain.
And we take the Muslims word for it. The butchery they're like the
factory is certain that the machine is cutting. That's the
issue. Okay, a machine is analogous to a long knife. There's
no difference. Okay, the question is,
is the machine doing its job? Is it actually cutting the neck
Okay, so it's that the animal is dying, being killed by a
slaughter. Now the best similar the they have different on the
baesman. And if required the best amount on every animal.
For the show for the man Akia. They accept one best Mala for a
group. And if you forget, or you're unable to reach every
single animal one best one that is fine. And even if you were to
forget the best Mala, it is still valid. It's invalid if you
intentionally omit the vestment. And for the Shafia, it's even less
of an issue. Because the best one that is similar for them.
So the issue with the machine slaughtering is the question of is
it actually happening? So there's a guy named Sadhak in Maryland. I
called him couple years ago, probably due to call him again,
regarding the chicken word that I get from my supermarket oasis. And
I asked him, I said, Your I called Oasis, I said, I need the factory.
They gave me the number I called the guys in Maryland. So I said,
Can you tell me do you that the animal actually gets slaughtered?
He said, Yes, we have two guys observing the machines
if the animal doesn't get slaughtered, because let's say it
wiggles, let's say the first human error let's say was small or
whatever, they take it off and they throw it away. So that no
major non slaughtered animal ever falls into the the lot of
slaughtered animals and we end up eating the Joseph. Okay, so he
His word on that and we accept His word I'm not gonna go say oh god I
don't believe you I need to see it myself no Muslim you sat duck
that's a principle Muslim tells you that it's accepted unless he
shows a sign of fist let's say he's selling alcohol at the same
time then no his words not accepted but if he just a regular
Muslim you don't see anything out coming out of him that's false.
Then know
what acts of goodness can we do to get married and to stay married
says radiant Pearl I would say that to get married
is to be in circles of knowledge because you're in circles now with
people who have the same outlook of life as you scholarly circles
of knowledge they're in the same outlook of life they view the
world and the and the creation and the dean in the similar light.
That's one thing second thing is to stay married is generosity and
forgiveness and time.
That's the watering of your plant is time generosity and
forgiveness. Right? A lot of respect the one of the worst signs
you see people get married, they make fun of each other. They make
jokes about each other when you see that
they better quack quack quack or else it's gonna grow into disdain
and once disdain settles between two people that marriage is just a
matter of time
does a woman's hair need to fully get wet out of after intimacy for
when a woman takes a of course her hair will be wet Yes, all water
has to be poured upon her and the scalp needs to be rubbed
but if it's a braid that it just needs to be loosened so that water
gets into it then it can be tightened together.
Is it true? Sophie says that in Medina men had less wives than in
Mexico that is true. And they did live monogamously They married one
woman in Mecca and Medina was different than Mecca they were
polygamous Medina less so.
can he just says when you go into Alma Inshallah, inshallah it's
December 23 to January 1, and of course, it's going to be announced
here before anywhere else. How many buses will we fill up? Maybe
Right. I think we could fill in three buses and maybe we could
take somebody else with us another good
one of the prophecies that people will be able to read but not right
I need to look that up. Exactly. See that Arabic for that? To see
if you can turn an iPhone into a dumb phone.
technically true, but I'm telling you but still, for me personally,
maybe I'm too sensitive. This but the light. It wakes me up too
much. Right. It keeps me awake too much. It gives me headaches. Like
I can't look at my iPhone. If I looked at this iPhone, let's say
two in the morning. Three in the morning. I can't see for another
hour. You the same right when someone gives me their phone. I
need to send a message to someone. And it's this new iPhone. Yeah,
huge. And also the screen covers the entire phone. Oh yeah. It
literally hurts my face. It hurts. Yeah, my brain isn't ready for it
too much light. And also, I hate that because when they say oh, I
want you to read this check this out. And the whole phone screen.
I'm like I can't touch it right? Because if I touch it if I grasp
it normally I'm gonna like move the screen or something right. And
I think I Apple actually.
To me, there's just too much going on 1000 Swipe methods none of them
work. Every swipe up from the corner. I get a different result
than I'm supposed to right swipe over swiped up.
They got it too far with the swiping and none of them really
works. Canon Americans joined for ombre yes and you we will be
posting about it soon. Because it's December.
Shake off man He's never heard of him.
Says for autism shaken up says in the Hanafi school if the woman has
her hair in braids. It is is it only the roots or the whole hair
itself? Allah Adam, I can't speak for the HANA fights. What's the
ruling on seeking? The opposite genders are unseeing the opposite
genders out as a medical trainee or professional says all as Nick
curry. It is forbidden without dire need. The whole medical
question is one of them that I actually probably have to ask. And
there is futsal for it probably that's probably the answer you're
gonna get because a lot of things in medical school are haram. For
example, the way that we do they studied the body
Cutting up actual living human are actual human beings. There's
rulings on that for us, but I have to get fat to see what the fatawa
it's got to be by facts with the ruling on many of these things is
prohibition fair to a may render it permitted in that situation?
Does making dua
ever every hour help? Yes it does.
All the time. Never stop and have hope and Allah data and good and
optimism. I've been asking this for months now. botica lofi for
answering no problem.
John, we're going to put up the but first let's load up let's get
into the semester. Right. After the semester cools off, and
everything is cooled off, then we will announce the hombre trip.
What are the signs that Allah loves you says Q mezzi.
Number one sign that Allah loves you, you start to love knowledge.
He start to learn your deen and your Akita properly, and learn how
he wants to be worshipped and learn how to buy and sell what to
eat, how to draw near to Him, how to deal with people, all of that.
that relates to our behavior, who are some of the greatest magic
here today? While there are many, many,
do we still need to follow the Sharia for inheritance law? If the
has people relying upon her, in other words, and the answer to
that is yes. The inheritance law are made for the general situation
not for exceptions. There are no exceptions to the inheritance law.
The brothers mom says
get to hang out with the shoe. Woman don't.
And they don't get to speak to the shoe.
But in paradise, will this be different? I believe it will be
different in terms of being with the prophets. Right?
Remember, there is no religious path anymore in paradise. You
don't need to share in paradise. But if you want to meet somebody,
I assume that there that there is no longer there are no longer
halal and haram in Paradise
is it blameworthy says Sufi
to do acts of worship and Toba in order to have a dua answered, of
course not. No. We are told to worship Allah. Because you fear
something and you want his protection. Worship Allah, because
you want something and you want him to give it to you. Worship
Allah because you love him, and he's worthy of that worship. All
of those three are perfect, amen. Except your different levels of
Is there someone said Sofie who had more trials than the prophets
of Allah when he was on them? The answer is no, because he was the
greatest of messengers and messengers categorically have the
greatest tribulations. Then he had the greatest tribulation though
someone says, well, he wasn't blind. He never lost his legs.
Some people lost all four limbs. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
salam trials and tribulations are not just physical, and he did not
have those tribulations which would disallow him from fulfilling
his message. That's why he didn't have those tribulations, but from
the tribulations that the prophets I send them had was the knowledge
of hellfire, and the knowledge that people are headed to that
Hellfire to be able to see that Hellfire from the tribulations
that the prophet had is the knowledge
of his grandson being killed
by his own people.
These are some of the tribulations All right, that were on the head
of the messengers that Allah with his knowledge that the three
generals that he sent to the Battle of MATA would all be killed
amongst them his cousin and his adopted son
was now we would call his foster sons
to know and to be commanded you must send them to that battle
knowing they would die
Imagine that.
Ma'am says
I'm missing out here on planet Earth. What's the better club give
this thing more attention than it is it's just some club
please do a month ago
Horse yeah which Allah we will
which one?
Which one is for women doing the behind be without a job? Can
women? Can we keep repeating stuff for the law and they could without
would do it without a job? The answer is yes.
But for the recitation of the Quran as a bed and then a job
should be worked, but for us cotton vicar, then it can be said
throughout the house, walking whatever doing in the house,
without a job and even just sitting.
If you're sitting down for a bar to like get a session formally,
then it's better to put on a job. Yes.
What if you find yourself agreeing with both aspects of the sad and
sad Creed's?
No harm no foul, I guess if it's a creed that is sounds from scholars
if you don't deal with your parents with SN, but the parents
are satisfied with the kids conduct, what is the standard? The
standard is? What is truly in the heart of the parents happiness or
not? Right? Some people, they have very informal relationship with
their parents and the parents accepted. That's what matters. is
the heart of the parent happy or not? Okay. And you in your heart?
Do you know that you could have done more or not? That's the real
All right, we have to leave soon unfortunately.
What about mainstream songs that don't have foul language, we also
have to look at the instruments and the format hubs. They
disallowed the use of the string instrument, the flute and there's
only one except the wind instruments one exception from the
chef a myth about the wind instruments. That's it but the
string is forbidden across all methods. And the synthesized sound
is for is takes the analogy of or takes the ruling of what it sounds
all right, unfortunately.
We have to go
someone says why don't you do a live course
it's become such a played out thing. This life coaching
business. Such a played out thing. Everyone take my six week session
blah, blah, blah, right?
If an animal is not slaughtered properly, can you give it to
another animal? Yes, you can. So someone gives you a hamburger.
from Burger King or McDonald's? It's not the meat. The meat has
touched everything here we're not going to eat it. We consider it
nudges right? So you can give it to a dog to eat. Yes, you can put
out in nature for a raccoon to eat
did the prophet ever tell an uncovered woman to cover her hair?
A woman did ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in at
the conquest of Makkah afterwards and the Prophet did say you must
cover everything but this and this.
So there is precedent for that.
Well the Quran itself suited to know so and that was recited
publicly. Okay.
By the way, ArcView is coming around the corner and guess what
this year we are teaching all four methods secured. Hanafy is Monday,
Tuesday, magic is Tuesday. Sheva is Wednesday. Hump buddies
Thursday. So that's the announcement for today if you want
to support this live stream you go to backslash Safina
society backslash Safina society and you can support
this live stream.
If you are local to New Jersey fall classes are beginning on site
in the masjid fall classes are coming up. Look at this gorgeous
poster. We have a part time program which is the college that
we're beginning we have OA and then we have Dean essentials for
high schoolers, explorers for middle schoolers, next gen for
what we call here Elementary School. I think they call it
Primary School. Okay, so these are the four
classes happening in our local Masjid also are nothing but facts
is now streaming on Spotify. Alright, so you want to check out
another book facts, check it out on Spotify. All right. And if you
are in New Jersey, we have the grant, we're having the grand
opening of our college. Inshallah. Now it's a big thing to have a
college but you got to start somewhere, and we're starting with
the part time program, and every year inshallah we add a year,
that's the goal, we will add a year every year just like a
All these assignment schools start off, they start with kindergarten,
then the kindergarteners moved to first grade. So now we have
kindergarten, first grade, next year kindergarten, first grade,
second grade all the way to hit 12th grade, right So 13 years to
get a full school. So for us, it will take time
so that it could settle in the community be organic, all right,
be something expect is to have a full college right away just like
that No, slowly one thing at a time in the night I don't Allah
will help us so that the grand opening if you're from New Jersey
will not be live streamed. But it will be a grand opening
will be at NBC.
Oh, maybe we can do a live stream at why not? Why can't we live
streaming I mean, we have all the equipment, so maybe we will
livestream it on YouTube. Alright, the grand opening of our
theological college which is done with
a with many beautiful essay need chains of transmission coming down
from Pakistan, from India, from Egypt, from Algeria from Morocco
and keep it black
from Syria.
Application is now open applications are now open if you
want to study with us apply at data and facts dot O R G. Alright,
so again, the announcement from ArcView. Now this is not local,
this is for everyone online and we'll start promoting that is that
you will be able to study Hannah automatically or Shafi or humbly
flip on top of that Wednesday, she was Sam will be teaching Joe hurts
at two he'd inochi that that is a big one. I want to attend that
myself, Johanna to toe aid and if you miss it, you catch the
recordings. But share it with me we'll be teaching Joe how not to
hate which is a big deal. For us. It's a big deal for anyone who
cares about the subject. So the new website probably I'm looking
at by hopefully by Friday, the new website will be out in about does
that come along here and everyone Matt likes after months of
Hanukkah law humo behind the curtain a shadow went into the
stock photo quality in a class in Santa Fe of course Illa de mano y
middle Saudi towards the wall. So Bill Huck, what sub was salam?
alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh?
know oh