Shadee Elmasry – NBF 101 Surah alQadr p2
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and importance of Islam, including the importance of learning to be balanced and not rushing to something, the importance of practice and learning to be balanced, and the importance of praying for something. They also touch on upcoming events and topics such as a college roadshow and graduation party, as well as transgender issues and transgender issues in general. The speakers emphasize the importance of reading and listening to social media for mental health and helping people achieve their goals, as well as exploring various topics related to theatic law. They also touch on various programs and events related to theatic law, including a pilot training and college in New Jersey to help people achieve their dreams. The " Luca of Life" concept is also discussed, along with the "we" concept and its potential impact on people's views of the movement.
AI: Summary ©
rulings and of course, there's levels of in which to heads.
There's in which to hit in the mother hub, there is much to hit
who was able to determine what is the best opinion in a meth lab.
And of course, there used to be in which to head mutlak, which there
are there isn't any more by probably I could say HMR. By now,
there's been several generations of consensus that there is no much
that had mutlak, there is much that had no as and no, as is the
new matters on which to head in new matters. So and then there's
of course in which the heads of the Sahaba, which are sometimes
they use the term is to cloud for that. And the difference is that
in which he head of the Sahaba, they did not have to know, the
rulings of the setup, because they were the ultimate set up, there
was no setup before them. So
when I say fapy, I mean somebody, he learned the rulings of a method
of Arpita of Tajweed, et cetera, and he can teach them and they're,
they're not, they're few and far in between, across the country, at
least the United States, probably a little bit more than England.
And also, you, the general public, can't always drive physically. So
they need online classes. We do that through art view dot orgy.
And this is a general education type of Holika that we do, and
that sometimes turns into a Hangout. And in the summertime,
it's fun, because we get to see all these little kids out mango
slicer, Shockwave all these kids names high schoolers, which is
nice to see, I probably wouldn't have been amenable to that, like
15 years ago, or 10 years ago, but I'm like surrounded by teenagers
now. Right? Every day, my life is involved with teens and preteens.
preteen is even funnier to me Intermediate School, those kids
are there, they're still That, to me is the font of all the ages.
But any event,
you're watching the other effects livestream episode I think 102,
right. 101. And we are on part two of sudut. Cards, right? Can we get
this TV going? If it's possible, just so I can see what ADGER or
what image you're pulling up, because Rhys got a number of
images to pull up today. And which we're going to cover. And there
you go. Pulling it up on a beautiful flat screen that we got
here that I can see. See if you guys you don't see the studio, but
it's me looking out at a long, basically room.
Ryan is over to the side, there's a nice brick chimney somewhere in
the middle. And then on the back end is the library and classes and
in the middle, there's a place for sulla. So what we're going to be
pulling up is a couple images that you all have been asking for,
which is putting these episodes on Spotify. And finally, there on
Spotify, it would have been enough. And
some of you have called Okay, some of you have called for
clipping the beginning of the episodes, where we didn't have any
stock started really talking yet. And that was because in the
beginning, we would actually wait for people to log in, to log on to
the stream or to start watching. So we will just wait and hang out
and talk a little bit. But we don't do that anymore. We go
straight to opening up the stream. And so we will in sha Allah from
like 20 Maybe episode maybe no maybe episode like seven to 100 we
have to do some clipping. But from here on, we won't have to do any
clipping because we don't we don't do that anymore. All right, so
next. Next item of business ladies and gentlemen, we have finally
before the lights are on, we are ready to launch our onsite part
time program. So as I said there are there's an online program we
call that arc view and that is going to get a beautiful revamp
that you won't even believe. And then there's on site work. And for
the on site work.
We teach classes at the New Brunswick Islamic center but now
we have a part time program where a brother or sister could study
literally 10 hours a week. I'm not even kidding.
He could study for 10 hours a week, which you hear in between
New Brunswick and North Brunswick classes are on two campuses. So
for those of you who aren't in the Jersey area, and you're wondering
like, What is this place? So we have a house in New Brunswick,
that house has three operations in the live stream,
the part time program, and the soup kitchen. And then we have a
message, that message it has a ton of stuff going on in it amongst it
the part time program, the Safina society classes for the locals,
and of course, the Masjid. So the part time program is up and about.
And it's you could check it all out at dollar We're
calling it we're giving it two names. Donald FET is like our
name, as you know, amongst each other. And that name, I am very
happy to say that I asked
my beloved teacher, Habib Ahmed have been said and been huffy from
Yemen, to give us the name, because we want to take the
blessing of the schewe and he called it well first, he called it
messenger effects because it was maybe it was thought maybe it was
we thought it was going to be a masjid, but it's not going to be a
masjid. It's just a matter had a place of learning. So it's dollar.
Okay, so the the abode of openings. And then we wanted to
give it a type of name that was sort of, I guess, like official or
something that you could actually
people in, in the English language could understand. And that's the
Safina society Theological College. And the website for this
operation is Donald We finished the pre pilot program,
and now we're on the official pilot program, a full one year
pilot program, which in which we will assess whether or not we're
going to be adding year two, or repeating year one, most likely,
we're going to add year two, like so every year, it'll probably get
bigger and bigger until it's a four or five year program. We run
that for a little bit, then we can start thinking about graduate
programs where people write theses etc, etc. Masters etc. So that is
our announcement for today. Okay, it was it's been a long time
coming for this, this program putting together and it came
together really quickly. All right, so it took off. And
speaking of taking off. We got a pilot has just showed up July.
What's happening. How are you? Jawad the pilot has arrived, as we
speaking of the pilot program, so a pilot literally, literally a
pilot just showed up? How crazy is that? Right? So we're announcing
our pilot program and a pilot had literally pilot has just shown up
my shoulder.
So that is our news. To start off. Don't worry about the screen. When
it comes you can fix it, figure it out.
That's our news to start Spotify. And then if you're in the Jersey
area, on September ninth, if you're in Central Jersey, or if
you're not you want to drive down
or drive up September 9 is our launch event. Right? We can keep
that on the screen for people to see September 9 Grand Opening
launch event where we open up
with a beautiful program we're going to do some times of some
Mattoon of Catan means a closing. And a Metzen is a little text. So
we from the summer program for the summer pre pilot program. We're
going to close up those Mattoon which were the ceremony and then
we're going to launch this this program and show how it integrates
with all of Safina Saudis, other stuff. And with the masjid, in
specific the masjid activity because one of our hallmarks here
is integration. We don't want to be some silo off by itself, right?
That's like some
whenever someone says silo, that's like some What'd he call that?
Consulting terminology, right? Silos vertical integration. You're
all this terminology people throw around to try to be professional
and get a job. But the idea is to integrate this work with the
general society,
which is through the soup kitchen, right? And we've chosen that very
basic, simple level of society. If you step out of the doors of this
building that we're in, this is not We're not into some posh a
neighborhood here. We're in like a
It's not I wouldn't say it's the hood, right? It's not the hood for
sure. Right?
But it's not either a suburb either, right? It's in between,
but I love it. It's got people walking all the time. There's foot
traffic all the time here. It's alive with real people walking
So we want integration and integration with that and
integration with the local mustard community as well. So we thank the
New Brunswick Islamic center for being our partner and our hosts
And of course I am the scholar in residence at the New Brunswick
Islamic center. So it's not like we're just tacked on or like
Let's get now to where we left off on pseudocode. And then we will go
into open QA.
Yeah. We stopped off at the ultimate deferring upon
the time of later.
Some of them said, Kenneth Allah rasool Allah for Monrovia
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Some people said later, it
was only once time of the Prophet and that's it. Some people said
that. What are my two Sahaba? Well, Allah, Allah and the hubba
appear in the Yama PM. But we know that what if anyone said that they
met they may have met that specific list of cuts in which the
entire Quran was revealed to beat a laser, which is the lowest
heaven above us.
But there is a little every year for the Muslims until the Day of
What are we on Abdullah Abdullah Hussein molar Mahalia, Carla, or
Julie Ebihara irata. I said to Abu Hurayrah Zambo and Leila tell cut
the record roof yet some people said, Let's have God is lifted and
there is no little cut there anymore. God can never even
thought of that. Some people may wonder how could there be such a
misunderstanding that early in Islam on something so major? Well,
really simply because Sahaba would come. And I would say a good
towards the end, especially the majority of companions. At the
end, the majority command had not lived with the prophets of Allah
when he was in, may visited for a month and left. They think of all
the tribes of the Arabs had entered Islam. Did all of them
live weeks and months and years with the messenger peace be upon
him? Of course not. They lived. Maybe some of them saw the Prophet
once at Hutch. So there are a lot of Sahaba who are at the level of
Sahaba there. So when we read about them, he's just a hobby,
right? But they had to spend time with the Prophet. And they learned
their Deen after the passing of the Messenger of Allah when he
was. So you have to keep that in mind about the end of Islam. The
sorry the end of the Syrah. Of course in the beginning everybody
in Mecca was literally marinated with the messenger Peace be upon
marinated, they were with him every day, through thick and thin.
Then you have the city of Medina, 10 years in Medina, where some
spent every single day with the Prophet and some did, there were
levels, some Sahaba may see the Prophet once a week for Gemma,
that's it, attend the drama club and go back. And he's just a
hobby, right? So he may not know everything.
Okay, so they're learning over time. If it is even, at best, the
greatest hobby who the Prophet prayed for me if he missed
something, he missed, that the prophet had forbade mutter because
he forbade it abroad during one of the battles, and he may have not
had been there, or he may have been there, but just because he
was there. There's 100,000 Other Sahaba there, or people, let's
say, conquest of Mecca, how many people are there? Right? A lot of
people are there, the whole city of Mecca, and all the men of
Medina. So, if the prophet makes an announcement, enough people
heard it,
but not everybody. So we have to understand that the dissemination
of the knowledge early on, may have missed certain people who
were companions. If that's the case, for convenience, what then
you think about the second generation, right, the tevi.
poteva ain't who moved, let's say to Kufa or to Egypt Sahaba. Moved,
then they had children there. So that son or daughter had may have
not learned everything at the time. That's why they're asking a
basic question like this. That's why in the early days of fic,
there's a basic question of if you eat camel meat, do you have to
redo your will do? That's that's a question that you find in early
Islamic history. So here, he's telling me Hold on, you know that
and the Bible Jota is saying, No, Canada mancala that it means he's
saying something untrue. Canada does not always mean he's
intentionally maliciously telling lies. It just means he's not
telling the truth.
It's a mistake. He if he couldn't really show her in a Stockwell
right now, listen to this. Is it in every month
that I should seek it out? Now? What does he mean by that every
month as in every Ramadan, or every month? He continues on and
now we'll call about dome here Laila Min laelia Center.
And some said in every month and some said in every
once a year, and Malik said an emetic,
when asked about his routine habits, he spent the first night
of every month, up all night in a bed and dua, believing the heavens
to be open on that night. So when we narrate for or transmit that,
the first night of Raja Denis for Shaban, okay, these are the sacred
nights. And some people said, No, there's nothing like that. No, the
setup did act upon that and Medic is of the third generation, right?
And no one's going to know more about the second generation than
medic himself. He used to stay up the first night of every history
and have you Mamata teaches that part of MN is to be in tune with
the Hijiri calendar, and not to be in heedlessness of the injury
calendar. Because that's the real calendar, this calendar of March
and April May, is for our worldly life, which we organize on the sun
because it's predictable. Like January, we finally figured it
out. By the way, they hadn't figured it out all the time. In
the past, this idea of adding 1/4 of a day was like a revolutionary
idea in our history. As human beings it really was. Because
before that
the Leap Year kept messing everybody up and look up the
history of the Gregorian calendar, right that they figured out that
you need to add, well, how do you add a quarter of a day a year? You
can't right? But you can add a full day every four years. So
that's how they did it. And that's how they got the calendar fixed.
And I think personally speaking, Allah said, the sun and the moon
are for calculation, right? It's an amazing advancement. It's an
amazing development. So that January 1, is every year the Sun
and the Earth and the Moon are in the same alignment on every
January 1. It's one of the most amazing, amazing signs of the
human intellect. And just because kofod did it means nothing.
Because Allah created what, what did they do it with? With what did
they do it? The brain that Allah gave them, calculating the sun
that Allah created the moon that Allah created the earth that Allah
created our instruments to? It's our instruments, right? So the
instrument that Allah created here, put your mic up and talk as
much as you whenever you want students.
Oh, well, you're talking about the Yeah, the astral lay, all these
stars are Muslim names. By the way, there's, there's a Twitter
account, that's really nice. I shared it a couple of days ago,
it's about little cards for kids. And really, for adults, literally
one sentence on an invention by a Muslim. And one of the series they
have is for, for the names of stars, right? All these half of
the stars out there are named by Muslims.
Right, which just goes to show that we have a history to be proud
of, which is a double edged sword. By the way, it's nice to have a
history to be proud of. It's not nice when you have to be proud of
your history. Because that means you don't have to be proud of your
present. Right? You have nothing to be proud of. But as I said,
when people say this, imagine meeting Muhammad Ali when he's 80
years old. Imagine meeting Michael Jordan at 85 years old. What do
you think Michael Jordan is going to be like an 85 year old years
old? He's gonna be an old man, right? He's gonna be grouchy.
Probably He's already a grouch. Right?
He's gonna be an old man. You're not gonna go see a specimen. Okay?
So when you look at Islam, the OMA of Islam is an ancient it's an old
religion, to old civilization. Okay. It's not even a
civilization. It's a religion of civilizations. So just because it
has lost so much of its energy
and creativity. And and cutting edge does not take away from its
reality. Does it take away that Muhammad Ali when he was old and
could barely speak because of his disease? Okay, Parkinson's,
doesn't take away that he was the greatest boxer. Because he really
he was objectively the greatest boxer, he could beat you on, on on
power, speed, and endurance and resilience.
I mean, he was is there a better marketer for a sport than Muhammad
Ali? Right. If you had a sport right now you got Michael Jordan,
you got Muhammad Ali. I'm taking Muhammad Ali. Because Jordan was a
great. He was a brand is a great ambassador for the game. He wasn't
friendly, right? He wasn't somewhat. He had a good media
persona to a lot for a while but then he became like a mean, dude.
Muhammad Ali, he's a philanthropist. He's friendly.
Right is the best ambassador you could have. A Muhammad Ali beat
George Foreman on resilience, getting punched. That's a skill,
not a skill, but it's part of the game to get punched for like 10
rounds, and then to only start punching back in the last two
rounds, he'd be Sunday listed on pure play.
Our one punch knocked. That's the famous picture. And he beat George
Foreman on speed. The only difference between not George
Foreman, what's his name the other guy.
Frasier he played Fraser three times he beat him two out of three
may shouldn't beat him three out of three came back too early,
right from jail to do that MSG fight, famous MSG fight where it
was like one of the greatest sports events at the time. And he
lost because he came too early. But if you look at the difference,
they were so much the only difference he beat him on speed.
He's faster than him. He had quicker reflexes quicker feet,
quicker hands. Who else in the boxing history can beat can win.
Right can beat three champions on three different skill sets. Right
Tyson said, Allah was showing profit complex. No, I want to say
Mike Tyson. You said that Allah was showing off when he created
Muhammad Ali. So there's a lot of truth to that. Subhanallah
probably a coffee statement if taken technically, but we
understand what it means right Tyson being Tyson right?
But, but Mike Tyson beats you on power. That's it? Does he beat you
on? Show me one fight Mike Tyson was getting hit getting hit
getting hit and taking the hits. He wasn't where did he beat you on
speed with his feet. He doesn't beat you on power. He has more
power than Muhammad Ali. But he doesn't have the balance of the
talent stack. In any event. So what we're saying is the OMA of
Islam is an ummah that is old. All right, you're seeing it at a time
it's extra time. Right? This is extra time. If the history had to
be written at 1000, and cut history of some of the 1000 and
still be the greatest of forces of civilization. I love what one
scholar said of Mauritania, he said do not say Islam. The OMA is
a civilization. It is the religion of civilizations, okay? It's the
religion of civilizations need a religion, to hold it together to
give it meaning, right? Islam is the religion of different
It's the electricity to the device. That's what it is. Every
device can be what it is, right? A TV could be a TV, a camera, could
be a camera, an iPad, could be an iPad, but they all need power,
they need electricity, or else they're dead. So it's the same
thing. So in any event, we move on now to
the next a regard regarding this.
Here Leila feline earlier Santa hat Allah Allah Allah Cara Julian
Tala hombre de Watarrka up the hill belay la tilaka de lyac Alma
alum some of the center min Heaney health this is interesting fifth
question, right here's the fifth question for you If a man says I
swear by law that I will divorce my wife on lay little kodra
Or any oath Right? Any oath and he hangs it on Laylatul Qadr what's
the ruling because we technically don't know when they little cousin
is right.
What's the ruling
a loved one. Okay. I could guess I guess
the second Ramadan comes as broken. Close. One year has to
pass. Yeah. Because it will be guaranteed to come in that year.
Right now I wonder that why did they didn't say just one Ramadan
has to pass right like full Ramadan passes. They have to cut
the rest certainly say but here he says that one year. And this is
narrated from Abdullah bin nosode. Saying Abdullah bin so give that
Okay. Abdullah bin Omar. He says hold on. Here we go. Abdullah bin
Omar says, may Allah have mercy on other men, Abdullah bin Massoud.
Did he know it's in the month of Ramadan? So therefore, right.
You don't have to wait a full year. Wait one Ramadan? Yes. Yes.
So once Ramadan passes, exactly. So from the first to the 30th is
definitely going to be one of those.
But he gave up the Lebanon Masuda and excuse, he said, but he wanted
to keep people hopeful. That little color could be anytime in
the year. That's why he said that, rather than just number down, then
they take the foot off the brake. Don't take your foot off the
brakes. You have every little Juma. You have to treat it like
special every night before Friday. Because I'm telling you when you
do this, and you take the night before Friday, seriously, and you
take the first night of every hygiene month seriously. And you
take Mr. Chavez seriously. And you take these months seriously, when
you come to the Electoral College, you're on fire
and you cannot play well in a game unless you practice you cannot do
On a test unless you studied, you did well in the homeworks. The
best people who do well in exams are the people who take the
homework seriously right? The best people performing the game are the
people who take practice seriously. The best people who who
perform well in no effort are those who take it seriously. And
the best people who perform well in Ramadan are those who take the
other night seriously the sacred nights of the middle of the year
throughout the year.
Last night, was the beginning of a History Month.
Whatever food fetal kelela Kala Abu Rauzein he had a will Leila
Mencia he Ramadan, some said it's the first night of Ramadan. It has
ended bustani says this seventh 17th of Ramadan. Okay.
And because that night was the night of bed,
and the correct answer is what most of them said. It's in the
last 10 nights of Ramadan. That is the most correct answer rather
than specifying any one night.
This talk we usually give it an Amazon but here we are unsuited to
the present. That's why we're bringing it here. Good college
cannot say that Aisha Radi Allahu Allah and product can have some
Allahu alayhi wa salam Yuja will fill ash in our could if you
Ramadan way, according to our rule, a little cadre financial in
our Ramadan.
So where did we get the concept of the last 10 nights from the
messenger himself. He used to go to his family and said look out
for the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam also Cana
according to say di Isha eEdge de do fill out Shital Okema Allah, He
said for your idea, he used to put effort in the last 10 that he
would not put in the previous any other time. Because there are some
times like as they say, everything has balance, even balance. Like
even the concept of being balanced, has limits. Like
everything has limits. You can't be balanced all the time. If
there's a fire. We don't say okay, let's be balanced. Let's go slow
and steady and think first No, you run for your life, right? If
there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you run for your
life, that's what led us to Qatar is you run you leave everything
and you run right it's not going to happen again. You might not
make it again. This is a once in a lifetime chance. And Allah loves
those who rush to the goodness like that.
When the last 10 nights of Ramadan, the Prophet used to roll
up his sleeves and wake up his family and give life to his night
what is given life to his night. That means the night was like the
day in the many different things he did. So let's say you do
tahajjud in the regular outside of Ramadan, he put like a little
light on a small light
and you pretend you right you don't put all the kitchen lights
on and fire up the stove and make noise and
that's it.
You don't do that in the regular time. Right but it's Ramadan we do
our whole night becomes our day. You know, I remember our neighbors
looking with the whole family kids friends, right? be dropped off
picked up 3:30am That's what this family
but that's what you're here Elaine means literally the night becomes
a day.
And then of course there is no specification on which of the last
10 nights but the Prophet did specify the which of the last two
nights and of course, even with that specification that is
assuming that Shaban had 30 days
if Siobhan had 29 days, and you just couldn't see the new moon,
then yes, we're calculating Ramadan to be sorry if if the new
Wait, did I get it wrong? No, that's assuming that Shabbat is 29
days and we saw the new moon. Once you see the new moon. After 29
nights of Shaban, you're certain that that's the first of Ramadan.
Okay. Whereas if it's cloudy on June Shaban on the 30th night,
then maybe you missed the moon, but it's there. So maybe you're
what's you're considering the first Ramadan is surely the
Because it's later to check, but of course, by Sharia, it's valid
calculation. But she's still never know because we had there were
stories in the past where one city did not see the new moon, because
it was cloudy. The neighboring city did see it.
Or maybe not. So neighboring, maybe a couple cities of later and
a traveler comes through and says oh no, you you're late one day,
man just themselves. Right. So
this is the don'ts again, don't get so comfortable even about the
woods. Because how do you know you're 100% on the spot. So the
only time you
You do no 100% that this is the first or third or the odd night or
the even night of Ramadan is when Shaban was 29 nights and then we
got to look and saw the crescent moon ourselves, okay, or Yanni
someone in the region saw it and we're certain now that this is the
first month on our first night of Ramadan when it's live it's a
so we got to consider that maybe yes legally our calculation is
fine by Cydia but it could be the first or second second night of
is that clear? How that makes sense?
Okay, I will Bukhara his hobby
he used to pray in the first when Amazon came in is a bad was just
like any other month.
A bad tahajjud everything. However, until the last 10 nights
come then he would put a lot of effort.
Halogen Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the hadith of
an s who took it from abeja Edna Summit's the Prophet came out new
Mirana delay little cover okay
to tell us about limits of cognition
courage, the courage to leave me Laylatul cadre fella have fallen
we're full and for raffia two men argued
to prophets I sent him said I have come to tell you it wasn't in
itself, but two men argue so it was lifted. It was lifted Subhan
Allah wa sir and yeah, cool knucklehead. And maybe that's
better for you. So you can get it another day felt me Sue have a
tear say it was very it will come so. So seek it out in the 9/7 And
fifth, okay, what did he mean by that of the last 10 nights
so like 2927 25
got us a little low and he was selling in the era row ear comm
catappa data, the wealth for several hours.
In the last seven jet cannon which I had an ear failure to Harada.
For seven, our whoever seeking it, look out for it in the last seven
And the messenger said, and no Kana sallallahu alayhi wa salam
Yeah, Turkey full ashram, Wooster. The Ramadan that he used to do
together and the 10 middle nights where I check if Iman had that
they can really let that we're actually in we're here Leila to
Letty. Then one year on the 21st what happens
he said that the night that he would leave his attic F min
Karnataka family fell Yeah, techie philosophy and so he used to do
aggregate from the 10 middle then when they expected him to leave
because it's in middle or over. He said whoever's doing that together
stay for the last 10
we'll cover it to her the later thumb when see to her I was shown
when his later but Allah took it away from me. Allah has lifted it
from his memory. will call the eight ne s to do fi so be Hattie
her femur in Moline. And I saw myself prostrating get
in water and mud felt me Sue half an hour. So,
seek it out in the last 10 While Tammy sue her for equally with no
further seek it out in the odd nights. I will say the whole
reason for matara this summer Tilka Leila and it rained that
night. What can and mustard Allah Arash
for work of Al masjid, so it rained that night for Masada to
ini rasool Allah Allah Allah when he was salam Kadin sarafa Lena wa
ala Jim Hetty were env Athan, Matt what the? So it was then a night
came when it rains
while the prophet was praying and therefore there was mud on his
face and he had prostrated on water and mud. So he saw the sign
of lay a little code will be the the night in which you pray in
mud. Now how many times has it happened in the desert, right?
rain three times some Jeeps upon
Okay, and so
Someone said it was the 21st night.
Others said it will be the 23rd night. So they had different
statements, all of which are now why is it that it's almost like,
Oh, it's here, but then it's disappears. No, it's not right.
It's because it's giving us hope that we can get it we can find out
what little code that is. But it's not giving us certainty so that we
don't get reliant upon it. And there is a wisdom why Allah Tada
always gives you a lot of hope, but no certainty. There's great
wisdom. You ever feel like some truths are slippery? Right? Many
times, like Spiritual things are slippery. It's like so hopefully,
and it's right there in front of you, but it can't really grasp it
with the same certainty that this phone is in my head. Right? Why is
to give you enough certainty, to fill your heart with hope and
confidence and belief, but not enough to make you reliant. It's
anyone make dua that they don't lose their phone today.
No, right? Because it's right in front of you. There's so much
certainty, it cuts off reliance on Allah, like it weakens our
reliance on Allah, anything that's so certain it cuts like you never
make dua for Oh Allah make the lights go on today. The lights go
on every single day, right? So whenever there's something so
firmly in your grasp, you don't pray for it. But Allah doesn't
want that for certain things. He wants you to pray for it. He wants
you to seek it. But he doesn't want to keep at it so much that
you lose hope you'll Oh, this is impossible, right? So he gives you
just enough there's always it's almost like that little thing that
comes up that game for kids, right? I shouldn't say a game
because that's not a right analogy. But it's like giving you
hope, a lot of hope and certainty, but not enough certainty that you
can grab it and totally rely on us lose your reliance upon Allah and
lose your DUA and lose your your search for it.
On Abdullah asin on Evy a no call Allah Rasool allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam in nee Hakuna be bad yet and you call Allah Allah
wa I am sometimes I'm in a desert and empty desert called that what
are in need behind the law he will solely be him.
I pray with the people there for more nebulae let him in her the
Sheree on Zillow lol masjid
for also li huffy
or NZ Lulu.
So tell me about one night in this month that I can go and pray in
the mosque
ends in Laylat fella that we're shooting for Salafi go to the
mosque. So he's a Bedouin.
He prays out in the desert. He says one could I come to the
masjid right Give me one night. I can't come every night. Tell me
one night I can come to the masjid. Like many of our employees
today. Hey, can you tell to get us one night we'll take off and we'll
work. We won't work and we'll come to the masjid very similar, right?
So he's prophets. I seldom said the 23rd went
and tested him or a shark for fun. And if you're able to do the rest
of the month and do it, and is what the prophet would do, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to not burden somebody
with something, but he would just give him something doable. Once
they taste it, they may continue. But he also says we're in that
difficult but if you like go back just to the one night and that's
it, no pressure. That's the methodology of the prophets of
Allah when he was seven. For Colonel either Salah lastra
doctrinal Masjid Philomela Quran
min herget in had to solve this soup, so he used to do it from
Oslo to fetch for either salt and only go out for a need for either
Salah soup can adapt but to be Bab al Masjid by morning his donkey
was by the door of the mosque
will call Wirkkala sallallahu alayhi wa Salam futiva to nine
Ebihara era Abu Abu Hurayrah Mamnoon ominous self to the
cardinal a little cadre for Karla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kim
muda min minister, we mentioned little cards the Prophet said how
many days have passed from the month for corner if Nan y Sharon
22 have passed and seven remain for color for color Melba if an
attorney where I should order will appear Saba will glue her Leila. A
shirt is our shrew secret tonight.
Which would be the 23rd.
The month is 29 Carla Coleman fee Leila is Leila 87 y Shireen way
Opole Ali who obey y Aisha say naughty sin Obon capsid. I should
they said 27.
Get that
many accom Ilhabela your sub for Karla Rahimullah Abba
Abdur Rahman, Emma in no Kadima and now if you Ramadan again, they
mentioned that Abdullah bin Massoud said seek out later
because of the whole year and how the whole year.
Okay, and then someone said,
may Allah have mercy on episode, does he not know it's in the month
of Ramadan? We're lacking however
he hated that people only rely on the month of Ramadan. So he used
to tell people it's any night of the year who Allah the ends
one zero Quran Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, the
Laylat Saba were shooting several were shooting for call nya among
How did you know this? They asked him How did you know? Oh by the
way could you leave a spot for shift mode? He needs a parking
spot there's parking spot and Okay good. Okay.
Karla bill a allottee Akbar and and maybe useful Allah when he was
selling five with no I didn't know her he Oh ALLAH he led to answer.
Carla called no woman I
talked last Shem Suka and her boss lady Salah hush who are there is a
sign that we know when it is he says I wouldn't want there says I
said well what's the sign here meaning aside not a verse. He says
the sun comes up with no rays around it. The sun comes up like a
disk. There are no rays right usually when the sun comes up
there's rays go but this the sun comes up like a disc
knirsch or Isla within a Joomla Abraham Allah who had the Layla in
general now, Allah had hid this verse, Allah had the Ummah
yesterday, so that they could
put effort in a bed,
but gave us some hope, that it is knowable. So it is possible that
you look you have the signs of Sakina
in the night,
a clear sky in the morning and the sun comes up like a clear disc.
And you could feel confident that that was the little cut.
And the certainty level here is a one. Now version, you have to
understand can be 99% That's the beauty of it. Right? The version
can be 99%.
Certainty Java for human Juma just as Allah to Allah hid the hour of
a job on Gemma, likewise, in the last third of the night, and he
hit of the five prayers. There's one special prayer What is it a
Salah to Wooster, the middle prayer, which middle of what based
on what? So if you base it upon the order of the prayers in the
day, then us is the middle prayer. But what if we consider the
history calendar and the prayer start at night? So Maghrib would
be the first day prayer that means fetch will be selected booster.
What if we considered it based upon the order of the existence of
the prayers? What was the first of the prayers to exist?
Because after it's in marriage,
the Prophet was given the five person it's not a match, the next
day, at Fajr synergy we did not meet the prophets of Allah when he
was setting them. At that time the prophet had went to tell everybody
what he saw,
rather, saying the Gibreel waited until the sun was up so that the
visibility between him and the messenger was clear, to show the
Prophet exactly how to pray. Previous to that they prayed in
their own ways, in a way that was maybe the remnants of the salah of
which has been hidden from us, we don't know what it is. But saying
that you believe came showed the prophet the revival the renewed
method of will do and the renewed method of Salah and that Salah was
okay, because now that it's fought, it must be done right
away. But fetch is excused because it's too dark cannot show someone
how to pray during fetch, right. So you show someone how to pray at
the nearest most time where the prayer is possible to be shown and
that was though, so if we consider that vote is the first prayer to
exist first obligatory prayer to be performed. So then door asked
Maghrib becomes the middle prayer. Okay. So, in that case, we have an
argument for fetch, we have an argument for us, and we have an
argument for law. So it for
for McGraw Hill
We said fetch asked and McGraw. So which one is again Allah hid it
from us. Seda is just fatwah
in her tufts in her Tafseer was that it's a lot to
swallow to last because there's also a mentioned that
the Sahaba said, We love salatu last more than we love our
And we also have that the Quraysh there were two spies.
Well, one of them became Muslim. Afterwards, he used to say
that we used to say before Islam,
wait for the Muslims during awesome prayer and attack because
they love the salah more than anything else. But when we figured
that out, that Allah to Allah created for them, so let's have
which is the prayer of suspicion and fear of being attacked. And so
lots of hope is a very unique prayer. Where preach preserves one
Imam, you have one Imam, and the Jamaat one GEMA praise and the
other gem stands guard. They don't pray. The Imam sits halfway
through the prayer. The first group finishes the prayer. Then
they swap out, they call the comma. When they call the comma,
the Imam gets up to finish his second half of prayer, which is
the second group's first half of the prayer. Meanwhile, the first
group finished and they're standing guard. This is called
psychological health.
Check out and tell us something interesting about it. If
you can't make the switch off or however you can't, you can't it's
not safe to even do it like that. Yeah, you can pray while you're
fighting while some
pot allows him you can talk in the middle of that prayer to if you
need IG big Subhanallah I remember after 911
Some people got excited when like a masjid was attacked or something
or egged egged
through eggs at the door of a mosque we got to pray some
emotional emotional attack unbelievable. I might get I'm
gonna get tweeted up
here you hold the phone and wait for the tweet or phrase
What else did Allah hide? Did he not hide? Ellis will other in all
of His Names. It may be is Allah maybes Yeah, how are you? We are
you? We don't know. Okay, so what do we do with all this? We give
the hope. We put that effort in for all the names. It couldn't be
on the Rahim. Could it be? Yeah, how you Yeah, can you?
Or it has an embassy says it's the * that you have the state, not
the actual name.
And Did Allah not hide his riddle in his thaw?
Which act of obedience
has Allah's pleasure and it's a nice, he said,
well said almost said, avoiding the haram. Another Sahabi said
Victrola another Sahabi said feeding, say 90 said, the deed
that you hate the most.
The deed that you hate them as another one said, the deed that
you despise the most not despise means you consider it so minut
right? If you walk by the masjid floor, and there's a rapper, and
you just look at it and you keep going. How do you know that that
wasn't the deed that Allah to Allah loves, cleaning up his house
with a little thing like that.
Did not Allah hide his suck up in his sins, you don't know which
sin, the sin that you take lightly. It may be a minor sin,
but you're taking it lightly, maybe a major sin. Think about
that. That's heavy. It may be a minor sin, but you're taking it
lightly. That part of it is a major sin of your heart. Because
you take if so Allah doesn't like to know so minor sin and you do it
So that may be actually you're taking it lightly maybe the
problem here
Did not Allah subhanho wa Taala hide his Olia amongst the people
amongst the Muslims. Olia Allah subhanho wa taala. Yes, they're
classified by knowledge, but they're not always scholars, there
is knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala were a big wali of Allah. He
may know his 14. He knows what he needs to know.
Yet his submission and his dhikr and his passion for the vicar is
so high and so great that Allah has elevated him because of that,
through that, not through many other deeds, not through much
knowledge or jihad or service to the OMA. Maybe his service to the
Is, is he's basically giving 110% of what he has. And he's,
circumstance has caused him to have so little to give to the
owner, but he's given 110% Every single at every turn, he's given,
whereas you can have a king or a scholar or a or influential
person, his abilities to give out or this much, but he keeps a nice
sliver for himself, right?
The other guy, no, he has this much, but he gives 110% of it.
Right? So don't judge by the outside. When we say judged by the
outside, we Yes. Well, you have ALLAH SubhanA, which it will not
be a public sinner, guarantee that's guaranteed.
There are two opposite things. He may be a public sinner now but if
Allah chooses him to be a Willy, he's not going to be and he won't
be a heretic and beliefs, we know that for sure he won't be Jahad
about the father that he must know. He will know how to pray,
how to fast how to give Zika and if he's ignorant of it will lower
Tucker the low will he and Jay Helen lemahieu.
As a shot on he says that one of his statements that he used to say
when he used to see some
ignorant people, but they would worship Allah Allah they would do
Oh rod but they wouldn't study
in Egypt. He used to pass on and he used to say Metallica used to
pass him and say Metallica, the Lama when he enjoyed this stuff
that you're doing a bad old rod fast thing where Enzo had sitting
on the ground. This is not what you need. You need to be inside of
us. I was studying Metallica. Allahumma when he enjoyed Allah
did not take an ignorant Woody. Okay. Finally, the sheriff there
answered him.
He says No, Allah may take away Lee who's Joe Hill, then he will
educate him.
Well in it, Dakota jehlen La Loma, he will take only a person who is
Jed, but he was educated. In other words, it's not a flip, like a
light switch. Okay, I have knowledge now it can become
really, no, you may have some so many good qualities in you. And
you're striving towards Allah but you don't know stuff. You don't
know everything. Right? So Allah chooses you, because of the effort
that you're putting in. Then he educates you
and teaches you. And that was a massive
statement that the rubbish shot Arnie. He then started to look
differently at that check.
And that check showed him many columns and became his shed.
So Allah has had many things he hidden, a little crowded, he heads
out to each other. He had his sins in, in the midst of his anger and
misdeeds. His what other What else did he hide the baraka in the food
did not the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, Finish every
last piece because you don't know where the baraka is, at even if a
piece of bread was on the floor, and say that he walked by it, the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he cautioned her he took
the bread he dusted it off, he he put it in water, and he ate it.
Don't take any food. It upsets me to see people leave the last
pieces of rice. I actually don't like to eat rice. Sometimes for
that reason, because I'm going to eat every last piece. I'm not
going to leave every single. I'm telling you if sometimes if people
are saying Enough with the pot, leave the last few it's not going
to make a difference. You don't know where the buck is. Are it's
like not like we have an overflow of bucket in the food. It's all
like tampered with and ruined right. But when a Muslim cooks
that food
right, you never know where the buck is. Okay, so every last piece
of rice every last piece of whatever the food is the
vegetables are the piece lino these little things bread finish
it off. It's a great habit whatever's in your plate, that
plate should be polished, afterwards polished, polished off.
Allah has also hidden the end of time everything about the End of
Time is hidden. Anybody who says in the year 2027 The MACD is going
to come out.
Don't believe it.
I saw it in the low Helma foods or Allah will change it. Because it's
meant to be a surprise. Nobody knows when you'll know Pamela is
alpha pm Issa. So you could worry it could be tomorrow that could be
that the gel could come out. They Maddie could come out afterwards.
And what difference does it make? Right? The signs are all here. The
reality of it is all here. People who one day they're practicing
next day they lost it. Other people. They're completely astray.
Next day.
They're righteous and the gap. The middle area is decreasing. No,
it's almost like woke liberal pink haired, purple haired piercings
all over half your hair is buzzed. And you have 30 sexualities and 25
notes, or you got one god one book two genders. And that's it. Right?
One OMA, like that OMA is going one way in the Christian world and
Americans can the same thing you need to go and one of the one way,
the middle, the old fashioned middle of the 90s is gone. Where
neither are you religious, nor are you demonic. You're like in the
middle, you look like a regular guy. Maybe you go to church once a
year, right for Christmas, do you want to whatever, you're just a
regular navy or an even an atheist, but you're still like,
you wouldn't really boast about it. Right? So there's, we can't
tell what you are what you're all about.
In this day and age, it's it's a clear line, right? You either
supporting all that stuff, not only tolerant of it.
Again, when I was growing up, you wouldn't know the beliefs of a
He may be tolerant of something he may have an opinion of, you
wouldn't know the outside of people was pretty much similar,
right? But today, you either promoting something, or you're
against it. Very few people have no opinion on transgenderism.
Unless he's intentionally not saying it because he got to please
both sides. Right. But something like that, very few people have no
opinion on the Creator anymore. Twitter.
That's, here's another amazing thing. That's an amazing
observation he made does not Allah subhanaw taala he's judging every
one of us, right? Most people will not come up with an opinion if
they don't have a voice. Like, you know, like for Corona. I never
really stuck to an opinion. Because what differences make, am
I a doctor? Am I a policymaker? Am I ever ologists with differences
make my opinion, so I'm not gonna bother spending time making my
opinion. But now through these devices, every Tom, Dick and Harry
can come up with their opinion and publish it and maybe go viral,
right and get 15 minutes of fame. So people do formulate opinions
now. And maybe that's one of the wisdoms because let's see what
your opinion is. We'll give you a platform, by everybody having a
It motivates them to have an opinion, I need to have some of
the same. Right. So by having an opinion. Well, here you are. This
is your opinion, this is this. So your testimony, your tests, your
writing your day of judgment testimony right here, that people
are writing literally.
The evidence, the evidence of your belief is in what you publish into
society. So you can't come on your camera. So no, no, no. Are we?
Yes, you weren't you you tweeted it? You snapped it you
Instagrammed it you whatever it is
years ago?
How are you all of your past experiences? Yeah, we're doing it
now. It's like you can see bring your timeline. Yeah, it's amazing.
And you can't say anything about it, right? Like you publish this
I think we have to stop here because little covered is a long
subject. So we should stop here. Okay, let's uncover the
pseudocode that I should say, is a
big subject. So let's stop here. And we will do latest look at the
report as soon as Part Three. Let's now.
Turn to our Instagram and our YouTube channels.
And let's do an announcement. Yes. First of all, all of our streams
are now on Spotify. iTunes, well used to be iTunes now it's Apple
Music and Google Play. All the live streams are updated on the
same Safina society channel. They're all there.
Yes, some of you have asked us to clip out
the front and we will think about how we will do that for episodes
like 17 all the way to
to 100. But we won't have to do that in the future. So check it
out on Spotify. We will next to
September 9. If you're in the Jersey area, remember, as exciting
as the data fetch news is it is for the locals. Okay. It is it's
an onsite program. There's no online element to it. All of our
online element is on ArcView dot o RG but if you're in the area and
you want to support this future college in the LiDAR, it's
starting in a small space. But we have big dreams and ambitions and
hope and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and, and confidence in the
community and the students and the scholars and everyone's and the
supporters that it will be a full fledged college religious college
one day or college of that will spread this teaching of Dean
and it will be a we we want the spirit of the Maya had Dini, the
spirit of those Maya had rather than the spirit of like, like a
college university, right so that you want to come to that launch
event that is September 9. And applications are now open, you can
apply, you will be either admitted to the part time program or to the
preparatory course that I teach on Sundays, you're going to be
admitted to one or the other. And you're going to apply, guys so you
can apply at DOD and Donald FET dot o RG. Okay. And that is dot
and fat to dot O R G. And we're, that's its Arabic name. And we are
also calling it the
SOFIA society Theological College. theological in the western concept
means the study of all religion, not just nakida.
Okay, so that's second announcement, as applications are
now open, and people
can start sending in their applications to join this program.
And to be part of it, there's a men's one and a women's one, all
the women's classes will be at the New Brunswick Islamic center.
There'll be at mbyc There's hips as part of it, and hips at your
pace. And
there's hips. There's a theta class FIP class to so of class one
hour each, maybe a little over an hour. Okay. And then there is
yes, for the for the women. These are these are the four classes and
oh then there's tafsir my oh am class three hour class on Sunday.
That's the women's program. So let me repeat that women's program
Monday night, hour of Arpita hour of FIP anytime during the week,
hips of Quran, you can go four times a day, a week if you want
two times a week if you want whenever you want.
Third thing is Thursday, I teach it so of class and then Sunday I
teach the Tafseer class
so that's the women's program the
men's program has FIP
it has Aqeedah to solve as well as I've seen as well but as an extra
day of classes on Montek right and or lumen Hadith
month and although al Hadith All right, so let us take a look at
what we have here. Sophia is haved on site yes HIV right now is only
on site and we do not have an online hips program Oz is here
and let's also remember that you can support this live stream don't
let's see those books you got us. I was coming just like an assassin
and all black
is below but close enough. Yeah.
I mean, yeah, you know, his nickname was the music producer.
Because when he first started coming to the masjid, when he
first he has come to the masjid You look like a music producer. Do
you like the glasses? The sneakers?
Normally what does support this livestream you feel if you liked
this livestream you benefit from it, other people benefit from it.
Well, how do you think it happens? It simply happens by your
generosity backslash Safina society. That's how you can
be part of it. And I want to give my heartfelt thanks, gratitude and
I make dua for all of our patrons from England.
Our patrons from England and from the United States. And I think
there's even some from Pakistan. So these are all copies of Al
with just a straight up and what no shot different copy dot anakata
al Islami Okay, also what? No shorter why is this one so small?
Okay, this one is I guess the difference is the just the print
No, no, this is
I don't know what it is. Yeah, just. It's the water. All the
heats are
here. It looks like I don't know why it's so short. Now. Seems like
it's half of the motto. Yeah, it was something like that. Yeah.
Yeah. I'm trying to look it up because interesting. And then this
is another copy of the mortar. So we're building up the library
here. And we needed like a grad student to start reading these
books. Yeah.
No, and we need to have Well, what we need to do is we want people to
read we shut the Wi Fi off downstairs. Right? And then we
have a reading hour. Right? Maybe that's something that you guys
could do as as as a thing. We get some coffee shut, literally put
the plug on the Wi Fi, but people people don't use the Wi Fi. They
got data right now. Here's it, submit your phone in a basket, do
it as a group, right? You put everyone put their phone in the
basket. Okay?
One person makes the coffee. And you sit around here with some
backpacks, and everyone just read for an hour Nope. No talking. It's
a practice to boot. It's like a Buddhist meditation practice is
not a good idea. That's a great encouragement. We could do it in
circles as well, where people help each other, especially if you're
trying to learn Yeah, and then and then everyone's sit in separate
spots, so that there's no itch to talk. Right. And then if someone
talks it's like a shame. Like it's the library. Yeah, right.
That's a very good yeah, it's a good idea between the livestream
and the classes. Yeah, people are here anyways. You might as well
make Yeah, but it should be a set hour. People show up for it. Yes,
get coffee.
No talking and you have to put your everyone's got to put their
cell phone in a basket.
Tahara Omar says does zoo hood mean pride no pride is urged
uncover the words for pride. The word for pride is kibble zoo hood
is that you lose interest the true meaning of zoos is to lose
interest in worldly matters
so it is good of course
for Friday prayer says Moab in DC mosques there's a lecture in order
to then a cuppa in Arabic and that and then Sooners are prayed then a
Joma is prayed. So that is the method of prayer of for salatu.
Juma if it is.
If it is basically like the ruling held is that cookbook must be in
Arabic. So that's how they do it. So they give a little a short
talk, then they call them then then they give a short hook but
solely in Arabic, which most of the people won't understand. So
that's why they give the talk in the native language first. You can
also become YouTube sign up to become YouTube supporters. What is
it called YouTube members? Number and that's another way that you
can help keep this livestream going.
Thank you very much. Yes.
It's really random. But you know, mostly your philosophy. Yes. If
you've shaved down
by by if the question is, bring your mic close to your mouth. If
Satan was serpent would he be forgiven? Well, Rationally
speaking, the answer is yes. But scripturally we as we know the
answer is that he will not repent. But Rationally speaking, there is
no contradiction with any of like the attributes of Allah or the
definition the nature
that there's nothing contradictory in that. That is possible. It is
possible. Sorry, it is rationally possible. There's no contradiction
there. But he we know he will. So It's haram for someone is to
believe that it would be like a heresy. And there is a group that
sympathizer which they talk. They're called
you know, what's that group that sympathizes with the police?
No, no, no, in the Islamic world, they still exist.
ISIS just tried to do jihad against them.
forgot what they're called. But there was a group out in Iraq that
that they have a sympathy for Iblees and they believe he's gonna
come around.
Right? And then he has been 1400 years and the Almighty didn't come
around yet. So and then all the previous one was to
say thank you for that beautiful comment on Instagram, soccer
what is the ruling on organ donation from a deceased person?
Well, the answer to that is that by definition by ruling organ
donation is forbidden because you do not own your body. You may own
stuff, but you don't own your body. Right?
Did you buy it? Did you make it No. So you don't own your body.
And because you don't own your body can't do with it. Whatever
you want.
You can cut up party you're about to give it away. However, as a
fatwah, if it will save the life of another person the Haram
becomes Hana. So therefore the only if it will completely alter
the life of a person, someone like who was going to have a doTERRA
unhedged the Rudra is life and death. Hajj is my life will be
altered, it's not going to die, but it's going to be critically
altered, severely altered, significantly altered. I heard an
interesting perspective on this. Yep.
Um, yeah, someone gave the example of like meat in the UK, I think it
was, yeah, Muslims first came there, they were
trying to get like this festival to, like always be able to eat
jewish meat or something like that. But like this year we didn't
get I didn't I forgot what it was exactly that they're looking for
this you wouldn't give it to them, push them to like get the Muslim
yeah me out. Similarly, like, if you're looking for the easy way
out with the organ donation, you're not going to generate the
alternatives for it. That's true because we can, as humans, you can
make whatever scientific advancements to replace organs.
That's a good point that there so the idea here is that when a photo
is given, it's a photo for for one generation, it gets treated as the
default for the next generation. And that's a problem with photo so
that it doesn't motivate people to find an alternative. Same thing
with like, loans, loan for a photo, alright, fine, take a look.
Alright, but then next generation that becomes their default, nobody
seeks the solution. And that's why there is an organization.
Here, we have an organization here called Mountain.
There's another one out, I think it's national called ACC. They're
trying to find solutions for for loans. And they've been able to
really help people get like a car, for example. Like little things,
not little things, but this is not you got to defunct the
organization, if you would default on it, right, something like
they're still at that level, eventually, college tuition, I
think ACC is a bit older. So they've actually put people
through the semesters of college, I think, and the you have to pay
them back. Alright, so my own is different. It's a credit union,
which is different from ACC, the way it works is you donate, they
give the money away.
And they rely upon the trustworthiness of the person to
pay them back. Okay, as a Lone Mountain, you make an account with
them. And
you're not donating your money, you can pull that money whenever
you want. Right, and they use that money to give the loans out. And
then you can take your money back whenever you want. So it's a
little bit of a different model.
Sophia says How was the revamp going? The I haven't put out any
pictures yet because I want to put out the final picture. And be in
the later we're looking at the end, the beginning of October. The
outside will be completely done. beginning of October.
If anyone needs are the ArcView courses on demand, yes, they're on
demand. In other words, you can watch them at any time that but
there are some that are live so starting September 18 Some classes
will be live Okay, we have our live classes and of course the
recorded and they're uploaded
or they always available they will be they never they don't have a
beginning and do we have Chef a 50s This year we have Chef a FIP
and humbly folk by the way. We have all four methods this year
Surah sola, please make dua for me, I have two exams, and I'm
freaking out.
I'll tell you a secret Sara, wake up, sleep early. And wake up
early. And study in the morning. Don't do what these college kids
do. And we all did it. Which is get the cup of coffee at 10pm and
study deep into the night and sleep at 3am
your mind isn't as sharp. You're surrounded with distractions. You
wake up the next day miserable. So do the opposite flip it sleep at
like ridiculously early times. For most people that's like 9am 9pm me
wake up at 334 o'clock AM right and study at that time. That's the
best right was Mr. Khan says Can we recite Salah for a specific
desire which we are desperate Of course you can.
Yes and one of the ship of the other sarcophagi you have to cover
so cough said that one of the he said the first benefit of one who
does much Salah on the prophets of Allah when he was selling his his
dog gets answered.
He's given what he wants.
Can you give the difference in bliss? shaytaan Jin yes Iblees is
the name that was given to a certain Jin
who was who know us IBLEES right. But that wasn't his birth name.
He had many names. He had some say his name was Al Hadith, and that
he was so righteous he got the nickname as as he the honor of
Allah subhanaw taala the glory of Allah.
And then when he lost hope and Allah's forgiveness, and then he
was given the name
IBLEES means the one who has no hope. Because if you do not
believe in the Rama of Allah discover, right? So that's how
he's a Catherine shaytaan is a word that means far from the Mercy
of Allah. That's why the prophets I said Lim said
the camel was created from Satan means the characteristic of the
camel. Part of it is that it has no mercy. Okay? It's extremely
harsh and merciless. That's one of the characteristics of the person
that doesn't mean it bliss is inside the camel. So shaytaan is
anything that is far from the Mercy of Allah. and jinn is an
entire creation made of smokeless fire type of energy form that we
cannot see. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, and a few of
them are in the middle, neither good nor bad. They're opposite of
humans where humans are some of fewer good, fewer bad, fewer,
really good, fewer, really bad and most people in the middle. That's
actually the default of human beings. The End of Time is
different. It's all good or all bad. One way or the other. That's
end of times, and I think we're marching towards that. But the
Djinn just because someone says Gen does not mean they're evil.
Gen does not nest is not necessarily evil. Okay.
What what vicar if we do any vicar that is our default, what should
it be? It should be Salah on the messenger Salallahu Salam when we
should try to do 1000 a day.
So, going back to the organ donations,
what is forbidden at all times to give away is the organ that is
never that is that is connected to reproduction. That will confuse
reproduction that is forbidden in life and in death. We cannot
donate *. You cannot decipher right? You can't donate sperm
can't donate eggs.
You cannot donate any organ in life or death that will affect
reproduction. Secondly, we are forbidden, the prohibition rule
remains on the Oregon that is not connected to a via a dire need.
Right? I'm sure there are organs out there, there's no dire need
for it. Okay, so that is an organ that you can't.
And Lily is saying reminder that you are an organ donor now by
default unless you register out. So I think people should opt out
of that.
The IOI eyebrows says Are you allowed to run to prayer for fun?
That would be my crew because you should go to salon with Waqar, but
you can move quickly to salon. Okay, but not for fun? No.
And there was let me just warn you that religion has to be respected.
There was a little clip going around people laughing that a guy
was pitching his hustle
jam rots for Hutch.
In hutch, he was throwing the gym a lot. But he would be like
winding up and pitching it. And his friends were all like
laughing, right?
You You can invalidate your whole image like that. Because you're
making a joke. You're taking you're mixing your fun and games
and your jokes with if a bed was one of the things with tick tock
and YouTube and stuff is that people make these videos of like,
while you're in the prayer and something happens and it's a joke.
A joke. I'll tell you something else I do too is they come on
someone who's sleeping and put a sheet over him while he's asleep.
And they'll start praying Janessa
and then the guy gets scared and everything like that. So besides
the idea of scaring someone, they're saying, Oh, we're teaching
them a lesson. But you cannot make pranks. You can't do pranks with
sulla. Right?
Dean at all. It's not a topic for pranks. What we're like, really?
I'm watching.
Watching it. No, we shouldn't laugh It was forbidden. Right? If
it's forbidden to do it's forbidden to laugh at stuff like
the scary thing. It's like, you obviously wouldn't do it. Yeah,
but it's very like, you might chuckle at it. You will you will
be you will chocolate the guy's reaction, right? But you got to
catch yourself and pin we pin ourselves to the ruling not to our
whims and that's one of the signs of guidance is when you're you pin
your behavior and even your feelings to what you know is right
as a law.
Sofia Sofia says differences so Sophia Sophia with an A. There was
a story a few days ago kid died of an unknown disease and his parents
donated his organs and it killed the person that received them.
Subhanallah like how he had a disease he died
for a reason, right? The reason was in one of those organs, so
it's not always something that is beneficial. Fat. Thank you very
much for your comment. Let's go to see
on Instagram the behind B says, Can anyone tell or say or judge?
If someone isn't a good Muslim? The answer is yes. Because if they
commit sins knowingly in public does not every Muslim know the
prohibition of selling wine, or of running a owning a club
owning a liquor store, is that
some technical ruling that they may have not known? Or is it
something we all know? Right?
So when they do that, in the public in the open, that I can we
judge they have judged themselves as Feser, meaning a public sinner
like you're not even embarrassed to Salah righteous Muslim, does
the righteous person commit sins, that he's what makes him
righteous? He's embarrassed enough of Allah subhanaw taala in the
community and for his own reputation, he keeps his sins in
private, right? That Allah protects him
keeps his sins in private. So the idea that sinlessness is not the
case, it's that's not the threshold of righteousness.
Righteousness is you are embarrassed if you're
conscientious enough to keep your sins private. You wouldn't do it
if that's not hypocrisy.
If you're truly like embarrassed, but that's not hypocrisy. It's
hypocrisy. If you're not embarrassed by it, and you're
scheming, right? That's hypocrisy. So that's why yes, we can say that
there's a category of Salah there's a category of facet. The
sada is somebody in the public community sphere. We have not seen
him do major sins. And we haven't seen him do skip his obligations.
Then there's someone we hope to be righteous, we call them like what
a tepee or even we can say, Well, Lee, not as someone who has who
publicly has the attributes of the Olia, he does a lot of a but it
does a lot of good deeds, etc. All and that's his reputation. So the
idea of reputation is something we take into account and Islam.
Right. And I love views that that your shame in front of other
people is part of belief. It's part of human
soulful says,
If on period, can I touch a book that contains Quran? Such as
Matassa, luxery? And answer's yes, I just cannot touch the most half,
or just have the most of a portion of the most of anything that is
the Quran is less than 50% of it is not considered a must have. I
saw a good question on the live stream. Yeah, let's hear it. Adam
was asking.
Yes, Allah subhanaw taala created laws of logic. And
you might say, Did Allah subhanaw taala create the laws of logic?
The logical contradictions are a wide wide variety of
Right there,
oh, it's a Facebook? Yeah. Hey, could you could you give me the
church, please? If you're if you don't need it, they could turn it
up. But basically the idea that if that's the case, then shouldn't
allow you capable of creating logical contradictions.
Like basically that, why is it that we have to assume that last
panel data is logical? Or we have to hold him to logical standards?
Like how are things logically impossible for him? Or
inconceivable for him? No, they're not inconceivable for him. They're
inconceivable in themselves. Right? thing is this.
He's using logic to bring up the subject to make his proposition,
Is he not using logic? So make give us the proposition without
using logic? And then it'll he'll be correct, right? Is he not using
logic to even suggest the proposition?
So manip and logical statements?
We, we have no there's no discussion of them. Can't even
discuss them outside of Munchak. Right.
So where's the exact question that he's asking?
Did Allah create the laws of logic? If so, then how are there
things that would that are absurd? No, we say that they're absurd in
themselves. They're not things. So the question is,
can a human being imagined something and even talk about it
that is empowered
Similar to possibly to B? And the answer is yes, it's a jumble up of
words. So we can imagine all we want and talk of a triangle that
has five sides. But what we're doing is just nothing other than
jumbles up of words.
That's all it is. It's something that will never exist cannot exist
because it contradicts itself. So are you now asking? Why
contradictions exist? Is because we have the ability to to
conceptualize one thing to conceptualize other things. And we
have the ability to conceptualize two things that cannot possibly go
together. We have that ability, right? People, such as Allah
telling lies, people conceptualize false gods that created the world.
That's what they believe. Right? So they conceptualize ideas, put
them together, those ideas can never possibly come together.
I don't like is there anything beyond the question beyond that?
No. Because I think that when you think about it from a very surface
level, yeah. On surface level, yeah. Allah created logic before,
he doesn't have to be bound by those rules. But the thing is, is
what I'm reminded of this the line from ignatia.
Law and canon law is to hide a mountain, our Java, carbon, haha,
lumen algebra, that if like something that was possible,
became impossible or mentored, basically, that is something the
rules of logic were different than what would happen, the reality
itself would be different. Yeah, that's, you know, and we would see
that the reality is different. For example, if the universe, if we
said that the universe created itself, well, we can't live in a
world like we would know, you know, then we would have the same
conversation about that universe that created itself. And we'd be
saying something else is logically contradictory. But the way that we
see it, and we perceive it, we know what reality is. We also
would not direct that to Allah and say he's bound by it. No, say we
would not fathom anything nor comprehend anything, without
logic, without it making sense, right? Otherwise, it's a jumble up
of words. So we are created we're are we're created to receive
information through our intellect in a way that has to be ordered.
Right? And in a way that in which one thing cannot cancel out the
other thing. So our intellects themselves, it's like a filter.
Right? And that's the language that this filter accepts is this.
That's the language that this filter accepts. So I think it's
important like we don't ponder on Allah's essence, we ponder on his
attributes. Now, this is an example where if we start thinking
too deeply about what is the essence, we can't comprehend it,
you can't fathom it in any way. And this is what happened with
questions like and that is the that is actually the result of
understanding is the human being has understood Allah best at the
moment when he says that his essence cannot be understood. Why?
Because he's burpee. He's badly. Right. And we're Fannie. Fannie
means we're, we come into existence, we come out of
existence. He's Bethy. He's not bound by any of these things that
we're bound by, we are bound by these things. He's not bound by
them. And he created these boundaries for us.
Right? So logic is no difference in time and space. It's something
that is part and parcel of our creation, we cannot fathom a human
being outside of time.
What does that mean? So what happens from one moment to the
next? Can you fathom an existence in which you don't go from one
moment to the next, in which you can recall yesterday? Or last five
minutes? And that you look forward to tomorrow? Or the next five
minutes? You can't fathom it? Can you fathom a human existence
without a physical element to it? So then, where are you? Like, at
this moment? I know I'm here. Can you fathom spaceless? This No,
can't you cannot also fathom the absence of logic either. Right in
that, where if a word that is uttered does not mean what it
means. And it means the opposite. It's just genuine, we call that
So questions, like give examples?
well, that's actually a great point. And that is the answer.
Because when somebody says, for example,
Can God create a triangle with five sides? I say draw it for me.
Yeah, exactly. Right. That's the answer to draw it, and then we'll
discuss it. And the other thing is, I think that the question
itself is also not to the he's not valid question. It's a valid
question of questions. No, we're not roasting. I've had questions
like this before.
Yeah, no, but he's roasting. What not roasting, but he's showing
that sometimes we put words together in a question that there,
they cannot be conceived. Right? Yeah. What I was thinking is that
this is a logical question. Right? He's asking, you know, Allah
subhanaw taala be above the rules of logic. That's a proposition
that is made. It's a proposition. Yeah. And now what he's saying is
that can we
not use our brains to fathom that proposition, can a proposition not
be logical? Like the idea can never be answered? The idea of
being like, you know, our minds is a hack. And when it comes to
logical propositions, he's basically saying, can we pull out
our minds, despite the fact that our minds are the ones that are
missing? So in essence, it is a dead end proposition? Because we
would never be able to conceptualize it. That's why my
first answer to you was logic is being used here. Right, right. And
logic is the only way to come to a conclusion here. So we cannot use
the absence of logic, the absence of logic, or the contradiction of
logic can never be an outcome. Right? It can never possibly be an
outcome. It's, there's a phrase in it and in philosophy, which is a
proposition or an argument that has, like it's a dead end, it can
never be answered. Right? It's like, what I like to think is
like, we can use logic to make sense of our own existence. But we
can never understand although his existence like his knowledge is
way beyond. Yeah, so it's like, what what are you actually asking?
With that?
Alright, so you're gonna read me the questions from
from YouTube. It's on. He'll read it from YouTube. Chief Latif is
really excited about his question, could you answer it a sister in?
Could you ask me read it with all the hundreds and the handshakes?
It is permissible for women to show their face on social media?
And is it permissible to wear makeup
100 100.
Know, Xena is forbidden
and showing the face it's gonna be case by case basis depending on
what like
there's like an about page of a website or is it something more
like unnecessary? Or is it
even a lecture that's given with some respect? Or is it like
that that would have to be a case by case basis is, but the Xena, we
know that really for that is prohibition? And it's for the
homes? I really like this? Yep. It says, basically, the question is
trying to use logic to dispute that's exactly what I meant, which
is why the right the only it's a dead end proposition because we
need logic, we can never come to a conclusion where there's no logic.
Right? Right. And so but in freezing the question we would
never say that Allah is bound by anything. Okay. But we said that
he has created us and the only way for us to have any discussion is
through to the team of Calum ordering our speech. And that's
why Monte What did the Arabs call it? Kalam? Right? Because
ultimately, it is the organization of our speech, to bring us a
proposition that I can understand that you can understand. Right?
And that and what is the purpose of propositions to reflect the
Remember, that's another thing. The purpose of propositions is to
reflect the truth. Right, it's arrive at an ad hoc, which is the
description of life as it is here in this world.
Can I be Stern says OMA Poco Loco atonia the the the the high school
kids and the middle school kids are up on Poco Loco says can I be
stern with my parents when trying to make them pray? No, you should
not and we as according to moment as ally we are not
we do not command right and forbid wrong to our fit our parents. We
don't command the right or forbid the wrong to our parents you but
you can just do your do the right thing. And hopefully there'll be
inspired by that.
And your mama says updates on Safina society Theological
College. Yes, it is the part time program is that we announced it
already. Ryan will put it up right now. And there it is. That is our
applications are now open for Safina society
Theological College is a big ambition. It's going to start
slowly. Do you remember where this livestream started? Right in
garages and living rooms and on the deck or outside with a little
tripod. But if you work out something over and over and over
and you get help, and a lot of smart people come along, things
could happen and that's what we believe will happen with this too.
So the it is a part time program now between here where we are,
okay daughter FET and mbyc. Okay MBI sees our Masjid in North
Brunswick, they're our official partner and we will be insha Allah
to Allah.
Having half of the classes there and half of the classes here all
the women's classes will be there
what is the fifth on sadaqa? How much we should give sadaqa is as
you wish. It's from your heart. It's from yourself as give me some
YouTube questions Wallace
form loads up again, know what's going on here
catch 42 as opposed to the catch 22
Saying that whoever gives sadaqa his wealth will not decrease who
are the most deserving of our settlement? Your family? closest
people closest to you?
Okay, of course.
If you're there's some family members you're obligated to take
care of. So that won't count as sadaqa
should we divide ourselves or take care of one person whoever
benefits most from it?
In our mind, how do we picture Allah subhanaw taala we can never
picture a lotta but we can imagine ourselves when the What did the
Prophet mean then when He said
Worship Allah is if you see him meaning imagine yourself standing
before the throne of ALLAH SubhanA wa jhana.
And there being no barrier between you and him and no distraction and
nothing else that you are just
in the heavens standing before the throne of Allah. That's what you
visualize, but there is no visualization of Allah himself as
xojo There is a vision of Allah to Allah that's in Yama, Yama, when
we are given replaced with organs that are bappy everlasting organs,
as Imam Malik said,
speaking of Imam Malik, this question is from medic 27, who
says what is the end of a viewing the prophets relics?
We view them with respect and honor of that this is either a
relic of the Prophet salallahu Salam, or and even if someone you
know, in Turkey, they claim to have the staff of Moses the turban
of use of so a highly skeptical of that. But I play along if at the
moment imagine if this was if I was standing before the staff of
Moses. It would be like nice to look at it and amazing honor than
America. So I play along but sometimes I don't believe it
right. For the relics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, some people make a big deal about the authenticity. And I
say about that Allahu alum. But I say if it was the hair of the
Prophet, I would give it this respect. And I hope that Allah
accepts that intention. Because the Sahaba didn't want to lie to
him. They honored every
thing that came from the messenger, even his will loot
water. Okay. Let's ask Give me some more on YouTube because I'm
not like, I don't know why my phone is not connected to the
internet. Someone was asking if a shell of the soul does a sin in
private, yeah repents from it. I think he's a major sin a major sin
if a share of the self doesn't major sin in private, but then he
repents from it.
I would say about this that.
This is a theoretical question, obviously, because it's in
private. Right. So that's the first part of the question.
Secondly, I would say about that. I would have covered Jelani was
asked, Can a Willie commit a major sin? And he said about that
kind of unbelief other than Madura. The color of Allah is
there, right? It's pascalis could happen. But he said, Well, he
knows a chef, a chef has a bigger responsibility. He's a guide for
Right? So that God has, I don't know, how is it theoretically
possible? Yes, it's of course it's theoretically possible. He commits
a major sin and he repents. Yes, it is possible. And he remains to
be a chef. Because she you are not infallible. It's there to weapon
the one who makes Toba. He has wiped away his
next OS Ibrahim is asking. He's very upset. I keep skipping this
question. Oba he's asking, How do I deal with a parent who is
arrogant, offensive or racist? Sometimes he gets on my nerves,
but I don't know what to do. A parent is like that you all heard
the question? Well, he should. You really have to have somebody but
you also don't want to poke the bear. You know, if you know that a
parent is a certain way, you have to try to just accept the fact
that some people have buttons. Right? So I think we all have
buttons, right? different buttons.
You don't press your parents buttons and you don't get them to
explode on something, you know, by now by living with someone what
gets them going. And you avoid those things out of respect. And
you don't say Well, theoretically, he should tolerate it.
Theoretically, you should be a lot better as akin to write. But
that's not how life is. We don't we don't well, he should accept it
because the books say so or reality, or whatever moral
standards you're calling upon. And I think all youth do
So Right? And that is a test for the parents believe it or not,
right? It's a test to show the inconsistencies of the parents
that the kid is kids sometimes have a moral compass or a moral
sense, or what they imagined to be they think is a moral sense. And
they try to, to jam it on the parents. So then the year
you know, show them your inconsistency. So that's Bella on
the parent.
Next question.
Crusade Summit, anybody?
I was literally watching the video is Yes, miss. But I think that one
of the biggest lessons that I learned was, you can't correct
your parents don't correct. Don't even go there's a story from
justicia I think it's in
her does she have time to talk about it?
Where his father he like he was like 1112 years old. And he was
already destined to be one of the earlier and his father. He was
like a wine wine salesman. And so what happens is, is that when his
father is out, he locks the door. And he starts crashing, like
breaking basically breaking all the wine jugs, everything. What
happens is that the father catches wind of this, and he's so angry,
that he like tries breaking the bird down, but the kid won't
listen. And so and so he opens up the door eventually. And he's so
upset when he sees a scene, that he takes a rock, and he takes a
rock and he's about to kill the son. That's how rage and he throws
a rock at the child's head. Yeah, but the rock stops just short,
like it's flying in the air, it stops short, and it falls to the
ground and it doesn't harm him. So when the father sees this, you
know, he falls to the ground and repentance. And with the Michelle
said was the real miracle wasn't the fact that the rock stopped.
real miracle was a father made though that the hand at the feet
of the son Yeah, because that's usually not what happened. That's
exactly what happens. It's, it's just from the fitrah of human
beings is that they're not going to follow their kids.
You know, when they're kids, they may follow them when they become
adults. That's his that's fathomable. And I've seen I've
seen many fathers take as like,
in many different ways their kids have they become adults, when
they've lived, when they've seen like, what the Father has seen of
life. So but when they're euthanized, but that's an amazing
story. What's the name of the has their names to that? Or is it more
like a mythos? No, it wasn't a specific story. I think maybe one
of the if there's any 50 people in the chat do not like
I forgot it was a very famous
Okay, next question says here that it is do the items of the profit
have an snad? They have to
they have to in the western world art pieces have something called a
what is it called? A prom?
No, they are pieces have like a provenance. art pieces have
provenance, which is a Senate. Essentially, the provenance is a
file that proves that the transmission from let's say,
Jackson Pollock
is a genius. He made money
and became the Western world's greatest painter without learning
how to paint.
Is that not the best shortcut? Right. Michelangelo? How many
practice strokes to make what he did right. Now, Jackson Pollock
was throw the paint around. Right, scribble scrabble of a
And I don't know if he lived to see himself get rich, right? But
that's what it is. But they have to have evidence.
Right? provenance is called, and people work hard to forge
paintings, they have to forge and if they if the paintings were on
the black market, then that's a problem too. Right? So
they have that for paintings they have that for relics to.
In the old days, the relics of the Prophet were kept by the Khalifa
because we need the military to protect it. In other words,
usually kept in the capital city.
How do we increase TOEIC? Here's the thing.
G Margus asked this question.
And they have a very practical answer. Over prepare
to over prepare, every detail of what you're going to do is the
best way to become reliant upon Allah because the prophets of
Allah when he was selling his description of his Tilak is that
before the event, we would not imagine that he relies on Allah.
Afterwards, we would not imagine that he plans because he prepared
so well for everything. Only when you prepare your work.
Only aspects so well do you have the right to rely upon Allah data
you don't have the right to rely upon Allah, just for being lazy
and saying, oh god, there's gonna be, you know, rely on Allah and
not prepare. And you've got to fly at four in the morning you didn't
pack you don't find you know where your passport is you didn't print
your ticket. That's not to work good. That is a false
understanding to what has nothing to do with this loose way of
living, that you prepare everything to the tee.
And then after that, once you've prepared you leave it to a lot
after that.
You have the right to prepare if you haven't, to rely if you
haven't prepared
Seagal Ibrahim the third.
I expect I sometimes feel I'm not living up to Allah's expectation,
he's disappointed. This is from the bliss. This is from the bliss.
That is really bliss.
What we should feel is that connected to every sin is
something bad. And we should fear that something bad in the same way
connected to every stove is connected to every sharp item is a
cut, right?
Allah has created it that way. So that's what you should fear those
bad things that Allah created surrounded by sins. But Allah to
Allah is pleased with the Toba of his abs. And he's pleased with
somebody who is
putting an effort in drawing near to him in Allah Hibbert. Tovino
Hebrew Matata, honey, he loves the tiller being in the monster
let's go to YouTube. I got my
thing back.
Suzanna Rahim says what are the etiquettes women should display in
front of males? So you?
Good. And does it apply that gazing at a scholar is worship. I
don't believe that it applies for the for the for the women in terms
of like being in the presence of a shake and the gauges should be
lowered. And the speech should not be with a soft voice.
Mohammed saying go to Kenny.
Now you guys know that he used to be a Shia and he converted to
become a Sunni on this live stream.
No argument is the best response to some people. It's talking
about. I guess parents sometimes.
He's a double convert. He went from Hindu to Sherry to Sunday.
Good Dino palavra. How do we do 10 Z of seeing Allah subhanho wa
Taala in Jana and Nassif you see creed says it is possible and
gives examples of seeing something in a dream without direction or
distance but does not entail still imply form? No, it doesn't we say
that. We negate distance, and form. So there can be a seeing
without distance and form.
That's that's, that's a summary of it.
Okay, Sofia says What have your parents make stuff about religion,
you stay away from the buttons. If your parent wants to attack you.
If they because you pray, pray privately as much as possible. You
don't touch their buttons. Trust me. No argumentation about
religion is ever beneficial or anything. People argue they're
going to fall out of love for one another. Nabil xh. Why? Nabila
opinion on women's thinking consider what's wrong with it? As
long as they're doing it with a women's only gathering. There's
nothing wrong with it. It's completely permitted.
Yes, I think deny us more questions. Who do you know about
vision? DOP? Go ahead. Yeah, read for us. Make sure the mic is
close. He's asking you can't see something formulas. But what I
like that's what I want to go grab. I'll take that.
Because this is what we learned with Chef Murad. So I'm just going
to read the translation. This is specifically talking about and I
think that you should everyone should read it that the holly
because it answers all these questions. It says the foot of
Islam cannot be firm except on the back of submission and surrender.
Whoever aims to gain the knowledge of that which is beyond his
capacity to know and his intellect is not content with submission
will find that his aim will veil him from pure belief and Allah's
unity. In his though eight, clear recognition and body fat and true
faith. You will then waver between disbelief and belief, confirmation
and rejection and acceptance and denial. You'll be subjected to
insinuations and find himself wandering, confused and full of
doubt the neither an accepting believer nor denying rejecter
belief in the vision of Allah by the people of the abode of peace
is not correct if a person imagines what it is like or
interprets it, according to his own understanding, since the
interpretation of the vision or any of the attributes related to
lordship is by abandoning interpretation and adhering to
submission upon this as a religion of Muslims.
Anything's what's specific about the rule? Yeah,
Does he have the one so this was specifically about the look yeah
so what this was all he said this is this is what we know about the
root Yeah, this is what's the water and then this is how we need
to approach it. So Mr. Howe is basically saying make the feel of
it because the prophesy said dimensions it because it's
mentioned in multiple areas. But that's it. Let me give you another
answer to and this is based on the mathematics answer to it is that
some people may say well, why are you all of a sudden making tough
wheat and submitting on this but you interpreted away other things
right? Such as the Newzoo The answer is that for Dino is that
the RO e takes place occurs with eyes that are different from these
eyes. Though it does not take place with these eyes. These eyes
are Fanny as Malik put it, we will be replaced with eyes that are
bappy and the eye that is bethey we have no reference point to so
the roja itself is not dysuria that I'm gonna see something like
an iPad it is done with two different set of eyes completely
that we have no reference point when we get there and we have
reference point of those eyes we can give the tafsir right because
to be fair to the masala right
it's not the same eyes right so that's why it's we uphold the rule
here and uphold the 10 Z because we're not referring to these eyes
for instance different eyes
someone was asking above if a woman can we make them in public?
We answer to that and answer is look.
Typhoon says nice little you see their little Star Wars initials
they're pretty cool.
Yes, even one of the oldest Quran isn't that is 99% Complete is
taken from Medina to Istanbul, the Topkapi of Quran. Yep, that's back
talking about the relics related to the rough Ebro neocon. How do I
deal with an arrogant period? We answered that already. And he's
got a bison looks like bison
is more read more shit relationship? What is allowed and
not allowed? First of all, what is it? First of all,
by unworried merchant relationship is a self binding, you have bound
yourself to an agreement, what is the agreement that the chef will
take his time out to seek to guide you, and you will obey Him?
In a sense, legally speaking, that is the contract that's the nature
of the contract. Right? He will guide you to Allah subhanaw taala.
And you will obey Him.
Because well, what's the point of the guidance? If you don't obey
him? What's the point of him taking the time out to guide you?
If he if you're lukewarm, right. So that's the agreement it is it
is a legal agreement between you and a chef.
Of course, it's motivation is emotional and spiritual and filled
with belief that he can guide you to Allah subhanaw taala. If you
have any doubts about that,
there's no point in doing it. Some people do it like they think it's
fashionable or a magic spell is going to come in without any work,
they're going to achieve something
but you can also achieve this without necessarily having an
official oath of allegiance. Like you could willingly follow
somebody and they're willingly guiding you. And you have the same
How Abdullah us please answer my question, please. Alright, let's
go to Abdullah us who's got an orange thumbnail. What are they
called? US thumbnails. profile pics?
I can't see it. Can you? Yeah,
he's getting bullied, getting
bullied and buried. Keep posting it. Okay, go ahead.
for July the pilot got
any tips from the pilot? Or someone getting a ramp position at
an airline? Does he know how they are with employee who has to go
pray any other input or expectations from July?
Yeah, I'm not too sure on that. Yeah, typically any company
they're very lenient in terms of like crying. Yeah. Yeah, it should
be something very easy to stay on. Yeah, I will just like stay on
Hulu all the time. And it's like a quick five minute thing you know,
and a lot of the companies are pretty lenient talking about
prayer as a bilayer
good yeah. But shall you should try to become a pilot too. It's
you know should make an intention on that. If you're given numbers
and things like that so numbers What does not do it numbers.
instrument rating. Oh, that's true air pressure in the cabin? No, bla
bla bla. Yeah, there's a whole bunch of
if you're good with numbers, and if you had a million gadgets
Exactly, they need to simplify that. I just need a steering wheel
a screen. That's it.
I need Steve Jobs to take over the cockpit and make this like real
I've done the US put your question again, because I can't see it,
unfortunately. What was oh, that was the question. Okay, good.
Good, good.
Typhoon Sariah says those are the initials of his profile pic. Looks
good looks come out of Star Wars. SIMATIC will not even be fact but
facts be on Apple podcasts? Yes, it is. Right. It is on Apple
podcasts. And it is on Google Play. And it is on Spotify as
Okay, how do you respond to someone who says the meth hubs are
stupid? I mean, that's just sort of such a silly question. It's
such a silly comment.
You know, must be a child saying that in high school, he's got to
be in high school. Because you have centuries of people who are
studying something and honing in on the most the strongest answer
to each question that also makes it consistent with all the other
texts of Quran and Hadith. That's the goal, right? And so,
I would like to say to this person, can you name if case have
you? Have you read the books of any method? Right? So probably no
one who has will say that they're stupid, fictional frontiers. So
hey, with respect to a masjid that holds multiple Juma prayers, what
criteria must one follow and deciding on which prayer to
attend, they should, as much as possible, try to attend the first
pair. But if it's a matter of that the messages themselves has asked
that you try to split it up for the sake of parking, then that's
an emerge, that's a necessity, and we can follow that necessity
because you have no other choice, you will not pay Joomla. So it is
an innovation upon which we have no choice. And so,
we can go by that right by what is practically feasible. Right? What
is practically feasible in terms of physically getting there
because what is necessary to achieve an obligation becomes an
obligation, even if it's an innovation because so much of our
Joomla is innovation, meaning that it never happened in the time of
the prophets of Allah when he was said that there was never more
than one Joomla in the city. Whenever the Sahaba went anywhere
they established that one Joomla one city then it was one gem,
multiple genres in the city that was an innovation, but one gem i
per mosque okay, then Gemma's outs forget Gemma's outside the mosque
How about living permanently I mean, outside of Islamic
countries, Muslim countries life outside of Muslim country itself
is a discussion let alone the Joomla there. So all of these are
necessities. So you may decide based on what is most feasible to
actually fulfill the obligation.
Okay, nebula says I missed the take about the female theology
classes offered by Safina are they aimed at beginners intermediate
adults. So that is the college that we are establishing in the
this we had the pre pilot program last spring summer now it is the
pilot official pilot program. And that is on site classes here in
the state of New Jersey. If you want to move, join us and hang out
with us in the state of New Jersey. Right. Supposedly our
governor's lower in the Texas and it's close to New York to 45
minutes New York, New York 50 to Pete Philly, not even an hour and
15 minutes to mocassin. Right important to me, to me next to my
beloved Czechia here, which is to me is like an anchor and you feel
like I might not go all the time, but I'm happy he's there like the
feeling that he's there. Right and his community too. It's a great
community. Oh, we don't want to pull off. A lot of hollow plastic
bags are when we have a lot of Halal food. We have Newark
airports 20 minutes away. You know, I missed more flights since
moving to Jersey than ever before. Because Newark Airport is so close
that I keep like I'm like so relaxed about flights, right? I
missed like three, four flights. Just because I'm certain I'm
ready. Boom. Before I even know it. My coffee is still hot. Right
when I hit the turnpike. By the time I hit the turnpike. It's like
three four exits a 15 minute shot on the turnpike. Then you hit the
exit for the Newark Airport. I love Newark airport because
international but it's small. It's the best. It's like you're not
like JFK or Heathrow where you're taking trains. Right? No, you park
you can park there and get Uber
You can park there and literally just walk from terminal C. Right
to wherever you need to go. There's only three terminals. So I
love that it's where we have the biggest state university in the
country is literally we could probably throw a baseball three
times. Someone with a good arm throw a baseball three times.
You'd be at the Rutgers campus. Less than that. Even.
It is the biggest most popular.
We beat Ohio State No way. They're making all these new builds. Oh,
yeah. I used to it was Ohio State for a while we beat Ohio State.
What about Texas? Does that count?
No, they're no in one campus. One Campus campuses? Yeah. But this is
the biggest devil's advocate here. He talks about Camden Newark
Rutgers know when people say Rutgers they mean New Brunswick?
Yeah, no one means Camden. Right. But as one campus, it's the
biggest it spawns over two cities, but really like, Jersey is really
like an underrated place to live that because people really
underestimate the amount of resources we have in Jersey, a lot
of people we have. So it's like, if you want to move any place in
the USA, number one, it was probably like Jersey, New
Brunswick area. Maybe Texas, but like Jersey takes the cake because
because the resources, the people, the amenities that are here, the
practicality of it is that that's why we've been in the I think it
was US News and World Report. Or there was one thing we win number
one state to live in. Like we've wandered three, four years in a
row. Right. And it's because of we have beaches, we have airports, we
Ivy League schools, we have the biggest massive college we got two
cities, right? We have four seasons, we have diversity. That's
true. We have forces we have diversity.
Travel commercial right now. Yeah. So that's what and as a Muslim,
though, the other aspect is that New Jersey is like a rectangle.
Right? You got water on one side and then you have like, almost
like a no man's land on the left. And the South in the north is the
city. So all of Jersey is essentially a rectangle. And, and
it's it's two arteries, the parkway and the turnpike like two
jugular veins, right. And you can as a Muslim, you can identify
which communities at which exit which Masjid is at what exit that
actually gives a big community field. Like I know that on route
one is going to be Masjid Wedi. Us. iCj ncgp, like in order,
right? If I go up the parkway, I know it's gonna be, let's say,
East Orange. Paterson. Right? ICPC whatever. Like, you know, like, it
gives you a community sense. Unlike Texas, which is a sprawl,
right? It's just like never ending. Where's it go? Chicago was
a sprawl. Right? It's like, where's it going? Yeah, I remember
like speaking to shake. Yeah, I remember when McCall said was
being built. One of the main reasons was because New York is
about an hour drive from Allentown. Yeah, and Philadelphia
is an hour drive from Allentown but plus, it's in the suburbs. So
you get the peace of mind. Yeah, but with jersey, the beautiful
thing is like you have you know, everything's so close by yet
still. So, you know, like suburban, you know, so you have
best of both worlds with like, New Brunswick area, and like the
Central Jersey area, you could have a quiet suburban house with,
with even chickens and lands, right.
And you could literally be 120 seconds in your car, in traffic
with noise. Because some people need that. The sort of it's sort
of eerie to be you ever feel that like It's eerie was so quiet,
there's no population there's no action, right? I have a four year
old says designed by Allah just finished just about him.
Just by listening, well, that's the old fashioned way. Right by
listening. Should I start focusing on love with Quran through stories
which I continue, however, listen, just memorize as much as you can
when you're young.
shaken up, shaken up, says is there boarding for female
students. There's no boarding yet for males or females. But we hope
as a 10 year plan, let's say five year plans seven year plan to buy
up the houses next door. Right. And that will be the dorms those
will be the dorms, right? And
that's an option, but there are places nearby that they can rent
like a very cheap price. Oh, yeah. People can rent no problem.
There's cheap rent here. But Nabil is a is data fest going online to
answer is no. All of our online is being revamped now through
ArcView. And we will have scholarship track classes on arc
view with
everything that you need, but arc view is going to be the online
version of it.
And it's being it's going to have an amazing revamp right now.
Right? Do you have some really like art feels amazing. Yeah, we
have some amazing courses. You can learn all of inheritance like 98%
of what you need from shit though Samus course.
Says Camden looks cool, but isn't as appealing to me.
Not like it's too hyped up. Who has who in the right mind is hyped
If you want to get away with a murder or something, then yeah,
Canada is a place to do it. Yeah. Camden is number one, I think.
Yeah, heroin, heroin.
Crack, murder, gangs. Even the guys in Camden are trying to get
out of Kansas. It's but it overtook Newark, by the way. In
your experience says Sophia, what argument works best to demonstrate
the phrase authenticated by Al Burnie.
Someone who has a firm belief in their heart that as Benny is an
authenticator of Hadith.
I never actually read the webs the the the the,
there is an article, and there are books. I personally never read
them because it was never in my heart that He is the final say, in
authentification of Hadith says it has to enter your heart that he's
the final say, or a final say, it never entered my heart. That's why
I never read those books. But they are out there showing that in
fact, there are some mistakes. And in some cases,
they highlight one out of four. And what are some of the mistakes
that he made is that he relied solely on reading books without
actually having a mentor or a teacher to guide him through the
process. So mistakes became compounded. That's the argument
against him. Right. And it's not an advantage to a bashing session
here. But they did argue against him that he relied upon books not
realizing that the publishers themselves of the books have a lot
of mistakes. And that hadith scholars, they treat publishers
with as much of a critical eye as anything else, because he's got to
transmit properly. So I remember one time, the story One of the
stories about this critique, for example, is that a man came and he
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, in the den with without a tisski. Without
them on the Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Al Benny said, Bidda the
narration of Muslim says Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Prophet said
that. So the Imam of that mosque who was in Syria, he said, have
you read all of the narrations on the then?
Are you just read that one?
Number two,
did you read Allahu Akbar? Do you know that Muslim imam Muslim put
the Dhamma there? Did Imam Muslim or did the publisher put the
Dhamma? There did because he meant Muslim did not put the Dhamma
there right Imam Muslim they didn't at that time, right with
those Hatha cuts and write their books with those 100 cuts. Right.
So that's what he said to him. So he remained silent, meaning that
he had an, their critique of him was that the knuckle itself the
transmission that he took of the Hadith was not necessarily
precise. So that's a critique. That's what they say. Second
critique is that they clearly the strengthening what is
strengthened, and what is weakened for him, they have themes. And
that's a problem, right? They have themes. So someone's like, and he
even has categories Hadith that are sufi. They're called Hadith
Sufi, right? So any Hadith that had anything relation to to so for
example, was like weeked.
Another critique was that
he has voluminous works acute, he wrote a lot, right? And that
within the books, he may have deemed it weak in one book, and
strong in another book, forgetting that he had already commented on
that hadith. So they say those contradictions aren't. So that's
basically if you want to show somebody the critique of Alberni,
then that's what you would show him and it should be shown in a
way that is just objective and his allies can argue back right and
have a debate. Right? But it should not to me it's it should be
objective because Hadith transmission is like that. And
there's this overall better Scholar so you know, I'm so used
to where you go back so here's the thing, many people and they just
see like Arabic sounding name, the UN a Slavic book, you imagine he's
living like with a candlelight, you know, not far from the time of
the Sahaba and this wonderful time. They don't realize that some
of these names are later far later. way later, right
contemporaries. Right. So
we'll take a couple more and then we'll wrap up for the day.
Who has shaped ebbed edge Valley
added value I don't know who he is to be honest with you never heard
of that name shaken up
to what could an anxiety we answered that so just rewind a
little bit.
What's the best way to deal with feeling overwhelmed, simplify,
learn to simplify your life and I like to take the Sunnah of Allah
is Life is simple, right?
Allah has made life simple.
If Allah wants us to eat something like 90% of the time he makes it
taste good, right? So you eat the inside of the orange you don't eat
the peel.
Allah made the peel taste better, but the inside tastes good. So I
think that simplification is the Sunnah of life opinion on the
murder of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if it's done with
the intent of encouraging the spirit of the Prophet and Salah
and Salaam and there's nothing haram that's happening in the
gathering itself then you will get a lot of reward and benefit from
Second, Ibrahim i don't know i have multiple ways to go in the
future. I don't know which way to go that's where it's Takara and is
to shatter comes in is Takara is prayer for guidance is to Shara is
seeking help from advice basically from those who know. So if I can
go into being a foot doctor, a surgeon or a pediatrician will
talk to each one of them.
there's a question here will be the last question unfortunately we
take one take a lot of questions but this has to be the last one. I
have C ha sit in my house from data set um sometimes when I see
Hadith reference and I look it up in the copies I have it's a
different hadith is the numbering different? Yes, the numbering is
always different from
publisher to publisher. I mean, we have how many different
publications here? It looks like three or four different
publications and what I guarantee you the headings, the numberings
of the entries probably slightly different. So you got to keep that
in mind. So when someone says Bukhari Hadith number 527, well,
who's who's publishing
that and who's putting that number there? So there's no right and
wrong to that, but just be aware that publishers themselves edited
Chief law chief, is it permissible for MSA to post photos of people
who are non hijabi?
technical answer is no.
Is there a tech Hadith saying eating three times a day?
One time maybe from Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu.
The Prophet SAW Selim essentially he said that
you should eat enough just bites morsels bites to keep your back
straight if you need to eat more than 1/3 of your stomach. And 1/3
for water and 1/3 for air.
Must be I don't know. What is the question? How you saying I really
want to put my 3d minions carrying on my keys. Now he's just messing
with us at this point.
The Minion statue.
It's one is the job? Well, one of them is right. But I wonder about
you know that it's something that can't survive. It's not a real
thing. So I wonder what the ruling is. For adults, though. It would
be no, for adults. No, for kids. Yes. That's the ruling. Because we
know for kids, they're allowed to play with statues. And adults
aren't. Right. Toys. Figures. We're not called statues. They're
called figures. Right? So kids are allowed to do that. Adults are not
so therefore we'll say
it's made if you are old enough to drive, right and you have keys,
then the answer is if it's just the keys to your house that your
parents gave you. Then you're have the you're old enough to be out of
the house and coming in on your own time, then the answer is look.
I would say the answer is
nine year olds in Morocco
no nine year olds in Morocco. Yeah, those countries don't have
rules. Thank you everyone very much. Be sure to support backslash stuffiness society or become a
YouTube member. By that support. We will run this we run this live
stream. Now by your support. It is a free Holika which we pray that
Allah to Allah gives us that Sophia to run it
constantly and be consistent with it as a type of Holika for the OMA
and also a little like
It's pretty informal and that's how I like to run things in terms
of these open holocaust. So we ask Allah to Allah to give us
consistency. And we ask Allah to ALLAH to open our hearts for the
DUA that he wants to answer for us so that we may become with Javad
Dawa, we ask ALLAH SubhanA which Allah for Sakina in our hearts,
may Allah try to give us the time and strengthen us to do a lot of a
bad and fill our hearts with light and Sakina and keep us away from
as soon friends who have ill will. And we ask Allah to Allah to bless
our effort in this dotted fats. And in the ArcView revamp, we ask
Allah subhanaw taala to bless all the masajid in our area, and
specifically our Masjid the New Brunswick Islamic center for being
our official partner and our host mosque, we ask Allah subhana wa
Taala for everyone who was involved in the soup kitchen and
that we expand the soup kitchen so that we can feed people seven days
a week, 365 days a year, we ask Allah subhanaw taala for all those
who are seeking, she felt from sickness that he gives them a she
for all those who are seeking spouses that he gives them a
beautiful spouses in this life and the next beautiful in their deen
and in their character and then their bodies. We ask Allah to
Allah for all those seeking children that Allah bless them
with children that are a benefit for him and a blessing and dunya
and akhira for all those seeking wealth that Allah grants them risk
on halal, pure risk that is justifies their need and more, but
does not distract them from his remembrance. We ask Allah subhana
wa Taala to strengthen our taqwa and to to grant us hospital Kajima
for us and for our parents and whose parents have died that Allah
Tala enters them Jenna without he said, We ask Allah subhana wa
Taala for those parents who are not yet Muslim that Allah guides
them, and whose children are not yet Muslim that Allah guides them
to the truth and gives them the Tofik to act upon it. We ask Allah
subhana wa Tada. Lastly, to make none more beloved to us than his
most beloved Sejal, codename Sayidina Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa early he was he was salam was salam or Aleikum
Warahmatullah wabarakatuh