Shadee Elmasry – Mutual love & compassion a sign of iman
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The speakers discuss the importance of practicing the Hummer and bringing peace and happiness to people. They stress the need to practice these techniques to achieve a connection between people and love, and stress the importance of avoiding the misunderstandings of "has been" to avoid confusion and mistakes. They also discuss the importance of avoiding the need for people to ask for wealth and not desire anything, and the importance of creating a mental wall to avoid fights and harm. The conversation also touches on the challenges of maintaining healthy relationships and the importance of learning the dub of coming.
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one Hadith that every Muslim should know and every Muslim
should be educated on and some of the youth maybe for the first time
they're hearing this beautiful Hadith. And I find it one of the
types of Hadith that is difficult to discuss, simply because it's
one of the Hadith of the virtues. And anytime that you have to talk
about a virtue, you really should be acting upon it and be have a
reputation for acting upon it before talking about it. And
therefore, anything that involves nearness to Allah Tala good family
relations or any other such virtue towards the other. It's very
difficult to speak about it. But nonetheless, we do have from
Matata even Abdullah he was a second or third generation Muslim.
That he said to Heston and bustled he one day he said, I have vowed
never to speak about a matter until I first practice it and
hustling and bustling. He said, what you have done today is made
bliss, proud of you, and happy with you. And he said, how he
said, If that's the case, then nobody will speak about any
virtue. Everyone's will be missing and a deficient if that's the
condition that's required before talking rather speak about what
Allah has taught you. Or in other words, what you what Allah has
given you that Sophia to learn, and then practice it as much as he
can. So in this from in from that spirit, we will discuss this
beautiful Hadith in the hopes that we maybe ourselves will be touched
by it. I didn't know Amanda, but it was shared in Carla Carla
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam method will move me in
fetal word dem Ouattara, homie him words out of him. The likeness of
the macmini the believers in their mutual love and mercy and
compassion, empathy, methodology acid, their likeness is like a
body. Either stick a minhag one if one single body part complains,
one single limb complaints of the body. To the low, sir, you will
Jessa de Buser, hurry, well hum. The rest of the body comes rushing
for help by staying up late at night. In other words,
sleeplessness and fever. Because what's happening when you're you
can't sleep, you can't sleep because your body is moving and
working. Why is your body working, it has a fever. It has a fever,
because it's working so much. And it's trying to push out this
infection, all of the forces of the body come together, right to
push out an infection, even if it's a small infection in your
pinky, or in in your toe, or wherever a small infection. If
it's serious, then the rest of the body will stay awake and push out
this infection.
And so this is the Hummer The fever is a sign that the body's
fighting something it's not always a bad thing in itself. It's a sign
that the body's fighting something and trying to push something out
of the body and cleanse, purify it. Now let's look at these terms.
What is it to avoid at to urge is to also be my usual muhabba its
interactions. Its connection to also getting together or talking
or interactions with that which will cause people to have love for
one another. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave
us a couple of secrets of love, that if you want people to love
you, then you can practice these few things. Number one, he says in
one Hadith lenta dokolo JANA had said to me No, you will never
enter paradise until you believe no other words believe properly.
What end to middle her to her boo and you will never be considered
in the sight of Allah true believers until you love one
Well I do look whom Allah che in in Val to Moo hoo to have a bit to
the Prophet den said Shall I not inform you of something that if
you do it and you practice it, you will love one another? The Sahaba
said Bella rasool Allah Yes, almost never Allah.
He says f Xu salaam Urbina. Come Send peace deliver peace between
you now. What is extra Salam obey Nico. Now the first thing is, what
is the simplest thing which would qualify as his saying of setup?
The simplest thing would be literally saying a Salam aleikum.
So that's one of them. Literally just saying As Salam aleikum is
the least that would qualify for this hadith. What's next? Anything
that will bring peace to people reconciling between two rivals?
All right, coming down in argument, anything that would
qualify as bringing salam to each other would also qualify as
something like this because we know in Sharia by the the scale of
the city what's greater, saying As Salam aleikum are reconciling
between two fighting parties, obviously reconciling between two
fighting parties, right? Is good
Rather than simply saying a cinematic so if a Salam or Aleikum
is sufficient to fulfill this quality, then something greater
than that like reconciliation, or advocating for the oppressed would
also fulfill this qualification and earn the love between people.
What else? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Juby
let's Kulu Allah has given us an ALA the hearts of human beings
have been made created to love those who are good to it. Someone
who brings you goodness in any way, shape and form. Your heart is
created to love that person, right to desire you your your heart is
inclined to that person, whether you like it or not. There was one
time a sheikh wanted to do this as an experiment. He's a recent
chair. So he went up to the guard in the masjid and nebo he and he
saw the guard such as such a nasty frown on his face.
And he said let me test this hadith. So he said a Salam
aleikum. heegaard looked at him so I can sit up next morning for
Salah to the fudge same guard was their miserable guard. And he says
to him as salam aleikum, and that's it, so he made sure never
to say anything except what the Prophet said a cinematic. Next
day, God said or I can set up third day. Salaam aleikum. He
said, I can sit up and a chest tap you got to touch on the chest.
On the fourth day, he said a Salam aleikum. On this day the guard
came out and hugged him, said, Well, you can sit on Mohamed Salah
and he hugged him. It's upon Allah. He just wanted to test and
check the had not tested as if testing is not the right word. He
didn't want to test it as if maybe it's true. Maybe it's false. He
wanted to see to see it himself. That's really the right the right
expression is that he wanted to see this reality himself. And he
saw it with this guard, added mustard and Naboo who was just
frowning, not interested in talking to anybody, for whatever
Allah knows what reason maybe it's just his personality wasn't lows
like that, that he's not going to smile to strangers. But the salam
had caused this complete stranger who was always frowning on for
salaams over four days to come and embrace him in a hug. Subhan
Another thing that the prophets Allah is Salim said, special
Hadith that many people would love,
a man who was new in Islam, and he loved his dunya. And he loved his
reputation. But he was no Muslim, at the end of the time of the
prophets of Allah when he was on them, when all the Arabs were
coming into Islam. And sometimes these new Muslims would ask these
types of superficial questions. But sometimes, you know, some of
these questions, the Sahaba loved them, because they would never ask
them the Sahaba that were always around the Prophet, they would
never ask such questions. But these newcomers would always ask
these unique questions. And so they listen in and benefit. One of
the Sahaba these new Muslims, he came and said, O Messenger of
told me about something, some action that I could do. You hit
booni Allah, your husband, your husband, Allah, webinar, Hulk,
that undoes that the people will love me and Allah will love me.
Right? Tell me about what I what can I do so that Allah loves me
and the people love me. All right. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said, is had fit dunya you hit book Allah was had femur
in the nursery, you hit book a nurse. He said, leave off the
dunya Allah will love you. So if somebody wants Allah to love them
live a simple life, right? Live the simple life Allah will love
And for us, for many of us, we it's so hard to live the simple
life because we have so much Jr. Around Us by necessity. But we
could try to carve out a little area Azalia of zoo hood, in our
homes, like mo Salah where we live simply or that we try to make our
hearts simple. Okay. In other words, our hearts are satisfied
with little even if we have so much around us, due to necessity.
And the second part was was heads female in the nurse, you had
booked a nurse. Leave off what people have and the people love
you. Right? So don't desire what people have.
If people have anything at any moment, don't desire it. Okay?
Don't ask for their help. Don't ask for their wealth. Don't ask
for their attention. Don't desire anything from people people will
love you. But if you are craving people, if you want their
attention if you want them to pay attention to you if you want them
to come and do something for you, if you want what they have, okay
if you want them to like you than buying the house
In nature, Allah has created such people to hate you, then they will
despise you. Right? And they'll use you and smack you around.
Because you're a loser. You're chasing after them. Okay? And so
the key and the secret for people to love you is don't desire
anything that they have. Right? And now you want a psychological
trick. How do you do that? Imagine that you already have it, then you
won't want it. It's a psychological trick. Right? What
do they have that you want? Imagine in your mind's eye that
you already have it. If that's the case, then you won't want it.
Okay. So these are three ways in which the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam told us that love is transmitted between people is
giving sometimes not desiring what they have and general goodness
towards other people, including the simplest is to make people
smile making people laugh or smile or just feel light hearted. Okay?
This is under the category of what the prophets I said them said as
Julie Letson Kulu, Allah Hobbema SNA Leah Juliet's passive verb and
Kulu the hearts have been made to love the person who's good to
The soft person now what Tada hum methylammonium Vitola dem Ouattara
homie him what is Tara home? What's the difference? Now? A toa
is always an action that you do. It's always some act at Tara home
is now when the person in front of you is in a state of hardship.
Right? All around us Muslims are in a state of hardship people are
in a state of hardship. Right? And that is to that you have a type of
feeling towards them. Right, that you would like to alleviate their
hardship. And that type of heart is the heart that is described in
the Quran as a lay in. Okay, a lay in one of the descriptions that
the province has set up said the fire will never touch the person
whose heart is lay in whose heart is soft. The opposite of that is
someone whose heart is Cossie, hard hearted. And what is what is
the CAHSEE mean? It means that it doesn't bother him whether or not
the person is suffering or not. It doesn't think twice, right? In
English, we talk about the word empathy, which means that you try
to put yourself in their shoes and how do they feel? And try to
recognize how would they feel right and how they feel and how
they are what they're experiencing? Okay, and trying to
see the world from their view. How would you feel if you were them.
And this is one of the biggest Cree beliefs and practices like a
spiritual practice. Imagine if Allah switched your places and
believe that Allah Tala has the power by config coin to switch
your places. Okay? To make your situation transform in such a way
that you're just like them now. Right? How would you react? Right?
And the prophets I seldom said no Muslim ever looks down on another
Muslim except that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada makes the reason for his
his condescension come out of that person. So if you look down on
another Muslim why because he's, you know, not that bright that
Allah data will make you or your offspring not that bright.
Alright, until you taste the reason that you look down for him.
Okay, you are looked down at that person. So the second one is a
Tara home, a Tara home is when someone is in a position of
hardship and harm your heart on the inside, tries to recognize
what they're feeling, what to have, again, a tile of is the
inner feeling in the heart that tries as well to recognize the
hardship that people are in and have sympathy for them. And all of
this, the prophets I sent him said is like one gesture, but OK, like
one body, and this body now, the what he means by this is that the
movement must be concerned with every other movement. He can't say
I care about Muslims of New Jersey only. And maybe your actions are
directed to the Muslims of New Jersey, or of the Muslim of your
locality, but your heart, your mind, he must be concerned with
all Muslims all throughout the lens. And the prophets I send them
put the category as low as a min which means that Muslim who's on
the right hand is sunnah.
As what the Sahaba and the seller for upon.
Doesn't matter what group he's from, what party he is, from, what
kind of meth hub he's upon, as long as he's on the Sunnah of the
prophets of Allah when he was salam. Right. And this is one of
the diseases of the Ummah is his BIA is that we care only for the
Muslim who's INR his N our understanding, or an hour, Min
Hajj hedge and everybody else their feelings don't matter, and
nothing matters. What did say 90 say about a group of Muslims
imagine now who was saved nearly what a cousin
Probably one of the greatest Muslims the sahaba. Now, people in
his time after the death of the Prophet and Abu Bakr and Omar and
Othman, and many, many Sahaba they came out and said Ali is actually
a hypocrite and a Kapha. Imagine that, right?
And they fought said gnarly, and he fought them.
And they said and say, but their attribute of the carotid was very
interesting. Even though they were so far off that they were calling
Satan Alia Kaffir. But if you looked at them, they prayed so
much, they recited so much Quran, they made so much drier, they had
huge beards. They had rough clothes, their hands and their
knees were so rough from so much such to. Okay, so they were
extremists in the deen. They were so extreme in the deen. The
prophet had described these people that they will come. And when you
look at them pray you imagine that your prayer is nothing in
comparison to theirs. When you consider how much they fast when
you learn how much they do fasting. Outside of Ramadan, you
will despise your own fasting. Yet these people the truth of the
Quran, the prophesy centum said does not pass their throat. In
other words, it doesn't enter their heart, and it doesn't answer
their minds. They don't understand. They're ignorant. And
their ignorance led them to attack Sade Nalli as a Kaffir, or a
monastic or whatever they said about him. They said all sorts of
bad things about sage nearly been amputated because of some
decisions that he made that they couldn't understand that they had
a deficiency in understanding. And so when the people were talking,
they said they were confused it or they kafirs these people use COVID
or they kuffaar say Nalley said belt mineral coffee horrible. No,
they fled from cocoa. They don't want to be kuffaar they fled from
Then he said I'm gonna feel clean. I'm gonna filthy No, are they
hypocrites? Say naughty said no. But you have Quran Allah cathedra
they can't be hypocrites, because they do much remembrance of Allah.
And the hypocrite does not remember Allah much. But these
people were sent Quran all day, and they pray all night.
So they can't be called hypocrites. So, the man then said,
well, then what are they? Oh, Ali said naughty said they are our
brothers. One Hoonah Bacow Elena. They're our brothers, but they
have rebelled against us. So that's how save 90 looked at one
of these worst groups, the ko outage, okay, that even though
they had done all that and called him McAfee, etc, there's a limit.
Yes, he fought them. Yes, he pushed them back. Alright. But
there is also a limit on how far we will go and our animosity
towards people. And the best way to go about this is to keep a
distance from people. If your distance your mind can be clear,
but if you get too close to people, what's gonna end up
happening is they're gonna burn you. And when they burn you,
you're gonna hate them. That human nature, whoever does good to you,
you love them, whoever does bad to you, you hate them. So if you
don't want to hate people, keep a healthy distance between you and
them, your mind and your heart will be clear, okay, you won't
have too many interactions. So there's no reason for me to hate
you. Because you haven't done anything to me. You can't do
anything to me because I stay away from you. So Muslims should always
make sure to have a healthy distance between people so that
there's no opportunity for them to hate to hurt you. And you for
therefore, in reaction to that, to hate them in return, and to have a
soiled heart. And the best of the Sahaba in one aspect was one of
the men who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam foretold would be
a man of Jannah. And that is the old man who used to come into the
masjid with his sandals under his arm and his beard with dripping
from Moodle. And he would do nothing else except being a
regular Muslim, except that when he puts his head on the pillow at
night, he said, I make sure to remove all bad feelings in my
heart from people, right, all these bad feelings and it has an
adversity. When he described as a hobby, he described them as people
that you can never imagine. Number one, they were always cheerful.
The companions of the Prophet were always cheerful, but they never
entered into people's business. They, they they, when people came
to them, they didn't pry into their business. Why? To keep that
healthy distance between us so that we don't have any fitna
between us and we have good relations as companions in the
same space or in the same town or whatever, even in the same home
possibly. All right. So let's take a look. Now, if there anyone who
wants to talk about the live chat, see anyone who wants to say
anything to add because this is something that
is a Hadith we haven't touched on in a long time. We haven't
mentioned this hadith in a long time and it's a beautiful reminder
to myself and everybody else that this is how we have to if you want
to live long in the Ummah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and
what a NEMA what a blessing there's no better blessing than to
live a long life of righteousness and company with the Ummah
Muhammad Salah who lives I was looking when I see in hajj and
umrah and and in masajid when I see someone with a full all white
beard and white hair, and he's like 80 years old, but still full
of energy doing the ombre attending Tarawa. And being with
the Muslims, this to me is victory. That's victory, right?
Someone who who lives that kind of life if you want to live that kind
of life. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
righteousness extends your life
that if your righteousness that if you're righteous towards people
better not righteousness towards Allah Tala. Yes, of course that's
towards Allah. That's a given. But better meaning goodness to the
people. Goodness to the Muslims. I have no no bad no bad relations
with that group. Yes, I differ with them on certain things. But I
don't have better relations. I can look at them and smile. I could
look them in the eye. I've never backed by Did you? You know as a
person. I've never hurt you. I've never tried to do anything bad
against you. I have no ill will against you. Okay, even if I
differ with you on many, many things, that's in matters of
thought. But as a person I've never been I've done nothing to
you. You want to that's how you want to die with every person in
the OMA. I have no I've done nothing to you. I've never tried
to harm you. I do my thing. You do your thing. Okay, and we are
brothers in we like as the prophets I seldom said about
Abdullah and obey even salute the hypocrite the worst, he said,
we'll be we'll have good softball with him as long as we are in this
dunya in other words, or will will have models with him. I should I
don't know if the word softball was used, but we will treat him
with models. As long as we share this our existence with him in
this world. We can't do that with each other. We can't say well, I
don't like a lot of things. But as long as we're here in this life
together, right? We'll have good company will be good to each
other. And Allah will take care of everything else, right? We can't
do that. So I'm going to advise people that didn't get along
husband and wife, he said Be good to each other in this dunya right.
You have Islam and you have good character, even if you have fallen
out of love, but you have responsibilities you may have
dependents needing you you she may need you you may need her Alright,
so be good to each other and that's it doesn't have to be that
we can close every file of who won or who was right and who was
wrong. Leave that to Allah Tala. So if anyone has any comments or
questions, feel free to bring that up and to
to share your thoughts on the matter as well. North k one, some
shifts have said that Salawat on the profit or like shift for those
who have no shift could you expand on what that means? That means if
you do not have a moto shit, in matters of so Luke, so Luke is
basically like, test kits and knifes and salute John near to
Allah to Allah. Sometimes there are merchants that they will guide
a person to say recite this out Ah the recite these Elrod and they
sort of really coach you along the way.
If someone does not have anyone like that, then he should take on
Salah on the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam all the time just
to keep salon the Prophet on your tongue 100 times a day, 300 times
a day as much as you can.
And that's the shake again of salute, not the shake of like
Hadith or FIP or Arpita or grammar or something like that. So someone
says I don't have a chip to teach me FIP let me just make Salam, the
prophet we say you're gonna benefit from salaam, the prophet,
but you also this is not what that saying means that saying means a
motion in matters of the heart and matters of the path to Allah
suited to the jinn says where Allah was stuck on what Allah
three aka let us kind of hum if they had not stayed firm on the
path on the spiritual path. All right, we will have or had they
not done that we would have that we would have then or had they
stayed firm on the spiritual path we would have. Quench them with
Sweetwater quench their thirst with Sweetwater it means the path
of the heart, right which is a soul essentially
see what we got here
all right hamdulillah we'll keep it short to Zack como la cara
Subhanak Allahumma behenic sent to Allah Illa illa Anta Nesta for
O'Connor to boil Aiko,
Last in Santa Fe, acoustic Elon Medina avenue I mean of slide
ahead towards the wall. So we'll hop, what was sort of a sub was
set on what equinoctial actually there's a question here from
watch, you know, that always happens right? As soon as we say
some Hanukkah Lahoma a question has to come down. Watch we're
saying says Santa waikem Sidama hula? Is it the most challenging
aspect of staying at a healthy distance from people is when it
comes to family, not easy to win exclamation point. I agree. And as
they say,
you know, the hardest people to as one wise lady had once said, The
hardest people to avoid are your friends, right? So
it is very difficult. It's a challenge. And that's why the
prophets I set him said, if a person dies, and his family
testifies to His goodness, he enters Jannah it's because of this
hardship. It's because of the difficulty of keeping a distance
with your friends and the neck with your family. And in that
case, it has to be a distance that is mental.
That's what you have to try to do a distance that's mental
caleffi jerawat type of thing where you're, you're mentally
gone, even if you're physically there. And sometimes you have to
do that, or else your blood will may boil with things that you
hate. Right. So you have to create a mental wall, right? You have to
create this,
this barrier between you and them that's mental if there are people
of other harm.
And also we have the saying from the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala
if you seek some mercy for colon colon may surah.
If you seek some mercy and you want to stay away from them, so
colon, colon may Surah, save some words, have some nice words and
leave get up and leave. Right so you know, say something nice and
that's not like, by the way, it's not like when you when you when
you say something nice to somebody to keep the peace, right, just to
keep the peace to avoid fights, avoid argumentation. And now
people also have to learn the dub of coming together. One of the
adab of the guests and the host is that they should never bring up
anything that's different upon right they should not bring up
anything that's different upon and one time a vicious critic of SI
dama de la Allah we have Miss Dagenham, Algeria or Mr. Van was
Dagenham, Algeria. He was in town. He was from the North was Dagenham
is in the south.
And he or it's south of that of the northern city. So that man was
in the same city of Sacramento. Louis, despite having for years
wrote these vicious articles against C Damodar. Louis.
So everyone heard in the town Oh, he's in town, imagine what's gonna
happen. So, see that $100? We said, they said, What are you
going to do? He said, we're going to invite him for dinner. So he
invited him to the Zoja for dinner. And they had their usual
thing. They had their medalists and everything and then they had
dinner. And then people said, How did what happened when you went,
you know, you this is your arch rival, or whatever. He said,
subhanAllah I'd never seen better manners than this. All of his
students were busy serving me. And nobody brought up a single matter
upon which we differ. Right? Nobody brought up something upon
which we differ. So that's who that's our heritage. That's that.
And that's who we it's an honor for us to even think and desire to
hook ourselves to such men and put ourselves in the chain of such
as Malawi and that's what he did. So Joseph Campbell O'Hara and for
the for real this time Subhanak Hola, como behenic Michelle La
ilaha illa. Anta Nesta Farah Kana to with H sacrum. La Phelan was
salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh