Shadee Elmasry – Lesson 15 Kasra & Damma + Qadr
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The speaker discusses the use of a series of short vowels in grammar, including the customer, the agent, the representative, and the customer. They also mention a demo and a video about the rising of Islam, which is about scalability.
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I figured we could combine the next two short vowels, the
customer and the Bama together since it's not that complicated.
So you have your next word was the customer, okay? Which is the e,
okay? And it's basically the opposite of the Fatah which is the
so min B, Li and B is the factor of with whereby okay meaning of B
is a prefix meaning with or by and Li is the meaning for referring to
the meaning for like to or possession for example, this is
for someone so a leak Zaid the pen is for Zaid or the pen is owned by
Isaiah either one. Okay, so you could say the gift is lead Zaid
crusade and, or owned by state so that's the word lead. Right and
it's a prefix as well. Then you have the drummer and he gives you
the OOP sounds will say which of course you all know from who Allah
and then this is the suffix home which is ver mean we talked about
this before. Okay, whom is there? Okay.
I'll move home their pen, for example, caribou home their dog
and suited to get the cave when it talks about their dog. Right. And
then we have here's where become Okay, cool is the suffix for you
plural you all become with you, man become minyama What is with
you of blessing? Miko. Alright, so that's your customer and your
mama. Let's now go to pseudocode and read pseudocode they're
looking for the things that we know. Let's go to the top. See
what other Elif lamb cough dal Umbra this deal is touching
immediately, just accidentally, it's not really meant to touch it.
And maybe he just allowed it to touch it for design purposes. But
technically it is not a part of it supposed to be touching this
little scene is decorative. This little thing is decorative. This
little V like a pigeon bird flying is decorative. This is also
decorative. And they're here with Fatima here dama right here sutra
to Surah tal Kadri. Fatah became a little bit big here for decorative
purposes, this little v and this V decorative candle. This is sukoon
meaning it doesn't have any value. This little marker here is
decorative, decorative, decorative. And this is elegant
delete. So this is a customer right there. So we'll have to look
at the right and you hear that ring to it. So we'll have to look
at it. That's something that you'll learn one day in grammar
called the lava. Lava hold off and we'll be there. Alright. Bismillah
R Rahman Rahim. Now let's look at the demo that we have looked at as
manager well look at the short vowels beat. Alright Bismillah in
the Name of Allah, this is in the in the in the name of Allah
Bismillah and here's the West LA so we're gonna go straight into
it. Bismillah Al Rahman, and another one here Bismillah al
Rahman al Rahim. Okay. In the ends and who feel a little, verily We
revealed it on the night of power feet on the night off or in or on
in this case, okay, in Enza now, and now we revealed it meaningful,
feel a little little might have power when at the rock and who
will inform you or what will inform you, Matt Laila to look at
who informed me what is meant here meaning what are what is later,
later to carry the Night of Power. Cairo min alopecia is better than
1000 months. I don't mean el feature is better than kosmos.
Shara is one elf is 1010 as zero Factiva Takata xs zoo, Al Mulla
aka to the angels. And here's the worst loss. So that means when we
connect this we're not gonna bounce this out, if we're gonna
say 10 as
well. And the soul, the spirit was saying the Djibouti alright fee
her in it. Right the angels and the and the rocks in the Djibouti
descends on it be given to him by the permission of the Lord Minko
Liam MacWilliam and translate this as
they descend with the permission of the Lord for every mission.
Every mission that they have on the earth, the angels don't come
to the earth and just do nothing. They come for purposes and those
purposes are only by the permission of the Lord said that
when he had mipela in federal
peace it is until the month of the rising of federal which is the
first light if it is not the sunrise it's the first light of
the sun set and when peaceful here he is the pronoun for its feminine
or she had the hat and Elif Matsuura, what is this got? And if
Matsuda had
until mipela The rising of Allah is the root for the arising Allah,
L L. You know obviously it's a lot of tragic is the first light rises
until the tip of the sun rises once the tip of the sun rises then
that's it further is over. And we're gonna stop here there's
actually pretty short video because the next one it is rather
long and it is so what it's about the scalability right