Shadee Elmasry – Lesson 14 Fatha + Bayyinah 2 of 2
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The speakers discuss the process of learning Arabic language and identifying words to improve one's language. They provide examples of phrases and concepts used in the writing, including "yeah," "yeah," "yeah," and "yeah," and provide examples of words used in the writing. The transcript also includes characters and phrases, including a shabby expression, a woman, a man, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a woman, a
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So now that I have to be level salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While
he was on the human Well, we're actually nearing the end of our
initial segment of learning Arabic language, which is all the little
individual letters and markers. So we did the consonants, we did the
long vowels, we did the special shapes and symbols and now we're
doing the short vowels which are very easy and very common that
essential for you to know very quickly when you see them, you got
to know what they are, and very easily The fact is that, okay, and
if it's two beats, that is one beat. So death, and they combined
for the word better, alright, which means replace past tense for
too, to be steadfast, okay, past tense is what gets that but,
that's very quick cassava. And that is to earn cassava. So with
that, I mean, that's how simple it is. It's a dash above the letter,
which gives you the sound. Okay, so let's get back to reading.
Alright, so there isn't even much of a lesson to say about the data.
So now let's just try to identify it when we read here in levena.
Here you have, again, in that you're gonna know this word all
over the Quran, it is word of emphasis, saying Verily, in and
Ladino we talked about this last week or last video, it is the
those Okay? Those are Lydian, those are those who you could say
and by the way, you know the order we're going in, in the Quran. So
it would behoove you, when you can even pause the video right here
and try to read this yourself. Try to identify things yourself things
that you know, I'm gonna say, for example, when we get together, we
you know what I'm gonna say about this, that it's a marker of the
plural, but it's a silent Edit. This edit comes after the well at
the end of the word with a spoon on top. It's silent. Right? So and
you know, for example, the word meant that it should mean from the
word if you have a good memory, we did talk about this we said it's
the possessors of or the family. Okay, so try to learn these things
and try to read it in advance. Like pause the video, try to read
it, write down a couple notes and then see if you know we'll
Alright, so let's let's renew in the livina. Verily, those who have
who, of course, you know what this word is? From the root of Kevin.
It's the past tense verb of capital. they disbelieved
men from a helicopter, the People of the Book, the possessors of the
book, can mean family and it can be possessors just like Apple like
Apple someone. So there's a number that it could mean literally the
father of someone and it could be meaning the possessor of God. So
here means the possessor the people of the possessors of the
book is the dagger F. And this is the West Law, which means that
when we read it together, we're gonna read a little bit and we're
not gonna say Al Khattab Okay, we're gonna say a little kitten.
Well, we should again the pagans pagans who have no attribution to
any profit or any the framework of the heavenly messages where you
have profit book angels, demons, heaven, *, afterlife, freewill,
etc. That whole framework they don't have these are the pagans
and people non believers aren't going to be either an abuser
Christians or pagans right once you can we have no look at what it
is it is also pagans they have a god it's just a different god,
whether it's a God of ideas or otherwise. Okay, so you have
another whistle here well in which the keen feet yeah tucked under
the in nerdy jahannam. Now, the Hellfire right Johanna and Johanna
is one of the descriptions of the fire Johanna Kofi Narita hand them
highly enough.
Dagger elephant lamb del known Carlina eternally fie her in fee
in her it's feminine, because everything non human is described
in feminine, whether it be a mountain or the heavens or
paradise or *. It's described in the feminine so this is the
feminine suffix for it. Or her. Okay, it's where her so in its
meaning in the hula, this is a pronoun. Okay, well, meaning they
like Sesame Street, we're like talking like Sesame Street. Hula,
hula. Yeah, you're not read it now. Well, that sounds cool. I
mean, look, how many steps 1-234-567-8910 the tooth 1112 1314
strokes. So I mean, it's understandable that you look at
this. You're like, oh, my gosh, I can't read this. But look at it.
Let your eyes get used to it because you can see it a lot. It's
here. It's right here again. Okay, word of the day. All right. They
right home. Okay, emphasis. Home also means they go but it's put
here as emphasis.
It's like saying them over there. Right? Shut it only better. Yeah.
The Most Evil shut Alleria of the humans. Berea is in other words,
the creation begins at bury the most wicked of Crete creation. So
we say amen. Billa believing in Allah and His Messenger, and the
angels and last day is the greatest of good. Whoever misses
on that has missed the greatest good, nothing can fulfill. It's
like Philips place nothing can replace it. Let's get ready. In
Alladhina. Again, this usually comes in as a phrase in the Lydian
here, and in the Lydian here the Quran is actually beautiful as
long as it's not too shabby, means oft repeated. So we get used to in
the Latina in the Lydian Verily those who have no believed
where I'm, you know, a slightly hurt and did good deeds. And
because there's a West layer, I mean, it'll slide it had to know,
I don't even need to tell you what this is. If you watched last video
in this video in a couple of days before that this is the Elif with
a spoon which means you don't pronounce it and it is the marker
for plurality to Silent that just marks the world. Well, I'm gonna
slide hat.
Again, this 14 character word. Okay, cool. Love it.
Get those who come how you roll Barry Yeah, this is shuddered very
this is how you roll very sharp very worse the people table very
best of people. Just
Just a very warm Jean Zane. And if with
you start noticing the fighter jets that
they reward it means their reward and home refers to they they're I
ended up being with their Lord love his lord in that up be him
again him they're the suffix of their Lord. Jana to adenine
Jeanette the paradise of Adam the gardens of Adam right Garden of
tragedy min Danielle and her tragedy running mentality here
from underneath it doesn't have rivers and here you have this is
the tablet Fatah and this is a hat tucked underneath it with so cool
that's so cool that the hair underneath it daddy her and her
party and a few other guys so you see here photographer taffeta a
lot of us have you reflect on all the remember we said the with
nothing no dagger, no dots is yet all the all the Allahu Anhu were
abou and right Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased
with him, their liquor, the liquor that Lehman cash era is for those
who demand is for is for those whom Kasha feared, robber who is
Lord, right, that is for the one who feared his Lord, which is the
garden with rivers flowing underneath it, and a loving please
with you. And then you've been pleased with Allah what is what
does it mean to be pleased with Allah? Are you gonna be pleased
with Allah You better be, it means you're pleased with the reward and
the result of a bad that all that sacrifice produced for you a
result that you're proud of, or that you're pleased with. And
that's what the meaning of to be pleased with Allah means to be to
feel that all this effort and any suffering that I had to endure, it
was well worth it not like okay, this is a good consolation prize.
No, it was worth and I would do it again. 10 times the murder. When
he dies. Then he goes to he sees his paradise. He says, I want to
go again, I want to go and be killed again. That's what the
martyr does anyone who dies, you know, in a rightful battle, or the
one who suffered the worst misery in the world, then Allah subhanaw
taala dips his finger, just tip of his index finger in paradise. And
he gets such a feeling from that. He says, Well, I don't know. Did
you suffer anything and this might be said, I don't remember anything
in this life. Gotta remember any suffering in this life. So
alright, so this is finished reading. So do that. But you know,
now you want to do a favor for yourself go to go up
and try to read so what's
the next one we're going to read is sort of other in the whole
field a little. We're going to look at the customer this is it
sounds in the next lesson. So to try to read that and see what you
could do try to identify all the little markers, all the things you
know, I'm gonna say that I keep repeating, so that you can you
know, see if you can grasp and start to read things on your own.