Shadee Elmasry – Lesson 13 Hamza + Bayyina 1 of 2
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Smilla rahmanir rahim. Now we come to something that's pretty
complicated. And I'm just going to give you a very basic summary
about it. There are in the Quran over 11 possibilities of where the
Hamza goes, three at the beginning of the word. Sorry for at the
beginning of the word for in the middle of the word. For at the end
of the word, what did I say? 11? Actually, it's 12. If we count the
end, if it was low, which is actually homes in reality, so I'm
not going to burden you with 12 possibilities of where the Hamza
goes, Okay, and how the hems is formed. Okay? Because sometimes
the Hamza is not even formed as a house, it's as if there were homes
that there was to the core. So I'm only going to give you some
basics. At the beginning of the word, the Hamza is put on the
And sometimes the Hamza is simply put on the line when followed by
an edit. Okay? And I'm not going to tell you exactly why because
it's going to, it's just going to cause more confusion. Okay, so
that's two possibilities for the hems at the beginning of the word.
Hamza one, followed by an edit see this equation right here? Hamza
plus edit, okay? Or
this, because you can't you can't have two LFS after each other,
right? You cannot have two atoms after each other. So what you're
going to end up with is this LF with the Tildy. And I've talked to
you about the tilde before which is called LF med. Okay, this is
called Med.
When you do that sound,
okay? And if after that, okay.
Okay, so, at this is to edit, you don't want to have to edits and
so, therefore, they put they combine these two to make it a met
them right. Now, the next possibility is what happens when
is preceded or followed by a customer when the Hamza is
preceded or followed by a casita. It's put on a tooth, or on a, the
at the end of the word
when it's preceded or followed by the dumb or Well, it's put on top
of the Whoa, like so.
Now we ask the question, when is it alone on the line? You see, we
have text, text, text, and then you have a heads up all by itself.
That is when it is preceded by a long vowel and carries its own
short vowel. Alright, why, again, to avoid two long vowels in a row?
So these are the states now do you have to memorize these, this list
to be able to read properly? The answer is no. But what I'm saying
to you is get an idea now. And then you could review this video
later. And then you can even get other books
to see to figure out the 12 ways that the hems has written the
exact but I'm giving you here The Basics. Okay. All right, I'm
giving you here the basics that the, at the beginning of the word,
it's either on the edit, or it's in front of that,
when followed by an edit such that it will be like this, you don't
want to edit in a row. So it becomes this metadata that if
when it is preceded or followed by a casita or, or Yeah, it's on the
tooth, or on top of the at the end of the word, when it is preceded
or followed by a thumb or Well, it is placed on top of the world.
Okay, and it is a loan on the line when it is preceded by a long
vowel, and it carries its own short vowel. Why to avoid two long
vowels in a row. And again, I'm telling you that the Quran has
many exceptions to its script. Even the Quran is not even like
the script of regular Arabic, it has its own script based upon how
the Arabs wrote it, how the police wrote the Quran, the for the
members of the Sahaba, who wrote the Quran and we're not changing
that. So therefore, there are a number of exceptions, it suffices
you to get a basic idea of why and the logic of where hems is go.
Okay, so it's all based upon what precedes it or follows it. Now,
we're gonna get to our reading right now, but our reading won't
necessarily be filled with examples. So as we read in the
future, okay, that's where you will see examples, and we'll point
to that guy. So let's get to our reading. All right, we're on Surah
Al Bayona. And here you have LF lambat. Here, noon, and then open
terminal open. Okay. Now, you notice here this year is a little
higher. Why is this too so high? He just wrote it like that just to
make it more clear, because when you have three teeth in a row, it
could look like a scene, right? Three teeth in a row. So he made
this yet more distinct so that it doesn't look like a scene. Okay.
All right, let's read now. Lamb lamb meme. Lamb is a word of
negation, and it always follows a past tense verb. Okay, sorry a
present tense with
Are All Right lamb and it negates lamb Jaco Okay. Lemme icon the
icon is from the root to be your Kunal okay let me icon and this
word here is a Levine Elif This is a West LA so that you would
pronounce it lemmya Cooney Latina Elif la Lam then yet known and
levena those who this is very popular word in the Quran.
Capital, they disbelieved they rejected Kefa rule and this edit
here is to mark that they're plural you don't pronounce it you
don't say cut for a while. You just say covered. That's why he
has a sukoon on it to show you that you don't pronounce it. Okay,
there's no sound on it. CAFO calf fat are well covered men from or
amongst men.
l Elif were with the Hamza. There's an example of what we're
talking about. hat in the middle of the word lamb. Okay. The people
have and it also can mean family depending on how you use the word
el kitab. Elif again with the West LA so you pronounce it a little
Kitab lamb calf tap silent or Dagoretti and Beth lil Kitab the
people of the Book So so far we have lemmya Cannella in a Kaffir
Roman al Kitab.
Well, Moshe kina and those who made ship Elif Lam mean Chien rock
calf yet known, while Mushrikeen and what's the difference? You can
watch it again, I think it's Mr. Jews and Christians, the most you
to gain are
the wish to gain are pagans and we all have Cofer is one group, which
is, in all of Cofer is one group in that they have locked
themselves off from ever getting out of the Hellfire people who
reject God in His Prophet after clear evidence, which is the
meaning of this word. At the beginning. The whole chapter is
called Clear evidence
after clear evidence has been shown to them, and Allah will be
the judge if clear evidence was shown and if they had enough
mental capacity to recognize it, and they reject it, and on top of
that, then they are kofod. Okay, and the kuffaar have locked
themselves from ever getting out of the Hellfire. As soon as
someone believes and as a morsel of an atom's, we have faith in
Allah his Messenger, then they will be in love. Okay, by the
Promise of Allah, exit the Hellfire at some point if they
believe in God and His prophets, angels, books, and all the
requirements of Amen. Okay. They will not be treated like rejecters
of faith because they're not the same no matter how many heresies
and innovations they had the one who says, Allah Muhammad Rasul,
Allah will never be treated like the one who never said
right? Now, he says here, now the kofod are then divided into two
categories. People have the book and pagans people have the book,
at least are connected to the Abrahamic teaching in some way, at
least the framework of the idea of Gods since prophets who have books
who have lost theirs, and then you get judged, and you die and get
judged and go to heaven or *, that basic framework, okay, is
what marks the educator from the machete keen, who don't even
believe in that basic framework. Okay, so there are two different
categories and the laws related to get up that the only difference is
that there is some leniency or room for Al Kitab in Muslim life.
That might not there might not be that room amongst the pagans, and
I'm talking about eating their their meats, marrying from them,
cetera, et cetera, allowing their temples to stay right. In some
countries. Okay, so that's in a sacred law. Now, what does it say
here, mum that Kena so what does it say about them? Move Akina
means changing their ways.
They will not change their ways this mean no in fact calf yet no
monpa Kena had the until had the hat dat and then Elif Matsuda do
Hamza on the LF, to Yeah, her meme de
la Yuna to Elif lamb, but yeah, no, Tamar Bucha Notice again, he
differentiates between the shape of the teeth so that it doesn't
look like a scene scene has three teeth right so he doesn't want to
make it look like that. So, he even made this more of a wave than
a tooth and then this is a high tooth and then this again is like
a wave or bump that will be Unit
What is this clear evidence or assumed on minallah rock scene
whoa LEM, meme noon, Allah and if lamb lamb her or Solon men Allah
and this is pronounced rasool Allah Okay.
To the MAS gives us a diagram. And here you have the Divan the oven,
which we're going to cover when you go to touch wheat, so we're
going to hold it we're gonna say a pseudonym and Allah yet to Soho
femme moda
wrong. So therefore what is the clear evidence it is the prophet
the messenger and the book yet Lu, he recites Yeah. Lamb Well, okay.
Elif silent elephant no not pronounced so cool.
So how often sought and then tucked underneath it is the hat.
So and then for Elif, soarho fun and then meme ba her in the middle
of the word. Samer, buta muda Hara, Soho femme muda Hara, and
it's jagged when it's jagged, therefore, it Balaam No, no is
hard. So you're not going to pronounce this 10 week which you
haven't even covered them yet, but I'm going to when we get to short
vowels, so vim will know how to get a messenger from Allah
reciting purified a pure message or a pure book
fee her Kutupalong per year fee her Yeah, her elephant fee her go
to Boca Yemma Koto, calf that
Karima cough Yeah, me Tamar Buddha, by Yemen.
Continue containing true scriptures, or lofty
scriptures or scriptures containing principles you can
translate all that you can translate the phrase could debunk
a human
that's read a little more when they're tougher to wrap
and levena another you should just by seeing this word enough you
should just know what it is and levena ed if lamb there yet no
Alladhina who to given those who are given. All right. And notice
we can't translate yet because the verb comes first in Arabic the
subject comes second in English the subject comes first. So we
have to wait until we get the subject first then we get
translated. So this is the verb it means to scatter or to be
separated. Or to be divided. Ooh, to Elif WELL, WELL silent edit.
Those who are given Alladhina Otto those who are given al Kitab Elif
Lam, Kafta Dagoretti.
All right. Those who are given the book, were not divided Illa until
Elif Hamza la Lam at Illa MIM daddy name node that I in that
this is epileps Something we're going to learn to eat called IP
lab, where the known second meets the bet what's 100 Cut the bet
that has a haircut and becomes a meme. That's why they have a
little meme. We pronounce it MIM daddy Murgia magia at home will
buy you dinner.
At home, we'll buy dinner. Good Jeem Elif and here you have a
Hamza on the line, because it's a Hamza with a short vowel preceded
by a long vowel.
To hurt me just at home, l Bayona. And again, we see this word for
the third time now. And it may be in
the name of the SUTA. And it comes in the first few verses a couple
of times.
So this this means those who are given the Scripture became divided
only after they receive clear evidence. So a group of people
couldn't be in a state of falsehood, but everything's fine
because they haven't earned Allah's wrath. They're just on a
state of falsehood. So they're not going to benefit from their
falsehood. They're going to suffer the harms of their falsehood, but
they haven't.
They haven't crossed God in His Prophet.
They have an anger there upon falsehood, but they haven't
rejected a message. But once the evidence comes, now, everything
changes okay. Now everything change now there'll be cursed with
division, there'll be divided that's one of their curses and
Allah has cursed these people. The people who who the communities
that reject the message of the truth with constant division and
you notice this right in the churches how many new churches
there are every year and I'm not saying newly constructed I mean,
branches and religions and sects and groups constantly. Alright, so
you got the first major fission was with Protestantism okay and
then from then on it's just been constantly division after division
after division
let's just read one more I
wanna Omi ru il earlier would Allah
what one only ru elderly Abdullah they haven't been ordered to do
anything about worship Allah. Wanna omaruru They were not
commanded man. Here's a negation Oh mural to become commanded you
notice the same root as the word me and the one who gives the
orders it Allah, except we saw this word before up here and we
see many times in the Quran Allah except Leah Buddha Allah to
worship Allah and look how often mentor has made this
got the script very readable that he hasn't always made a sharp
tooth. He made it so that the it's sort of like a wave right? And the
I find it really easy to read the Buddha Allah to worship Allah
again what is this here this edit is a placeholder for the noon
replacing the noon because the noon will be multiplied here and
he made he made sure to tell you the writers and make sure to tell
you that it's not pronounced by the school and so it's not Leah
boudoir. Neha boo. Silent when you see this don't pronounce it. Yeah
Buddha Allah, mocha leucaena with sincerity mean, ha. LEM saw, ya
know, welcome to Xena LaHood Dina
and the religion is for him meaning you submit the authority
of the religion to him. You worship God sincerely and you
don't go meddling with his law meclizine Allahu Deena, you leave
God to make the rules of the religion to tell us what to do.
You don't go in metal. There's no point in worshipping Allah
sincerely. And then when God says something, let's change these
rules. Alright, there's some religions, they update the rules
of the religion every five years. I mean, then you're worshiping
yourself. It's what one of the early sociologists said. That it's
basically like a totem a way to worship yourself. When you make
the rules, then you're really worshiping yourself. Okay. So
locally seen Allahu deen the religion is his. Okay.
And the greatest act of faith is to submit yourself to His
commandments. Let's finish off this idea
and finishes off the page as well.
pure, and upon the essential nature of people who don't have a
heart known for Elif Hamza on the line, again, because the Hamza is
much a heretic, it has a short vowel and it's preceded by a long
vowel so it goes straight on the line on
where you will be more solid and the established Salah notice again
your edits with a spoon so you don't pronounce it where you will
be most solid. Okay, they established the prayer while you
to again Elif with the spoon don't pronounce it you do zagaleta
Whether Lika they establish prayer and gives a gut where their liquor
this or that, okay, that is meant for something far or lofty either
one de nada Yena the religion of virtues.
The dean will pay you the religion of virtues. So, there you have it.
We read now page 601 of the Quran. All right now we only have 600
pages left. So hopefully we'll get to reading more and more and that
you could follow along and slowly learn yourself to read so if you
want to do a little assignment for yourself, why don't you try to
read the rest of students in Vienna before getting to the next
video so then you can test yourself. Alright, so that might
be cool.