Shadee Elmasry – Learn to Read Arabic Guided Reading Story of Ibrahim alayhi salam

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the spelling of the word Niss honor and the importance of reading classical texts. They also talk about grammar rules for writing in Arabic and give examples of mistakes made. The transcript describes a grammar session on a sentence in Korean, including the use of "Kay Kath" and " handyman Kath honor" in English. The speakers also discuss the meaning of "naught" and "arous" in English, as well as the difference between "arous" and "naive" in Korean. They end with a reminder to practice and feedback on the practice.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla rahmanir rahim. Here we have cases in Naveen by Abu Hassan

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and nadwi. And he calls it because it's a Nebby Yin, which is the

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plural of prophets to differentiate between the famous,

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even cathedrals crystal cell mbf. Okay, it's a different way to make

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it plural. So the word Nebby can be made plural by saying Naveen

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and it can be made plural by saying MBM, which is a broken

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plural. A broken plural is anything that you disrupt the root

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in itself, and you simply you don't simply add well known or

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known. So I think the best way to learn Arabic, right and when we

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talk about Arabic, we're talking about reading classical texts. Now

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talking about speaking, talking about reading classical texts,

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what that's what's important, that's where our deen is and

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that's where there's great value is to constantly read we're also

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going to look at some grammar This is not a formal grammar course but

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we will look at some some grammar here so Bismillah R Rahman Rahim

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here is written in what's called the Roca script Okay, which is the

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simple hand script that was developed in the best of times for

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quick note taking all right, and then the rest of it is in what's

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called pneus which is the script that is very crisp and clear. And

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that is the script that you see in the Quran

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all right, men cast sorrel Asana who broke the idols men who cast

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Surah alright broke and also the idols okay as a SNAM here is what

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we call a broken plural why because the root of the word is

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Saddam Saad noon me. So Saddam so aluminium is the plural of

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supplements are broken plural because you're sticking in

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LF here, and you're sticking in LF here so you've broken up the word

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got. We call that an Arabic Gemma tickseed. Broken plural. But also

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the seller of idols. Okay, bear

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is the word for sales and bad is the one who sells cobbler a min

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cathedra. Chin Kathiresan Gendun. This is not a period this is just

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something in the copy. Okay. Kubla am in cathedra. Tim. Okay.

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cathedra didn't didn't?

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Or maybe he did put a period here. I don't know. Would it make sense

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all the other periods are smaller. So it does make sense to think

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that this is just a mistake. This means Kubla means before a Yemen

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days. And then in Arabic we put the adjective of a word after the

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noun. So we say cathedra tin to describe as many guy before many,

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many days. Okay, like story starting story a long, long time

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ago. GID done is a description of a description. Okay, so didn't

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care enough here, Korea tin or Julian Mattoon Jaden and notice

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he's going to try to use the same words a lot. Kana. There was fear

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Korea tin Tim. This is what we call Jarwin majeure or

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prepositional phrase. And the prepositions are amid what Illa

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Anwar Allah fie. While careful about Allah.

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Khanna was fee created in a village Acharya is a village

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Raju Elon Musk Hurun Jetson Okay, so this is if you want a little

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bit of advanced type of grammar the moped at that marker.

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Raju Elon Musk Hurun jet the man who was very famous again the

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adjective after the noun

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Jinda much well Karina is more her virtually Zara.

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Again he uses the word Kenneth was again the sentence structure is

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very different. So this sentence means and the name of this man was

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as but we put the verb first in Arabic. Okay, was the name of this

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man as a

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what kind of zero? Yeah be all Astana.

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And as are used to sell idols, yeah, beer is a regular verb.

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Okay. And verbs are of two three types command past and present

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slash future. Okay. And the sign of indicator of a presence. Last

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future verb is the word and eight.

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And a two is combined with four letters, Elif pneumonia, and

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usually you will find that at the beginning of the verb in the

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construction of the verb. So this is yet

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yeah, Bo means he sells. So you're always going to have a bummer on

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such a verb we call this alpha l l Medora. I found them all that

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alright, I'll cinema is the Mfold D. This is what he used to sell.

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So what we call the object of the sentence and the object of the

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is what we call monsoon and you always put a Fatah on what is

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monsoon okay we will do official grammar sessions don't worry about

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that but pick up what you can now as we do this what can be her veal

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curry at bay tune Kabir on gender

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and there was again Kenneth there was he had he he'll karate. This

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is again Jarama Judo okay prepositional phrase the whole

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rueful German well Illawarra will feel horrible careful, but wala

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fie her de el karate anytime you get Mindwell Illawarra noir Lo Fi

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wearable that will that will care for love the words after it will

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take coffee, which means customer fi heavy alcohol Yeti in this

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So what was their baby tune? Kabira did that. Okay, there was a

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house. Big, very exact, pretty much opposite order of how we

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speak in English. So we would have said a very big house right? Exact

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opposite, but in Arabic we're going to put it we're going to put

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the the noun first, or the isum first and then the adjective and

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then the description of the adjectives. Scott Beighton Kaviraj

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How big was it gender, so Jason describes Kabir and Kabir

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describes Bates.

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Well Ken if he had the Beatty again fi had the LBT Heather is

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the masculine of heavy okay, if you notice here, you have feet and

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feet heavy and Heather l Korea and Advait what's the difference? The

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difference is Korea ends with this term or buta therefore it is a

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indicates to us that it's feminine. This L Korea has a Tamar

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Bucha which indicates to us that it's feminine. But this base this

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word elbaite. The house does not have a Tama Bucha so it's

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masculine. So fi Heather l Beatty, so they're both prepositional

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phrases or we call jawed when Mujuru

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and Heather and Harvey do not impact the grammar it's just

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saying this Okay, so heavy is this feminine and Heather is this

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masculine? Well Can if he heard they'll Beatty or cinnamon

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in this house there was what idols of cinnamon Cathy rotten Jada

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again he's trying to repeat words idols many very Okay, so just like

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we said Beethoven Kabir and Jaden here he says a snowman cathedra

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tune Gendun also Nam. As a non human plural, the nonhuman plural

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is always treated as feminine. So that's why here you have Kabir

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masculine but here we have cathedra you see that some of the

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boats are right there. Okay, oops.

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This timer Bucha right here indicates to us that it's

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feminine. And the word did then okay, which describes how good is

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how much it is does not have masculine or feminine. Good.

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Well, what can if you have a beta or cinnamon or cinnamon Kefir or

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What can a nurse who yes Judoon le heavy hill or Snell and the people

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can again was the people were used to or the people were and NAS who

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is the people right what did they used to do? Yes junuh They used to

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prostrate the heavy oil or tsunami here we have this this same word

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here heavy right? But we have it here and what's this? This is Li

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the LI which means to and again that's a prepositional phrase as

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we said men were ill while I'm while we're fee Well Rob will

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carefully will love this lamb here means to okay so Lee heavy al

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Austin me to these idols

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and so that's why we put the cursor Okay, so yesterday we

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nearly had the hill asked me

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What can SRO again was this is the verb helping verb was as a rule

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yes Julie heavy hill or snappy? As aro used to prostrate yes zhu li

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heavy hail or tsunami. Or can as early as Julie heavy Lawson me as

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are used to prostrate to these idols. Again, what can Azzaro as

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we used to, yeah, Boo had the Al Osuna. And who used to worship

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these idols. Now you notice what's the difference between this is

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numb and this is numb. This has a Fattah and this as a customer.

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Why? Because this one is part of a clause a prepositional phrase

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which we call jawed well majeure, which is to these idols whereas

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this here is not this is the object of the verb, what verb Yabu

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what kind of as little Yabu as cinema. And as I said earlier,

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this word heavy and heavy have no effect on the grammar. So you just

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stick them in wherever and they'll fit. So here they're part of a

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clause here there.

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Part of a regular sentence. So yeah, we'll do worship, again is

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found will data with a thumb? Yeah we'll do heavy a cinema because

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when you have a object of a sentence object of the verb, it

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just gets a photo. Alright, so that's the end of your first

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lesson in reading. And this

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section here is consists of 21 pages. The story of Ibrahim is 21

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pages when we finished basically one and a half

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