Shadee Elmasry – Learn Arabic Safina Society’s Arkview FULL ACCESS Guided Reading

Shadee Elmasry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript appears to be difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of sentences and phrases, with no discernible conversation or exchange between speakers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well, I'm navall kamaru When the moon went away Ababa disappeared,

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Khalid Ibrahim Ibrahim said know how the laser beam this cannot be

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my Lord or is not my Lord. So again, Jonah is me. Yeah, but it's

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this time is negated that laser. This is not my word, but it

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Shamsul and the sun rose for Khalid Ibrahim and Ibrahim said,

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Robbie acabado This is my Lord, this is greater, okay or this is

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bigger. Well, I'm Alpha to Shamsul. And when the sun

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disappeared field for Layli in the night, and then remember this is

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called jawed, when majeure. prepositional phrase Mindwell

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Illa. Anwar Allah will feel horrible careful about will love

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wonderful customer Eduardo Botha. So these are the main prepositions

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men from Illa. To on about Allah above or or regarding

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men. fee in robot perhaps, and then the lamb and the belt and the

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cuff which are hoof that will come upon later. For Laylee. And always

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the word after the preposition or the Hartford job is given,

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coughed, or cast in this case, it receives the customer fillet Carla

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Ibrahim Ibrahim said La La Sarabi This is not my lord.

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