Shadee Elmasry – Juz 29, The Quran An English Translation, Part 29 of 30
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, with no clear context or topic. The speakers discuss various topics such as death, light, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb, light bulb,
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S. Abdul
Halim. This means
this begins just number 29
Surah number 67. Control
In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Exalted is He who holds all control in his hands, who has
power over all things? Who created death and life to test you and
reveal which of you does best? He is the Mighty, the forgiving, who
created the seven heavens one above the other. You will not see
any disparity and what the Lord of a mercy creates.
Look again. Can you see any cracks? Look again and again. Your
site will turn back to you weak and defeated.
We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps and made them miss
Isles for stoning devils, for whom we have also prepared the torment
of a blazing fire.
For those who defy their Lord, we have prepared the torment of *
and evil destination.
They will hear it drawing in its breath when they are thrown in.
It blazes forth, almost bursting with rage.
its keepers will ask every group that is thrown in.
Did no one come to warn you? They will reply. Yes, a Warner did come
to us but we did not believe him.
We said God has revealed nothing you are greatly misguided. They
will say
if only we had listened or reasoned, we would not be with the
inhabitants of the blazing Fire.
And they will confess their sins
away with the inhabitants of the blazing Fire.
But for those who fear their Lord in private, there is forgiveness
and a great reward.
Whether you keep your words secret or state them openly, he knows the
contents of every heart.
How could He who created not know his own creation? When he is the
most subtle, the all aware?
It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you travel its
regions eat his provision and to Him, you will be resurrected?
Are you sure that he who is in heaven will not make the earth
swallow you up with a violent shutter?
Are you sure that he who is in heaven will not send a whirlwind
to pelt you with stones?
You will come to know what my warning means?
Those who went before them also disbelieved. How terrible my
Do they not see the birds above them spreading and closing their
It is only the Lord of Mercy who holds them up. He watches over
Who is this force of yours who will help you if not the Lord have
The disbelievers are truly deluded,
who can provide for you if he withholds His provision?
Yet they persist in their insolence and their avoidance of
the truth.
Who is better guided? Someone who falls on his face or someone who
walks steadily on a straight path?
Say Prophet,
it is He who brought you into being he who endowed you with
hearing sight and understanding what small thanks you give. Say,
it is he who scattered you throughout the earth, He to whom
you will be gathered. They say
when will this promise be fulfilled? If what you say is
true? Say God alone has knowledge of this. My only duty is to give
clear warning.
When they see it close at hand. The disbelievers faces will be
gloomy. And it will be said this is what you are calling for. Say.
Just think regardless of whether God destroys me and my followers,
or has mercy on us, who will protect the disbelievers.
From an agonizing torment, say,
He is the Lord of Mercy. We believe in Him, we put our trust
in Him, you will come to know in time, who is an obvious error,
say, Just think, if all your water were to sink deep into the earth,
who could give you flowing water in its place?
This is the end of Surah number 67.
Surah number 68 the pen
in the name of God, the Lord have mercy, the Giver of Mercy, noon
by the pen,
by all the right you profit or not, by receiving God's grace, a
madman, you will have a never ending reward. Truly you have a
strong character. And soon you will see as well they which of you
is afflicted with madness.
Your Lord knows best who strays from his path and who is rightly
So do not yield to those who deny the truth.
They want you to compromise with them and then they will compromise
with you.
Do not yield to any contemptible swear to any back biter, slander
monger or hinder of good to anyone who has sinful aggressive corpse
and on top of all that, an imposter
just because he has wealth and sons. When our revelations are
recited to him, he says
these are just ancient fables.
We shall brand him on the snout.
We have tried them as we tried the owners of a certain garden
who swore that they would harvest its fruits in the morning, and
made no allowance for the will of God.
A disaster from your Lord struck the garden as they slept. And by
morning, it was stripped bare, a desolate land.
Still, they called each other at daybreak. Go early to your field,
if you wish to gather all its fruits, and went off whispering.
No poor person is to enter the garden today.
They left early, bent on their purpose. But when they saw the
garden, they said,
We must have lost our way. No, we are ruined. The wisest of them
Did I not say to you, will you not glorify God. They said,
glory be to God, our Lord, truly, we were doing wrong. And then they
turn to each other and mutual reproach. They said,
Alas for us. We have done terrible wrong. But maybe our Lord will
give us something better in its place. We truly turn to Him and
such as the punishment in this life.
But greater still is the punishment in the hereafter if
only they knew.
There will be gardens of bliss for those who are mindful of God.
Should we treat those who submit to us as we treat those who do
What is the matter with you?
On what basis do you judge?
Do you have a scripture that tells you that you will be granted
whatever you choose?
Have you received from us solemn oaths binding to the Day of
Resurrection, that you will get whatever you yourself decide?
Ask them Prophet, which of them will guarantee this?
Do they have partners beside God? Let them produce their partners if
what they say is true.
On that day, when matters become dire, they will be invited to
prostrate themselves, but will be prevented from doing so. And their
eyes will be downcast and they will be overwhelmed with shame.
They were invited to prostrate themselves when they were safe,
but refused.
So profit.
Leave those who rejected this revelation to me.
We shall lead them on step by step in ways beyond their knowledge.
I will allow them more time for my plan is powerful.
Do you demand some reward from them that would burden them with
Do they have knowledge of the Unseen that enables
them to write it down.
Wait patiently profit for your Lord's judgment.
Do not be like the man in the whale who called out in distress.
If his Lord's grace had not reached him he would have been he
would have been left abandoned and blameworthy on the barren shore.
But his Lord chose him and made him one of the righteous.
The disbelievers almost strike you down with their looks when they
hear the Quran. They say
he must be mad.
But truly it is nothing other than a reminder for all peoples.
This is the end of Surah number 68
Surah number 69 The inevitable hour
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
the inevitable hour
what is the inevitable hour
what will explain to you what the inevitable hour is
the people of thumb mood and are denied that the crashing blow
would come
Thamud was destroyed by a Deafening Blast.
Other was destroyed by a furious wind that God let loose against
them for seven consecutive nights, eight consecutive days so that you
could have seen its people lying dead, like hollow palm trunks.
Can you see any trace of them now?
Pharaoh to and those before him and the ruin cities. These people
committed grave sins and disobeyed the messenger of their Lord.
So he sees them with an ever tightening grip. But when the
flood rose Hi, we saved you in the floating ship making that event. A
reminder for you attentive ears may take heed.
But when the trumpet is sounded a single time when the Earth and its
mountains are raised high and then crushed with a single blow.
On that day, the great event will come to pass.
The sky will be torn apart on that day it will be so frail.
The angels will be on all sides of it. And on that day, eight of them
will bear the Throne of your Lord above them. On that day you will
be exposed and none of your secrets are will remain hidden.
Any anyone who has given his Record in his right hand will say,
Here's my record read it.
I knew I would meet my reckoning and so he will have a pleasant
life. In a lofty garden with clustered fruit within his reach,
it will be said,
Eat and drink to your heart's content as a reward for what you
have done in days gone by.
But anyone who has given his Record in his left hand will say
if only I had never been given any record, and knew nothing of my
how I wish death had been the end of me.
My wealth has been no use to me and my power has vanished.
Take him
put a collar on him lead him to burn in the blazing Flint fire and
bind him in a chain 70 meters long. He would not believe in
Almighty God he never encouraged to feeding the destitute. So
today, he has no real friend here.
And the only food he has is the filth that only sinners eat.
So I swear by what you can see, and by what you cannot see.
This Quran is the word spoken by an honored messenger.
Not the word of a poet how little you believe nor the word of a
soothsayer how little you reflect.
This Quran is a message sent down from the Lord of all of the
If the Prophet had attributed some fabrication to us, we would
certainly have seized his right hand and cut off his lifeblood.
And none of you could have defended him.
This Quran as a reminder for those who are aware of God,
we know that some of you consider it to be lies. This will be a
source of bitter regret for the disbelievers
but it is in fact the certain truth.
So Prophet, glorify the Name of your Lord. The
This is the end of Surah number 69
Surah number 70
The ways of assent
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
A man mockingly demanded a punishment that is certainly
coming to the disbelievers. None can deflect it from God, the Lord
of the ways of ascent, by which the angels and the spirit ascend
to him on a day whose length is 50,000 years, so be patient,
Prophet as befits you.
The disbelievers think it is distant,
but we know it to be close.
On a day, when the heavens will be like molten copper, and the
mountain like tufts of wool,
when no friend will ask about his friend, even when they are within
sight of one another, the guilty person will wish he could save
himself from the suffering of that day by sacrificing his sons, his
spouse, his brother, the kinsfolk who gave him shelter and everyone
on earth if it could save him.
But no, there is a raging flame that strips away the skin and it
will claim everyone who rejects the truth turns away a masses
wealth and hordes it.
Man was truly created anxious.
He is fretful when misfortune touches him, but tight * when
good fortune comes his way.
Not so those who pray and are constant in their prayers,
who give a due share of their wealth to beggars and the deprived
who believe in the day of judgment and fear the punishment of their
The punishment of their Lord is not something to feel safe from,
who guard their chastity from all but their spouses or their slave
They are not to blame.
But those whose desires exceed this limit are truly
who are faithful to their trusts and their pledges, who give honest
testimony and are steadfast in their prayers.
They will be honored in gardens of bliss.
What is wrong with the disbelievers? Why do they rush to
pier at you profit from right and left in crowds?
Does every one of them expect to enter a garden of bliss?
No. We created them from the substance they know. And by the
Lord of every sunrise and sunset, we have the power to substitute
for them others better than they are. Nothing can prevent us from
doing this.
So leave them to wallow and play an idle talk until they come face
to face with their Promised Day.
The day they will rush out of their graves as if rallying to a
flag, eyes downcast and covered in shame.
That is the day of which they were warned.
This is the end of Surah number 70.
Surah number 71. No.
In the Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
We sent Noah to his people.
Warn your people before a painful punishment comes to them.
And so he said My people,
I am here to warn you plainly serve God be mindful of him and
obey me. And he will forgive you your sins and spare you until your
appointed time.
When God's appointed time arrives, it cannot be postponed. If only
you could understand. He said,
My Lord, I have called my people night and day.
But the more I call them the further they run away.
Every time I call them so that you may forgive them. They thrust
their fingers into their ears, cover their heads with their
garments, persist in their rejection and grow more insolent
and arrogant.
I have tried calling them openly. I have tried preaching to them in
public and speaking to them in private. I said
Ask forgiveness of your Lord. He is ever forgiven. He will send
down abundant rain from the sky for you.
He will give you wealth and sons.
He will provide you with Gardens and Rivers.
What is the matter with you? Why will you not fear God's mastered
majesty, when he has created you stage by stage?
Have you ever wondered how God created seven heavens, one above
the other place the moon as a light in them and the sun is a
How God made you spring forth from the earth like a plant,
how he will return you into it and then bring you out again
and how he has spread the earth out for you
to walk along its spacious paths.
Noah said, My Lord, they have disobeyed me and followed those
whose riches and children only increase their ruin
who have made a grand plan saying
do not renounce your gods do not renounce what? Sua, yah Guth, yah,
ook or Nasir, they have led many astray. Lord, bring nothing but
destruction down on the disk on the evildoers.
They were drowned and sent to * for their evil doings. They found
no one to help them against God. And Noah said, Lord, do not leave
a single disbeliever on the earth.
If you leave them, they will lead your servants astray and beget
only le sensuous disbelievers. Lord, forgive me, my parents and
whoever enters my house is a believer.
Forgive believing men and women, but bring nothing but ruin down on
the evildoers.
This is the end of Surah number 71
Surah number 72.
The Djinn
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
say Prophet,
it has been revealed to me that a group of jinn once listened in and
We have heard a wondrous Quran that gives guidance to
and we have come to believe it. We shall never set up partners with
our Lord, and that he exalted be the glory of our Lord has taken on
neither spouse nor child.
outrageous things have been said about God by the foolish among us.
Although we have thought that no man or Jin would dare to tell a
lie about him.
Men have sought refuge with the jinn in the past.
But they only misguided them further.
They thought as you did, that God would never raise anyone from the
We tried to reach heaven, but discovered it to be full of stern
guards and shooting stars.
We used to sit in places they're listening. But anyone trying to
listen now will find a shooting star lying and wait for him. So
now, we do not know whether those who live on Earth are due for
misfortune or whether their Lord intends to guide them.
Some of us are righteous and other lead others less so. We follow
different paths.
We know we can never frustrate god on earth, we can never escape him.
When we heard the Guidance, we came to believe
whoever believes that his Lord need fear no loss nor injustice.
Some of us submit to Him and others go the wrong way.
Those who submit to God have found wise guidance. But those who go
wrong will be fuel for hellfire.
If they had stayed on the right way, we would have given them
abundant water to drink a test for them.
But anyone who turns away from his Lord's revelation will be sent by
him to spiraling torment.
places of worship are for God alone. So do not pray to anyone
other than God.
Yet when God's servant stood up to pray to Him, they almost swarmed
over him. Say, I pray to my Lord all alone. I set up no partner
with him. Say I have no control over any harm or good that may
befall you. Say
no one can protect me from God.
God, I have no refuge except in Him.
I only deliver what I receive from God, only his messages,
whoever disobeyed God and His Messenger will have *'s fire as
his permanent home.
When they are confronted by what they have been warned about, they
will realize who has the weaker protector and the smaller number.
I do not know whether what you have been warned about is near, or
whether a distant time has been appointed for it by my Lord.
He is the one who knows what is hidden. He does not disclose it
Except to a Messenger of his choosing.
He sends watchers to go in front and behind
to ensure that each of his messengers delivers his Lord's
He knows all about them. And he takes account of everything.
This is the end of Surah number 72.
Surah number 73. In folded in the name of God, of the Lord of Mercy,
the Giver of Mercy.
You Prophet, in folded in your cloak, stay up throughout the
night, all but a small part of it. half or a little less or a little
more. recite the Quran slowly and distinctly.
We shall send a momentous message down to you. night prayer makes a
deeper impression and sharpens words. You are kept busy for long
periods of the day.
So celebrate the Name of your Lord and devote yourself wholeheartedly
to him.
He is Lord of the East and West. There is no god but him. So take
him as your protector. patiently endure what they say. Ignore them
politely and leave to me those who deny the truth and live in luxury.
Bear with them for a little while. We have fetters a blazing fire,
food that chokes and agonizing torment in store for them.
On the Day when the earth and the mountains shaken, the mountains
become a heap of loose sand.
We have sent a messenger to you people to be your witness,
just as we sent a messenger to Pharaoh,
but Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger and so we inflicted a
heavy punishment on him.
So if you disbelieve How can you guard yourselves against a day
that will turn children's hair gray, a day when the sky will be
torn apart?
God's promise will certainly be fulfilled.
This is a reminder, let whoever wishes take the way to his Lord.
Prophet. Your Lord is well aware that you sometimes spend nearly
two thirds of the night at prayer sometimes half, sometimes a third,
as do some of your followers.
God determines the division of night and day. He knows that you
will not be able to keep a measure of it. And he has relented towards
all of you. So recite as much of the Quran as is easy for you. He
knows that some of you will be sick. Some of you traveling
through the land seeking God's bounty. Some of you fighting in
God's way. So recite as much as is easy for you. Keep up the prayer,
pay the prescribed alms and lend God a good loan. whatever good you
store up for yourselves, you will find with God better and with a
greater reward.
Ask God for His forgiveness. He is most forgiving, Most Merciful.
This is the end of Surah number 73
Surah number 74. Wrapped in his cloak
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy Forgiver of mercy.
You wrapped in your cloak arise and give warning. proclaim the
greatness of your Lord. cleanse yourself. Keep away from all
filth, do not weaken, feeling overwhelmed. Be steadfast in your
Lord's cause.
when the trumpet sounds that will be a day of anguish for the
disbelievers. They will have no ease profit leave me to deal with
the one I created helpless, then gave vast wealth and sons by his
side making everything easy for him.
yet he still hopes I will give him more.
No, he has been stubbornly hostile to our revelation.
I will inflict a mounting torment on him. He planned and plotted,
confound him, how he plotted.
Again, confound him how he plotted
and looked and found and scowled and turned away, filled with pride
and said,
This is just old sorcery. Just to talk of a mortal,
I will throw him into the scorching fire.
What will explain to you what the scorching fire is?
it spares nothing and leaves nothing.
It scorches the skin. There are 19 in charge of it.
We have appointed only angels to guard hellfire.
And we have made their number a test for the disbelievers and so
that those who have been given the Scripture will be certain, and
those who believe will have their faith increased. And neither those
who have been given the scripture nor the believers will have any
But the sick at heart and the disbelievers will say,
what could God mean by this deception?
In this way, God leaves whoever He will to stray and guides whoever
He will.
No one knows your Lord's forces accept him. It is only a Reminder
to mortals. No, it is more by the moon. By the departing night by
the shining dawn.
It is one of the mightiest things, a warning to all mortals, to those
of you who choose to go ahead and those who lag behind.
Every soul is held in pledge for its deeds. But the companions of
the right will stay in gardens and ask about the guilty.
What drove you to the scorching fire and they will answer.
We did not pray we did not feed the poor. We indulged with others
and mocking the believers.
We denied the day of judgment until the certain end came upon
No intercessors plea will benefit them now.
What is the matter with them?
Why do they turn away from the warning? Like stampeding asses
fleeing from a lion?
Each one of them demands that a scripture be sent down to him
and unrolled before his very eyes. No, truly they have no fear of the
life to come.
But truly this is a reminder.
Let whoever wishes to take heed do so.
They will only take heed if God so wishes. He is the Lord who should
be heeded the lord of forgiveness.
This is the end of Surah number 74
Surah number 75. The resurrection
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
by the Day of Resurrection and by the self reproaching soul.
Does man think we shall not put his bones back together.
In fact, we can reshape his very fingertips.
Yet man wants to deny what is ahead of him. He says. So when
will this Day of Resurrection be
when eyes are dazzled and the moon eclipsed? When the sun and the
moon are brought together? On that day man will say Where can I
Truly there is no refuge. They will all return to your Lord on
that day. On that day man will be told what he put first and what he
put last.
Truly man is a clear witness against himself. Despite all the
excuses he may put forward, Prophet, do not rush your tongue
in an attempt to hasten your memorization of the revelation.
It is for us to make sure of its safe collection and recitation.
When we have it recited, repeat the revelation
and it is up to us to make it clear.
Truly you people love this fleeting world and neglect the
life to come.
On that day there will be radiant faces looking towards their Lord.
And on that day there will be the sad and despairing faces of those
who realized that a great calamity is about to befall them.
Truly, when the soul reaches the collarbone when it is said Could
any charm he
EULAR save him now.
When he knows it is the final parting.
When his legs are brought together, on that day, he will be
driven towards your Lord. He neither believed nor prayed, but
denied the truth and turned away, then walked back to his people
with a conceded swagger.
Closer and closer it comes to you. Closer and closer still,
does man think he will be left alone?
Was he not just a drop of split out sperm, which became a clinging
form, which God shaped and do proportion Fasching it fashioning
it from the two sexes, male and female,
does he who could do this not have the power to bring the dead back
to life?
This is the end of Surah number 75.
Surah number 76. Man
In The Name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Was there any period of time when man was nothing to speak of?
We created man from a drop of mingled fluid to put him to the
test, we gave him hearing and sight. We guided him to the right
path whether he was grateful or not.
We have prepared chains, iron collars and blazing fire for the
But the righteous will have a drink mixed with call for a spring
from which God's servants drink, making it flow plentifully.
They fulfill their vows. They fear a Day of widespread woes. They
give food to the poor, the orphan and the captain, though they love
it themselves, saying,
We feed you for the sake of God alone. We seek neither recompense
nor thanks from you.
We fear the day of our Lord a woefully grim day.
So God will save them from the woes of that day. Give them
radiance and gladness and reward them for their steadfastness with
a group with a garden and silk robes.
They will sit on couches, feeling neither scorching heat nor biting
with Shady branches spread above them, and clusters of fruit
hanging close at hand.
They will be served with silver plates, and gleaming Silver
Goblets according to their fancy.
And they will be given a drink infused with ginger from a spring
called salsa veal.
Everlasting youths will attend them. If you could see them you
would think they were scattered pearls. If you looked around, you
would see bliss and great opulence. They will wear garments
of green silk and Brocade. They will be adorned with silver
bracelets. Their Lord will give them a pure drink. That is your
reward. Your endeavors are appreciated.
We are self have sent this Quran to you Prophet, in gradual
await your Lord's judgment with patience.
Do not yield to any of these sinners or disbelievers.
Remember the name of your Lord at dawn and in the evening. At night
bow down before him glorify Him at length by night.
These people love the fleeting life. They put aside all thoughts
of a heavy day. Yet we created them. We strengthen their
constitution if we please, we can replace such people completely.
This is a reminder, let whoever wishes take the way to his Lord.
But you will only wish to do so if God wills God is all knowing all
wise. He admits whoever He will into his mercy and has prepared a
painful torment for the disbelievers.
This is the end of Surah number 76
Surah number 77.
Winds sent forth
in the name of God the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
by the winds set forth in swift succession. Violently storming,
scattering far and wide separating forcefully delivering a reminder
as a proof or a warning. What you are promised will come to pass
when the stars are dimmed and the sky is split, when the mountains
are turned to dust and the messengers given their appointed
For what day has all this been set? The Day of Decision?
What will explain to you what the Day of Decision is?
Whoa on that day to those who deny the truth
Did We not destroy the first disbelievers
we shall make the last follow them
this is how we deal with the guilty
Whoa, on that day to those who denied the truth
did we not make you from an underrated fluid? Which we housed
in a safe lodging for a determined period
we determined it
how excellently we determine
whoa on that day to those who deny the truth
did we not make the earth a home for the living and the dead?
Did we not place firm lofty mountains on it and provide you
with Sweetwater
Whoa, on that day to those who deny the truth
they will be told go to that which you use to deny go to a shadow of
It rises in three columns. No shade does it give nor relief from
the flames. It shoots out sparks as large as tree trunks and as
bright as copper whoa on that day to those who deny the truth
on that day they will be speechless and they will be given
no chance to offer any excuses
Whoa, on that day to those who denied the truth
they will be told
this is the Day of Decision
we have gathered you and earlier generations
if you have any plots against me try them now. Whoa on that day to
those who deny the truth
but those who took heed of God will enjoy cool shade springs and
any fruit they desire. They will be told eat and drink to your
heart's content content as a reward for your deeds
This is how we reward those who do good whoa on that day to those who
denied the truth
you may eat and enjoy yourselves for a short while
evildoers that you are well on that day to those who denied the
truth when they are told bow down in prayer they do not do so well
on that day to those who denied the truth
and what Revelation after this will they believe
this is the end of Surah number 77 and also the end of Joseph number
is Ron
whoa Nana all hung
long long wave this has been a Safina society production