Shadee Elmasry – Juz 26, The Quran An English Translation, Part 26 of 30
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The transcript discusses the importance of God as a partner and his actions on people's lives. It emphasizes the need for forgiveness and faith in God to overcome fear and achieve success. The speakers stress the importance of trusting God and not denying one's deeds. The segment also touches on the history of the Bible's implementation, including the creation of man and the return of the God. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a Safina society production.
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Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S. Abdul
Halim me.
This begins, choose number 26. And this begins surah number 46. The
sand dunes
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy, ha
This scripture is sent down from God, the Almighty, the one who
decides, it was for a true purpose and a specific term that we
created heaven and earth, and everything in between.
Yet those who deny the truth, ignore the warning they have been
say profit. Consider those you pray to other than God, show me?
What part of the earth did they create? what share of the heavens
do they own? Bring me a previous scripture, or some vestige of
divine knowledge of what you say if what you say is true. Who could
be more wrong than a person who calls on those other than God,
those who will not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, those who
are unaware of his prayers, those who, when all mankind is greeted,
will become his enemies and disown his worship.
When our revelations are recited to them in all their clarity, the
disbelievers say of the truth that has reached them. This is clearly
sorcery. Or they say, he has invented it himself. Say prophet.
If I have really invented it, there is nothing you can do to
save me from God. He knows best what you say amongst yourselves
about it. He is sufficient as a witness between me and you. He is
the most forgiving the Most Merciful.
Say, I am nothing new among God's messengers. I do not know what
will be done with me or you. I only follow what is revealed to
me. I own I only Warren plainly
say, Have you thought what if this Quran really is from God and you
reject it? What if one of the children of Israel testifies to
its similarity to other to earlier scripture and believes in it
and yet you are too proud to do the same. God certainly does not
guide evildoers.
Those who disbelieve, say of the believers, if there were any good
in, in this Quran, they would not have believed in it before we did.
And since they refuse to be guided by it, they say, this is ancient
Yet the Scripture of Moses was revealed before it as a guide and
a mercy. And this is a scripture, confirming it in the Arabic
language, to warn those who do evil and bring good news for those
who do good.
For those who say, Our Lord is God, and then follow the straight
path, there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. They are the people
of paradise, there to remain as a reward for what they were doing.
We have commanded man to be good to his parents. His mother
struggled to carry him and struggled to give birth to him.
His bearing and weaning took a full 30 months, and when he has
grown to manhood and reached the age of 40, to say, Lord helped me
to be truly grateful for your favors to me and to my parents,
helped me to do good works that please you pleases you make my
offspring good. I turn to you. I am one of those who devote
themselves to you. We accept from such people the best of what they
do, and we overlook their bad deeds.
They will be among the people of paradise, the true promise that
has been given to them.
But some say to their parents, what are you really warning me
that I shall be raised alive from my grave when so many generations
have already passed and gone before me?
His parents implore God for help they say,
alas for you believe God's promise is true. But still, he replies.
These are nothing but ancient fables.
The verdict has been passed on such people in communities that
went before them jinn and human, they are lost.
Everyone will be ranked according to their deeds, and God will repay
them in full for what they have done. They will not be wronged.
On the Day when those who deny the truth are brought before the fire
it will be said to them, you squander
Did the good things you were given in your earthly life. You took
your fill of pleasure there. So on this day, a punishment of shame as
yours, you are arrogant on earth without any right and exceeded all
Mentioned hood of the tribe of odd, he warned his people among
the sand dunes. Other Warner's have come and gone both before and
after him.
Worship no one but God, I fear for you that you will be punished on a
terrible day. But they said,
Have you come to turn us away from our gods? If what you say is true,
bring down that punishment you threaten us with? He said, Only
God knows when it will come. I simply convey to you the message
that I am sent with. But I can see you are an insolent people.
When they saw a huge cloud approaching their value, they
said, This cloud will give us rain. No, indeed. It is what you
want it to hasten a hurricane wind, bearing a painful
punishment, which will destroy everything by its Lord's command.
In the morning, there was nothing to see except their ruin
dwellings. This is how we repay the guilty.
We had established them in a way we have not established you people
of Makkah. We gave them hearing, sight and hearts, yet their
hearing sight and hearts were of no use to them since they denied
God's revelations.
They were overwhelmed by the punishment they had mocked.
We have also destroyed other communities that wants to
flourished around you. We had given them various signs so that
they might return to the way to the right way.
So why did their gods not help them? Those they set up as Gods
beside God to bring them nearer to him? No, indeed, they failed them
It was all a lie of their own making.
We sent a group of jinn to you prophet to listen to the Quran.
When they heard it, they said to one another, be quiet. Then, when
it was finished, they turned to their community and gave them
warning. They said,
our people, we have been listening to a scripture that came after
Moses, confirming previous scriptures, giving guidance to the
truth and the straight path.
Our people respond to the ones who call you to God. Believe in Him.
He will forgive you your sins and protect you from a painful
Those who fail to respond to God's call cannot escape God's power
anywhere on Earth.
Nor will they have any protector against him. Such people have
clearly gone far astray.
Do the disbelievers not understand that God who created the heavens
and earth and did not hire in doing so has the power to bring
the dead back to life? Yes, indeed. He has power over
everything. On the day the disbelievers are brought before
how it will be set to them. Is this not real?
Yes, by our Lord, they will reply and he will say then taste the
punishment for having denied the truth.
Be steadfast Mohammed, like those messengers affirm resolve, do they
do not seek to hasten the punishment for the disbelievers.
On the day they see what they had been warned about. It will seem to
them that they lingered no more than a single hour of a single day
in this life.
This is a warning
shall any be destroyed except the defiant.
This is the end of Surah number 46
Surah number 47. Muhammad
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
God will bring to nothing the deeds of those who disbelieve and
borrow others from the way of God.
But He will overlook the faults of those who have faith, do good
deeds, and believe in what has been sent down to Mohammed, the
truth from their Lord and He will put their hearts at rest.
This is because the disbelievers follow falsehood while the
believers follow the truth from their Lord.
In this way, God shows people their true type.
When you meet the disbelievers in battle, strike them in the neck
and once they are once they are defeated, bind any captives
firmly. Later, you can release them as a grace or for
ransom until the toils of war have ended. That is the way
God could have defeated them himself if he had willed. But his
purpose is to test some of you by means of others.
He will not let the deeds of those who are killed for his cause come
to nothing.
He will guide them and put their hearts at rest.
He will admit them into the garden, he has already made known
to them.
You who believe if you help God, he will help you and make you
stand firm. As for the disbelievers, how wretched will be
their state, God has brought their deeds to nothing. It is because
they hate what God has sent down that he has caused their deeds to
go to waste.
Have they not travelled the land and seen how those before them met
their end? God destroyed them utterly. A similar fate awaits the
This is because God protects the believers while the disbelievers
have no one to protect them. God will admit those who believe and
do good deeds to gardens graced with flowing streams. The
disbelievers may take their fill of pleasure in this world and eat
as cattle do, but the fire will be their home.
We have destroyed many towns stronger than your own prophet,
the town which chose to expel you, and they had no one to help them.
Can those who follow clear proof from their Lord be compared to
those whose foul deeds are made to seem alluring to them?
Those who follow their own desires.
Here is a picture of the garden promise to the pious
rivers of water forever pure
rivers of milk forever fresh rivers of wine, a delight for
those who drink rivers of honey clarified in pure all flow in it.
There they will find fruit of every kind, and they will find
forgiveness from their Lord. How can this be compared to the fate
of those stuck in the fire? Given boiling water to drink that tears
their bowels?
Some of these people listen to you prophet. But once they leave your
presence, they sneer those who have been given knowledge saying
what was that he just said? These are the ones whose hearts God has
sealed those who follow their own desires.
But God has increased the guidance of those who follow the right path
and given them the awareness of him.
What are the disbelievers waiting for other than the hour which will
come upon them unawares? It signs are already here.
But once the hour has actually arrived, what use will it be then
to take heed?
So Prophet, bear in mind that there is no god but God and ask
forgiveness for your sins and for believing men and women. God knows
whenever any of you move, and whenever any of you stay still,
though boo those who believe, ask why no sooner about fighting has
been sent down.
Yet when a decisive sutra that mentions fighting is sent down.
You can see the sick at heart looking at you, prophet, and
visibly fainting at the prospect of death.
Better for them would be obedience and fitting words, better for them
to be true to God when the decision to fight has been made.
If you turn away now, could it be that you will go on to spread
corruption all over the land and break your ties of kinship?
These are the ones who God has these are the ones God has
rejected, making their ears deaf in their eyes blind.
Will they not contemplate the Quran?
Do they have locks on their hearts?
Those who turn on their heels after being shown guidance are
duped and tempted by Satan.
They say to those who hate what God has sat down. While we obey
you in some matters.
God knows their secret schemes.
How will they feel when the angels take them in death, beating their
faces and behind their backs? Because they practiced things that
incurred God's wrath and disdained to please Him. He makes their
deeds go to waste.
Do the corrupt at heart assume that God will not expose their
We could even point them out to you Prophet if we wished. And then
you could identify them by their marks.
But you will know them anyway by the tone of their speech. God
knows everything you people do.
We shall test you to see which of us strive, your hardest and are
We shall test the sincerity of your assertions.
Those who disbelieve, bar others from God's path and unopposed the
messenger when they have been shown guidance. Do not harm God in
any way.
He will make their deeds go to waste. Believers, obey God and the
messenger. Do not let your deeds go to waste. God will not forgive
those who disbelieve, bar others from God's path and die as
So believers, do not lose heart and cry out for peace. It is you
who have the upper hand,
God is with you.
He will not begrudge you the reward for your good deeds. The
life of this world is only a game a pastime. But if you believe and
are mindful of God, he will recompense you. He does not ask
you to give up all your possessions. You would be
You would be grudging, if he were to ask you and press you for them,
and he would bring your ill will to light. Though now, you are
called upon to give a little for the sake of God. Some of you are
grudging. Whoever is grudging, is so only towards himself. God has
no need needs and you are the needy ones. He will substitute
other people for you if you turn away, and they will not be like
This is the end of Surah number 47
Surah number 48 triumph
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Truly, we have opened up a path to clear triumph for you Prophet, so
that God may forgive you your past and future sins. Complete His
grace upon you, guide you to a straight path and help you mighty
It was he who made his tranquility descend into the hearts of the
believers to add faith to their faith. The forces of the heavens
and earth belong to God. He is all knowing and all wise so as to
admit believing men and women into gardens graced with flowing
streams, there to remain absolving their bad deeds, a great triumph
in God's eyes,
and to torment the hypocritical and idolatrous men and women who
harbor evil thoughts about God. It is they who will be encircled by
evil, who carry the burden of God's anger, and God has rejected
and for whom He has prepared how an evil destination.
The forces of heaven and earth belong to God. He is Almighty and
all wise.
We have sent you prophet as a witness, a bearer of good news and
warning so that you people may believe in God and His Messenger,
support him, honor Him and praise Him morning and evening.
Those who pledge loyalty to you Prophet are actually pledging
loyalty to God Himself. God's hand is placed on theirs.
And anyone who breaks his pledge does so to his own detriment. God
will give a great reward to the one who fulfills his pledge to
The desert Arabs who stayed behind will say to you, we were busy with
our property and our families ask forgiveness for us. But they say
with their tongues what is not in their hearts? Say?
Whether it is God's will to do you harm or good, who can intervene,
intervene for you
know, God is fully aware of everything you people do. No.
You thought that the messenger and the believers would never return
to their families and this would war this thought warm your hearts.
Your thoughts are evil for you are corrupt people.
We have prepared a blazing fire for those who do not believe in
God and His messenger.
Control of the heavens and earth belongs to God and He forgives
whoever He will and punishes whoever He will. God is Most
Forgiving and Merciful.
When you believers set off for somewhere that person
Mrs. WarGames those who previously stayed behind will say,
let us come with you. They want to change God's words, but tell them
Prophet, you may not come with us. God has said this before they will
reply. you begrudge us out of jealousy, how little they
Tell the desert Arabs who stayed behind.
You will be called to face up people of great might in war and
to fight them unless they surrender.
If you obey God will reward you well, but if you turn away, as you
have done before, he will punish you heavily. The blind, the lame,
and the sick will not be blamed. God will admit anyone who OBEYS
Him and His Messenger to gardens graced with flowing streams, he
will punish anyone who turns away.
God was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you
profit under the tree.
He knew what was in their hearts and so he sent tranquillity down
to them,
and rewarded them with a speedy triumph. And with many future
gains, God is mighty and wise.
He has promised you people many future gains,
he has hastened this gain for you.
He has held back the hands of hostile people from you as a sign
for the faithful, and He will guide you to a straight path.
There are many other gains to come over which you have no power. God
has full control over them.
God has power over all things.
If the disbelievers had fought against you, they would have taken
flight and found no one to protect or support them.
Such was God's practice in the past, and you will find no change
in Gods practices.
In the Valley of Makkah, it was he who held their hands back from
you, and your hands back from them of after he gave you the advantage
over them.
God sees all that you do.
They were the ones who disbelieved who barred you from the sacred
mosque, and who prevented the offering from reaching its place
of sacrifice.
If there had not been among among them, unknown to you, believing
men and women whom you would have trampled underfoot in and
inadvertently incurring guilt on their account. God brings whoever
He will enter His mercy. If the believers had been clearly
separated, we would have inflicted a painful punishment on the
While the disbelievers had stirred up fury in their hearts, the fury
of ignorance, God sent his tranquility down onto His
messenger and the believers and made binding on on them. Their
promise to obey God, for that was more appropriate and fitting for
them. God has full knowledge of all things.
God has truly fulfilled His Messengers vision.
God willing, you will most certainly enter the Sacred Mosque
in safety, shaven headed or with cropped hair without fear.
God knew what you did not and he has granted you a nearer triumph.
It was he who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of
truth, to show that it is above all other religions.
God suffices as a witness. Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Those who follow Him are firm against the disbelievers, and
tender towards each other. You see them kneeling and prostrating.
seeking God's bounty in His good pleasure.
on their faces, they bear the marks of their prostrations.
This is how they are pictured in the Torah and the Gospel.
Like a seed that puts forth it shoot, becomes strong, grows thick
and rises on its stem to the delight of its sewers.
So God infuriates the disbelievers through them. God promises
forgiveness and a great reward to those who believe and do righteous
This is the end of Surah number 48.
Surah number 49.
The private rooms
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Believers, do not push yourselves forward in the presence of God and
His messenger. Be mindful of God. He hears and knows all.
Believers. Do not read
easier voices above the prophets. Do not raise your voice when
speaking to him as you do to one another, or your good deeds may be
canceled out without you knowing.
It is those who lower their voices in the presence of God's
Messenger, whose heart hearts God has proved to be aware. They will
have forgiveness and a great reward. But most of those who
shout to you profit from outside your private rooms, lack
It would have been better for them if they had waited patiently for
you to come out to them. But God is all forgiving and merciful.
If a troublemaker brings you news, check it first. In case you wrong,
others unwittingly, and later regret what you have done. And be
aware that it is God's messenger who was among you. If he obeyed
you in many cases, you would certainly suffer.
God has endured faith to you and made it beautiful to your hearts.
He has made disbelief mischief, and distribute disobedience
hateful to you.
It is people like this who are rightly guided
through God's favor and blessing. God is all knowing and all wise.
If two groups of the believers fight you believers should try to
reconcile them.
If one of them oppresses the other, fight the oppressors until
they submit to God's command. Then make a just an even handed
reconciliation between the two of them.
God loves those who are even handed.
The believers are brothers. So make peace between your two
brothers and be mindful of Gods so that you may be given mercy.
Believers, no group of men should you read another, who may after
all, be better than them. No one group of women should jeer at
another who may after all, be better than them.
Do not speak ill of one another. Do not use offensive nicknames for
one another. How bad it is to be called a mischief maker after
accepting faith.
Those who do not repent of this behavior are evil doers.
Believers avoid making too many assumptions. Some assumptions are
simply are sinful, and do not spy on one another or speak ill of
people behind their backs.
Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother?
No, you would hate it. So be mindful of God. God has ever
relenting most merciful
recreated you all from a single man and a single woman and made
you into races and tribes so that you should get to know one
another. In God's eyes, the most honor of the honored of you are
the ones most mindful of him. God is all knowing all aware.
The desert Arabs say we have faith. Prophet tell them, You do
not have faith. What you should say instead is we have submitted
for faith has not yet entered your hearts. If you obey God and His
Messenger, He will not diminish any of your deeds.
He is Most Forgiving and Merciful.
The true believers are the ones who have faith in God
and His messenger and leave all doubt behind
the ones who have struggled with their possessions and their
persons in God way God's way. They are the ones who are true. Say, do
you presume to teach God about your religion? When God knows
everything in the heavens and earth, and He has full knowledge
of all things.
They think they have done you profit a favor by submitting say,
do not consider your submission a favor to me.
It is God who has done you a favor by guiding you to faith. If you
are truly sincere.
God knows the secrets of the heavens and earth. He sees
everything you do.
This is the end of Surah number 49
Surah number 50. Golf
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
by the Glorious Quran.
But the disbelievers are amazed that a warner has come from among
them and they say how strange
to come back to life after we have died and become dust That is too
far fetched.
We know very well what the Earth takes away from them.
We keep a comprehensive record.
But the disbelievers deny the truth when it comes to them, they
are in a state of confusion.
Do they not see the sky above them, how we have built and
adorned it with no riffs in it?
How we spread out the earth and put solid mountains on it, and
caused every kind of joyous plant to grow in it as a lesson and
Reminder for every servant who turns to God,
and how we bless and how we send blessed water down from the sky
and grow with it gardens, the harvest grain and tall palm trees
laden with clusters of dates as a provision for everyone, how with
water we give new life to a land that is dead.
This is how the dead will emerge from their graves.
The people of Noah disbelieved long before these disbelievers as
did the people of Ross Thamud, odd Pharaoh lot, the forest dwellers,
tuba, all of these people disbelieved their messengers, and
so my MO and so my warning was realized.
So were we incapable of the first creation?
No, indeed. Yet they doubt a second creation.
We created man. We know what his soul whispers to him. We are
closer to him than his jugular vein, with two receptors set to
record, one on his right side and one on his left. He does not utter
a single word. Without an ever present watcher. The trance of
death will bring the truth with it. This is what you tried to
The Trumpet will be sounded. This is the day you were warned of each
person will arrive, attended by an angel to drive him on, and another
to bear witness.
You paid no attention to this day. But today, we have removed your
veil and your sight is sharp. The person's attendant will say here's
what I have prepared, hurl every obstinate disbeliever into *.
Everyone who hindered good was aggressive, caused others to doubt
and set up other gods alongside God hurl him into severe
punishment. And his evil companion will say, Lord, I did not make him
transgress he had already gone far astray himself.
God will say, Do not argue in my presence. I sent you a warning and
my word cannot be changed. I am not unjust to any creature.
We shall say to * on that day. Are you full? And it will reply,
are there no more.
But Paradise will be brought close to the righteous and will no
longer be distant.
This is what you were promised. This is for everyone who turned
off into God and kept him in mind
who held the most gracious and all though he is unseen who comes
before him with a heart turn to him in devotion. So enter it in
This is the day of everlasting life. They will have all that they
wished for there and we have more for them.
We have destroyed even mightier generations before these
disbelievers who travelled through many lands. Was there any escape?
There truly is a reminder in this for whoever has a heart. whoever
listens attentively.
We created the heavens, the earth and everything between in six days
without tiring. So Prophet, bear everything you they say with
patience. Celebrate the praise of your Lord before the rising and
setting of the sun.
proclaim His praise in the night end at the end of every prayer.
listen out for the Day when the caller will call from a nearby
place. On the day they hear the mighty blast in reality, that is
the Day when they will come out from their graves.
It is We Who give life and death. The final return will be to us on
the Day when the earth will be split open letting them rush out.
That gathering will be easy for us. We know best what the what the
disbelievers say you profit are not there to force them. So remind
them with this Quran. Those who fear my warning.
This is the end of Surah number 50
Surah number 51 scattering winds
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy
by those winds that scattered far and wide, and those that are
heavily laden, that speed freely that distribute rain as ordained.
What you people are promised is true. The judgment will come by
the sky with its past what pathways. You differ in what you
say. Those who turn away from it are truly deceived.
Perish the liars, those steeped in error and unaware. They ask, When
is this judgment day coming on a day when they will be punished by
the fire?
taste the punishment. This is what you wished to hasten.
The righteous will be in gardens with flowing streams, split
flowing springs, they will receive their Lord's gifts because of the
good they did before sleeping only little at night, praying at dawn
for God's forgiveness, giving a rightful share of their wealth to
the beggar and the deprived.
On Earth there are signs for those with shore faith and in yourselves
to do you not see in the sky is your sustenance and all that you
are promised by the Lord of the heavens and earth. All this is as
real as you're speaking.
Mohammed, have you heard the story of the honored guests of Abraham?
They went in to see him and said Peace.
Peace he said adding to himself. These people are strangers. He
turned quickly to his household brought out a fat calf and placed
it before them Will you not eat he said
beginning to be afraid of them but they said Do not be afraid. They
gave him good news have a son who would be gifted with knowledge.
His wife then entered with a loud cry struck her face and said
a barren old woman but they said it will be so this is what your
Lord said and he is the wise the All Knowing
this is the end of Jews number 26.
What Whoa
whoa, Nana all hung
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long, long wave. This has been a Safina society production.