Shadee Elmasry – Juz 23, The Quran An English Translation, Part 23 of 30
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AI: Transcript ©
Salam aleikum. This is the Quran, a new translation by M A. S. Abdul
Halim me
this begins just number 23.
After him, we did not send any army from heaven against his
people. nor were we about to.
There was just one blast and they fell down lifeless.
Alas for human beings. Whenever a messenger comes to them, they
ridicule him.
Do they not see how many generations We have destroyed
before them, none of whom will ever come back to them.
Yet all of them will be brought before us. There is a sign for
them in the lifeless Earth. We give it lice life and we produce
grain from it for them to eat. We have put gardens of date palms and
grapes in the earth. And we have made springs of water gush out of
it, so that they could eat its fruit.
It was not their own hands that made all this
how can they not give thanks,
Glory be to Him who created all the pairs of things that the Earth
produces, as well as themselves and other things they do not know
The night is also assigned for them, we strip the daylight from
it and lo and behold, they are in darkness.
The sun two runs its course, this is determined by the Almighty, the
All Knowing and we have determined phases for the moon until finally
it becomes like an old date stock.
The sun cannot overtake the moon. Nor can the night outrun the day.
Each floats in its own orbit.
Another sign for them is that we created their seed in the laden
Ark. And we have made similar things for them to write in.
If we wish, we can drown them
and there is no one to help them. They cannot be saved.
Only by our mercy can they be reprieved to enjoy life for a
Yet when they are told, beware of what lies before and behind you,
so that you may be given mercy. They ignore every single sign that
comes to them from their Lord. And when they are told, give to others
out of what God has provided for you.
The disbelievers say to the believers,
why should we feed those that God that God could feed if he wanted,
you must be deeply misguided.
And they say when will this promise be fulfilled? If what you
say is true.
But all they are waiting for is a single blast that will overtake
them while they are still arguing with each other.
They will have no time to make requests, nor will they have the
chance to return to their people.
The Trumpet will be sounded and lo and behold, they will rush out to
their Lord from their graves. They will say
Alas for us who has resurrected us from our resting places.
They will be told this is what the Lord of Mercy promised. And the
messengers told the truth.
It was just one single blast and then, lo and behold, they were all
brought before us today, no soul will be wronged in the least you
will only be repaid for your deeds.
The people of paradise today are happily occupied. They and their
spouses seated on couches in the shade.
There they have fruits and whatever they asked for.
Peace. A word from the Lord have mercy. But step aside today, you
guilty ones, Children of Adam, did I not commend you not to serve
Satan, for he was your sworn enemy, but to serve me. This is
the straight path.
He has led great numbers of you astray.
Did you not use your reason?
So this is the fire that you were warned against. Suffer it today.
Because you went on ignoring my commands. Today, we seal up their
mouths, but their hands speak to us and their feet bear witness to
everything they have done.
If we will we take away their sight. They struggle to find the
path but how can they see it?
If we will, we paralyze them. We
where they stand so that they cannot move forward or backward?
If we extend anyone's life, we reverse his development. Do they
not use their reason?
We have not taught the Prophet poetry, nor could he ever have
been a poet.
This is a revelation and illuminating Quran to warn anyone
who is truly alive, so that God's verdict may be passed against the
can they not see how among the things made by our hands, we have
created livestock they control and made them obedient so that some
can be used for writing, some for food, some for other benefits, and
some for drink, will they not give thanks?
Yet they have taken other gods beside God to help them. Though
these could not do so even if they called a whole army of them
So Prophet,
do not be distressed at what they say. We know what they conceal and
what they reveal.
Can man not see that we created him from a drop of fluid.
Yet, lo and behold, he disputes openly producing arguments against
us, forgetting his own creation, He says,
Who can give life back to bones after they have decayed? Say, He
who created them in the first place, we'll give them life again.
He has full knowledge of every act of creation.
It is he who produces fire for you out of the green tree, lo and
behold, and from this, you Kindle Fire
is He Who created the heavens and earth, not able to create the
likes of these people. Of course, he is, he is the All Knowing
creator, when he will something to be his ways to say Be, and it is.
So Glory be to Him, and whose hand lies control over all things. It
is to him that you will all be brought back.
This is the end of Surah number 36.
Surah number 37, ranged in rose,
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy,
by those angels ranged in Rose, who rebuke reproachfully and
recite God's word. Truly Your God is one Lord of the heavens and
earth and everything between them. Lord of every sunrise
we have adorned the lowest heaven with stars and made them a
safeguard against every rebellious devil.
They cannot eavesdrop on the higher assembly assembly pelted
from every side. driven away, they will have perpetual torment. If,
if any of them stealthily snatches away a fragment, he will be
pursued by a piercing flame.
So Prophet
asked the disbelievers Is it harder to create them than other
beings we have created?
We created them from sticky clay. You marvel as they scoff? take no
heed when they are warned, and result and resort to ridicule when
they see a sign saying this is no more than blatant sorcery.
What, after we have died and become dust and bones, shall we
really be raised up again, along with our forefathers? Say
Yes indeed. And you will be humiliated. Just one blast and lo
and behold, they will look and say, Woe to us. This is the day of
It will be said, this is the Day of Decision which you used to
Angels gathered together those who did wrong and others like them, as
well as whatever they worshipped beside God. Let them leave them
all to the path of * and hold them for questioning.
Why do you not support each other? Now? No, indeed. They will be in
complete submission on that day on that day and they will turn on one
another accusingly.
They will say
you came to us from a position of power. They will say no, it was
you who would not believe we had no power over you and you are
already exceeding all limits. So our Lord's sentence on us is just
and we must all taste the punishment.
We lead you astray as we ourselves were astray.
On that day, they will all share the torment. This is how we deal
with the guilty. Whenever it is said to them, there is no deity
but God. They become arrogant and said they became arrogant said,
Are we to forsake our gods for a mad poet?
Now, he brought the truth and confirm the earlier messengers.
You will taste the painful torment and be repaid only according to
your deeds.
Not so God's true servants. They will have familiar provisions,
fruits and will be honored and gardens of delight. Seated on
couches facing one another. A drink will be passed round among
them from a flowing spring, white delicious to those who tasted,
causing no heaviness or intoxication.
With them will be spouses, modest of gays and beautiful have I
like protected eggs. They will turn to one another with
questions. One will say I had a close companion on Earth who used
to ask me
Do you really believe that after we die and become Dustin bone, we
shall be brought for judgment.
Then he will say, shall we look for him? He will look down and see
him in the midst of the fire and say to him, by God, you almost
brought me to ruin.
Had it not been for the grace of my Lord, I too would have been
taken to *.
Then he will say to his blessed companions
are we never to die again after our earlier death shall we never
This truly is the supreme triumph.
Everyone should strive to attain this
is this the better welcome are the tree of zoom, which we have made a
test for the evildoers.
This tree grows in the heart of the blazing Fire
and its fruit so like devils head heads.
They will fill their bellies eating from it, then drink a
scalding mixture on top of it.
Then return to the blazing Fire.
They found their forefathers astray and rushed to follow in
their footsteps. Before the disbelievers of Mecca. Most men in
the past went astray, even though we sent messengers to warn them.
See how those who were warned met their end? Not so the true
servants of God.
Noah cried to us, and how excellent was our response. We
saved him and his people from great distress.
We let his offspring remain on the earth.
We let him be praised by later generations.
Peace be upon Noah among all the nations.
This is how we reward those who do good. He was truly one of our
faithful servants. We drowned the others.
Abraham was of the same faith. He came to his Lord with a devoted
He said to his father and his people, what are you worshiping?
How can you choose false gods instead of the true God?
So what is your opinion about the Lord of All the Worlds?
Then he looked up to the stars he said,
I am sick. So his people turned away from him and left. He turned
to their gods and said, do you not eat? Why do you not speak? Then he
turned and struck them with his right arm. His people hurried
towards him but he said
how can you worship things you carve with your own hands.
When it is God who has created you and all your handiwork,
they said, build a pyre and throw him into the blazing Fire.
They wanted to harm him, but we humiliated them. He said,
I will go to my Lord. He is sure to guide me.
Lord, grant me a righteous son. So we gave him the good news that he
would have a patient son.
When the boy was old enough to work with his father, Abraham
My son, I have seen myself sacrificing you in a dream. What
do you think? He said, Father, do as you are commanded and God
willing, you will find me steadfast
when they had both submitted to God, and he had
had laid his son down on the side of his face. We called out to him.
Abraham, you have fulfilled the dream.
This is how we reward those who do good.
It was a test to prove their true characters.
We ran some his son with a momentous sacrifice. And we let
him be praised by succeeding generations.
Peace be upon Abraham.
This is how we reward those who do good. Truly, He was one of our
faithful servants.
We gave Abraham the good news of Isaac, a prophet and a religion
and a righteous man, and blessed him and Isaac to some of their
offspring were good, but some clearly wrong themselves.
We also bestowed our favor on Moses and Aaron.
We save them and their people from great distress.
We help them so they were the ones to succeed. We gave them the
scripture that makes things clear. We guided them to the right path.
We let them be praised by succeeding generations. Peace be
upon Moses and Aaron. This is how we reward those who do good.
Truly, they were among our faithful servants,
Elijah to was one of the messengers.
He said to his people, have, you know, fear of God? How can you
invoke Baal and forsake the Most Gracious creator, God, your Lord
and the Lord of your forefathers,
but they rejected Him, they will be brought to punishment as a
consequence, not so the true servants of God.
We let him be praised by succeeding generations.
Peace be to Elijah.
This is how we reward those who do good.
Truly, He was one of our faithful servants.
Lot was also one of the messengers. We saved him and all
his family, except for an old woman who stayed behind and we
destroy the others.
You people pass by their ruins in daylight and darkness. Will you
not take heed?
Jonah to was one of the messengers. He fled to the
overloaded shipped.
They cast lots he suffered defeats a defeat and a great fish
swallowed him, for he had committed blameworthy acts.
If he had not been one of those who glorified God, he would have
stayed in his belly until the day when all are raised up. But we
cast him out sick onto a barren shore and made a gore tree grow
above him.
We sent him to 100,000 people or more.
They believed so we let them live out their lives.
Now Mohammed asked the disbelievers Is it true that your
Lord has daughters while they choose sons for themselves?
Did we create the angels as females while they were watching?
No, indeed, it is one of their lies when they say God has
begotten, how they lie? Did he truly choose daughters and
preference two sons? What is the matter with you?
How do you form your judgments? Do you not reflect?
Do you perhaps have clear authority? Bring your scriptures
if you are telling the truth.
They claim that he has kinship with the jinn. Yet the jinn
themselves know that they will be brought before him.
God is far above what they attribute to Him. The true
servants of God do not do such things. And neither you nor what
you worship can Luer away from God any except those who will burn in
*. The angels say
every single one of us has his appointed place. We are arranged
in where it ranks. We glorify God.
The disbelievers used to say If only we had a scripture like
previous people, we would be true servants of God.
Yet now they reject the Quran. They will soon realize our word
has already been given to our servants the messengers. It is
they who will be helped and the ones who support our cause will be
the winners. So Prophet turn away from the disbelievers forum for a
Watch them, they will soon see, do they really wish to hasten our
punishment? When it descends on their courtyards how terrible that
morning will be for those who are warned, profit.
Turn away from the disbelievers for a while. Watch them, they will
soon see
your Lord, the Lord of Glory is far above what they attribute to
Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to God the Lord of All
the Worlds. This is the end of Surah number 36
Surah number 38. Saad in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the
Giver of Mercy. Sod by the Quran with its reminding,
yet the disbelievers are steeped in arrogance and hostility. How
many generations We have destroyed before them.
They all cried out once it was too late for escape.
The disbelievers think it's strange that a prophet of their
own people has come to warn them. They say he is just a lying
How can he claim that all the gods are but one God?
What an astonishing thing to claim.
Their leaders depart, saying walk away, stay faithful to your gods.
That is what you must do.
We did not hear any such claim in the last religion.
It is all an invention was the message sent only to him out of
all of us?
In fact, they doubt my warning. In fact, they have not tasted my
torment yet.
Do they possess the treasures of your Lord's bounty, the mighty
they're all giving. Do they control the heavens and earth and
everything between?
Let them climb their ropes, their armed alliance is weak and will be
The people of Noah odd and firmly supported Pharaoh rejected their
profit profits before them.
Thumb ood the people of lat and the forest dwellers each formed
opposition against theirs.
They all rejected the messengers and they were deservedly struck by
my punishment.
All the disbelievers here are waiting for is a single blast that
cannot be postponed.
They say Our Lord, advance us our share of punishment before the day
of reckoning. bear their words patiently profit.
Remember our servant David, a man of strength who will always turn
to us. We made the mountains join him in glorifying us at sunset and
sunrise and the birds to in flocks all echoed his praise. We
strengthened his kingdom.
We gave him wisdom and a decisive way of speaking.
Have you heard the story of the two litigants who climbed into his
private quarters?
When they reached David, he took fright. But they said Do not be
afraid. We are two litigants, one of whom has wronged the other
judge between us fairly, do not be unjust and guide us to the
straight path.
This is my brother. He had 99 views and I just the one and he
said let me take charge of her and overpowered me with his words.
David said
he has done you wrong by demanding to add your view to his flock.
Many partners treat each other unfairly. Those who sincerely
believe and do good deeds do not do this. But these are very few.
That then David realized that we had been testing him.
So he asked his Lord for forgiveness, fell down on his
knees and repented.
We forgave him his misdeed. His reward will be nearness to us a
good place to return to.
David, we have given you mastery over the land. Judge fairly
between people do not follow your desires less they divert you from
God's path.
Those who wander from his path will have a painful torment
because they ignore the day of reckoning.
It was not without purpose that we created the heavens and earth and
everything in between. That may be what the day
As believers assume how they will suffer from the fire.
But would we treat those who believe and do good deeds and
those who spread corruption on earth as equal?
Would we treat those who take heed of God and those who recklessly
break all bounds in the same way?
This is a blessed scripture, which We have sent down to you,
Mohammed, so that people may think about its messages and those with
understanding take heed. We gave David Solomon. He was an excellent
servant, who always turned to God.
When well bred, light footed horses were paraded before him
near the close of day. He kept saying, my love of fine things, is
part of my remembering my Lord, until the horses disappeared from
Bring them back, he said, and started to stroke their legs and
We certainly tested Solomon, reducing him to a mere skeleton on
his throne.
He turned to us and prayed, Lord, forgive me, grant me such power,
as no one after me will have you are the Most Generous Provider. So
we gave him power over the wind, which at his request, ran gently
wherever he will, willed, and the jinn, every kind of builder, and
diver and others chained in fetters. This is our gift. So give
or withhold as you wish without account, his reward will be
nearness to us and a good place to return to bring to mind our
servant Job, who cried to his Lord, Satan has afflicted me with
weariness and suffering. Stamp your foot, here is cool water for
you to wash in and drink. And he and we restored his family to him,
with many more like them, a sign of Our Mercy and a lesson to all
who understand.
Take a small bunch of grass in your hand and strike her with that
so as not to break your oath. We found him patient in adversity,
and excellent servant, he to always turn to God.
Remember our servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all men of
strength and vision.
We cause them to be devoted to us through their sincere remembrance
of the final home with us they will be among the elect, the truly
And remember our servants, Ismail, Elijah, and Dukkha for each of
them truly good.
This is a this is a lesson the devout will have a good place to
return to gardens of lasting bliss. With gates wide open.
They will be comfortably seated. They will call for abundant
fruits, fruit and drink, they will have well matched rods with modest
gaze. This is what you are promised for the day of reckoning
our provision for you will never end. Yes, but the evildoers will
have the worst place to return to * to burn in an evil place to
stay. All this will be theirs.
Let them tasted a scalding dark, fallow fluid and other such
torments. It will be said here is another crowd of people rushing
headlong to join you. The response will be they are not welcome. They
will burn in the fire.
They will say to them, You are not welcome. It was you who brought
this on us and evil place to stay. Adding our Lord give double
punishment to those who brought this upon us. They will say
why do we not see those we thought were bad and took them as a
laughingstock. Have our eyes missed them.
This is how it will really be the inhabitants of the fire will blame
one another in this way. Profit say
I am Here I am only here to give warning. There is no god but God
of the one the all powerful Lord of the heavens and earth and
everything between the almighty the most forgiving. Say
this message is a mighty one. Yet you ignore it.
I have no knowledge of what those on high discuss. It is only
revealed to me that I am here to give clear warning
Your Lord said to the angels,
I will create a man from clay.
When I have shaped him, and breathed from my spirit into him,
bow down before Him.
The angels all bow down together, but not a bliss, who was too
proud. He became a rebel.
God said, he believes, what prevents you from bowing down to
the man I have made with my own hands. Are you too high and
IBLEES said, I am better than him. You made me from fire, and him
from clay.
Get out of here, you are rejected. My rejection will follow you till
the Day of Judgment.
But at least said, My Lord, grant me respite until the day when they
are raised up raised from the dead. So he said, You have respite
till the appointed day. IBLEES said, I swear by your might, I
will tempt all but your chosen servants. God said, this is the
truth. I speak only the truth. I will fill * with you and all
those that follow you.
Profit say
I asked no reward from you for this. Nor do I claim to be what I
am not. This is only a warning for all people. In time, you will
certainly come to know its truth.
This is the end of Surah number 38
Surah number 39. The throngs
in the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.
Square scripture is sent down from God the Mighty, the Wise, it was
he it was We Who sent down the scripture to you Prophet with the
truth. So worship God with your total devotion. True Devotion is
to is due to God alone.
As for those who choose other protectors beside him, saying, We
only worship them because they bring us nearer to God.
God Himself will judge between them regarding their differences.
God does not guide any ungrateful liar. God could have chosen any of
his creation He willed for offspring.
But he is far above this. He is the one the Almighty.
He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose.
He wraps the night around the day and the day around the night.
He has subjected the sun and moon to run their courses for an
appointed time.
He is truly the Mighty, the forgiving.
He created you all from a single being from which he made its mate.
He gave you four kinds of livestock in pairs. He creates you
in your mother's wombs in one stage after another in threefold
depths of darkness, such as God, your Lord, he holds control. There
is no god but him. How can you turn away? If you are ungrateful,
remember God has no need of you. Yet He is not pleased by
ingratitude and his servants. If you are grateful, he is pleased to
see it in you. No soul will bear another's burden.
You will have you will return to your Lord in the end, and he will
inform you of what you have done.
He knows well what is in the depths of your hearts.
When man suffers some affliction, he prays to his Lord and turns to
But once he has been granted a favor from God, he forgets the one
he had been praying to, and sets up rivals to God
to make others stray from his path. Say, Enjoy your ingratitude
for a little while you will be one of the inhabitants of the fire.
What about someone who worships devoutly during the night, bowing
down standing in prayer, ever mindful of the life to come hoping
for his Lord's mercy? Say?
How can those who know be equal to those who do not know?
Only those who have understanding will take heed.
Say God says believing servants be mindful of your Lord.
Those who do good in this world will have a good reward. God's
earth is wide and those who persevere patient
They will be given a full and unstinting reward.
Say, I have been commanded to serve God, dedicating my worship
entirely to him.
I have been commanded to be the first to submit, say, I fear the
torment have a terrible day if I disobey my lord, say, it is God I
serve, dedicating my worship entirely to him. You may serve
whatever you please beside him, say, the true losers are the ones
who will lose themselves and their people on the Day of Resurrection.
That is the most obvious loss.
They will have layers of fire above them, and below.
This is how God puts fear into his servants.
My servants beware of me.
There is good news for those who shun the worship of false gods and
turn to God. So Prophet, give good news to my servants, who listen to
what is said and follow what is best. These are the ones God has
guided. These are the people of understanding.
What about the one who has been sentenced to punishment?
Can you profit rescue those already in the fire.
But those who are mindful of their Lord will have lofty dwellings
built for them, one above the other, graced with flowing
streams. This is a promise from God. God does not break his
Have you not considered that God sends water down from the sky?
guides that along to form springs in the earth? And then with it
brings forth vegetation of various colors, which later withers turns
yellow before your eyes and is crumbled to dust at his command?
There is truly a reminder in this for those who have understanding.
What about the one whose heart God has opened in devotion to Him, so
that he walks in light from his Lord.
Alas for those whose hearts hardened at the mention of God.
They have clearly lost their way.
God has sent down the most beautiful of all teachings,
a scripture that is consistent and draws comparisons that create that
causes the skins of those in all of their Lord to quiver.
Then their skins and their hearts soften a dimension of God,
such as God's guidance. He guides with it whoever He will, no one
can guide those God leaves to stray.
What about the one who will only have his bare feet bare face to
protect him from his terrible suffering on the Day of
It will be said to the evildoers
taste what you have earned
others before them also disbelieved, and the punishment
fell on them unawares.
God gave them the punishment of disgrace in this world to taste.
The punishment will be even harder in the Hereafter, if only they
In this Quran, we put forward all kinds of illustration for people,
so that they may take heed and Arabic Quran free from any
distortion, so that people may be mindful.
God puts forth this illustration.
Can a man who has for his masters, several partners at odds with each
other be considered equal to a man devoted wholly to one master?
All praise belongs to God. Though most of them do not know.
You prophet will certainly die and so will they. And on the Day of
Resurrection, you will dispute with one another in the presence
of your Lord.
This is the end of Jews number 23.
is Ron
All right
Wow 4011041 Feed Nana Otto
more last wave. This has been a Safina society production